path: root/debian/compizconfig-python-trinity/compizconfig-python-trinity-0.8.4/src/compizconfig.pyx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/compizconfig-python-trinity/compizconfig-python-trinity-0.8.4/src/compizconfig.pyx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1307 deletions
diff --git a/debian/compizconfig-python-trinity/compizconfig-python-trinity-0.8.4/src/compizconfig.pyx b/debian/compizconfig-python-trinity/compizconfig-python-trinity-0.8.4/src/compizconfig.pyx
deleted file mode 100644
index f8ab652c..00000000
--- a/debian/compizconfig-python-trinity/compizconfig-python-trinity-0.8.4/src/compizconfig.pyx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1307 +0,0 @@
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- Quinn Storm ([email protected])
- Patrick Niklaus ([email protected])
- Guillaume Seguin ([email protected])
-Copyright (C) 2007 Quinn Storm
-import operator
-StringSettingKeyFunc = operator.itemgetter (1)
-ctypedef unsigned int Bool
-cdef enum CCSSettingType:
- TypeBool
- TypeInt
- TypeFloat
- TypeString
- TypeColor
- TypeAction
- TypeKey
- TypeButton
- TypeEdge
- TypeBell
- TypeMatch
- TypeList
- TypeNum
-cdef enum CCSPluginConflictType:
- # produced on plugin activation
- ConflictRequiresPlugin,
- ConflictRequiresFeature,
- ConflictFeature,
- ConflictPlugin,
- # produced on plugin deactivation
- ConflictFeatureNeeded,
- ConflictPluginNeeded,
- ConflictPluginError
-SettingTypeString = [
- "Bool",
- "Int",
- "Float",
- "String",
- "Color",
- "Action",
- "Key",
- "Button",
- "Edge",
- "Bell",
- "Match",
- "List",
- "Invalid"
-ConflictTypeString = [
- "RequiresPlugin", #A
- "RequiresFeature", #A
- "ConflictFeature", #A
- "ConflictPlugin", #A
- "FeatureNeeded", #D
- "PluginNeeded", #D
- "PluginError"
-cdef struct CCSList:
- void * data
- CCSList * next
-ctypedef CCSList CCSSettingList
-ctypedef CCSList CCSPluginList
-ctypedef CCSList CCSStringList
-ctypedef CCSList CCSGroupList
-ctypedef CCSList CCSSubGroupList
-ctypedef CCSList CCSPluginConflictList
-ctypedef CCSList CCSSettingValueList
-ctypedef CCSList CCSBackendInfoList
-ctypedef CCSList CCSIntDescList
-ctypedef CCSList CCSStrRestrictionList
-ctypedef CCSList CCSStrExtensionList
-cdef struct CCSBackendInfo:
- char * name
- char * shortDesc
- char * longDesc
- Bool integrationSupport
- Bool profileSupport
-cdef struct CCSSettingKeyValue:
- int keysym
- unsigned int keyModMask
-cdef struct CCSSettingButtonValue:
- int button
- unsigned int buttonModMask
- int edgeMask
-cdef struct CCSSettingColorValueColor:
- unsigned short red
- unsigned short green
- unsigned short blue
- unsigned short alpha
-cdef union CCSSettingColorValue:
- CCSSettingColorValueColor color
- unsigned short array[4]
-cdef union CCSSettingValueUnion:
- Bool asBool
- int asInt
- float asFloat
- char * asString
- char * asMatch
- CCSSettingColorValue asColor
- CCSSettingValueList * asList
- CCSSettingKeyValue asKey
- CCSSettingButtonValue asButton
- unsigned int asEdge
- Bool asBell
-cdef struct CCSIntDesc:
- int value
- char * name
-cdef struct CCSStrRestriction:
- char * value
- char * name
-cdef struct CCSSettingIntInfo:
- int min
- int max
- CCSIntDescList * desc
-cdef struct CCSSettingFloatInfo:
- float min
- float max
- float precision
-cdef struct CCSSettingStringInfo:
- CCSStrRestrictionList * restriction
- int sortStartsAt
- Bool extensible
-cdef struct CCSSettingListInfo:
- CCSSettingType listType
- void * listInfo # actually CCSSettingInfo *, works around pyrex
-cdef struct CCSSettingActionInfo:
- Bool internal
-cdef union CCSSettingInfo:
- CCSSettingIntInfo forInt
- CCSSettingFloatInfo forFloat
- CCSSettingStringInfo forString
- CCSSettingListInfo forList
- CCSSettingActionInfo forAction
-cdef struct CCSSettingValue:
- CCSSettingValueUnion value
- void * parent
- Bool isListChild
-cdef struct CCSGroup:
- char * name
- CCSSubGroupList * subGroups
-cdef struct CCSSubGroup:
- char * name
- CCSSettingList * settings
-cdef struct CCSPluginCategory:
- char * name
- char * shortDesc
- char * longDesc
- CCSStringList * plugins
-cdef struct CCSContext:
- CCSPluginList * plugins
- CCSPluginCategory * categories
- void * priv
- void * ccsPrivate
- CCSSettingList * changedSettings
- unsigned int * screens
- unsigned int numScreens
-cdef struct CCSPlugin
-cdef struct CCSSetting:
- char * name
- char * shortDesc
- char * longDesc
- CCSSettingType type
- Bool isScreen
- unsigned int screenNum
- CCSSettingInfo info
- char * group
- char * subGroup
- char * hints
- CCSSettingValue defaultValue
- CCSSettingValue * value
- Bool isDefault
- CCSPlugin * parent
- void * priv
-cdef struct CCSStrExtension:
- char * basePlugin
- CCSSettingList * baseSettings
- CCSStrRestrictionList * restriction
- Bool isScreen
-cdef struct CCSPlugin:
- char * name
- char * shortDesc
- char * longDesc
- char * hints
- char * category
- CCSStringList * loadAfter
- CCSStringList * loadBefore
- CCSStringList * requiresPlugin
- CCSStringList * conflictPlugin
- CCSStringList * conflictFeature
- CCSStringList * providesFeature
- CCSStringList * requiresFeature
- void * priv
- CCSContext * context
- void * ccsPrivate
-cdef struct CCSPluginConflict:
- char * value
- CCSPluginConflictType type
- CCSPluginList * plugins
-'''Context functions'''
-cdef extern void ccsSetBasicMetadata (Bool value)
-cdef extern CCSContext * ccsContextNew (unsigned int * screens,
- unsigned int numScreens)
-cdef extern CCSContext * ccsEmptyContextNew (unsigned int * screens,
- unsigned int numScreens)
-cdef extern void ccsContextDestroy (CCSContext * context)
-'''Plugin functions'''
-cdef extern Bool ccsLoadPlugin (CCSContext * context, char * name)
-cdef extern CCSPlugin * ccsFindPlugin (CCSContext * context, char * name)
-cdef extern CCSSetting * ccsFindSetting (CCSPlugin * plugin,
- char * name,
- Bool isScreen,
- int screenNum)
-cdef extern CCSSettingList * ccsGetPluginSettings (CCSPlugin * plugin)
-cdef extern CCSGroupList * ccsGetPluginGroups (CCSPlugin * plugin)
-'''Action => String'''
-cdef extern char * ccsModifiersToString (unsigned int modMask)
-cdef extern char * ccsEdgesToString (unsigned int edge)
-cdef extern char * ccsEdgesToModString (unsigned int edge)
-cdef extern char * ccsKeyBindingToString (CCSSettingKeyValue *key)
-cdef extern char * ccsButtonBindingToString (CCSSettingButtonValue *button)
-'''String utils'''
-cdef extern from 'string.h':
- ctypedef int size_t
- cdef extern char * strdup (char * s)
- cdef extern void memset (void * s, int c, size_t n)
- cdef extern void free (void * f)
- cdef extern void * malloc (size_t s)
-'''String => Action'''
-cdef extern unsigned int ccsStringToModifiers (char *binding)
-cdef extern unsigned int ccsStringToEdges (char *edge)
-cdef extern unsigned int ccsModStringToEdges (char *edge)
-cdef extern Bool ccsStringToKeyBinding (char * binding,
- CCSSettingKeyValue * key)
-cdef extern Bool ccsStringToButtonBinding (char * binding,
- CCSSettingButtonValue * button)
-'''General settings handling'''
-cdef extern Bool ccsSetValue (CCSSetting * setting,
- CCSSettingValue * value)
-cdef extern void ccsFreeSettingValue (CCSSettingValue * value)
-cdef extern CCSSettingValueList * ccsSettingValueListAppend (
- CCSSettingValueList * l,
- CCSSettingValue * v)
-cdef extern CCSSettingList *ccsSettingListFree (CCSSettingList * list,
- Bool freeObj)
-cdef extern CCSStringList * ccsGetExistingProfiles (CCSContext * context)
-cdef extern void ccsDeleteProfile (CCSContext * context, char * name)
-cdef extern void ccsSetProfile (CCSContext * context, char * name)
-cdef extern char* ccsGetProfile (CCSContext * context)
-cdef extern CCSBackendInfoList * ccsGetExistingBackends ()
-cdef extern Bool ccsSetBackend (CCSContext * context, char * name)
-cdef extern char* ccsGetBackend (CCSContext * context)
-cdef extern void ccsSetPluginListAutoSort (CCSContext *context, Bool value)
-cdef extern Bool ccsGetPluginListAutoSort (CCSContext *context)
-cdef extern void ccsSetIntegrationEnabled (CCSContext * context, Bool value)
