** Implementation of TQFontDialog
** Created : 970605
** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
** This file is part of the dialogs module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
** http://trolltech.com/products/qt/licenses/licensing/opensource/.
** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
** review the following information:
** http://trolltech.com/products/qt/licenses/licensing/licensingoverview
** or contact the sales department at sales@trolltech.com.
** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
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** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
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** herein.

#include "tqwindowdefs.h"


#include "tqfontdialog.h"

#include "tqlineedit.h"
#include "tqlistbox.h"
#include "tqpushbutton.h"
#include "tqcheckbox.h"
#include "tqcombobox.h"
#include "tqlayout.h"
#include "tqvgroupbox.h"
#include "tqhgroupbox.h"
#include "tqlabel.h"
#include "tqapplication.h"
#include "tqfontdatabase.h"
#include "tqstyle.h"
#include <private/tqfontdata_p.h>
#include <tqvalidator.h>

  \class TQFontDialog tqfontdialog.h
  \ingroup dialogs
  \brief The TQFontDialog class provides a dialog widget for selecting a font.

  The usual way to use this class is to call one of the static convenience
  functions, e.g. getFont().


    bool ok;
    TQFont font = TQFontDialog::getFont(
		    &ok, TQFont( "Helvetica [Cronyx]", 10 ), this );
    if ( ok ) {
	// font is set to the font the user selected
    } else {
	// the user canceled the dialog; font is set to the initial
	// value, in this case Helvetica [Cronyx], 10

    The dialog can also be used to set a widget's font directly:
    myWidget.setFont( TQFontDialog::getFont( 0, myWidget.font() ) );
  If the user clicks OK the font they chose will be used for myWidget,
  and if they click Cancel the original font is used.

  \sa TQFont TQFontInfo TQFontMetrics

  <img src=qfontdlg-w.png>

class TQFontDialogPrivate
    TQFontDialogPrivate() : script( TQFontPrivate::defaultScript ) {};
    TQLabel * familyAccel;
    TQLineEdit * familyEdit;
    TQListBox * familyList;

    TQLabel * styleAccel;
    TQLineEdit * styleEdit;
    TQListBox * styleList;

    TQLabel * sizeAccel;
    TQLineEdit * sizeEdit;
    TQListBox * sizeList;

    TQVGroupBox * effects;
    TQCheckBox * strikeout;
    TQCheckBox * underline;
    TQComboBox * color;

    TQHGroupBox * sample;
    TQLineEdit * sampleEdit;

    TQLabel * scriptAccel;
    TQComboBox * scriptCombo;

    TQPushButton * ok;
    TQPushButton * cancel;

    TQBoxLayout * buttonLayout;
    TQBoxLayout * effectsLayout;
    TQBoxLayout * sampleLayout;
    TQBoxLayout * sampleEditLayout;

    TQFontDatabase fdb;

    TQString       family;
    TQFont::Script script;
    TQString       style;
    int           size;

    bool smoothScalable;

  Constructs a standard font dialog.

  Use setFont() to set the initial font attributes.

  The \a tqparent, \a name, \a modal and \a f parameters are passed to
  the TQDialog constructor.

  \sa getFont()

TQFontDialog::TQFontDialog( TQWidget *tqparent, const char *name,
			  bool modal, WFlags f )
    : TQDialog( tqparent, name, modal, f )
    setSizeGripEnabled( TRUE );
    d = new TQFontDialogPrivate;
    // grid
    d->familyEdit = new TQLineEdit( this, "font family I" );
    d->familyEdit->setReadOnly( TRUE );
    d->familyList = new TQListBox( this, "font family II" );
    d->familyEdit->setFocusProxy( d->familyList );

	= new TQLabel( d->familyList, tr("&Font"), this, "family accelerator" );
    d->familyAccel->setIndent( 2 );

    d->styleEdit = new TQLineEdit( this, "font style I" );
    d->styleEdit->setReadOnly( TRUE );
    d->styleList = new TQListBox( this, "font style II" );
    d->styleEdit->setFocusProxy( d->styleList );

	= new TQLabel( d->styleList, tr("Font st&yle"), this, "style accelerator" );
    d->styleAccel->setIndent( 2 );

    d->sizeEdit = new TQLineEdit( this, "font size I" );
    d->sizeEdit->setFocusPolicy( Qt::ClickFocus );
    TQIntValidator *validator = new TQIntValidator( 1, 512, TQT_TQOBJECT(this) );
    d->sizeEdit->setValidator( validator );
    d->sizeList = new TQListBox( this, "font size II" );

	= new TQLabel ( d->sizeEdit, tr("&Size"), this, "size accelerator" );
    d->sizeAccel->setIndent( 2 );

