path: root/flow/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'flow/')
1 files changed, 1195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/flow/ b/flow/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..370bac1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flow/
@@ -0,0 +1,1195 @@
+ /*
+ Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Stefan Westerfeld
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "virtualports.h"
+#include "startupmanager.h"
+#include "gslschedule.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "asyncschedule.h"
+#include "audiosubsys.h"
+#include <gsl/gslcommon.h>
+#include <gsl/gslengine.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <stack>
+/* HACK */
+class GslMainLoop {
+ std::list<GslClass *> freeClassList;
+ GslEngineLoop loop;
+ static bool waitOnTransNeedData;
+ static bool gslDataCalculated;
+ /* static check function */
+ static gboolean gslCheck(gpointer /* data */, guint /* n_values */,
+ glong* /* timeout_p */,
+ guint /* n_fds */, const GPollFD* /* fds */,
+ gboolean /* revents_filled */)
+ {
+ return waitOnTransNeedData;
+ }
+ /* mainloop integration: initialize (called to get initial loop setup) */
+ void initialize()
+ {
+ gsl_transact(gsl_job_add_poll (gslCheck, 0, 0, 0, 0), 0);
+ gsl_engine_prepare(&loop);
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i != loop.n_fds; i++)
+ {
+ printf("TODO: engine fd %d\n",i);
+ }
+ }
+ /* mainloop integration: process (TODO - should be called by IOManager) */
+ void process()
+ {
+ printf("TODO: mainloop wrapper for fd watches\n");
+ if(gsl_engine_check(&loop))
+ gsl_engine_dispatch();
+ }
+ /* wait for a transaction */
+ void waitOnTrans()
+ {
+ arts_return_if_fail(waitOnTransNeedData == false);
+ gsl_engine_wait_on_trans();
+ }
+ /* make the engine calculate something */
+ void run()
+ {
+ waitOnTransNeedData = true;
+ gslDataCalculated = false;
+ while(!gslDataCalculated && gsl_engine_check(&loop))
+ gsl_engine_dispatch();
+ gslDataCalculated = false;
+ waitOnTransNeedData = false;
+ if(!freeClassList.empty())
+ {
+ /*
+ * make sure that all transactions that are still pending
+ * get finished (especially important in threaded case,
+ * since an entry in the free list doesn't necessarily
+ * mean that the module has entierly been freed)
+ */
+ waitOnTrans();
+ std::list<GslClass *>::iterator fi;
+ for(fi = freeClassList.begin(); fi != freeClassList.end(); fi++)
+ free(*fi);
+ freeClassList.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ void freeGslClass(GslClass *klass)
+ {
+ freeClassList.push_back(klass);
+ }
+} gslMainLoop;
+bool GslMainLoop::waitOnTransNeedData = false;
+bool GslMainLoop::gslDataCalculated = false;
+namespace Arts { extern void *gslGlobalMutexTable; }
+using namespace std;
+using namespace Arts;
+// ----------- Port -----------
+Port::Port(const string& name, void *ptr, long flags, StdScheduleNode* parent)
+ : _name(name), _ptr(ptr), _flags((AttributeType)flags),
+ parent(parent), _dynamicPort(false)
+ _vport = new VPort(this);
+ if(_vport)
+ delete _vport;
+AttributeType Port::flags()
+ return _flags;
+string Port::name()
+ return _name;
+ASyncPort *Port::asyncPort()
+ return 0;
+AudioPort *Port::audioPort()
+ return 0;
+void Port::addAutoDisconnect(Port *source)
+ autoDisconnect.push_back(source);
+ source->autoDisconnect.push_back(this);
+void Port::removeAutoDisconnect(Port *source)
