/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2006 by Peter Penz * * Copyright (C) 2006 by Stefan Monov * * Copyright (C) 2006 by Cvetoslav Ludmiloff * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "dolphin.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "urlnavigator.h" #include "viewpropertiesdialog.h" #include "viewproperties.h" #include "dolphinsettings.h" #include "dolphinsettingsdialog.h" #include "dolphinstatusbar.h" #include "undomanager.h" #include "progressindicator.h" #include "dolphinsettings.h" #include "sidebars.h" #include "sidebarssettings.h" Dolphin& Dolphin::mainWin() { static Dolphin* instance = 0; if (instance == 0) { instance = new Dolphin(); instance->init(); } return *instance; } Dolphin::~Dolphin() { } void Dolphin::setActiveView(DolphinView* view) { assert((view == m_view[PrimaryIdx]) || (view == m_view[SecondaryIdx])); if (m_activeView == view) { return; } m_activeView = view; updateHistory(); updateEditActions(); updateViewActions(); updateGoActions(); setCaption(m_activeView->url().fileName()); emit activeViewChanged(); } void Dolphin::dropURLs(const KURL::List& urls, const KURL& destination) { const ButtonState keyboardState = TDEApplication::keyboardMouseState(); const bool shiftPressed = (keyboardState & ShiftButton) > 0; const bool controlPressed = (keyboardState & ControlButton) > 0; int selectedIndex = -1; if (shiftPressed && controlPressed) { // shortcut for 'Linke Here' is used selectedIndex = 2; } else if (controlPressed) { // shortcut for 'Copy Here' is used selectedIndex = 1; } else if (shiftPressed) { // shortcut for 'Move Here' is used selectedIndex = 0; } else { // no shortcut is used, hence open a popup menu TDEPopupMenu popup(this); popup.insertItem(SmallIcon("goto"), i18n("&Move Here") + "\t" + KKey::modFlagLabel(KKey::SHIFT), 0); popup.insertItem(SmallIcon("edit-copy"), i18n( "&Copy Here" ) + "\t" + KKey::modFlagLabel(KKey::CTRL), 1); popup.insertItem(i18n("&Link Here") + "\t" + KKey::modFlagLabel((KKey::ModFlag)(KKey::CTRL|KKey::SHIFT)), 2); popup.insertSeparator(); popup.insertItem(SmallIcon("process-stop"), i18n("Cancel"), 3); popup.setAccel(i18n("Escape"), 3); selectedIndex = popup.exec(TQCursor::pos()); } if (selectedIndex < 0) { return; } switch (selectedIndex) { case 0: { // 'Move Here' has been selected updateViewProperties(urls); moveURLs(urls, destination); break; } case 1: { // 'Copy Here' has been selected updateViewProperties(urls); copyURLs(urls, destination); break; } case 2: { // 'Link Here' has been selected TDEIO::Job* job = TDEIO::link(urls, destination); addPendingUndoJob(job, DolphinCommand::Link, urls, destination); break; } default: // 'Cancel' has been selected break; } } void Dolphin::refreshViews() { const bool split = DolphinSettings::instance().isViewSplit(); const bool isPrimaryViewActive = (m_activeView == m_view[PrimaryIdx]); DolphinSettings& settings = DolphinSettings::instance(); KURL url; for (int i = PrimaryIdx; i <= SecondaryIdx; ++i) { if (m_view[i] != 0) { url = m_view[i]->url(); // delete view instance... m_view[i]->close(); m_view[i]->deleteLater(); m_view[i] = 0; } if (split || (i == PrimaryIdx)) { // ... and recreate it ViewProperties props(url); m_view[i] = new DolphinView(m_splitter, url, props.viewMode(), props.isShowHiddenFilesEnabled()); m_view[i]->show(); } rightSidebarSettings* rightsidebarSettings = settings.rightsidebar(); assert(rightsidebarSettings != 0); if (rightsidebarSettings->isVisible()) { m_splitter->moveToLast(m_rightsidebar); } } m_activeView = isPrimaryViewActive ? m_view[PrimaryIdx] : m_view[SecondaryIdx]; assert(m_activeView != 0); updateViewActions(); emit activeViewChanged(); } void Dolphin::slotHistoryChanged() { updateHistory(); } void Dolphin::slotURLChanged(const KURL& url) { updateEditActions(); updateGoActions(); setCaption(url.fileName()); } void Dolphin::slotURLChangeRequest(const KURL& url) { clearStatusBar(); m_activeView->setURL(url); } void Dolphin::slotViewModeChanged() { updateViewActions(); } void Dolphin::slotShowHiddenFilesChanged() { TDEToggleAction* showHiddenFilesAction = static_cast(actionCollection()->action("show_hidden_files")); showHiddenFilesAction->setChecked(m_activeView->isShowHiddenFilesEnabled()); } void Dolphin::slotShowFilterBarChanged() { TDEToggleAction* showFilterBarAction = static_cast(actionCollection()->action("show_filter_bar")); showFilterBarAction->setChecked(m_activeView->isFilterBarVisible()); } void Dolphin::slotSortingChanged(DolphinView::Sorting sorting) { TDEAction* action = 0; switch (sorting) { case DolphinView::SortByName: action = actionCollection()->action("by_name"); break; case DolphinView::SortBySize: action = actionCollection()->action("by_size"); break; case DolphinView::SortByDate: action = actionCollection()->action("by_date"); break; default: break; } if (action != 0) { TDEToggleAction* toggleAction = static_cast(action); toggleAction->setChecked(true); } } void Dolphin::slotSortOrderChanged(TQt::SortOrder order) { TDEToggleAction* descending = static_cast(actionCollection()->action("descending")); const bool sortDescending = (order == TQt::Descending); descending->setChecked(sortDescending); } void Dolphin::slotSelectionChanged() { updateEditActions(); assert(m_view[PrimaryIdx] != 0); int selectedURLsCount = m_view[PrimaryIdx]->selectedURLs().count(); if (m_view[SecondaryIdx] != 0) { selectedURLsCount += m_view[SecondaryIdx]->selectedURLs().count(); } TDEAction* compareFilesAction = actionCollection()->action("compare_files"); compareFilesAction->setEnabled(selectedURLsCount == 2); m_activeView->updateStatusBar(); emit selectionChanged(); } void Dolphin::closeEvent(TQCloseEvent* event) { TDEConfig* config = tdeApp->config(); config->setGroup("General"); config->writeEntry("First Run", false); DolphinSettings& settings = DolphinSettings::instance(); leftSidebarSettings* leftsidebarSettings = settings.leftsidebar(); const bool isleftSidebarVisible = (m_leftsidebar != 0); leftsidebarSettings->setVisible(isleftSidebarVisible); if (isleftSidebarVisible) { leftsidebarSettings->setWidth(m_leftsidebar->width()); } rightSidebarSettings* rightsidebarSettings = settings.rightsidebar(); const bool isrightSidebarVisible = (m_rightsidebar != 0); rightsidebarSettings->setVisible(isrightSidebarVisible); if (isrightSidebarVisible) { rightsidebarSettings->setWidth(m_rightsidebar->width()); } settings.save(); config->sync(); TDEMainWindow::closeEvent(event); } void Dolphin::saveProperties(TDEConfig* config) { config->setGroup("Primary view"); config->writeEntry("URL", m_view[PrimaryIdx]->url().url()); config->writeEntry("Editable URL", m_view[PrimaryIdx]->isURLEditable()); if (m_view[SecondaryIdx] != 0) { config->setGroup("Secondary view"); config->writeEntry("URL", m_view[SecondaryIdx]->url().url()); config->writeEntry("Editable URL", m_view[SecondaryIdx]->isURLEditable()); } } void Dolphin::readProperties(TDEConfig* config) { config->setGroup("Primary view"); m_view[PrimaryIdx]->setURL(config->readEntry("URL")); m_view[PrimaryIdx]->setURLEditable(config->readBoolEntry("Editable URL")); if (config->hasGroup("Secondary view")) { config->setGroup("Secondary view"); if (m_view[SecondaryIdx] == 0) { toggleSplitView(); } m_view[SecondaryIdx]->setURL(config->readEntry("URL")); m_view[SecondaryIdx]->setURLEditable(config->readBoolEntry("Editable URL")); } else if (m_view[SecondaryIdx] != 0) { toggleSplitView(); } } void Dolphin::createFolder() { // Parts of the following code have been taken // from the class KonqPopupMenu located in // libqonq/konq_popupmenu.h of Konqueror. // (Copyright (C) 2000 David Faure , // Copyright (C) 2001 Holger Freyther ) clearStatusBar(); DolphinStatusBar* statusBar = m_activeView->statusBar(); const KURL baseURL(m_activeView->url()); TQString name(i18n("New Folder")); if (baseURL.isLocalFile() && TQFileInfo(baseURL.path(+1) + name).exists()) { name = TDEIO::RenameDlg::suggestName(baseURL, i18n("New Folder")); } bool ok = false; name = KInputDialog::getText(i18n("New Folder"), i18n("Enter folder name:" ), name, &ok, this); if (!ok) { // the user has pressed 'Cancel' return; } assert(!name.isEmpty()); KURL url; if ((name[0] == '/') || (name[0] == '~')) { url.setPath(KShell::tildeExpand(name)); } else { name = TDEIO::encodeFileName(name); url = baseURL; url.addPath(name); } ok = TDEIO::NetAccess::mkdir(url, this); // TODO: provide message type hint if (ok) { statusBar->setMessage(i18n("Created folder %1.").arg(url.path()), DolphinStatusBar::OperationCompleted); DolphinCommand command(DolphinCommand::CreateFolder, KURL::List(), url); UndoManager::instance().addCommand(command); } else { // Creating of the folder has been failed. Check whether the creating // has been failed because a folder with the same name exists... if (TDEIO::NetAccess::exists(url, true, this)) { statusBar->setMessage(i18n("A folder named %1 already exists.").arg(url.path()), DolphinStatusBar::Error); } else { statusBar->setMessage(i18n("Creating of folder %1 failed.").arg(url.path()), DolphinStatusBar::Error); } } } void Dolphin::createFile() { // Parts of the following code have been taken // from the class KonqPopupMenu located in // libqonq/konq_popupmenu.h of Konqueror. // (Copyright (C) 2000 David Faure , // Copyright (C) 2001 Holger Freyther ) clearStatusBar(); // TODO: const Entry& entry = m_createFileTemplates[TQString(sender->name())]; // should be enough. Anyway: the implemantation of [] does a linear search internally too. KSortableValueList::ConstIterator it = m_createFileTemplates.begin(); KSortableValueList::ConstIterator end = m_createFileTemplates.end(); bool found = false; CreateFileEntry entry; while (!found && (it != end)) { if ((*it).index() == sender()->name()) { entry = (*it).value(); found = true; } else { ++it; } } DolphinStatusBar* statusBar = m_activeView->statusBar(); if (!found || !TQFile::exists(entry.templatePath)) { statusBar->setMessage(i18n("Could not create file."), DolphinStatusBar::Error); return; } // Get the source path of the template which should be copied. // The source path is part of the URL entry of the desktop file. const int pos = entry.templatePath.findRev('/'); TQString sourcePath(entry.templatePath.left(pos + 1)); sourcePath += KDesktopFile(entry.templatePath, true).readPathEntry("URL"); TQString name(i18n(entry.name.ascii())); // Most entry names end with "..." (e. g. "HTML File..."), which is ok for // menus but no good choice for a new file name -> remove the dots... name.replace("...", TQString()); // add the file extension to the name name.append(sourcePath.right(sourcePath.length() - sourcePath.findRev('.'))); // Check whether a file with the current name already exists. If