path: root/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src')
121 files changed, 36085 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/3gp.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/3gp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f6ec12e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/3gp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * 3GPP features implementation is based on 3GPP's TS26.234-v5.60,
+ * and was contributed by Ximpo Group Ltd.
+ *
+ * Portions created by Ximpo Group Ltd. are
+ * Copyright (C) Ximpo Group Ltd. 2003, 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Ximpo Group Ltd. [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+#define _3GP_MAJOR_BRAND "3gp5"
+#define _3GP_MINOR_VERSION 0x0001
+void MP4File::Make3GPCompliant(const char* fileName, char* majorBrand, uint32_t minorVersion, char** supportedBrands, uint32_t supportedBrandsCount, bool deleteIodsAtom)
+ char brand[5] = "3gp5";
+ char* _3gpSupportedBrands[1] = { (char*)&brand };
+ if (majorBrand) {
+ if (!supportedBrands || !supportedBrandsCount) {
+ throw new Exception("Invalid parameters", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ }
+ MakeFtypAtom(
+ majorBrand ? majorBrand : (char*)brand,
+ majorBrand ? minorVersion : _3GP_MINOR_VERSION,
+ majorBrand ? supportedBrands : (char**)_3gpSupportedBrands,
+ majorBrand ? supportedBrandsCount : 1);
+ if (deleteIodsAtom) {
+ // Delete the iods atom, if it exists....
+ MP4Atom* iodsAtom = m_pRootAtom->FindAtom("moov.iods");
+ if (iodsAtom) {
+ MP4Atom* moovAtom = m_pRootAtom->FindAtom("moov");
+ ASSERT(moovAtom);
+ moovAtom->DeleteChildAtom(iodsAtom);
+ }
+ }
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_ac3.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_ac3.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..300f4c11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_ac3.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * See ETSI TS 102 366 V1.2.1 Annex F for how to put Ac3 in MP4.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Edward Groenendaal [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4Ac3Atom::MP4Ac3Atom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "ac-3")
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved1", 6); /* 0 */
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this,"dataReferenceIndex"));
+ AddReserved(*this,"reserved2", 8); /* 2 */
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this,"channelCount"));
+ AddProperty( /* 4 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this,"sampleSize"));
+ AddReserved(*this,"reserved3", 4); /* 5 */
+ AddProperty( /* 6 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this,"samplingRate"));
+ AddReserved(*this,"reserved4", 2); /* 7 */
+ ExpectChildAtom("dac3", Required, OnlyOne);
+void MP4Ac3Atom::Generate()
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue(1); // data-reference-index
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[3])->SetValue(2); // channelCount - ignored
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[4])->SetValue(0x0010); // sampleSize - ignored
+ // The user should set the samplingRate as appropriate - and create the dac3 atom
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_amr.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_amr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2a21b3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_amr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * 3GPP features implementation is based on 3GPP's TS26.234-v5.60,
+ * and was contributed by Ximpo Group Ltd.
+ *
+ * Portions created by Ximpo Group Ltd. are
+ * Copyright (C) Ximpo Group Ltd. 2003, 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Ximpo Group Ltd. [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4AmrAtom::MP4AmrAtom(MP4File &file, const char *type)
+ : MP4Atom(file, type)
+ AddReserved(*this,"reserved1", 6); /* 0 */
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this,"dataReferenceIndex"));
+ AddReserved(*this,"reserved2", 16); /* 2 */
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this,"timeScale"));
+ AddReserved(*this,"reserved3", 2); /* 4 */
+ ExpectChildAtom("damr", Required, OnlyOne);
+void MP4AmrAtom::Generate()
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue(1);
+ // property reserved2 has non-zero fixed values
+ static uint8_t reserved2[16] = {
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x10,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ };
+ m_pProperties[2]->SetReadOnly(false);
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[2])->
+ SetValue(reserved2, sizeof(reserved2));
+ m_pProperties[2]->SetReadOnly(true);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_avc1.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_avc1.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3599f3ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_avc1.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Bill May [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4Avc1Atom::MP4Avc1Atom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "avc1")
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved1", 6); /* 0 */
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "dataReferenceIndex"));
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved2", 16); /* 2 */
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "width"));
+ AddProperty( /* 4 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "height"));
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved3", 14); /* 5 */
+ MP4StringProperty* pProp =
+ new MP4StringProperty(*this, "compressorName");
+ pProp->SetFixedLength(32);
+ pProp->SetCountedFormat(true);
+ pProp->SetValue("JVT/AVC Coding");
+ AddProperty(pProp); /* 6 */
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved4", 4); /* 7 */
+ ExpectChildAtom("avcC", Required, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("btrt", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("colr", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("pasp", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ // for now ExpectChildAtom("m4ds", Optional, OnlyOne);
+void MP4Avc1Atom::Generate()
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue(1);
+ // property reserved3 has non-zero fixed values
+ static uint8_t reserved3[14] = {
+ 0x00, 0x48, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x48, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x01,
+ };
+ m_pProperties[5]->SetReadOnly(false);
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[5])->
+ SetValue(reserved3, sizeof(reserved3));
+ m_pProperties[5]->SetReadOnly(true);
+ // property reserved4 has non-zero fixed values
+ static uint8_t reserved4[4] = {
+ 0x00, 0x18, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ };
+ m_pProperties[7]->SetReadOnly(false);
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[7])->
+ SetValue(reserved4, sizeof(reserved4));
+ m_pProperties[7]->SetReadOnly(true);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_avcC.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_avcC.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac477a2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_avcC.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Bill May [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+ * SizeTableProperty is a special version of the MP4TableProperty -
+ * the BytesProperty will need to set the value before it can read
+ * from the file
+ */
+class SizeTableProperty : public MP4TableProperty
+ SizeTableProperty(MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char *name, MP4IntegerProperty *pCountProperty) :
+ MP4TableProperty(parentAtom, name, pCountProperty) {};
+ void ReadEntry(MP4File& file, uint32_t index) {
+ // Each table has a size, followed by the length field
+ // first, read the length
+ m_pProperties[0]->Read(file, index);
+ MP4IntegerProperty *pIntProp = (MP4IntegerProperty *)m_pProperties[0];
+ // set the size in the bytes property
+ MP4BytesProperty *pBytesProp = (MP4BytesProperty *)m_pProperties[1];
+ pBytesProp->SetValueSize(pIntProp->GetValue(index), index);
+ // And read the bytes
+ m_pProperties[1]->Read(file, index);
+ };
+ SizeTableProperty();
+ SizeTableProperty ( const SizeTableProperty &src );
+ SizeTableProperty &operator= ( const SizeTableProperty &src );
+MP4AvcCAtom::MP4AvcCAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "avcC")
+ MP4BitfieldProperty *pCount;
+ MP4TableProperty *pTable;
+ AddProperty( new MP4Integer8Property(*this,"configurationVersion")); /* 0 */
+ AddProperty( new MP4Integer8Property(*this,"AVCProfileIndication")); /* 1 */
+ AddProperty( new MP4Integer8Property(*this,"profile_compatibility")); /* 2 */
+ AddProperty( new MP4Integer8Property(*this,"AVCLevelIndication")); /* 3 */
+ AddProperty( new MP4BitfieldProperty(*this,"reserved", 6)); /* 4 */
+ AddProperty( new MP4BitfieldProperty(*this,"lengthSizeMinusOne", 2)); /* 5 */
+ AddProperty( new MP4BitfieldProperty(*this,"reserved1", 3)); /* 6 */
+ pCount = new MP4BitfieldProperty(*this,"numOfSequenceParameterSets", 5);
+ AddProperty(pCount); /* 7 */
+ pTable = new SizeTableProperty(*this,"sequenceEntries", pCount);
+ AddProperty(pTable); /* 8 */
+ pTable->AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(pTable->GetParentAtom(),"sequenceParameterSetLength"));
+ pTable->AddProperty(new MP4BytesProperty(pTable->GetParentAtom(),"sequenceParameterSetNALUnit"));
+ MP4Integer8Property *pCount2 = new MP4Integer8Property(*this,"numOfPictureParameterSets");
+ AddProperty(pCount2); /* 9 */
+ pTable = new SizeTableProperty(*this,"pictureEntries", pCount2);
+ AddProperty(pTable); /* 10 */
+ pTable->AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(pTable->GetParentAtom(),"pictureParameterSetLength"));
+ pTable->AddProperty(new MP4BytesProperty(pTable->GetParentAtom(),"pictureParameterSetNALUnit"));
+void MP4AvcCAtom::Generate()
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValue(1);
+ m_pProperties[4]->SetReadOnly(false);
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[4])->SetValue(0x3f);
+ m_pProperties[4]->SetReadOnly(true);
+ m_pProperties[6]->SetReadOnly(false);
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[6])->SetValue(0x7);
+ m_pProperties[6]->SetReadOnly(true);
+#if 0
+ // property reserved4 has non-zero fixed values
+ static uint8_t reserved4[4] = {
+ 0x00, 0x18, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ };
+ m_pProperties[7]->SetReadOnly(false);
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[7])->
+ SetValue(reserved4, sizeof(reserved4));
+ m_pProperties[7]->SetReadOnly(true);
+// Clone - clone my properties to destination atom
+// this method simplifies duplicating avcC atom properties from
+// source to destination file using a single API rather than
+// having to copy each property. This API encapsulates the object
+// so the application layer need not concern with each property
+// thereby isolating any future changes to atom properties.
+// ----------------------------------------
+// property description
+// ----------------------------------------
+// 0 configurationVersion
+// 1 AVCProfileIndication
+// 2 profile_compatibility
+// 3 AVCLevelIndication
+// 4 reserved
+// 5 lengthSizeMinusOne
+// 6 reserved
+// 7 number of SPS
+// 8 SPS entries
+// 9 number of PPS
+// 10 PPS entries
+void MP4AvcCAtom::Clone(MP4AvcCAtom *dstAtom)
+ MP4Property *dstProperty;
+ MP4TableProperty *pTable;
+ uint16_t i16;
+ uint64_t i32;
+ uint64_t i64;
+ uint8_t *tmp;
+ // source pointer Property I16
+ MP4Integer16Property *spPI16;
+ // source pointer Property Bytes
+ MP4BytesProperty *spPB;
+ // dest pointer Property I16
+ MP4Integer16Property *dpPI16;
+ // dest pointer Property Bytes
+ MP4BytesProperty *dpPB;
+ // start with defaults and reserved fields
+ dstAtom->Generate();
+ // 0, 4, 6 are now generated from defaults
+ // leaving 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 to export
+ dstProperty=dstAtom->GetProperty(1);
+ ((MP4Integer8Property *)dstProperty)->SetValue(
+ ((MP4Integer8Property *)m_pProperties[1])->GetValue());
+ dstProperty=dstAtom->GetProperty(2);
+ ((MP4Integer8Property *)dstProperty)->SetValue(
+ ((MP4Integer8Property *)m_pProperties[2])->GetValue());
+ dstProperty=dstAtom->GetProperty(3);
+ ((MP4Integer8Property *)dstProperty)->SetValue(
+ ((MP4Integer8Property *)m_pProperties[3])->GetValue());
+ dstProperty=dstAtom->GetProperty(5);
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty *)dstProperty)->SetValue(
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty *)m_pProperties[5])->GetValue());
+ //
+ // 7 and 8 are related SPS (one set of sequence parameters)
+ //
+ // first the count bitfield
+ //
+ dstProperty=dstAtom->GetProperty(7);
+ dstProperty->SetReadOnly(false);
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty *)dstProperty)->SetValue(
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty *)m_pProperties[7])->GetValue());
+ dstProperty->SetReadOnly(true);
+ // next export SPS Length and NAL bytes */
+ // first source pointers
+ pTable = (MP4TableProperty *) m_pProperties[8];
+ spPI16 = (MP4Integer16Property *)pTable->GetProperty(0);
+ spPB = (MP4BytesProperty *)pTable->GetProperty(1);
+ // now dest pointers
+ dstProperty=dstAtom->GetProperty(8);
+ pTable = (MP4TableProperty *) dstProperty;
+ dpPI16 = (MP4Integer16Property *)pTable->GetProperty(0);
+ dpPB = (MP4BytesProperty *)pTable->GetProperty(1);
+ // sps length
+ i16 = spPI16->GetValue();
+ i64 = i16;
+ // FIXME - this leaves m_maxNumElements =2
+ // but src atom m_maxNumElements is 1
+ dpPI16->InsertValue(i64, 0);
+ // export byte array
+ i32 = i16;
+ // copy bytes to local buffer
+ tmp = (uint8_t *)MP4Malloc(i32);
+ ASSERT(tmp != NULL);
+ spPB->CopyValue(tmp, 0);
+ // set element count
+ dpPB->SetCount(1);
+ // copy bytes
+ dpPB->SetValue(tmp, i32, 0);
+ MP4Free((void *)tmp);
+ //
+ // 9 and 10 are related PPS (one set of picture parameters)
+ //
+ // first the integer8 count
+ //
+ dstProperty=dstAtom->GetProperty(9);
+ dstProperty->SetReadOnly(false);
+ ((MP4Integer8Property *)dstProperty)->SetValue(
+ ((MP4Integer8Property *)m_pProperties[9])->GetValue());
+ dstProperty->SetReadOnly(true);
+ // next export PPS Length and NAL bytes */
+ // first source pointers
+ pTable = (MP4TableProperty *) m_pProperties[10];
+ spPI16 = (MP4Integer16Property *)pTable->GetProperty(0);
+ spPB = (MP4BytesProperty *)pTable->GetProperty(1);
+ // now dest pointers
+ dstProperty=dstAtom->GetProperty(10);
+ pTable = (MP4TableProperty *) dstProperty;
+ dpPI16 = (MP4Integer16Property *)pTable->GetProperty(0);
+ dpPB = (MP4BytesProperty *)pTable->GetProperty(1);
+ // pps length
+ i16 = spPI16->GetValue();
+ i64 = i16;
+ dpPI16->InsertValue(i64, 0);
+ // export byte array
+ i32 = i16;
+ // copy bytes to local buffer
+ tmp = (uint8_t *)MP4Malloc(i32);
+ ASSERT(tmp != NULL);
+ spPB->CopyValue(tmp, 0);
+ // set element count
+ dpPB->SetCount(1);
+ // copy bytes
+ dpPB->SetValue(tmp, i32, 0);
+ MP4Free((void *)tmp);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_chpl.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_chpl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4eea2b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_chpl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+// MP4ChplAtom is for Nero chapter list atom which is a child of udta
+MP4ChplAtom::MP4ChplAtom (MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "chpl")
+ // it is not completely clear if version, flags, reserved and chaptercount
+ // have the right sizes but
+ // one thing is clear: chaptercount is not only 8-bit it is at least 16-bit
+ // add the version
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+ // add reserved bytes
+ AddReserved(*this,"reserved", 1);
+ // define the chaptercount
+ MP4Integer32Property * counter = new MP4Integer32Property(*this,"chaptercount");
+ AddProperty(counter);
+ // define the chapterlist
+ MP4TableProperty * list = new MP4TableProperty(*this,"chapters", counter);
+ // the start time as 100 nanoseconds units
+ list->AddProperty(new MP4Integer64Property(*this,"starttime"));
+ // the chapter name as UTF-8
+ list->AddProperty(new MP4StringProperty(*this,"title", true));
+ // add the chapterslist
+ AddProperty(list);
+void MP4ChplAtom::Generate ()
+ SetVersion(1);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_colr.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_colr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..965173ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_colr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * Contributer has declined to give copyright information, and gives
+ * it freely to the world.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4ColrAtom::MP4ColrAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "colr")
+ MP4StringProperty* cpt = new MP4StringProperty(*this,"colorParameterType");
+ cpt->SetFixedLength(4);
+ AddProperty(cpt); /* 0 */
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */ new MP4Integer16Property(*this,"primariesIndex"));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */ new MP4Integer16Property(*this,"transferFunctionIndex"));
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */ new MP4Integer16Property(*this,"matrixIndex"));
+void MP4ColrAtom::Generate()
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ ((MP4StringProperty*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValue("nclc");
+ // default to ITU BT.709 values
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue(1);
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValue(1);
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[3])->SetValue(1);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_d263.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_d263.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..66e78edf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_d263.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * 3GPP features implementation is based on 3GPP's TS26.234-v5.60,
+ * and was contributed by Ximpo Group Ltd.
+ *
+ * Portions created by Ximpo Group Ltd. are
+ * Copyright (C) Ximpo Group Ltd. 2003, 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Ximpo Group Ltd. [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+#define H263_VENDOR 0x6d346970
+MP4D263Atom::MP4D263Atom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "d263")
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "vendor"));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "decoderVersion"));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "h263Level"));
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "h263Profile"));
+ ExpectChildAtom("bitr", Optional, OnlyOne);
+void MP4D263Atom::Generate()
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValue(H263_VENDOR);
+ ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue(1);
+void MP4D263Atom::Write()
+ // Check whether we have valid values in the bitr atom
+ // (if it exists, of course)
+ MP4Atom* bitrAtom = FindAtom("d263.bitr");
+ if (bitrAtom) {
+ uint32_t avgBitrate;
+ uint32_t maxBitrate;
+ MP4Integer32Property* pProp;
+ bitrAtom->FindProperty("bitr.avgBitrate",
+ (MP4Property**)&pProp,
+ NULL);
+ ASSERT(pProp);
+ avgBitrate = pProp->GetValue();
+ bitrAtom->FindProperty("bitr.maxBitrate",
+ (MP4Property**)&pProp,
+ NULL);
+ ASSERT(pProp);
+ maxBitrate = pProp->GetValue();
+ if (!maxBitrate && !avgBitrate) {
+ DeleteChildAtom(bitrAtom);
+ }
+ }
+ MP4Atom::Write();
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_dac3.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_dac3.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32f7e62f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_dac3.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * See ETSI TS 102 366 V1.2.1 Annex F for how to put Ac3 in MP4.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Edward Groenendaal [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4DAc3Atom::MP4DAc3Atom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "dac3")
+ AddProperty( new MP4BitfieldProperty(*this, "fscod", 2)); /* 0 */
+ AddProperty( new MP4BitfieldProperty(*this, "bsid", 5)); /* 1 */
+ AddProperty( new MP4BitfieldProperty(*this, "bsmod", 3)); /* 2 */
+ AddProperty( new MP4BitfieldProperty(*this, "acmod", 3)); /* 3 */
+ AddProperty( new MP4BitfieldProperty(*this, "lfeon", 1)); /* 4 */
+ AddProperty( new MP4BitfieldProperty(*this, "bit_rate_code", 5)); /* 5 */
+ AddProperty( new MP4BitfieldProperty(*this, "reserved", 5)); /* 6 */
+ m_pProperties[6]->SetReadOnly(true);
+void MP4DAc3Atom::Generate()
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ * Normalling the Dump of the atom looks like the following, we want to spruce
+ * this up a bit to give more information.
+ *
+ * type = dac3
+ * fscod = 0 (0x0) <2 bits>
+ * bsid = 8 (0x08) <5 bits>
+ * bsmod = 0 (0x0) <3 bits>
+ * acmod = 7 (0x7) <3 bits>
+ * lfeon = 1 (0x1) <1 bits>
+ * bit_rate_code = 15 (0x0f) <5 bits>
+ * reserved = 0 (0x00) <5 bits>
+ *
+ * into:
+ * type = dac3
+ * fscod = 0 (0x0) <2 bits> [48 kHz]
+ * bsid = 8 (0x08) <5 bits>
+ * bsmod = 0 (0x0) <3 bits> [Main audio service: complete main (CM)]
+ * acmod = 7 (0x7) <3 bits> [3/2 (L, C, R, SL, SR)]
+ * lfeon = 1 (0x1) <1 bits> [ENABLED]
+ * bit_rate_code = 15 (0x0f) <5 bits> [448 kbit/s]
+ * reserved = 0 (0x00) <5 bits>
+ *
+ */
+void MP4DAc3Atom::Dump(uint8_t indent, bool dumpImplicits)
+ MP4BitfieldProperty* fscodProp = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[0]);
+ MP4BitfieldProperty* bsidProp = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[1]);
+ MP4BitfieldProperty* bsmodProp = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[2]);
+ MP4BitfieldProperty* acmodProp = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[3]);
+ MP4BitfieldProperty* lfeonProp = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[4]);
+ MP4BitfieldProperty* brcProp = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[5]);
+ MP4BitfieldProperty* resProp = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[6]);
+ log.dump(indent++, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE2, "\"%s\": type = dac3",
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str() );
+ if (fscodProp) {
+ uint64_t fscod = 0xFF;
+ const char* fscodString;
+ const char* fscods[] = {
+ "48", "44.1", "32", "Reserved",
+ };
+ fscod = fscodProp->GetValue();
+ if (fscod < (sizeof(fscods) / sizeof(fscods[0]))) {
+ fscodString = fscods[fscod];
+ } else {
+ fscodString = "Invalid value";
+ }
+ uint8_t hexWidth = fscodProp->GetNumBits() / 4;
+ if (hexWidth == 0 || (fscodProp->GetNumBits() % 4)) {
+ hexWidth++;
+ }
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE2, "\"%s\": fscod = %" PRIu64 " (0x%0*" PRIx64 ") <%u bits> [%s kHz]",
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ fscod, (int)hexWidth, fscod, fscodProp->GetNumBits(), fscodString);
+ }
+ if (bsidProp) bsidProp->Dump(indent, dumpImplicits);
+ if (bsmodProp) {
+ uint64_t bsmod = 0xFF;
+ const char* bsmodString;
+ const char* bsmods[] = {
+ "Main audio service: complete main (CM)",
+ "Main audio srrvice: music and effects (ME)",
+ "Associated service: visually impaired (VI)",
+ "Associated service: hearing impaired (HI)",
+ "Associated service: dialogue (D)",
+ "Associated service: commentary (C)",
+ "Associated service: emergency (E)",
+ "Associated service: voice over (VO) or Main audio service: karaoke",
+ };
+ bsmod = bsmodProp->GetValue();
+ if (bsmod < (sizeof(bsmods) / sizeof(bsmods[0]))) {
+ bsmodString = bsmods[bsmod];
+ } else {
+ bsmodString = "Invalid value";
+ }
+ uint8_t hexWidth = bsmodProp->GetNumBits() / 4;
+ if (hexWidth == 0 || (bsmodProp->GetNumBits() % 4)) {
+ hexWidth++;
+ }
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE2,
+ "\"%s\": bsmod = %" PRIu64 " (0x%0*" PRIx64 ") <%u bits> [%s]",
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ bsmod, (int)hexWidth, bsmod, bsmodProp->GetNumBits(), bsmodString);
+ }
+ if (acmodProp) {
+ uint64_t acmod = 0xFF;
+ const char* acmodString;
+ const char* acmods[] = {
+ "1 + 1 (Ch1, Ch2)",
+ "1/0 (C)",
+ "2/0 (L, R)",
+ "3/0 (L, C, R)",
+ "2/1 (L, R, S)",
+ "3/1 (L, C, R, S)",
+ "2/2 (L, R, SL, SR)",
+ "3/2 (L, C, R, SL, SR)",
+ };
+ acmod = acmodProp->GetValue();
+ if (acmod < (sizeof(acmods) / sizeof(acmods[0]))) {
+ acmodString = acmods[acmod];
+ } else {
+ acmodString = "Invalid value";
+ }
+ uint8_t hexWidth = acmodProp->GetNumBits() / 4;
+ if (hexWidth == 0 || (acmodProp->GetNumBits() % 4)) {
+ hexWidth++;
+ }
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE2,
+ "\"%s\": acmod = %" PRIu64 " (0x%0*" PRIx64 ") <%u bits> [%s]",
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ acmod, (int)hexWidth, acmod, acmodProp->GetNumBits(), acmodString);
+ }
+ if (lfeonProp) {
+ uint64_t lfeon = lfeonProp->GetValue();
+ uint8_t hexWidth = lfeonProp->GetNumBits() / 4;
+ if (hexWidth == 0 || (lfeonProp->GetNumBits() % 4)) {
+ hexWidth++;
+ }
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE2,
+ "\"%s\": lfeon = %" PRIu64 " (0x%0*" PRIx64 ") <%u bits> [%s]",
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(), lfeon, (int)hexWidth, lfeon,
+ lfeonProp->GetNumBits(), lfeon ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED");
+ }
+ if (brcProp) {
+ uint32_t bit_rate_codes[] = {
+ 32,
+ 40,
+ 48,
+ 56,
+ 64,
+ 80,
+ 96,
+ 112,
+ 128,
+ 160,
+ 192,
+ 224,
+ 256,
+ 320,
+ 384,
+ 448,
+ 512,
+ 576,
+ 640,
+ };
+ uint64_t bit_rate_code = brcProp->GetValue();
+ uint32_t bit_rate;
+ if (bit_rate_code < (sizeof(bit_rate_codes) / sizeof(bit_rate_codes[0]))) {
+ bit_rate = bit_rate_codes[bit_rate_code];
+ } else {
+ bit_rate = 0;
+ }
+ uint8_t hexWidth = brcProp->GetNumBits() / 4;
+ if (hexWidth == 0 || (brcProp->GetNumBits() % 4)) {
+ hexWidth++;
+ }
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE2,
+ "\"%s\": bit_rate_code = %" PRIu64 " (0x%0*" PRIx64 ") <%u bits> [%" PRIu32 " kbit/s]",
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ bit_rate_code, (int)hexWidth, bit_rate_code,
+ brcProp->GetNumBits(), bit_rate);
+ }
+ if (resProp) resProp->Dump(indent, dumpImplicits);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_damr.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_damr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16177823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_damr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * 3GPP features implementation is based on 3GPP's TS26.234-v5.60,
+ * and was contributed by Ximpo Group Ltd.
