path: root/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_dac3.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_dac3.cpp')
1 files changed, 245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_dac3.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_dac3.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32f7e62f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_dac3.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * See ETSI TS 102 366 V1.2.1 Annex F for how to put Ac3 in MP4.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Edward Groenendaal [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4DAc3Atom::MP4DAc3Atom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "dac3")
+ AddProperty( new MP4BitfieldProperty(*this, "fscod", 2)); /* 0 */
+ AddProperty( new MP4BitfieldProperty(*this, "bsid", 5)); /* 1 */
+ AddProperty( new MP4BitfieldProperty(*this, "bsmod", 3)); /* 2 */
+ AddProperty( new MP4BitfieldProperty(*this, "acmod", 3)); /* 3 */
+ AddProperty( new MP4BitfieldProperty(*this, "lfeon", 1)); /* 4 */
+ AddProperty( new MP4BitfieldProperty(*this, "bit_rate_code", 5)); /* 5 */
+ AddProperty( new MP4BitfieldProperty(*this, "reserved", 5)); /* 6 */
+ m_pProperties[6]->SetReadOnly(true);
+void MP4DAc3Atom::Generate()
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ * Normalling the Dump of the atom looks like the following, we want to spruce
+ * this up a bit to give more information.
+ *
+ * type = dac3
+ * fscod = 0 (0x0) <2 bits>
+ * bsid = 8 (0x08) <5 bits>
+ * bsmod = 0 (0x0) <3 bits>
+ * acmod = 7 (0x7) <3 bits>
+ * lfeon = 1 (0x1) <1 bits>
+ * bit_rate_code = 15 (0x0f) <5 bits>
+ * reserved = 0 (0x00) <5 bits>
+ *
+ * into:
+ * type = dac3
+ * fscod = 0 (0x0) <2 bits> [48 kHz]
+ * bsid = 8 (0x08) <5 bits>
+ * bsmod = 0 (0x0) <3 bits> [Main audio service: complete main (CM)]
+ * acmod = 7 (0x7) <3 bits> [3/2 (L, C, R, SL, SR)]
+ * lfeon = 1 (0x1) <1 bits> [ENABLED]
+ * bit_rate_code = 15 (0x0f) <5 bits> [448 kbit/s]
+ * reserved = 0 (0x00) <5 bits>
+ *
+ */
+void MP4DAc3Atom::Dump(uint8_t indent, bool dumpImplicits)
+ MP4BitfieldProperty* fscodProp = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[0]);
+ MP4BitfieldProperty* bsidProp = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[1]);
+ MP4BitfieldProperty* bsmodProp = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[2]);
+ MP4BitfieldProperty* acmodProp = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[3]);
+ MP4BitfieldProperty* lfeonProp = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[4]);
+ MP4BitfieldProperty* brcProp = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[5]);
+ MP4BitfieldProperty* resProp = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[6]);
+ log.dump(indent++, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE2, "\"%s\": type = dac3",
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str() );
+ if (fscodProp) {
+ uint64_t fscod = 0xFF;
+ const char* fscodString;
+ const char* fscods[] = {
+ "48", "44.1", "32", "Reserved",
+ };
+ fscod = fscodProp->GetValue();
+ if (fscod < (sizeof(fscods) / sizeof(fscods[0]))) {
+ fscodString = fscods[fscod];
+ } else {
+ fscodString = "Invalid value";
+ }
+ uint8_t hexWidth = fscodProp->GetNumBits() / 4;
+ if (hexWidth == 0 || (fscodProp->GetNumBits() % 4)) {
+ hexWidth++;
+ }
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE2, "\"%s\": fscod = %" PRIu64 " (0x%0*" PRIx64 ") <%u bits> [%s kHz]",
