/* */ /* Little cms - profiler construction set */ /* Copyright (C) 1998-2001 Marti Maria */ /* */ /* THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY */ /* WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ /* */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL MARTI MARIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, */ /* INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, */ /* OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, */ /* WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF */ /* LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE */ /* OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* */ /* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it */ /* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but */ /* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU */ /* General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* */ /* As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you */ /* distribute this file as part of a program that contains a */ /* configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under */ /* the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program. */ /* */ /* Version 1.09a */ #include "lcmsprf.h" LPGAMMATABLE cdecl cmsxEstimateGamma(LPSAMPLEDCURVE X, LPSAMPLEDCURVE Y, int nResultingPoints); void cdecl cmsxCompleteLabOfPatches(LPMEASUREMENT m, SETOFPATCHES Valids, int Medium); void cdecl cmsxComputeLinearizationTables(LPMEASUREMENT m, int ColorSpace, LPGAMMATABLE Lin[3], int nResultingPoints, int Medium); void cdecl cmsxApplyLinearizationTable(double In[3], LPGAMMATABLE Gamma[3], double Out[3]); void cdecl cmsxApplyLinearizationGamma(WORD In[3], LPGAMMATABLE Gamma[3], WORD Out[3]); /* ------------------------------------------------------------- Implementation */ #define EPSILON 0.00005 #define LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT_ITERATE_MAX 150 /* In order to track linearization tables, we use following procedure */ /* */ /* We first assume R', G' and B' does exhibit a non-linear behaviour */ /* that can be separated for each channel as Yr(R'), Yg(G'), Yb(B') */ /* This is the shaper step */ /* */ /* R = Lr(R') */ /* G = Lg(G') */ /* B = Lb(B') (0.0) */ /* */ /* After this step, RGB is converted to XYZ by a matrix multiplication */ /* */ /* |X| |R| */ /* |Y| = [M]·|G| */ /* |Z| |B| (1.0) */ /* */ /* In order to extract Lr,Lg,Lb tables, we are interested only on Y part */ /* */ /* Y = (m1 * R + m2 * G + m3 * B) (1.1) */ /* */ /* The total intensity for maximum RGB = (1, 1, 1) should be 1, */ /* */ /* 1 = m1 * 1 + m2 * 1 + m3 * 1, so */ /* */ /* m1 + m2 + m3 = 1.0 (1.2) */ /* */ /* We now impose that for neutral (gray) patches, RGB components must be equal */ /* */ /* R = G = B = Gray */ /* */ /* So, substituting in (1.1): */ /* */ /* Y = (m1 + m2 + m3) Gray */ /* */ /* and for (1.2), (m1+m2+m3) = 1, so */ /* */ /* Y = Gray = Lr(R') = Lg(G') = Lb(B') */ /* */ /* That is, after prelinearization, RGB of gray patches should give */ /* same