** Implementation of TQRadioButton class
** Created : 940222
** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
** This file is part of the widgets module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
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** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
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#include "tqradiobutton.h"
#include "tqbuttongroup.h"
#include "tqpainter.h"
#include "tqdrawutil.h"
#include "tqpixmap.h"
#include "tqpixmapcache.h"
#include "tqbitmap.h"
#include "tqtextstream.h"
#include "tqapplication.h"
#include "tqstyle.h"
\class TQRadioButton tqradiobutton.h
\brief The TQRadioButton widget provides a radio button with a text or pixmap label.
\ingroup basic
TQRadioButton and TQCheckBox are both option buttons. That is, they
can be switched on (checked) or off (unchecked). The classes
differ in how the choices for the user are restricted. Check boxes
define "many of many" choices, whereas radio buttons provide a
"one of many" choice. In a group of radio buttons only one radio
button at a time can be checked; if the user selects another
button, the previously selected button is switched off.
The easiest way to implement a "one of many" choice is simply to
put the radio buttons into TQButtonGroup.
Whenever a button is switched on or off it emits the signal
toggled(). Connect to this signal if you want to trigger an action
each time the button changes state. Otherwise, use isChecked() to
see if a particular button is selected.
Just like TQPushButton, a radio button can display text or a
pixmap. The text can be set in the constructor or with setText();
the pixmap is set with setPixmap().
\important text, setText, text, pixmap, setPixmap, accel, setAccel, isToggleButton, setDown, isDown, isOn, state, autoRepeat, isExclusiveToggle, group, setAutoRepeat, toggle, pressed, released, clicked, toggled, state stateChanged
\sa TQPushButton TQToolButton
\link guibooks.html#fowler GUI Design Handbook: Radio Button\endlink
\property TQRadioButton::checked \brief Whether the radio button is
This property will not effect any other radio buttons unless they
have been placed in the same TQButtonGroup. The default value is
FALSE (unchecked).
\property TQRadioButton::autoMask \brief whether the radio button
is automatically masked
\sa TQWidget::setAutoMask()
Constructs a radio button with no text.
The \a tqparent and \a name arguments are sent on to the TQWidget
TQRadioButton::TQRadioButton( TQWidget *tqparent, const char *name )
: TQButton( tqparent, name, TQt::WNoAutoErase | TQt::WMouseNoMask )
Constructs a radio button with the text \a text.
The \a tqparent and \a name arguments are sent on to the TQWidget
TQRadioButton::TQRadioButton( const TQString &text, TQWidget *tqparent,
const char *name )
: TQButton( tqparent, name, TQt::WNoAutoErase | TQt::WMouseNoMask )
setText( text );
Initializes the radio button.
void TQRadioButton::init()
tqsetSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Minimum, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
setToggleButton( TRUE );
TQButtonGroup *bgrp = ::tqqt_cast(parentWidget());
if ( bgrp )
bgrp->setRadioButtonExclusive( TRUE );
void TQRadioButton::setChecked( bool check )
setOn( check );
TQSize TQRadioButton::tqsizeHint() const
// Any more complex, and we will use tqstyle().tqitemRect()
// NB: TQCheckBox::tqsizeHint() is similar
TQPainter p(this);
TQSize sz = tqstyle().tqitemRect(&p, TQRect(0, 0, 1, 1), TQt::ShowPrefix, FALSE,
pixmap(), text()).size();
return (tqstyle().tqsizeFromContents(TQStyle::CT_RadioButton, this, sz).
bool TQRadioButton::hitButton( const TQPoint &pos ) const
TQRect r =
TQStyle::tqvisualRect( tqstyle().subRect( TQStyle::SR_RadioButtonFocusRect,
this ), this );
if ( tqApp->reverseLayout() ) {
r.setRight( width() );
} else {
r.setLeft( 0 );
return r.tqcontains( pos );
void TQRadioButton::drawButton( TQPainter *paint )
TQPainter *p = paint;
TQRect irect = TQStyle::tqvisualRect( tqstyle().subRect(TQStyle::SR_RadioButtonIndicator, this), this );
const TQColorGroup &cg = tqcolorGroup();
#if !defined( TQT_NO_TEXTSTREAM ) && !defined( TQ_WS_MACX )
#ifdef USE_QT4
printf("[WARNING] TQSharedDoubleBuffer double buffering has been disabled\n\r"); // Otherwise the widgets don't repaint properly in Qt4!