-cdef extern Bool ccsGetIntegrationEnabled (CCSContext * context)
-'''IO handling'''
-cdef extern void ccsReadSettings (CCSContext * c)
-cdef extern void ccsWriteSettings (CCSContext * c)
-cdef extern void ccsWriteChangedSettings (CCSContext * c)
-cdef extern void ccsResetToDefault (CCSSetting * s)
-'''Event loop'''
-ProcessEventsNoGlibMainLoopMask = (1 << 0)
-cdef extern void ccsProcessEvents (CCSContext * context, unsigned int flags)
-cdef extern Bool ccsExportToFile (CCSContext * context, char * fileName, Bool skipDefaults)
-cdef extern Bool ccsImportFromFile (CCSContext * context,
- char * fileName,
- Bool overwrite)
-'''Misc. Plugin/Setting utils'''
-cdef extern Bool ccsSettingIsReadOnly (CCSSetting * setting)
-cdef extern Bool ccsSettingIsIntegrated (CCSSetting * setting)
-cdef extern void ccsPluginConflictListFree (CCSPluginConflictList * l,
- Bool freeObj)
-cdef extern CCSPluginConflictList * ccsCanEnablePlugin (CCSContext * c,
- CCSPlugin * p)
-cdef extern CCSPluginConflictList * ccsCanDisablePlugin (CCSContext * c,
- CCSPlugin * p)
-cdef extern Bool ccsPluginSetActive (CCSPlugin * p, Bool v)
-cdef extern Bool ccsPluginIsActive (CCSContext * c, char * n)
-cdef extern CCSStrExtensionList * ccsGetPluginStrExtensions (CCSPlugin * plugin)
-cdef class Context
-cdef class Plugin
-cdef class Setting
-cdef CCSSettingType GetType (CCSSettingValue * value):
- if value.isListChild:
- return (<CCSSetting *> value.parent).info.forList.listType
- else:
- return (<CCSSetting *> value.parent).type
-cdef CCSStringList * ListToStringList (object list):
- if len (list) <= 0:
- return NULL
- cdef CCSStringList * listStart
- cdef CCSStringList * stringList
- cdef CCSStringList * prev
- listStart = <CCSStringList *> malloc (sizeof (CCSStringList))
- = <char *> strdup (list[0])
- = NULL
- prev = listStart
- for l in list[1:]:
- stringList = <CCSStringList *> malloc (sizeof (CCSStringList))
- = <char *> strdup (l)
- = NULL
- = stringList
- prev = stringList
- return listStart
-cdef object StringListToList (CCSList * stringList):
- list = []
- while stringList:
- item = <char *>
- list.append (item)
- stringList =
- return list
-cdef CCSSettingList * ListToSettingList (object list):
- if len (list) <= 0:
- return NULL
- cdef CCSSettingList * listStart
- cdef CCSSettingList * settingList
- cdef CCSSettingList * prev
- cdef Setting setting
- listStart = <CCSSettingList *> malloc (sizeof (CCSSettingList))
- setting = <Setting> list[0]
- = <CCSSetting *> setting.ccsSetting
- = NULL
- prev = listStart
- for l in list[1:]:
- settingList = <CCSSettingList *> malloc (sizeof (CCSSettingList))
- setting = <Setting> l
- = <CCSSetting *> setting.ccsSetting
- = NULL
- = settingList
- prev = settingList
- return listStart
-cdef object SettingListToList (Context context, CCSList * settingList):
- cdef CCSSetting * ccsSetting
- list = []
- while settingList:
- ccsSetting = <CCSSetting *>
- setting = None
- plugin = context.Plugins[]
- if ccsSetting.isScreen:
- setting = plugin.Screens[ccsSetting.screenNum][]
- else:
- setting = plugin.Display[]
- list.append (setting)
- settingList =
- return list
-cdef object IntDescListToDict (CCSIntDescList * intDescList):
- cdef CCSIntDesc * desc
- dict = {}
- while intDescList:
- desc = <CCSIntDesc *>
- dict[] = desc.value
- intDescList =
- return dict
-cdef object StrRestrictionListToDict (CCSStrRestrictionList * restrictionList,
- object initialDict):
- cdef CCSStrRestriction * restriction
- dict = initialDict
- listOfAddedItems = []
- while restrictionList:
- restriction = <CCSStrRestriction *>
- dict[] = restriction.value
- listOfAddedItems.append ((, restriction.value))
- restrictionList =
- return (dict, listOfAddedItems)
-cdef CCSSettingValue * EncodeValue (object data,
- CCSSetting * setting,
- Bool isListChild):
- cdef CCSSettingValue * bv
- cdef CCSSettingType t
- cdef CCSList * l
- bv = <CCSSettingValue *> malloc (sizeof (CCSSettingValue))
- memset (bv, 0, sizeof (CCSSettingValue))