values for R, G and B. And this value is Y. */ /* */ /* */ static LPSAMPLEDCURVE NormalizeTo(LPSAMPLEDCURVE X, double N, bool lAddEndPoint) { int i, nItems; LPSAMPLEDCURVE XNorm; nItems = X ->nItems; if (lAddEndPoint) nItems++; XNorm = cmsAllocSampledCurve(nItems); for (i=0; i < X ->nItems; i++) { XNorm ->Values[i] = X ->Values[i] / N; } if (lAddEndPoint) XNorm -> Values[X ->nItems] = 1.0; return XNorm; } /* */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* */ /* Our Monitor model. We assume gamma has a general expression of */ /* */ /* Fn(x) = (Gain * x + offset) ^ gamma | for x >= 0 */ /* Fn(x) = 0 | for x < 0 */ /* */ /* First partial derivatives are */ /* */ /* dFn/dGamma = Fn * ln(Base) */ /* dFn/dGain = gamma * x * ((Gain * x + Offset) ^ (gamma -1)) */ /* dFn/dOffset = gamma * ((Gain * x + Offset) ^ (gamma -1)) */ /* */ static void GammaGainOffsetFn(double x, double *a, double *y, double *dyda, int na) { double Gamma,Gain,Offset; double Base; Gamma = a[0]; Gain = a[1]; Offset = a[2]; Base = Gain * x + Offset; if (Base < 0) { Base = 0.0; *y = 0.0; dyda[0] = 0.0; dyda[1] = 0.0; dyda[2] = 0.0; } else { /* The function itself */ *y = pow(Base, Gamma); /* dyda[0] is partial derivative across Gamma */ dyda[0] = *y * log(Base); /* dyda[1] is partial derivative across gain */ dyda[1] = (x * Gamma) * pow(Base, Gamma-1.0); /* dyda[2] is partial derivative across offset */ dyda[2] = Gamma * pow(Base, Gamma-1.0); } } /* Fit curve to our gamma-gain-offset model. */ static bool OneTry(LPSAMPLEDCURVE XNorm, LPSAMPLEDCURVE YNorm, double a[]) { LCMSHANDLE h; double ChiSq, OldChiSq; int i; bool Status = true; /* initial guesses */ a[0] = 3.0; /* gamma */ a[1] = 4.0; /* gain */ a[2] = 6.0; /* offset */ a[3] = 0.0; /* Thereshold */ a[4] = 0.0; /* Black */ /* Significance = 0.02 gives good results */ h = cmsxLevenbergMarquardtInit(XNorm, YNorm, 0.02, a, 3, GammaGainOffsetFn); if (h == NULL) return false; OldChiSq = cmsxLevenbergMarquardtChiSq(h); for(i = 0; i < LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT_ITERATE_MAX; i++) { if (!cmsxLevenbergMarquardtIterate(h)) { Status = false; break; } ChiSq = cmsxLevenbergMarquardtChiSq(h); if(OldChiSq != ChiSq && (OldChiSq - ChiSq) < EPSILON) break; OldChiSq = ChiSq; } cmsxLevenbergMarquardtFree(h); return Status; } /* Tries to fit gamma as per IEC 61966-2.1 using Levenberg-Marquardt method */ /* */ /* Y = (aX + b)^Gamma | X >= d */ /* Y = cX | X < d */ LPGAMMATABLE cmsxEstimateGamma(LPSAMPLEDCURVE X, LPSAMPLEDCURVE Y, int nResultingPoints) { double a[5]; LPSAMPLEDCURVE XNorm, YNorm; double e, Max; /* Coarse approximation, to find maximum. */ /* We have only a portion of curve. It is likely */ /* maximum will not fall on exactly 100. */ if (!OneTry(X, Y, a)) return 0; /* Got parameters. Compute maximum. */ e = a[1]* 255.0 + a[2]; if (e < 0) return 0; Max = pow(e, a[0]); /* Normalize values to maximum */ XNorm = NormalizeTo(X, 255.0, false); YNorm = NormalizeTo(Y, Max, false); /* Do the final fitting */ if (!OneTry(XNorm, YNorm, a)) return 