yes suggest automatically // a unique file name (e. g. "HTML File" will be replaced by "HTML File_1"). const KURL viewURL(m_activeView->url()); const bool fileExists = viewURL.isLocalFile() && TQFileInfo(viewURL.path(+1) + TDEIO::encodeFileName(name)).exists(); if (fileExists) { name = TDEIO::RenameDlg::suggestName(viewURL, name); } // let the user change the suggested file name bool ok = false; name = KInputDialog::getText(entry.name, entry.comment, name, &ok, this); if (!ok) { // the user has pressed 'Cancel' return; } // before copying the template to the destination path check whether a file // with the given name already exists const TQString destPath(viewURL.prettyURL() + "/" + TDEIO::encodeFileName(name)); const KURL destURL(destPath); if (TDEIO::NetAccess::exists(destURL, false, this)) { statusBar->setMessage(i18n("A file named %1 already exists.").arg(name), DolphinStatusBar::Error); return; } // copy the template to the destination path const KURL sourceURL(sourcePath); TDEIO::CopyJob* job = TDEIO::copyAs(sourceURL, destURL); job->setDefaultPermissions(true); if (TDEIO::NetAccess::synchronousRun(job, this)) { statusBar->setMessage(i18n("Created file %1.").arg(name), DolphinStatusBar::OperationCompleted); KURL::List list; list.append(sourceURL); DolphinCommand command(DolphinCommand::CreateFile, list, destURL); UndoManager::instance().addCommand(command); } else { statusBar->setMessage(i18n("Creating of file %1 failed.").arg(name), DolphinStatusBar::Error); } } void Dolphin::rename() { clearStatusBar(); m_activeView->renameSelectedItems(); } void Dolphin::moveToTrash() { clearStatusBar(); KURL::List selectedURLs = m_activeView->selectedURLs(); TDEIO::Job* job = TDEIO::trash(selectedURLs); addPendingUndoJob(job, DolphinCommand::Trash, selectedURLs, m_activeView->url()); } void Dolphin::deleteItems() { clearStatusBar(); KURL::List list = m_activeView->selectedURLs(); const uint itemCount = list.count(); assert(itemCount >= 1); TQString text; if (itemCount > 1) { text = i18n("Do you really want to delete the %1 selected items?").arg(itemCount); } else { const KURL& url = list.first(); text = i18n("Do you really want to delete '%1'?").arg(url.fileName()); } const bool del = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, text, TQString(), KGuiItem(i18n("Delete"), SmallIcon("edit-delete")) ) == KMessageBox::Continue; if (del) { TDEIO::Job* job = TDEIO::del(list); connect(job, TQ_SIGNAL(result(TDEIO::Job*)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotHandleJobError(TDEIO::Job*))); connect(job, TQ_SIGNAL(result(TDEIO::Job*)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotDeleteFileFinished(TDEIO::Job*))); } } void Dolphin::properties() { const KFileItemList* sourceList = m_activeView->selectedItems(); if (sourceList == 0) { return; } KFileItemList list; KFileItemListIterator it(*sourceList); KFileItem* item = 0; while ((item = it.current()) != 0) { list.append(item); ++it; } new KPropertiesDialog(list, this); } void Dolphin::quit() { close(); } void Dolphin::slotHandleJobError(TDEIO::Job* job) { if (job->error() != 0) { m_activeView->statusBar()->setMessage(job->errorString(), DolphinStatusBar::Error); } } void Dolphin::slotDeleteFileFinished(TDEIO::Job* job) { if (job->error() == 0) { m_activeView->statusBar()->setMessage(i18n("Delete operation completed."), DolphinStatusBar::OperationCompleted); // TODO: In opposite to the 'Move to Trash' operation in the class KFileIconView // no rearranging of the item position is done when a file has been deleted. // This is bypassed by reloading the view, but it might be worth to investigate // deeper for the root of this issue. m_activeView->reload(); } } void Dolphin::slotUndoAvailable(bool available) { TDEAction* undoAction = actionCollection()->action(KStdAction::stdName(KStdAction::Undo)); if (undoAction != 0) { undoAction->setEnabled(available); } } void Dolphin::slotUndoTextChanged(const TQString& text) { TDEAction* undoAction = actionCollection()->action(KStdAction::stdName(KStdAction::Undo)); if (undoAction != 0) { undoAction->setText(text); } } void Dolphin::slotRedoAvailable(bool available) { TDEAction* redoAction = actionCollection()->action(KStdAction::stdName(KStdAction::Redo)); if (redoAction != 0) { redoAction->setEnabled(available); } } void Dolphin::slotRedoTextChanged(const TQString& text) { TDEAction* redoAction = actionCollection()->action(KStdAction::stdName(KStdAction::Redo)); if (redoAction != 0) { redoAction->setText(text); } } void Dolphin::cut() { m_clipboardContainsCutData = true; TQDragObject* data = new KURLDrag(m_activeView->selectedURLs(), widget()); TQApplication::clipboard()->setData(data); } void Dolphin::copy() { m_clipboardContainsCutData = false; TQDragObject* data = new KURLDrag(m_activeView->selectedURLs(), widget()); TQApplication::clipboard()->setData(data); } void Dolphin::paste() { TQClipboard* clipboard = TQApplication::clipboard(); TQMimeSource* data = clipboard->data(); if (!KURLDrag::canDecode(data)) { return; } clearStatusBar(); KURL::List sourceURLs; KURLDrag::decode(data, sourceURLs); // per default the pasting is done into the current URL of the view KURL destURL(m_activeView->url()); // check whether the pasting should be done into a selected directory KURL::List selectedURLs = m_activeView->selectedURLs(); if (selectedURLs.count() == 