+ std::list<Port *>::iterator adi;
+ // remove our autodisconnection entry for source port
+ adi = find(autoDisconnect.begin(),autoDisconnect.end(),source);
+ assert(adi != autoDisconnect.end());
+ autoDisconnect.erase(adi);
+ // remove the source port autodisconnection entry to us
+ adi=find(source->autoDisconnect.begin(),source->autoDisconnect.end(),this);
+ assert(adi != source->autoDisconnect.end());
+ source->autoDisconnect.erase(adi);
+void Port::disconnectAll()
+ if(_vport)
+ delete _vport;
+ _vport = 0;
+ assert(autoDisconnect.empty());
+ while(!autoDisconnect.empty())
+ {
+ Port *other = *autoDisconnect.begin();
+ // syntax is disconnect(source)
+ if(_flags & streamIn)
+ // if we're incoming, other port is source
+ vport()->disconnect(other->vport());
+ else
+ // if we're outgoing, we're the source
+ other->vport()->disconnect(this->vport());
+ }
+void Port::setPtr(void *ptr)
+ _ptr = ptr;
+// ------- AudioPort ---------
+AudioPort::AudioPort(const string& name,
+ void *ptr, long flags,StdScheduleNode *parent)
+ : Port(name,ptr,flags,parent)
+ destcount = 0;
+ sourcemodule = 0;
+ source = 0;
+ gslIsConstant = false;
+ //
+AudioPort *AudioPort::audioPort()
+ return this;
+void AudioPort::setFloatValue(float f)
+ gslIsConstant = true;
+ gslConstantValue = f;
+ parent->_connectionCountChanged = true;
+void AudioPort::connect(Port *psource)
+ if (source) return; // Error, should not happen (See BR70028)
+ source = psource->audioPort();
+ assert(source);
+ addAutoDisconnect(psource);
+ source->parent->_connectionCountChanged = parent->_connectionCountChanged = true;
+ source->destcount++;
+ sourcemodule = source->parent;
+ // GSL connect
+ GslTrans *trans = gsl_trans_open();
+ gsl_trans_add(trans, gsl_job_connect(source->parent->gslModule,
+ source->gslEngineChannel,
+ parent->gslModule,
+ gslEngineChannel));
+ gsl_trans_commit(trans);
+void AudioPort::disconnect(Port *psource)
+ if (!source || source != psource->audioPort()) return; // Error, should not happen (See BR70028)
+ assert(source);
+ assert(source == psource->audioPort());
+ removeAutoDisconnect(psource);
+ assert(sourcemodule == source->parent);
+ sourcemodule = 0;
+ source->parent->_connectionCountChanged = parent->_connectionCountChanged = true;
+ source->destcount--;
+ source = 0;
+ // GSL disconnect
+ GslTrans *trans = gsl_trans_open();
+ gsl_trans_add(trans, gsl_job_disconnect(parent->gslModule,
+ gslEngineChannel));
+ gsl_trans_commit(trans);
+// --------- MultiPort ----------
+MultiPort::MultiPort(const string& name,
+ void *ptr, long flags,StdScheduleNode *parent)
+ : Port(name,ptr,flags,parent)
+ conns = 0;
+ nextID = 0;
+ initConns();
+ if(conns)
+ {
+ delete[] conns;
+ conns = 0;
+ }
+void MultiPort::initConns()
+ if(conns != 0) delete[] conns;
+ conns = new float_ptr[parts.size() + 1];
+ conns[parts.size()] = (float *)0;
+ *(float ***)_ptr = conns;
+ long n = 0;
+ std::list<Part>::iterator i;
+ for(i = parts.begin();i != parts.end(); i++)
+ {
+ AudioPort *p = i->dest;
+ p->setPtr((void *)&conns[n++]);
+ }
+void MultiPort::connect(Port *port)
+ AudioPort *dport;
+ char sid[20];
+ sprintf(sid,"%ld",nextID++);
+ addAutoDisconnect(port);
+ dport = new AudioPort("_"+_name+string(sid),0,streamIn,parent);
+ Part part;
+ part.src = (AudioPort *)port;
+ part.dest = dport;
+ parts.push_back(part);
+ initConns();
+ parent->addDynamicPort(dport);
+ dport->vport()->connect(port->vport());
+void MultiPort::disconnect(Port *sport)
+ AudioPort *port = (AudioPort *)sport;
+ removeAutoDisconnect(sport);
+ std::list<Part>::iterator i;
+ for(i = parts.begin(); i != parts.end(); i++)
+ {
+ if(i->src == port)
+ {
+ AudioPort *dport = i->dest;
+ parts.erase(i);
+ initConns();
+ dport->vport()->disconnect(port->vport());
+ parent->removeDynamicPort(dport);
+ delete dport;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+// -------- StdScheduleNode ---------
+void StdScheduleNode::freeConn()
+ if(inConn)
+ {
+ delete[] inConn;
+ inConn = 0;
+ }
+ if(outConn)
+ {
+ delete[] outConn;
+ outConn = 0;
+ }
+ inConnCount = outConnCount = 0;
+ if(gslModule)
+ {
+ gsl_transact(gsl_job_discard(gslModule),0);
+ gslModule = 0;
+ gslRunning = false;
+ }
+void StdScheduleNode::gslProcess(GslModule *module, guint n_values)
+ StdScheduleNode *node = (StdScheduleNode *)module->user_data;
+ if(!node->running) /* FIXME: need reasonable suspend in the engine */
+ return;
+ arts_return_if_fail(node->module != 0);
+ GslMainLoop::gslDataCalculated = true;
+ unsigned long j;
+ for(j=0;j<node->inConnCount;j++)
+ {
+ if(node->inConn[j]->gslIsConstant)
+ *((float **)node->inConn[j]->_ptr) =
+ gsl_engine_const_values(node->inConn[j]->gslConstantValue);
+ else
+ *((float **)node->inConn[j]->_ptr) = const_cast<float *>(module->istreams[j].values);
+ }
+ for(j=0;j<node->outConnCount;j++)
+ *((float **)node->outConn[j]->_ptr) = module->ostreams[j].values;
+ node->module->calculateBlock(n_values);
+static void gslModuleFree(gpointer /* data */, const GslClass *klass)
+ gslMainLoop.freeGslClass(const_cast<GslClass *>(klass));
+void StdScheduleNode::rebuildConn()
+ std::list<Port *>::iterator i;
+ freeConn();
+ inConnCount = outConnCount = 0;
+ inConn = new AudioPort_ptr[ports.size()];
+ outConn = new AudioPort_ptr[ports.size()];
+ for(i=ports.begin();i != ports.end();i++)
+ {
+ AudioPort *p = (*i)->audioPort();
+ if(p)
+ {
+ if(p->flags() & streamIn)
+ {
+ p->gslEngineChannel = inConnCount;
+ inConn[inConnCount++] = p;
+ }
+ if(p->flags() & streamOut)
+ {
+ p->gslEngineChannel = outConnCount;
+ outConn[outConnCount++] = p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* create GSL node */
+ GslClass *gslClass = (GslClass *)calloc(sizeof(GslClass),1);
+ gslClass->n_istreams = inConnCount;
+ gslClass->n_ostreams = outConnCount;
+ gslClass->process = gslProcess;
+ gslClass->free = gslModuleFree;
+ gslModule = gsl_module_new (gslClass, (StdScheduleNode *)this);
+ GslTrans *trans = gsl_trans_open();
+ gsl_trans_add(trans,gsl_job_integrate(gslModule));
+ gsl_trans_add(trans,gsl_job_set_consumer(gslModule, running));
+ gslRunning = running;
+ /* since destroying the old module and creating a new one will destroy
+ * all the connections, we need to restore them here
+ */
+ unsigned int c;
+ for(c = 0; c < inConnCount; c++)
+ {
+ if(inConn[c]->source)
+ {
+ gsl_trans_add(trans,
+ gsl_job_connect(inConn[c]->source->parent->gslModule,
+ inConn[c]->source->gslEngineChannel,
+ inConn[c]->parent->gslModule,
+ inConn[c]->gslEngineChannel));
+ }
+ }
+ for(c = 0; c < outConnCount; c++)
+ {
+ std::list<Port *>::iterator ci;
+ for(ci = outConn[c]->autoDisconnect.begin();
+ ci != outConn[c]->autoDisconnect.end(); ci++)
+ {
+ AudioPort *dest = (*ci)->audioPort();
+ if( dest )
+ {
+ gsl_trans_add(trans,
+ gsl_job_connect(outConn[c]->parent->gslModule,
+ outConn[c]->gslEngineChannel,
+ dest->parent->gslModule,
+ dest->gslEngineChannel));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ arts_debug( "no audio port: %s for %s", ( *ci )->name().c_str(), _object->_interfaceName().c_str() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gsl_trans_commit(trans);
+Object_skel *StdScheduleNode::object()
+ return _object;
+void *StdScheduleNode::cast(const string &target)
+ if(target == "StdScheduleNode") return (StdScheduleNode *)this;
+ return 0;
+void StdScheduleNode::accessModule()
+ if(module) return;
+ module = (SynthModule_base *)_object->_cast(Arts::SynthModule_base::_IID);
+ if(!module)
+ arts_warning("Error using interface %s in the flowsystem: only objects"
+ " implementing Arts::SynthModule should carry streams.",
+ _object->_interfaceName().c_str());
+StdScheduleNode::StdScheduleNode(Object_skel *object, StdFlowSystem *flowSystem) : ScheduleNode(object)
+ _object = object;
+ this->flowSystem = flowSystem;
+ running = false;
+ suspended = false;
+ module = 0;
+ gslModule = 0;
+ gslRunning = false;
+ queryInitStreamFunc = 0;
+ inConn = outConn = 0;
+ inConnCount = outConnCount = 0;
+ /* stop module if still running */
+ if(running) stop();
+ /* disconnect all ports */
+ stack<Port *> disconnect_stack;
+ /*
+ * we must be a bit careful here, as dynamic ports (which are created
+ * for connections by MultiPorts) will suddenly start disappearing, so
+ * we better make a copy of those ports that will stay, and disconnect
+ * them then
+ */
+ std::list<Port *>::iterator i;
+ for(i=ports.begin();i != ports.end();i++)
+ {
+ if(!(*i)->dynamicPort()) disconnect_stack.push(*i);
+ }
+ while(!disconnect_stack.empty())
+ {
+ disconnect_stack.pop();
+ }
+ /* free them */
+ for(i=ports.begin();i != ports.end();i++)
+ delete (*i);
+ ports.clear();
+ freeConn();
+void StdScheduleNode::initStream(const string& name, void *ptr, long flags)
+ if(flags == -1)
+ {
+ queryInitStreamFunc = (QueryInitStreamFunc)ptr;
+ }
+ else if(flags & streamAsync)
+ {
+ ports.push_back(new ASyncPort(name,ptr,flags,this));
+ }
+ else if(flags & streamMulti)
+ {
+ ports.push_back(new MultiPort(name,ptr,flags,this));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ports.push_back(new AudioPort(name,ptr,flags,this));
+ }
+ // TODO: maybe initialize a bit later
+ rebuildConn();
+void StdScheduleNode::addDynamicPort(Port *port)
+ port->setDynamicPort();
+ ports.push_back(port);
+ rebuildConn();
+void StdScheduleNode::removeDynamicPort(Port *port)
+ std::list<Port *>::iterator i;
+ for(i=ports.begin();i!=ports.end();i++)
+ {
+ Port *p = *i;
+ if(p->name() == port->name())
+ {
+ ports.erase(i);
+ rebuildConn();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void StdScheduleNode::start()
+ assert(!running);
+ running = true;
+ //cout << "start" << endl;
+ accessModule();
+ module->streamInit();
+ module->streamStart();
+ flowSystem->startedChanged();
+void StdScheduleNode::stop()
+ assert(running);
+ running = false;
+ accessModule();
+ module->streamEnd();
+ flowSystem->startedChanged();
+void StdScheduleNode::requireFlow()
+ // cout << "rf" << module->_interfaceName() << endl;
+ flowSystem->updateStarted();
+AutoSuspendState StdScheduleNode::suspendable()
+ if(running) {
+ accessModule();
+ return module->autoSuspend();
+ }
+ // if its not running, who cares?
+ return asSuspend;
+void StdScheduleNode::suspend()
+ if(running) {
+ accessModule();
+ suspended = true;
+ if((module->autoSuspend() & asSuspendMask) == asSuspendStop) stop();
+ }
+void StdScheduleNode::restart()
+ if(suspended) {
+ accessModule();
+ suspended = false;
+ if(!running && (module->autoSuspend() & asSuspendMask) == asSuspendStop) start();
+ }
+Port *StdScheduleNode::findPort(const string& name)
+ std::list<Port *>::iterator i;
+ for(i=ports.begin();i!=ports.end();i++)
+ {
+ Port *p = *i;
+ if(p->name() == name) return p;
+ }
+ if(queryInitStreamFunc)
+ {
+ if(queryInitStreamFunc(_object,name))
+ {
+ for(i=ports.begin();i!=ports.end();i++)
+ {
+ Port *p = *i;
+ if(p->name() == name) return p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+void StdScheduleNode::virtualize(const std::string& port,
+ ScheduleNode *implNode,
+ const std::string& implPort)
+ StdScheduleNode *impl=(StdScheduleNode *)implNode->cast("StdScheduleNode");
+ if(impl)
+ {
+ Port *p1 = findPort(port);
+ Port *p2 = impl->findPort(implPort);
+ assert(p1);
+ assert(p2);
+ p1->vport()->virtualize(p2->vport());
+ }
+void StdScheduleNode::devirtualize(const std::string& port,
+ ScheduleNode *implNode,
+ const std::string& implPort)
+ StdScheduleNode *impl=(StdScheduleNode *)implNode->cast("StdScheduleNode");
+ if(impl)
+ {
+ Port *p1 = findPort(port);
+ Port *p2 = impl->findPort(implPort);
+ p1->vport()->devirtualize(p2->vport());
+ }
+void StdScheduleNode::connect(const string& port, ScheduleNode *dest,
+ const string& destport)
+ RemoteScheduleNode *rsn = dest->remoteScheduleNode();
+ if(rsn)
+ {
+ // RemoteScheduleNodes know better how to connect remotely
+ rsn->connect(destport,this,port);
+ return;
+ }
+ flowSystem->restart();
+ Port *p1 = findPort(port);
+ Port *p2 = ((StdScheduleNode *)dest)->findPort(destport);
+ if(p1 && p2)
+ {
+ if((p1->flags() & streamIn) && (p2->flags() & streamOut))
+ {
+ p1->vport()->connect(p2->vport());
+ }
+ else if((p2->flags() & streamIn) && (p1->flags() & streamOut))
+ {
+ p2->vport()->connect(p1->vport());
+ }
+ }
+void StdScheduleNode::disconnect(const string& port, ScheduleNode *dest,
+ const string& destport)
+ RemoteScheduleNode *rsn = dest->remoteScheduleNode();
+ if(rsn)
+ {
+ // RemoteScheduleNodes know better how to disconnect remotely
+ rsn->disconnect(destport,this,port);
+ return;
+ }
+ flowSystem->restart();
+ Port *p1 = findPort(port);
+ Port *p2 = ((StdScheduleNode *)dest)->findPort(destport);
+ if(p1 && p2)
+ {
+ if((p1->flags() & streamIn) && (p2->flags() & streamOut))
+ {
+ p1->vport()->disconnect(p2->vport());
+ }
+ else if((p2->flags() & streamIn) && (p1->flags() & streamOut))
+ {
+ p2->vport()->disconnect(p1->vport());
+ }
+ }
+AttributeType StdScheduleNode::queryFlags(const std::string& port)
+ arts_debug("findPort(%s)", port.c_str());
+ arts_debug("have %ld ports", ports.size());
+ Port *p1 = findPort(port);
+ arts_debug("done");
+ if(p1)
+ {
+ arts_debug("result %d",(long)p1->flags());
+ return p1->flags();
+ }
+ arts_debug("failed");
+ return (AttributeType)0;
+void StdScheduleNode::setFloatValue(const string& port, float value)
+ AudioPort *p = findPort(port)->audioPort();
+ if(p) {
+ p->vport()->setFloatValue(value);
+ } else {
+ assert(false);
+ }
+unsigned long StdScheduleNode::inputConnectionCount(const string& port)
+ unsigned long result = 0;
+ unsigned int c;
+ for(c = 0; c < inConnCount; c++)
+ {
+ if(inConn[c]->name() == port)
+ {
+ if(inConn[c]->source || inConn[c]->gslIsConstant)
+ result++;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+unsigned long StdScheduleNode::outputConnectionCount(const string& port)
+ unsigned long result = 0;
+ unsigned int c;
+ for(c = 0; c < outConnCount; c++)
+ {
+ if(outConn[c]->name() == port)
+ result += outConn[c]->destcount;
+ }
+ return result;
+ _suspended = false;
+ needUpdateStarted = false;
+ /* TODO: correct parameters */
+ static bool gsl_is_initialized = false;
+ if(!gsl_is_initialized)
+ {
+ GslConfigValue values[3] = {
+ { "wave_chunk_padding", 8 },
+ { "dcache_block_size", 4000, },
+ { 0, 0 }
+ };
+ gsl_is_initialized = true;
+ if (!g_thread_supported ())
+ g_thread_init(0);
+ gsl_init(values, (GslMutexTable *)gslGlobalMutexTable);
+ /*
+ * FIXME: both of these are really supposed to be tunable
+ * - the 512 because of low-latency apps, where calculating smaller
+ * block sizes might be necessary
+ * - the 44100 because of the obvious reason, that not every artsd
+ * is running at that rate
+ */
+ gsl_engine_init(false, 512, 44100, /* subsamplemask */ 63);
+ if(gslGlobalMutexTable)
+ arts_debug("gsl: using Unix98 pthreads directly for mutexes and conditions");
+ /*gsl_engine_debug_enable(GslEngineDebugLevel(GSL_ENGINE_DEBUG_JOBS | GSL_ENGINE_DEBUG_SCHED));*/
+ }
+ gslMainLoop.initialize();
+ScheduleNode *StdFlowSystem::addObject(Object_skel *object)
+ // do not add new modules when being in suspended state
+ restart();
+ StdScheduleNode *node = new StdScheduleNode(object,this);
+ nodes.push_back(node);
+ return node;
+void StdFlowSystem::removeObject(ScheduleNode *node)
+ StdScheduleNode *xnode = (StdScheduleNode *)node->cast("StdScheduleNode");
+ assert(xnode);
+ nodes.remove(xnode);
+ delete xnode;
+bool StdFlowSystem::suspended()
+ return _suspended;
+bool StdFlowSystem::suspendable()
+ /*
+ * What it does:
+ * -------------
+ *
+ * The suspension algorithm will first divide the graph of modules into
+ * subgraphs of interconnected modules. A subgraph is suspendable if
+ * all of its modules are suspendable and the subgraph does not contain
+ * producer(s) and consumer(s) at the same time.
+ *
+ * Finally, our module graph is suspendable if all its subgraphs are.
+ *
+ * How it is implemented:
+ * ----------------------
+ *
+ * For efficiency reasons, both steps are merged together. First all
+ * modules will be marked as unseen. Then a module is picked and
+ * all modules that it connects to are recursively added to the
+ * subgraph.
