/* Copyright (C) 2004 Matthias Kretz <kretz@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBJACK #include <jack/jack.h> #include <jack/ringbuffer.h> #include "debug.h" #include "audioio.h" #include "audiosubsys.h" #include "iomanager.h" #include "dispatcher.h" #ifndef MIN #define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #endif #undef DEBUG_WAVEFORM #ifdef DEBUG_WAVEFORM #include <fstream> #endif #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> namespace Arts { class AudioIOJack : public AudioIO, public TimeNotify { private: #ifdef DEBUG_WAVEFORM std::ofstream plotfile; #endif char * processBuffer; size_t buffersize; protected: jack_client_t *jack; jack_port_t *outleft, *outright; jack_port_t *inleft, *inright; jack_ringbuffer_t *olb, *orb, *ilb, *irb; public: AudioIOJack(); void notifyTime(); void setParam( AudioParam p, int & val ); int getParam(AudioParam param); static int jackCallback( jack_nframes_t, void * ); bool open(); void close(); int read(void *buffer, int size); int write(void *buffer, int size); }; REGISTER_AUDIO_IO(AudioIOJack,"jack","Jack Audio Connection Kit"); } using namespace std; using namespace Arts; AudioIOJack::AudioIOJack() : #ifdef DEBUG_WAVEFORM plotfile( "/dev/shm/audioiojack.plot" ), #endif jack( 0 ) , outleft( 0 ) , outright( 0 ) , inleft( 0 ) , inright( 0 ) { /* * default parameters */ param( samplingRate ) = 44100; paramStr( deviceName ) = "jack"; param( fragmentSize ) = 512; param( fragmentCount ) = 2; param( channels ) = 2; param( direction ) = 2; param( format ) = 32; } bool AudioIOJack::open() { string& _error = paramStr( lastError ); jack = jack_client_new( "artsd" ); if( jack == 0 ) { _error = "Couldn't connect to jackd"; return false; } int& _sampleRate = param(samplingRate); _sampleRate = jack_get_sample_rate( jack ); int& _fragmentSize = param(fragmentSize); int& _fragmentCount = param(fragmentCount); /* * don't allow unreasonable large fragmentSize/Count combinations, * because "real" hardware also doesn't */ if(_fragmentSize > 1024*8) _fragmentSize = 1024*8; while(_fragmentSize * _fragmentCount > 1024*128) _fragmentCount--; jack_set_process_callback( jack, Arts::AudioIOJack::jackCallback, this ); if( param( direction ) & directionWrite ) { outleft = jack_port_register( jack, "out_1", JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, JackPortIsOutput, 0 ); outright = jack_port_register( jack, "out_2", JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, JackPortIsOutput, 0 ); olb = jack_ringbuffer_create( sizeof( jack_default_audio_sample_t ) * _fragmentSize * _fragmentCount ); orb = jack_ringbuffer_create( sizeof( jack_default_audio_sample_t ) * _fragmentSize * _fragmentCount ); } if( param( direction ) & directionRead ) { inleft = jack_port_register( jack, "in_1", JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, JackPortIsInput, 0 ); inright = jack_port_register( jack, "in_2", JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, JackPortIsInput, 0 ); ilb = jack_ringbuffer_create( sizeof( jack_default_audio_sample_t ) * 1024 * 64 ); irb = jack_ringbuffer_create( sizeof( jack_default_audio_sample_t ) * 1024 * 64 ); } if( jack_activate( jack ) ) { _error = "Activating as jack client failed."; return false; } const char **ports; if( param( direction ) & directionRead ) { ports = jack_get_ports( jack, 0, 0, JackPortIsPhysical | JackPortIsOutput ); if( ports == 0 ) { arts_warning( "Cannot find any capture ports to" " connect to. You need to manually connect" " the capture ports in jack" ); } else { if( ports[ 0 ] != 0 ) jack_connect( jack, ports[ 0 ], jack_port_name( inleft ) ); if( ports[ 1 ] != 0 ) jack_connect( jack, ports[ 1 ], jack_port_name( inright ) ); free( ports ); } } if( param( direction ) & directionWrite ) { ports = jack_get_ports( jack, 0, 0, JackPortIsPhysical | JackPortIsInput ); if( ports == 0 ) { arts_warning( "Cannot find any playback ports to" " connect to. You need to manually connect" " the playback ports in jack" ); } else { if( ports[ 0 ] != 0 ) jack_connect( jack, jack_port_name( outleft ), ports[ 0 ] ); if( ports[ 1 ] != 0 ) jack_connect( jack, jack_port_name( outright ), ports[ 1 ] ); free( ports ); } } // Install the timer Dispatcher::the()->ioManager()->addTimer(10, this); return true; } void AudioIOJack::close() { jack_client_close( jack ); Dispatcher::the()->ioManager()->removeTimer(this); } int AudioIOJack::jackCallback( jack_nframes_t nframes, void * args ) { AudioIOJack * that = static_cast<AudioIOJack*>( args ); that->buffersize = nframes * sizeof( jack_default_audio_sample_t ); if( that->outleft ) { if( jack_ringbuffer_read_space( that->olb ) < that->buffersize ) { that->processBuffer = static_cast<char *>( jack_port_get_buffer( that->outleft, nframes ) ); memset( that->processBuffer, 0, that->buffersize ); that->processBuffer = static_cast<char *>( jack_port_get_buffer( that->outright, nframes ) ); memset( that->processBuffer, 0, that->buffersize ); } else { that->processBuffer = static_cast<char *>( jack_port_get_buffer( that->outleft, nframes ) ); jack_ringbuffer_read( that->olb, that->processBuffer, that->buffersize ); that->processBuffer = static_cast<char *>( jack_port_get_buffer( that->outright, nframes ) ); jack_ringbuffer_read( that->orb, that->processBuffer, that->buffersize ); } } if( that->inleft ) { that->processBuffer = static_cast<char *>( jack_port_get_buffer( that->inleft, nframes ) ); jack_ringbuffer_write( that->ilb, that->processBuffer, that->buffersize ); that->processBuffer = static_cast<char *>( jack_port_get_buffer( that->inright, nframes ) ); jack_ringbuffer_write( that->irb, that->processBuffer, that->buffersize ); } return 0; } void AudioIOJack::setParam( AudioParam p, int& val ) { // don't change the format - jack only supports 32 bit float if( p == format ) return; AudioIO::setParam( p, val ); } int AudioIOJack::getParam(AudioParam p) { switch(p) { case canRead: return MIN( jack_ringbuffer_read_space( ilb ), jack_ringbuffer_read_space( irb ) ) * param( channels ); case canWrite: return MIN( jack_ringbuffer_write_space( olb ), jack_ringbuffer_write_space( orb ) ) * param( channels ); default: return AudioIO::getParam( p ); } } int AudioIOJack::read(void *buffer, int size) { float * floatbuffer = static_cast<float *>( buffer ); if( param( channels ) == 2 ) { float * end = ( float * )( static_cast<char *>( buffer ) + size ); while( floatbuffer < end ) { jack_ringbuffer_read( ilb, ( char* )( floatbuffer++ ), sizeof( float ) ); #ifdef DEBUG_WAVEFORM plotfile << *( floatbuffer - 1 ) << "\n"; #endif jack_ringbuffer_read( irb, ( char* )( floatbuffer++ ), sizeof( float ) ); } } else if( param( channels ) == 1 ) { jack_ringbuffer_read( ilb, ( char* )( floatbuffer ), size ); } return size; } int AudioIOJack::write(void *buffer, int size) { float * floatbuffer = static_cast<float *>( buffer ); if( param( channels ) == 2 ) { float * end = ( float * )( static_cast<char *>( buffer ) + size ); while( floatbuffer < end ) { jack_ringbuffer_write( olb, ( char* )( floatbuffer++ ), sizeof( float ) ); jack_ringbuffer_write( orb, ( char* )( floatbuffer++ ), sizeof( float ) ); } } else if( param( channels ) == 1 ) { jack_ringbuffer_write( olb, ( char* )( floatbuffer ), size ); } return size; } void AudioIOJack::notifyTime() { int& _direction = param(direction); int& _fragmentSize = param(fragmentSize); for( ;; ) { int todo = 0; if( ( _direction & directionRead ) && ( getParam( canRead ) >= _fragmentSize ) ) todo |= AudioSubSystem::ioRead; if( ( _direction & directionWrite ) && ( getParam( canWrite ) >= _fragmentSize ) ) todo |= AudioSubSystem::ioWrite; if( ! todo ) return; AudioSubSystem::the()->handleIO( todo ); } } #endif