1) { const KFileItem fileItem(S_IFDIR, KFileItem::Unknown, selectedURLs.first(), true); if (fileItem.isDir()) { // only one item is selected which is a directory, hence paste // into this directory destURL = selectedURLs.first(); } } updateViewProperties(sourceURLs); if (m_clipboardContainsCutData) { moveURLs(sourceURLs, destURL); m_clipboardContainsCutData = false; clipboard->clear(); } else { copyURLs(sourceURLs, destURL); } } void Dolphin::updatePasteAction() { TDEAction* pasteAction = actionCollection()->action(KStdAction::stdName(KStdAction::Paste)); if (pasteAction == 0) { return; } TQString text(i18n("Paste")); TQClipboard* clipboard = TQApplication::clipboard(); TQMimeSource* data = clipboard->data(); if (KURLDrag::canDecode(data)) { pasteAction->setEnabled(true); KURL::List urls; KURLDrag::decode(data, urls); const int count = urls.count(); if (count == 1) { pasteAction->setText(i18n("Paste 1 File")); } else { pasteAction->setText(i18n("Paste %1 Files").arg(count)); } } else { pasteAction->setEnabled(false); pasteAction->setText(i18n("Paste")); } if (pasteAction->isEnabled()) { KURL::List urls = m_activeView->selectedURLs(); const uint count = urls.count(); if (count > 1) { // pasting should not be allowed when more than one file // is selected pasteAction->setEnabled(false); } else if (count == 1) { // Only one file is selected. Pasting is only allowed if this // file is a directory. const KFileItem fileItem(S_IFDIR, KFileItem::Unknown, urls.first(), true); pasteAction->setEnabled(fileItem.isDir()); } } } void Dolphin::selectAll() { clearStatusBar(); m_activeView->selectAll(); } void Dolphin::invertSelection() { clearStatusBar(); m_activeView->invertSelection(); } void Dolphin::setIconsView() { m_activeView->setMode(DolphinView::IconsView); } void Dolphin::setDetailsView() { m_activeView->setMode(DolphinView::DetailsView); } void Dolphin::setPreviewsView() { m_activeView->setMode(DolphinView::PreviewsView); } void Dolphin::sortByName() { m_activeView->setSorting(DolphinView::SortByName); } void Dolphin::sortBySize() { m_activeView->setSorting(DolphinView::SortBySize); } void Dolphin::sortByDate() { m_activeView->setSorting(DolphinView::SortByDate); } void Dolphin::toggleSortOrder() { const TQt::SortOrder order = (m_activeView->sortOrder() == TQt::Ascending) ? TQt::Descending : TQt::Ascending; m_activeView->setSortOrder(order); } void Dolphin::toggleSplitView() { if (m_view[SecondaryIdx] == 0) { const int newWidth = (m_view[PrimaryIdx]->width() - m_splitter->handleWidth()) / 2; // create a secondary view m_view[SecondaryIdx] = new DolphinView(m_splitter, m_view[PrimaryIdx]->url(), m_view[PrimaryIdx]->mode(), m_view[PrimaryIdx]->isShowHiddenFilesEnabled()); TQValueList list = m_splitter->sizes(); assert(!list.isEmpty()); list.pop_back(); list.append(newWidth); list.append(newWidth); m_splitter->setSizes(list); m_view[SecondaryIdx]->show(); if(m_rightsidebar != 0){ closerightSidebar(); openrightSidebar(); } } else { // remove secondary view if (m_activeView == m_view[PrimaryIdx]) { m_view[SecondaryIdx]->close(); m_view[SecondaryIdx]->deleteLater(); m_view[SecondaryIdx] = 0; setActiveView(m_view[PrimaryIdx]); } else { // The secondary view is active, hence from the users point of view // the content of the secondary view should be moved to the primary view. // From an implementation point of view it is more efficient to close // the primary view and exchange the internal pointers afterwards. m_view[PrimaryIdx]->close(); m_view[PrimaryIdx]->deleteLater(); m_view[PrimaryIdx] = m_view[SecondaryIdx]; m_view[SecondaryIdx] = 0; setActiveView(m_view[PrimaryIdx]); } } } void Dolphin::reloadView() { clearStatusBar(); m_activeView->reload(); } void Dolphin::stopLoading() { } void Dolphin::showHiddenFiles() { clearStatusBar(); const TDEToggleAction* showHiddenFilesAction = static_cast(actionCollection()->action("show_hidden_files")); const bool show = showHiddenFilesAction->isChecked(); m_activeView->setShowHiddenFilesEnabled(show); } void Dolphin::showFilterBar() { const TDEToggleAction* showFilterBarAction = static_cast(actionCollection()->action("show_filter_bar")); const bool show = showFilterBarAction->isChecked(); m_activeView->slotShowFilterBar(show); } void Dolphin::zoomIn() { m_activeView->zoomIn(); updateViewActions(); } void Dolphin::zoomOut() { m_activeView->zoomOut(); updateViewActions(); } void Dolphin::editLocation() { clearStatusBar(); m_activeView->editURL(); } void Dolphin::browse() { clearStatusBar(); m_activeView->setURLEditable(false); } void Dolphin::adjustViewProperties() { clearStatusBar(); ViewPropertiesDialog dlg(m_activeView); dlg.exec(); } void Dolphin::goBack() { clearStatusBar(); m_activeView->goBack(); } void Dolphin::goForward() { clearStatusBar(); m_activeView->goForward(); } void Dolphin::goUp() { clearStatusBar(); m_activeView->goUp(); } void Dolphin::goHome() { clearStatusBar(); m_activeView->goHome(); } void Dolphin::openTerminal() { TDEConfig * config = tdeApp->config(); config->setGroup("General"); TQString term = config->readPathEntry("TerminalApplication", "konsole"); TDEProcess proc; proc << term; proc.setWorkingDirectory(m_activeView->url().path()); proc.start(TDEProcess::DontCare); } void Dolphin::findFile() { KRun::run("kfind", m_activeView->url()); } void Dolphin::compareFiles() { // The method is only invoked