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ fscod, (int)hexWidth, fscod, fscodProp->GetNumBits(), fscodString);
+ }
+ if (bsidProp) bsidProp->Dump(indent, dumpImplicits);
+ if (bsmodProp) {
+ uint64_t bsmod = 0xFF;
+ const char* bsmodString;
+ const char* bsmods[] = {
+ "Main audio service: complete main (CM)",
+ "Main audio srrvice: music and effects (ME)",
+ "Associated service: visually impaired (VI)",
+ "Associated service: hearing impaired (HI)",
+ "Associated service: dialogue (D)",
+ "Associated service: commentary (C)",
+ "Associated service: emergency (E)",
+ "Associated service: voice over (VO) or Main audio service: karaoke",
+ };
+ bsmod = bsmodProp->GetValue();
+ if (bsmod < (sizeof(bsmods) / sizeof(bsmods[0]))) {
+ bsmodString = bsmods[bsmod];
+ } else {
+ bsmodString = "Invalid value";
+ }
+ uint8_t hexWidth = bsmodProp->GetNumBits() / 4;
+ if (hexWidth == 0 || (bsmodProp->GetNumBits() % 4)) {
+ hexWidth++;
+ }
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE2,
+ "\"%s\": bsmod = %" PRIu64 " (0x%0*" PRIx64 ") <%u bits> [%s]",
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ bsmod, (int)hexWidth, bsmod, bsmodProp->GetNumBits(), bsmodString);
+ }
+ if (acmodProp) {
+ uint64_t acmod = 0xFF;
+ const char* acmodString;
+ const char* acmods[] = {
+ "1 + 1 (Ch1, Ch2)",
+ "1/0 (C)",
+ "2/0 (L, R)",
+ "3/0 (L, C, R)",
+ "2/1 (L, R, S)",
+ "3/1 (L, C, R, S)",
+ "2/2 (L, R, SL, SR)",
+ "3/2 (L, C, R, SL, SR)",
+ };
+ acmod = acmodProp->GetValue();
+ if (acmod < (sizeof(acmods) / sizeof(acmods[0]))) {
+ acmodString = acmods[acmod];
+ } else {
+ acmodString = "Invalid value";
+ }
+ uint8_t hexWidth = acmodProp->GetNumBits() / 4;
+ if (hexWidth == 0 || (acmodProp->GetNumBits() % 4)) {
+ hexWidth++;
+ }
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE2,
+ "\"%s\": acmod = %" PRIu64 " (0x%0*" PRIx64 ") <%u bits> [%s]",
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ acmod, (int)hexWidth, acmod, acmodProp->GetNumBits(), acmodString);
+ }
+ if (lfeonProp) {
+ uint64_t lfeon = lfeonProp->GetValue();
+ uint8_t hexWidth = lfeonProp->GetNumBits() / 4;
+ if (hexWidth == 0 || (lfeonProp->GetNumBits() % 4)) {
+ hexWidth++;
+ }
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE2,
+ "\"%s\": lfeon = %" PRIu64 " (0x%0*" PRIx64 ") <%u bits> [%s]",
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(), lfeon, (int)hexWidth, lfeon,
+ lfeonProp->GetNumBits(), lfeon ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED");
+ }
+ if (brcProp) {
+ uint32_t bit_rate_codes[] = {
+ 32,
+ 40,
+ 48,
+ 56,
+ 64,
+ 80,
+ 96,
+ 112,
+ 128,
+ 160,
+ 192,
+ 224,
+ 256,
+ 320,
+ 384,
+ 448,
+ 512,
+ 576,
+ 640,
+ };
+ uint64_t bit_rate_code = brcProp->GetValue();
+ uint32_t bit_rate;
+ if (bit_rate_code < (sizeof(bit_rate_codes) / sizeof(bit_rate_codes[0]))) {
+ bit_rate = bit_rate_codes[bit_rate_code];
+ } else {
+ bit_rate = 0;
+ }
+ uint8_t hexWidth = brcProp->GetNumBits() / 4;
+ if (hexWidth == 0 || (brcProp->GetNumBits() % 4)) {
+ hexWidth++;
+ }
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE2,
+ "\"%s\": bit_rate_code = %" PRIu64 " (0x%0*" PRIx64 ") <%u bits> [%" PRIu32 " kbit/s]",
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ bit_rate_code, (int)hexWidth, bit_rate_code,
+ brcProp->GetNumBits(), bit_rate);
+ }
+ if (resProp) resProp->Dump(indent, dumpImplicits);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl