/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003 by S�astien Laot * * slaout@linux62.org * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include //#include #include #include //#include //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "filter.h" //#include "settings.h" #include "global.h" #include "bnpview.h" #include "tools.h" #include "tag.h" #include "focusedwidgets.h" /** FilterBar */ FilterBar::FilterBar(TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : TQWidget(parent, name)/*, m_blinkTimer(this), m_blinkedTimes(0)*/ { TQHBoxLayout *hBox = new TQHBoxLayout(this, /*margin*/0, /*spacing*/0); // Create every widgets: TQIconSet resetIconSet = tdeApp->iconLoader()->loadIconSet("locationbar_erase", TDEIcon::Toolbar); TQIconSet inAllIconSet = tdeApp->iconLoader()->loadIconSet("edit-find", TDEIcon::Toolbar); m_resetButton = new TQToolButton(this); m_resetButton->setIconSet(resetIconSet); m_resetButton->setTextLabel(i18n("Reset Filter"));//, /*groupText=*/"", this, TQ_SLOT(reset()), 0); m_resetButton->setAutoRaise(true); //new TDEToolBarButton("locationbar_erase", /*id=*/1230, this, /*name=*/0, i18n("Reset Filter")); m_lineEdit = new FocusedLineEdit(this); TQLabel *label = new TQLabel(m_lineEdit, i18n("&Filter: "), this); m_tagsBox = new FocusedComboBox(this); TQLabel *label2 = new TQLabel(m_tagsBox, i18n("T&ag: "), this); m_inAllBasketsButton = new TQToolButton(this); m_inAllBasketsButton->setIconSet(inAllIconSet); m_inAllBasketsButton->setTextLabel(i18n("Filter all Baskets"));//, /*groupText=*/"", this, TQ_SLOT(inAllBaskets()), 0); m_inAllBasketsButton->setAutoRaise(true); // Configure the Reset button: m_resetButton->setEnabled(false); // Configure the Tags combobox: repopulateTagsComnbo(); // Configure the Serach in all Baskets button: m_inAllBasketsButton->setToggleButton(true); // m_inAllBasketsButton->setOn(true); // Global::bnpView->toggleFilterAllBaskets(true); // m_lineEdit->setMaximumWidth(150); // Layout all those widgets: // hBox->addStretch(); hBox->addWidget(m_resetButton); hBox->addSpacing(KDialogBase::spacingHint()); hBox->addWidget(label); hBox->addWidget(m_lineEdit); hBox->addSpacing(KDialogBase::spacingHint()); hBox->addWidget(label2); hBox->addWidget(m_tagsBox); hBox->addSpacing(KDialogBase::spacingHint()); hBox->addWidget(m_inAllBasketsButton); m_data = new FilterData(); // TODO: Not a pointer! and return a const & !! // connect( &m_blinkTimer, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQ_SLOT(blinkBar()) ); connect( m_resetButton, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQ_SLOT(reset()) ); connect( m_lineEdit, TQ_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString&)), this, TQ_SLOT(textChanged(const TQString&)) ); connect( m_tagsBox, TQ_SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, TQ_SLOT(tagChanged(int)) ); // connect( m_inAllBasketsButton, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQ_SLOT(inAllBaskets()) ); connect( m_inAllBasketsButton, TQ_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), Global::bnpView, TQ_SLOT(toggleFilterAllBaskets(bool)) ); connect( m_lineEdit, TQ_SIGNAL(escapePressed()), this, TQ_SIGNAL(escapePressed()) ); connect( m_lineEdit, TQ_SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, TQ_SIGNAL(returnPressed()) ); connect( m_tagsBox, TQ_SIGNAL(escapePressed()), this, TQ_SIGNAL(escapePressed()) ); connect( m_tagsBox, TQ_SIGNAL(returnPressed2()), this, TQ_SIGNAL(returnPressed()) ); } FilterBar::~FilterBar() { } void FilterBar::setFilterAll(bool filterAll) { m_inAllBasketsButton->setOn(filterAll); } void FilterBar::setFilterData(const FilterData &data) { m_lineEdit->setText(data.string); int index = 0; switch (data.tagFilterType) { default: case FilterData::DontCareTagsFilter: index = 0; break; case FilterData::NotTaggedFilter: index = 1; break; case FilterData::TaggedFilter: index = 2; break; case FilterData::TagFilter: filterTag(data.tag); return; case FilterData::StateFilter: filterState(data.state); return; } if (m_tagsBox->currentItem() != index) { m_tagsBox->setCurrentItem(index); tagChanged(index); } } void FilterBar::repopulateTagsComnbo() { static const int ICON_SIZE = 16; m_tagsBox->clear(); m_tagsMap.clear(); m_statesMap.clear(); m_tagsBox->insertItem("", 0); m_tagsBox->insertItem(i18n("(Not tagged)"), 1); m_tagsBox->insertItem(i18n("(Tagged)"), 2); int index = 3; Tag *tag; State *state; TQString icon; TQString text; TQPixmap emblem; for (Tag::List::iterator it = Tag::all.begin(); it != Tag::all.end(); ++it) { tag = *it; state = tag->states().first(); // Insert the tag in the combo-box: if (tag->countStates() > 1) { text = tag->name(); icon = ""; } else { text = state->name(); icon = state->emblem(); } emblem = tdeApp->iconLoader()->loadIcon(icon, TDEIcon::Desktop, ICON_SIZE, TDEIcon::DefaultState, 0L, /*canReturnNull=*/true); m_tagsBox->insertItem(emblem, text, index); // Update the mapping: m_tagsMap.insert(index, tag); ++index; // Insert sub-states, if needed: if (tag->countStates() > 1) { for (State::List::iterator it2 = tag->states().begin(); it2 != tag->states().end(); ++it2) { state = *it2; // Insert the state: text = state->name(); icon = state->emblem(); emblem = tdeApp->iconLoader()->loadIcon(icon, TDEIcon::Desktop, ICON_SIZE, TDEIcon::DefaultState, 0L, /*canReturnNull=*/true); // Indent the emblem to show the hierarchy relation: if (!emblem.isNull()) emblem = Tools::indentPixmap(emblem, /*depth=*/1, /*deltaX=*/2 * ICON_SIZE / 3); m_tagsBox->insertItem(emblem, text, index); // Update the mapping: m_statesMap.insert(index, state); ++index; } } } } void FilterBar::reset() { m_lineEdit->setText(""); // m_data->isFiltering will be set to false; if (m_tagsBox->currentItem() != 0) { m_tagsBox->setCurrentItem(0); tagChanged(0); } } void FilterBar::filterTag(Tag *tag) { int index = 0; for (TQMap::Iterator it = m_tagsMap.begin(); it != m_tagsMap.end(); ++it) if (it.data() == tag) { index = it.key(); break; } if (index <= 0) return; if (m_tagsBox->currentItem() != index) { m_tagsBox->setCurrentItem(index); tagChanged(index); } } void FilterBar::filterState(State *state) { int index = 0; for (TQMap::Iterator it = m_statesMap.begin(); it != m_statesMap.end(); ++it) if (it.data() == state) { index = it.key(); break; } if (index <= 0) return; if (m_tagsBox->currentItem() != index) { m_tagsBox->setCurrentItem(index); tagChanged(index); } } void FilterBar::inAllBaskets() { // TODO! } void FilterBar::setEditFocus() { m_lineEdit->setFocus(); } bool FilterBar::hasEditFocus() { return m_lineEdit->hasFocus(); } const FilterData& FilterBar::filterData() { return *m_data; } void FilterBar::textChanged(const TQString &text) { m_data->string = text; m_data->isFiltering = (!m_data->string.isEmpty() || m_data->tagFilterType != FilterData::DontCareTagsFilter); m_resetButton->setEnabled(m_data->isFiltering); emit newFilter(*m_data); } void FilterBar::tagChanged(int index) { m_data->tag = 0; m_data->state = 0; switch (index) { case 0: m_data->tagFilterType = FilterData::DontCareTagsFilter; break; case 1: m_data->tagFilterType = FilterData::NotTaggedFilter; break; case 2: m_data->tagFilterType = FilterData::TaggedFilter; break; default: // Try to find if we are filtering a tag: TQMapIterator it = m_tagsMap.find(index); if (it != m_tagsMap.end()) { m_data->tagFilterType = FilterData::TagFilter; m_data->tag = *it; } else { // If not, try to find if we are filtering a state: TQMapIterator it2 = m_statesMap.find(index); if (it2 != m_statesMap.end()) { m_data->tagFilterType = FilterData::StateFilter; m_data->state = *it2; } else { // If not (should never happens), do as if the tags filter was reseted: m_data->tagFilterType = FilterData::DontCareTagsFilter; } } break; } m_data->isFiltering = (!m_data->string.isEmpty() || m_data->tagFilterType != FilterData::DontCareTagsFilter); m_resetButton->setEnabled(m_data->isFiltering); emit newFilter(*m_data); } #include "filter.moc"