+ *
+ * Portions created by Ximpo Group Ltd. are
+ * Copyright (C) Ximpo Group Ltd. 2003, 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Ximpo Group Ltd. [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+#define AMR_VENDOR 0x6d346970
+MP4DamrAtom::MP4DamrAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "damr")
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "vendor"));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "decoderVersion"));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "modeSet"));
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "modeChangePeriod"));
+ AddProperty( /* 4 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "framesPerSample"));
+void MP4DamrAtom::Generate()
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValue(AMR_VENDOR);
+ ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue(1);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_dref.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_dref.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b174c7a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_dref.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4DrefAtom::MP4DrefAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "dref")
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+ MP4Integer32Property* pCount =
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "entryCount");
+ pCount->SetReadOnly();
+ AddProperty(pCount);
+ ExpectChildAtom("url ", Optional, Many);
+ ExpectChildAtom("urn ", Optional, Many);
+ ExpectChildAtom("alis", Optional, Many);
+void MP4DrefAtom::Read()
+ /* do the usual read */
+ MP4Atom::Read();
+ // check that number of children == entryCount
+ MP4Integer32Property* pCount =
+ (MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[2];
+ if (m_pChildAtoms.Size() != pCount->GetValue()) {
+ log.warningf("%s: \"%s\": dref inconsistency with number of entries",
+ __FUNCTION__, GetFile().GetFilename().c_str() );
+ /* fix it */
+ pCount->SetReadOnly(false);
+ pCount->SetValue(m_pChildAtoms.Size());
+ pCount->SetReadOnly(true);
+ }
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_elst.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_elst.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cadc1072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_elst.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4ElstAtom::MP4ElstAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "elst")
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+ MP4Integer32Property* pCount =
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "entryCount");
+ AddProperty(pCount);
+ MP4TableProperty* pTable = new MP4TableProperty(*this, "entries", pCount);
+ AddProperty(pTable);
+void MP4ElstAtom::AddProperties(uint8_t version)
+ MP4TableProperty* pTable = (MP4TableProperty*)m_pProperties[3];
+ if (version == 1) {
+ pTable->AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer64Property(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "segmentDuration"));
+ pTable->AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer64Property(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "mediaTime"));
+ } else {
+ pTable->AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer32Property(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "segmentDuration"));
+ pTable->AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer32Property(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "mediaTime"));
+ }
+ pTable->AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer16Property(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "mediaRate"));
+ pTable->AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer16Property(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "reserved"));
+void MP4ElstAtom::Generate()
+ SetVersion(0);
+ AddProperties(GetVersion());
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+void MP4ElstAtom::Read()
+ /* read atom version */
+ ReadProperties(0, 1);
+ /* need to create the properties based on the atom version */
+ AddProperties(GetVersion());
+ /* now we can read the remaining properties */
+ ReadProperties(1);
+ Skip(); // to end of atom
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_enca.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_enca.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..700fa574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_enca.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ * Alix Marchandise-Franquet [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4EncaAtom::MP4EncaAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "enca")
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved1", 6); /* 0 */
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "dataReferenceIndex"));
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved2", 16); /* 2 */
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "timeScale"));
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved3", 2); /* 4 */
+ ExpectChildAtom("esds", Required, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("sinf", Required, OnlyOne);
+void MP4EncaAtom::Generate()
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue(1);
+ // property reserved2 has non-zero fixed values
+ static uint8_t reserved2[16] = {
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x10,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ };
+ m_pProperties[2]->SetReadOnly(false);
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[2])->
+ SetValue(reserved2, sizeof(reserved2));
+ m_pProperties[2]->SetReadOnly(true);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_encv.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_encv.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce97ece7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_encv.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ * Alix Marchandise-Franquet [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4EncvAtom::MP4EncvAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "encv")
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved1", 6); /* 0 */
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "dataReferenceIndex"));
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved2", 16); /* 2 */
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "width"));
+ AddProperty( /* 4 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "height"));
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved3", 14); /* 5 */
+ MP4StringProperty* pProp =
+ new MP4StringProperty(*this, "compressorName");
+ pProp->SetFixedLength(32);
+ pProp->SetCountedFormat(true);
+ pProp->SetValue("");
+ AddProperty(pProp); /* 6 */
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved4", 4); /* 7 */
+ ExpectChildAtom("esds", Required, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("sinf", Required, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("avcC", Optional, OnlyOne);
+void MP4EncvAtom::Generate()
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue(1);
+ // property reserved3 has non-zero fixed values
+ static uint8_t reserved3[14] = {
+ 0x00, 0x48, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x48, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x01,
+ };
+ m_pProperties[5]->SetReadOnly(false);
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[5])->
+ SetValue(reserved3, sizeof(reserved3));
+ m_pProperties[5]->SetReadOnly(true);
+ // property reserved4 has non-zero fixed values
+ static uint8_t reserved4[4] = {
+ 0x00, 0x18, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ };
+ m_pProperties[7]->SetReadOnly(false);
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[7])->
+ SetValue(reserved4, sizeof(reserved4));
+ m_pProperties[7]->SetReadOnly(true);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_free.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_free.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5450e046
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_free.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4FreeAtom::MP4FreeAtom( MP4File &file, const char* type )
+ : MP4Atom( file, type ? type : "free" )
+void MP4FreeAtom::Read()
+ Skip();
+void MP4FreeAtom::Write()
+ bool use64 = (GetSize() > (0xFFFFFFFF - 8));
+ BeginWrite(use64);
+#if 1
+ for (uint64_t ix = 0; ix < GetSize(); ix++) {
+ m_File.WriteUInt8(0);
+ }
+ m_File.SetPosition(m_File.GetPosition() + GetSize());
+ FinishWrite(use64);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_ftab.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_ftab.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a1ea057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_ftab.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4FtabAtom::MP4FtabAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "ftab")
+ MP4Integer16Property* pCount = new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "entryCount"); /* 0 */
+ AddProperty(pCount);
+ MP4TableProperty* pTable = new MP4TableProperty(*this, "fontEntries", pCount); /* 1 */
+ AddProperty(pTable);
+ pTable->AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "fontID")); /* 0 */
+ pTable->AddProperty(new MP4StringProperty(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "name", true)); /* 1 */
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_ftyp.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_ftyp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..92b47d60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_ftyp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+MP4FtypAtom::MP4FtypAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom( file, "ftyp" )
+ , majorBrand ( *new MP4StringProperty( *this, "majorBrand" ))
+ , minorVersion ( *new MP4Integer32Property( *this, "minorVersion" ))
+ , compatibleBrands ( *new MP4StringProperty( *this, "compatibleBrands", false, false, true ))
+ majorBrand.SetFixedLength( 4 );
+ compatibleBrands.SetFixedLength( 4 );
+ AddProperty( &majorBrand );
+ AddProperty( &minorVersion );
+ AddProperty( &compatibleBrands );
+void MP4FtypAtom::Generate()
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ majorBrand.SetValue( "mp42" );
+ minorVersion.SetValue( 0 );
+ compatibleBrands.SetCount( 2 );
+ compatibleBrands.SetValue( "mp42", 0 );
+ compatibleBrands.SetValue( "isom", 1 );
+void MP4FtypAtom::Read()
+ compatibleBrands.SetCount( (m_size - 8) / 4 ); // brands array fills rest of atom
+ MP4Atom::Read();
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_gmin.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_gmin.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cb94a1e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_gmin.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * Contributer has declined to give copyright information, and gives
+ * it freely to the world.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4GminAtom::MP4GminAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "gmin")
+ AddVersionAndFlags(); /* 0, 1 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "graphicsMode")); /* 2 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "opColorRed")); /* 3 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "opColorGreen")); /* 4 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "opColorBlue")); /* 5 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "balance")); /* 6 */
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved", 2); /* 7 */
+void MP4GminAtom::Generate()
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValue(0x0040);
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[3])->SetValue(0x8000);
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[4])->SetValue(0x8000);
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[5])->SetValue(0x8000);
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[6])->SetValue(0x0000);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_hdlr.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_hdlr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db33e7e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_hdlr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4HdlrAtom::MP4HdlrAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "hdlr")
+ AddVersionAndFlags(); /* 0, 1 */
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved1", 4); /* 2 */
+ MP4StringProperty* pProp = new MP4StringProperty(*this, "handlerType");
+ pProp->SetFixedLength(4);
+ AddProperty(pProp); /* 3 */
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved2", 12); /* 4 */
+ AddProperty( /* 5 */
+ new MP4StringProperty(*this, "name"));
+// There is a spec incompatiblity between QT and MP4
+// QT says name field is a counted string
+// MP4 says name field is a null terminated string
+// Here we attempt to make all things work
+void MP4HdlrAtom::Read()
+ // read all the properties but the "name" field
+ ReadProperties(0, 5);
+ uint64_t pos = m_File.GetPosition();
+ uint64_t end = GetEnd();
+ if (pos == end) {
+ // A hdlr atom with missing "name".
+ // Apparently that's what some of the iTunes m4p files have.
+ return;
+ }
+ // take a peek at the next byte
+ uint8_t strLength;
+ m_File.PeekBytes(&strLength, 1);
+ // if the value matches the remaining atom length
+ if (pos + strLength + 1 == end) {
+ // read a counted string
+ MP4StringProperty* pNameProp =
+ (MP4StringProperty*)m_pProperties[5];
+ pNameProp->SetCountedFormat(true);
+ ReadProperties(5);
+ pNameProp->SetCountedFormat(false);
+ } else {
+ // read a null terminated string
+ try {
+ // Unfortunately, there are some invalid mp4 writers that don't
+ // null the hdlr name string. Generally this will be "automatically"
+ // terminated for them by the size field of the subsequent atom. So if
+ // our size is off by one...let it slide. otherwise, rethrow.
+ // The Skip() call will set our start to the correct location
+ // for the next Atom. See issue #52
+ ReadProperties(5);
+ }
+ catch(Exception* x) {
+ if( m_File.GetPosition() - GetEnd() == 1 )
+ delete x;
+ else
+ throw x;
+ }
+ }
+ Skip(); // to end of atom
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_hinf.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_hinf.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f6f8d70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_hinf.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+MP4HinfAtom::MP4HinfAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "hinf")
+ ExpectChildAtom("trpy", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("nump", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("tpyl", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("maxr", Optional, Many);
+ ExpectChildAtom("dmed", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("dimm", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("drep", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("tmin", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("tmax", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("pmax", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("dmax", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("payt", Optional, OnlyOne);
+void MP4HinfAtom::Generate()
+ // hinf is special in that although all it's child atoms
+ // are optional (on read), if we generate it for writing
+ // we really want all the children
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_pChildAtomInfos.Size(); i++) {
+ MP4Atom* pChildAtom =
+ CreateAtom(m_File, this, m_pChildAtomInfos[i]->m_name);
+ AddChildAtom(pChildAtom);
+ // and ask it to self generate
+ pChildAtom->Generate();
+ }
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_hnti.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_hnti.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f2cac1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_hnti.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4HntiAtom::MP4HntiAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "hnti")
+void MP4HntiAtom::Read()
+ MP4Atom* grandParent = m_pParentAtom->GetParentAtom();
+ ASSERT(grandParent);
+ if (ATOMID(grandParent->GetType()) == ATOMID("trak")) {
+ ExpectChildAtom("sdp ", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ } else {
+ ExpectChildAtom("rtp ", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ }
+ MP4Atom::Read();
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_href.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_href.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a15fe790
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_href.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2005. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Bill May [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4HrefAtom::MP4HrefAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "href")
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved1", 6); /* 0 */
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "dataReferenceIndex"));
+ ExpectChildAtom("burl", Optional, OnlyOne);
+void MP4HrefAtom::Generate()
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue(1);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_mdat.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_mdat.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe50cb90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_mdat.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4MdatAtom::MP4MdatAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "mdat")
+void MP4MdatAtom::Read()
+ Skip();
+void MP4MdatAtom::Write()
+ // should never get here
+ ASSERT(false);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_mdhd.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_mdhd.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..28f28887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_mdhd.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+MP4MdhdAtom::MP4MdhdAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "mdhd")
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+void MP4MdhdAtom::AddProperties(uint8_t version)
+ if (version == 1) {
+ AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer64Property(*this, "creationTime"));
+ AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer64Property(*this, "modificationTime"));
+ } else {
+ AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "creationTime"));
+ AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "modificationTime"));
+ }
+ AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "timeScale"));
+ if (version == 1) {
+ AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer64Property(*this, "duration"));
+ } else {
+ AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "duration"));
+ }
+ AddProperty( new MP4LanguageCodeProperty(*this, "language" ));
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved", 2);
+void MP4MdhdAtom::Generate()
+ uint8_t version = m_File.Use64Bits(GetType()) ? 1 : 0;
+ SetVersion(version);
+ AddProperties(version);
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ // set creation and modification times
+ MP4Timestamp now = MP4GetAbsTimestamp();
+ if (version == 1) {
+ ((MP4Integer64Property*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValue(now);
+ ((MP4Integer64Property*)m_pProperties[3])->SetValue(now);
+ } else {
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValue(now);
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[3])->SetValue(now);
+ }
+void MP4MdhdAtom::Read()
+ /* read atom version */
+ ReadProperties(0, 1);
+ /* need to create the properties based on the atom version */
+ AddProperties(GetVersion());
+ /* now we can read the remaining properties */
+ ReadProperties(1);
+ Skip(); // to end of atom
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_meta.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_meta.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e6f1a68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_meta.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * M. Bakker mbakker at
+ *
+ * Apple iTunes META data
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+MP4DataAtom::MP4DataAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom ( file, "data" )
+ , typeReserved ( *new MP4Integer16Property( *this, "typeReserved" ))
+ , typeSetIdentifier ( *new MP4Integer8Property( *this, "typeSetIdentifier" ))
+ , typeCode ( *new MP4BasicTypeProperty( *this, "typeCode" ))
+ , locale ( *new MP4Integer32Property( *this, "locale" ))
+ , metadata ( *new MP4BytesProperty( *this, "metadata" ))
+ AddProperty( &typeReserved );
+ AddProperty( &typeSetIdentifier );
+ AddProperty( &typeCode );
+ AddProperty( &locale );
+ AddProperty( &metadata );
+ // calculate size of the metadata from the atom size
+ metadata.SetValueSize( m_size - 8 );
+ MP4Atom::Read();
+MP4FullAtom::MP4FullAtom( MP4File &file, const char* type )
+ : MP4Atom ( file, type )
+ , version ( *new MP4Integer8Property( *this, "version" ))
+ , flags ( *new MP4Integer24Property( *this, "flags" ))
+ AddProperty( &version );
+ AddProperty( &flags );
+MP4ItemAtom::MP4ItemAtom( MP4File &file, const char* type )
+ : MP4Atom( file, type )
+ ExpectChildAtom( "mean", Optional, OnlyOne );
+ ExpectChildAtom( "name", Optional, OnlyOne );
+ ExpectChildAtom( "data", Required, Many );
+MP4ItmfHdlrAtom::MP4ItmfHdlrAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4FullAtom ( file, "hdlr" )
+ , reserved1 ( *new MP4Integer32Property( *this, "reserved1" ))
+ , handlerType ( *new MP4BytesProperty( *this, "handlerType", 4 ))
+ , reserved2 ( *new MP4BytesProperty( *this, "reserved2", 12 ))
+ , name ( *new MP4BytesProperty( *this, "name", 1 ))
+ AddProperty( &reserved1 );
+ AddProperty( &handlerType );
+ AddProperty( &reserved2 );
+ AddProperty( &name );
+ const uint8_t htData[] = { 'm', 'd', 'i', 'r' };
+ handlerType.SetValue( htData, sizeof( htData ));
+ const uint8_t nameData[] = { 0 };
+ name.SetValue( nameData, sizeof( nameData ));
+ name.SetValueSize( m_size - 24 );
+ MP4FullAtom::Read();
+MP4MeanAtom::MP4MeanAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4FullAtom ( file, "mean" )
+ , value ( *new MP4BytesProperty( *this, "value" ))
+ AddProperty( &value );
+ value.SetValueSize( m_size - 4 );
+ MP4Atom::Read();
+MP4NameAtom::MP4NameAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4FullAtom ( file, "name" )
+ , value ( *new MP4BytesProperty( *this, "value" ))
+ AddProperty( &value );
+ value.SetValueSize( m_size - 4 );
+ MP4FullAtom::Read();
+MP4UdtaElementAtom::MP4UdtaElementAtom( MP4File &file, const char* type )
+ : MP4Atom ( file, type )
+ , value ( *new MP4BytesProperty( *this, "value" ))
+ AddProperty( &value );
+ // calculate size of the metadata from the atom size
+ value.SetValueSize( m_size );
+ MP4Atom::Read();
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_mp4s.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_mp4s.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..293a5546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_mp4s.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4Mp4sAtom::MP4Mp4sAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "mp4s")
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved1", 6);
+ AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "dataReferenceIndex"));
+ ExpectChildAtom("esds", Required, OnlyOne);
+void MP4Mp4sAtom::Generate()
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue(1);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_mp4v.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_mp4v.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cf64441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_mp4v.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4Mp4vAtom::MP4Mp4vAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "mp4v")
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved1", 6); /* 0 */
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "dataReferenceIndex"));
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved2", 16); /* 2 */
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "width"));
+ AddProperty( /* 4 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "height"));
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved3", 14); /* 5 */
+ MP4StringProperty* pProp =
+ new MP4StringProperty(*this, "compressorName");
+ pProp->SetFixedLength(32);
+ pProp->SetCountedFormat(true);
+ pProp->SetValue("");
+ AddProperty(pProp); /* 6 */
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved4", 4); /* 7 */
+ ExpectChildAtom("colr", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("esds", Required, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("pasp", Optional, OnlyOne);
+void MP4Mp4vAtom::Generate()
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue(1);
+ // property reserved3 has non-zero fixed values
+ static uint8_t reserved3[14] = {
+ 0x00, 0x48, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x48, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x01,
+ };
+ m_pProperties[5]->SetReadOnly(false);
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[5])->
+ SetValue(reserved3, sizeof(reserved3));
+ m_pProperties[5]->SetReadOnly(true);
+ // property reserved4 has non-zero fixed values
+ static uint8_t reserved4[4] = {
+ 0x00, 0x18, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ };
+ m_pProperties[7]->SetReadOnly(false);
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[7])->
+ SetValue(reserved4, sizeof(reserved4));
+ m_pProperties[7]->SetReadOnly(true);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_mvhd.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_mvhd.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3863de2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_mvhd.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4MvhdAtom::MP4MvhdAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "mvhd")
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+void MP4MvhdAtom::AddProperties(uint8_t version)
+ if (version == 1) {
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4Integer64Property(*this, "creationTime"));
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4Integer64Property(*this, "modificationTime"));
+ } else {
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "creationTime"));
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "modificationTime"));
+ }
+ AddProperty( /* 4 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "timeScale"));
+ if (version == 1) {
+ AddProperty( /* 5 */
+ new MP4Integer64Property(*this, "duration"));
+ } else {
+ AddProperty( /* 5 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "duration"));
+ }
+ MP4Float32Property* pProp;
+ pProp = new MP4Float32Property(*this, "rate");
+ pProp->SetFixed32Format();
+ AddProperty(pProp); /* 6 */
+ pProp = new MP4Float32Property(*this, "volume");
+ pProp->SetFixed16Format();
+ AddProperty(pProp); /* 7 */
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved1", 70); /* 8 */
+ AddProperty( /* 9 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "nextTrackId"));
+void MP4MvhdAtom::Generate()
+ uint8_t version = m_File.Use64Bits(GetType()) ? 1 : 0;
+ SetVersion(version);
+ AddProperties(version);
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ // set creation and modification times
+ MP4Timestamp now = MP4GetAbsTimestamp();
+ if (version == 1) {
+ ((MP4Integer64Property*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValue(now);
+ ((MP4Integer64Property*)m_pProperties[3])->SetValue(now);
+ } else {
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValue(now);
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[3])->SetValue(now);
+ }
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[4])->SetValue(1000);
+ ((MP4Float32Property*)m_pProperties[6])->SetValue(1.0);
+ ((MP4Float32Property*)m_pProperties[7])->SetValue(1.0);
+ // property reserved has non-zero fixed values
+ static uint8_t reserved[70] = {
+ 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ };
+ m_pProperties[8]->SetReadOnly(false);
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[8])->
+ SetValue(reserved, sizeof(reserved));
+ m_pProperties[8]->SetReadOnly(true);
+ // set next track id
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[9])->SetValue(1);
+void MP4MvhdAtom::Read()
+ /* read atom version */
+ ReadProperties(0, 1);
+ /* need to create the properties based on the atom version */
+ AddProperties(GetVersion());
+ /* now we can read the remaining properties */
+ ReadProperties(1);
+ Skip(); // to end of atom
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_nmhd.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_nmhd.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e3a52d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_nmhd.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4NmhdAtom::MP4NmhdAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "nmhd")
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_ohdr.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_ohdr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5652c16d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_ohdr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+/** \file atom_ohdr.cpp
+ \author Danijel Kopcinovic ([email protected])
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+/*! \brief Patch class for read/write operations when string is 0-length.
+ We want to use string property, but mpeg4ip doesn't support ohdr way of
+ encoding of string (in ohdr atom we first have 3 lengths of 3 strings and
+ then their string values, and it cannot be simulated with any of the
+ current mpeg4ip string property parameters), so we have to write our own
+ Read() and Write() routines.
+class OhdrMP4StringProperty: public MP4StringProperty {
+ /*! \brief Constructor.
+ \param name name of the property.
+ \param useCountedFormat counted format flag.
+ \param useUnicode unicode flag.
+ */
+ OhdrMP4StringProperty(MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char* name, bool useCountedFormat = false,
+ bool useUnicode = false): MP4StringProperty(parentAtom, name, useCountedFormat,
+ useUnicode) {
+ }
+ /*! \brief Read property from file.
+ \param pFile input, file handle.
+ \param index input, index to read.
+ */
+ void Read(MP4File& file, uint32_t index = 0) {
+ MP4Free(m_values[index]);
+ m_values[index] = (char*)MP4Calloc(m_fixedLength + 1);
+ (void)file.ReadBytes((uint8_t*)m_values[index], m_fixedLength);
+ }
+ /*! \brief Write property to file.
+ \param pFile input, file handle.
+ \param index input, index to write.
+ */
+ void Write(MP4File& file, uint32_t index = 0) {
+ file.WriteBytes((uint8_t*)m_values[index], m_fixedLength);
+ }
+ OhdrMP4StringProperty();
+ OhdrMP4StringProperty ( const OhdrMP4StringProperty &src );
+ OhdrMP4StringProperty &operator= ( const OhdrMP4StringProperty &src );
+/*! \brief OMA DRM headers atom.
+ Contained in OMA DRM key management atom. It must contain content identifier.
+/*! \brief Constructor.
+MP4OhdrAtom::MP4OhdrAtom(MP4File &file): MP4Atom(file, "ohdr") {
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "EncryptionMethod"));
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "EncryptionPadding"));
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer64Property(*this, "PlaintextLength"));
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "ContentIDLength"));
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "RightsIssuerURLLength"));
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "TextualHeadersLength"));
+ AddProperty(new OhdrMP4StringProperty(*this, "ContentID"));
+ AddProperty(new OhdrMP4StringProperty(*this, "RightsIssuerURL"));
+ AddProperty(new MP4BytesProperty(*this, "TextualHeaders"));
+MP4OhdrAtom::~MP4OhdrAtom() {
+/*! \brief Read atom.
+void MP4OhdrAtom::Read() {
+ ReadProperties(0, 8);
+ MP4Property* lProperty;
+ MP4Property* property;
+ lProperty = GetProperty(5);
+ property = GetProperty(8);
+ ((OhdrMP4StringProperty*)property)->SetFixedLength(
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)lProperty)->GetValue());
+ lProperty = GetProperty(6);
+ property = GetProperty(9);
+ ((OhdrMP4StringProperty*)property)->SetFixedLength(
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)lProperty)->GetValue());
+ lProperty = GetProperty(7);
+ property = GetProperty(10);
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)property)->SetFixedSize(
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)lProperty)->GetValue());
+ ReadProperties(8, 3);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_pasp.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_pasp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ecebf27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_pasp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * Contributer has declined to give copyright information, and gives
+ * it freely to the world.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4PaspAtom::MP4PaspAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "pasp")
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "hSpacing"));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "vSpacing"));
+void MP4PaspAtom::Generate()
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValue(1);
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue(1);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_root.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_root.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4702bb95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_root.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+MP4RootAtom::MP4RootAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom( file, NULL )
+ , m_rewrite_ftyp ( NULL )
+ , m_rewrite_ftypPosition ( 0 )
+ , m_rewrite_free ( NULL )
+ , m_rewrite_freePosition ( 0 )
+ ExpectChildAtom( "moov", Required, OnlyOne );
+ ExpectChildAtom( "ftyp", Optional, OnlyOne );
+ ExpectChildAtom( "mdat", Optional, Many );
+ ExpectChildAtom( "free", Optional, Many );
+ ExpectChildAtom( "skip", Optional, Many );
+ ExpectChildAtom( "udta", Optional, Many );
+ ExpectChildAtom( "moof", Optional, Many );
+void MP4RootAtom::BeginWrite(bool use64)
+ m_rewrite_ftyp = (MP4FtypAtom*)FindChildAtom( "ftyp" );
+ if( m_rewrite_ftyp ) {
+ m_rewrite_free = (MP4FreeAtom*)MP4Atom::CreateAtom( m_File, NULL, "free" );
+ m_rewrite_free->SetSize( 32*4 ); // room for 32 additional brands
+ AddChildAtom( m_rewrite_free );
+ m_rewrite_ftypPosition = m_File.GetPosition();
+ m_rewrite_ftyp->Write();
+ m_rewrite_freePosition = m_File.GetPosition();
+ m_rewrite_free->Write();
+ }
+ m_pChildAtoms[GetLastMdatIndex()]->BeginWrite( m_File.Use64Bits( "mdat" ));
+void MP4RootAtom::Write()
+ // no-op
+void MP4RootAtom::FinishWrite(bool use64)
+ if( m_rewrite_ftyp ) {
+ const uint64_t savepos = m_File.GetPosition();
+ m_File.SetPosition( m_rewrite_ftypPosition );
+ m_rewrite_ftyp->Write();
+ const uint64_t newpos = m_File.GetPosition();
+ if( newpos > m_rewrite_freePosition )
+ m_rewrite_free->SetSize( m_rewrite_free->GetSize() - (newpos - m_rewrite_freePosition) ); // shrink
+ else if( newpos < m_rewrite_freePosition )
+ m_rewrite_free->SetSize( m_rewrite_free->GetSize() + (m_rewrite_freePosition - newpos) ); // grow
+ m_rewrite_free->Write();
+ m_File.SetPosition( savepos );
+ }
+ // finish writing last mdat atom
+ const uint32_t mdatIndex = GetLastMdatIndex();
+ m_pChildAtoms[mdatIndex]->FinishWrite( m_File.Use64Bits( "mdat" ));
+ // write all atoms after last mdat
+ const uint32_t size = m_pChildAtoms.Size();
+ for ( uint32_t i = mdatIndex + 1; i < size; i++ )
+ m_pChildAtoms[i]->Write();
+void MP4RootAtom::BeginOptimalWrite()
+ WriteAtomType("ftyp", OnlyOne);
+ WriteAtomType("moov", OnlyOne);
+ WriteAtomType("udta", Many);
+ m_pChildAtoms[GetLastMdatIndex()]->BeginWrite(m_File.Use64Bits("mdat"));
+void MP4RootAtom::FinishOptimalWrite()
+ // finish writing mdat
+ m_pChildAtoms[GetLastMdatIndex()]->FinishWrite(m_File.Use64Bits("mdat"));
+ // find moov atom
+ uint32_t size = m_pChildAtoms.Size();
+ MP4Atom* pMoovAtom = NULL;
+ uint32_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ if (!strcmp("moov", m_pChildAtoms[i]->GetType())) {
+ pMoovAtom = m_pChildAtoms[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT(i < size);
+ ASSERT(pMoovAtom != NULL);
+ // rewrite moov so that updated chunkOffsets are written to disk
+ m_File.SetPosition(pMoovAtom->GetStart());
+ uint64_t oldSize = pMoovAtom->GetSize();
+ pMoovAtom->Write();
+ // sanity check
+ uint64_t newSize = pMoovAtom->GetSize();
+ ASSERT(oldSize == newSize);
+uint32_t MP4RootAtom::GetLastMdatIndex()
+ for (int32_t i = m_pChildAtoms.Size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (!strcmp("mdat", m_pChildAtoms[i]->GetType())) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT(false);
+ return (uint32_t)-1;
+void MP4RootAtom::WriteAtomType(const char* type, bool onlyOne)
+ uint32_t size = m_pChildAtoms.Size();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ if (!strcmp(type, m_pChildAtoms[i]->GetType())) {
+ m_pChildAtoms[i]->Write();
+ if (onlyOne) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_rtp.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_rtp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af459edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_rtp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4RtpAtom::MP4RtpAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "rtp ")
+ // The atom type "rtp " is used in two complete unrelated ways
+ // i.e. it's real two atoms with the same name
+ // To handle that we need to postpone property creation until
+ // we know who our parent atom is (stsd or hnti) which gives us
+ // the context info we need to know who we are
+void MP4RtpAtom::AddPropertiesStsdType()
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved1", 6); /* 0 */
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "dataReferenceIndex"));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "hintTrackVersion"));
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "highestCompatibleVersion"));
+ AddProperty( /* 4 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "maxPacketSize"));
+ ExpectChildAtom("tims", Required, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("tsro", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("snro", Optional, OnlyOne);
+void MP4RtpAtom::AddPropertiesHntiType()
+ MP4StringProperty* pProp =
+ new MP4StringProperty(*this, "descriptionFormat");
+ pProp->SetFixedLength(4);
+ AddProperty(pProp); /* 0 */
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4StringProperty(*this, "sdpText"));
+void MP4RtpAtom::Generate()
+ ASSERT(m_pParentAtom);
+ if (!strcmp(m_pParentAtom->GetType(), "stsd")) {
+ AddPropertiesStsdType();
+ GenerateStsdType();
+ } else if (!strcmp(m_pParentAtom->GetType(), "hnti")) {
+ AddPropertiesHntiType();
+ GenerateHntiType();
+ } else {
+ log.warningf("%s: \"%s\": rtp atom in unexpected context, can not generate",
+ __FUNCTION__, GetFile().GetFilename().c_str() );
+ }
+void MP4RtpAtom::GenerateStsdType()
+ // generate children
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue(1);
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValue(1);
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[3])->SetValue(1);
+void MP4RtpAtom::GenerateHntiType()
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ ((MP4StringProperty*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValue("sdp ");
+void MP4RtpAtom::Read()
+ ASSERT(m_pParentAtom);
+ if (!strcmp(m_pParentAtom->GetType(), "stsd")) {
+ AddPropertiesStsdType();
+ ReadStsdType();
+ } else if (!strcmp(m_pParentAtom->GetType(), "hnti")) {
+ AddPropertiesHntiType();
+ ReadHntiType();
+ } else {
+ log.verbose1f("rtp atom in unexpected context, can not read");
+ }
+ Skip(); // to end of atom
+void MP4RtpAtom::ReadStsdType()
+ MP4Atom::Read();
+void MP4RtpAtom::ReadHntiType()
+ ReadProperties(0, 1);
+ // read sdp string, length is implicit in size of atom
+ uint64_t size = GetEnd() - m_File.GetPosition();
+ char* data = (char*)MP4Malloc(size + 1);
+ ASSERT(data != NULL);
+ m_File.ReadBytes((uint8_t*)data, size);
+ data[size] = '\0';
+ ((MP4StringProperty*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue(data);
+ MP4Free(data);
+void MP4RtpAtom::Write()
+ if (!strcmp(m_pParentAtom->GetType(), "hnti")) {
+ WriteHntiType();
+ } else {
+ MP4Atom::Write();
+ }
+void MP4RtpAtom::WriteHntiType()
+ // since length of string is implicit in size of atom
+ // we need to handle this specially, and not write the terminating \0
+ MP4StringProperty* pSdp = (MP4StringProperty*)m_pProperties[1];
+ pSdp->SetFixedLength((uint32_t)strlen(pSdp->GetValue()));
+ MP4Atom::Write();
+ pSdp->SetFixedLength(0);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_s263.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_s263.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c53e00a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_s263.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * 3GPP features implementation is based on 3GPP's TS26.234-v5.60,
+ * and was contributed by Ximpo Group Ltd.