    // effects box
    d->effects = new TQVGroupBox( tr("Effects"), this, "font effects" );
    d->strikeout = new TQCheckBox( d->effects, "strikeout on/off" );
    d->strikeout->setText( tr("Stri&keout") );
    d->underline = new TQCheckBox( d->effects, "underline on/off" );
    d->underline->setText( tr("&Underline") );

    d->sample = new TQHGroupBox( tr("Sample"), this, "sample text" );
    d->sampleEdit = new TQLineEdit( d->sample, "r/w sample text" );
    d->sampleEdit->tqsetSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Ignored, TQSizePolicy::Ignored) );
    d->sampleEdit->tqsetAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter );
    // Note that the sample text is *not* translated with tr(), as the
    // characters used depend on the charset encoding.
    d->sampleEdit->setText( "AaBbYyZz" );

    d->scriptCombo = new TQComboBox( FALSE, this, "font encoding" );

	= new TQLabel( d->scriptCombo, tr("Scr&ipt"), this,"encoding label");
    d->scriptAccel->setIndent( 2 );

    d->size = 0;
    d->smoothScalable = FALSE;

    connect( d->scriptCombo, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)),
	     TQT_SLOT(scriptHighlighted(int)) );
    connect( d->familyList, TQT_SIGNAL(highlighted(int)),
	     TQT_SLOT(familyHighlighted(int)) );
    connect( d->styleList, TQT_SIGNAL(highlighted(int)),
	     TQT_SLOT(styleHighlighted(int)) );
    connect( d->sizeList, TQT_SIGNAL(highlighted(const TQString&)),
	     TQT_SLOT(sizeHighlighted(const TQString&)) );
    connect( d->sizeEdit, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString&)),
	     TQT_SLOT(sizeChanged(const TQString&)) );

    connect( d->strikeout, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()),
	     TQT_SLOT(updateSample()) );
    connect( d->underline, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()),
	     TQT_SLOT(updateSample()) );


    for (int i = 0; i < TQFont::NScripts; i++) {
	TQString scriptname = TQFontDatabase::scriptName((TQFont::Script) i);
	if ( !scriptname.isEmpty() )
	    d->scriptCombo->insertItem( scriptname );

    if ( d->familyList->count() != 0 )
	d->familyList->setCurrentItem( 0 );

    // grid tqlayout
    TQGridLayout * mainGrid = new TQGridLayout( this, 9, 6, 12, 0 );

    mainGrid->addWidget( d->familyAccel, 0, 0 );
    mainGrid->addWidget( d->familyEdit, 1, 0 );
    mainGrid->addWidget( d->familyList, 2, 0 );

    mainGrid->addWidget( d->styleAccel, 0, 2 );
    mainGrid->addWidget( d->styleEdit, 1, 2 );
    mainGrid->addWidget( d->styleList, 2, 2 );

    mainGrid->addWidget( d->sizeAccel, 0, 4 );
    mainGrid->addWidget( d->sizeEdit, 1, 4 );
    mainGrid->addWidget( d->sizeList, 2, 4 );

    mainGrid->setColStretch( 0, 38 );
    mainGrid->setColStretch( 2, 24 );
    mainGrid->setColStretch( 4, 10 );

    mainGrid->addColSpacing( 1, 6 );
    mainGrid->addColSpacing( 3, 6 );
    mainGrid->addColSpacing( 5, 6 );

    mainGrid->addRowSpacing( 3, 12 );

    mainGrid->addWidget( d->effects, 4, 0 );

    mainGrid->addMultiCellWidget( d->sample, 4, 7, 2, 4 );

    mainGrid->addWidget( d->scriptAccel, 5, 0 );
    mainGrid->addRowSpacing( 6, 2 );
    mainGrid->addWidget( d->scriptCombo, 7, 0 );

    mainGrid->addRowSpacing( 8, 12 );

    TQHBoxLayout *buttonBox = new TQHBoxLayout;
    mainGrid->addMultiCell( TQT_TQLAYOUTITEM(buttonBox), 9, 9, 0, 4 );

    buttonBox->addStretch( 1 );
    TQString okt = modal ? tr("OK") : tr("Apply");
    d->ok = new TQPushButton( okt, this, "accept font selection" );
    buttonBox->addWidget( d->ok );
    if ( modal )
	connect( d->ok, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(accept()) );
    d->ok->setDefault( TRUE );

    buttonBox->addSpacing( 12 );

    TQString cancelt = modal ? tr("Cancel") : tr("Close");
    d->cancel = new TQPushButton( cancelt, this, "cancel/close" );
    buttonBox->addWidget( d->cancel );
    connect( d->cancel, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(reject()) );

    resize( 500, 360 );

    d->sizeEdit->installEventFilter( this );
    d->familyList->installEventFilter( this );
    d->styleList->installEventFilter( this );
    d->sizeList->installEventFilter( this );


 Destroys the font dialog and frees up its storage.

    delete d;
    d = 0;

  Executes a modal font dialog and returns a font.

