/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2006 by Peter Penz <peter.penz@gmx.at> * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "bookmarkssidebarpage.h" #include <tqlistbox.h> #include <tqlayout.h> #include <tqpainter.h> #include <assert.h> #include <tqpopupmenu.h> #include <kbookmarkmanager.h> #include <tdemessagebox.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include <kurldrag.h> #include "dolphinsettings.h" #include "dolphin.h" #include "dolphinview.h" #include "editbookmarkdialog.h" BookmarksSidebarPage::BookmarksSidebarPage(TQWidget* parent) : SidebarPage(parent) { TQVBoxLayout* layout = new TQVBoxLayout(this); m_bookmarksList = new BookmarksListBox(this); m_bookmarksList->setPaletteBackgroundColor(colorGroup().background()); layout->addWidget(m_bookmarksList); connect(m_bookmarksList, TQT_SIGNAL(mouseButtonClicked(int, TQListBoxItem*, const TQPoint&)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotMouseButtonClicked(int, TQListBoxItem*))); connect(m_bookmarksList, TQT_SIGNAL(contextMenuRequested(TQListBoxItem*, const TQPoint&)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotContextMenuRequested(TQListBoxItem*, const TQPoint&))); KBookmarkManager* manager = DolphinSettings::instance().bookmarkManager(); connect(manager, TQT_SIGNAL(changed(const TQString&, const TQString&)), this, TQT_SLOT(updateBookmarks())); updateBookmarks(); } BookmarksSidebarPage::~BookmarksSidebarPage() { } void BookmarksSidebarPage::activeViewChanged() { connectToActiveView(); } void BookmarksSidebarPage::updateBookmarks() { m_bookmarksList->clear(); TDEIconLoader iconLoader; KBookmarkGroup root = DolphinSettings::instance().bookmarkManager()->root(); KBookmark bookmark = root.first(); while (!bookmark.isNull()) { m_bookmarksList->insertItem( BookmarkItem::fromKbookmark(bookmark, iconLoader) ); bookmark = root.next(bookmark); } connectToActiveView(); } void BookmarksSidebarPage::slotMouseButtonClicked(int button, TQListBoxItem* item) { if ((button != Qt::LeftButton) || (item == 0)) { return; } const int index = m_bookmarksList->index(item); KBookmark bookmark = DolphinSettings::instance().bookmark(index); Dolphin::mainWin().activeView()->setURL(bookmark.url()); } void BookmarksSidebarPage::slotContextMenuRequested(TQListBoxItem* item, const TQPoint& pos) { const int insertID = 1; const int editID = 2; const int deleteID = 3; const int addID = 4; TQPopupMenu* popup = new TQPopupMenu(); if (item == 0) { popup->insertItem(SmallIcon("document-new"), i18n("Add Bookmark..."), addID); } else { popup->insertItem(SmallIcon("document-new"), i18n("Insert Bookmark..."), insertID); popup->insertItem(SmallIcon("edit"), i18n("Edit..."), editID); popup->insertItem(SmallIcon("edit-delete"), i18n("Delete"), deleteID); } KBookmarkManager* manager = DolphinSettings::instance().bookmarkManager(); KBookmarkGroup root = manager->root(); const int index = m_bookmarksList->index(m_bookmarksList->selectedItem()); const int result = popup->exec(pos); switch (result) { case insertID: { KBookmark newBookmark = EditBookmarkDialog::getBookmark(i18n("Insert Bookmark"), i18n("New bookmark"), KURL(), "bookmark"); if (!newBookmark.isNull()) { root.addBookmark(manager, newBookmark); if (index > 0) { KBookmark prevBookmark = DolphinSettings::instance().bookmark(index - 1); root.moveItem(newBookmark, prevBookmark); } else { // insert bookmark at first position (is a little bit tricky as KBookmarkGroup // only allows to move items after existing items) KBookmark firstBookmark = root.first(); root.moveItem(newBookmark, firstBookmark); root.moveItem(firstBookmark, newBookmark); } manager->emitChanged(root); } break; } case editID: { KBookmark oldBookmark = DolphinSettings::instance().bookmark(index); KBookmark newBookmark = EditBookmarkDialog::getBookmark(i18n("Edit Bookmark"), oldBookmark.text(), oldBookmark.url(), oldBookmark.icon()); if (!newBookmark.isNull()) { root.addBookmark(manager, newBookmark); root.moveItem(newBookmark, oldBookmark); root.deleteBookmark(oldBookmark); manager->emitChanged(root); } break; } case deleteID: { KBookmark bookmark = DolphinSettings::instance().bookmark(index); root.deleteBookmark(bookmark); manager->emitChanged(root); break; } case