- bv.isListChild = isListChild
- bv.parent = setting
- if isListChild:
- t =
- else:
- t = setting.type
- if t == TypeString:
- bv.value.asString = strdup (data)
- elif t == TypeMatch:
- bv.value.asMatch = strdup (data)
- elif t == TypeInt:
- bv.value.asInt = data
- elif t == TypeFloat:
- bv.value.asFloat = data
- elif t == TypeBool:
- if data:
- bv.value.asBool = 1
- else:
- bv.value.asBool = 0
- elif t == TypeColor:
- = data[0]
- = data[1]
- = data[2]
- bv.value.asColor.color.alpha = data[3]
- elif t == TypeKey:
- ccsStringToKeyBinding (data, &bv.value.asKey)
- elif t == TypeButton:
- ccsStringToButtonBinding (data, &bv.value.asButton)
- elif t == TypeEdge:
- bv.value.asEdge = ccsStringToEdges (data)
- elif t == TypeBell:
- if (data):
- bv.value.asBell = 1
- else:
- bv.value.asBell = 0
- elif t == TypeList:
- l = NULL
- for item in data:
- l = ccsSettingValueListAppend (l, EncodeValue (item, setting, 1))
- bv.value.asList = l
- return bv
-cdef object DecodeValue (CCSSettingValue * value):
- cdef CCSSettingType t
- cdef char * s
- cdef CCSList * l
- cdef object cs
- cdef object ks
- cdef object bs
- cdef object es
- cdef object eb
- t = GetType (value)
- if t == TypeString:
- return value.value.asString
- elif t == TypeMatch:
- return value.value.asMatch
- elif t == TypeBool:
- if value.value.asBool:
- return True
- return False
- elif t == TypeInt:
- return value.value.asInt
- elif t == TypeFloat:
- return value.value.asFloat
- elif t == TypeColor:
- return [,
- value.value.asColor.color.alpha]
- elif t == TypeKey:
- s = ccsKeyBindingToString (&value.value.asKey)
- if s != NULL:
- ks = s
- free (s)
- else:
- ks = "None"
- return ks
- elif t == TypeButton:
- s = ccsButtonBindingToString (&value.value.asButton)
- if s != NULL:
- bs = s
- free (s)
- else:
- bs = "None"
- if bs == "Button0":
- bs = "None"
- return bs
- elif t == TypeEdge:
- s = ccsEdgesToString (value.value.asEdge)
- if s != NULL:
- es = s
- free (s)
- else:
- es = "None"
- return es
- elif t == TypeBell:
- bb = False
- if value.value.asBell:
- bb = True
- return bb
- elif t == TypeList:
- lret = []
- l = value.value.asList
- while l != NULL:
- lret.append (DecodeValue (<CCSSettingValue *>
- l =
- return lret
- return "Unhandled"
-cdef class Setting:
- cdef CCSSetting * ccsSetting
- cdef object info
- cdef Plugin plugin
- cdef object extendedStrRestrictions
- cdef object baseStrRestrictions
- def __new__ (self, Plugin plugin, name, isScreen, screenNum = 0):
- cdef CCSSettingType t
- cdef CCSSettingInfo * i
- self.ccsSetting = ccsFindSetting (plugin.ccsPlugin,
- name, isScreen, screenNum)
- self.plugin = plugin
- self.extendedStrRestrictions = None
- self.baseStrRestrictions = None
- info = ()
- t = self.ccsSetting.type
- i = &
- if t == TypeList:
- t =
- i = <CCSSettingInfo *>
- if t == TypeInt:
- desc = IntDescListToDict (i.forInt.desc)
- info = (i.forInt.min, i.forInt.max, desc)
- elif t == TypeFloat:
- info = (i.forFloat.min, i.forFloat.max,
- i.forFloat.precision)
- elif t == TypeString:
- # info is filled later in Plugin.SortSingleStringSetting
- info = ({}, {}, [])
- self.baseStrRestrictions = []
- self.extendedStrRestrictions = {}
- elif t in (TypeKey, TypeButton, TypeEdge, TypeBell):
- info = (bool (i.forAction.internal),)
- if self.ccsSetting.type == TypeList:
- info = (SettingTypeString[t], info)
- = info
- def Reset (self):
- ccsResetToDefault (self.ccsSetting)
- property Plugin:
- def __get__ (self):
- return self.plugin
- property Name:
- def __get__ (self):
- return
- property ShortDesc:
- def __get__ (self):
- return self.ccsSetting.shortDesc
- property LongDesc:
- def __get__ (self):
- return self.ccsSetting.longDesc
- property Group:
- def __get__ (self):
- return
- property SubGroup:
- def __get__ (self):
- return self.ccsSetting.subGroup
- property Type:
- def __get__ (self):
- return SettingTypeString[self.ccsSetting.type]
- property Info:
- def __get__ (self):
- return
- property Hints:
- def __get__ (self):
