/* ============================================================ * * This file is a part of digiKam project * http://www.digikam.org * * Date : 2005-05-31 * Description : Auto-Color correction tool. * * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 by Gilles Caulier * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * ============================================================ */ // TQt includes. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // KDE includes. #include #include #include #include #include // Digikam includes. #include "imageiface.h" #include "imagewidget.h" #include "histogramwidget.h" #include "colorgradientwidget.h" #include "dimgimagefilters.h" #include "whitebalance.h" #include "dimg.h" #include "listboxpreviewitem.h" // Local includes. #include "imageeffect_autocorrection.h" #include "imageeffect_autocorrection.moc" namespace DigikamImagesPluginCore { ImageEffect_AutoCorrection::ImageEffect_AutoCorrection(TQWidget* parent) : Digikam::ImageDlgBase(parent, i18n("Auto Color Correction"), "autocorrection", false), m_destinationPreviewData(0L) { setHelp("autocolorcorrectiontool.anchor", "digikam"); // ------------------------------------------------------------- m_previewWidget = new Digikam::ImageWidget("autocorrection Tool Dialog", plainPage(), i18n("

Here you can see the auto-color correction tool " "preview. You can pick color on image " "to see the color level corresponding on histogram.")); setPreviewAreaWidget(m_previewWidget); // ------------------------------------------------------------- Digikam::ImageIface iface(0, 0); m_thumbnailImage = iface.getOriginalImg()->smoothScale(128, 128, TQSize::ScaleMin); TQWidget *gboxSettings = new TQWidget(plainPage()); TQGridLayout* gridSettings = new TQGridLayout( gboxSettings, 4, 4, spacingHint()); TQLabel *label1 = new TQLabel(i18n("Channel:"), gboxSettings); label1->setAlignment ( TQt::AlignRight | TQt::AlignVCenter ); m_channelCB = new TQComboBox( false, gboxSettings ); m_channelCB->insertItem( i18n("Luminosity") ); m_channelCB->insertItem( i18n("Red") ); m_channelCB->insertItem( i18n("Green") ); m_channelCB->insertItem( i18n("Blue") ); TQWhatsThis::add( m_channelCB, i18n("

Select the histogram channel to display here:

" "Luminosity: display the image's luminosity values.

" "Red: display the red image-channel values.

" "Green: display the green image-channel values.

" "Blue: display the blue image-channel values.

")); m_scaleBG = new TQHButtonGroup(gboxSettings); m_scaleBG->setExclusive(true); m_scaleBG->setFrameShape(TQFrame::NoFrame); m_scaleBG->setInsideMargin( 0 ); TQWhatsThis::add( m_scaleBG, i18n("

Select the histogram scale here.

" "If the image's maximal counts are small, you can use the linear scale.

" "Logarithmic scale can be used when the maximal counts are big; " "if it is used, all values (small and large) will be visible on the graph.")); TQPushButton *linHistoButton = new TQPushButton( m_scaleBG ); TQToolTip::add( linHistoButton, i18n( "

Linear" ) ); m_scaleBG->insert(linHistoButton, Digikam::HistogramWidget::LinScaleHistogram); TDEGlobal::dirs()->addResourceType("histogram-lin", TDEGlobal::dirs()->kde_default("data") + "digikam/data"); TQString directory = TDEGlobal::dirs()->findResourceDir("histogram-lin", "histogram-lin.png"); linHistoButton->setPixmap( TQPixmap( directory + "histogram-lin.png" ) ); linHistoButton->setToggleButton(true); TQPushButton *logHistoButton = new TQPushButton( m_scaleBG ); TQToolTip::add( logHistoButton, i18n( "

Logarithmic" ) ); m_scaleBG->insert(logHistoButton, Digikam::HistogramWidget::LogScaleHistogram); TDEGlobal::dirs()->addResourceType("histogram-log", TDEGlobal::dirs()->kde_default("data") + "digikam/data"); directory = TDEGlobal::dirs()->findResourceDir("histogram-log", "histogram-log.png"); logHistoButton->setPixmap( TQPixmap( directory + "histogram-log.png" ) ); logHistoButton->setToggleButton(true); TQHBoxLayout* l1 = new TQHBoxLayout(); l1->addWidget(label1); l1->addWidget(m_channelCB); l1->addStretch(10); l1->addWidget(m_scaleBG); gridSettings->addMultiCellLayout(l1, 0, 0, 0, 4); // ------------------------------------------------------------- TQVBox *histoBox = new TQVBox(gboxSettings); m_histogramWidget = new Digikam::HistogramWidget(256, 140, histoBox, false, true, true); TQWhatsThis::add( m_histogramWidget, i18n("