if exactly 2 files have // been selected. The selected files may be: // - both in the primary view // - both in the secondary view // - one in the primary view and the other in the secondary // view assert(m_view[PrimaryIdx] != 0); KURL urlA; KURL urlB; KURL::List urls = m_view[PrimaryIdx]->selectedURLs(); switch (urls.count()) { case 0: { assert(m_view[SecondaryIdx] != 0); urls = m_view[SecondaryIdx]->selectedURLs(); assert(urls.count() == 2); urlA = urls[0]; urlB = urls[1]; break; } case 1: { urlA = urls[0]; assert(m_view[SecondaryIdx] != 0); urls = m_view[SecondaryIdx]->selectedURLs(); assert(urls.count() == 1); urlB = urls[0]; break; } case 2: { urlA = urls[0]; urlB = urls[1]; break; } default: { // may not happen: compareFiles may only get invoked if 2 // files are selected assert(false); } } TQString command("kompare -c \""); command.append(urlA.prettyURL()); command.append("\" \""); command.append(urlB.prettyURL()); command.append('\"'); KRun::runCommand(command, "Kompare", "kompare"); } void Dolphin::editSettings() { // TODO: make a static method for opening the settings dialog DolphinSettingsDialog dlg; dlg.exec(); } void Dolphin::addUndoOperation(TDEIO::Job* job) { if (job->error() != 0) { slotHandleJobError(job); } else { const int id = job->progressId(); // set iterator to the executed command with the current id... TQValueList::Iterator it = m_pendingUndoJobs.begin(); const TQValueList::Iterator end = m_pendingUndoJobs.end(); bool found = false; while (!found && (it != end)) { if ((*it).id == id) { found = true; } else { ++it; } } if (found) { DolphinCommand command = (*it).command; if (command.type() == DolphinCommand::Trash) { // To be able to perform an undo for the 'Move to Trash' operation // all source URLs must be updated with the trash URL. E. g. when moving // a file "test.txt" and a second file "test.txt" to the trash, // then the filenames in the trash are "0-test.txt" and "1-test.txt". TQMap metaData = job->metaData(); KURL::List newSourceURLs; KURL::List sourceURLs = command.source(); KURL::List::Iterator sourceIt = sourceURLs.begin(); const KURL::List::Iterator sourceEnd = sourceURLs.end(); while (sourceIt != sourceEnd) { TQMap::ConstIterator metaIt = metaData.find("trashURL-" + (*sourceIt).path()); if (metaIt != metaData.end()) { newSourceURLs.append(KURL(metaIt.data())); } ++sourceIt; } command.setSource(newSourceURLs); } UndoManager::instance().addCommand(command); m_pendingUndoJobs.erase(it); DolphinStatusBar* statusBar = m_activeView->statusBar(); switch (command.type()) { case DolphinCommand::Copy: statusBar->setMessage(i18n("Copy operation completed."), DolphinStatusBar::OperationCompleted); break; case DolphinCommand::Move: statusBar->setMessage(i18n("Move operation completed."), DolphinStatusBar::OperationCompleted); break; case DolphinCommand::Trash: statusBar->setMessage(i18n("Move to trash operation completed."), DolphinStatusBar::OperationCompleted); break; default: break; } } } } Dolphin::Dolphin() : TDEMainWindow(0, "D3lphin"), m_splitter(0), m_leftsidebar(0), m_rightsidebar(0), m_activeView(0), m_clipboardContainsCutData(false) { m_view[PrimaryIdx] = 0; m_view[SecondaryIdx] = 0; m_fileGroupActions.setAutoDelete(true); // TODO: the following members are not used yet. See documentation // of Dolphin::linkGroupActions() and Dolphin::linkToDeviceActions() // in the header file for details. //m_linkGroupActions.setAutoDelete(true); //m_linkToDeviceActions.setAutoDelete(true); } void Dolphin::init() { // Check whether Dolphin runs the first time. If yes then // a proper default window size is given at the end of Dolphin::init(). TDEConfig* config = tdeApp->config(); config->setGroup("General"); const bool firstRun = config->readBoolEntry("First Run", true); setAcceptDrops(true); m_splitter = new TQSplitter(this); DolphinSettings& settings = DolphinSettings::instance(); KBookmarkManager* manager = settings.bookmarkManager(); assert(manager != 0); KBookmarkGroup root = manager->root(); if (root.first().isNull()) { root.addBookmark(manager, i18n("Home"), settings.homeURL(), "folder_home"); root.addBookmark(manager, i18n("System"), KURL("system:/"), "computer"); root.addBookmark(manager, i18n("Storage Media"), KURL("system:/media"), "blockdevice"); root.addBookmark(manager, i18n("Network"), KURL("remote:/"), "network_local"); root.addBookmark(manager, i18n("Users' Folders"), KURL("system:/users"), "folder_home2"); root.addBookmark(manager, i18n("Root"), KURL("/"), "folder_red"); root.addBookmark(manager, i18n("Trash"), KURL("trash:/"), "trashcan_full"); } const KURL& homeURL = root.first().url(); setCaption(homeURL.fileName()); ViewProperties props(homeURL); m_view[PrimaryIdx] = new DolphinView(m_splitter, homeURL, props.viewMode(), props.isShowHiddenFilesEnabled()); m_activeView = m_view[PrimaryIdx]; setCentralWidget(m_splitter); // open sidebars leftSidebarSettings* leftsidebarSettings = settings.leftsidebar(); assert(leftsidebarSettings != 0); if (leftsidebarSettings->isVisible()) { openleftSidebar(); } rightSidebarSettings* rightsidebarSettings = settings.rightsidebar(); assert(rightsidebarSettings != 0); if (rightsidebarSettings->isVisible()) { openrightSidebar(); } setupActions(); setupGUI(Keys|Save|Create|ToolBar); createGUI(0, false); stateChanged("new_file"); setAutoSaveSettings(); TQClipboard* clipboard = TQApplication::clipboard(); connect(clipboard, TQ_SIGNAL(dataChanged()), this, TQ_SLOT(updatePasteAction())); updatePasteAction(); updateGoActions(); setupCreateNewMenuActions(); loadSettings(); if (firstRun) { // assure a proper default size if Dolphin runs the first time resize(640, 480); } } void Dolphin::loadSettings() { DolphinSettings& settings = DolphinSettings::instance(); TDEToggleAction* splitAction = static_cast(actionCollection()->action("split_view")); if (settings.isViewSplit()) { splitAction->setChecked(true); toggleSplitView(); } updateViewActions(); } void Dolphin::setupActions() { // setup 'File' menu TDEAction* createFolder = new TDEAction(i18n("Folder..."), "Ctrl+N", this, TQ_SLOT(createFolder()), actionCollection(), "create_folder"); createFolder->setIcon("folder"); new TDEAction(i18n("Rename"), KKey(Key_F2), this, TQ_SLOT(rename()), actionCollection(), "rename"); TDEAction* moveToTrashAction = new TDEAction(i18n("Move to Trash"), KKey(Key_Delete), this, TQ_SLOT(moveToTrash()), actionCollection(), "move_to_trash"); moveToTrashAction->setIcon("edittrash"); TDEAction* deleteAction = new TDEAction(i18n("Delete"), "Shift+Delete", this, TQ_SLOT(deleteItems()), actionCollection(), "delete"); deleteAction->setIcon("edit-delete"); new TDEAction(i18n("Propert&ies"), "edit", "Alt+Return", this, TQ_SLOT(properties()), actionCollection(), "properties"); KStdAction::quit(this, TQ_SLOT(quit()), actionCollection()); // setup 'Edit' menu UndoManager& undoManager = UndoManager::instance(); KStdAction::undo(&undoManager, TQ_SLOT(undo()), actionCollection()); connect(&undoManager, TQ_SIGNAL(undoAvailable(bool)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotUndoAvailable(bool))); connect(&undoManager, TQ_SIGNAL(undoTextChanged(const TQString&)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotUndoTextChanged(const TQString&))); KStdAction::redo(&undoManager, TQ_SLOT(redo()), actionCollection()); connect(&undoManager, TQ_SIGNAL(redoAvailable(bool)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotRedoAvailable(bool))); connect(&undoManager, TQ_SIGNAL(redoTextChanged(const TQString&)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotRedoTextChanged(const TQString&))); KStdAction::cut(this, TQ_SLOT(cut()), actionCollection()); KStdAction::copy(this, TQ_SLOT(copy()), actionCollection()); KStdAction::paste(this, TQ_SLOT(paste()), actionCollection()); new TDEAction(i18n("Select All"), "Ctrl+A", this, TQ_SLOT(selectAll()), actionCollection(), "select_all"); new TDEAction(i18n("Invert Selection"), "Ctrl+Shift+A", this, TQ_SLOT(invertSelection()), actionCollection(), "invert_selection"); // setup 'View' menu KStdAction::zoomIn(this, TQ_SLOT(zoomIn()), actionCollection()); KStdAction::zoomOut(this, TQ_SLOT(zoomOut()), actionCollection()); TDERadioAction* iconsView = new TDERadioAction(i18n("Icons"), "Ctrl+1", this, TQ_SLOT(setIconsView()), actionCollection(), "icons"); iconsView->setExclusiveGroup("view_mode"); iconsView->setIcon("view_icon"); TDERadioAction* detailsView = new TDERadioAction(i18n("Details"), "Ctrl+2", this, TQ_SLOT(setDetailsView()), actionCollection(), "details"); detailsView->setExclusiveGroup("view_mode"); detailsView->setIcon("view_text"); TDERadioAction* previewsView = new TDERadioAction(i18n("Previews"), "Ctrl+3", this, TQ_SLOT(setPreviewsView()), actionCollection(), "previews"); previewsView->setExclusiveGroup("view_mode"); previewsView->setIcon("gvdirpart"); TDERadioAction* sortByName = new TDERadioAction(i18n("By Name"), 0, this, TQ_SLOT(sortByName()), actionCollection(), "by_name"); sortByName->setExclusiveGroup("sort"); TDERadioAction* sortBySize = new TDERadioAction(i18n("By Size"), 0, this, TQ_SLOT(sortBySize()), actionCollection(), "by_size"); sortBySize->setExclusiveGroup("sort"); TDERadioAction* sortByDate = new TDERadioAction(i18n("By Date"), 0, this, TQ_SLOT(sortByDate()), actionCollection(), "by_date"); sortByDate->setExclusiveGroup("sort"); new TDEToggleAction(i18n("Descending"), 0, this, TQ_SLOT(toggleSortOrder()), actionCollection(), "descending"); new TDEToggleAction(i18n("Show Hidden Files"), "Alt+.", this, TQ_SLOT(showHiddenFiles()), actionCollection(), "show_hidden_files"); TDEToggleAction* splitAction = new TDEToggleAction(i18n("Split View"), "F10", this, TQ_SLOT(toggleSplitView()), actionCollection(), "split_view"); splitAction->setIcon("view_left_right"); TDEAction* reloadAction = new TDEAction(i18n("Reload"), "F5", this, TQ_SLOT(reloadView()), actionCollection(), "reload"); reloadAction->setIcon("reload"); TDEAction* stopAction = new TDEAction(i18n("Stop"), 0, this, TQ_SLOT(stopLoading()), actionCollection(), "stop"); stopAction->setIcon("process-stop"); new TDEAction(i18n("Edit Location"), "Ctrl+L", this, TQ_SLOT(editLocation()), actionCollection(), "edit_location"); new TDEAction(i18n("Browse"), "Ctrl+B", this, TQ_SLOT(browse()), actionCollection(), "browse"); new TDEToggleAction(i18n("Left Sidebar"), "F8", this, TQ_SLOT(toggleleftSidebar()), actionCollection(), "leftsidebar"); new TDEToggleAction(i18n("Right Sidebar"), "F9", this, TQ_SLOT(togglerightSidebar()), actionCollection(), "rightsidebar"); new TDEAction(i18n("Adjust View Properties..."), 0, this, TQ_SLOT(adjustViewProperties()), actionCollection(), "view_properties"); // setup 'Go' menu