path: root/flow/gslpp/datahandle.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'flow/gslpp/datahandle.cpp')
1 files changed, 412 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/flow/gslpp/datahandle.cpp b/flow/gslpp/datahandle.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..963e57e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flow/gslpp/datahandle.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+ /*
+ Copyright (C) 2002 Hans Meine
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "datahandle.h"
+#include "../../mcop/debug.h"
+namespace GSL {
+void DataHandle::copyFrom(const DataHandle &other)
+ handle_ = other.handle_;
+ if(handle_)
+ gsl_data_handle_ref(handle_);
+DataHandle::DataHandle(GslDataHandle *handle)
+ : handle_(handle)
+DataHandle::DataHandle(const DataHandle &other) { copyFrom(other); }
+DataHandle &DataHandle::operator =(const DataHandle &other)
+ if(!( other == *this )) {
+ if(handle_)
+ gsl_data_handle_unref(handle_);
+ copyFrom(other);
+ }
+ return *this;
+bool DataHandle::operator ==(const DataHandle &other) const
+ return handle_ == other.handle_;
+bool DataHandle::isNull() const
+ return handle_ == 0;
+ if(handle_)
+ gsl_data_handle_unref(handle_);
+gint DataHandle::open()
+ arts_return_val_if_fail(handle_ != 0, -1);
+ arts_debug("open()ing datahandle (open_count before: %d)..",
+ handle_->open_count);
+ return gsl_data_handle_open(handle_);
+void DataHandle::close()
+ arts_return_if_fail(handle_ != 0);
+ arts_debug("close()ing datahandle (open_count before: %d)..",
+ handle_->open_count);
+ gsl_data_handle_close(handle_);
+bool DataHandle::isOpen() const
+ if(!handle_)
+ return false;
+ return handle_->open_count != 0;
+GslLong DataHandle::read(GslLong valueOffset, GslLong valueCount, gfloat *values)
+ arts_return_val_if_fail(handle_ != 0, 0);
+ return gsl_data_handle_read(handle_, valueOffset, valueCount, values);
+DataHandle DataHandle::createCropped(GslLong headCutValueCount,
+ GslLong tailCutValueCount)
+ arts_return_val_if_fail(handle_ != 0, null());
+ return DataHandle(gsl_data_handle_new_crop(handle_,
+ headCutValueCount, tailCutValueCount));
+DataHandle DataHandle::createCut(GslLong cutOffset,
+ GslLong cutValueCount)
+ arts_return_val_if_fail(handle_ != 0, null());
+ return DataHandle(gsl_data_handle_new_cut(handle_, cutOffset,
+ cutValueCount));
+DataHandle DataHandle::createReversed()
+ arts_return_val_if_fail(handle_ != 0, null());
+ return DataHandle(gsl_data_handle_new_reverse(handle_));
+GslDataCache *DataHandle::createGslDataCache()
+ arts_debug("wanna have cache with padding %d for each of %d channels..",
+ gsl_get_config()->wave_chunk_padding,
+ channelCount());
+ return gsl_data_cache_from_dhandle(handle_,
+ gsl_get_config()->wave_chunk_padding *
+ channelCount());
+GslLong DataHandle::valueCount() const
+ arts_return_val_if_fail(handle_ != 0, 0);
+ arts_return_val_if_fail(isOpen(), 0);
+ return handle_->setup.n_values;
+guint DataHandle::channelCount() const
+ arts_return_val_if_fail(handle_ != 0, 0);
+ arts_return_val_if_fail(isOpen(), 0);
+ return handle_->setup.n_channels;
+guint DataHandle::bitDepth() const
+ arts_return_val_if_fail(handle_ != 0, 0);
+ arts_return_val_if_fail(isOpen(), 0);
+ return handle_->setup.bit_depth;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+WaveChunkDescription::WaveChunkDescription(const GslWaveDsc *parent, guint index)
+ : parent_(parent), parentIndex_(index)
+ if(index>parent->n_chunks)
+ {
+ arts_debug("wrong index given to WaveChunkDescription constructor, "
+ "using 0 instead..");
+ parentIndex_ = 0;
+ }
+float WaveChunkDescription::oscillatorFrequency()
+ return parent_->chunks[parentIndex_].osc_freq;
+float WaveChunkDescription::mixerFrequency()
+ return parent_->chunks[parentIndex_].mix_freq;
+GslWaveLoopType WaveChunkDescription::loopType()
+ return parent_->chunks[parentIndex_].loop_type;
+GslLong WaveChunkDescription::loopStart()
+ return parent_->chunks[parentIndex_].loop_start;
+GslLong WaveChunkDescription::loopEnd()
+ return parent_->chunks[parentIndex_].loop_end;
+guint WaveChunkDescription::loopCount()
+ return parent_->chunks[parentIndex_].loop_count;
+WaveDataHandle WaveChunkDescription::createDataHandle()
+ return WaveDataHandle(parent_, parentIndex_);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * We use GslWaveFileInfos' refcounting - probably this lazy
+ * construction happens only once, where the object is used. After
+ * copying it would have to be constructed again, but that's not
+ * likely to happen. (?)