+ *
+ * Portions created by Ximpo Group Ltd. are
+ * Copyright (C) Ximpo Group Ltd. 2003, 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Ximpo Group Ltd. [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4S263Atom::MP4S263Atom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "s263")
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved1", 6); /* 0 */
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "dataReferenceIndex"));
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved2", 16); /* 2 */
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "width"));
+ AddProperty( /* 4 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "height"));
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved3", 50); /* 5 */
+ ExpectChildAtom("d263", Required, OnlyOne);
+void MP4S263Atom::Generate()
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue(1);
+ // property reserved2 has non-zero fixed values
+ static uint8_t reserved3[50] = {
+ 0x00, 0x48, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x48, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x24,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF
+ };
+ m_pProperties[5]->SetReadOnly(false);
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[5])->
+ SetValue(reserved3, sizeof(reserved3));
+ m_pProperties[5]->SetReadOnly(true);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_sdp.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_sdp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..386a0a13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_sdp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4SdpAtom::MP4SdpAtom(MP4File &file) : MP4Atom(file, "sdp ")
+ AddProperty(
+ new MP4StringProperty(*this, "sdpText"));
+void MP4SdpAtom::Read()
+ // read sdp string, length is implicit in size of atom
+ uint64_t size = GetEnd() - m_File.GetPosition();
+ char* data = (char*)MP4Malloc(size + 1);
+ ASSERT(data != NULL);
+ m_File.ReadBytes((uint8_t*)data, size);
+ data[size] = '\0';
+ ((MP4StringProperty*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValue(data);
+ MP4Free(data);
+void MP4SdpAtom::Write()
+ // since length of string is implicit in size of atom
+ // we need to handle this specially, and not write the terminating \0
+ MP4StringProperty* pSdp = (MP4StringProperty*)m_pProperties[0];
+ const char* sdpText = pSdp->GetValue();
+ if (sdpText) {
+ pSdp->SetFixedLength((uint32_t)strlen(sdpText));
+ }
+ MP4Atom::Write();
+ pSdp->SetFixedLength(0);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_sdtp.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_sdtp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4afe6536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_sdtp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+MP4SdtpAtom::MP4SdtpAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4FullAtom ( file, "sdtp" )
+ , data ( *new MP4BytesProperty( *this, "data" ))
+ AddProperty( &data );
+void MP4SdtpAtom::Read()
+ data.SetValueSize( m_size - 4 );
+ MP4FullAtom::Read();
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_smi.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_smi.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..348b9ab1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_smi.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Bill May [email protected]
+ *
+ * Apple iTunes META data
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4SmiAtom::MP4SmiAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "meta")
+ AddProperty( new MP4BytesProperty(*this, "metadata"));
+void MP4SmiAtom::Read()
+ // calculate size of the metadata from the atom size
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValueSize(m_size);
+ MP4Atom::Read();
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_sound.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_sound.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..368f4318
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_sound.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Bill May [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4SoundAtom::MP4SoundAtom(MP4File &file, const char *atomid)
+ : MP4Atom(file, atomid)
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved1", 6); /* 0 */
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "dataReferenceIndex"));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "soundVersion"));
+ AddReserved( *this, "reserved2", 6); /* 3 */
+ AddProperty( /* 4 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "channels"));
+ AddProperty( /* 5 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "sampleSize"));
+ AddProperty( /* 6 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "compressionId"));
+ AddProperty( /* 7 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "packetSize"));
+ AddProperty( /* 8 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "timeScale"));
+ if (ATOMID(atomid) == ATOMID("mp4a")) {
+ ExpectChildAtom("esds", Required, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("wave", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ } else if (ATOMID(atomid) == ATOMID("alac")) {
+ ExpectChildAtom("alac", Optional, Optional);
+ //AddProperty( new MP4BytesProperty(*this, "alacInfo", 36));
+ }
+void MP4SoundAtom::AddProperties (uint8_t version)
+ if (version > 0) {
+ AddProperty( /* 9 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "samplesPerPacket"));
+ AddProperty( /* 10 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "bytesPerPacket"));
+ AddProperty( /* 11 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "bytesPerFrame"));
+ AddProperty( /* 12 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "bytesPerSample"));
+ }
+ if (version == 2) {
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved4", 20);
+ }
+void MP4SoundAtom::Generate()
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue(1);
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValue(0);
+ // property reserved2 has non-zero fixed values
+ static const uint8_t reserved2[6] = {
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00,
+ };
+ m_pProperties[3]->SetReadOnly(false);
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[3])->
+ SetValue(reserved2, sizeof(reserved2));
+ m_pProperties[3]->SetReadOnly(true);
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[4])->SetValue(2);
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[5])->SetValue(0x0010);
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[6])->SetValue(0);
+void MP4SoundAtom::Read()
+ MP4Atom *parent = GetParentAtom();
+ if (ATOMID(parent->GetType()) != ATOMID("stsd")) {
+ // Quicktime has an interesting thing - they'll put an mp4a atom
+ // which is blank inside a wave atom, which is inside an mp4a atom
+ // we have a mp4a inside an wave inside an mp4a - delete all properties
+ for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++ i)
+ delete m_pProperties[i]; // make sure we delete the properties themselves, then remove from m_pProperties
+ m_pProperties.Delete(8);
+ m_pProperties.Delete(7);
+ m_pProperties.Delete(6);
+ m_pProperties.Delete(5);
+ m_pProperties.Delete(4);
+ m_pProperties.Delete(3);
+ m_pProperties.Delete(2);
+ m_pProperties.Delete(1);
+ m_pProperties.Delete(0);
+ if (ATOMID(GetType()) == ATOMID("alac")) {
+ AddProperty(new MP4BytesProperty(*this, "decoderConfig", m_size));
+ ReadProperties();
+ }
+ if (m_pChildAtomInfos.Size() > 0) {
+ ReadChildAtoms();
+ }
+ } else {
+ ReadProperties(0, 3); // read first 3 properties
+ AddProperties(((MP4IntegerProperty *)m_pProperties[2])->GetValue());
+ ReadProperties(3); // continue
+ if (m_pChildAtomInfos.Size() > 0) {
+ ReadChildAtoms();
+ }
+ }
+ Skip();
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_standard.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_standard.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba567fde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_standard.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Bill May (from others work).
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+MP4StandardAtom::MP4StandardAtom (MP4File &file, const char *type) : MP4Atom(file, type)
+ /*
+ * This is a big if else loop. Make sure that you don't break it
+ * when adding new atoms, or you will set the unknown type flag
+ *
+ * Try to keep it in alphabetical order - it should only be called
+ * 1 time per atom, so it's not that urgent.
+ */
+ if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("bitr")) {
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "avgBitrate"));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "maxBitrate"));
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("btrt")) {
+ AddProperty( new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "bufferSizeDB")); /* 0 */
+ AddProperty( new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "avgBitrate")); /* 1 */
+ AddProperty( new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "maxBitrate")); /* 2 */
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("burl")) {
+ AddProperty( new MP4StringProperty(*this, "base_url"));
+ /*
+ * c???
+ */
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("co64")) {
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+ MP4Integer32Property* pCount =
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "entryCount");
+ AddProperty(pCount);
+ MP4TableProperty* pTable = new MP4TableProperty(*this, "entries", pCount);
+ AddProperty(pTable);
+ pTable->AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer64Property(*this, "chunkOffset"));
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("ctts")) {
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+ MP4Integer32Property* pCount =
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "entryCount");
+ AddProperty(pCount);
+ MP4TableProperty* pTable = new MP4TableProperty(*this, "entries", pCount);
+ AddProperty(pTable);
+ pTable->AddProperty(new MP4Integer32Property(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "sampleCount"));
+ pTable->AddProperty(new MP4Integer32Property(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "sampleOffset"));
+ /*
+ * d???
+ */
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("dinf")) {
+ ExpectChildAtom("dref", Required, OnlyOne);
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("dimm")) {
+ AddProperty( // bytes of immediate data
+ new MP4Integer64Property(*this, "bytes"));
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("dmax")) {
+ AddProperty( // max packet duration
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "milliSecs"));
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("dmed")) {
+ AddProperty( // bytes sent from media data
+ new MP4Integer64Property(*this, "bytes"));
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("drep")) {
+ AddProperty( // bytes of repeated data
+ new MP4Integer64Property(*this, "bytes"));
+ /*
+ * e???
+ */
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("edts")) {
+ ExpectChildAtom("elst", Required, OnlyOne);
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("esds")) {
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+ AddProperty(
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(*this, NULL, MP4ESDescrTag, 0,
+ Required, OnlyOne));
+ /*
+ * f???
+ */
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("frma")) {
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "data-format"));
+ /*
+ * g???
+ */
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("gmhd")) {
+ ExpectChildAtom("gmin", Required, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("tmcd", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("text", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("hmhd")) {
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "maxPduSize"));
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "avgPduSize"));
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "maxBitRate"));
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "avgBitRate"));
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "slidingAvgBitRate"));
+ /*
+ * i???
+ */
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("iKMS")) {
+ AddVersionAndFlags(); /* 0, 1 */
+ MP4StringProperty* pProp = new MP4StringProperty(*this, "kms_URI");
+ AddProperty(pProp); /* 2 */
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("iSFM")) {
+ AddVersionAndFlags(); /* 0, 1 */
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(*this, "selective-encryption", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(*this, "reserved", 7));
+ AddProperty( /* 4 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "key-indicator-length"));
+ AddProperty( /* 5 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "IV-length"));
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("ilst")) {
+ ExpectChildAtom("\251nam", Optional, OnlyOne); /* name */
+ ExpectChildAtom("\251ART", Optional, OnlyOne); /* artist */
+ ExpectChildAtom("\251wrt", Optional, OnlyOne); /* writer */
+ ExpectChildAtom("\251alb", Optional, OnlyOne); /* album */
+ ExpectChildAtom("\251day", Optional, OnlyOne); /* date */
+ ExpectChildAtom("\251too", Optional, OnlyOne); /* tool */
+ ExpectChildAtom("\251cmt", Optional, OnlyOne); /* comment */
+ ExpectChildAtom("\251gen", Optional, OnlyOne); /* custom genre */
+ ExpectChildAtom("trkn", Optional, OnlyOne); /* tracknumber */
+ ExpectChildAtom("disk", Optional, OnlyOne); /* disknumber */
+ ExpectChildAtom("gnre", Optional, OnlyOne); /* genre (ID3v1 index + 1) */
+ ExpectChildAtom("cpil", Optional, OnlyOne); /* compilation */
+ ExpectChildAtom("tmpo", Optional, OnlyOne); /* BPM */
+ ExpectChildAtom("covr", Optional, OnlyOne); /* cover art */
+ ExpectChildAtom("aART", Optional, OnlyOne); /* album artist */
+ ExpectChildAtom("----", Optional, Many); /* ---- free form */
+ ExpectChildAtom("pgap", Optional, OnlyOne); /* part of gapless album */
+ ExpectChildAtom("tvsh", Optional, OnlyOne); /* TV show */
+ ExpectChildAtom("tvsn", Optional, OnlyOne); /* TV season */
+ ExpectChildAtom("tven", Optional, OnlyOne); /* TV episode number */
+ ExpectChildAtom("tvnn", Optional, OnlyOne); /* TV network name */
+ ExpectChildAtom("tves", Optional, OnlyOne); /* TV epsidoe */
+ ExpectChildAtom("desc", Optional, OnlyOne); /* description */
+ ExpectChildAtom("ldes", Optional, OnlyOne); /* long description */
+ ExpectChildAtom("soal", Optional, OnlyOne); /* sort album */
+ ExpectChildAtom("soar", Optional, OnlyOne); /* sort artist */
+ ExpectChildAtom("soaa", Optional, OnlyOne); /* sort album artist */
+ ExpectChildAtom("sonm", Optional, OnlyOne); /* sort name */
+ ExpectChildAtom("soco", Optional, OnlyOne); /* sort composer */
+ ExpectChildAtom("sosn", Optional, OnlyOne); /* sort show */
+ ExpectChildAtom("hdvd", Optional, OnlyOne); /* HD video */
+ ExpectChildAtom("�enc", Optional, OnlyOne); /* Encoded by */
+ ExpectChildAtom("pcst", Optional, OnlyOne); /* Podcast flag */
+ ExpectChildAtom("keyw", Optional, OnlyOne); /* Keywords (for podcasts?) */
+ ExpectChildAtom("catg", Optional, OnlyOne); /* Category (for podcasts?) */
+ ExpectChildAtom("purl", Optional, OnlyOne); /* Podcast URL */
+ ExpectChildAtom("egid", Optional, OnlyOne); /* Podcast episode global unique ID */
+ ExpectChildAtom("rtng", Optional, OnlyOne); /* Content Rating */
+ ExpectChildAtom("stik", Optional, OnlyOne); /* MediaType */
+ ExpectChildAtom("\251grp", Optional, OnlyOne); /* Grouping */
+ ExpectChildAtom("\251lyr", Optional, OnlyOne); /* Lyrics */
+ ExpectChildAtom("cprt", Optional, OnlyOne); /* Copyright */
+ ExpectChildAtom("apID", Optional, OnlyOne); /* iTunes Account */
+ ExpectChildAtom("akID", Optional, OnlyOne); /* iTunes Account Type */
+ ExpectChildAtom("sfID", Optional, OnlyOne); /* iTunes Country */
+ ExpectChildAtom("cnID", Optional, OnlyOne); /* Content ID */
+ ExpectChildAtom("atID", Optional, OnlyOne); /* Artist ID */
+ ExpectChildAtom("plID", Optional, OnlyOne); /* Playlist ID */
+ ExpectChildAtom("geID", Optional, OnlyOne); /* Genre ID */
+ ExpectChildAtom("cmID", Optional, OnlyOne); /* Composer ID */
+ ExpectChildAtom("xid ", Optional, OnlyOne); /* XID */
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("imif")) {
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+ AddProperty(new MP4DescriptorProperty(*this, "ipmp_desc", MP4IPMPDescrTag,
+ MP4IPMPDescrTag, Required, Many));
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("iods")) {
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+ AddProperty(
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(*this, NULL, MP4FileIODescrTag,
+ MP4FileODescrTag,
+ Required, OnlyOne));
+ /*
+ * m???
+ */
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("maxr")) {
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "granularity"));
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "bytes"));
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("mdia")) {
+ ExpectChildAtom("mdhd", Required, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("hdlr", Required, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("minf", Required, OnlyOne);
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("meta")) { // iTunes
+ AddVersionAndFlags(); /* 0, 1 */
+ ExpectChildAtom("hdlr", Required, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("ilst", Required, OnlyOne);
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("mfhd")) {
+ AddVersionAndFlags(); /* 0, 1 */
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "sequenceNumber"));
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("minf")) {
+ ExpectChildAtom("vmhd", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("smhd", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("hmhd", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("nmhd", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("gmhd", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("dinf", Required, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("stbl", Required, OnlyOne);
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("moof")) {
+ ExpectChildAtom("mfhd", Required, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("traf", Optional, Many);
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("moov")) {
+ ExpectChildAtom("mvhd", Required, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("iods", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("trak", Required, Many);
+ ExpectChildAtom("udta", Optional, Many);
+ ExpectChildAtom("mvex", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("mvex")) {
+ ExpectChildAtom("trex", Required, Many);
+ /*
+ * n???
+ */
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("nmhd")) {
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("nump")) {
+ AddProperty( // packets sent
+ new MP4Integer64Property(*this, "packets"));
+ /*
+ * o???
+ */
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("odkm")) {
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+ ExpectChildAtom("ohdr", Required, OnlyOne);
+ /*
+ * p???
+ */
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("payt")) {
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "payloadNumber"));
+ AddProperty(new MP4StringProperty(*this, "rtpMap", Counted));
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("pinf")) {
+ ExpectChildAtom("frma", Required, OnlyOne);
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("pmax")) {
+ AddProperty( // max packet size
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "bytes"));
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("schi")) {
+ // not sure if this is child atoms or table of boxes
+ // get clarification on spec
+ ExpectChildAtom("odkm", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("iKMS", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("iSFM", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("schm")) {
+ AddVersionAndFlags(); /* 0, 1 */
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "scheme_type"));
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "scheme_version"));
+ // browser URI if flags set, TODO
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("sinf")) {
+ ExpectChildAtom("frma", Required, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("imif", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("schm", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("schi", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("smhd")) {
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved", 4);
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("snro")) {
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "offset"));
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("stco")) {
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+ MP4Integer32Property* pCount = new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "entryCount");
+ AddProperty(pCount);
+ MP4TableProperty* pTable = new MP4TableProperty(*this, "entries", pCount);
+ AddProperty(pTable);
+ pTable->AddProperty(new MP4Integer32Property(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "chunkOffset"));
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("stsh")) {
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+ MP4Integer32Property* pCount = new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "entryCount");
+ AddProperty(pCount);
+ MP4TableProperty* pTable = new MP4TableProperty(*this, "entries", pCount);
+ AddProperty(pTable);
+ pTable->AddProperty(new MP4Integer32Property(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "shadowedSampleNumber"));
+ pTable->AddProperty(new MP4Integer32Property(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "syncSampleNumber"));
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("stss")) {
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+ MP4Integer32Property* pCount = new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "entryCount");
+ AddProperty(pCount);
+ MP4TableProperty* pTable = new MP4TableProperty(*this, "entries", pCount);
+ AddProperty(pTable);
+ pTable->AddProperty(new MP4Integer32Property(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "sampleNumber"));
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("stts")) {
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+ MP4Integer32Property* pCount = new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "entryCount");
+ AddProperty(pCount);
+ MP4TableProperty* pTable = new MP4TableProperty(*this, "entries", pCount);
+ AddProperty(pTable);
+ pTable->AddProperty(new MP4Integer32Property(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "sampleCount"));
+ pTable->AddProperty(new MP4Integer32Property(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "sampleDelta"));
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("tims")) {
+ AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "timeScale"));
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("tmin")) {
+ AddProperty( // min relative xmit time
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "milliSecs"));
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("tmax")) {
+ AddProperty( // max relative xmit time
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "milliSecs"));
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("traf")) {
+ ExpectChildAtom("tfhd", Required, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("trun", Optional, Many);
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("trak")) {
+ ExpectChildAtom("tkhd", Required, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("tref", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("edts", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("mdia", Required, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("udta", Optional, Many);
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("tref")) {
+ ExpectChildAtom("chap", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("dpnd", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("hint", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("ipir", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("mpod", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("sync", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("trex")) {
+ AddVersionAndFlags(); /* 0, 1 */
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "trackId"));
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "defaultSampleDesriptionIndex"));
+ AddProperty( /* 4 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "defaultSampleDuration"));
+ AddProperty( /* 5 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "defaultSampleSize"));
+ AddProperty( /* 6 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "defaultSampleFlags"));
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("trpy") ||
+ ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("tpyl")) {
+ AddProperty( // bytes sent including RTP headers
+ new MP4Integer64Property(*this, "bytes"));
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("tsro")) {
+ AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "offset"));
+ } else if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("wave")) {
+ ExpectChildAtom("esds", Required, OnlyOne);
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * default - unknown type
+ */
+ SetUnknownType(true);
+ }
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_stbl.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_stbl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca63dd91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_stbl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+MP4StblAtom::MP4StblAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "stbl")
+ ExpectChildAtom("stsd", Required, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("stts", Required, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("ctts", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("stsz", Required, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("stz2", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("stsc", Required, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("stco", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("co64", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("stss", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("stsh", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("stdp", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("sdtp", Optional, OnlyOne);
+void MP4StblAtom::Generate()
+ // as usual
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ // but we also need one of the chunk offset atoms
+ MP4Atom* pChunkOffsetAtom;
+ if (m_File.Use64Bits(GetType())) {
+ pChunkOffsetAtom = CreateAtom(m_File, this, "co64");
+ } else {
+ pChunkOffsetAtom = CreateAtom(m_File, this, "stco");
+ }
+ AddChildAtom(pChunkOffsetAtom);
+ // and ask it to self generate
+ pChunkOffsetAtom->Generate();
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_stdp.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_stdp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..daac9fe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_stdp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4StdpAtom::MP4StdpAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "stdp")
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+ MP4Integer32Property* pCount =
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "entryCount");
+ pCount->SetImplicit();
+ AddProperty(pCount);
+ MP4TableProperty* pTable = new MP4TableProperty(*this, "entries", pCount);
+ AddProperty(pTable);
+ pTable->AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer16Property(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "priority"));
+void MP4StdpAtom::Read()
+ // table entry count computed from atom size
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[2])->SetReadOnly(false);
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValue((m_size - 4) / 2);
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[2])->SetReadOnly(true);
+ MP4Atom::Read();
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_stsc.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_stsc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6dbecfde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_stsc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4StscAtom::MP4StscAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "stsc")
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+ MP4Integer32Property* pCount =
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "entryCount");
+ AddProperty(pCount);
+ MP4TableProperty* pTable = new MP4TableProperty(*this, "entries", pCount);
+ AddProperty(pTable);
+ pTable->AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer32Property(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "firstChunk"));
+ pTable->AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer32Property(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "samplesPerChunk"));
+ pTable->AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer32Property(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "sampleDescriptionIndex"));
+ // As an optimization we add an implicit property to this table,
+ // "firstSample" that corresponds to the first sample of the firstChunk
+ MP4Integer32Property* pSample =
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "firstSample");
+ pSample->SetImplicit();
+ pTable->AddProperty(pSample);
+void MP4StscAtom::Read()
+ // Read as usual
+ MP4Atom::Read();
+ // Compute the firstSample values for later use
+ uint32_t count =
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[2])->GetValue();
+ MP4Integer32Property* pFirstChunk = (MP4Integer32Property*)
+ ((MP4TableProperty*)m_pProperties[3])->GetProperty(0);
+ MP4Integer32Property* pSamplesPerChunk = (MP4Integer32Property*)
+ ((MP4TableProperty*)m_pProperties[3])->GetProperty(1);
+ MP4Integer32Property* pFirstSample = (MP4Integer32Property*)
+ ((MP4TableProperty*)m_pProperties[3])->GetProperty(3);
+ MP4SampleId sampleId = 1;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ pFirstSample->SetValue(sampleId, i);
+ if (i < count - 1) {
+ sampleId +=
+ (pFirstChunk->GetValue(i+1) - pFirstChunk->GetValue(i))
+ * pSamplesPerChunk->GetValue(i);
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_stsd.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_stsd.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf995d8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_stsd.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001 - 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * 3GPP features implementation is based on 3GPP's TS26.234-v5.60,
+ * and was contributed by Ximpo Group Ltd.
+ *
+ * Portions created by Ximpo Group Ltd. are
+ * Copyright (C) Ximpo Group Ltd. 2003, 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ * Alix Marchandise-Franquet [email protected]
+ * Ximpo Group Ltd. [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4StsdAtom::MP4StsdAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "stsd")
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+ MP4Integer32Property* pCount =
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "entryCount");
+ pCount->SetReadOnly();
+ AddProperty(pCount);
+ ExpectChildAtom("mp4a", Optional, Many);
+ ExpectChildAtom("enca", Optional, Many);
+ ExpectChildAtom("mp4s", Optional, Many);
+ ExpectChildAtom("mp4v", Optional, Many);
+ ExpectChildAtom("encv", Optional, Many);
+ ExpectChildAtom("rtp ", Optional, Many);
+ ExpectChildAtom("samr", Optional, Many); // For AMR-NB
+ ExpectChildAtom("sawb", Optional, Many); // For AMR-WB
+ ExpectChildAtom("s263", Optional, Many); // For H.263
+ ExpectChildAtom("avc1", Optional, Many);
+ ExpectChildAtom("alac", Optional, Many);
+ ExpectChildAtom("text", Optional, Many);
+ ExpectChildAtom("ac-3", Optional, Many);
+void MP4StsdAtom::Read()
+ /* do the usual read */
+ MP4Atom::Read();
+ // check that number of children == entryCount
+ MP4Integer32Property* pCount =
+ (MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[2];
+ if (m_pChildAtoms.Size() != pCount->GetValue()) {
+ log.warningf("%s: \"%s\": stsd inconsistency with number of entries",
+ __FUNCTION__, GetFile().GetFilename().c_str() );
+ /* fix it */
+ pCount->SetReadOnly(false);
+ pCount->SetValue(m_pChildAtoms.Size());
+ pCount->SetReadOnly(true);
+ }
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_stsz.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_stsz.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a054faf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_stsz.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4StszAtom::MP4StszAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "stsz")
+ AddVersionAndFlags(); /* 0, 1 */
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "sampleSize"));
+ MP4Integer32Property* pCount =
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "sampleCount");
+ AddProperty(pCount); /* 3 */
+ MP4TableProperty* pTable = new MP4TableProperty(*this, "entries", pCount);
+ AddProperty(pTable); /* 4 */
+ pTable->AddProperty( /* 4/0 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "entrySize"));
+void MP4StszAtom::Read()
+ ReadProperties(0, 4);
+ uint32_t sampleSize =
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[2])->GetValue();
+ // only attempt to read entries table if sampleSize is zero
+ // i.e sample size is not constant
+ m_pProperties[4]->SetImplicit(sampleSize != 0);
+ ReadProperties(4);
+ Skip(); // to end of atom
+void MP4StszAtom::Write()
+ uint32_t sampleSize =
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[2])->GetValue();
+ // only attempt to write entries table if sampleSize is zero
+ // i.e sample size is not constant
+ m_pProperties[4]->SetImplicit(sampleSize != 0);
+ MP4Atom::Write();
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_stz2.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_stz2.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..30a1946c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_stz2.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+ * This is used for the 4 bit sample size below. We need the sampleCount
+ * to be correct for the number of samples, but the table size needs to
+ * be correct to read and write it.
+ */
+class MP4HalfSizeTableProperty : public MP4TableProperty
+ MP4HalfSizeTableProperty(MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char *name, MP4IntegerProperty *pCountProperty) :
+ MP4TableProperty(parentAtom, name, pCountProperty) {};
+ // The count is half the actual size
+ uint32_t GetCount() {
+ return (m_pCountProperty->GetValue() + 1)/ 2;
+ };
+ void SetCount(uint32_t count) {
+ m_pCountProperty->SetValue(count * 2);
+ };
+ MP4HalfSizeTableProperty();
+ MP4HalfSizeTableProperty ( const MP4HalfSizeTableProperty &src );
+ MP4HalfSizeTableProperty &operator= ( const MP4HalfSizeTableProperty &src );
+MP4Stz2Atom::MP4Stz2Atom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "stz2")
+ AddVersionAndFlags(); /* 0, 1 */
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved", 3); /* 2 */
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "fieldSize"));
+ MP4Integer32Property* pCount =
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "sampleCount");
+ AddProperty(pCount); /* 4 */
+void MP4Stz2Atom::Read()
+ ReadProperties(0, 4);
+ uint8_t fieldSize =
+ ((MP4Integer8Property *)m_pProperties[3])->GetValue();
+ // uint32_t sampleCount = 0;
+ MP4Integer32Property* pCount =
+ (MP4Integer32Property *)m_pProperties[4];
+ MP4TableProperty *pTable;
+ if (fieldSize != 4) {
+ pTable = new MP4TableProperty(*this, "entries", pCount);
+ } else {
+ // 4 bit field size uses a special table.
+ pTable = new MP4HalfSizeTableProperty(*this, "entries", pCount);
+ }
+ AddProperty(pTable);
+ if (fieldSize == 16) {
+ pTable->AddProperty( /* 5/0 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "entrySize"));
+ } else {
+ pTable->AddProperty( /* 5/0 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "entrySize"));
+ }
+ ReadProperties(4);
+ Skip(); // to end of atom
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_text.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_text.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..454d4050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_text.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * Contributer has declined to give copyright information, and gives
+ * it freely to the world.
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4TextAtom::MP4TextAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "text")
+ // The atom type "text" is used in two complete unrelated ways
+ // i.e. it's real two atoms with the same name
+ // To handle that we need to postpone property creation until
+ // we know who our parent atom is (stsd or gmhd) which gives us
+ // the context info we need to know who we are
+void MP4TextAtom::AddPropertiesStsdType()
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved1", 6); /* 0 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "dataReferenceIndex"));/* 1 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "displayFlags")); /* 2 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "textJustification")); /* 3 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "bgColorRed")); /* 4 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "bgColorGreen")); /* 5 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "bgColorBlue")); /* 6 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "defTextBoxTop")); /* 7 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "defTextBoxLeft")); /* 8 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "defTextBoxBottom")); /* 9 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "defTextBoxRight")); /* 10 */
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved2", 8); /* 11 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "fontNumber")); /* 12 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "fontFace")); /* 13 */
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved3", 1); /* 14 */
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved4", 2); /* 15 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "foreColorRed")); /* 16 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "foreColorGreen")); /* 17 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "foreColorBlue")); /* 18 */
+void MP4TextAtom::AddPropertiesGmhdType()
+ AddProperty(new MP4BytesProperty(*this, "textData", 36)); /* 0 */
+void MP4TextAtom::Generate()
+ ASSERT(m_pParentAtom);
+ if (ATOMID(m_pParentAtom->GetType()) == ATOMID("stsd")) {
+ AddPropertiesStsdType();
+ GenerateStsdType();
+ } else if (ATOMID(m_pParentAtom->GetType()) == ATOMID("gmhd")) {
+ AddPropertiesGmhdType();
+ GenerateGmhdType();
+ } else {
+ log.warningf("%s: \"%s\": text atom in unexpected context, can not generate", __FUNCTION__,
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str());
+ }
+void MP4TextAtom::GenerateStsdType()
+ // generate children
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue(1);
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValue(1);
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[3])->SetValue(1);
+void MP4TextAtom::GenerateGmhdType()
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ // property 0 has non-zero fixed values
+ static uint8_t textData[36] = {
+ 0x00, 0x01,
+ 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x01,
+ 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x40, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00,
+ };
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValue(textData, sizeof(textData));
+void MP4TextAtom::Read ()
+ if (ATOMID(m_pParentAtom->GetType()) == ATOMID("stsd")) {
+ AddPropertiesStsdType();
+ } else if (ATOMID(m_pParentAtom->GetType()) == ATOMID("gmhd")) {
+ AddPropertiesGmhdType();
+ }
+ MP4Atom::Read();
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_tfhd.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_tfhd.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ddfc579e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_tfhd.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4TfhdAtom::MP4TfhdAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "tfhd")
+ AddVersionAndFlags(); /* 0, 1 */
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "trackId"));
+void MP4TfhdAtom::AddProperties(uint32_t flags)
+ if (flags & 0x01) {
+ // note this property is signed 64!
+ AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer64Property(*this, "baseDataOffset"));
+ }
+ if (flags & 0x02) {
+ AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "sampleDescriptionIndex"));
+ }
+ if (flags & 0x08) {
+ AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "defaultSampleDuration"));
+ }
+ if (flags & 0x10) {
+ AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "defaultSampleSize"));
+ }
+ if (flags & 0x20) {
+ AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "defaultSampleFlags"));
+ }
+void MP4TfhdAtom::Read()
+ /* read atom version, flags, and trackId */
+ ReadProperties(0, 3);
+ /* need to create the properties based on the atom flags */
+ AddProperties(GetFlags());
+ /* now we can read the remaining properties */
+ ReadProperties(3);
+ Skip(); // to end of atom
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_tkhd.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_tkhd.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3e9de35d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_tkhd.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4TkhdAtom::MP4TkhdAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "tkhd")
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+void MP4TkhdAtom::AddProperties(uint8_t version)
+ if (version == 1) {
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4Integer64Property(*this, "creationTime"));
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4Integer64Property(*this, "modificationTime"));
+ } else { // version == 0
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "creationTime"));
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "modificationTime"));
+ }
+ AddProperty( /* 4 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "trackId"));
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved1", 4); /* 5 */
+ if (version == 1) {
+ AddProperty( /* 6 */
+ new MP4Integer64Property(*this, "duration"));
+ } else {
+ AddProperty( /* 6 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "duration"));
+ }
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved2", 8); /* 7 */
+ AddProperty( /* 8 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "layer"));
+ AddProperty( /* 9 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "alternate_group"));
+ MP4Float32Property* pProp;
+ pProp = new MP4Float32Property(*this, "volume");
+ pProp->SetFixed16Format();
+ AddProperty(pProp); /* 10 */
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved3", 2); /* 11 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4BytesProperty(*this, "matrix", 36)); /* 12 */
+ pProp = new MP4Float32Property(*this, "width");
+ pProp->SetFixed32Format();
+ AddProperty(pProp); /* 13 */
+ pProp = new MP4Float32Property(*this, "height");
+ pProp->SetFixed32Format();
+ AddProperty(pProp); /* 14 */
+void MP4TkhdAtom::Generate()
+ uint8_t version = m_File.Use64Bits(GetType()) ? 1 : 0;
+ SetVersion(version);
+ AddProperties(version);
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ // set creation and modification times
+ MP4Timestamp now = MP4GetAbsTimestamp();
+ if (version == 1) {
+ ((MP4Integer64Property*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValue(now);
+ ((MP4Integer64Property*)m_pProperties[3])->SetValue(now);
+ } else {
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValue(now);
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[3])->SetValue(now);
+ }
+ // property "matrix" has non-zero fixed values
+ // this default identity matrix indicates no transformation, i.e.
+ // 1, 0, 0
+ // 0, 1, 0
+ // 0, 0, 1
+ // see
+ static uint8_t matrix[36] = {
+ 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ };
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[12])->
+ SetValue(matrix, sizeof(matrix));
+void MP4TkhdAtom::Read()
+ /* read atom version */
+ ReadProperties(0, 1);
+ /* need to create the properties based on the atom version */
+ AddProperties(GetVersion());
+ /* now we can read the remaining properties */
+ ReadProperties(1);
+ Skip(); // to end of atom
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_treftype.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_treftype.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6a7ff92a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_treftype.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4TrefTypeAtom::MP4TrefTypeAtom(MP4File &file, const char* type)
+ : MP4Atom(file, type)
+ MP4Integer32Property* pCount =
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "entryCount");
+ pCount->SetImplicit();
+ AddProperty(pCount); /* 0 */
+ MP4TableProperty* pTable = new MP4TableProperty(*this, "entries", pCount);
+ AddProperty(pTable); /* 1 */
+ pTable->AddProperty( /* 1, 0 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "trackId"));
+void MP4TrefTypeAtom::Read()
+ // table entry count computed from atom size
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[0])->SetReadOnly(false);
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValue(m_size / 4);
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[0])->SetReadOnly(true);
+ MP4Atom::Read();
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_trun.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_trun.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..765e4179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_trun.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4TrunAtom::MP4TrunAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "trun")
+ AddVersionAndFlags(); /* 0, 1 */
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "sampleCount"));
+void MP4TrunAtom::AddProperties(uint32_t flags)
+ if (flags & 0x01) {
+ // Note this is a signed 32 value
+ AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "dataOffset"));
+ }
+ if (flags & 0x04) {
+ AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "firstSampleFlags"));
+ }
+ MP4TableProperty* pTable =
+ new MP4TableProperty(*this, "samples",
+ (MP4Integer32Property *)m_pProperties[2]);
+ AddProperty(pTable);
+ if (flags & 0x100) {
+ pTable->AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "sampleDuration"));
+ }
+ if (flags & 0x200) {
+ pTable->AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "sampleSize"));
+ }
+ if (flags & 0x400) {
+ pTable->AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "sampleFlags"));
+ }
+ if (flags & 0x800) {
+ pTable->AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "sampleCompositionTimeOffset"));
+ }
+void MP4TrunAtom::Read()
+ /* read atom version, flags, and sampleCount */
+ ReadProperties(0, 3);
+ /* need to create the properties based on the atom flags */
+ AddProperties(GetFlags());
+ /* now we can read the remaining properties */
+ ReadProperties(3);
+ Skip(); // to end of atom
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_tx3g.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_tx3g.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a54dd6be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_tx3g.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4Tx3gAtom::MP4Tx3gAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "tx3g")
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved1", 4); /* 0 */
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved2", 2); /* 1 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "dataReferenceIndex"));/* 2 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "displayFlags")); /* 3 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "horizontalJustification")); /* 4 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "verticalJustification")); /* 5 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "bgColorRed")); /* 6 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "bgColorGreen")); /* 7 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "bgColorBlue")); /* 8 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "bgColorAlpha")); /* 9 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "defTextBoxTop")); /* 10 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "defTextBoxLeft")); /* 11 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "defTextBoxBottom")); /* 12 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "defTextBoxRight")); /* 13 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "startChar")); /* 14 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "endChar")); /* 15 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "fontID")); /* 16 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "fontFace")); /* 17 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "fontSize")); /* 18 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "fontColorRed")); /* 19 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "fontColorGreen")); /* 20 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "fontColorBlue")); /* 21 */
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "fontColorAlpha")); /* 22 */
+ ExpectChildAtom("ftab", Optional, Many);
+void MP4Tx3gAtom::Generate()
+ // generate children
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValue(1);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_udta.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_udta.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eff4dfa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_udta.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4UdtaAtom::MP4UdtaAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "udta")
+ ExpectChildAtom("chpl", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("cprt", Optional, Many);
+ ExpectChildAtom("hnti", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("meta", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("\251cpy", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("\251des", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("\251nam", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("\251cmt", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("\251prd", Optional, OnlyOne);
+void MP4UdtaAtom::Read()
+ if (ATOMID(m_pParentAtom->GetType()) == ATOMID("trak")) {
+ ExpectChildAtom("hinf", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ ExpectChildAtom("name", Optional, OnlyOne);
+ }
+ MP4Atom::Read();
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_url.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_url.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d47d34b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_url.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4UrlAtom::MP4UrlAtom(MP4File &file, const char *type)
+ : MP4Atom(file, type)
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+ AddProperty(new MP4StringProperty(*this, "location"));
+void MP4UrlAtom::Read()
+ // read the version and flags properties
+ ReadProperties(0, 2);
+ // check if self-contained flag is set
+ if (!(GetFlags() & 1)) {
+ // if not then read url location
+ ReadProperties(2);
+ }
+ Skip(); // to end of atom
+void MP4UrlAtom::Write()
+ MP4StringProperty* pLocationProp =
+ (MP4StringProperty*)m_pProperties[2];
+ // if no url location has been set
+ // then set self-contained flag
+ // and don't attempt to write anything
+ if (pLocationProp->GetValue() == NULL) {
+ SetFlags(GetFlags() | 1);
+ pLocationProp->SetImplicit(true);
+ } else {
+ SetFlags(GetFlags() & 0xFFFFFE);
+ pLocationProp->SetImplicit(false);
+ }
+ // write atom as usual
+ MP4Atom::Write();
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_urn.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_urn.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3da3e87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_urn.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4UrnAtom::MP4UrnAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "urn ")
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+ AddProperty(new MP4StringProperty(*this, "name"));
+ AddProperty(new MP4StringProperty(*this, "location"));
+void MP4UrnAtom::Read()
+ // read the version, flags, and name properties
+ ReadProperties(0, 3);
+ // check if location is present
+ if (m_File.GetPosition() < GetEnd()) {
+ // read it
+ ReadProperties(3);
+ }
+ Skip(); // to end of atom
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_uuid.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_uuid.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2839602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_uuid.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ *
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+IPodUUIDAtom::IPodUUIDAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "uuid")
+ //
+ // This is a hack, the contents of this atom need to be well defined.
+ //
+ static uint8_t ipod_magic[] = {
+ 0x6b, 0x68, 0x40, 0xf2, 0x5f, 0x24, 0x4f, 0xc5,
+ 0xba, 0x39, 0xa5, 0x1b, 0xcf, 0x03, 0x23, 0xf3
+ };
+ SetExtendedType(ipod_magic);
+ MP4Integer32Property* value = new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "value");
+ value->SetValue(1);
+ AddProperty(value);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_video.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_video.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aeabd735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_video.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Bill May [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4VideoAtom::MP4VideoAtom (MP4File &file, const char *type)
+ : MP4Atom(file, type)
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved1", 6); /* 0 */
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "dataReferenceIndex"));
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved2", 16); /* 2 */
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "width"));
+ AddProperty( /* 4 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "height"));
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved3", 14); /* 5 */
+ MP4StringProperty* pProp =
+ new MP4StringProperty(*this, "compressorName");
+ pProp->SetFixedLength(32);
+ pProp->SetCountedFormat(true);
+ pProp->SetValue("");
+ AddProperty(pProp); /* 6 */
+ AddProperty(/* 7 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "depth"));
+ AddProperty(/* 8 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(*this, "colorTableId"));
+ ExpectChildAtom("smi ", Optional, OnlyOne);
+void MP4VideoAtom::Generate()
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue(1);
+ // property reserved3 has non-zero fixed values
+ static uint8_t reserved3[14] = {
+ 0x00, 0x48, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x48, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x01,
+ };
+ m_pProperties[5]->SetReadOnly(false);
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[5])->
+ SetValue(reserved3, sizeof(reserved3));
+ m_pProperties[5]->SetReadOnly(true);
+ // depth and color table id values - should be set later
+ // as far as depth - color table is most likely 0xff
+ ((MP4IntegerProperty *)m_pProperties[7])->SetValue(0x18);
+ ((MP4IntegerProperty *)m_pProperties[8])->SetValue(0xffff);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_vmhd.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_vmhd.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb06a26b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atom_vmhd.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4VmhdAtom::MP4VmhdAtom(MP4File &file)
+ : MP4Atom(file, "vmhd")
+ AddVersionAndFlags();
+ AddReserved(*this, "reserved", 8);
+void MP4VmhdAtom::Generate()
+ MP4Atom::Generate();
+ SetFlags(1);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atoms.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atoms.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..382706f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/atoms.h
@@ -0,0 +1,829 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001 - 2005. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * 3GPP features implementation is based on 3GPP's TS26.234-v5.60,
+ * and was contributed by Ximpo Group Ltd.
+ *
+ * Portions created by Ximpo Group Ltd. are
+ * Copyright (C) Ximpo Group Ltd. 2003, 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ * Ximpo Group Ltd. [email protected]
+ * Bill May [email protected]
+ */
+#ifndef MP4V2_IMPL_ATOMS_H
+#define MP4V2_IMPL_ATOMS_H
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+class MP4FtypAtom;
+class MP4FreeAtom;
+/// ISO base media full-atom.
+class MP4FullAtom : public MP4Atom
+ MP4FullAtom( MP4File &file, const char* type );
+ MP4Integer8Property& version;
+ MP4Integer24Property& flags;
+ MP4FullAtom();
+ MP4FullAtom( const MP4FullAtom &src );
+ MP4FullAtom &operator= ( const MP4FullAtom &src );
+// declare all the atom subclasses
+// i.e. spare us atom_xxxx.h for all the atoms
+// The majority of atoms just need their own constructor declared
+// Some atoms have a few special needs
+// A small minority of atoms need lots of special handling
+class MP4RootAtom : public MP4Atom
+ MP4RootAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void BeginWrite(bool use64 = false);
+ void Write();
+ void FinishWrite(bool use64 = false);
+ void BeginOptimalWrite();
+ void FinishOptimalWrite();
+ uint32_t GetLastMdatIndex();
+ void WriteAtomType(const char* type, bool onlyOne);
+ MP4RootAtom();
+ MP4RootAtom( const MP4RootAtom &src );
+ MP4RootAtom &operator= ( const MP4RootAtom &src );
+ MP4FtypAtom* m_rewrite_ftyp;
+ uint64_t m_rewrite_ftypPosition;
+ MP4FreeAtom* m_rewrite_free;
+ uint64_t m_rewrite_freePosition;
+ * Common atom classes - standard for anything that just contains atoms
+ * and non-maleable properties, treftype and url
+ ***********************************************************************/
+class MP4StandardAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4StandardAtom(MP4File &file, const char *name);
+ MP4StandardAtom();
+ MP4StandardAtom( const MP4StandardAtom &src );
+ MP4StandardAtom &operator= ( const MP4StandardAtom &src );
+class MP4TrefTypeAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4TrefTypeAtom(MP4File &file, const char* type);
+ void Read();
+ MP4TrefTypeAtom();
+ MP4TrefTypeAtom( const MP4TrefTypeAtom &src );
+ MP4TrefTypeAtom &operator= ( const MP4TrefTypeAtom &src );
+class MP4UrlAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4UrlAtom(MP4File &file, const char *type="url ");
+ void Read();
+ void Write();
+ MP4UrlAtom();
+ MP4UrlAtom( const MP4UrlAtom &src );
+ MP4UrlAtom &operator= ( const MP4UrlAtom &src );
+ * Sound and Video atoms - use the generic atoms when possible
+ * (MP4SoundAtom and MP4VideoAtom)
+ ***********************************************************************/
+class MP4SoundAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4SoundAtom(MP4File &file, const char *atomid);
+ void Generate();
+ void Read();
+ void AddProperties(uint8_t version);
+ MP4SoundAtom();
+ MP4SoundAtom( const MP4SoundAtom &src );
+ MP4SoundAtom &operator= ( const MP4SoundAtom &src );
+class MP4VideoAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4VideoAtom(MP4File &file, const char *atomid);
+ void Generate();
+ MP4VideoAtom();
+ MP4VideoAtom( const MP4VideoAtom &src );
+ MP4VideoAtom &operator= ( const MP4VideoAtom &src );
+class MP4AmrAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4AmrAtom(MP4File &file, const char *type);
+ void Generate();
+ MP4AmrAtom();
+ MP4AmrAtom( const MP4AmrAtom &src );
+ MP4AmrAtom &operator= ( const MP4AmrAtom &src );
+// H.264 atoms
+class MP4Avc1Atom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4Avc1Atom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ MP4Avc1Atom();
+ MP4Avc1Atom( const MP4Avc1Atom &src );
+ MP4Avc1Atom &operator= ( const MP4Avc1Atom &src );
+class MP4AvcCAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4AvcCAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ void Clone(MP4AvcCAtom *dstAtom);
+ MP4AvcCAtom();
+ MP4AvcCAtom( const MP4AvcCAtom &src );
+ MP4AvcCAtom &operator= ( const MP4AvcCAtom &src );
+class MP4D263Atom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4D263Atom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ void Write();
+ MP4D263Atom();
+ MP4D263Atom( const MP4D263Atom &src );
+ MP4D263Atom &operator= ( const MP4D263Atom &src );
+class MP4DamrAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4DamrAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ MP4DamrAtom();
+ MP4DamrAtom( const MP4DamrAtom &src );
+ MP4DamrAtom &operator= ( const MP4DamrAtom &src );
+class MP4EncaAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4EncaAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ MP4EncaAtom();
+ MP4EncaAtom( const MP4EncaAtom &src );
+ MP4EncaAtom &operator= ( const MP4EncaAtom &src );
+class MP4EncvAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4EncvAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ MP4EncvAtom();
+ MP4EncvAtom( const MP4EncvAtom &src );
+ MP4EncvAtom &operator= ( const MP4EncvAtom &src );
+class MP4Mp4aAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4Mp4aAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ MP4Mp4aAtom();
+ MP4Mp4aAtom( const MP4Mp4aAtom &src );
+ MP4Mp4aAtom &operator= ( const MP4Mp4aAtom &src );
+class MP4Ac3Atom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4Ac3Atom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ MP4Ac3Atom();
+ MP4Ac3Atom( const MP4Ac3Atom &src );
+ MP4Ac3Atom &operator= ( const MP4Ac3Atom &src );
+class MP4DAc3Atom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4DAc3Atom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ void Dump(uint8_t indent, bool dumpImplicits);
+ MP4DAc3Atom();
+ MP4DAc3Atom( const MP4DAc3Atom &src );
+ MP4DAc3Atom &operator= ( const MP4DAc3Atom &src );
+class MP4Mp4sAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4Mp4sAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ MP4Mp4sAtom();
+ MP4Mp4sAtom( const MP4Mp4sAtom &src );
+ MP4Mp4sAtom &operator= ( const MP4Mp4sAtom &src );
+class MP4Mp4vAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4Mp4vAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ MP4Mp4vAtom();
+ MP4Mp4vAtom( const MP4Mp4vAtom &src );
+ MP4Mp4vAtom &operator= ( const MP4Mp4vAtom &src );
+class MP4S263Atom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4S263Atom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ MP4S263Atom();
+ MP4S263Atom( const MP4S263Atom &src );
+ MP4S263Atom &operator= ( const MP4S263Atom &src );
+ * Specialized Atoms
+ ************************************************************************/
+class MP4DrefAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4DrefAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Read();
+ MP4DrefAtom();
+ MP4DrefAtom( const MP4DrefAtom &src );
+ MP4DrefAtom &operator= ( const MP4DrefAtom &src );
+class MP4ElstAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4ElstAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ void Read();
+ void AddProperties(uint8_t version);
+ MP4ElstAtom();
+ MP4ElstAtom( const MP4ElstAtom &src );
+ MP4ElstAtom &operator= ( const MP4ElstAtom &src );
+class MP4FreeAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4FreeAtom( MP4File &file, const char* = NULL );
+ void Read();
+ void Write();
+ MP4FreeAtom();
+ MP4FreeAtom( const MP4FreeAtom &src );
+ MP4FreeAtom &operator= ( const MP4FreeAtom &src );
+class MP4FtypAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4FtypAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ void Read();
+ MP4StringProperty& majorBrand;
+ MP4Integer32Property& minorVersion;
+ MP4StringProperty& compatibleBrands;
+ MP4FtypAtom();
+ MP4FtypAtom( const MP4FtypAtom &src );
+ MP4FtypAtom &operator= ( const MP4FtypAtom &src );
+class MP4GminAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4GminAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ MP4GminAtom();
+ MP4GminAtom( const MP4GminAtom &src );
+ MP4GminAtom &operator= ( const MP4GminAtom &src );
+class MP4HdlrAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4HdlrAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Read();
+ MP4HdlrAtom();
+ MP4HdlrAtom( const MP4HdlrAtom &src );
+ MP4HdlrAtom &operator= ( const MP4HdlrAtom &src );
+class MP4HinfAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4HinfAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ MP4HinfAtom();
+ MP4HinfAtom( const MP4HinfAtom &src );
+ MP4HinfAtom &operator= ( const MP4HinfAtom &src );
+class MP4HntiAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4HntiAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Read();
+ MP4HntiAtom();
+ MP4HntiAtom( const MP4HntiAtom &src );
+ MP4HntiAtom &operator= ( const MP4HntiAtom &src );
+class MP4MdatAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4MdatAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Read();
+ void Write();
+ MP4MdatAtom();
+ MP4MdatAtom( const MP4MdatAtom &src );
+ MP4MdatAtom &operator= ( const MP4MdatAtom &src );
+class MP4MdhdAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4MdhdAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ void Read();
+ void AddProperties(uint8_t version);
+ MP4MdhdAtom();
+ MP4MdhdAtom( const MP4MdhdAtom &src );
+ MP4MdhdAtom &operator= ( const MP4MdhdAtom &src );
+class MP4MvhdAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4MvhdAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ void Read();
+ void AddProperties(uint8_t version);
+ MP4MvhdAtom();
+ MP4MvhdAtom( const MP4MvhdAtom &src );
+ MP4MvhdAtom &operator= ( const MP4MvhdAtom &src );
+class MP4OhdrAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4OhdrAtom(MP4File &file);
+ ~MP4OhdrAtom();
+ void Read();
+ MP4OhdrAtom();
+ MP4OhdrAtom( const MP4OhdrAtom &src );
+ MP4OhdrAtom &operator= ( const MP4OhdrAtom &src );
+class MP4RtpAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4RtpAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ void Read();
+ void Write();
+ void AddPropertiesStsdType();
+ void AddPropertiesHntiType();
+ void GenerateStsdType();
+ void GenerateHntiType();
+ void ReadStsdType();
+ void ReadHntiType();
+ void WriteHntiType();
+ MP4RtpAtom();
+ MP4RtpAtom( const MP4RtpAtom &src );
+ MP4RtpAtom &operator= ( const MP4RtpAtom &src );
+class MP4SdpAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4SdpAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Read();
+ void Write();
+ MP4SdpAtom();
+ MP4SdpAtom( const MP4SdpAtom &src );
+ MP4SdpAtom &operator= ( const MP4SdpAtom &src );
+// sdtp - Independent and Disposable Samples Atom.
+class MP4SdtpAtom : public MP4FullAtom {
+ MP4SdtpAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Read();
+ // raw bytes; one byte for each sample.
+ // number of bytes == stsz.sampleCount.
+ MP4BytesProperty& data;
+ MP4SdtpAtom();
+ MP4SdtpAtom( const MP4SdtpAtom &src );
+ MP4SdtpAtom &operator= ( const MP4SdtpAtom &src );
+class MP4SmiAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4SmiAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Read();
+ MP4SmiAtom();
+ MP4SmiAtom( const MP4SmiAtom &src );
+ MP4SmiAtom &operator= ( const MP4SmiAtom &src );
+class MP4StblAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4StblAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ MP4StblAtom();
+ MP4StblAtom( const MP4StblAtom &src );
+ MP4StblAtom &operator= ( const MP4StblAtom &src );
+class MP4StdpAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4StdpAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Read();
+ MP4StdpAtom();
+ MP4StdpAtom( const MP4StdpAtom &src );
+ MP4StdpAtom &operator= ( const MP4StdpAtom &src );
+class MP4StscAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4StscAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Read();
+ MP4StscAtom();
+ MP4StscAtom( const MP4StscAtom &src );
+ MP4StscAtom &operator= ( const MP4StscAtom &src );
+class MP4StsdAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4StsdAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Read();
+ MP4StsdAtom();
+ MP4StsdAtom( const MP4StsdAtom &src );
+ MP4StsdAtom &operator= ( const MP4StsdAtom &src );
+class MP4StszAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4StszAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Read();
+ void Write();
+ MP4StszAtom();
+ MP4StszAtom( const MP4StszAtom &src );
+ MP4StszAtom &operator= ( const MP4StszAtom &src );
+class MP4Stz2Atom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4Stz2Atom(MP4File &file);
+ void Read();
+ MP4Stz2Atom();
+ MP4Stz2Atom( const MP4Stz2Atom &src );
+ MP4Stz2Atom &operator= ( const MP4Stz2Atom &src );
+class MP4TextAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4TextAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ void Read();
+ void AddPropertiesStsdType();
+ void AddPropertiesGmhdType();
+ void GenerateStsdType();
+ void GenerateGmhdType();
+ MP4TextAtom();
+ MP4TextAtom( const MP4TextAtom &src );
+ MP4TextAtom &operator= ( const MP4TextAtom &src );
+class MP4Tx3gAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4Tx3gAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ MP4Tx3gAtom();
+ MP4Tx3gAtom( const MP4Tx3gAtom &src );
+ MP4Tx3gAtom &operator= ( const MP4Tx3gAtom &src );
+class MP4FtabAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4FtabAtom(MP4File &file);
+ MP4FtabAtom();
+ MP4FtabAtom( const MP4FtabAtom &src );
+ MP4FtabAtom &operator= ( const MP4FtabAtom &src );
+class MP4TfhdAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4TfhdAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Read();
+ void AddProperties(uint32_t flags);
+ MP4TfhdAtom();
+ MP4TfhdAtom( const MP4TfhdAtom &src );
+ MP4TfhdAtom &operator= ( const MP4TfhdAtom &src );
+class MP4TkhdAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4TkhdAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ void Read();
+ void AddProperties(uint8_t version);
+ MP4TkhdAtom();
+ MP4TkhdAtom( const MP4TkhdAtom &src );
+ MP4TkhdAtom &operator= ( const MP4TkhdAtom &src );
+class MP4TrunAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4TrunAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Read();
+ void AddProperties(uint32_t flags);
+ MP4TrunAtom();
+ MP4TrunAtom( const MP4TrunAtom &src );
+ MP4TrunAtom &operator= ( const MP4TrunAtom &src );
+class MP4UdtaAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4UdtaAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Read();
+ MP4UdtaAtom();
+ MP4UdtaAtom( const MP4UdtaAtom &src );
+ MP4UdtaAtom &operator= ( const MP4UdtaAtom &src );
+class MP4UrnAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4UrnAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Read();
+ MP4UrnAtom();
+ MP4UrnAtom( const MP4UrnAtom &src );
+ MP4UrnAtom &operator= ( const MP4UrnAtom &src );
+class MP4VmhdAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4VmhdAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ MP4VmhdAtom();
+ MP4VmhdAtom( const MP4VmhdAtom &src );
+ MP4VmhdAtom &operator= ( const MP4VmhdAtom &src );
+class MP4HrefAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4HrefAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate(void);
+ MP4HrefAtom();
+ MP4HrefAtom( const MP4HrefAtom &src );
+ MP4HrefAtom &operator= ( const MP4HrefAtom &src );
+class MP4PaspAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4PaspAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ MP4PaspAtom();
+ MP4PaspAtom( const MP4PaspAtom &src );
+ MP4PaspAtom &operator= ( const MP4PaspAtom &src );
+class MP4ColrAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4ColrAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ MP4ColrAtom();
+ MP4ColrAtom( const MP4ColrAtom &src );
+ MP4ColrAtom &operator= ( const MP4ColrAtom &src );
+class IPodUUIDAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ IPodUUIDAtom(MP4File &file);
+ IPodUUIDAtom();
+ IPodUUIDAtom( const IPodUUIDAtom &src );
+ IPodUUIDAtom &operator= ( const IPodUUIDAtom &src );
+class MP4NmhdAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4NmhdAtom(MP4File &file);
+ MP4NmhdAtom();
+ MP4NmhdAtom( const MP4NmhdAtom &src );
+ MP4NmhdAtom &operator= ( const MP4NmhdAtom &src );
+/*! Nero Chapter List.
+ * This atom defines the structure of a Nero chapter list.
+ * Although it is not completely clear if this structure is
+ * correct it is complete enough to successfully read and write
+ * the chapter list so that even Nero's software accepts it.
+ *
+ * The assumed format is as follows:
+ * - MP4Integer8Property("version")
+ * - MP4Integer24Property("flags")
+ * - MP4BytesProperty("reserved", 1)
+ * - MP4Integer32Property("chaptercount")\n
+ * - MP4TableProperty("chapters", "ref to chaptercount");
+ * - MP4Integer64Property("starttime")\n
+ * The start time of the chapter expressed in 100 nanosecond units
+ * - MP4StringProperty("title", true)\n
+ * The title of the chapter encoded in UTF-8
+ *
+ * The chapter title only accepts strings of 255 bytes so if a string
+ * only contains simple (two-byte) UTF-8 chars the maximum length is
+ * 127 chars.
+ */
+class MP4ChplAtom : public MP4Atom {
+ MP4ChplAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Generate();
+ MP4ChplAtom();
+ MP4ChplAtom( const MP4ChplAtom &src );
+ MP4ChplAtom &operator= ( const MP4ChplAtom &src );
+/// iTMF hdlr-atom.
+class MP4ItmfHdlrAtom : public MP4FullAtom
+ MP4ItmfHdlrAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Read();
+ MP4Integer32Property& reserved1;
+ MP4BytesProperty& handlerType;
+ MP4BytesProperty& reserved2;
+ MP4BytesProperty& name;
+ MP4ItmfHdlrAtom();
+ MP4ItmfHdlrAtom( const MP4ItmfHdlrAtom &src );
+ MP4ItmfHdlrAtom &operator= ( const MP4ItmfHdlrAtom &src );
+/// iTMF item-atom.
+class MP4ItemAtom : public MP4Atom
+ MP4ItemAtom( MP4File &file, const char* type );
+ MP4ItemAtom();
+ MP4ItemAtom( const MP4ItemAtom &src );
+ MP4ItemAtom &operator= ( const MP4ItemAtom &src );
+/// iTMF meaning-atom.
+class MP4MeanAtom : public MP4FullAtom
+ MP4MeanAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Read();
+ MP4BytesProperty& value;
+ MP4MeanAtom();
+ MP4MeanAtom( const MP4MeanAtom &src );
+ MP4MeanAtom &operator= ( const MP4MeanAtom &src );
+/// iTMF name-atom.
+class MP4NameAtom : public MP4FullAtom
+ MP4NameAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Read();
+ MP4BytesProperty& value;
+ MP4NameAtom();
+ MP4NameAtom( const MP4NameAtom &src );
+ MP4NameAtom &operator= ( const MP4NameAtom &src );
+/// iTMF data-atom.
+class MP4DataAtom : public MP4Atom
+ MP4DataAtom(MP4File &file);
+ void Read();
+ MP4Integer16Property& typeReserved;
+ MP4Integer8Property& typeSetIdentifier;
+ MP4BasicTypeProperty& typeCode;
+ MP4Integer32Property& locale;
+ MP4BytesProperty& metadata;
+ MP4DataAtom();
+ MP4DataAtom( const MP4DataAtom &src );
+ MP4DataAtom &operator= ( const MP4DataAtom &src );
+/// QTFF udta data element-atom.