- if self.ccsSetting.hints == '':
- return []
- else:
- return str (self.ccsSetting.hints).split (";")[:-1]
- property IsDefault:
- def __get__ (self):
- if self.ccsSetting.isDefault:
- return True
- return False
- property DefaultValue:
- def __get__ (self):
- return DecodeValue (&self.ccsSetting.defaultValue)
- property Value:
- def __get__ (self):
- return DecodeValue (self.ccsSetting.value)
- def __set__ (self, value):
- cdef CCSSettingValue * sv
- sv = EncodeValue (value, self.ccsSetting, 0)
- ccsSetValue (self.ccsSetting, sv)
- ccsFreeSettingValue (sv)
- property Integrated:
- def __get__ (self):
- return bool (ccsSettingIsIntegrated (self.ccsSetting))
- property ReadOnly:
- def __get__ (self):
- return bool (ccsSettingIsReadOnly (self.ccsSetting))
-cdef class SSGroup:
- cdef object display
- cdef object screens
- def __new__ (self, disp, screen):
- self.display = disp
- self.screens = screen
- property Display:
- def __get__ (self):
- return self.display
- def __set__ (self, value):
- self.display = value
- property Screens:
- def __get__ (self):
- return self.screens
- def __set__ (self, value):
- self.screens = value
-cdef class Plugin:
- cdef CCSPlugin * ccsPlugin
- cdef Context context
- cdef object screens
- cdef object display
- cdef object groups
- cdef object loaded
- cdef object ranking
- cdef object hasExtendedString
- def __new__ (self, Context context, name):
- self.ccsPlugin = ccsFindPlugin (context.ccsContext, name)
- self.context = context
- self.screens = []
- self.display = {}
- self.groups = {}
- self.loaded = False
- self.ranking = {}
- self.hasExtendedString = False
- for n in range (0, context.NScreens):
- self.screens.append ({})
- def Update (self):
- cdef CCSList * setlist
- cdef CCSList * glist
- cdef CCSList * sglist
- cdef CCSSetting * sett
- cdef CCSGroup * gr
- cdef CCSSubGroup * sgr
- cdef CCSSettingType t
- cdef CCSSettingInfo * i
- groupIndex = 0
- glist = ccsGetPluginGroups (self.ccsPlugin)
- while glist != NULL:
- gr = <CCSGroup *>
- self.groups[] = (groupIndex, {})
- subGroupIndex = 0
- sglist = gr.subGroups
- while sglist != NULL:
- sgr = <CCSSubGroup *>
- scr = []
- for n in range (0, self.context.NScreens):
- scr.append ({})
- self.groups[][1][] = (subGroupIndex,
- SSGroup ({}, scr))
- subGroupIndex = subGroupIndex + 1
- sglist =
- groupIndex = groupIndex + 1
- glist =
- setlist = ccsGetPluginSettings (self.ccsPlugin)
- self.hasExtendedString = False
- rank = 0
- while setlist != NULL:
- sett = <CCSSetting *>
- subgroup = self.groups[][1][sett.subGroup][1]
- if sett.isScreen:
- setting = Setting (self,, True, sett.screenNum)
- self.screens[sett.screenNum][] = setting
- subgroup.Screens[sett.screenNum][] = setting
- else:
- setting = Setting (self,, False)
- self.display[] = setting
- subgroup.Display[] = setting
- t = sett.type
- i = &
- if t == TypeList:
- t = i.forList.listType
- i = <CCSSettingInfo *> i.forList.listInfo
- if t == TypeString and i.forString.extensible:
- self.hasExtendedString = True
- if not self.ranking.has_key (
- self.ranking[] = rank
- rank = rank + 1
- setlist =
- self.loaded = True
- self.ApplyStringExtensions (True, self.Enabled)
- self.SortStringSettings ()
- def SortStringSettings (self):
- for i in xrange (self.context.nScreens):
- for name, setting in self.Screens[i].items ():
- self.SortSingleStringSetting (setting)
- for name, setting in self.Display.items ():
- self.SortSingleStringSetting (setting)
- def SortSingleStringSetting (self, Setting setting):
- cdef CCSSettingType t
- cdef CCSSettingInfo * i
- t = setting.ccsSetting.type
- i = &
- if t == TypeList:
- t = i.forList.listType
- i = <CCSSettingInfo *> i.forList.listInfo
- if t != TypeString:
- return
- (itemsByName, listOfAddedItems) = \
- StrRestrictionListToDict (i.forString.restriction,
- setting.extendedStrRestrictions)
- # Let base string restrictions be the ones given in the option metadata
- # in the base plugin plus the ones found in the extensions in the same
- # plugin.