addID: { KBookmark bookmark = EditBookmarkDialog::getBookmark(i18n("Add Bookmark"), "New bookmark", KURL(), "bookmark"); if (!bookmark.isNull()) { root.addBookmark(manager, bookmark); manager->emitChanged(root); } } default: break; } delete popup; popup = 0; DolphinView* view = Dolphin::mainWin().activeView(); adjustSelection(view->url()); } void BookmarksSidebarPage::adjustSelection(const KURL& url) { // TODO (remarked in dolphin/TODO): the following code is quite equal // to BookmarkSelector::updateSelection(). KBookmarkGroup root = DolphinSettings::instance().bookmarkManager()->root(); KBookmark bookmark = root.first(); int maxLength = 0; int selectedIndex = -1; // Search the bookmark which is equal to the URL or at least is a parent URL. // If there are more than one possible parent URL candidates, choose the bookmark // which covers the bigger range of the URL. int i = 0; while (!bookmark.isNull()) { const KURL bookmarkURL = bookmark.url(); if (bookmarkURL.isParentOf(url)) { const int length = bookmarkURL.prettyURL().length(); if (length > maxLength) { selectedIndex = i; maxLength = length; } } bookmark = root.next(bookmark); ++i; } const bool block = m_bookmarksList->signalsBlocked(); m_bookmarksList->blockSignals(true); if (selectedIndex < 0) { // no bookmark matches, hence deactivate any selection const int currentIndex = m_bookmarksList->index(m_bookmarksList->selectedItem()); m_bookmarksList->setSelected(currentIndex, false); } else { // select the bookmark which is part of the current URL m_bookmarksList->setSelected(selectedIndex, true); } m_bookmarksList->blockSignals(block); } void BookmarksSidebarPage::slotURLChanged(const KURL& url) { adjustSelection(url); } void BookmarksSidebarPage::connectToActiveView() { DolphinView* view = Dolphin::mainWin().activeView(); adjustSelection(view->url()); connect(view, TQT_SIGNAL(signalURLChanged(const KURL&)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotURLChanged(const KURL&))); } BookmarksListBox::BookmarksListBox(TQWidget* parent) : TQListBox(parent) { setAcceptDrops(true); } BookmarksListBox::~BookmarksListBox() { } void BookmarksListBox::paintEvent(TQPaintEvent* /* event */) { // don't invoke TQListBox::paintEvent(event) to prevent // that any kind of frame is drawn } void BookmarksListBox::contentsMousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent *event) { if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) dragPos = event->pos(); TQListBox::contentsMousePressEvent(event); } void BookmarksListBox::contentsMouseMoveEvent(TQMouseEvent *event) { if (event->state() & Qt::LeftButton) { int distance = (event->pos() - dragPos).manhattanLength(); if (distance > TQApplication::startDragDistance()) startDrag(); } TQListBox::contentsMouseMoveEvent(event); } void BookmarksListBox::startDrag() { int currentItem = TQListBox::currentItem(); if (currentItem != -1) { BookmarkItem* bookmark = (BookmarkItem*)item(currentItem); if (bookmark!=0){ KURL::List lst; lst.append( bookmark->url() ); KURLDrag *drag = new KURLDrag(lst, this); drag->drag(); } } } void BookmarksListBox::dragEnterEvent( TQDragEnterEvent *event ) { event->accept(KURLDrag::canDecode(event)); } void BookmarksListBox::dropEvent( TQDropEvent *event ) { KURL::List urls; if (KURLDrag::decode(event, urls) && !urls.isEmpty()) { KBookmarkManager* manager = DolphinSettings::instance().bookmarkManager(); KBookmarkGroup root = manager->root(); KURL::List::iterator it; for(it=urls.begin(); it!=urls.end(); ++it) { root.addBookmark(manager, (*it).fileName(), (*it), "", false); } manager->emitChanged(root); } } BookmarkItem::BookmarkItem(const TQPixmap& pixmap, const TQString& text, const KURL& url) : TQListBoxPixmap(pixmap, text), m_url(url) { } BookmarkItem::~BookmarkItem() { } int BookmarkItem::height(const TQListBox* listBox) const { return TQListBoxPixmap::height(listBox) + 8; } const KURL& BookmarkItem::url() const { return m_url; } BookmarkItem* BookmarkItem::fromKbookmark(const KBookmark& bookmark, const TDEIconLoader& iconLoader) { TQPixmap icon(iconLoader.loadIcon(bookmark.icon(), TDEIcon::NoGroup, TDEIcon::SizeMedium)); return new BookmarkItem(icon, bookmark.text(), bookmark.url()); } #include "bookmarkssidebarpage.moc"