KStdAction::back(this, TQ_SLOT(goBack()), actionCollection()); KStdAction::forward(this, TQ_SLOT(goForward()), actionCollection()); KStdAction::up(this, TQ_SLOT(goUp()), actionCollection()); KStdAction::home(this, TQ_SLOT(goHome()), actionCollection()); // setup 'Tools' menu TDEAction* openTerminalAction = new TDEAction(i18n("Open Terminal"), "F4", this, TQ_SLOT(openTerminal()), actionCollection(), "open_terminal"); openTerminalAction->setIcon("konsole"); TDEAction* findFileAction = new TDEAction(i18n("Find File..."), "Ctrl+F", this, TQ_SLOT(findFile()), actionCollection(), "find_file"); findFileAction->setIcon("filefind"); new TDEToggleAction(i18n("Show Filter Bar"), "filter", "/", this, TQ_SLOT(showFilterBar()), actionCollection(), "show_filter_bar"); TDEAction* compareFilesAction = new TDEAction(i18n("Compare Files"), 0, this, TQ_SLOT(compareFiles()), actionCollection(), "compare_files"); compareFilesAction->setIcon("kompare"); compareFilesAction->setEnabled(false); // setup 'Settings' menu KStdAction::preferences(this, TQ_SLOT(editSettings()), actionCollection()); } void Dolphin::setupCreateNewMenuActions() { // Parts of the following code have been taken // from the class KNewMenu located in // libqonq/knewmenu.h of Konqueror. // Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 David Faure // 2003 Sven Leiber TQStringList files = actionCollection()->instance()->dirs()->findAllResources("templates"); for (TQStringList::Iterator it = files.begin() ; it != files.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)[0] != '.' ) { KSimpleConfig config(*it, true); config.setDesktopGroup(); // tricky solution to ensure that TextFile is at the beginning // because this filetype is the most used (according kde-core discussion) const TQString name(config.readEntry("Name")); TQString key(name); const TQString path(config.readPathEntry("URL")); if (!path.endsWith("emptydir")) { if (path.endsWith("TextFile.txt")) { key = "1" + key; } else if (!KDesktopFile::isDesktopFile(path)) { key = "2" + key; } else if (path.endsWith("URL.desktop")){ key = "3" + key; } else if (path.endsWith("Program.desktop")){ key = "4" + key; } else { key = "5"; } const TQString icon(config.readEntry("Icon")); const TQString comment(config.readEntry("Comment")); const TQString type(config.readEntry("Type")); const TQString filePath(*it); if (type == "Link") { CreateFileEntry entry; entry.name = name; entry.icon = icon; entry.comment = comment; entry.templatePath = filePath; m_createFileTemplates.insert(key, entry); } } } } m_createFileTemplates.sort(); unplugActionList("create_actions"); KSortableValueList::ConstIterator it = m_createFileTemplates.begin(); KSortableValueList::ConstIterator end = m_createFileTemplates.end(); while (it != end) { CreateFileEntry entry = (*it).value(); TDEAction* action = new TDEAction(entry.name); action->setIcon(entry.icon); action->setName((*it).index().ascii()); connect(action, TQ_SIGNAL(activated()), this, TQ_SLOT(createFile())); const TQChar section = ((*it).index()[0]); switch (section) { case '1': case '2': { m_fileGroupActions.append(action); break; } case '3': case '4': { // TODO: not used yet. See documentation of Dolphin::linkGroupActions() // and Dolphin::linkToDeviceActions() in the header file for details. //m_linkGroupActions.append(action); break; } case '5': { // TODO: not used yet. See documentation of Dolphin::linkGroupActions() // and Dolphin::linkToDeviceActions() in the header file for details. //m_linkToDeviceActions.append(action); break; } default: break; } ++it; } plugActionList("create_file_group", m_fileGroupActions); //plugActionList("create_link_group", m_linkGroupActions); //plugActionList("link_to_device", m_linkToDeviceActions); } void Dolphin::updateHistory() { int index = 0; const TQValueList list = m_activeView->urlHistory(index); TDEAction* backAction = actionCollection()->action("go_back"); if (backAction != 0) { backAction->setEnabled(index < static_cast(list.count()) - 1); } TDEAction* forwardAction = actionCollection()->action("go_forward"); if (forwardAction != 0) { forwardAction->setEnabled(index > 0); } } void Dolphin::updateEditActions() { const KFileItemList* list = m_activeView->selectedItems(); if ((list == 0) || (*list).isEmpty()) { stateChanged("has_no_selection"); } else { stateChanged("has_selection"); TDEAction* renameAction = actionCollection()->action("rename"); if (renameAction != 0) { renameAction->setEnabled(list->count() >= 1); } bool enableMoveToTrash = true; KFileItemListIterator it(*list); KFileItem* item = 0; while ((item = it.current()) != 0) { const KURL& url = item->url(); // only enable the 'Move to Trash' action for local files if (!url.isLocalFile()) { enableMoveToTrash = false; } ++it; } TDEAction* moveToTrashAction = actionCollection()->action("move_to_trash"); moveToTrashAction->setEnabled(enableMoveToTrash); } updatePasteAction(); } void Dolphin::updateViewActions() { TDEAction* zoomInAction = actionCollection()->action(KStdAction::stdName(KStdAction::ZoomIn)); if (zoomInAction != 0) { zoomInAction->setEnabled(m_activeView->isZoomInPossible()); } TDEAction* zoomOutAction = actionCollection()->action(KStdAction::stdName(KStdAction::ZoomOut)); if (zoomOutAction != 0) { zoomOutAction->setEnabled(m_activeView->isZoomOutPossible()); } TDEAction* action = 0; switch (m_activeView->mode()) { case DolphinView::IconsView: action = actionCollection()->action("icons"); break; case DolphinView::DetailsView: action = actionCollection()->action("details"); break; case DolphinView::PreviewsView: action = actionCollection()->action("previews"); break; default: break; } if (action != 0) { TDEToggleAction* toggleAction = static_cast(action); toggleAction->setChecked(true); } slotSortingChanged(m_activeView->sorting()); slotSortOrderChanged(m_activeView->sortOrder()); TDEToggleAction* showFilterBarAction = static_cast(actionCollection()->action("show_filter_bar")); showFilterBarAction->setChecked(m_activeView->isFilterBarVisible()); TDEToggleAction* showHiddenFilesAction = static_cast(actionCollection()->action("show_hidden_files")); showHiddenFilesAction->setChecked(m_activeView->isShowHiddenFilesEnabled()); TDEToggleAction* splitAction = static_cast(actionCollection()->action("split_view")); splitAction->setChecked(m_view[SecondaryIdx] != 0); TDEToggleAction* leftsidebarAction = static_cast(actionCollection()->action("leftsidebar")); leftsidebarAction->setChecked(m_leftsidebar != 0); TDEToggleAction* rightsidebarAction = static_cast(actionCollection()->action("rightsidebar")); rightsidebarAction->setChecked(m_rightsidebar != 0); } void Dolphin::updateGoActions() { TDEAction* goUpAction = actionCollection()->action(KStdAction::stdName(KStdAction::Up)); const KURL& currentURL = m_activeView->url(); goUpAction->setEnabled(currentURL.upURL() != currentURL); } void Dolphin::updateViewProperties(const KURL::List& urls) { if (urls.isEmpty()) { return; } // Updating the view properties might take up to several seconds // when dragging several thousand URLs. Writing a TDEIO slave for this // use case is not worth the effort, but at least the main widget // must be disabled and a progress should be shown. ProgressIndicator progressIndicator(i18n("Updating view properties..."), TQString(), urls.count()); KURL::List::ConstIterator end = urls.end(); for(KURL::List::ConstIterator it = urls.begin(); it != end; ++it) { progressIndicator.execOperation(); ViewProperties props(*it); props.save(); } } void Dolphin::copyURLs(const KURL::List& source, const KURL& dest) { TDEIO::Job* job = TDEIO::copy(source, dest); addPendingUndoJob(job, DolphinCommand::Copy, source, dest); } void Dolphin::moveURLs(const KURL::List& source, const KURL& dest) { TDEIO::Job* job = TDEIO::move(source, dest); addPendingUndoJob(job, DolphinCommand::Move, source, dest); } void Dolphin::addPendingUndoJob(TDEIO::Job* job, DolphinCommand::Type commandType, const KURL::List& source, const KURL& dest) { connect(job, TQ_SIGNAL(result(TDEIO::Job*)), this, TQ_SLOT(addUndoOperation(TDEIO::Job*))); UndoInfo undoInfo; undoInfo.id = job->progressId(); undoInfo.command = DolphinCommand(commandType, source, dest); m_pendingUndoJobs.append(undoInfo); } void Dolphin::clearStatusBar() { m_activeView->statusBar()->clear(); } void Dolphin::openleftSidebar() { if (m_leftsidebar != 0) { // the sidebar is already open return; } m_leftsidebar = new leftSidebar(m_splitter); m_leftsidebar->show(); connect(m_leftsidebar, TQ_SIGNAL(urlChanged(const KURL&)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotURLChangeRequest(const KURL&))); m_splitter->setCollapsible(m_leftsidebar, false); m_splitter->setResizeMode(m_leftsidebar, TQSplitter::KeepSize); m_splitter->moveToFirst(m_leftsidebar); leftSidebarSettings* settings = DolphinSettings::instance().leftsidebar(); settings->setVisible(true); } void Dolphin::openrightSidebar() { if (m_rightsidebar != 0) { // the sidebar is already open return; } m_rightsidebar = new rightSidebar(m_splitter); m_rightsidebar->show(); connect(m_rightsidebar, TQ_SIGNAL(urlChanged(const KURL&)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotURLChangeRequest(const KURL&))); m_splitter->setCollapsible(m_rightsidebar, false); m_splitter->setResizeMode(m_rightsidebar, TQSplitter::KeepSize); m_splitter->moveToLast(m_rightsidebar); rightSidebarSettings* settings = DolphinSettings::instance().rightsidebar(); settings->setVisible(true); } void Dolphin::closeleftSidebar() { if (m_leftsidebar == 0) { // the sidebar has already been closed return; } // store width of sidebar and remember that the sidebar has been closed leftSidebarSettings* settings = DolphinSettings::instance().leftsidebar(); settings->setVisible(false); settings->setWidth(m_leftsidebar->width()); m_leftsidebar->deleteLater(); m_leftsidebar = 0; } void Dolphin::closerightSidebar() { if (m_rightsidebar == 0) { // the sidebar has already been closed return; } // store width of sidebar and remember that the sidebar has been closed rightSidebarSettings* settings = DolphinSettings::instance().rightsidebar(); settings->setVisible(false); settings->setWidth(m_rightsidebar->width()); m_rightsidebar->deleteLater(); m_rightsidebar = 0; } void Dolphin::toggleleftSidebar() { if (m_leftsidebar == 0) { openleftSidebar(); } else { closeleftSidebar(); } TDEToggleAction* leftsidebarAction = static_cast(actionCollection()->action("leftsidebar")); leftsidebarAction->setChecked(m_leftsidebar != 0); } void Dolphin::togglerightSidebar() { if (m_rightsidebar == 0) { openrightSidebar(); } else { closerightSidebar(); } TDEToggleAction* rightsidebarAction = static_cast(actionCollection()->action("rightsidebar")); rightsidebarAction->setChecked(m_rightsidebar != 0); } #include "dolphin.moc"