- setting.baseStrRestrictions = \
- listOfAddedItems + setting.baseStrRestrictions
- if i.forString.sortStartsAt < 0:
- # don't sort
- sortedItems = itemsByName.items ()
- elif i.forString.sortStartsAt == 0:
- # Sort all items by value
- sortedItems = sorted (itemsByName.items (),
- key=StringSettingKeyFunc)
- else:
- # Sort first sortStartsAt many items by value and
- # the remaining ones by name
- itemsNotSorted = \
- setting.baseStrRestrictions[:i.forString.sortStartsAt]
- itemsNotSortedSet = set (itemsNotSorted)
- allItemsSet = set (itemsByName.items ())
- itemsSortedByName = sorted (list (allItemsSet - itemsNotSortedSet),
- key=operator.itemgetter (0))
- sortedItems = itemsNotSorted + itemsSortedByName
- itemsByValue = {}
- for (index, (name, value)) in enumerate (sortedItems):
- itemsByValue[value] = (name, index)
- # Insert itemsByName and sortedItems into
- if setting.ccsSetting.type == TypeList:
- = ([0], (itemsByName,
- itemsByValue,
- sortedItems))
- else:
- = (itemsByName, itemsByValue, sortedItems)
- def ApplyStringExtensions (self, sortBaseSetting, extendOthersToo):
- cdef CCSStrExtensionList * extList
- cdef CCSStrExtension * ext
- cdef char * baseSettingName
- cdef CCSStringList * baseSettingList
- cdef CCSSettingType t
- cdef CCSSettingInfo * i
- cdef CCSStrRestrictionList * restrictionList
- cdef CCSStrRestriction * restriction
- cdef Plugin basePlugin
- cdef Setting setting
- extList = ccsGetPluginStrExtensions (self.ccsPlugin)
- while extList:
- ext = <CCSStrExtension *>
- # If not extending others and extension base is not self, skip
- if (not (extendOthersToo or ext.basePlugin == self.Name)) or \
- ext.basePlugin not in self.context.Plugins:
- extList =
- continue
- basePlugin = self.context.Plugins[ext.basePlugin]
- baseSettingList = ext.baseSettings
- while baseSettingList:
- baseSettingName = <char *>
- if ext.isScreen:
- settings = []
- for x in xrange (self.context.nScreens):
- settings.append (basePlugin.Screens[x][baseSettingName])
- else:
- settings = [basePlugin.Display[baseSettingName]]
- for settingItem in settings:
- setting = settingItem
- t = setting.ccsSetting.type
- i = &
- if t == TypeList:
- t = i.forList.listType
- i = <CCSSettingInfo *> i.forList.listInfo
- if not (t == TypeString and i.forString.extensible):
- return
- restrictionList = ext.restriction
- # Add each item in restriction list to the setting
- while restrictionList != NULL:
- restriction = <CCSStrRestriction *>
- setting.extendedStrRestrictions[] = \
- restriction.value
- if ext.basePlugin == self.Name:
- setting.baseStrRestrictions.append ((,
- restriction.value))
- restrictionList =
- if sortBaseSetting:
- basePlugin.SortSingleStringSetting (setting)
- baseSettingList =
- extList =
- def GetExtensionBasePlugins (self):
- cdef CCSStrExtensionList * extList
- cdef CCSStrExtension * ext
- basePlugins = set ([])
- extList = ccsGetPluginStrExtensions (self.ccsPlugin)
- while extList:
- ext = <CCSStrExtension *>
- basePlugins.add (self.context.Plugins[ext.basePlugin])
- extList =
- return list (basePlugins)
- property Context:
- def __get__ (self):
- return self.context
- property Groups:
- def __get__ (self):
- if not self.loaded:
- self.Update ()
- return self.groups
- property Display:
- def __get__ (self):
- if not self.loaded:
- self.Update ()
- return self.display
- property Screens:
- def __get__ (self):
- if not self.loaded:
- self.Update ()
- return self.screens
- property Ranking:
- def __get__ (self):
- if not self.loaded:
- self.Update ()
- return self.ranking
- property Name:
- def __get__ (self):
- return
- property ShortDesc:
- def __get__ (self):
- return self.ccsPlugin.shortDesc
- property LongDesc:
- def __get__ (self):
- return self.ccsPlugin.longDesc
- property Category:
- def __get__ (self):
- return self.ccsPlugin.category
- property Features:
- def __get__ (self):
- features = StringListToList (self.ccsPlugin.providesFeature)
- return features
- property Initialized:
- def __get__ (self):
- return bool (self.loaded)
- property Enabled:
- def __get__ (self):
- return bool (ccsPluginIsActive (self.context.ccsContext,
- def __set__ (self, val):
- if val:
- if len (self.EnableConflicts):
- return
- ccsPluginSetActive (self.ccsPlugin, True)
- else:
- if len (self.DisableConflicts):
- return
- ccsPluginSetActive (self.ccsPlugin, False)
- property EnableConflicts:
- def __get__ (self):
- cdef CCSPluginConflictList * pl, * pls
- cdef CCSPluginConflict * pc
- cdef CCSPluginList * ppl
- cdef CCSPlugin * plg
- if self.Enabled:
- return []
- ret = []
- pl = ccsCanEnablePlugin (self.context.ccsContext,
- self.ccsPlugin)
- pls = pl
- while pls != NULL:
- pc = <CCSPluginConflict *>
- rpl = []
- ppl = pc.plugins
- while ppl != NULL:
- plg = <CCSPlugin *>
- rpl.append (self.context.Plugins[])
- ppl =
- ret.append ((ConflictTypeString[pc.type], pc.value, rpl))
- pls =
- if pl != NULL:
- ccsPluginConflictListFree (pl, True)
- return ret
- property DisableConflicts:
- def __get__ (self):
- cdef CCSPluginConflictList * pl, * pls
- cdef CCSPluginConflict * pc
- cdef CCSPluginList * ppl
- cdef CCSPlugin * plg
- if not self.Enabled:
- return []
- ret = []
- pl = ccsCanDisablePlugin (self.context.ccsContext,
- self.ccsPlugin)
- pls = pl
- while pls != NULL:
- pc = <CCSPluginConflict *>
- rpl = []
- ppl = pc.plugins
- while ppl != NULL:
- plg = <CCSPlugin *>
- rpl.append (self.context.Plugins[])
- ppl =
- ret.append ((ConflictTypeString[pc.type], pc.value, rpl))
- pls =
- if pl != NULL:
- ccsPluginConflictListFree (pl, True)
- return ret
-cdef class Profile:
- cdef Context context
- cdef char * name
- def __new__ (self, Context context, name):
- self.context = context
- = strdup (name)
- def __dealloc (self):
- free (
- def Delete (self):
- ccsDeleteProfile (self.context.ccsContext,
- property Name:
- def __get__ (self):
- return
-cdef class Backend:
- cdef Context context
- cdef char * name
- cdef char * shortDesc
- cdef char * longDesc
- cdef Bool profileSupport
- cdef Bool integrationSupport
- def __new__ (self, Context context, info):
- self.context = context
- = strdup (info[0])
- self.shortDesc = strdup (info[1])
- self.longDesc = strdup (info[2])
- self.profileSupport = bool (info[3])
- self.integrationSupport = bool (info[4])
- def __dealloc__ (self):
- free (
- free (self.shortDesc)
- free (self.longDesc)
- property Name:
- def __get__ (self):
- return
- property ShortDesc:
- def __get__ (self):
- return self.shortDesc
- property LongDesc:
- def __get__ (self):
- return self.longDesc
- property IntegrationSupport:
- def __get__ (self):
- return self.integrationSupport
- property ProfileSupport:
- def __get__ (self):
- return self.profileSupport
-cdef class Context:
- cdef CCSContext * ccsContext
- cdef object plugins
- cdef object categories
- cdef object profiles
- cdef object currentProfile
- cdef object backends
- cdef object currentBackend
- cdef int nScreens
- cdef Bool integration
- def __new__ (self, screens = [0], plugins = [], basic_metadata = False):
- cdef CCSPlugin * pl
- cdef CCSList * pll
- if basic_metadata:
- ccsSetBasicMetadata (True)
- self.nScreens = nScreens = len (screens)
- self.plugins = {}
- cdef unsigned int * screensBuf
- screensBuf = <unsigned int *> malloc (sizeof (unsigned int) * nScreens)
- for i in range (nScreens):
- screensBuf[i] = screens[i]
- if not len (plugins):
- self.ccsContext = ccsContextNew (screensBuf, nScreens)
- else:
- self.ccsContext = ccsEmptyContextNew (screensBuf, nScreens)
- free (screensBuf)
- for plugin in plugins:
- self.LoadPlugin (plugin)
- ccsReadSettings (self.ccsContext)
- pll = self.ccsContext.plugins
- self.categories = {}
- while pll != NULL:
- pl = <CCSPlugin *>
- self.plugins[] = Plugin (self,
- if pl.category == NULL:
- cat = ''
- else:
- cat = pl.category
- if not self.categories.has_key (cat):
- self.categories[cat] = []
- self.categories[cat].append (self.plugins[])
- pll =
- self.integration = ccsGetIntegrationEnabled (self.ccsContext)
- self.UpdateProfiles ()
- def UpdateExtensiblePlugins (self):