+ */
+ /*
+ * initialization: no nodes are seen
+ */
+ std::list<StdScheduleNode *>::iterator i;
+ for (i = nodes.begin(); i != nodes.end(); i++)
+ {
+ StdScheduleNode *node = *i;
+ node->suspendTag = false;
+ }
+ stack<StdScheduleNode*> todo;
+ for(i = nodes.begin(); i != nodes.end(); i++)
+ {
+ bool haveConsumer = false;
+ bool haveProducer = false;
+ /*
+ * examine the subgraph consisting of all nodes connected to (*i)
+ * (only will do anything if suspendTag is not already set)
+ */
+ todo.push(*i);
+ do
+ {
+ StdScheduleNode *node =;
+ todo.pop();
+ if(!node->suspendTag)
+ {
+ node->suspendTag = true; // never examine this node again
+ switch (node->suspendable())
+ {
+ case asNoSuspend|asProducer:
+ case asNoSuspend|asConsumer:
+ case asNoSuspend:
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case asSuspend:
+ case asSuspendStop:
+ /* nothing */
+ break;
+ case asSuspend|asProducer:
+ case asSuspendStop|asProducer:
+ if(haveConsumer)
+ return false;
+ else
+ haveProducer = true;
+ break;
+ case asSuspend|asConsumer:
+ case asSuspendStop|asConsumer:
+ if(haveProducer)
+ return false;
+ else
+ haveConsumer = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ arts_fatal("bad suspend value %d", node->suspendable());
+ }
+ unsigned int c;
+ for(c = 0; c < node->inConnCount; c++)
+ {
+ if(node->inConn[c]->source)
+ todo.push(node->inConn[c]->source->parent);
+ }
+ for(c = 0; c < node->outConnCount; c++)
+ {
+ std::list<Port *>::iterator ci;
+ for(ci = node->outConn[c]->autoDisconnect.begin();
+ ci != node->outConn[c]->autoDisconnect.end(); ci++)
+ {
+ AudioPort *dest = (*ci)->audioPort();
+ if(dest)
+ todo.push(dest->parent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } while(!todo.empty());
+ }
+ return true;
+void StdFlowSystem::suspend()
+ if(!_suspended)
+ {
+ std::list<StdScheduleNode *>::iterator i;
+ for(i = nodes.begin();i != nodes.end();i++)
+ {
+ StdScheduleNode *node = *i;
+ node->suspend();
+ }
+ _suspended = true;
+ }
+void StdFlowSystem::restart()
+ if(_suspended)
+ {
+ std::list<StdScheduleNode *>::iterator i;
+ for(i = nodes.begin();i != nodes.end();i++)
+ {
+ StdScheduleNode *node = *i;
+ node->restart();
+ }
+ _suspended = false;
+ }
+/* remote accessibility */
+void StdFlowSystem::startObject(Object node)
+ StdScheduleNode *sn =
+ (StdScheduleNode *)node._node()->cast("StdScheduleNode");
+ sn->start();
+void StdFlowSystem::stopObject(Object node)
+ StdScheduleNode *sn =
+ (StdScheduleNode *)node._node()->cast("StdScheduleNode");
+ sn->stop();
+void StdFlowSystem::connectObject(Object sourceObject,const string& sourcePort,
+ Object destObject, const std::string& destPort)
+ arts_debug("connect port %s to %s", sourcePort.c_str(), destPort.c_str());
+ StdScheduleNode *sn =
+ (StdScheduleNode *)sourceObject._node()->cast("StdScheduleNode");
+ assert(sn);
+ Port *port = sn->findPort(sourcePort);
+ assert(port);
+ StdScheduleNode *destsn =
+ (StdScheduleNode *)destObject._node()->cast("StdScheduleNode");
+ if(destsn)
+ {