+class MP4UdtaElementAtom : public MP4Atom
+ MP4UdtaElementAtom( MP4File &file, const char* type );
+ void Read();
+ MP4BytesProperty& value;
+ MP4UdtaElementAtom();
+ MP4UdtaElementAtom( const MP4UdtaElementAtom &src );
+ MP4UdtaElementAtom &operator= ( const MP4UdtaElementAtom &src );
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
+#endif // MP4V2_IMPL_ATOMS_H
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/bmff/bmff.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/bmff/bmff.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8fa3020c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/bmff/bmff.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+/// @namespace mp4v2::impl::bmff (private) ISO base media file format.
+/// This namespace implements some features that are specified by
+/// ISO base media file format, ISO/IEC 14496-12:2005(E).
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl { namespace bmff {
+ ;
+//#include "type.h"
+#endif // MP4V2_IMPL_BMFF_BMFF_H
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/bmff/impl.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/bmff/impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2478072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/bmff/impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+#include "src/impl.h"
+#include "bmff.h"
+#endif // MP4V2_IMPL_BMFF_IMPL_H
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/bmff/typebmff.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/bmff/typebmff.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e027a451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/bmff/typebmff.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+#include "impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+template <>
+const bmff::EnumLanguageCode::Entry bmff::EnumLanguageCode::data[] = {
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_AAR, "aar", "Afar" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ABK, "abk", "Abkhazian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ACE, "ace", "Achinese" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ACH, "ach", "Acoli" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ADA, "ada", "Adangme" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ADY, "ady", "Adyghe; Adygei" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_AFA, "afa", "Afro-Asiatic (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_AFH, "afh", "Afrihili" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_AFR, "afr", "Afrikaans" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_AIN, "ain", "Ainu" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_AKA, "aka", "Akan" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_AKK, "akk", "Akkadian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SQI, "sqi", "Albanian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ALE, "ale", "Aleut" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ALG, "alg", "Algonquian languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ALT, "alt", "Southern Altai" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_AMH, "amh", "Amharic" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ANG, "ang", "English, Old (ca.450-1100)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ANP, "anp", "Angika" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_APA, "apa", "Apache languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ARA, "ara", "Arabic" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ARC, "arc", "Official Aramaic (700-300 BCE); Imperial Aramaic (700-300 BCE)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ARG, "arg", "Aragonese" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_HYE, "hye", "Armenian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ARN, "arn", "Mapudungun; Mapuche" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ARP, "arp", "Arapaho" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ART, "art", "Artificial (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ARW, "arw", "Arawak" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ASM, "asm", "Assamese" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_AST, "ast", "Asturian; Bable; Leonese; Asturleonese" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ATH, "ath", "Athapascan languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_AUS, "aus", "Australian languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_AVA, "ava", "Avaric" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_AVE, "ave", "Avestan" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_AWA, "awa", "Awadhi" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_AYM, "aym", "Aymara" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_AZE, "aze", "Azerbaijani" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BAD, "bad", "Banda languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BAI, "bai", "Bamileke languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BAK, "bak", "Bashkir" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BAL, "bal", "Baluchi" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BAM, "bam", "Bambara" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BAN, "ban", "Balinese" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_EUS, "eus", "Basque" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BAS, "bas", "Basa" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BAT, "bat", "Baltic (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BEJ, "bej", "Beja; Bedawiyet" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BEL, "bel", "Belarusian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BEM, "bem", "Bemba" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BEN, "ben", "Bengali" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BER, "ber", "Berber (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BHO, "bho", "Bhojpuri" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BIH, "bih", "Bihari" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BIK, "bik", "Bikol" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BIN, "bin", "Bini; Edo" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BIS, "bis", "Bislama" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BLA, "bla", "Siksika" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BNT, "bnt", "Bantu (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BOS, "bos", "Bosnian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BRA, "bra", "Braj" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BRE, "bre", "Breton" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BTK, "btk", "Batak languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BUA, "bua", "Buriat" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BUG, "bug", "Buginese" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BUL, "bul", "Bulgarian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MYA, "mya", "Burmese" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BYN, "byn", "Blin; Bilin" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CAD, "cad", "Caddo" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CAI, "cai", "Central American Indian (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CAR, "car", "Galibi Carib" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CAT, "cat", "Catalan; Valencian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CAU, "cau", "Caucasian (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CEB, "ceb", "Cebuano" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CEL, "cel", "Celtic (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CHA, "cha", "Chamorro" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CHB, "chb", "Chibcha" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CHE, "che", "Chechen" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CHG, "chg", "Chagatai" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ZHO, "zho", "Chinese" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CHK, "chk", "Chuukese" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CHM, "chm", "Mari" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CHN, "chn", "Chinook jargon" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CHO, "cho", "Choctaw" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CHP, "chp", "Chipewyan; Dene Suline" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CHR, "chr", "Cherokee" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CHU, "chu", "Church Slavic; Old Slavonic; Church Slavonic; Old Bulgarian; Old Church Slavonic" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CHV, "chv", "Chuvash" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CHY, "chy", "Cheyenne" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CMC, "cmc", "Chamic languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_COP, "cop", "Coptic" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_COR, "cor", "Cornish" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_COS, "cos", "Corsican" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CPE, "cpe", "Creoles and pidgins, English based (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CPF, "cpf", "Creoles and pidgins, French-based (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CPP, "cpp", "Creoles and pidgins, Portuguese-based (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CRE, "cre", "Cree" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CRH, "crh", "Crimean Tatar; Crimean Turkish" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CRP, "crp", "Creoles and pidgins (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CSB, "csb", "Kashubian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CUS, "cus", "Cushitic (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CES, "ces", "Czech" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_DAK, "dak", "Dakota" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_DAN, "dan", "Danish" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_DAR, "dar", "Dargwa" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_DAY, "day", "Land Dayak languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_DEL, "del", "Delaware" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_DEN, "den", "Slave (Athapascan)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_DGR, "dgr", "Dogrib" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_DIN, "din", "Dinka" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_DIV, "div", "Divehi; Dhivehi; Maldivian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_DOI, "doi", "Dogri" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_DRA, "dra", "Dravidian (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_DSB, "dsb", "Lower Sorbian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_DUA, "dua", "Duala" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_DUM, "dum", "Dutch, Middle (ca.1050-1350)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NLD, "nld", "Dutch; Flemish" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_DYU, "dyu", "Dyula" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_DZO, "dzo", "Dzongkha" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_EFI, "efi", "Efik" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_EGY, "egy", "Egyptian (Ancient)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_EKA, "eka", "Ekajuk" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ELX, "elx", "Elamite" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ENG, "eng", "English" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ENM, "enm", "English, Middle (1100-1500)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_EPO, "epo", "Esperanto" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_EST, "est", "Estonian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_EWE, "ewe", "Ewe" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_EWO, "ewo", "Ewondo" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_FAN, "fan", "Fang" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_FAO, "fao", "Faroese" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_FAT, "fat", "Fanti" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_FIJ, "fij", "Fijian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_FIL, "fil", "Filipino; Pilipino" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_FIN, "fin", "Finnish" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_FIU, "fiu", "Finno-Ugrian (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_FON, "fon", "Fon" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_FRA, "fra", "French" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_FRM, "frm", "French, Middle (ca.1400-1600)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_FRO, "fro", "French, Old (842-ca.1400)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_FRR, "frr", "Northern Frisian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_FRS, "frs", "Eastern Frisian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_FRY, "fry", "Western Frisian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_FUL, "ful", "Fulah" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_FUR, "fur", "Friulian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_GAA, "gaa", "Ga" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_GAY, "gay", "Gayo" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_GBA, "gba", "Gbaya" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_GEM, "gem", "Germanic (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KAT, "kat", "Georgian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_DEU, "deu", "German" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_GEZ, "gez", "Geez" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_GIL, "gil", "Gilbertese" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_GLA, "gla", "Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_GLE, "gle", "Irish" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_GLG, "glg", "Galician" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_GLV, "glv", "Manx" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_GMH, "gmh", "German, Middle High (ca.1050-1500)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_GOH, "goh", "German, Old High (ca.750-1050)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_GON, "gon", "Gondi" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_GOR, "gor", "Gorontalo" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_GOT, "got", "Gothic" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_GRB, "grb", "Grebo" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_GRC, "grc", "Greek, Ancient (to 1453)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ELL, "ell", "Greek, Modern (1453-)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_GRN, "grn", "Guarani" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_GSW, "gsw", "Swiss German; Alemannic; Alsatian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_GUJ, "guj", "Gujarati" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_GWI, "gwi", "Gwich'in" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_HAI, "hai", "Haida" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_HAT, "hat", "Haitian; Haitian Creole" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_HAU, "hau", "Hausa" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_HAW, "haw", "Hawaiian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_HEB, "heb", "Hebrew" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_HER, "her", "Herero" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_HIL, "hil", "Hiligaynon" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_HIM, "him", "Himachali" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_HIN, "hin", "Hindi" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_HIT, "hit", "Hittite" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_HMN, "hmn", "Hmong" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_HMO, "hmo", "Hiri Motu" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_HRV, "hrv", "Croatian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_HSB, "hsb", "Upper Sorbian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_HUN, "hun", "Hungarian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_HUP, "hup", "Hupa" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_IBA, "iba", "Iban" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_IBO, "ibo", "Igbo" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ISL, "isl", "Icelandic" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_IDO, "ido", "Ido" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_III, "iii", "Sichuan Yi; Nuosu" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_IJO, "ijo", "Ijo languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_IKU, "iku", "Inuktitut" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ILE, "ile", "Interlingue; Occidental" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ILO, "ilo", "Iloko" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_INA, "ina", "Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_INC, "inc", "Indic (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_IND, "ind", "Indonesian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_INE, "ine", "Indo-European (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_INH, "inh", "Ingush" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_IPK, "ipk", "Inupiaq" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_IRA, "ira", "Iranian (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_IRO, "iro", "Iroquoian languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ITA, "ita", "Italian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_JAV, "jav", "Javanese" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_JBO, "jbo", "Lojban" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_JPN, "jpn", "Japanese" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_JPR, "jpr", "Judeo-Persian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_JRB, "jrb", "Judeo-Arabic" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KAA, "kaa", "Kara-Kalpak" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KAB, "kab", "Kabyle" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KAC, "kac", "Kachin; Jingpho" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KAL, "kal", "Kalaallisut; Greenlandic" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KAM, "kam", "Kamba" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KAN, "kan", "Kannada" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KAR, "kar", "Karen languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KAS, "kas", "Kashmiri" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KAU, "kau", "Kanuri" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KAW, "kaw", "Kawi" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KAZ, "kaz", "Kazakh" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KBD, "kbd", "Kabardian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KHA, "kha", "Khasi" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KHI, "khi", "Khoisan (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KHM, "khm", "Central Khmer" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KHO, "kho", "Khotanese; Sakan" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KIK, "kik", "Kikuyu; Gikuyu" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KIN, "kin", "Kinyarwanda" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KIR, "kir", "Kirghiz; Kyrgyz" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KMB, "kmb", "Kimbundu" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KOK, "kok", "Konkani" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KOM, "kom", "Komi" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KON, "kon", "Kongo" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KOR, "kor", "Korean" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KOS, "kos", "Kosraean" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KPE, "kpe", "Kpelle" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KRC, "krc", "Karachay-Balkar" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KRL, "krl", "Karelian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KRO, "kro", "Kru languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KRU, "kru", "Kurukh" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KUA, "kua", "Kuanyama; Kwanyama" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KUM, "kum", "Kumyk" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KUR, "kur", "Kurdish" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_KUT, "kut", "Kutenai" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_LAD, "lad", "Ladino" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_LAH, "lah", "Lahnda" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_LAM, "lam", "Lamba" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_LAO, "lao", "Lao" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_LAT, "lat", "Latin" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_LAV, "lav", "Latvian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_LEZ, "lez", "Lezghian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_LIM, "lim", "Limburgan; Limburger; Limburgish" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_LIN, "lin", "Lingala" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_LIT, "lit", "Lithuanian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_LOL, "lol", "Mongo" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_LOZ, "loz", "Lozi" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_LTZ, "ltz", "Luxembourgish; Letzeburgesch" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_LUA, "lua", "Luba-Lulua" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_LUB, "lub", "Luba-Katanga" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_LUG, "lug", "Ganda" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_LUI, "lui", "Luiseno" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_LUN, "lun", "Lunda" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_LUO, "luo", "Luo (Kenya and Tanzania)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_LUS, "lus", "Lushai" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MKD, "mkd", "Macedonian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MAD, "mad", "Madurese" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MAG, "mag", "Magahi" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MAH, "mah", "Marshallese" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MAI, "mai", "Maithili" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MAK, "mak", "Makasar" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MAL, "mal", "Malayalam" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MAN, "man", "Mandingo" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MRI, "mri", "Maori" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MAP, "map", "Austronesian (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MAR, "mar", "Marathi" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MAS, "mas", "Masai" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MSA, "msa", "Malay" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MDF, "mdf", "Moksha" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MDR, "mdr", "Mandar" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MEN, "men", "Mende" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MGA, "mga", "Irish, Middle (900-1200)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MIC, "mic", "Mi'kmaq; Micmac" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MIN, "min", "Minangkabau" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MIS, "mis", "Uncoded languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MKH, "mkh", "Mon-Khmer (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MLG, "mlg", "Malagasy" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MLT, "mlt", "Maltese" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MNC, "mnc", "Manchu" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MNI, "mni", "Manipuri" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MNO, "mno", "Manobo languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MOH, "moh", "Mohawk" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MON, "mon", "Mongolian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MOS, "mos", "Mossi" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MUL, "mul", "Multiple languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MUN, "mun", "Munda languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MUS, "mus", "Creek" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MWL, "mwl", "Mirandese" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MWR, "mwr", "Marwari" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MYN, "myn", "Mayan languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_MYV, "myv", "Erzya" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NAH, "nah", "Nahuatl languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NAI, "nai", "North American Indian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NAP, "nap", "Neapolitan" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NAU, "nau", "Nauru" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NAV, "nav", "Navajo; Navaho" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NBL, "nbl", "Ndebele, South; South Ndebele" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NDE, "nde", "Ndebele, North; North Ndebele" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NDO, "ndo", "Ndonga" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NDS, "nds", "Low German; Low Saxon; German, Low; Saxon, Low" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NEP, "nep", "Nepali" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NEW, "new", "Nepal Bhasa; Newari" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NIA, "nia", "Nias" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NIC, "nic", "Niger-Kordofanian (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NIU, "niu", "Niuean" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NNO, "nno", "Norwegian Nynorsk; Nynorsk, Norwegian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NOB, "nob", "Bokmål, Norwegian; Norwegian Bokmål" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NOG, "nog", "Nogai" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NON, "non", "Norse, Old" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NOR, "nor", "Norwegian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NQO, "nqo", "N'Ko" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NSO, "nso", "Pedi; Sepedi; Northern Sotho" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NUB, "nub", "Nubian languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NWC, "nwc", "Classical Newari; Old Newari; Classical Nepal Bhasa" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NYA, "nya", "Chichewa; Chewa; Nyanja" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NYM, "nym", "Nyamwezi" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NYN, "nyn", "Nyankole" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NYO, "nyo", "Nyoro" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_NZI, "nzi", "Nzima" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_OCI, "oci", "Occitan (post 1500); Provençal" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_OJI, "oji", "Ojibwa" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ORI, "ori", "Oriya" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ORM, "orm", "Oromo" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_OSA, "osa", "Osage" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_OSS, "oss", "Ossetian; Ossetic" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_OTA, "ota", "Turkish, Ottoman (1500-1928)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_OTO, "oto", "Otomian languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_PAA, "paa", "Papuan (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_PAG, "pag", "Pangasinan" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_PAL, "pal", "Pahlavi" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_PAM, "pam", "Pampanga; Kapampangan" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_PAN, "pan", "Panjabi; Punjabi" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_PAP, "pap", "Papiamento" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_PAU, "pau", "Palauan" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_PEO, "peo", "Persian, Old (ca.600-400 B.C.)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_FAS, "fas", "Persian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_PHI, "phi", "Philippine (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_PHN, "phn", "Phoenician" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_PLI, "pli", "Pali" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_POL, "pol", "Polish" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_PON, "pon", "Pohnpeian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_POR, "por", "Portuguese" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_PRA, "pra", "Prakrit languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_PRO, "pro", "Provençal, Old (to 1500)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_PUS, "pus", "Pushto; Pashto" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_QUE, "que", "Quechua" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_RAJ, "raj", "Rajasthani" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_RAP, "rap", "Rapanui" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_RAR, "rar", "Rarotongan; Cook Islands Maori" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ROA, "roa", "Romance (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ROH, "roh", "Romansh" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ROM, "rom", "Romany" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_RON, "ron", "Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_RUN, "run", "Rundi" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_RUP, "rup", "Aromanian; Arumanian; Macedo-Romanian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_RUS, "rus", "Russian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SAD, "sad", "Sandawe" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SAG, "sag", "Sango" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SAH, "sah", "Yakut" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SAI, "sai", "South American Indian (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SAL, "sal", "Salishan languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SAM, "sam", "Samaritan Aramaic" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SAN, "san", "Sanskrit" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SAS, "sas", "Sasak" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SAT, "sat", "Santali" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SCN, "scn", "Sicilian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SCO, "sco", "Scots" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SEL, "sel", "Selkup" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SEM, "sem", "Semitic (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SGA, "sga", "Irish, Old (to 900)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SGN, "sgn", "Sign Languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SHN, "shn", "Shan" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SID, "sid", "Sidamo" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SIN, "sin", "Sinhala; Sinhalese" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SIO, "sio", "Siouan languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SIT, "sit", "Sino-Tibetan (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SLA, "sla", "Slavic (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SLK, "slk", "Slovak" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SLV, "slv", "Slovenian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SMA, "sma", "Southern Sami" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SME, "sme", "Northern Sami" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SMI, "smi", "Sami languages (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SMJ, "smj", "Lule Sami" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SMN, "smn", "Inari Sami" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SMO, "smo", "Samoan" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SMS, "sms", "Skolt Sami" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SNA, "sna", "Shona" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SND, "snd", "Sindhi" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SNK, "snk", "Soninke" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SOG, "sog", "Sogdian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SOM, "som", "Somali" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SON, "son", "Songhai languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SOT, "sot", "Sotho, Southern" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SPA, "spa", "Spanish; Castilian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SRD, "srd", "Sardinian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SRN, "srn", "Sranan Tongo" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SRP, "srp", "Serbian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SRR, "srr", "Serer" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SSA, "ssa", "Nilo-Saharan (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SSW, "ssw", "Swati" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SUK, "suk", "Sukuma" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SUN, "sun", "Sundanese" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SUS, "sus", "Susu" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SUX, "sux", "Sumerian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SWA, "swa", "Swahili" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SWE, "swe", "Swedish" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SYC, "syc", "Classical Syriac" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_SYR, "syr", "Syriac" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TAH, "tah", "Tahitian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TAI, "tai", "Tai (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TAM, "tam", "Tamil" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TAT, "tat", "Tatar" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TEL, "tel", "Telugu" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TEM, "tem", "Timne" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TER, "ter", "Tereno" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TET, "tet", "Tetum" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TGK, "tgk", "Tajik" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TGL, "tgl", "Tagalog" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_THA, "tha", "Thai" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_BOD, "bod", "Tibetan" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TIG, "tig", "Tigre" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TIR, "tir", "Tigrinya" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TIV, "tiv", "Tiv" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TKL, "tkl", "Tokelau" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TLH, "tlh", "Klingon; tlhIngan-Hol" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TLI, "tli", "Tlingit" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TMH, "tmh", "Tamashek" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TOG, "tog", "Tonga (Nyasa)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TON, "ton", "Tonga (Tonga Islands)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TPI, "tpi", "Tok Pisin" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TSI, "tsi", "Tsimshian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TSN, "tsn", "Tswana" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TSO, "tso", "Tsonga" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TUK, "tuk", "Turkmen" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TUM, "tum", "Tumbuka" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TUP, "tup", "Tupi languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TUR, "tur", "Turkish" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TUT, "tut", "Altaic (Other)" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TVL, "tvl", "Tuvalu" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TWI, "twi", "Twi" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_TYV, "tyv", "Tuvinian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_UDM, "udm", "Udmurt" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_UGA, "uga", "Ugaritic" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_UIG, "uig", "Uighur; Uyghur" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_UKR, "ukr", "Ukrainian" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_UMB, "umb", "Umbundu" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_UND, "und", "Undetermined" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_URD, "urd", "Urdu" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_UZB, "uzb", "Uzbek" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_VAI, "vai", "Vai" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_VEN, "ven", "Venda" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_VIE, "vie", "Vietnamese" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_VOL, "vol", "Volapük" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_VOT, "vot", "Votic" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_WAK, "wak", "Wakashan languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_WAL, "wal", "Walamo" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_WAR, "war", "Waray" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_WAS, "was", "Washo" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_CYM, "cym", "Welsh" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_WEN, "wen", "Sorbian languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_WLN, "wln", "Walloon" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_WOL, "wol", "Wolof" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_XAL, "xal", "Kalmyk; Oirat" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_XHO, "xho", "Xhosa" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_YAO, "yao", "Yao" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_YAP, "yap", "Yapese" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_YID, "yid", "Yiddish" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_YOR, "yor", "Yoruba" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_YPK, "ypk", "Yupik languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ZAP, "zap", "Zapotec" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ZBL, "zbl", "Blissymbols; Blissymbolics; Bliss" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ZEN, "zen", "Zenaga" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ZHA, "zha", "Zhuang; Chuang" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ZND, "znd", "Zande languages" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ZUL, "zul", "Zulu" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ZUN, "zun", "Zuni" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ZXX, "zxx", "No linguistic content; Not applicable" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_ZZA, "zza", "Zaza; Dimili; Dimli; Kirdki; Kirmanjki; Zazaki" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::bmff::ILC_UNDEFINED } // must be last
+namespace bmff {
+// must come after static data init
+const EnumLanguageCode enumLanguageCode;
+}}} // namespace mp4v2::impl::bmff
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/bmff/typebmff.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/bmff/typebmff.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b69b7e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/bmff/typebmff.h
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl { namespace bmff {
+/// enumerated ISO-639-2/T language codes.
+enum LanguageCode {
+typedef Enum<LanguageCode,ILC_UNDEFINED> EnumLanguageCode;
+MP4V2_EXPORT extern const EnumLanguageCode enumLanguageCode;
+}}} // namespace mp4v2::impl::bmff
+#endif // MP4V2_IMPL_BMFF_TYPE_H
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/cmeta.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/cmeta.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b6a7d574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/cmeta.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1558 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// Portions created by David Byron are Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+// Rouven Wessling, [email protected]
+// David Byron, [email protected]
+#include "src/impl.h"
+using namespace mp4v2::impl;
+extern "C" {
+MP4TagsAddArtwork( const MP4Tags* tags, MP4TagArtwork* artwork )
+ if( !tags || !tags->__handle || !artwork )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(tags->__handle);
+ MP4Tags* c = const_cast<MP4Tags*>(tags);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_addArtwork( c, *artwork );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+const MP4Tags*
+ MP4Tags* result = NULL;
+ itmf::Tags* m = NULL;
+ try {
+ m = new itmf::Tags();
+ m->c_alloc( result );
+ return result;
+ }
+ catch( std::bad_alloc ) {
+ // This could be a failure to allocate itmf::Tags or
+ // a failure to allocate inside c_alloc.