Here you can see the target preview image histogram drawing " "of the selected image channel. This one is re-computed at any " "settings changes.")); TQLabel *space = new TQLabel(histoBox); space->setFixedHeight(1); m_hGradient = new Digikam::ColorGradientWidget( Digikam::ColorGradientWidget::Horizontal, 10, histoBox ); m_hGradient->setColors( TQColor( "black" ), TQColor( "white" ) ); gridSettings->addMultiCellWidget(histoBox, 1, 2, 0, 4); // ------------------------------------------------------------- m_correctionTools = new TQListBox(gboxSettings); m_correctionTools->setColumnMode(1); m_correctionTools->setVariableWidth(false); m_correctionTools->setVariableHeight(false); Digikam::ListBoxWhatsThis* whatsThis = new Digikam::ListBoxWhatsThis(m_correctionTools); TQPixmap pix = getThumbnailForEffect(AutoLevelsCorrection); Digikam::ListBoxPreviewItem *item = new Digikam::ListBoxPreviewItem(pix, i18n("Auto Levels")); whatsThis->add( item, i18n("Auto Levels:" "

This option maximizes the tonal range in the Red, " "Green, and Blue channels. It searches the image shadow and highlight " "limit values and adjusts the Red, Green, and Blue channels " "to a full histogram range.

")); m_correctionTools->insertItem(item, AutoLevelsCorrection); pix = getThumbnailForEffect(NormalizeCorrection); item = new Digikam::ListBoxPreviewItem(pix, i18n("Normalize")); whatsThis->add( item, i18n("Normalize:" "

This option scales brightness values across the active " "image so that the darkest point becomes black, and the " "brightest point becomes as bright as possible without " "altering its hue. This is often a \"magic fix\" for " "images that are dim or washed out.

")); m_correctionTools->insertItem(item, NormalizeCorrection); pix = getThumbnailForEffect(EqualizeCorrection); item = new Digikam::ListBoxPreviewItem(pix, i18n("Equalize")); whatsThis->add( item, i18n("Equalize:" "

This option adjusts the brightness of colors across the " "active image so that the histogram for the value channel " "is as nearly as possible flat, that is, so that each possible " "brightness value appears at about the same number of pixels " "as each other value. Sometimes Equalize works wonderfully at " "enhancing the contrasts in an image. Other times it gives " "garbage. It is a very powerful operation, which can either work " "miracles on an image or destroy it.

")); m_correctionTools->insertItem(item, EqualizeCorrection); pix = getThumbnailForEffect(StretchContrastCorrection); item = new Digikam::ListBoxPreviewItem(pix, i18n("Stretch Contrast")); whatsThis->add( item, i18n("Stretch Contrast:" "

This option enhances the contrast and brightness " "of the RGB values of an image by stretching the lowest " "and highest values to their fullest range, adjusting " "everything in between.

")); m_correctionTools->insertItem(item, StretchContrastCorrection); pix = getThumbnailForEffect(AutoExposureCorrection); item = new Digikam::ListBoxPreviewItem(pix, i18n("Auto Exposure")); whatsThis->add( item, i18n("Auto Exposure:" "

This option enhances the contrast and brightness " "of the RGB values of an image to calculate optimal " "exposition and black level using image histogram " "properties.