  If the user clicks OK, the selected font is returned. If the user
  clicks Cancel, the \a initial font is returned.

  The dialog is called \a name, with the tqparent \a tqparent.
  \a initial is the initially selected font.
  If the \a ok parameter is not-null, \e *\a ok is set to TRUE if the
  user clicked OK, and set to FALSE if the user clicked Cancel.

  This static function is less flexible than the full TQFontDialog
  object, but is convenient and easy to use.

    bool ok;
    TQFont font = TQFontDialog::getFont( &ok, TQFont( "Times", 12 ), this );
    if ( ok ) {
	// font is set to the font the user selected
    } else {
	// the user canceled the dialog; font is set to the initial
	// value, in this case Times, 12.

    The dialog can also be used to set a widget's font directly:
    myWidget.setFont( TQFontDialog::getFont( 0, myWidget.font() ) );
  In this example, if the user clicks OK the font they chose will be
  used, and if they click Cancel the original font is used.
TQFont TQFontDialog::getFont( bool *ok, const TQFont &initial,
			    TQWidget *tqparent, const char* name)
    return getFont( ok, &initial, tqparent, name );


  Executes a modal font dialog and returns a font.

  If the user clicks OK, the selected font is returned. If the user
  clicks Cancel, the TQt default font is returned.

  The dialog is called \a name, with tqparent \a tqparent.
  If the \a ok parameter is not-null, \e *\a ok is set to TRUE if the
  user clicked OK, and FALSE if the user clicked Cancel.

  This static function is less functional than the full TQFontDialog
  object, but is convenient and easy to use.

    bool ok;
    TQFont font = TQFontDialog::getFont( &ok, this );
    if ( ok ) {
	// font is set to the font the user selected
    } else {
	// the user canceled the dialog; font is set to the default
	// application font, TQApplication::font()

TQFont TQFontDialog::getFont( bool *ok, TQWidget *tqparent,const char* name)
    return getFont( ok, 0, tqparent, name );

TQFont TQFontDialog::getFont( bool *ok, const TQFont *def,
			    TQWidget *tqparent, const char* name)
    TQFont result;
    if ( def )
	result = *def;

    TQFontDialog *dlg = new TQFontDialog( tqparent, name, TRUE );

    dlg->setFont( ( def ? *def : TQFont() ) );
    dlg->setCaption( tr("Select Font") );

    bool res = (dlg->exec() == TQDialog::Accepted);
    if ( res )
	result = dlg->font();
    if ( ok )
	*ok = res;
    delete dlg;
    return result;

    An event filter to make the Up, Down, PageUp and PageDown keys work
    correctly in the line edits. The source of the event is the object
    \a o and the event is \a e.

bool TQFontDialog::eventFilter( TQObject * o , TQEvent * e )
    if ( e->type() == TQEvent::KeyPress) {
	TQKeyEvent * k = (TQKeyEvent *)e;
	if ( TQT_BASE_OBJECT(o) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(d->sizeEdit) &&
        (k->key() == Qt::Key_Up ||
	     k->key() == Qt::Key_Down ||
         k->key() == TQt::Key_Prior ||
         k->key() == TQt::Key_Next) ) {

	    int ci = d->sizeList->currentItem();
	    (void)TQApplication::sendEvent( d->sizeList, k );

	    if ( ci != d->sizeList->currentItem() &&
		tqstyle().tqstyleHint(TQStyle::SH_FontDialog_SelectAssociatedText, this))
	    return TRUE;
	} else if ( ( TQT_BASE_OBJECT(o) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(d->familyList) || TQT_BASE_OBJECT(o) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(d->styleList) ) &&
	            ( k->key() == Qt::Key_Return || k->key() == Qt::Key_Enter) ) {
	    return TRUE;
    } else if ( e->type() == TQEvent::FocusIn &&
		tqstyle().tqstyleHint(TQStyle::SH_FontDialog_SelectAssociatedText, this) ) {
	if ( TQT_BASE_OBJECT(o) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(d->familyList) )
	else if ( TQT_BASE_OBJECT(o) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(d->styleList) )
	else if ( TQT_BASE_OBJECT(o) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(d->sizeList) )
    } else if ( e->type() == TQEvent::MouseButtonPress && TQT_BASE_OBJECT(o) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(d->sizeList) ) {
    return TQDialog::eventFilter( o, e );