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: memory allocation error", __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ if( result )
+ delete result;
+ if( m )
+ delete m;
+ return NULL;
+MP4TagsFree( const MP4Tags* tags )
+ if( !tags || !tags->__handle )
+ return;
+ itmf::Tags* cpp = static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(tags->__handle);
+ MP4Tags* c = const_cast<MP4Tags*>(tags);
+ try {
+ cpp->c_free( c );
+ delete cpp;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+MP4TagsFetch( const MP4Tags* tags, MP4FileHandle hFile )
+ if( !MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE( hFile ))
+ return false;
+ if( !tags || !tags->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags* cpp = static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(tags->__handle);
+ MP4Tags* c = const_cast<MP4Tags*>(tags);
+ try {
+ cpp->c_fetch( c, hFile );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsHasMetadata ( const MP4Tags* tags, bool *hasMetadata )
+ if( !tags || !tags->__handle || !hasMetadata )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(tags->__handle);
+ (*hasMetadata) = cpp.hasMetadata;
+ return true;
+MP4TagsRemoveArtwork( const MP4Tags* tags, uint32_t index )
+ if( !tags || !tags->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(tags->__handle);
+ MP4Tags* c = const_cast<MP4Tags*>(tags);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_removeArtwork( c, index );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetArtwork( const MP4Tags* tags, uint32_t index, MP4TagArtwork* artwork )
+ if( !tags || !tags->__handle || !artwork)
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(tags->__handle);
+ MP4Tags* c = const_cast<MP4Tags*>(tags);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setArtwork( c, index, *artwork );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsStore( const MP4Tags* tags, MP4FileHandle hFile )
+ if( !MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE( hFile ))
+ return false;
+ if( !tags || !tags->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags* cpp = static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(tags->__handle);
+ MP4Tags* c = const_cast<MP4Tags*>(tags);
+ try {
+ cpp->c_store( c, hFile );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetName( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value,, );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetArtist( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.artist, c.artist );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetAlbumArtist( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.albumArtist, c.albumArtist );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetAlbum( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.album, c.album );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetGrouping( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.grouping, c.grouping );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetComposer( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.composer, c.composer );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetComments( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.comments, c.comments );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetGenre( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.genre, c.genre );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetGenreType( const MP4Tags* m, const uint16_t* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setInteger( value, cpp.genreType, c.genreType );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetReleaseDate( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.releaseDate, c.releaseDate );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetTrack( const MP4Tags* m, const MP4TagTrack* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setTrack( value, cpp.track, c.track );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetDisk( const MP4Tags* m, const MP4TagDisk* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setDisk( value, cpp.disk, c.disk );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetTempo( const MP4Tags* m, const uint16_t* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setInteger( value, cpp.tempo, c.tempo );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetCompilation( const MP4Tags* m, const uint8_t* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setInteger( value, cpp.compilation, c.compilation );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetTVShow( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.tvShow, c.tvShow );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetTVNetwork( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.tvNetwork, c.tvNetwork );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetTVEpisodeID( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.tvEpisodeID, c.tvEpisodeID );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetTVSeason( const MP4Tags* m, const uint32_t* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setInteger( value, cpp.tvSeason, c.tvSeason );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetTVEpisode( const MP4Tags* m, const uint32_t* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setInteger( value, cpp.tvEpisode, c.tvEpisode );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetSortName( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.sortName, c.sortName );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetSortArtist( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.sortArtist, c.sortArtist );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetSortAlbumArtist( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.sortAlbumArtist, c.sortAlbumArtist );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetSortAlbum( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.sortAlbum, c.sortAlbum );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetSortComposer( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.sortComposer, c.sortComposer );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetSortTVShow( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.sortTVShow, c.sortTVShow );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetDescription( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.description, c.description );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetLongDescription( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.longDescription, c.longDescription );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetLyrics( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.lyrics, c.lyrics );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetCopyright( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.copyright, c.copyright );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetEncodingTool( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.encodingTool, c.encodingTool );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetEncodedBy( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.encodedBy, c.encodedBy );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetPurchaseDate( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.purchaseDate, c.purchaseDate );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetPodcast( const MP4Tags* m, const uint8_t* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setInteger( value, cpp.podcast, c.podcast );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetKeywords( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.keywords, c.keywords );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetCategory( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.category, c.category );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetHDVideo( const MP4Tags* m, const uint8_t* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setInteger( value, cpp.hdVideo, c.hdVideo );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetMediaType( const MP4Tags* m, const uint8_t* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setInteger( value, cpp.mediaType, c.mediaType );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetContentRating( const MP4Tags* m, const uint8_t* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setInteger( value, cpp.contentRating, c.contentRating );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetGapless( const MP4Tags* m, const uint8_t* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setInteger( value, cpp.gapless, c.gapless );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetITunesAccount( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.iTunesAccount, c.iTunesAccount );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetITunesAccountType( const MP4Tags* m, const uint8_t* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setInteger( value, cpp.iTunesAccountType, c.iTunesAccountType );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetITunesCountry( const MP4Tags* m, const uint32_t* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setInteger( value, cpp.iTunesCountry, c.iTunesCountry );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetContentID( const MP4Tags* m, const uint32_t* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setInteger( value, cpp.contentID, c.contentID );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetArtistID( const MP4Tags* m, const uint32_t* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setInteger( value, cpp.artistID, c.artistID );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetPlaylistID( const MP4Tags* m, const uint64_t* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setInteger( value, cpp.playlistID, c.playlistID );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetGenreID( const MP4Tags* m, const uint32_t* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setInteger( value, cpp.genreID, c.genreID );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetComposerID( const MP4Tags* m, const uint32_t* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setInteger( value, cpp.composerID, c.composerID );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4TagsSetXID( const MP4Tags* m, const char* value )
+ if( !m || !m->__handle )
+ return false;
+ itmf::Tags& cpp = *static_cast<itmf::Tags*>(m->__handle);
+ MP4Tags& c = *const_cast<MP4Tags*>(m);
+ try {
+ cpp.c_setString( value, cpp.xid, c.xid );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4ItmfItemAlloc( const char* code, uint32_t numData )
+ return itmf::genericItemAlloc( code, numData );
+MP4ItmfItemFree( MP4ItmfItem* item )
+ itmf::genericItemFree( item );
+MP4ItmfItemListFree( MP4ItmfItemList* list )
+ itmf::genericItemListFree( list );
+MP4ItmfGetItems( MP4FileHandle hFile )
+ if( !MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE( hFile ))
+ return NULL;
+ try {
+ return itmf::genericGetItems( *(MP4File*)hFile );
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+MP4ItmfGetItemsByCode( MP4FileHandle hFile, const char* code )
+ if( !MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE( hFile ))
+ return NULL;
+ try {
+ return itmf::genericGetItemsByCode( *(MP4File*)hFile, code );
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed",__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+MP4ItmfGetItemsByMeaning( MP4FileHandle hFile, const char* meaning, const char* name )
+ if( !MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE( hFile ))
+ return NULL;
+ if( !meaning )
+ return NULL;
+ try {
+ return itmf::genericGetItemsByMeaning( *(MP4File*)hFile, meaning, name ? name : "" );
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ return NULL;
+MP4ItmfAddItem( MP4FileHandle hFile, const MP4ItmfItem* item )
+ if( !MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE( hFile ))
+ return false;
+ try {
+ return itmf::genericAddItem( *(MP4File*)hFile, item );
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4ItmfSetItem( MP4FileHandle hFile, const MP4ItmfItem* item )
+ if( !MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE( hFile ))
+ return false;
+ try {
+ return itmf::genericSetItem( *(MP4File*)hFile, item );
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ return false;
+MP4ItmfRemoveItem( MP4FileHandle hFile, const MP4ItmfItem* item )
+ if( !MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE( hFile ))
+ return false;
+ try {
+ return itmf::genericRemoveItem( *(MP4File*)hFile, item );
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ return false;
+} // extern "C"
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/descriptors.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/descriptors.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e83fc66f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/descriptors.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4BaseDescriptor::MP4BaseDescriptor (MP4Atom& parentAtom, uint8_t tag) : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom, tag)
+ switch (tag) {
+ case MP4ESIDIncDescrTag:
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "id"));
+ break;
+ case MP4ESIDRefDescrTag:
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(parentAtom, "refIndex"));
+ break;
+ case MP4IPIPtrDescrTag:
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(parentAtom, "IPIESId"));
+ break;
+ case MP4SupplContentIdDescrTag:
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4BytesProperty(parentAtom, "languageCode", 3));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4StringProperty(parentAtom, "title", Counted));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4StringProperty(parentAtom, "value", Counted));
+ break;
+ case MP4IPMPPtrDescrTag:
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "IPMPDescriptorId"));
+ break;
+ case MP4ExtProfileLevelDescrTag:
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "profileLevelIndicationIndex"));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "ODProfileLevelIndication"));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "sceneProfileLevelIndication"));
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "audioProfileLevelIndication"));
+ AddProperty( /* 4 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "visualProfileLevelIndication"));
+ AddProperty( /* 5 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "graphicsProfileLevelIndication"));
+ AddProperty( /* 6 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "MPEGJProfileLevelIndication"));
+ break;
+ default:
+ log.errorf("%s: \"%s\": error in base descriptor - tag %u", __FUNCTION__,
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(), tag);
+ break;
+ }
+MP4BytesDescriptor::MP4BytesDescriptor (MP4Atom& parentAtom, uint8_t tag) : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom, tag)
+ m_size_offset = 0;
+ m_bytes_index = 0;
+ if (tag >= MP4ExtDescrTagsStart && tag <= MP4ExtDescrTagsEnd) {
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4BytesProperty(parentAtom, "data"));
+ } else {
+ switch (tag) {
+ case MP4DecSpecificDescrTag:
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4BytesProperty(parentAtom, "info"));
+ // no change to m_size
+ break;
+ case MP4IPMPDescrTag:
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "IPMPDescriptorId"));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(parentAtom, "IPMPSType"));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4BytesProperty(parentAtom, "IPMPData"));
+ /* note: if IPMPSType == 0, IPMPData is an URL */
+ m_size_offset = 3;
+ m_bytes_index = 2;
+ break;
+ case MP4RegistrationDescrTag:
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "formatIdentifier"));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4BytesProperty(parentAtom, "additionalIdentificationInfo"));
+ m_size_offset = 4;
+ m_bytes_index = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ log.errorf("%s: \"%s\": error in bytes descriptor - tag %u", __FUNCTION__,
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(), tag);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void MP4BytesDescriptor::Read(MP4File& file)
+ ReadHeader(file);
+ /* byte properties need to know how long they are before reading */
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[m_bytes_index])->SetValueSize(m_size - m_size_offset);
+ ReadProperties(file);
+MP4IODescriptor::MP4IODescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom)
+ : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom, MP4FileIODescrTag)
+ /* N.B. other member functions depend on the property indicies */
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "objectDescriptorId", 10));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "URLFlag", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "includeInlineProfileLevelFlag", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "reserved", 4));
+ AddProperty( /* 4 */
+ new MP4StringProperty(parentAtom, "URL", Counted));
+ AddProperty( /* 5 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "ODProfileLevelId"));
+ AddProperty( /* 6 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "sceneProfileLevelId"));
+ AddProperty( /* 7 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "audioProfileLevelId"));
+ AddProperty( /* 8 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "visualProfileLevelId"));
+ AddProperty( /* 9 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "graphicsProfileLevelId"));
+ AddProperty( /* 10 */
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "esIds",
+ MP4ESIDIncDescrTag, 0, Required, Many));
+ AddProperty( /* 11 */
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "ociDescr",
+ MP4OCIDescrTagsStart, MP4OCIDescrTagsEnd, Optional, Many));
+ AddProperty( /* 12 */
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "ipmpDescrPtr",
+ MP4IPMPPtrDescrTag, 0, Optional, Many));
+ AddProperty( /* 13 */
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "extDescr",
+ MP4ExtDescrTagsStart, MP4ExtDescrTagsEnd, Optional, Many));
+ SetReadMutate(2);
+void MP4IODescriptor::Generate()
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValue(1);
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[3])->SetValue(0xF);
+ for (uint32_t i = 5; i <= 9; i++) {
+ ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[i])->SetValue(0xFF);
+ }
+void MP4IODescriptor::Mutate()
+ bool urlFlag = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[1])->GetValue();
+ m_pProperties[4]->SetImplicit(!urlFlag);
+ for (uint32_t i = 5; i <= 12; i++) {
+ m_pProperties[i]->SetImplicit(urlFlag);
+ }
+MP4ODescriptor::MP4ODescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom)
+ : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom, MP4FileODescrTag)
+ /* N.B. other member functions depend on the property indicies */
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "objectDescriptorId", 10));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "URLFlag", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "reserved", 5));
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4StringProperty(parentAtom, "URL", Counted));
+ AddProperty( /* 4 */
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "esIds",
+ MP4ESIDRefDescrTag, 0, Required, Many));
+ AddProperty( /* 5 */
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "ociDescr",
+ MP4OCIDescrTagsStart, MP4OCIDescrTagsEnd, Optional, Many));
+ AddProperty( /* 6 */
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "ipmpDescrPtr",
+ MP4IPMPPtrDescrTag, 0, Optional, Many));
+ AddProperty( /* 7 */
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "extDescr",
+ MP4ExtDescrTagsStart, MP4ExtDescrTagsEnd, Optional, Many));
+ SetReadMutate(2);
+void MP4ODescriptor::Generate()
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValue(0x1F);
+void MP4ODescriptor::Mutate()
+ bool urlFlag = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[1])->GetValue();
+ m_pProperties[3]->SetImplicit(!urlFlag);
+ for (uint32_t i = 4; i <= 6; i++) {
+ m_pProperties[i]->SetImplicit(urlFlag);
+ }
+MP4ESDescriptor::MP4ESDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom)
+ : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom, MP4ESDescrTag)
+ /* N.B. other class functions depend on the property indicies */
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(parentAtom, "ESID"));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "streamDependenceFlag", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "URLFlag", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "OCRstreamFlag", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 4 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "streamPriority", 5));
+ AddProperty( /* 5 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(parentAtom, "dependsOnESID"));
+ AddProperty( /* 6 */
+ new MP4StringProperty(parentAtom, "URL", Counted));
+ AddProperty( /* 7 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(parentAtom, "OCRESID"));
+ AddProperty( /* 8 */
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "decConfigDescr",
+ MP4DecConfigDescrTag, 0, Required, OnlyOne));
+ AddProperty( /* 9 */
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "slConfigDescr",
+ MP4SLConfigDescrTag, 0, Required, OnlyOne));
+ AddProperty( /* 10 */
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "ipiPtr",
+ MP4IPIPtrDescrTag, 0, Optional, OnlyOne));
+ AddProperty( /* 11 */
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "ipIds",
+ MP4ContentIdDescrTag, MP4SupplContentIdDescrTag, Optional, Many));
+ AddProperty( /* 12 */
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "ipmpDescrPtr",
+ MP4IPMPPtrDescrTag, 0, Optional, Many));
+ AddProperty( /* 13 */
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "langDescr",
+ MP4LanguageDescrTag, 0, Optional, Many));
+ AddProperty( /* 14 */
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "qosDescr",
+ MP4QosDescrTag, 0, Optional, OnlyOne));
+ AddProperty( /* 15 */
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "regDescr",
+ MP4RegistrationDescrTag, 0, Optional, OnlyOne));
+ AddProperty( /* 16 */
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "extDescr",
+ MP4ExtDescrTagsStart, MP4ExtDescrTagsEnd, Optional, Many));
+ SetReadMutate(5);
+void MP4ESDescriptor::Mutate()
+ bool streamDependFlag =
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[1])->GetValue();
+ m_pProperties[5]->SetImplicit(!streamDependFlag);
+ bool urlFlag =
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[2])->GetValue();
+ m_pProperties[6]->SetImplicit(!urlFlag);
+ bool ocrFlag =
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[3])->GetValue();
+ m_pProperties[7]->SetImplicit(!ocrFlag);
+MP4DecConfigDescriptor::MP4DecConfigDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom)
+ : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom, MP4DecConfigDescrTag)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "objectTypeId"));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "streamType", 6));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "upStream", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "reserved", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 4 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "bufferSizeDB", 24));
+ AddProperty( /* 5 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "maxBitrate"));
+ AddProperty( /* 6 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "avgBitrate"));
+ AddProperty( /* 7 */
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "decSpecificInfo",
+ MP4DecSpecificDescrTag, 0, Optional, OnlyOne));
+ AddProperty( /* 8 */
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "profileLevelIndicationIndexDescr",
+ MP4ExtProfileLevelDescrTag, 0, Optional, Many));
+void MP4DecConfigDescriptor::Generate()
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[3])->SetValue(1);
+MP4SLConfigDescriptor::MP4SLConfigDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom)
+ : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom, MP4SLConfigDescrTag)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "predefined"));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "useAccessUnitStartFlag", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "useAccessUnitEndFlag", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "useRandomAccessPointFlag", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 4 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "hasRandomAccessUnitsOnlyFlag", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 5 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "usePaddingFlag", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 6 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "useTimeStampsFlag", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 7 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "useIdleFlag", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 8 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "durationFlag", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 9 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "timeStampResolution"));
+ AddProperty( /* 10 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "OCRResolution"));
+ AddProperty( /* 11 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "timeStampLength"));
+ AddProperty( /* 12 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "OCRLength"));
+ AddProperty( /* 13 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "AULength"));
+ AddProperty( /* 14 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "instantBitrateLength"));
+ AddProperty( /* 15 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "degradationPriortyLength", 4));
+ AddProperty( /* 16 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "AUSeqNumLength", 5));
+ AddProperty( /* 17 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "packetSeqNumLength", 5));
+ AddProperty( /* 18 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "reserved", 2));
+ // if durationFlag
+ AddProperty( /* 19 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "timeScale"));
+ AddProperty( /* 20 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(parentAtom, "accessUnitDuration"));
+ AddProperty( /* 21 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(parentAtom, "compositionUnitDuration"));
+ // if !useTimeStampsFlag
+ AddProperty( /* 22 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "startDecodingTimeStamp", 64));
+ AddProperty( /* 23 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "startCompositionTimeStamp", 64));
+void MP4SLConfigDescriptor::Generate()
+ // by default all tracks in an mp4 file
+ // use predefined SLConfig descriptor == 2
+ ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValue(2);
+ // which implies UseTimestampsFlag = 1
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[6])->SetValue(1);
+ // reserved = 3
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[18])->SetValue(3);
+void MP4SLConfigDescriptor::Read(MP4File& file)
+ ReadHeader(file);
+ // read the first property, 'predefined'
+ ReadProperties(file, 0, 1);
+ // if predefined == 0
+ if (((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[0])->GetValue() == 0) {
+ /* read the next 18 properties */
+ ReadProperties(file, 1, 18);
+ }
+ // now mutate
+ Mutate();
+ // and read the remaining properties
+ ReadProperties(file, 19);
+void MP4SLConfigDescriptor::Mutate()
+ uint32_t i;
+ uint8_t predefined =
+ ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[0])->GetValue();
+ if (predefined) {
+ // properties 1-18 are implicit
+ for (i = 1; i < m_pProperties.Size(); i++) {
+ m_pProperties[i]->SetImplicit(true);
+ }
+ if (predefined == 1) {
+ // UseTimestampsFlag = 0
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[6])->SetValue(0);
+ // TimestampResolution = 1000
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[9])->SetValue(1000);
+ // TimeStampLength = 32
+ ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[11])->SetValue(32);
+ } else if (predefined == 2) {
+ // UseTimestampsFlag = 1
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[6])->SetValue(1);
+ }
+ } else {
+#if 1
+ for (i = 1; i <= 18; i++) {
+ m_pProperties[i]->SetImplicit(false);
+ }
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[18])->SetValue(3);
+ }
+ bool durationFlag =
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[8])->GetValue();
+ for (i = 19; i <= 21; i++) {
+ m_pProperties[i]->SetImplicit(!durationFlag);
+ }
+ bool useTimeStampsFlag =
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[6])->GetValue();
+ for (i = 22; i <= 23; i++) {
+ m_pProperties[i]->SetImplicit(useTimeStampsFlag);
+ uint8_t timeStampLength = min((uint8_t)64,
+ ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[11])->GetValue());
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[i])->SetNumBits(timeStampLength);
+ // handle a nonsensical situation gracefully
+ if (timeStampLength == 0) {
+ m_pProperties[i]->SetImplicit(true);
+ }
+ }
+MP4ContentIdDescriptor::MP4ContentIdDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom)
+ : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom, MP4ContentIdDescrTag)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "compatibility", 2));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "contentTypeFlag", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "contentIdFlag", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "protectedContent", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 4 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "reserved", 3));
+ AddProperty( /* 5 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "contentType"));
+ AddProperty( /* 6 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "contentIdType"));
+ AddProperty( /* 7 */
+ new MP4BytesProperty(parentAtom, "contentId"));
+void MP4ContentIdDescriptor::Read(MP4File& file)
+ ReadHeader(file);
+ /* read the first property, 'compatiblity' */
+ ReadProperties(file, 0, 1);
+ /* if compatiblity != 0 */
+ if (((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[0])->GetValue() != 0) {
+ /* we don't understand it */
+ log.verbose1f("incompatible content id descriptor");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* read the next four properties */
+ ReadProperties(file, 1, 4);
+ /* which allows us to reconfigure ourselves */
+ Mutate();
+ bool contentTypeFlag = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[1])->GetValue();
+ bool contentIdFlag = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[2])->GetValue();
+ if (contentIdFlag) {
+ uint32_t cIdOffset = 2;
+ if (contentTypeFlag) {
+ cIdOffset++;
+ }
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[7])->SetValueSize(m_size - cIdOffset);
+ }
+ /* read the remaining properties */
+ ReadProperties(file, 5);
+void MP4ContentIdDescriptor::Mutate()
+ bool contentTypeFlag = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[1])->GetValue();
+ m_pProperties[5]->SetImplicit(!contentTypeFlag);
+ bool contentIdFlag = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[2])->GetValue();
+ m_pProperties[6]->SetImplicit(!contentIdFlag);
+ m_pProperties[7]->SetImplicit(!contentIdFlag);
+MP4Descriptor* MP4DescriptorProperty::CreateDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom, uint8_t tag)
+ MP4Descriptor* pDescriptor = NULL;
+ switch (tag) {
+ case MP4ESDescrTag:
+ pDescriptor = new MP4ESDescriptor(parentAtom);
+ break;
+ case MP4DecConfigDescrTag:
+ pDescriptor = new MP4DecConfigDescriptor(parentAtom);
+ break;
+ case MP4DecSpecificDescrTag:
+ case MP4IPMPDescrTag:
+ case MP4RegistrationDescrTag:
+ pDescriptor = new MP4BytesDescriptor(parentAtom, tag);
+ break;
+ case MP4SLConfigDescrTag:
+ pDescriptor = new MP4SLConfigDescriptor(parentAtom);
+ break;
+ case MP4ContentIdDescrTag:
+ pDescriptor = new MP4ContentIdDescriptor(parentAtom);
+ break;
+ case MP4ESIDIncDescrTag:
+ case MP4ESIDRefDescrTag:
+ case MP4IPIPtrDescrTag:
+ case MP4SupplContentIdDescrTag:
+ case MP4IPMPPtrDescrTag:
+ case MP4ExtProfileLevelDescrTag:
+ pDescriptor = new MP4BaseDescriptor(parentAtom, tag);
+ break;
+ case MP4QosDescrTag:
+ pDescriptor = new MP4QosDescriptorBase(parentAtom, MP4QosDescrTag);
+ break;
+ case MP4IODescrTag:
+ case MP4FileIODescrTag:
+ pDescriptor = new MP4IODescriptor(parentAtom);
+ pDescriptor->SetTag(tag);
+ break;
+ case MP4ODescrTag:
+ case MP4FileODescrTag:
+ pDescriptor = new MP4ODescriptor(parentAtom);
+ pDescriptor->SetTag(tag);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (pDescriptor == NULL) {
+ if (tag >= MP4OCIDescrTagsStart && tag <= MP4OCIDescrTagsEnd) {
+ pDescriptor = CreateOCIDescriptor(parentAtom, tag);
+ }
+ if (tag >= MP4ExtDescrTagsStart && tag <= MP4ExtDescrTagsEnd) {
+ pDescriptor = new MP4BytesDescriptor(parentAtom, tag);
+ }
+ }
+ return pDescriptor;
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/descriptors.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/descriptors.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f1cf2eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/descriptors.h
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+const uint8_t MP4ODescrTag = 0x01;
+const uint8_t MP4IODescrTag = 0x02;
+const uint8_t MP4ESDescrTag = 0x03;
+const uint8_t MP4DecConfigDescrTag = 0x04;
+const uint8_t MP4DecSpecificDescrTag = 0x05;
+const uint8_t MP4SLConfigDescrTag = 0x06;
+const uint8_t MP4ContentIdDescrTag = 0x07;
+const uint8_t MP4SupplContentIdDescrTag = 0x08;
+const uint8_t MP4IPIPtrDescrTag = 0x09;
+const uint8_t MP4IPMPPtrDescrTag = 0x0A;
+const uint8_t MP4IPMPDescrTag = 0x0B;
+const uint8_t MP4RegistrationDescrTag = 0x0D;
+const uint8_t MP4ESIDIncDescrTag = 0x0E;
+const uint8_t MP4ESIDRefDescrTag = 0x0F;
+const uint8_t MP4FileIODescrTag = 0x10;
+const uint8_t MP4FileODescrTag = 0x11;
+const uint8_t MP4ExtProfileLevelDescrTag = 0x13;
+const uint8_t MP4ExtDescrTagsStart = 0x80;
+const uint8_t MP4ExtDescrTagsEnd = 0xFE;
+class MP4BaseDescriptor : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4BaseDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom, uint8_t tag);
+ MP4BaseDescriptor();
+ MP4BaseDescriptor ( const MP4BaseDescriptor &src );
+ MP4BaseDescriptor &operator= ( const MP4BaseDescriptor &src );
+class MP4BytesDescriptor : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4BytesDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom, uint8_t tag);
+ void Read(MP4File& file);
+ uint32_t m_size_offset; // size to adjust the size for the bytes property
+ uint32_t m_bytes_index; // index into properties for bytes property
+ MP4BytesDescriptor();
+ MP4BytesDescriptor ( const MP4BytesDescriptor &src );
+ MP4BytesDescriptor &operator= ( const MP4BytesDescriptor &src );
+class MP4IODescriptor : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4IODescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom);
+ void Generate();
+ void Mutate();
+ MP4IODescriptor();
+ MP4IODescriptor ( const MP4IODescriptor &src );
+ MP4IODescriptor &operator= ( const MP4IODescriptor &src );
+class MP4ODescriptor : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4ODescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom);
+ void Generate();
+ void Mutate();
+ MP4ODescriptor();
+ MP4ODescriptor ( const MP4ODescriptor &src );
+ MP4ODescriptor &operator= ( const MP4ODescriptor &src );
+class MP4ESDescriptor : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4ESDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom);
+ void Mutate();
+ MP4ESDescriptor();
+ MP4ESDescriptor ( const MP4ESDescriptor &src );
+ MP4ESDescriptor &operator= ( const MP4ESDescriptor &src );
+class MP4DecConfigDescriptor : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4DecConfigDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom);
+ void Generate();
+ MP4DecConfigDescriptor();
+ MP4DecConfigDescriptor ( const MP4DecConfigDescriptor &src );
+ MP4DecConfigDescriptor &operator= ( const MP4DecConfigDescriptor &src );
+class MP4SLConfigDescriptor : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4SLConfigDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom);
+ void Generate();
+ void Read(MP4File& file);
+ void Mutate();
+ MP4SLConfigDescriptor();
+ MP4SLConfigDescriptor ( const MP4SLConfigDescriptor &src );
+ MP4SLConfigDescriptor &operator= ( const MP4SLConfigDescriptor &src );
+class MP4IPIPtrDescriptor : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4IPIPtrDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom);
+ MP4IPIPtrDescriptor();
+ MP4IPIPtrDescriptor ( const MP4IPIPtrDescriptor &src );
+ MP4IPIPtrDescriptor &operator= ( const MP4IPIPtrDescriptor &src );
+class MP4ContentIdDescriptor : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4ContentIdDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom);
+ void Read(MP4File& file);
+ void Mutate();
+ MP4ContentIdDescriptor();
+ MP4ContentIdDescriptor ( const MP4ContentIdDescriptor &src );
+ MP4ContentIdDescriptor &operator= ( const MP4ContentIdDescriptor &src );
+// associated values in descriptors
+// ES objectTypeId
+const uint8_t MP4SystemsV1ObjectType = 0x01;
+const uint8_t MP4SystemsV2ObjectType = 0x02;
+const uint8_t MP4SubpicObjectType = 0xe0;
+// ES streamType
+const uint8_t MP4ObjectDescriptionStreamType = 0x01;
+const uint8_t MP4ClockReferenceStreamType = 0x02;
+const uint8_t MP4SceneDescriptionStreamType = 0x03;
+const uint8_t MP4VisualStreamType = 0x04;
+const uint8_t MP4AudioStreamType = 0x05;
+const uint8_t MP4Mpeg7StreamType = 0x06;
+const uint8_t MP4IPMPStreamType = 0x07;
+const uint8_t MP4OCIStreamType = 0x08;
+const uint8_t MP4MPEGJStreamType = 0x09;
+const uint8_t MP4UserPrivateStreamType = 0x20;
+const uint8_t MP4NeroSubpicStreamType = 0x38;
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/enum.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/enum.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af5b6d48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/enum.h
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+#ifndef MP4V2_IMPL_ENUM_H
+#define MP4V2_IMPL_ENUM_H
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+/// class Template to support enums with to/from string conversions.
+/// This class template is meant only to add support for enums which have
+/// useful string equivalents. The model is that each enum value has
+/// two string equivalents: compact and formal. <b>compact</b> is a short,
+/// compact string which usually excludes spaces and punctuation and makes it
+/// suitable for use with command-line arguments or any situation where
+/// superfluous characters make parsing needlessly complicated. <b>formal</b>
+/// is a string suitable for use in human-readable situations where spaces,
+/// punctuation and even case is desirable.
+/// For end usability, enums will have the full list of enums available
+/// which is suitable for help-usage scenerios. And all values will be
+/// convertable from enum to string, or from string to enum. When converting
+/// from enum to string, you may optionally specify a boolean value which
+/// will return the <b>formal</b> string value; otherwise a <b>compact</b>
+/// value is returned.
+/// Conversion from string to enum (integral) value will always assume
+/// <b>compact</b> string is used as it makes little sense to convert formal
+/// strings to enum. Furthermore, the string conversion is optimized to
+/// ignore case, and in the case an exact full-string match is not found,
+/// a <b>best-match</b> is then checked for. Basically this means that if
+/// enough beginning characters are used to match exactly 1 string-enum,
+/// it is considered a match.
+/// The template has 2 strict requirements. First, the enum must be a true
+/// enum type; ie: not just some integer constants. Second, the enum must have
+/// a value which indicates an undefined or illegal value; which is used as
+/// a return value by string-to-enum conversion to indicate the string did
+/// not match.
+/// This template implementation itself should never be exposed. That is
+/// to say, the .tcc file must not be used by code outside this library.
+/// WARNING: since enum types are typically made static file scope,
+/// care must be taken to make sure Entry data[] initialization occurs
+/// in the <b>same file</b> and <b>before</b> instantiation.
+template <typename T, T UNDEFINED>
+class Enum
+ struct MP4V2_EXPORT Entry
+ {
+ T type;
+ const string compact;
+ const string formal;
+ };
+ typedef map<string,const Entry*,LessIgnoreCase> MapToType;
+ typedef map<T,const Entry*> MapToString;
+ static const Entry data[];
+ MapToType _mapToType;
+ MapToString _mapToString;
+ const MapToType& mapToType;
+ const MapToString& mapToString;
+ Enum();
+ ~Enum();
+ T toType ( const string& ) const;
+ string toString ( T, bool = false ) const;
+ string& toString ( T, string&, bool = false ) const;
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
+#include "enum.tcc"
+#endif // MP4V2_IMPL_ENUM_H
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/enum.tcc b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/enum.tcc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f3395a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/enum.tcc
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+#ifndef MP4V2_IMPL_ENUM_TCC
+#define MP4V2_IMPL_ENUM_TCC
+#include <sstream>
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+template <typename T, T UNDEFINED>
+ : mapToType ( _mapToType )
+ , mapToString ( _mapToString )
+ for( const Entry* p = data; p->type != UNDEFINED; p++ ) {
+ _mapToType.insert( typename MapToType::value_type( p->compact, p ));
+ _mapToString.insert( typename MapToString::value_type( p->type, p ));
+ }
+template <typename T, T UNDEFINED>
+template <typename T, T UNDEFINED>
+Enum<T,UNDEFINED>::toString( T value, bool formal ) const
+ string buffer;
+ return toString( value, buffer, formal );
+template <typename T, T UNDEFINED>
+Enum<T,UNDEFINED>::toString( T value, string& buffer, bool formal ) const
+ const typename MapToString::const_iterator found = _mapToString.find( value );
+ if( found != _mapToString.end() ) {
+ const Entry& entry = *(found->second);
+ buffer = formal ? entry.formal : entry.compact;
+ return buffer;
+ }
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "UNDEFINED(" << value << ")";
+ buffer = oss.str();
+ return buffer;
+template <typename T, T UNDEFINED>
+Enum<T,UNDEFINED>::toType( const string& value ) const
+ // if number perform enum lookup
+ int ivalue;
+ istringstream iss( value );
+ iss >> ivalue;
+ if( iss.rdstate() == ios::eofbit ) {
+ const typename MapToString::const_iterator found = _mapToString.find( static_cast<T>(ivalue) );
+ if( found != _mapToString.end() )
+ return found->second->type;
+ }
+ // exact match
+ const typename MapToType::const_iterator found = _mapToType.find( value );
+ if( found != _mapToType.end() )
+ return found->second->type;
+ // partial match
+ int matches = 0;
+ T matched = static_cast<T>( 0 );
+ const typename MapToType::const_iterator ie = _mapToType.end();
+ for( typename MapToType::const_iterator it = _mapToType.begin(); it != ie; it++ ) {
+ const Entry& entry = *(it->second);
+ if( entry.compact.find( value ) == 0 ) {
+ matches++;
+ matched = entry.type;
+ }
+ }
+ return (matches == 1) ? matched : UNDEFINED;
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
+#endif // MP4V2_IMPL_ENUM_TCC
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/exception.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/exception.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ddc60d75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/exception.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// Portions created by David Byron are Copyright (C) 2009.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+// David Byron, [email protected]
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+Exception::Exception( const string& what_,
+ const char *file_,
+ int line_,
+ const char *function_ )
+ : what(what_)
+ , file(file_)
+ , line(line_)
+ , function(function_)
+ ASSERT(file_);
+ ASSERT(function_);
+Exception::msg() const
+ ostringstream retval;
+ retval << function << ": " << what << " (" << file << "," << line << ")";
+ return retval.str();
+PlatformException::PlatformException( const string& what_,
+ int errno_,
+ const char *file_,
+ int line_,
+ const char *function_ )
+ : Exception(what_,file_,line_,function_)
+ , m_errno(errno_)
+PlatformException::msg() const
+ ostringstream retval;
+ retval << function << ": " << what << ": errno: " << m_errno << " (" <<
+ file << "," << line << ")";
+ return retval.str();
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/exception.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/exception.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0e2e4e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/exception.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+// David Byron, [email protected]
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+class MP4V2_EXPORT Exception
+ explicit Exception( const string& what_,
+ const char *file_,
+ int line_,
+ const char *function_ );
+ virtual ~Exception();
+ virtual string msg() const;
+ const string what;
+ const string file;
+ const int line;
+ const string function;
+class MP4V2_EXPORT PlatformException : public Exception
+ explicit PlatformException( const string& what_,
+ int errno_,
+ const char *file_,
+ int line_,
+ const char *function_ );
+ virtual ~PlatformException();
+ virtual string msg() const;
+ const int m_errno;
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/impl.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f35e3fee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#ifndef MP4V2_IMPL_IMPL_H
+#define MP4V2_IMPL_IMPL_H
+#include "src.h"
+#endif // MP4V2_IMPL_IMPL_H
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/isma.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/isma.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..007455d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/isma.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,967 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001 - 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * 3GPP features implementation is based on 3GPP's TS26.234-v5.60,
+ * and was contributed by Ximpo Group Ltd.
