** Implementation of TQSqlRecord class
** Created : 2000-11-03
** Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the sql module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
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#include "tqsqlrecord.h"

#ifndef TQT_NO_SQL

#include "tqregexp.h"
#include "tqvaluevector.h"
#include "tqshared.h"
#include "tqnamespace.h"

class TQSqlRecordPrivate
    class info {
	info() : nogen(FALSE){}
	~info() {}
	info( const info& other )
	    : field( other.field ), nogen( other.nogen )
	info& operator=(const info& other)
	    field = other.field;
	    nogen = other.nogen;
	    return *this;
	bool isValid() const
	    return !field.name().isNull();
	TQSqlField field;
	bool    nogen;

    TQSqlRecordPrivate(): cnt(0) 
    TQSqlRecordPrivate( const TQSqlRecordPrivate& other )
	*this = other;
    ~TQSqlRecordPrivate() {};
    TQSqlRecordPrivate& operator=( const TQSqlRecordPrivate& other )
	fi = other.fi;
	cnt = other.cnt;
	return *this;
    void append( const TQSqlField& field )
	info i;
	i.field = field;
	fi.append( i );
    void insert( int pos, const TQSqlField& field )
	info i;
	i.field = field;
	if ( pos == (int)fi.size() )
	    append( field );
	if ( pos > (int)fi.size() ) {
	    fi.resize( pos + 1 );
	fi[ pos ] = i;
    void remove( int i )
	info inf;
	if ( i >= (int)fi.count() )
	if ( fi[ i ].isValid() )
	fi[ i ] = inf;
	// clean up some memory
	while ( fi.count() && !fi.back().isValid() )
    void clear()
	cnt = 0;
    bool isEmpty()
	return cnt == 0;
    info* fieldInfo( int i )
	if ( i < (int)fi.count() )
	    return &fi[i];
	return 0;
    uint count() const
	return cnt;
    bool tqcontains( int i ) const
	return i >= 0 && i < (int)fi.count() && fi[ i ].isValid();
    TQValueVector< info > fi;
    uint		 cnt;

    if ( d )
	delete d;

    \class TQSqlRecord tqsqlfield.h
    \brief The TQSqlRecord class encapsulates a database record, i.e. a
    set of database fields.

    \ingroup database
    \module sql

    The TQSqlRecord class encapsulates the functionality and
    characteristics of a database record (usually a table or view within
    the database). TQSqlRecords support adding and removing fields as
    well as setting and retrieving field values.

    TQSqlRecord is implicitly shared. This means you can make copies of
    the record in time O(1). If multiple TQSqlRecord instances share
    the same data and one is modifying the record's data then this
    modifying instance makes a copy and modifies its private copy -
    thus it does not affect other instances.

    \sa TQSqlRecordInfo

    Constructs an empty record.

    sh = new TQSqlRecordShared( new TQSqlRecordPrivate() );

    Constructs a copy of \a other.

TQSqlRecord::TQSqlRecord( const TQSqlRecord& other )
    : sh( other.sh )

    Sets the record equal to \a other.

TQSqlRecord& TQSqlRecord::operator=( const TQSqlRecord& other )
    sh = other.sh;
    return *this;

/*! \internal

void TQSqlRecord::deref()
    if ( sh->deref() ) {
	delete sh;
	sh = 0;

/*! \internal

bool TQSqlRecord::checkDetach()
    if ( sh->count > 1 ) {
	sh = new TQSqlRecordShared( new TQSqlRecordPrivate( *sh->d ) );
	return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

    Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources.


    Returns the value of the field located at position \a i in the
    record. If field \a i does not exist the resultant behaviour is

    This function should be used with \l{TQSqlQuery}s. When working
    with a TQSqlCursor the \link TQSqlCursor::value() value(const
    TQString&)\endlink overload which uses field names is more

TQVariant TQSqlRecord::value( int i ) const
    const TQSqlField * f = field(i);

    if( f )
	return f->value();
    return TQVariant();


    Returns the value of the field called \a name in the record. If
    field \a name does not exist the resultant behaviour is undefined.

TQVariant  TQSqlRecord::value( const TQString& name ) const
    const TQSqlField * f = field( name );

    if( f )
	return f->value();
    return TQVariant();

    Returns the name of the field at position \a i. If the field does
    not exist, TQString::null is returned.