#ifdef TQ_WS_MAC

#include "tqpainter.h"
#include <sizeedit.h>

class TQListBoxFontText : public TQListBoxText
    TQFont cfont;
    TQListBoxFontText( const TQString & text );
    ~TQListBoxFontText() { }

    int	 height( const TQListBox * ) const;
    int	 width( const TQListBox * )  const;

    void  paint( TQPainter * );

TQListBoxFontText::TQListBoxFontText( const TQString & text )
    : TQListBoxText(text), cfont(text)

int TQListBoxFontText::height( const TQListBox * ) const
    TQFontMetrics fm(cfont);
    return TQMAX( fm.lineSpacing() + 2, TQApplication::globalStrut().height() );

int TQListBoxFontText::width( const TQListBox * )  const
    TQFontMetrics fm(cfont);
    return TQMAX( fm.width( text() ) + 6, TQApplication::globalStrut().width() );

void TQListBoxFontText::paint( TQPainter *painter )


    Updates the contents of the "font family" list box. This
  function can be reimplemented if you have special requirements.

void TQFontDialog::updateFamilies()
    d->familyList->blockSignals( TRUE );


    TQStringList familyNames = d->fdb.tqfamilies(d->script);
	// merge the tqunicode/unknown family list with the above list.
	TQStringList l = d->fdb.tqfamilies(TQFont::Unicode) +
	TQStringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin(), end = l.end();
	for (; it != end; ++it) {
	    if (! familyNames.tqcontains(*it))
		familyNames << *it;


    TQStringList::Iterator it = familyNames.begin();
    int idx = 0;
    for( ; it != familyNames.end() ; ++it )
	d->familyList->insertItem(new TQListBoxFontText(*it), idx++);
    d->familyList->insertStringList( familyNames );

    TQString foundryName1, familyName1, foundryName2, familyName2;
    int bestFamilyMatch = -1;
    match_t bestFamilyType = MATCH_NONE;

    TQFont f;

    // ##### do the right thing for a list of family names in the font.
    TQFontDatabase::tqparseFontName(d->family, foundryName1, familyName1);

    TQStringList::Iterator it = familyNames.begin();
    int i = 0;
    for( ; it != familyNames.end(); ++it, ++i ) {

	TQFontDatabase::tqparseFontName(*it, foundryName2, familyName2);

	//try to match..
	if ( familyName1 == familyName2 ) {
	    bestFamilyType = MATCH_FAMILY;
	    if ( foundryName1 == foundryName2 ) {
		bestFamilyMatch = i;
	    if ( bestFamilyMatch < MATCH_FAMILY )
		bestFamilyMatch = i;

	//and try some fall backs
	match_t type = MATCH_NONE;
	if ( bestFamilyType <= MATCH_NONE && familyName2 == f.lastResortFamily() )
	if ( bestFamilyType <= MATCH_LAST_RESORT && familyName2 == f.family() )
		type = MATCH_APP;
	// ### add fallback for script
	if ( type != MATCH_NONE ) {
	    bestFamilyType = type;
	    bestFamilyMatch = i;

    if (i != -1 && bestFamilyType != MATCH_NONE)
	d->familyList->setCurrentItem( 0 );
    d->familyEdit->setText( d->familyList->currentText() );
    if ( tqstyle().tqstyleHint(TQStyle::SH_FontDialog_SelectAssociatedText, this) &&
	 d->familyList->hasFocus() )

    d->familyList->blockSignals( FALSE );

    Updates the contents of the "font style" list box. This
  function can be reimplemented if you have special requirements.

void TQFontDialog::updateStyles()
    d->styleList->blockSignals( TRUE );


    TQStringList styles = d->fdb.tqstyles( d->familyList->currentText() );

    if ( styles.isEmpty() ) {
	d->smoothScalable = FALSE;
    } else {
	d->styleList->insertStringList( styles );

	if ( !d->style.isEmpty() ) {
	    bool found = FALSE;
	    bool first = TRUE;
	    TQString cstyle = d->style;
	    for ( int i = 0 ; i < (int)d->styleList->count() ; i++ ) {
		if ( cstyle == d->styleList->text(i) ) {
		    d->styleList->setCurrentItem( i );
		    found = TRUE;
	    if (!found && first) {
		if (cstyle.tqcontains("Italic")) {
		    cstyle.tqreplace("Italic", "Oblique");
		    first = FALSE;
		    goto redo;
		} else if (cstyle.tqcontains("Oblique")) {
		    cstyle.tqreplace("Oblique", "Italic");
		    first = FALSE;
		    goto redo;
	    if ( !found )
		d->styleList->setCurrentItem( 0 );

	d->styleEdit->setText( d->styleList->currentText() );
	if ( tqstyle().tqstyleHint(TQStyle::SH_FontDialog_SelectAssociatedText, this) &&
	     d->styleList->hasFocus() )

	d->smoothScalable = d->fdb.isSmoothlyScalable( d->familyList->currentText(), d->styleList->currentText() );

    d->styleList->blockSignals( FALSE );