0; /* Type 3 = IEC 61966-2.1 (sRGB) */ /* Y = (aX + b)^Gamma | X >= d */ /* Y = cX | X < d */ return cmsBuildParametricGamma(nResultingPoints, 3, a); } /* A dumb bubble sort */ static void Bubble(LPSAMPLEDCURVE C, LPSAMPLEDCURVE L) { #define SWAP(a, b) { tmp = (a); (a) = (b); (b) = tmp; } bool lSwapped; int i, nItems; double tmp; nItems = C -> nItems; do { lSwapped = false; for (i= 0; i < nItems - 1; i++) { if (C->Values[i] > C->Values[i+1]) { SWAP(C->Values[i], C->Values[i+1]); SWAP(L->Values[i], L->Values[i+1]); lSwapped = true; } } } while (lSwapped); #undef SWAP } /* Check for monotonicity. Force it if is not the case. */ static void CheckForMonotonicSampledCurve(LPSAMPLEDCURVE t) { int n = t ->nItems; int i; double last; last = t ->Values[n-1]; for (i = n-2; i >= 0; --i) { if (t ->Values[i] > last) t ->Values[i] = last; else last = t ->Values[i]; } } /* The main gamma inferer. Tries first by gamma-gain-offset, */ /* if not proper reverts to curve guessing. */ static LPGAMMATABLE BuildGammaTable(LPSAMPLEDCURVE C, LPSAMPLEDCURVE L, int nResultingPoints) { LPSAMPLEDCURVE Cw, Lw, Cn, Ln; LPSAMPLEDCURVE out; LPGAMMATABLE Result; double Lmax, Lend, Cmax; /* Try to see if it can be fitted */ Result = cmsxEstimateGamma(C, L, nResultingPoints); if (Result) return Result; /* No... build curve from scratch. Since we have not */ /* endpoints, a coarse linear extrapolation should be */ /* applied in order to get the expected maximum. */ Cw = cmsDupSampledCurve(C); Lw = cmsDupSampledCurve(L); Bubble(Cw, Lw); /* Get endpoint */ Lmax = Lw->Values[Lw ->nItems - 1]; Cmax = Cw->Values[Cw ->nItems - 1]; /* Linearly extrapolate */ Lend = (255 * Lmax) / Cmax; Ln = NormalizeTo(Lw, Lend, true); Cn = NormalizeTo(Cw, 255.0, true); cmsFreeSampledCurve(Cw); cmsFreeSampledCurve(Lw); /* Add endpoint */ out = cmsJoinSampledCurves(Cn, Ln, nResultingPoints); cmsFreeSampledCurve(Cn); cmsFreeSampledCurve(Ln); CheckForMonotonicSampledCurve(out); cmsSmoothSampledCurve(out, nResultingPoints*4.); cmsClampSampledCurve(out, 0, 1.0); Result = cmsConvertSampledCurveToGamma(out, 1.0); cmsFreeSampledCurve(out); return Result; } void cmsxCompleteLabOfPatches(LPMEASUREMENT m, SETOFPATCHES Valids, int Medium) { LPPATCH White; cmsCIEXYZ WhiteXYZ; int i; if (Medium == MEDIUM_REFLECTIVE_D50) { WhiteXYZ.X = D50X * 100.; WhiteXYZ.Y = D50Y * 100.; WhiteXYZ.Z = D50Z * 100.; } else { White = cmsxPCollFindWhite(m, Valids, NULL); if (!White) return; WhiteXYZ = White ->XYZ; } /* For all patches with XYZ and without Lab, add Lab values. */ /* Transmissive profiles does need to locate its own white */ /* point for device gray. Reflective does use D50 */ for (i=0; i < m -> nPatches; i++) { if (Valids[i]) { LPPATCH p = m -> Patches + i; if ((p ->dwFlags & PATCH_HAS_XYZ) && (!