")); m_correctionTools->insertItem(item, AutoExposureCorrection); // ------------------------------------------------------------- m_correctionTools->setFocus(); gridSettings->addMultiCellWidget(m_correctionTools, 3, 3, 0, 4); gridSettings->setRowStretch(3, 10); setUserAreaWidget(gboxSettings); // ------------------------------------------------------------- connect(m_channelCB, TQ_SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotChannelChanged(int))); connect(m_scaleBG, TQ_SIGNAL(released(int)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotScaleChanged(int))); connect(m_previewWidget, TQ_SIGNAL(spotPositionChangedFromTarget( const Digikam::DColor &, const TQPoint & )), this, TQ_SLOT(slotColorSelectedFromTarget( const Digikam::DColor & ))); connect(m_correctionTools, TQ_SIGNAL(highlighted(int)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotEffect())); connect(m_previewWidget, TQ_SIGNAL(signalResized()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotEffect())); } ImageEffect_AutoCorrection::~ImageEffect_AutoCorrection() { m_histogramWidget->stopHistogramComputation(); if (m_destinationPreviewData) delete [] m_destinationPreviewData; delete m_histogramWidget; delete m_previewWidget; } void ImageEffect_AutoCorrection::slotChannelChanged(int channel) { switch(channel) { case LuminosityChannel: m_histogramWidget->m_channelType = Digikam::HistogramWidget::ValueHistogram; m_hGradient->setColors( TQColor( "black" ), TQColor( "white" ) ); break; case RedChannel: m_histogramWidget->m_channelType = Digikam::HistogramWidget::RedChannelHistogram; m_hGradient->setColors( TQColor( "black" ), TQColor( "red" ) ); break; case GreenChannel: m_histogramWidget->m_channelType = Digikam::HistogramWidget::GreenChannelHistogram; m_hGradient->setColors( TQColor( "black" ), TQColor( "green" ) ); break; case BlueChannel: m_histogramWidget->m_channelType = Digikam::HistogramWidget::BlueChannelHistogram; m_hGradient->setColors( TQColor( "black" ), TQColor( "blue" ) ); break; } m_histogramWidget->repaint(false); } void ImageEffect_AutoCorrection::slotScaleChanged(int scale) { m_histogramWidget->m_scaleType = scale; m_histogramWidget->repaint(false); } void ImageEffect_AutoCorrection::slotColorSelectedFromTarget( const Digikam::DColor &color ) { m_histogramWidget->setHistogramGuideByColor(color); } void ImageEffect_AutoCorrection::readUserSettings() { TDEConfig* config = tdeApp->config(); config->setGroup("autocorrection Tool Dialog"); m_channelCB->setCurrentItem(config->readNumEntry("Histogram Channel", 0)); // Luminosity. m_scaleBG->setButton(config->readNumEntry("Histogram Scale", Digikam::HistogramWidget::LogScaleHistogram)); m_correctionTools->setCurrentItem(config->readNumEntry("Auto Correction Filter", AutoLevelsCorrection)); slotChannelChanged(m_channelCB->currentItem()); slotScaleChanged(m_scaleBG->selectedId()); } void ImageEffect_AutoCorrection::writeUserSettings() { TDEConfig* config = tdeApp->config(); config->setGroup("autocorrection Tool Dialog"); config->writeEntry("Histogram Channel", m_channelCB->currentItem()); config->writeEntry("Histogram Scale", m_scaleBG->selectedId()); config->writeEntry("Auto Correction Filter", m_correctionTools->currentItem()); config->sync(); } void ImageEffect_AutoCorrection::resetValues() { m_correctionTools->blockSignals(true); m_correctionTools->setCurrentItem(AutoLevelsCorrection); m_correctionTools->blockSignals(false); } void ImageEffect_AutoCorrection::slotEffect() { tdeApp->setOverrideCursor( KCursor::waitCursor() ); m_histogramWidget->stopHistogramComputation(); if (m_destinationPreviewData) delete [] m_destinationPreviewData; Digikam::ImageIface* iface = m_previewWidget->imageIface(); uchar *m_destinationPreviewData = iface->getPreviewImage(); int w = iface->previewWidth(); int h = iface->previewHeight(); bool sb = iface->previewSixteenBit(); autoCorrection(m_destinationPreviewData, w, h, sb, m_correctionTools->currentItem()); iface->putPreviewImage(m_destinationPreviewData); m_previewWidget->updatePreview(); // Update histogram. m_histogramWidget->updateData(m_destinationPreviewData, w, h, sb, 0, 0, 0, false); tdeApp->restoreOverrideCursor(); } TQPixmap ImageEffect_AutoCorrection::getThumbnailForEffect(AutoCorrectionType type) { Digikam::DImg thumb = m_thumbnailImage.copy(); autoCorrection(thumb.bits(), thumb.width(), thumb.height(), thumb.sixteenBit(), type); return (thumb.convertToPixmap()); } void ImageEffect_AutoCorrection::finalRendering() { tdeApp->setOverrideCursor( KCursor::waitCursor() ); Digikam::ImageIface* iface = m_previewWidget->imageIface(); uchar *data = iface->getOriginalImage(); int w = iface->originalWidth(); int h = iface->originalHeight(); bool sb = iface->originalSixteenBit(); if (data) { int type = m_correctionTools->currentItem(); autoCorrection(data, w, h, sb, type); TQString name; switch (type) { case AutoLevelsCorrection: name = i18n("Auto Levels"); break; case NormalizeCorrection: name = i18n("Normalize"); break; case EqualizeCorrection: name = i18n("Equalize"); break; case StretchContrastCorrection: name = i18n("Stretch Contrast"); break; case AutoExposureCorrection: name = i18n("Auto Exposure"); break; } iface->putOriginalImage(name, data); delete [] data; } tdeApp->restoreOverrideCursor(); accept(); } void ImageEffect_AutoCorrection::autoCorrection(uchar *data, int w, int h, bool sb, int type) { Digikam::DImgImageFilters filter; switch (type) { case AutoLevelsCorrection: filter.autoLevelsCorrectionImage(data, w, h, sb); break; case NormalizeCorrection: filter.normalizeImage(data, w, h, sb); break; case EqualizeCorrection: filter.equalizeImage(data, w, h, sb); break; case StretchContrastCorrection: filter.stretchContrastImage(data, w, h, sb); break; case AutoExposureCorrection: Digikam::WhiteBalance wbFilter(sb); double blackLevel; double exposureLevel; wbFilter.autoExposureAdjustement(data, w, h, sb, blackLevel, exposureLevel); wbFilter.whiteBalance(data, w, h, sb, blackLevel, exposureLevel); break; } } } // NameSpace DigikamImagesPluginCore