    Updates the contents of the "font size" list box. This
  function can be reimplemented if you have special requirements.

void TQFontDialog::updateSizes()
    d->sizeList->blockSignals( TRUE );


    if ( !d->familyList->currentText().isEmpty() ) {
	TQValueList<int> sizes = d->fdb.tqpointSizes( d->familyList->currentText(), d->styleList->currentText() );

	int i = 0;
	bool found = FALSE;
	for( TQValueList<int>::iterator it = sizes.begin() ; it != sizes.end(); ++it ) {
	    d->sizeList->insertItem( TQT_TQSTRING(TQString::number( *it )) );
	    if ( !found && *it >= d->size ) {
		d->sizeList->setCurrentItem( i );
		found = TRUE;
	if ( !found ) {
	    // we request a size bigger than the ones in the list, select the biggest one
	    d->sizeList->setCurrentItem( d->sizeList->count() - 1 );

	d->sizeEdit->blockSignals( TRUE );
	d->sizeEdit->setText( ( d->smoothScalable ? TQString::number( d->size ) : d->sizeList->currentText() ) );
	if ( tqstyle().tqstyleHint(TQStyle::SH_FontDialog_SelectAssociatedText, this) &&
	     d->sizeList->hasFocus() )
	d->sizeEdit->blockSignals( FALSE );
    } else {

    d->sizeList->blockSignals( FALSE );

void TQFontDialog::updateSample()
    if ( d->familyList->currentText().isEmpty() )
	d->sampleEdit->setFont( font() );

void TQFontDialog::scriptHighlighted( int index )
    d->script = (TQFont::Script)index;
    d->sampleEdit->setText( d->fdb.scriptSample( d->script ) );

void TQFontDialog::familyHighlighted( int i )
    d->family = d->familyList->text( i );
    d->familyEdit->setText( d->family );
    if ( tqstyle().tqstyleHint(TQStyle::SH_FontDialog_SelectAssociatedText, this) &&
	 d->familyList->hasFocus() )



void TQFontDialog::styleHighlighted( int index )
    TQString s = d->styleList->text( index );
    d->styleEdit->setText( s );
    if ( tqstyle().tqstyleHint(TQStyle::SH_FontDialog_SelectAssociatedText, this) &&
	 d->styleList->hasFocus() )

    d->style = s;



void TQFontDialog::sizeHighlighted( const TQString &s )
    d->sizeEdit->setText( s );
    if ( tqstyle().tqstyleHint(TQStyle::SH_FontDialog_SelectAssociatedText, this) &&
	 d->sizeEdit->hasFocus() )

    d->size = s.toInt();

    This slot is called if the user changes the font size.
    The size is passed in the \a s argument as a \e string.

void TQFontDialog::sizeChanged( const TQString &s )
    // no need to check if the conversion is valid, since we have an TQIntValidator in the size edit
    int size = s.toInt();
    if ( d->size == size )

    d->size = size;
    if ( d->sizeList->count() != 0 ) {
	int i;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < (int)d->sizeList->count() - 1 ; i++ ) {
	    if ( d->sizeList->text(i).toInt() >= d->size )
	d->sizeList->blockSignals( TRUE );
	d->sizeList->setCurrentItem( i );
	d->sizeList->blockSignals( FALSE );

  Sets the font highlighted in the TQFontDialog to font \a f.

  \sa font()

void TQFontDialog::setFont( const TQFont &f )
    d->family = f.family();
    d->style = d->fdb.styleString( f );
    d->size = f.pointSize();
    if ( d->size == -1 ) {
	    TQFontInfo fi( f );
	    d->size = fi.pointSize();
    d->strikeout->setChecked( f.strikeOut() );
    d->underline->setChecked( f.underline() );


  Returns the font which the user has chosen.

  \sa setFont()

TQFont TQFontDialog::font() const
    int pSize = d->sizeEdit->text().toInt();

    TQFont f = d->fdb.font( d->familyList->currentText(), d->style, pSize );
    f.setStrikeOut( d->strikeout->isChecked() );
    f.setUnderline( d->underline->isChecked() );
    return f;