#else // USE_QT4
#endif // USE_QT4
TQString pmkey; // pixmap key
int kf = 0;
if ( isDown() )
kf |= 1;
if ( isOn() )
kf |= 2;
if ( isEnabled() )
kf |= 4;
if( isActiveWindow() )
kf |= 8;
if ( hasMouse() )
kf |= 16;
if ( hasFocus() )
kf |= 32;
TQTextOStream os(&pmkey);
os << "$qt_radio_" << tqstyle().className() << "_"
<< palette().serialNumber() << "_" << irect.width() << "x" << irect.height() << "_" << kf;
TQPixmap *pm = TQPixmapCache::tqfind( pmkey );
if ( pm ) { // pixmap exists
drawButtonLabel( p );
p->drawPixmap( irect.topLeft(), *pm );
bool use_pm = TRUE;
TQPainter pmpaint;
int wx, wy;
if ( use_pm ) {
pm = new TQPixmap( irect.size() ); // create new pixmap
TQPainter::redirect(this, pm);
p = &pmpaint; // draw in pixmap
wx = irect.x(); // save x,y coords
wy = irect.y();
irect.moveTopLeft(TQPoint(0, 0));
TQStyle::SFlags flags = TQStyle::Style_Default;
if ( isEnabled() )
flags |= TQStyle::Style_Enabled;
if ( hasFocus() )
flags |= TQStyle::Style_HasFocus;
if ( isDown() )
flags |= TQStyle::Style_Down;
if ( hasMouse() )
flags |= TQStyle::Style_MouseOver;
if ( state() == TQButton::On )
flags |= TQStyle::Style_On;
else if ( state() == TQButton::Off )
flags |= TQStyle::Style_Off;
tqstyle().tqdrawControl(TQStyle::CE_RadioButton, p, this, irect, cg, flags);
if ( use_pm ) {
TQPainter::redirect(this, NULL);
if ( backgroundPixmap() || backgroundMode() == TQt::X11ParentRelative ) {
TQBitmap bm( pm->size() );
bm.fill( Qt::color0 );
pmpaint.begin( &bm );
tqstyle().tqdrawControlMask(TQStyle::CE_RadioButton, &pmpaint, this, irect);
pm->setMask( bm );
p = paint; // draw in default tqdevice
p->drawPixmap( wx, wy, *pm );
if (!TQPixmapCache::insert(pmkey, pm) ) // save in cache
delete pm;
drawButtonLabel( p );
void TQRadioButton::drawButtonLabel( TQPainter *p )
TQRect r =
TQStyle::tqvisualRect( tqstyle().subRect(TQStyle::SR_RadioButtonContents,
this), this );
TQStyle::SFlags flags = TQStyle::Style_Default;
if (isEnabled())
flags |= TQStyle::Style_Enabled;
if (hasFocus())
flags |= TQStyle::Style_HasFocus;
if (isDown())
flags |= TQStyle::Style_Down;
if (state() == TQButton::On)
flags |= TQStyle::Style_On;
else if (state() == TQButton::Off)
flags |= TQStyle::Style_Off;
tqstyle().tqdrawControl(TQStyle::CE_RadioButtonLabel, p, this, r, tqcolorGroup(), flags);
void TQRadioButton::resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent* e )
if ( isVisible() ) {
TQPainter p(this);
TQSize isz = tqstyle().tqitemRect(&p, TQRect(0, 0, 1, 1), TQt::ShowPrefix, FALSE,
pixmap(), text()).size();
TQSize wsz = (tqstyle().tqsizeFromContents(TQStyle::CT_RadioButton, this, isz).
update(wsz.width(), isz.width(), 0, wsz.height());
if (autoMask())
void TQRadioButton::updateMask()
TQRect irect =
TQStyle::tqvisualRect( tqstyle().subRect( TQStyle::SR_RadioButtonIndicator,
this ), this );
TQBitmap bm(width(), height());
TQPainter p( &bm, this );
tqstyle().tqdrawControlMask(TQStyle::CE_RadioButton, &p, this, irect);
if ( ! text().isNull() || ( pixmap() && ! pixmap()->isNull() ) ) {
TQRect crect =
TQStyle::tqvisualRect( tqstyle().subRect( TQStyle::SR_RadioButtonContents,
this ), this );
TQRect frect =
TQStyle::tqvisualRect( tqstyle().subRect( TQStyle::SR_RadioButtonFocusRect,
this ), this );
TQRect label(crect.unite(frect));
p.fillRect(label, Qt::color1);