+ *
+ * Portions created by Ximpo Group Ltd. are
+ * Copyright (C) Ximpo Group Ltd. 2003, 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ * Alix Marchandise-Franquet [email protected]
+ * Ximpo Group Ltd. [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+static const uint8_t BifsV2Config[3] = {
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x60 // IsCommandStream = 1, PixelMetric = 1
+void MP4File::MakeIsmaCompliant(bool addIsmaComplianceSdp)
+ ProtectWriteOperation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ if (m_useIsma) {
+ // already done
+ return;
+ }
+ // find first audio and/or video tracks
+ MP4TrackId audioTrackId = MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID;
+ try {
+ audioTrackId = FindTrackId(0, MP4_AUDIO_TRACK_TYPE);
+ }
+ catch ( Exception *x ) {
+ log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ MP4TrackId videoTrackId = MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID;
+ try {
+ videoTrackId = FindTrackId(0, MP4_VIDEO_TRACK_TYPE);
+ }
+ catch (Exception* x) {
+ log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ if (audioTrackId == MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID &&
+ videoTrackId == MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) return;
+ const char *audio_media_data_name, *video_media_data_name;
+ uint8_t videoProfile = 0xff;
+ if (audioTrackId != MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) {
+ audio_media_data_name = MP4GetTrackMediaDataName(this, audioTrackId);
+ if (!(ATOMID(audio_media_data_name) == ATOMID("mp4a") ||
+ ATOMID(audio_media_data_name) == ATOMID("enca"))) {
+ log.errorf("%s: \"%s\": can't make ISMA compliant when file contains an %s track",
+ __FUNCTION__, GetFilename().c_str(), audio_media_data_name);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Note - might have to check for avc1 here...
+ if (videoTrackId != MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) {
+ video_media_data_name = MP4GetTrackMediaDataName(this, videoTrackId);
+ if (!(ATOMID(video_media_data_name) == ATOMID("mp4v") ||
+ ATOMID(video_media_data_name) == ATOMID("encv"))) {
+ log.errorf("%s: \"%s\": can't make ISMA compliant when file contains an %s track", __FUNCTION__,
+ GetFilename().c_str(), video_media_data_name);
+ return;
+ }
+ MP4LogLevel verb = log.verbosity;
+ log.setVerbosity(MP4_LOG_NONE);
+ videoProfile = MP4GetVideoProfileLevel(this, videoTrackId);
+ log.setVerbosity(verb);
+ }
+ m_useIsma = true;
+ uint64_t fileMsDuration = 0;
+ fileMsDuration =
+ ConvertFromMovieDuration(GetDuration(), MP4_MSECS_TIME_SCALE);
+ // delete any existing OD track
+ if (m_odTrackId != MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) {
+ DeleteTrack(m_odTrackId);
+ }
+ if (m_pRootAtom->FindAtom("moov.iods") == NULL) {
+ (void)AddChildAtom("moov", "iods");
+ }
+ (void)AddODTrack();
+ SetODProfileLevel(0xFF);
+ if (audioTrackId != MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) {
+ AddTrackToOd(audioTrackId);
+ MP4SetAudioProfileLevel(this, 0xf);
+ }
+ if (videoTrackId != MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) {
+ AddTrackToOd(videoTrackId);
+ MP4SetVideoProfileLevel(this, videoProfile);
+ }
+ // delete any existing scene track
+ MP4TrackId sceneTrackId = MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID;
+ try {
+ sceneTrackId = FindTrackId(0, MP4_SCENE_TRACK_TYPE);
+ }
+ catch (Exception *x) {
+ log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ if (sceneTrackId != MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) {
+ DeleteTrack(sceneTrackId);
+ }
+ // add scene track
+ sceneTrackId = AddSceneTrack();
+ SetSceneProfileLevel(0xFF);
+ SetGraphicsProfileLevel(0xFF);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(sceneTrackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4s.esds.decConfigDescr.objectTypeId",
+ MP4SystemsV2ObjectType);
+ SetTrackESConfiguration(sceneTrackId,
+ BifsV2Config, sizeof(BifsV2Config));
+ uint8_t* pBytes = NULL;
+ uint64_t numBytes = 0;
+ // write OD Update Command
+ CreateIsmaODUpdateCommandFromFileForFile(
+ m_odTrackId,
+ audioTrackId,
+ videoTrackId,
+ &pBytes,
+ &numBytes);
+ WriteSample(m_odTrackId, pBytes, numBytes, fileMsDuration);
+ MP4Free(pBytes);
+ pBytes = NULL;
+ // write BIFS Scene Replace Command
+ CreateIsmaSceneCommand(
+ MP4_IS_VALID_TRACK_ID(audioTrackId),
+ MP4_IS_VALID_TRACK_ID(videoTrackId),
+ &pBytes,
+ &numBytes);
+ WriteSample(sceneTrackId, pBytes, numBytes, fileMsDuration);
+ MP4Free(pBytes);
+ pBytes = NULL;
+ // add session level sdp
+ CreateIsmaIodFromFile(
+ m_odTrackId,
+ sceneTrackId,
+ audioTrackId,
+ videoTrackId,
+ &pBytes,
+ &numBytes);
+ char* iodBase64 = MP4ToBase64(pBytes, numBytes);
+ uint32_t sdpBufLen = (uint32_t)strlen(iodBase64) + 256;
+ uint32_t used;
+ char* sdpBuf = (char*)MP4Calloc(sdpBufLen);
+ if (addIsmaComplianceSdp) {
+ strncpy(sdpBuf, "a=isma-compliance:1,1.0,1\015\012", sdpBufLen);
+ }
+ used = (uint32_t)strlen(sdpBuf);
+ sdpBufLen -= used;
+ snprintf(&sdpBuf[used], sdpBufLen,
+ "a=mpeg4-iod: \042data:application/mpeg4-iod;base64,%s\042\015\012",
+ iodBase64);
+ SetSessionSdp(sdpBuf);
+ log.verbose1f("\"%s\": IOD SDP = %s", GetFilename().c_str(), sdpBuf);
+ MP4Free(iodBase64);
+ iodBase64 = NULL;
+ MP4Free(pBytes);
+ pBytes = NULL;
+ MP4Free(sdpBuf);
+ sdpBuf = NULL;
+static void CloneIntegerProperty(
+ MP4Descriptor* pDest,
+ MP4DescriptorProperty* pSrc,
+ const char* name)
+ MP4IntegerProperty* pGetProperty;
+ MP4IntegerProperty* pSetProperty;
+ if (!pSrc->FindProperty(name, (MP4Property**)&pGetProperty)) return;
+ if (!pDest->FindProperty(name, (MP4Property**)&pSetProperty)) return;
+ pSetProperty->SetValue(pGetProperty->GetValue());
+void MP4File::CreateIsmaIodFromFile(
+ MP4TrackId odTrackId,
+ MP4TrackId sceneTrackId,
+ MP4TrackId audioTrackId,
+ MP4TrackId videoTrackId,
+ uint8_t** ppBytes,
+ uint64_t* pNumBytes)
+ MP4Atom* pIodsAtom = FindAtom("moov.iods");
+ ASSERT(pIodsAtom);
+ MP4DescriptorProperty* pSrcIod =
+ (MP4DescriptorProperty*)pIodsAtom->GetProperty(2);
+ MP4Descriptor* pIod = new MP4IODescriptor(*pIodsAtom);
+ pIod->SetTag(MP4IODescrTag);
+ pIod->Generate();
+ CloneIntegerProperty(pIod, pSrcIod, "objectDescriptorId");
+ CloneIntegerProperty(pIod, pSrcIod, "ODProfileLevelId");
+ CloneIntegerProperty(pIod, pSrcIod, "sceneProfileLevelId");
+ CloneIntegerProperty(pIod, pSrcIod, "audioProfileLevelId");
+ CloneIntegerProperty(pIod, pSrcIod, "visualProfileLevelId");
+ CloneIntegerProperty(pIod, pSrcIod, "graphicsProfileLevelId");
+ // mutate esIds from MP4ESIDIncDescrTag to MP4ESDescrTag
+ MP4DescriptorProperty* pEsProperty;
+ if (!pIod->FindProperty("esIds", (MP4Property**)&pEsProperty)) return;
+ pEsProperty->SetTags(MP4ESDescrTag);
+ MP4IntegerProperty* pSetProperty;
+ MP4IntegerProperty* pSceneESID;
+ MP4IntegerProperty* pOdESID;
+ // OD
+ MP4Descriptor* pOdEsd =
+ pEsProperty->AddDescriptor(MP4ESDescrTag);
+ pOdEsd->Generate();
+ if (!pOdEsd->FindProperty("ESID", (MP4Property**)&pOdESID)) return;
+ // we set the OD ESID to a non-zero unique value
+ pOdESID->SetValue(m_odTrackId);
+ if (pOdEsd->FindProperty("URLFlag",
+ (MP4Property**)&pSetProperty))
+ pSetProperty->SetValue(1);
+ uint8_t* pBytes;
+ uint64_t numBytes;
+ CreateIsmaODUpdateCommandFromFileForStream(
+ audioTrackId,
+ videoTrackId,
+ &pBytes,
+ &numBytes);
+ log.hexDump(0, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, pBytes, numBytes, "\"%s\": OD data",
+ GetFilename().c_str() );
+ char* odCmdBase64 = MP4ToBase64(pBytes, numBytes);
+ uint32_t urlBufLen = (uint32_t)strlen(odCmdBase64) + 64;
+ char* urlBuf = (char*)MP4Malloc(urlBufLen);
+ snprintf(urlBuf, urlBufLen,
+ "data:application/mpeg4-od-au;base64,%s",
+ odCmdBase64);
+ MP4StringProperty* pUrlProperty;
+ if (pOdEsd->FindProperty("URL",
+ (MP4Property**)&pUrlProperty))
+ pUrlProperty->SetValue(urlBuf);
+ log.verbose1f("\"%s\": OD data URL = \042%s\042", GetFilename().c_str(),
+ urlBuf);
+ MP4Free(odCmdBase64);
+ odCmdBase64 = NULL;
+ MP4Free(pBytes);
+ pBytes = NULL;
+ MP4Free(urlBuf);
+ urlBuf = NULL;
+ MP4DescriptorProperty* pSrcDcd = NULL;
+ // HACK temporarily point to scene decoder config
+ (void)FindProperty(MakeTrackName(odTrackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4s.esds.decConfigDescr"),
+ (MP4Property**)&pSrcDcd);
+ ASSERT(pSrcDcd);
+ MP4Property* pOrgOdEsdProperty =
+ pOdEsd->GetProperty(8);
+ pOdEsd->SetProperty(8, pSrcDcd);
+ // bufferSizeDB needs to be set appropriately
+ MP4BitfieldProperty* pBufferSizeProperty = NULL;
+ if (pOdEsd->FindProperty("decConfigDescr.bufferSizeDB",
+ (MP4Property**)&pBufferSizeProperty)) {
+ ASSERT(pBufferSizeProperty);
+ pBufferSizeProperty->SetValue(numBytes);
+ }
+ // SL config needs to change from 2 (file) to 1 (null)
+ if (pOdEsd->FindProperty("slConfigDescr.predefined",
+ (MP4Property**)&pSetProperty))
+ pSetProperty->SetValue(1);
+ // Scene
+ MP4Descriptor* pSceneEsd =
+ pEsProperty->AddDescriptor(MP4ESDescrTag);
+ pSceneEsd->Generate();
+ if (pSceneEsd->FindProperty("ESID",
+ (MP4Property**)&pSceneESID)) {
+ // we set the Scene ESID to a non-zero unique value
+ pSceneESID->SetValue(sceneTrackId);
+ }
+ if (pSceneEsd->FindProperty("URLFlag",
+ (MP4Property**)&pSetProperty))
+ pSetProperty->SetValue(1);
+ CreateIsmaSceneCommand(
+ MP4_IS_VALID_TRACK_ID(audioTrackId),
+ MP4_IS_VALID_TRACK_ID(videoTrackId),
+ &pBytes,
+ &numBytes);
+ log.hexDump(0, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, pBytes, numBytes, "\"%s\": Scene data",
+ GetFilename().c_str() );
+ char *sceneCmdBase64 = MP4ToBase64(pBytes, numBytes);
+ urlBuf = (char*)MP4Malloc(strlen(sceneCmdBase64) + 64);
+ snprintf(urlBuf, strlen(sceneCmdBase64) + 64,
+ "data:application/mpeg4-bifs-au;base64,%s",
+ sceneCmdBase64);
+ if (pSceneEsd->FindProperty("URL",
+ (MP4Property**)&pUrlProperty))
+ pUrlProperty->SetValue(urlBuf);
+ log.verbose1f("\"%s\": Scene data URL = \042%s\042",
+ GetFilename().c_str(), urlBuf);
+ MP4Free(sceneCmdBase64);
+ sceneCmdBase64 = NULL;
+ MP4Free(urlBuf);
+ urlBuf = NULL;
+ MP4Free(pBytes);
+ pBytes = NULL;
+ // HACK temporarily point to scene decoder config
+ ASSERT(FindProperty(MakeTrackName(sceneTrackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4s.esds.decConfigDescr"),
+ (MP4Property**)&pSrcDcd));
+ ASSERT(pSrcDcd);
+ MP4Property* pOrgSceneEsdProperty =
+ pSceneEsd->GetProperty(8);
+ pSceneEsd->SetProperty(8, pSrcDcd);
+ // bufferSizeDB needs to be set
+ pBufferSizeProperty = NULL;
+ if (pSceneEsd->FindProperty("decConfigDescr.bufferSizeDB",
+ (MP4Property**)&pBufferSizeProperty)) {
+ ASSERT(pBufferSizeProperty);
+ pBufferSizeProperty->SetValue(numBytes);
+ }
+ // SL config needs to change from 2 (file) to 1 (null)
+ if (pSceneEsd->FindProperty("slConfigDescr.predefined",
+ (MP4Property**)&pSetProperty))
+ pSetProperty->SetValue(1);
+ // finally get the whole thing written to a memory
+ pIod->WriteToMemory(*this, ppBytes, pNumBytes);
+ // now carefully replace esd properties before destroying
+ pOdEsd->SetProperty(8, pOrgOdEsdProperty);
+ pSceneEsd->SetProperty(8, pOrgSceneEsdProperty);
+ pSceneESID->SetValue(0); // restore 0 value
+ pOdESID->SetValue(0);
+ delete pIod;
+ log.hexDump(0, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, *ppBytes, *pNumBytes, "\"%s\": IOD data",
+ GetFilename().c_str() );
+void MP4File::CreateIsmaIodFromParams(
+ uint8_t videoProfile,
+ uint32_t videoBitrate,
+ uint8_t* videoConfig,
+ uint32_t videoConfigLength,
+ uint8_t audioProfile,
+ uint32_t audioBitrate,
+ uint8_t* audioConfig,
+ uint32_t audioConfigLength,
+ uint8_t** ppIodBytes,
+ uint64_t* pIodNumBytes)
+ MP4IntegerProperty* pInt;
+ uint8_t* pBytes = NULL;
+ uint64_t numBytes;
+ // Descriptor constructors need a parent atom. In this
+ // case we don't have one so create a dummy one. This
+ // is OK as we only build the descriptor and then dump
+ // its contents to a buffer
+ MP4Atom dummyParent(*this);
+ // Create the IOD
+ MP4Descriptor* pIod = new MP4IODescriptor(dummyParent);
+ pIod->SetTag(MP4IODescrTag);
+ pIod->Generate();
+ // Set audio and video profileLevels
+ if (pIod->FindProperty("audioProfileLevelId",
+ (MP4Property**)&pInt))
+ pInt->SetValue(audioProfile);
+ if (pIod->FindProperty("visualProfileLevelId",
+ (MP4Property**)&pInt))
+ pInt->SetValue(videoProfile);
+ // Mutate esIds from MP4ESIDIncDescrTag to MP4ESDescrTag
+ MP4DescriptorProperty* pEsProperty;
+ if (!pIod->FindProperty("esIds", (MP4Property**)&pEsProperty)) return;
+ pEsProperty->SetTags(MP4ESDescrTag);
+ // Add ES Descriptors
+ // Scene
+ CreateIsmaSceneCommand(
+ (audioProfile != 0xFF),
+ (videoProfile != 0xFF),
+ &pBytes,
+ &numBytes);
+ log.hexDump(0, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, pBytes, numBytes, "\"%s\": Scene data",
+ GetFilename().c_str() );
+ char* sceneCmdBase64 = MP4ToBase64(pBytes, numBytes);
+ char* urlBuf =
+ (char*)MP4Malloc(strlen(sceneCmdBase64) + 64);
+ snprintf(urlBuf, strlen(sceneCmdBase64) + 64,
+ "data:application/mpeg4-bifs-au;base64,%s",
+ sceneCmdBase64);
+ log.verbose1f("\"%s\": Scene data URL = \042%s\042", GetFilename().c_str(),
+ urlBuf);
+ /* MP4Descriptor* pSceneEsd = */
+ CreateESD(
+ pEsProperty,
+ 201, // esid
+ MP4SystemsV2ObjectType,
+ MP4SceneDescriptionStreamType,
+ numBytes, // bufferSize
+ numBytes * 8, // bitrate
+ BifsV2Config,
+ sizeof(BifsV2Config),
+ urlBuf);
+ MP4Free(urlBuf);
+ urlBuf = NULL;
+ MP4Free(sceneCmdBase64);
+ sceneCmdBase64 = NULL;
+ MP4Free(pBytes);
+ pBytes = NULL;
+ // OD
+ // Video
+ MP4DescriptorProperty* pVideoEsdProperty =
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(dummyParent);
+ pVideoEsdProperty->SetTags(MP4ESDescrTag);
+ /* MP4Descriptor* pVideoEsd = */
+ CreateESD(
+ pVideoEsdProperty,
+ 20, // esid
+ MP4VisualStreamType,
+ videoBitrate / 8, // bufferSize
+ videoBitrate,
+ videoConfig,
+ videoConfigLength,
+ NULL);
+ // Audio
+ MP4DescriptorProperty* pAudioEsdProperty =
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(dummyParent);
+ pAudioEsdProperty->SetTags(MP4ESDescrTag);
+ /* MP4Descriptor* pAudioEsd = */
+ CreateESD(
+ pAudioEsdProperty,
+ 10, // esid
+ MP4AudioStreamType,
+ audioBitrate / 8, // bufferSize
+ audioBitrate,
+ audioConfig,
+ audioConfigLength,
+ NULL);
+ CreateIsmaODUpdateCommandForStream(
+ pAudioEsdProperty,
+ pVideoEsdProperty,
+ &pBytes,
+ &numBytes);
+ // cleanup temporary descriptor properties
+ delete pAudioEsdProperty;
+ delete pVideoEsdProperty;
+ log.hexDump(0, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1,pBytes, numBytes,"\"%s\": OD data = %" PRIu64 " bytes",
+ GetFilename().c_str(), numBytes);
+ char* odCmdBase64 = MP4ToBase64(pBytes, numBytes);
+ urlBuf = (char*)MP4Malloc(strlen(odCmdBase64) + 64);
+ if (urlBuf != NULL) {
+ snprintf(urlBuf, strlen(odCmdBase64) + 64,
+ "data:application/mpeg4-od-au;base64,%s",
+ odCmdBase64);
+ log.verbose1f("\"%s\": OD data URL = \042%s\042", GetFilename().c_str(), urlBuf);
+ /* MP4Descriptor* pOdEsd = */
+ CreateESD(
+ pEsProperty,
+ 101,
+ MP4SystemsV1ObjectType,
+ MP4ObjectDescriptionStreamType,
+ numBytes, // bufferSize
+ numBytes * 8, // bitrate
+ NULL, // config
+ 0, // configLength
+ urlBuf);
+ MP4Free(urlBuf);
+ urlBuf = NULL;
+ }
+ MP4Free(odCmdBase64);
+ odCmdBase64 = NULL;
+ MP4Free(pBytes);
+ pBytes = NULL;
+ // finally get the whole thing written to a memory
+ pIod->WriteToMemory(*this, ppIodBytes, pIodNumBytes);
+ delete pIod;
+ log.hexDump(0, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, *ppIodBytes, *pIodNumBytes,"\"%s\": IOD data",
+ GetFilename().c_str() );
+void MP4File::CreateESD(
+ MP4DescriptorProperty* pEsProperty,
+ uint32_t esid,
+ uint8_t objectType,
+ uint8_t streamType,
+ uint32_t bufferSize,
+ uint32_t bitrate,
+ const uint8_t* pConfig,
+ uint32_t configLength,
+ char* url)
+ MP4IntegerProperty* pInt;
+ MP4StringProperty* pString;
+ MP4BytesProperty* pBytes;
+ MP4BitfieldProperty* pBits;
+ MP4Descriptor* pEsd =
+ pEsProperty->AddDescriptor(MP4ESDescrTag);
+ pEsd->Generate();
+ if (pEsd->FindProperty("ESID",
+ (MP4Property**)&pInt))
+ pInt->SetValue(esid);
+ if (pEsd->FindProperty("decConfigDescr.objectTypeId",
+ (MP4Property**)&pInt))
+ pInt->SetValue(objectType);
+ if (pEsd->FindProperty("decConfigDescr.streamType",
+ (MP4Property**)&pInt))
+ pInt->SetValue(streamType);
+ if (pEsd->FindProperty("decConfigDescr.bufferSizeDB",
+ (MP4Property**)&pInt))
+ pInt->SetValue(bufferSize);
+ if (pEsd->FindProperty("decConfigDescr.maxBitrate",
+ (MP4Property**)&pInt))
+ pInt->SetValue(bitrate);
+ if (pEsd->FindProperty("decConfigDescr.avgBitrate",
+ (MP4Property**)&pInt))
+ pInt->SetValue(bitrate);
+ MP4DescriptorProperty* pConfigDescrProperty;
+ if (pEsd->FindProperty("decConfigDescr.decSpecificInfo",
+ (MP4Property**)&pConfigDescrProperty)) {
+ MP4Descriptor* pConfigDescr =
+ pConfigDescrProperty->AddDescriptor(MP4DecSpecificDescrTag);
+ pConfigDescr->Generate();
+ if (pConfigDescrProperty->FindProperty("decSpecificInfo[0].info",
+ (MP4Property**)&pBytes))
+ pBytes->SetValue(pConfig, configLength);
+ }
+ if (pEsd->FindProperty("slConfigDescr.predefined",
+ (MP4Property**)&pInt))
+ // changed 12/5/02 from plugfest to value 0
+ pInt->SetValue(0);
+ if (pEsd->FindProperty("slConfig.useAccessUnitEndFlag",
+ (MP4Property **)&pBits))
+ pBits->SetValue(1);
+ if (url) {
+ if (pEsd->FindProperty("URLFlag",
+ (MP4Property**)&pInt))
+ pInt->SetValue(1);
+ if (pEsd->FindProperty("URL",
+ (MP4Property**)&pString))
+ pString->SetValue(url);
+ }
+ //return pEsd;
+void MP4File::CreateIsmaODUpdateCommandFromFileForFile(
+ MP4TrackId odTrackId,
+ MP4TrackId audioTrackId,
+ MP4TrackId videoTrackId,
+ uint8_t** ppBytes,
+ uint64_t* pNumBytes)
+ // Descriptor constructors need a parent atom. In this
+ // case we don't have one so create a dummy one. This
+ // is OK as we only build the descriptor and then dump
+ // its contents to a buffer
+ MP4Atom dummyParent(*this);
+ MP4Descriptor* pCommand = CreateODCommand(dummyParent, MP4ODUpdateODCommandTag);
+ pCommand->Generate();
+ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ MP4TrackId trackId;
+ uint16_t odId;
+ if (i == 0) {
+ trackId = audioTrackId;
+ odId = 10;
+ } else {
+ trackId = videoTrackId;
+ odId = 20;
+ }
+ if (trackId == MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ MP4DescriptorProperty* pOdDescrProperty =
+ (MP4DescriptorProperty*)(pCommand->GetProperty(0));
+ pOdDescrProperty->SetTags(MP4FileODescrTag);
+ MP4Descriptor* pOd =
+ pOdDescrProperty->AddDescriptor(MP4FileODescrTag);
+ pOd->Generate();
+ MP4BitfieldProperty* pOdIdProperty = NULL;
+ if (pOd->FindProperty("objectDescriptorId",
+ (MP4Property**)&pOdIdProperty))
+ pOdIdProperty->SetValue(odId);
+ MP4DescriptorProperty* pEsIdsDescriptorProperty = NULL;
+ ASSERT(pOd->FindProperty("esIds",
+ (MP4Property**)&pEsIdsDescriptorProperty));
+ ASSERT(pEsIdsDescriptorProperty);
+ pEsIdsDescriptorProperty->SetTags(MP4ESIDRefDescrTag);
+ MP4Descriptor *pRefDescriptor =
+ pEsIdsDescriptorProperty->AddDescriptor(MP4ESIDRefDescrTag);
+ pRefDescriptor->Generate();
+ MP4Integer16Property* pRefIndexProperty = NULL;
+ ASSERT(pRefDescriptor->FindProperty("refIndex",
+ (MP4Property**)&pRefIndexProperty));
+ ASSERT(pRefIndexProperty);
+ uint32_t mpodIndex = FindTrackReference(
+ MakeTrackName(odTrackId, "tref.mpod"), trackId);
+ ASSERT(mpodIndex != 0);
+ pRefIndexProperty->SetValue(mpodIndex);
+ }
+ pCommand->WriteToMemory(*this, ppBytes, pNumBytes);
+ delete pCommand;
+void MP4File::CreateIsmaODUpdateCommandFromFileForStream(
+ MP4TrackId audioTrackId,
+ MP4TrackId videoTrackId,
+ uint8_t** ppBytes,
+ uint64_t* pNumBytes)
+ MP4DescriptorProperty* pAudioEsd = NULL;
+ MP4Integer8Property* pAudioSLConfigPredef = NULL;
+ MP4BitfieldProperty* pAudioAccessUnitEndFlag = NULL;
+ int oldAudioUnitEndFlagValue = 0;
+ MP4DescriptorProperty* pVideoEsd = NULL;
+ MP4Integer8Property* pVideoSLConfigPredef = NULL;
+ MP4BitfieldProperty* pVideoAccessUnitEndFlag = NULL;
+ int oldVideoUnitEndFlagValue = 0;
+ MP4IntegerProperty* pAudioEsdId = NULL;
+ MP4IntegerProperty* pVideoEsdId = NULL;
+ if (audioTrackId != MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) {
+ // changed mp4a to * to handle enca case
+ MP4Atom* pEsdsAtom =
+ FindAtom(MakeTrackName(audioTrackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*.esds"));
+ ASSERT(pEsdsAtom);
+ pAudioEsd = (MP4DescriptorProperty*)(pEsdsAtom->GetProperty(2));
+ // ESID is 0 for file, stream needs to be non-ze
+ ASSERT(pAudioEsd->FindProperty("ESID",
+ (MP4Property**)&pAudioEsdId));
+ ASSERT(pAudioEsdId);
+ pAudioEsdId->SetValue(audioTrackId);
+ // SL config needs to change from 2 (file) to 1 (null)
+ if (pAudioEsd->FindProperty("slConfigDescr.predefined",
+ (MP4Property**)&pAudioSLConfigPredef)) {
+ ASSERT(pAudioSLConfigPredef);
+ pAudioSLConfigPredef->SetValue(0);
+ }
+ if (pAudioEsd->FindProperty("slConfigDescr.useAccessUnitEndFlag",
+ (MP4Property **)&pAudioAccessUnitEndFlag)) {
+ oldAudioUnitEndFlagValue =
+ pAudioAccessUnitEndFlag->GetValue();
+ pAudioAccessUnitEndFlag->SetValue(1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (videoTrackId != MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) {
+ // changed mp4v to * to handle encv case
+ MP4Atom* pEsdsAtom =
+ FindAtom(MakeTrackName(videoTrackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*.esds"));
+ ASSERT(pEsdsAtom);
+ pVideoEsd = (MP4DescriptorProperty*)(pEsdsAtom->GetProperty(2));
+ ASSERT(pVideoEsd->FindProperty("ESID",
+ (MP4Property**)&pVideoEsdId));
+ ASSERT(pVideoEsdId);
+ pVideoEsdId->SetValue(videoTrackId);
+ // SL config needs to change from 2 (file) to 1 (null)
+ ASSERT(pVideoEsd->FindProperty("slConfigDescr.predefined",
+ (MP4Property **)&pVideoSLConfigPredef));
+ ASSERT(pVideoSLConfigPredef);
+ pVideoSLConfigPredef->SetValue(0);
+ if (pVideoEsd->FindProperty("slConfigDescr.useAccessUnitEndFlag",
+ (MP4Property **)&pVideoAccessUnitEndFlag)) {
+ oldVideoUnitEndFlagValue =
+ pVideoAccessUnitEndFlag->GetValue();
+ pVideoAccessUnitEndFlag->SetValue(1);
+ }
+ }
+ CreateIsmaODUpdateCommandForStream(
+ pAudioEsd, pVideoEsd, ppBytes, pNumBytes);
+ log.hexDump(0, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, *ppBytes, *pNumBytes,
+ "\"%s\": After CreateImsaODUpdateCommandForStream len %" PRIu64,
+ GetFilename().c_str(), *pNumBytes);
+ // return SL config values to 2 (file)
+ // return ESID values to 0
+ if (pAudioSLConfigPredef) {
+ pAudioSLConfigPredef->SetValue(2);
+ }
+ if (pAudioEsdId) {
+ pAudioEsdId->SetValue(0);
+ }
+ if (pAudioAccessUnitEndFlag) {
+ pAudioAccessUnitEndFlag->SetValue(oldAudioUnitEndFlagValue );
+ }
+ if (pVideoEsdId) {
+ pVideoEsdId->SetValue(0);
+ }
+ if (pVideoSLConfigPredef) {
+ pVideoSLConfigPredef->SetValue(2);
+ }
+ if (pVideoAccessUnitEndFlag) {
+ pVideoAccessUnitEndFlag->SetValue(oldVideoUnitEndFlagValue );
+ }
+void MP4File::CreateIsmaODUpdateCommandForStream(
+ MP4DescriptorProperty* pAudioEsdProperty,
+ MP4DescriptorProperty* pVideoEsdProperty,
+ uint8_t** ppBytes,
+ uint64_t* pNumBytes)
+ MP4Descriptor* pAudioOd = NULL;
+ MP4Descriptor* pVideoOd = NULL;
+ // Descriptor constructors need a parent atom. In this
+ // case we don't have one so create a dummy one. This
+ // is OK as we only build the descriptor and then dump
+ // its contents to a buffer
+ MP4Atom dummyParent(*this);
+ MP4Descriptor* pCommand =
+ CreateODCommand(dummyParent, MP4ODUpdateODCommandTag);
+ pCommand->Generate();
+ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ uint16_t odId;
+ MP4DescriptorProperty* pEsdProperty = NULL;
+ if (i == 0) {
+ odId = 10;
+ pEsdProperty = pAudioEsdProperty;
+ } else {
+ odId = 20;
+ pEsdProperty = pVideoEsdProperty;
+ }
+ if (pEsdProperty == NULL) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ MP4DescriptorProperty* pOdDescrProperty =
+ (MP4DescriptorProperty*)(pCommand->GetProperty(0));
+ pOdDescrProperty->SetTags(MP4ODescrTag);
+ MP4Descriptor* pOd =
+ pOdDescrProperty->AddDescriptor(MP4ODescrTag);
+ pOd->Generate();
+ if (i == 0) {
+ pAudioOd = pOd;
+ } else {
+ pVideoOd = pOd;
+ }
+ MP4BitfieldProperty* pOdIdProperty = NULL;
+ if (pOd->FindProperty("objectDescriptorId",
+ (MP4Property**)&pOdIdProperty)) {
+ pOdIdProperty->SetValue(odId);
+ }
+ delete (MP4DescriptorProperty*)pOd->GetProperty(4);
+ pOd->SetProperty(4, pEsdProperty);
+ }
+ // serialize OD command
+ pCommand->WriteToMemory(*this, ppBytes, pNumBytes);
+ // detach from esd descriptor params
+ if (pAudioOd) {
+ pAudioOd->SetProperty(4, NULL);
+ }
+ if (pVideoOd) {
+ pVideoOd->SetProperty(4, NULL);
+ }
+ // then destroy
+ delete pCommand;
+void MP4File::CreateIsmaSceneCommand(
+ bool hasAudio,
+ bool hasVideo,
+ uint8_t** ppBytes,
+ uint64_t* pNumBytes)
+ // from ISMA 1.0 Tech Spec Appendix E
+ static const uint8_t bifsAudioOnly[] = {
+ 0xC0, 0x10, 0x12,
+ 0x81, 0x30, 0x2A, 0x05, 0x6D, 0xC0
+ };
+ static const uint8_t bifsVideoOnly[] = {
+ 0xC0, 0x10, 0x12,
+ 0x61, 0x04,
+ 0x1F, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x1F, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x44, 0x28, 0x22, 0x82, 0x9F, 0x80
+ };
+ static const uint8_t bifsAudioVideo[] = {
+ 0xC0, 0x10, 0x12,
+ 0x81, 0x30, 0x2A, 0x05, 0x6D, 0x26,
+ 0x10, 0x41, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x04, 0x42, 0x82, 0x28, 0x29, 0xF8
+ };
+ if (hasAudio && hasVideo) {
+ *pNumBytes = sizeof(bifsAudioVideo);
+ *ppBytes = (uint8_t*)MP4Malloc(*pNumBytes);
+ memcpy(*ppBytes, bifsAudioVideo, sizeof(bifsAudioVideo));
+ } else if (hasAudio) {
+ *pNumBytes = sizeof(bifsAudioOnly);
+ *ppBytes = (uint8_t*)MP4Malloc(*pNumBytes);
+ memcpy(*ppBytes, bifsAudioOnly, sizeof(bifsAudioOnly));
+ } else if (hasVideo) {
+ *pNumBytes = sizeof(bifsVideoOnly);
+ *ppBytes = (uint8_t*)MP4Malloc(*pNumBytes);
+ memcpy(*ppBytes, bifsVideoOnly, sizeof(bifsVideoOnly));
+ } else {
+ *pNumBytes = 0;
+ *ppBytes = NULL;
+ }
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/CoverArtBox.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/CoverArtBox.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..01253624
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/CoverArtBox.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+#include "impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl { namespace itmf {
+ : type ( BT_UNDEFINED )
+ , buffer ( NULL )
+ , size ( 0 )
+ , autofree ( false )
+CoverArtBox::Item::Item( const Item& rhs )
+ : type ( BT_UNDEFINED )
+ , buffer ( NULL )
+ , size ( 0 )
+ , autofree ( false )
+ operator=( rhs );
+ reset();
+CoverArtBox::Item::operator=( const Item& rhs )
+ type = rhs.type;
+ size = rhs.size;
+ autofree = rhs.autofree;
+ if( rhs.autofree ) {
+ buffer = (uint8_t*)MP4Malloc(rhs.size);
+ memcpy( buffer, rhs.buffer, rhs.size );
+ }
+ else {
+ buffer = rhs.buffer;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ if( autofree && buffer )
+ MP4Free( buffer );
+ type = BT_UNDEFINED;
+ buffer = NULL;
+ size = 0;
+ autofree = false;
+CoverArtBox::add( MP4FileHandle hFile, const Item& item )
+ MP4File& file = *((MP4File*)hFile);
+ const char* const covr_name = "moov.udta.meta.ilst.covr";
+ MP4Atom* covr = file.FindAtom( covr_name );
+ if( !covr ) {
+ file.AddDescendantAtoms( "moov", "udta.meta.ilst.covr" );
+ covr = file.FindAtom( covr_name );
+ if( !covr )
+ return true;
+ }
+ // use empty data atom if one exists
+ MP4Atom* data = NULL;
+ uint32_t index = 0;
+ const uint32_t atomc = covr->GetNumberOfChildAtoms();
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < atomc; i++ ) {
+ MP4Atom* atom = covr->GetChildAtom( i );
+ MP4BytesProperty* metadata = NULL;
+ if( !atom->FindProperty( "data.metadata", (MP4Property**)&metadata ))
+ continue;
+ if( metadata->GetCount() )
+ continue;
+ data = atom;
+ index = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ // no empty atom found, create one.
