/* ============================================================ * * This file is a part of digiKam project * http://www.digikam.org * * Date : 2003-02-03 * Description : digiKam setup dialog. * * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 by Renchi Raju * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 by Gilles Caulier * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * ============================================================ */ // TQt includes. #include #include #include // KDE includes. #include #include #include #include #include // Local includes. #include "batchthumbsgenerator.h" #include "setupgeneral.h" #include "setuptooltip.h" #include "setupmetadata.h" #include "setupidentity.h" #include "setupcollections.h" #include "setupmime.h" #include "setuplighttable.h" #include "setupeditor.h" #include "setupdcraw.h" #include "setupiofiles.h" #include "setupslideshow.h" #include "setupicc.h" #include "setupplugins.h" #include "setupcamera.h" #include "setupmisc.h" #include "setup.h" #include "setup.moc" namespace Digikam { class SetupPrivate { public: SetupPrivate() { page_general = 0; page_tooltip = 0; page_metadata = 0; page_identity = 0; page_collections = 0; page_mime = 0; page_lighttable = 0; page_editor = 0; page_dcraw = 0; page_iofiles = 0; page_slideshow = 0; page_icc = 0; page_plugins = 0; page_camera = 0; page_misc = 0; generalPage = 0; tooltipPage = 0; metadataPage = 0; identityPage = 0; collectionsPage = 0; mimePage = 0; lighttablePage = 0; editorPage = 0; dcrawPage = 0; iofilesPage = 0; slideshowPage = 0; iccPage = 0; cameraPage = 0; miscPage = 0; pluginsPage = 0; } TQFrame *page_general; TQFrame *page_tooltip; TQFrame *page_metadata; TQFrame *page_identity; TQFrame *page_collections; TQFrame *page_mime; TQFrame *page_lighttable; TQFrame *page_editor; TQFrame *page_dcraw; TQFrame *page_iofiles; TQFrame *page_slideshow; TQFrame *page_icc; TQFrame *page_plugins; TQFrame *page_camera; TQFrame *page_misc; SetupGeneral *generalPage; SetupToolTip *tooltipPage; SetupMetadata *metadataPage; SetupIdentity *identityPage; SetupCollections *collectionsPage; SetupMime *mimePage; SetupLightTable *lighttablePage; SetupEditor *editorPage; SetupDcraw *dcrawPage; SetupIOFiles *iofilesPage; SetupSlideShow *slideshowPage; SetupICC *iccPage; SetupCamera *cameraPage; SetupMisc *miscPage; SetupPlugins *pluginsPage; }; Setup::Setup(TQWidget* parent, const char* name, Setup::Page page) : KDialogBase(IconList, i18n("Configure"), Help|Ok|Cancel, Ok, parent, name, true, true ) { d = new SetupPrivate; setHelp("setupdialog.anchor", "digikam"); d->page_general = addPage(i18n("Albums"), i18n("Album Settings"), BarIcon("folder_image", TDEIcon::SizeMedium)); d->generalPage = new SetupGeneral(d->page_general, this); d->page_collections = addPage(i18n("Collections"), i18n("Album Collections"), BarIcon("document-open", TDEIcon::SizeMedium)); d->collectionsPage = new SetupCollections(d->page_collections); d->page_identity = addPage(i18n("Identity"), i18n("Default IPTC identity information"), BarIcon("identity", TDEIcon::SizeMedium)); d->identityPage = new SetupIdentity(d->page_identity); d->page_metadata = addPage(i18n("Metadata"), i18n("Embedded Image Information Management"), BarIcon("exifinfo", TDEIcon::SizeMedium)); d->metadataPage = new SetupMetadata(d->page_metadata); d->page_tooltip = addPage(i18n("Tool Tip"), i18n("Album Items Tool Tip