+ */
+void WaveDescription::ensurePointer() const
+ if(!desc_)
+ desc_ = gsl_wave_dsc_load(parentInfo_, parentIndex_, &error_);
+void WaveDescription::copyFrom(const WaveDescription &other)
+ parentInfo_ = other.parentInfo_;
+ parentIndex_ = other.parentIndex_;
+ gsl_wave_file_info_ref(other.parentInfo_);
+// internal, private
+WaveDescription::WaveDescription(GslWaveFileInfo *parent, guint index,
+ const std::string &name)
+ : parentInfo_(parent), name_(name), parentIndex_(index),
+ desc_(0), error_(GSL_ERROR_NONE)
+ gsl_wave_file_info_ref(parentInfo_);
+ if(desc_)
+ gsl_wave_dsc_free(desc_);
+ gsl_wave_file_info_unref(parentInfo_);
+WaveDescription::WaveDescription(const WaveDescription &other)
+ : desc_(0), error_(GSL_ERROR_NONE)
+ copyFrom(other);
+WaveDescription &WaveDescription::operator =(const WaveDescription &other)
+ if(desc_)
+ gsl_wave_dsc_free(desc_);
+ gsl_wave_file_info_unref(parentInfo_);
+ copyFrom(other);
+ return *this;
+const std::string &WaveDescription::name() const
+ return name_;
+GslErrorType WaveDescription::error() const
+ ensurePointer();
+ return error_;
+guint WaveDescription::chunkCount() const
+ ensurePointer();
+ return desc_ ? desc_->n_chunks : 0;
+WaveChunkDescription WaveDescription::chunkDescription(guint index) const
+ ensurePointer();
+ return WaveChunkDescription(desc_, index);
+guint WaveDescription::channelCount() const
+ ensurePointer();
+ return desc_ ? desc_->n_channels : 0;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WaveFileInfo::copyFrom(const WaveFileInfo &other)
+ info_ = other.info_;
+ filename_ = other.filename_;
+ if(info_)
+ gsl_wave_file_info_ref(info_);
+ error_ = other.error_;
+WaveFileInfo::WaveFileInfo(const std::string &filename)
+ : info_(0), error_(GSL_ERROR_NONE), filename_(filename)
+ info_ = gsl_wave_file_info_load(filename.c_str(), &error_);
+ if(info_)
+ gsl_wave_file_info_unref(info_);
+WaveFileInfo::WaveFileInfo(const WaveFileInfo &other)
+ copyFrom(other);
+WaveFileInfo &WaveFileInfo::operator =(const WaveFileInfo &other)
+ if(info_)
+ gsl_wave_file_info_unref(info_);
+ copyFrom(other);
+ return *this;
+guint WaveFileInfo::waveCount() const
+ return info_ ? info_->n_waves : 0;
+std::string WaveFileInfo::waveName(guint index) const
+ if(index >= waveCount())
+ return "";
+ return info_->waves[index].name;
+WaveDescription WaveFileInfo::waveDescription(guint index)
+ return WaveDescription(info_, index, waveName(index));
+GslErrorType WaveFileInfo::error() const
+ return error_;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ : DataHandle(NULL),
+ oscillatorFrequency_(0),
+ mixerFrequency_(0)
+WaveDataHandle::WaveDataHandle(const GslWaveDsc *waveDesc, guint chunkIndex)
+ : DataHandle(NULL),
+ oscillatorFrequency_(0),
+ mixerFrequency_(0)
+ handle_ = gsl_wave_handle_create(const_cast<GslWaveDsc *>(waveDesc),
+ chunkIndex, &error_);
+ if(error() == GSL_ERROR_NONE)
+ {
+ oscillatorFrequency_ = waveDesc->chunks[chunkIndex].osc_freq;
+ mixerFrequency_ = waveDesc->chunks[chunkIndex].mix_freq;
+ }
+WaveDataHandle::WaveDataHandle(const std::string& filename,
+ guint waveIndex,
+ guint chunkIndex)
+ : DataHandle(NULL),
+ oscillatorFrequency_(0),
+ mixerFrequency_(0)
+ GSL::WaveFileInfo info(filename);
+ error_ = info.error();
+ if(!info.error())
+ {
+ GSL::WaveDescription desc= info.waveDescription(waveIndex);
+ error_ = desc.error();
+ if(!desc.error() && (desc.chunkCount() > chunkIndex))
+ {
+ GSL::WaveChunkDescription chunkDesc= desc.chunkDescription(chunkIndex);
+ (*this) = chunkDesc.createDataHandle();
+ }
+ }
+GslErrorType WaveDataHandle::error() const
+ return error_;
+float WaveDataHandle::oscillatorFrequency() const
+ return oscillatorFrequency_;
+float WaveDataHandle::mixerFrequency() const
+ return mixerFrequency_;