During the creation of these documents I found several problems with the
docbook DTD supplied with Mandrake 8.1  This read me documents the work arounds made.


&XML; parses as XML?


Edited the file  /usr/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/entities/general.entities
also known as "-//KDE//ENTITIES DocBook XML General Entity Declarations V1.0//EN"

to read
<!ENTITY XML		'<trademark class="registered">XML</trademark>'>

Also did this with all trademark tags that had no class.  Class is required for this tag, see

DocBook: The Definitive Guide
By Norman Walsh and Leonard Muellner
O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.


&XML; parses as XML®

<quote>stuff</quote> parses as ?quote?

Used " instead.

This should be corrected when <quote> parses as "

Fred Saalbach 22 Dec 2001