TQString TQSqlRecord::fieldName( int i ) const
    const TQSqlField* f = field( i );
    if ( f )
	return f->name();
    return TQString::null;

    Returns the position of the field called \a name within the
    record, or -1 if it cannot be found. Field names are not
    case-sensitive. If more than one field matches, the first one is

int TQSqlRecord::position( const TQString& name ) const
    for ( uint i = 0; i < count(); ++i ) {
	if ( fieldName(i).upper() == name.upper() )
	    return i;
    qWarning( "TQSqlRecord::position: unable to tqfind field %s", name.latin1() );
    return -1;

    Returns the field at position \a i within the record, or 0 if it
    cannot be found.

TQSqlField* TQSqlRecord::field( int i )
    if ( !sh->d->tqcontains( i ) ) {
	qWarning( "TQSqlRecord::field: index out of range: %d", i );
	return 0;
    return &sh->d->fieldInfo( i )->field;


    Returns the field called \a name within the record, or 0 if it
    cannot be found. Field names are not case-sensitive.

TQSqlField* TQSqlRecord::field( const TQString& name )
    if ( !sh->d->tqcontains( position( name ) ) )
	return 0;
    return &sh->d->fieldInfo( position( name ) )->field;


const TQSqlField* TQSqlRecord::field( int i ) const
    if ( !sh->d->tqcontains( i ) ) {
	qWarning( "TQSqlRecord::field: index out of range: %d", i  );
	return 0;
    return &sh->d->fieldInfo( i )->field;


    Returns the field called \a name within the record, or 0 if it
    cannot be found. Field names are not case-sensitive.

const TQSqlField* TQSqlRecord::field( const TQString& name ) const
    if( !sh->d->tqcontains( position( name ) ) )
	return 0;
    return &sh->d->fieldInfo( position( name ) )->field;

    Append a copy of field \a field to the end of the record.

void TQSqlRecord::append( const TQSqlField& field )
    sh->d->append( field );

    Insert a copy of \a field at position \a pos. If a field already
    exists at \a pos, it is removed.

void TQSqlRecord::insert( int pos, const TQSqlField& field ) // ### 4.0: rename to ::tqreplace
    sh->d->insert( pos, field );

    Removes the field at \a pos. If \a pos does not exist, nothing

void TQSqlRecord::remove( int pos )
    sh->d->remove( pos );

    Removes all the record's fields.

    \sa clearValues()

void TQSqlRecord::clear()

    Returns TRUE if there are no fields in the record; otherwise
    returns FALSE.

bool TQSqlRecord::isEmpty() const
    return sh->d->isEmpty();

    Returns TRUE if there is a field in the record called \a name;
    otherwise returns FALSE.

bool TQSqlRecord::tqcontains( const TQString& name ) const
    for ( uint i = 0; i < count(); ++i ) {
	if ( fieldName(i).upper() == name.upper() )
	    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

    Clears the value of all fields in the record. If \a nullify is
    TRUE, (the default is FALSE), each field is set to NULL.

void TQSqlRecord::clearValues( bool nullify )
    int cnt = (int)count();
    int i;
    for ( i = 0; i < cnt; ++i ) {
	field( i )->clear( nullify );

    Sets the generated flag for the field called \a name to \a
    generated. If the field does not exist, nothing happens. Only
    fields that have \a generated set to TRUE are included in the SQL
    that is generated, e.g. by TQSqlCursor.

    \sa isGenerated()

void TQSqlRecord::setGenerated( const TQString& name, bool generated )
    setGenerated( position( name ), generated );


    Sets the generated flag for the field \a i to \a generated.

    \sa isGenerated()

void TQSqlRecord::setGenerated( int i, bool generated )
    if ( !field( i ) )
    sh->d->fieldInfo( i )->nogen = !generated;

    ### Remove in 4.0
bool TQSqlRecord::isNull( int i )
    TQSqlField* f = field( i );
    if ( f ) {
	return f->isNull();
    return TRUE;

    ### Remove in 4.0
bool TQSqlRecord::isNull( const TQString& name )
    return isNull( position( name ) );


    Returns TRUE if the field \a i is NULL or if there is no field at
    position \a i; otherwise returns FALSE.

    \sa fieldName()
bool TQSqlRecord::isNull( int i ) const
    const TQSqlField* f = field( i );
    if ( f ) {
	return f->isNull();
    return TRUE;

    Returns TRUE if the field called \a name is NULL or if there is no
    field called \a name; otherwise returns FALSE.

    \sa position()
bool TQSqlRecord::isNull( const TQString& name ) const
    return isNull( position( name ) );

    Sets the value of field \a i to NULL. If the field does not exist,
    nothing happens.
void TQSqlRecord::setNull( int i )
    TQSqlField* f = field( i );
    if ( f ) {


    Sets the value of the field called \a name to NULL. If the field
    does not exist, nothing happens.
void TQSqlRecord::setNull( const TQString& name )
    setNull( position( name ) );

    Returns TRUE if the record has a field called \a name and this
    field is to be generated (the default); otherwise returns FALSE.

