<chapter id="hdbk-term"><title>Starting &bibletime;</title> <sect1 id="hdbk-start"><title>How to start &bibletime;</title> <sect2 id="hdbk-start-kde"><title>Starting &bibletime; from KDE</title> <para> &bibletime; is a &kde; program and is integrated with the &kde; desktop. You can launch &bibletime; from the &kde; Start Menu in the Applications group with this icon: <mediaobject> <imageobject><imagedata fileref="i_bibletime.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject> <textobject> <phrase>&bibletime; start icon</phrase> </textobject> </mediaobject> </para> <para>&bibletime; can also be launched from a terminal command prompt. To launch &bibletime;, open a terminal window and type: <screen> bibletime </screen> </para> </sect2> <sect2 id="hdbk-start-otherwm"><title>Other window managers</title> <para>&bibletime; can be used with other window managers such as Gnome, BlackBox or Sawfish, providing &kde; is already installed on your computer. If your &kde; is installed in /opt/kde, then the start-up command in a terminal would be:</para> <screen> export KDEDIR=/opt/kde #your KDE directory bibletime </screen> </sect2> <sect2 id="hdbk-start-custom"><title>Startup customization</title> <para>From a terminal you can use &bibletime; to open a random verse in the default bible: <screen> bibletime --open-default-bible "<random>" </screen> To open at a given passage like John 3:16, use: <screen> bibletime --open-default-bible "John 3:16" </screen> You can also use booknames in your current bookname language. </para> </sect2> </sect1> <sect1 id="hdbk-startsequence"><title>Startup sequence</title> <para>As &bibletime; launches you may see the following screens before the main &bibletime; window opens:</para> <variablelist> <varlistentry> <term><interface>Bookshelf Manager</interface></term> <listitem><para><action>Modifies your Bookshelf.</action> This dialog lets you modify your Bookshelf, add or delete works from your system. It will only be shown if no default Bookshelf can be found. Please see <link linkend="hdbk-op-bookshelfmanager">this section</link>for further details. If you start off with an empty Bookshelf, it will be helpful to install at least one Bible, Commentary, Lexicon and one Book to get to know &bibletime;'s basic features quickly.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><interface>Configure &bibletime; dialog</interface></term> <listitem><para><action>Customizes &bibletime;.</action> This dialog lets you adapt &bibletime; to your needs. Please see <link linkend="hdbk-config-bt"> the detailed description</link> of this dialog.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><interface>Tip of the Day</interface></term> <listitem><para>These nifty little tips give you helpful hints for working more efficiently with &bibletime;, and also a few quotations from the Bible. </para></listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> </sect1> </chapter>