(p ->dwFlags & PATCH_HAS_Lab) || (Medium == MEDIUM_TRANSMISSIVE))) { cmsXYZ2Lab(&WhiteXYZ, &p->Lab, &p->XYZ); p -> dwFlags |= PATCH_HAS_Lab; } } } } /* Compute linearization tables, trying to fit in a pure */ /* exponential gamma. If gamma cannot be accurately infered, */ /* then does build a smooth, monotonic curve that does the job. */ void cmsxComputeLinearizationTables(LPMEASUREMENT m, int ColorSpace, LPGAMMATABLE Lin[3], int nResultingPoints, int Medium) { LPSAMPLEDCURVE R, G, B, L; LPGAMMATABLE gr, gg, gb; SETOFPATCHES Neutrals; int nGrays; int i; /* We need Lab for grays. */ cmsxCompleteLabOfPatches(m, m->Allowed, Medium); /* Add neutrals, normalize to max */ Neutrals = cmsxPCollBuildSet(m, false); cmsxPCollPatchesNearNeutral(m, m ->Allowed, 15, Neutrals); nGrays = cmsxPCollCountSet(m, Neutrals); R = cmsAllocSampledCurve(nGrays); G = cmsAllocSampledCurve(nGrays); B = cmsAllocSampledCurve(nGrays); L = cmsAllocSampledCurve(nGrays); nGrays = 0; /* Collect patches */ for (i=0; i < m -> nPatches; i++) { if (Neutrals[i]) { LPPATCH gr = m -> Patches + i; R -> Values[nGrays] = gr -> Colorant.RGB[0]; G -> Values[nGrays] = gr -> Colorant.RGB[1]; B -> Values[nGrays] = gr -> Colorant.RGB[2]; L -> Values[nGrays] = gr -> XYZ.Y; nGrays++; } } gr = BuildGammaTable(R, L, nResultingPoints); gg = BuildGammaTable(G, L, nResultingPoints); gb = BuildGammaTable(B, L, nResultingPoints); cmsFreeSampledCurve(R); cmsFreeSampledCurve(G); cmsFreeSampledCurve(B); cmsFreeSampledCurve(L); if (ColorSpace == PT_Lab) { LPGAMMATABLE Gamma3 = cmsBuildGamma(nResultingPoints, 3.0); Lin[0] = cmsJoinGammaEx(gr, Gamma3, nResultingPoints); Lin[1] = cmsJoinGammaEx(gg, Gamma3, nResultingPoints); Lin[2] = cmsJoinGammaEx(gb, Gamma3, nResultingPoints); cmsFreeGamma(gr); cmsFreeGamma(gg); cmsFreeGamma(gb); cmsFreeGamma(Gamma3); } else { LPGAMMATABLE Gamma1 = cmsBuildGamma(nResultingPoints, 1.0); Lin[0] = cmsJoinGammaEx(gr, Gamma1, nResultingPoints); Lin[1] = cmsJoinGammaEx(gg, Gamma1, nResultingPoints); Lin[2] = cmsJoinGammaEx(gb, Gamma1, nResultingPoints); cmsFreeGamma(gr); cmsFreeGamma(gg); cmsFreeGamma(gb); cmsFreeGamma(Gamma1); } } /* Apply linearization. WORD encoded version */ void cmsxApplyLinearizationGamma(WORD In[3], LPGAMMATABLE Gamma[3], WORD Out[3]) { L16PARAMS Lut16; cmsCalcL16Params(Gamma[0] -> nEntries, &Lut16); Out[0] = cmsLinearInterpLUT16(In[0], Gamma[0] -> GammaTable, &Lut16); Out[1] = cmsLinearInterpLUT16(In[1], Gamma[1] -> GammaTable, &Lut16); Out[2] = cmsLinearInterpLUT16(In[2], Gamma[2] -> GammaTable, &Lut16); } /* Apply linearization. double version */ void cmsxApplyLinearizationTable(double In[3], LPGAMMATABLE Gamma[3], double Out[3]) { WORD rw, gw, bw; double rd, gd, bd; L16PARAMS Lut16; cmsCalcL16Params(Gamma[0] -> nEntries, &Lut16); rw = (WORD) floor(_cmsxSaturate255To65535(In[0]) + .5); gw = (WORD) floor(_cmsxSaturate255To65535(In[1]) + .5); bw = (WORD) floor(_cmsxSaturate255To65535(In[2]) + .5); rd = cmsLinearInterpLUT16(rw , Gamma[0] -> GammaTable, &Lut16); gd = cmsLinearInterpLUT16(gw, Gamma[1] -> GammaTable, &Lut16); bd = cmsLinearInterpLUT16(bw, Gamma[2] -> GammaTable, &Lut16); Out[0] = _cmsxSaturate65535To255(rd); /* back to 0..255 */ Out[1] = _cmsxSaturate65535To255(gd); Out[2] = _cmsxSaturate65535To255(bd); }