/* ============================================================ * * This file is a part of digiKam project * http://www.digikam.org * * Date : 2005-03-22 * Description : a widget to manage sidebar in gui. * * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 by Joern Ahrens * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 by Gilles Caulier * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * ============================================================ */ /** @file sidebar.cpp */ // TQt includes. #include #include #include #include // KDE includes. #include #include #include #include // Local includes. #include "ddebug.h" #include "sidebar.h" #include "sidebar.moc" namespace Digikam { class SidebarPriv { public: SidebarPriv() { minimizedDefault = false; minimized = false; isMinimized = false; tabs = 0; activeTab = -1; minSize = 0; maxSize = 0; dragSwitchId = -1; stack = 0; splitter = 0; dragSwitchTimer = 0; } bool minimizedDefault; bool minimized; bool isMinimized; // Backup of minimized status (used with Fullscreen) int tabs; int activeTab; int minSize; int maxSize; int dragSwitchId; TQWidgetStack *stack; TQSplitter *splitter; TQSize bigSize; TQTimer *dragSwitchTimer; Sidebar::Side side; }; Sidebar::Sidebar(TQWidget *parent, const char *name, Side side, bool minimizedDefault) : KMultiTabBar(KMultiTabBar::Vertical, parent, name) { d = new SidebarPriv; d->minimizedDefault = minimizedDefault; d->side = side; d->dragSwitchTimer = new TQTimer(this); connect(d->dragSwitchTimer, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotDragSwitchTimer())); } Sidebar::~Sidebar() { saveViewState(); delete d; } void Sidebar::updateMinimumWidth() { int width = 0; for (int i = 0; i < d->tabs; i++) { TQWidget *w = d->stack->widget(i); if (w && w->width() > width) width = w->width(); } d->stack->setMinimumWidth(width); } void Sidebar::setSplitter(TQSplitter *sp) { #if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,3,0) setStyle(KMultiTabBar::VSNET); #else setStyle(KMultiTabBar::KDEV3); #endif d->splitter = sp; d->stack = new TQWidgetStack(d->splitter); if(d->side == Left) setPosition(KMultiTabBar::Left); else setPosition(KMultiTabBar::Right); } TQSplitter* Sidebar::splitter() const { return d->splitter; } void Sidebar::loadViewState() { TDEConfig *config = tdeApp->config(); config->setGroup(TQString("%1").arg(name())); int tab = config->readNumEntry("ActiveTab", 0); bool minimized = config->readBoolEntry("Minimized", d->minimizedDefault); // validate if(tab >= d->tabs || tab < 0) tab = 0; if (minimized) { d->activeTab = tab; //setTab(d->activeTab, true); d->stack->raiseWidget(d->activeTab); emit signalChangedTab(d->stack->visibleWidget()); } else { d->activeTab = -1; } clicked(tab); } void Sidebar::saveViewState() { TDEConfig *config = tdeApp->config(); config->setGroup(TQString("%1").arg(name())); config->writeEntry("ActiveTab", d->activeTab); config->writeEntry("Minimized", d->minimized); config->sync(); } void Sidebar::backup() { d->isMinimized = d->minimized; if (!d->isMinimized) shrink(); KMultiTabBar::hide(); } void Sidebar::restore() { if (!d->isMinimized) expand(); KMultiTabBar::show(); } void Sidebar::appendTab(TQWidget *w, const TQPixmap &pic, const TQString &title) { w->reparent(d->stack, TQPoint(0, 0)); KMultiTabBar::appendTab(pic, d->tabs, title); d->stack->addWidget(w, d->tabs); tab(d->tabs)->setAcceptDrops(true); tab(d->tabs)->installEventFilter(this); connect(tab(d->tabs), TQ_SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, TQ_SLOT(clicked(int))); d->tabs++; } void Sidebar::deleteTab(TQWidget *w) { int tab = d->stack->id(w); if(tab < 0) return; if(tab == d->activeTab) d->activeTab = -1; d->stack->removeWidget(d->stack->widget(tab)); removeTab(tab); d->tabs--; updateMinimumWidth(); //TODO show another widget } void Sidebar::clicked(int tab) { if(tab >= d->tabs || tab < 0) return; if(tab == d->activeTab) { d->stack->isHidden() ? expand() : shrink(); } else { if(d->activeTab >= 0) setTab(d->activeTab, false); d->activeTab = tab; setTab(d->activeTab, true); d->stack->raiseWidget(d->activeTab); if(d->minimized) expand(); emit signalChangedTab(d->stack->visibleWidget()); } } void Sidebar::setActiveTab(TQWidget *w) { int tab = d->stack->id(w); if(tab < 0) return; if(d->activeTab >= 0) setTab(d->activeTab, false); d->activeTab = tab; setTab(d->activeTab, true); d->stack->raiseWidget(d->activeTab); if(d->minimized) expand(); emit signalChangedTab(d->stack->visibleWidget()); } TQWidget* Sidebar::getActiveTab() { return d->stack->visibleWidget(); } void Sidebar::shrink() { d->minimized = true; d->bigSize = size(); d->minSize = minimumWidth(); d->maxSize = maximumWidth(); d->stack->hide(); KMultiTabBarTab* tab = tabs()->first(); if (tab) setFixedWidth(tab->width()); else setFixedWidth(width()); emit signalViewChanged(); } void Sidebar::expand() { d->minimized = false; d->stack->show(); resize(d->bigSize); setMinimumWidth(d->minSize); setMaximumWidth(d->maxSize); emit signalViewChanged(); } bool Sidebar::isExpanded() { return !d->minimized; } bool Sidebar::eventFilter(TQObject *obj, TQEvent *ev) { TQPtrList* pTabs = tabs(); for (TQPtrListIterator it(*pTabs); it.current(); ++it) { if ( obj == *it ) { if ( ev->type() == TQEvent::DragEnter) { TQDragEnterEvent *e = static_cast(ev); enterEvent(e); e->accept(true); return false; } else if (ev->type() == TQEvent::DragMove) { if (!d->dragSwitchTimer->isActive()) { d->dragSwitchTimer->start(800, true); d->dragSwitchId = (*it)->id(); } return false; } else if (ev->type() == TQEvent::DragLeave) { d->dragSwitchTimer->stop(); TQDragLeaveEvent *e = static_cast(ev); leaveEvent(e); return false; } else if (ev->type() == TQEvent::Drop) { d->dragSwitchTimer->stop(); TQDropEvent *e = static_cast(ev); leaveEvent(e); return false; } else { return false; } } } // Else, pass the event on to the parent class return KMultiTabBar::eventFilter(obj, ev); } void Sidebar::slotDragSwitchTimer() { clicked(d->dragSwitchId); } } // namespace Digikam