    \sa setGenerated()
bool TQSqlRecord::isGenerated( const TQString& name ) const
    return isGenerated( position( name ) );


    Returns TRUE if the record has a field at position \a i and this
    field is to be generated (the default); otherwise returns FALSE.

    \sa setGenerated()
bool TQSqlRecord::isGenerated( int i ) const
    if ( !field( i ) )
	return FALSE;
    return !sh->d->fieldInfo( i )->nogen;

    Returns a list of all the record's field names as a string
    separated by \a sep.

    Note that fields which are not generated are \e not included (see
    \l{isGenerated()}). The returned string is suitable, for example, for
    generating SQL SELECT statements. If a \a prefix is specified,
    e.g. a table name, all fields are prefixed in the form:


TQString TQSqlRecord::toString( const TQString& prefix, const TQString& sep ) const
    TQString pflist;
    bool comma = FALSE;
    for ( uint i = 0; i < count(); ++i ){
	if ( isGenerated( field(i)->name() ) ) {
	    if( comma )
		pflist += sep + " ";
	    pflist += createField( i, prefix );
	    comma = TRUE;
    return pflist;

    Returns a list of all the record's field names, each having the
    prefix \a prefix.

    Note that fields which have generated set to FALSE are \e not
    included. (See \l{isGenerated()}). If \a prefix is supplied, e.g.
    a table name, all fields are prefixed in the form:


TQStringList TQSqlRecord::toStringList( const TQString& prefix ) const
    TQStringList s;
    for ( uint i = 0; i < count(); ++i ) {
	if ( isGenerated( field(i)->name() ) )
	    s += createField( i, prefix );
    return s;

/*! \internal

TQString TQSqlRecord::createField( int i, const TQString& prefix ) const
    TQString f;
    if ( !prefix.isEmpty() )
	f = prefix + ".";
    f += field( i )->name();
    return f;

    Returns the number of fields in the record.

uint TQSqlRecord::count() const
    return sh->d->count();

    Sets the value of the field at position \a i to \a val. If the
    field does not exist, nothing happens.

void TQSqlRecord::setValue( int i, const TQVariant& val )
    TQSqlField* f = field( i );
    if ( f ) {
	f->setValue( val );


    Sets the value of the field called \a name to \a val. If the field
    does not exist, nothing happens.

void TQSqlRecord::setValue( const TQString& name, const TQVariant& val )
    setValue( position( name ), val );

/*******     TQSqlRecordInfo Impl     ******/

    \class TQSqlRecordInfo tqsqlrecord.h
    \brief The TQSqlRecordInfo class encapsulates a set of database field meta data.

    \ingroup database
    \module sql

    This class is a TQValueList that holds a set of database field meta
    data. Use tqcontains() to see if a given field name exists in the
    record, and use tqfind() to get a TQSqlFieldInfo record for a named

    \sa TQValueList, TQSqlFieldInfo

    Constructs a TQSqlRecordInfo object based on the fields in the
    TQSqlRecord \a other.
TQSqlRecordInfo::TQSqlRecordInfo( const TQSqlRecord& other )
    for ( uint i = 0; i < other.count(); ++i ) {
	push_back( TQSqlFieldInfo( *(other.field( i )), other.isGenerated( i ) ) );

    Returns the number of times a field called \a fieldName occurs in
    the record. Returns 0 if no field by that name could be found.
TQSqlRecordInfo::size_type TQSqlRecordInfo::tqcontains( const TQString& fieldName ) const
   size_type i = 0;
   TQString fName = fieldName.upper();
   for( const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
	if ( (*it).name().upper() == fName ) {
    return i;

    Returns a TQSqlFieldInfo object for the first field in the record
    which has the field name \a fieldName. If no matching field is
    found then an empty TQSqlFieldInfo object is returned.
TQSqlFieldInfo TQSqlRecordInfo::tqfind( const TQString& fieldName ) const
   TQString fName = fieldName.upper();
   for( const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
	if ( (*it).name().upper() == fName ) {
	    return *it;
    return TQSqlFieldInfo();

    Returns an empty TQSqlRecord based on the field information
    in this TQSqlRecordInfo.
TQSqlRecord TQSqlRecordInfo::toRecord() const
   TQSqlRecord buf;
   for( const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
	buf.append( (*it).toField() );
   return buf;

    \fn TQSqlRecordInfo::TQSqlRecordInfo()

    Constructs an empty record info object

    \fn TQSqlRecordInfo::TQSqlRecordInfo( const TQSqlFieldInfoList& other )

    Constructs a copy of \a other.