Settings"), BarIcon("filetypes", TDEIcon::SizeMedium)); d->tooltipPage = new SetupToolTip(d->page_tooltip); d->page_mime = addPage(i18n("Mime Types"), i18n("File (MIME) Types Settings"), BarIcon("preferences-system", TDEIcon::SizeMedium)); d->mimePage = new SetupMime(d->page_mime); d->page_lighttable = addPage(i18n("Light Table"), i18n("Light Table Settings"), BarIcon("lighttable", TDEIcon::SizeMedium)); d->lighttablePage = new SetupLightTable(d->page_lighttable); d->page_editor = addPage(i18n("Image Editor"), i18n("Image Editor General Settings"), BarIcon("image-x-generic", TDEIcon::SizeMedium)); d->editorPage = new SetupEditor(d->page_editor); d->page_iofiles = addPage(i18n("Save Images"), i18n("Image Editor: Settings for Saving Images Files"), BarIcon("document-save", TDEIcon::SizeMedium)); d->iofilesPage = new SetupIOFiles(d->page_iofiles); d->page_dcraw = addPage(i18n("RAW decoding"), i18n("RAW Files Decoding Settings"), BarIcon("kdcraw", TDEIcon::SizeMedium)); d->dcrawPage = new SetupDcraw(d->page_dcraw); d->page_icc = addPage(i18n("Color Management"), i18n("Image Editor Color Management Settings"), BarIcon("colorize", TDEIcon::SizeMedium)); d->iccPage = new SetupICC(d->page_icc, this); d->page_plugins = addPage(i18n("Kipi Plugins"), i18n("Main Interface Plug-in Settings"), BarIcon("kipi", TDEIcon::SizeMedium)); d->pluginsPage = new SetupPlugins(d->page_plugins); d->page_slideshow = addPage(i18n("Slide Show"), i18n("Slide Show Settings"), BarIcon("slideshow", TDEIcon::SizeMedium)); d->slideshowPage = new SetupSlideShow(d->page_slideshow); d->page_camera = addPage(i18n("Cameras"), i18n("Camera Settings"), BarIcon("digitalcam", TDEIcon::SizeMedium)); d->cameraPage = new SetupCamera(d->page_camera); d->page_misc = addPage(i18n("Miscellaneous"), i18n("Miscellaneous Settings"), BarIcon("misc", TDEIcon::SizeMedium)); d->miscPage = new SetupMisc(d->page_misc); connect(this, TQ_SIGNAL(okClicked()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotOkClicked()) ); if (page != LastPageUsed) showPage((int) page); else { TDEConfig* config = tdeApp->config(); config->setGroup("General Settings"); showPage(config->readNumEntry("Setup Page", General)); } show(); } Setup::~Setup() { TDEConfig* config = tdeApp->config(); config->setGroup("General Settings"); config->writeEntry("Setup Page", activePageIndex()); config->sync(); delete d; } void Setup::slotOkClicked() { d->generalPage->applySettings(); d->tooltipPage->applySettings(); d->metadataPage->applySettings(); d->identityPage->applySettings(); d->collectionsPage->applySettings(); d->mimePage->applySettings(); d->cameraPage->applySettings(); d->lighttablePage->applySettings(); d->editorPage->applySettings(); d->dcrawPage->applySettings(); d->iofilesPage->applySettings(); d->slideshowPage->applySettings(); d->iccPage->applySettings(); d->miscPage->applySettings(); if (d->metadataPage->exifAutoRotateAsChanged()) { TQString msg = i18n("The Exif auto-rotate thumbnails option has been changed.\n" "Do you want to rebuild all albums' items' thumbnails now?\n\n" "Note: thumbnail processing can take a while! You can start " "this job later from the \"Tools\" menu."); int result = KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, msg); if (result != KMessageBox::Yes) return; BatchThumbsGenerator *thumbsGenerator = new BatchThumbsGenerator(this); thumbsGenerator->exec(); } close(); } SetupPlugins* Setup::kipiPluginsPage() { return d->pluginsPage; } } // namespace Digikam