- cdef Plugin plugin
- # Reset all extensible plugins
- for name, pluginItem in self.plugins.items ():
- plugin = pluginItem
- if plugin.hasExtendedString:
- plugin.Update ()
- # Apply restricted string extensions
- for name, pluginItem in self.plugins.items ():
- plugin = pluginItem
- if plugin.Enabled:
- plugin.ApplyStringExtensions (False, True)
- # Sort restricted string settings
- for name, pluginItem in self.plugins.items ():
- plugin = pluginItem
- if plugin.Enabled and plugin.hasExtendedString:
- plugin.SortStringSettings ()
- def __dealloc__ (self):
- ccsContextDestroy (self.ccsContext)
- def LoadPlugin (self, plugin):
- return ccsLoadPlugin (self.ccsContext, plugin)
- # Returns the settings that should be updated
- def ProcessEvents (self, flags = 0):
- ccsProcessEvents (self.ccsContext, flags)
- if len (self.ChangedSettings):
- self.Read ()
- return True
- return False
- def Write (self, onlyChanged = True):
- if onlyChanged:
- ccsWriteChangedSettings (self.ccsContext)
- else:
- ccsWriteSettings (self.ccsContext)
- def Read (self):
- ccsReadSettings (self.ccsContext)
- def UpdateProfiles (self):
- self.profiles = {}
- self.currentProfile = Profile (self, ccsGetProfile (self.ccsContext))
- cdef CCSStringList * profileList
- cdef char * profileName
- profileList = ccsGetExistingProfiles (self.ccsContext)
- while profileList != NULL:
- profileName = <char *>
- self.profiles[profileName] = Profile (self, profileName)
- profileList =
- self.backends = {}
- cdef CCSBackendInfoList * backendList
- cdef CCSBackendInfo * backendInfo
- backendList = ccsGetExistingBackends ()
- while backendList != NULL:
- backendInfo = <CCSBackendInfo *>
- info = (, backendInfo.shortDesc,
- backendInfo.longDesc, backendInfo.profileSupport,
- backendInfo.integrationSupport)
- self.backends[] = Backend (self, info)
- backendList =
- self.currentBackend = self.backends[ccsGetBackend (self.ccsContext)]
- def ResetProfile (self):
- self.currentProfile = Profile (self, "")
- ccsSetProfile (self.ccsContext, "")
- ccsReadSettings (self.ccsContext)
- def Import (self, path, autoSave = True):
- ret = bool (ccsImportFromFile (self.ccsContext, path, True))
- if autoSave:
- ccsWriteSettings (self.ccsContext)
- return ret
- def Export (self, path, skipDefaults = False):
- return bool (ccsExportToFile (self.ccsContext, path, skipDefaults))
- property Plugins:
- def __get__ (self):
- return self.plugins
- property Categories:
- def __get__ (self):
- return self.categories
- property CurrentProfile:
- def __get__ (self):
- return self.currentProfile
- def __set__ (self, profile):
- self.currentProfile = profile
- ccsSetProfile (self.ccsContext, profile.Name)
- ccsReadSettings (self.ccsContext)
- property Profiles:
- def __get__ (self):
- return self.profiles
- property CurrentBackend:
- def __get__ (self):
- return self.currentBackend
- def __set__ (self, backend):
- self.currentBackend = backend
- ccsSetBackend (self.ccsContext, backend.Name)
- ccsReadSettings (self.ccsContext)
- property Backends:
- def __get__ (self):
- return self.backends
- property ChangedSettings:
- def __get__ (self):
- return SettingListToList (self, self.ccsContext.changedSettings)
- def __set__ (self, value):
- cdef CCSSettingList * settingList
- if self.ccsContext.changedSettings != NULL:
- self.ccsContext.changedSettings = \
- ccsSettingListFree (self.ccsContext.changedSettings, False)
- if value != None and len (value) != 0:
- settingList = ListToSettingList (value)
- self.ccsContext.changedSettings = settingList
- property AutoSort:
- def __get__ (self):
- return bool (ccsGetPluginListAutoSort (self.ccsContext))
- def __set__ (self, value):
- ccsSetPluginListAutoSort (self.ccsContext, bool (value))
- property NScreens:
- def __get__ (self):
- return self.nScreens
- property Integration:
- def __get__ (self):
- return bool (self.integration)
- def __set__ (self, value):
- self.integration = value
- ccsSetIntegrationEnabled (self.ccsContext, value)
- ccsReadSettings (self.ccsContext)