+ sn->connect(sourcePort,destsn,destPort);
+ return;
+ }
+ ASyncPort *ap = port->asyncPort();
+ if(ap)
+ {
+ FlowSystemSender sender;
+ FlowSystemReceiver receiver;
+ FlowSystem remoteFs;
+ string dest = destObject.toString() + ":" + destPort;
+ ASyncNetSend *netsend = new ASyncNetSend(ap, dest);
+ sender = FlowSystemSender::_from_base(netsend); // don't release netsend
+ remoteFs = destObject._flowSystem();
+ receiver = remoteFs.createReceiver(destObject, destPort, sender);
+ netsend->setReceiver(receiver);
+ arts_debug("connected an asyncnetsend");
+ }
+void StdFlowSystem::disconnectObject(Object sourceObject,
+ const string& sourcePort, Object destObject, const std::string& destPort)
+ arts_debug("disconnect port %s and %s",sourcePort.c_str(),destPort.c_str());
+ StdScheduleNode *sn =
+ (StdScheduleNode *)sourceObject._node()->cast("StdScheduleNode");
+ assert(sn);
+ Port *port = sn->findPort(sourcePort);
+ assert(port);
+ StdScheduleNode *destsn =
+ (StdScheduleNode *)destObject._node()->cast("StdScheduleNode");
+ if(destsn)
+ {
+ sn->disconnect(sourcePort,destsn,destPort);
+ return;
+ }
+ ASyncPort *ap = port->asyncPort();
+ if(ap)
+ {
+ string dest = destObject.toString() + ":" + destPort;
+ ap->disconnectRemote(dest);
+ arts_debug("disconnected an asyncnetsend");
+ }
+AttributeType StdFlowSystem::queryFlags(Object node, const std::string& port)
+ StdScheduleNode *sn =
+ (StdScheduleNode *)node._node()->cast("StdScheduleNode");
+ assert(sn);
+ return sn->queryFlags(port);
+void StdFlowSystem::setFloatValue(Object node, const std::string& port,
+ float value)
+ StdScheduleNode *sn =
+ (StdScheduleNode *)node._node()->cast("StdScheduleNode");
+ assert(sn);
+ sn->setFloatValue(port,value);
+FlowSystemReceiver StdFlowSystem::createReceiver(Object object,
+ const string &port, FlowSystemSender sender)
+ StdScheduleNode *sn =
+ (StdScheduleNode *)object._node()->cast("StdScheduleNode");
+ Port *p = sn->findPort(port);
+ assert(p);
+ ASyncPort *ap = p->asyncPort();
+ if(ap)
+ {
+ arts_debug("creating packet receiver");
+ return FlowSystemReceiver::_from_base(new ASyncNetReceive(ap, sender));
+ }
+ return FlowSystemReceiver::null();
+void StdFlowSystem::updateStarted()
+ if(!needUpdateStarted)
+ return;
+ needUpdateStarted = false;
+ std::list<StdScheduleNode*>::iterator ni;
+ GslTrans *trans = 0;
+ for(ni = nodes.begin(); ni != nodes.end(); ni++)
+ {
+ StdScheduleNode *node = *ni;
+ if(node->running != node->gslRunning)
+ {
+ if(!trans)
+ trans = gsl_trans_open();
+ gsl_trans_add(trans, gsl_job_set_consumer(node->gslModule, node->running));
+ node->gslRunning = node->running;
+ }
+ }
+ if(trans)
+ gsl_trans_commit(trans);
+void StdFlowSystem::startedChanged()
+ needUpdateStarted = true;
+// hacked initialization of Dispatcher::the()->flowSystem ;)
+namespace Arts {
+static class SetFlowSystem : public StartupClass {
+ FlowSystem_impl *fs;
+ void startup()
+ {
+ fs = new StdFlowSystem;
+ Dispatcher::the()->setFlowSystem(fs);
+ }
+ void shutdown()
+ {
+ fs->_release();
+ }
+} sfs;