+ if( !data ) {
+ data = MP4Atom::CreateAtom( file, covr, "data" );
+ covr->AddChildAtom( data );
+ data->Generate();
+ index = covr->GetNumberOfChildAtoms() - 1;
+ }
+ return set( hFile, item, index );
+CoverArtBox::get( MP4FileHandle hFile, Item& item, uint32_t index )
+ item.reset();
+ MP4File& file = *((MP4File*)hFile);
+ MP4Atom* covr = file.FindAtom( "moov.udta.meta.ilst.covr" );
+ if( !covr )
+ return true;
+ if( !(index < covr->GetNumberOfChildAtoms()) )
+ return true;
+ MP4DataAtom* data = static_cast<MP4DataAtom*>( covr->GetChildAtom( index ));
+ if( !data )
+ return true;
+ MP4BytesProperty* metadata = NULL;
+ if ( !data->FindProperty( "data.metadata", (MP4Property**)&metadata ))
+ return true;
+ metadata->GetValue( &item.buffer, &item.size );
+ item.autofree = true;
+ item.type = data->typeCode.GetValue();
+ return false;
+CoverArtBox::list( MP4FileHandle hFile, ItemList& out )
+ out.clear();
+ MP4File& file = *((MP4File*)hFile);
+ MP4ItmfItemList* itemList = genericGetItemsByCode( file, "covr" ); // alloc
+ if( itemList->size ) {
+ MP4ItmfDataList& dataList = itemList->elements[0].dataList;
+ out.resize( dataList.size );
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < dataList.size; i++ )
+ get( hFile, out[i], i );
+ }
+ genericItemListFree( itemList ); // free
+ return false;
+CoverArtBox::remove( MP4FileHandle hFile, uint32_t index )
+ MP4File& file = *((MP4File*)hFile);
+ MP4Atom* covr = file.FindAtom( "moov.udta.meta.ilst.covr" );
+ if( !covr )
+ return true;
+ // wildcard mode: delete covr and all images
+ if( index == numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max() ) {
+ covr->GetParentAtom()->DeleteChildAtom( covr );
+ delete covr;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( !(index < covr->GetNumberOfChildAtoms()) )
+ return true;
+ MP4Atom* data = covr->GetChildAtom( index );
+ if( !data )
+ return true;
+ // delete single image
+ covr->DeleteChildAtom( data );
+ delete data;
+ // delete empty covr
+ if( covr->GetNumberOfChildAtoms() == 0 ) {
+ covr->GetParentAtom()->DeleteChildAtom( covr );
+ delete covr;
+ }
+ return false;
+CoverArtBox::set( MP4FileHandle hFile, const Item& item, uint32_t index )
+ MP4File& file = *((MP4File*)hFile);
+ MP4Atom* covr = file.FindAtom( "moov.udta.meta.ilst.covr" );
+ if( !covr )
+ return true;
+ if( !(index < covr->GetNumberOfChildAtoms()) )
+ return true;
+ MP4DataAtom* data = static_cast<MP4DataAtom*>( covr->GetChildAtom( index ));
+ if( !data )
+ return true;
+ MP4BytesProperty* metadata = NULL;
+ if ( !data->FindProperty( "data.metadata", (MP4Property**)&metadata ))
+ return true;
+ // autodetect type if BT_UNDEFINED
+ const BasicType final_type = (item.type == BT_UNDEFINED)
+ ? computeBasicType( item.buffer, item.size )
+ : item.type;
+ // set type; note: not really flags due to b0rked atom structure
+ data->typeCode.SetValue( final_type );
+ metadata->SetValue( item.buffer, item.size );
+ return false;
+}}} // namespace mp4v2::impl::itmf
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/CoverArtBox.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/CoverArtBox.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..023e3c90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/CoverArtBox.h
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl { namespace itmf {
+/// Functional class for covr-box (Cover-art Box) support.
+class MP4V2_EXPORT CoverArtBox
+ /// Data object for covr-box item.
+ /// This object correlates to one covr->data atom and offers automatic
+ /// memory freeing when <b>autofree</b> is true.
+ ///
+ class MP4V2_EXPORT Item
+ {
+ public:
+ Item();
+ Item( const Item& );
+ ~Item();
+ Item& operator=( const Item& );
+ /// Reset to state of newly constructed object.
+ /// If <b>buffer</b> is not NULL and <b>autofree</b> is true the
+ /// buffer will be free'd.
+ void reset();
+ BasicType type; ///< covr-box type.
+ uint8_t* buffer; ///< buffer point to raw covr-box data.
+ uint32_t size; ///< size of covr-box buffer size in bytes.
+ bool autofree; ///< when true invoke free(buffer) upon destruction.
+ };
+ /// Object representing a list of covr-box items.
+ typedef vector<Item> ItemList;
+ /// Fetch list of covr-box items from file.
+ ///
+ /// @param hFile on which to operate.
+ /// @param out vector of ArtItem objects.
+ ///
+ /// @return <b>true</b> on failure, <b>false</b> on success.
+ ///
+ static bool list( MP4FileHandle hFile, ItemList& out );
+ /// Add covr-box item to file.
+ /// Any necessary metadata atoms are first created.
+ /// Additionally, if an empty data-atom exists it will be used,
+ /// otherwise a new data-atom is added to <b>covr-atom</b>.
+ ///
+ /// @param hFile on which to operate.
+ /// @param item covr-box object to place in file.
+ ///
+ /// @return <b>true</b> on failure, <b>false</b> on success.
+ ///
+ static bool add( MP4FileHandle hFile, const Item& item );
+ /// Replace covr-box item in file.
+ ///
+ /// @param hFile on which to operate.
+ /// @param item covr-box object to place in file.
+ /// @param index 0-based index of image to replace.
+ ///
+ /// @return <b>true</b> on failure, <b>false</b> on success.
+ ///
+ static bool set( MP4FileHandle hFile, const Item& item, uint32_t index );
+ /// Fetch covr-box item from file.
+ ///
+ /// @param hFile on which to operate.
+ /// @param item covr-box object populated with data.
+ /// The resulting object owns the malloc'd buffer and <b>item.autofree</b>
+ /// is set to true for convenient memory management.
+ /// @param index 0-based index of image to fetch.
+ ///
+ /// @return <b>true</b> on failure, <b>false</b> on success.
+ ///
+ static bool get( MP4FileHandle hFile, Item& item, uint32_t index );
+ /// Remove covr-box item from file.
+ ///
+ /// @param hFile on which to operate.
+ /// @param index 0-based index of image to remove.
+ /// Default value indicates wildcard behavior to remove all items.
+ ///
+ /// @return <b>true</b> on failure, <b>false</b> on success.
+ ///
+ static bool remove( MP4FileHandle hFile, uint32_t index = numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max() );
+}}} // namespace mp4v2::impl::itmf
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/Tags.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/Tags.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e8ca4816
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/Tags.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,897 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// Portions created by David Byron are Copyright (C) 2011.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+// Rouven Wessling, [email protected]
+// David Byron, [email protected]
+#include "impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl { namespace itmf {
+ : hasMetadata(false)
+Tags::c_addArtwork( MP4Tags*& tags, MP4TagArtwork& c_artwork )
+ artwork.resize( artwork.size() + 1 );
+ c_setArtwork( tags, (uint32_t)artwork.size() - 1, c_artwork );
+ updateArtworkShadow( tags );
+Tags::c_alloc( MP4Tags*& tags )
+ tags = new MP4Tags();
+ memset( tags, 0, sizeof(MP4Tags) ); // safe: pure C-struct
+ tags->__handle = this;
+Tags::c_fetch( MP4Tags*& tags, MP4FileHandle hFile )
+ MP4Tags& c = *tags;
+ MP4File& file = *static_cast<MP4File*>(hFile);
+ MP4ItmfItemList* itemList = genericGetItems( file ); // alloc
+ hasMetadata = (itemList->size > 0);
+ /* create code -> item map.
+ * map will only be used for items which do not repeat; we do not care if
+ * cover-art is inserted multiple times.
+ */
+ CodeItemMap cim;
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < itemList->size; i++ ) {
+ MP4ItmfItem& item = itemList->elements[i];
+ cim.insert( CodeItemMap::value_type( item.code, &item ));
+ }
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_NAME, name, );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_ARTIST, artist, c.artist );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_ALBUMARTIST, albumArtist, c.albumArtist );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_ALBUM, album, c.album );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_GROUPING, grouping, c.grouping );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_COMPOSER, composer, c.composer );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_COMMENTS, comments, c.comments );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_GENRE, genre, c.genre );
+ fetchGenre( cim, genreType, c.genreType );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_RELEASEDATE, releaseDate, c.releaseDate );
+ fetchTrack( cim, track, c.track );
+ fetchDisk( cim, disk, c.disk );
+ fetchInteger( cim, CODE_TEMPO, tempo, c.tempo );
+ fetchInteger( cim, CODE_COMPILATION, compilation, c.compilation );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_TVSHOW, tvShow, c.tvShow );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_TVNETWORK, tvNetwork, c.tvNetwork );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_TVEPISODEID, tvEpisodeID, c.tvEpisodeID );
+ fetchInteger( cim, CODE_TVSEASON, tvSeason, c.tvSeason );
+ fetchInteger( cim, CODE_TVEPISODE, tvEpisode, c.tvEpisode );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_SORTNAME, sortName, c.sortName );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_SORTARTIST, sortArtist, c.sortArtist );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_SORTALBUMARTIST, sortAlbumArtist, c.sortAlbumArtist );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_SORTALBUM, sortAlbum, c.sortAlbum );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_SORTCOMPOSER, sortComposer, c.sortComposer );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_SORTTVSHOW, sortTVShow, c.sortTVShow );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_DESCRIPTION, description, c.description );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_LONGDESCRIPTION, longDescription, c.longDescription );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_LYRICS, lyrics, c.lyrics );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_COPYRIGHT, copyright, c.copyright );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_ENCODINGTOOL, encodingTool, c.encodingTool );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_ENCODEDBY, encodedBy, c.encodedBy );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_PURCHASEDATE, purchaseDate, c.purchaseDate );
+ fetchInteger( cim, CODE_PODCAST, podcast, c.podcast );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_KEYWORDS, keywords, c.keywords );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_CATEGORY, category, c.category );
+ fetchInteger( cim, CODE_HDVIDEO, hdVideo, c.hdVideo );
+ fetchInteger( cim, CODE_MEDIATYPE, mediaType, c.mediaType );
+ fetchInteger( cim, CODE_CONTENTRATING, contentRating, c.contentRating );
+ fetchInteger( cim, CODE_GAPLESS, gapless, c.gapless );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_ITUNESACCOUNT, iTunesAccount, c.iTunesAccount );
+ fetchInteger( cim, CODE_ITUNESACCOUNTTYPE, iTunesAccountType, c.iTunesAccountType );
+ fetchInteger( cim, CODE_ITUNESCOUNTRY, iTunesCountry, c.iTunesCountry );
+ fetchInteger( cim, CODE_CONTENTID, contentID, c.contentID );
+ fetchInteger( cim, CODE_ARTISTID, artistID, c.artistID );
+ fetchInteger( cim, CODE_PLAYLISTID, playlistID, c.playlistID );
+ fetchInteger( cim, CODE_GENREID, genreID, c.genreID );
+ fetchInteger( cim, CODE_COMPOSERID, composerID, c.composerID );
+ fetchString( cim, CODE_XID, xid, c.xid );
+ genericItemListFree( itemList ); // free
+ // fetch full list and overwrite our copy, otherwise clear
+ {
+ CoverArtBox::ItemList items;
+ if( CoverArtBox::list( hFile, items ))
+ artwork.clear();
+ else
+ artwork = items;
+ updateArtworkShadow( tags );
+ }
+Tags::c_free( MP4Tags*& tags )
+ MP4Tags* c = const_cast<MP4Tags*>(tags);
+ delete[] c->artwork;
+ delete c;
+ tags = NULL;
+Tags::c_removeArtwork( MP4Tags*& tags, uint32_t index )
+ if( !(index < artwork.size()) )
+ return;
+ artwork.erase( artwork.begin() + index );
+ updateArtworkShadow( tags );
+Tags::c_setArtwork( MP4Tags*& tags, uint32_t index, MP4TagArtwork& c_artwork )
+ if( !(index < artwork.size()) )
+ return;
+ CoverArtBox::Item& item = artwork[index];
+ switch( c_artwork.type ) {
+ case MP4_ART_BMP:
+ item.type = BT_BMP;
+ break;
+ case MP4_ART_GIF:
+ item.type = BT_GIF;
+ break;
+ case MP4_ART_JPEG:
+ item.type = BT_JPEG;
+ break;
+ case MP4_ART_PNG:
+ item.type = BT_PNG;
+ break;
+ default:
+ item.type = computeBasicType(, c_artwork.size );
+ break;
+ }
+ item.buffer = (uint8_t*)malloc( c_artwork.size );
+ item.size = c_artwork.size;
+ item.autofree = true;
+ memcpy( item.buffer,, c_artwork.size );
+ updateArtworkShadow( tags );
+Tags::c_setInteger( const uint8_t* value, uint8_t& cpp, const uint8_t*& c )
+ if( !value ) {
+ cpp = 0;
+ c = NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ cpp = *value;
+ c = &cpp;
+ }
+Tags::c_setInteger( const uint16_t* value, uint16_t& cpp, const uint16_t*& c )
+ if( !value ) {
+ cpp = 0;
+ c = NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ cpp = *value;
+ c = &cpp;
+ }
+Tags::c_setInteger( const uint32_t* value, uint32_t& cpp, const uint32_t*& c )
+ if( !value ) {
+ cpp = 0;
+ c = NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ cpp = *value;
+ c = &cpp;
+ }
+Tags::c_setInteger( const uint64_t* value, uint64_t& cpp, const uint64_t*& c )
+ if( !value ) {
+ cpp = 0;
+ c = NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ cpp = *value;
+ c = &cpp;
+ }
+Tags::c_setString( const char* value, string& cpp, const char*& c )
+ if( !value ) {
+ cpp.clear();
+ c = NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ cpp = value;
+ c = cpp.c_str();
+ }
+Tags::c_setTrack( const MP4TagTrack* value, MP4TagTrack& cpp, const MP4TagTrack*& c )
+ if( !value ) {
+ cpp.index = 0;
+ = 0;
+ c = NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ cpp.index = value->index;
+ = value->total;
+ c = &cpp;
+ }
+Tags::c_setDisk( const MP4TagDisk* value, MP4TagDisk& cpp, const MP4TagDisk*& c )
+ if( !value ) {
+ cpp.index = 0;
+ = 0;
+ c = NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ cpp.index = value->index;
+ = value->total;
+ c = &cpp;
+ }
+Tags::c_store( MP4Tags*& tags, MP4FileHandle hFile )
+ MP4Tags& c = *tags;
+ MP4File& file = *static_cast<MP4File*>(hFile);
+ storeString( file, CODE_NAME, name, );
+ storeString( file, CODE_ARTIST, artist, c.artist );
+ storeString( file, CODE_ALBUMARTIST, albumArtist, c.albumArtist );
+ storeString( file, CODE_ALBUM, album, c.album );
+ storeString( file, CODE_GROUPING, grouping, c.grouping );
+ storeString( file, CODE_COMPOSER, composer, c.composer );
+ storeString( file, CODE_COMMENTS, comments, c.comments );
+ storeString( file, CODE_GENRE, genre, c.genre );
+ storeGenre( file, genreType, c.genreType );
+ storeString( file, CODE_RELEASEDATE, releaseDate, c.releaseDate );
+ storeTrack( file, track, c.track );
+ storeDisk( file, disk, c.disk );
+ storeInteger( file, CODE_TEMPO, tempo, c.tempo );
+ storeInteger( file, CODE_COMPILATION, compilation, c.compilation );
+ storeString( file, CODE_TVSHOW, tvShow, c.tvShow );
+ storeString( file, CODE_TVNETWORK, tvNetwork, c.tvNetwork );
+ storeString( file, CODE_TVEPISODEID, tvEpisodeID, c.tvEpisodeID );
+ storeInteger( file, CODE_TVSEASON, tvSeason, c.tvSeason );
+ storeInteger( file, CODE_TVEPISODE, tvEpisode, c.tvEpisode );
+ storeString( file, CODE_SORTNAME, sortName, c.sortName );
+ storeString( file, CODE_SORTARTIST, sortArtist, c.sortArtist );
+ storeString( file, CODE_SORTALBUMARTIST, sortAlbumArtist, c.sortAlbumArtist );
+ storeString( file, CODE_SORTALBUM, sortAlbum, c.sortAlbum );
+ storeString( file, CODE_SORTCOMPOSER, sortComposer, c.sortComposer );
+ storeString( file, CODE_SORTTVSHOW, sortTVShow, c.sortTVShow );
+ storeString( file, CODE_DESCRIPTION, description, c.description );
+ storeString( file, CODE_LONGDESCRIPTION, longDescription, c.longDescription );
+ storeString( file, CODE_LYRICS, lyrics, c.lyrics );
+ storeString( file, CODE_COPYRIGHT, copyright, c.copyright );
+ storeString( file, CODE_ENCODINGTOOL, encodingTool, c.encodingTool );
+ storeString( file, CODE_ENCODEDBY, encodedBy, c.encodedBy );
+ storeString( file, CODE_PURCHASEDATE, purchaseDate, c.purchaseDate );
+ storeInteger( file, CODE_PODCAST, podcast, c.podcast );
+ storeString( file, CODE_KEYWORDS, keywords, c.keywords );
+ storeString( file, CODE_CATEGORY, category, c.category );
+ storeInteger( file, CODE_HDVIDEO, hdVideo, c.hdVideo );
+ storeInteger( file, CODE_MEDIATYPE, mediaType, c.mediaType );
+ storeInteger( file, CODE_CONTENTRATING, contentRating, c.contentRating );
+ storeInteger( file, CODE_GAPLESS, gapless, c.gapless );
+ storeString( file, CODE_ITUNESACCOUNT, iTunesAccount, c.iTunesAccount );
+ storeInteger( file, CODE_ITUNESACCOUNTTYPE, iTunesAccountType, c.iTunesAccountType );
+ storeInteger( file, CODE_ITUNESCOUNTRY, iTunesCountry, c.iTunesCountry );
+ storeInteger( file, CODE_CONTENTID, contentID, c.contentID );
+ storeInteger( file, CODE_ARTISTID, artistID, c.artistID );
+ storeInteger( file, CODE_PLAYLISTID, playlistID, c.playlistID );
+ storeInteger( file, CODE_GENREID, genreID, c.genreID );
+ storeInteger( file, CODE_COMPOSERID, composerID, c.composerID );
+ storeString( file, CODE_XID, xid, c.xid );
+ // destroy all cover-art then add each
+ {
+ CoverArtBox::remove( hFile );
+ const CoverArtBox::ItemList::size_type max = artwork.size();
+ for( CoverArtBox::ItemList::size_type i = 0; i < max; i++ )
+ CoverArtBox::add( hFile, artwork[i] );
+ }
+Tags::fetchGenre( const CodeItemMap& cim, uint16_t& cpp, const uint16_t*& c )
+ cpp = 0;
+ c = NULL;
+ CodeItemMap::const_iterator f = cim.find( CODE_GENRETYPE );
+ if( f == cim.end() || 0 == f->second->dataList.size )
+ return;
+ MP4ItmfData& data = f->second->dataList.elements[0];
+ if( NULL == data.value )
+ return;
+ cpp = (uint16_t(data.value[0]) << 8)
+ | (uint16_t(data.value[1]) );
+ c = &cpp;
+Tags::fetchDisk( const CodeItemMap& cim, MP4TagDisk& cpp, const MP4TagDisk*& c )
+ cpp.index = 0;
+ = 0;
+ c = NULL;
+ CodeItemMap::const_iterator f = cim.find( CODE_DISK );
+ if( f == cim.end() || 0 == f->second->dataList.size )
+ return;
+ MP4ItmfData& data = f->second->dataList.elements[0];
+ if( NULL == data.value )
+ return;
+ cpp.index = (uint16_t(data.value[2]) << 8)
+ | (uint16_t(data.value[3]) );
+ = (uint16_t(data.value[4]) << 8)
+ | (uint16_t(data.value[5]) );
+ c = &cpp;
+Tags::fetchTrack( const CodeItemMap& cim, MP4TagTrack& cpp, const MP4TagTrack*& c )
+ cpp.index = 0;
+ = 0;
+ c = NULL;
+ CodeItemMap::const_iterator f = cim.find( CODE_TRACK );
+ if( f == cim.end() || 0 == f->second->dataList.size )
+ return;
+ MP4ItmfData& data = f->second->dataList.elements[0];
+ if( NULL == data.value )
+ return;
+ cpp.index = (uint16_t(data.value[2]) << 8)
+ | (uint16_t(data.value[3]) );
+ = (uint16_t(data.value[4]) << 8)
+ | (uint16_t(data.value[5]) );
+ c = &cpp;
+Tags::fetchInteger( const CodeItemMap& cim, const string& code, uint8_t& cpp, const uint8_t*& c )
+ cpp = 0;
+ c = NULL;
+ CodeItemMap::const_iterator f = cim.find( code );
+ if( f == cim.end() || 0 == f->second->dataList.size )
+ return;
+ MP4ItmfData& data = f->second->dataList.elements[0];
+ if( NULL == data.value )
+ return;
+ cpp = data.value[0];
+ c = &cpp;
+Tags::fetchInteger( const CodeItemMap& cim, const string& code, uint16_t& cpp, const uint16_t*& c )
+ cpp = 0;
+ c = NULL;
+ CodeItemMap::const_iterator f = cim.find( code );
+ if( f == cim.end() || 0 == f->second->dataList.size )
+ return;
+ MP4ItmfData& data = f->second->dataList.elements[0];
+ if( NULL == data.value )
+ return;
+ cpp = (uint16_t(data.value[0]) << 8)
+ | (uint16_t(data.value[1]) );
+ c = &cpp;
+Tags::fetchInteger( const CodeItemMap& cim, const string& code, uint32_t& cpp, const uint32_t*& c )
+ cpp = 0;
+ c = NULL;
+ CodeItemMap::const_iterator f = cim.find( code );
+ if( f == cim.end() || 0 == f->second->dataList.size )
+ return;
+ MP4ItmfData& data = f->second->dataList.elements[0];
+ if( NULL == data.value )
+ return;
+ cpp = (uint32_t(data.value[0]) << 24)
+ | (uint32_t(data.value[1]) << 16)
+ | (uint32_t(data.value[2]) << 8)
+ | (uint32_t(data.value[3]) );
+ c = &cpp;
+Tags::fetchInteger( const CodeItemMap& cim, const string& code, uint64_t& cpp, const uint64_t*& c )
+ cpp = 0;
+ c = NULL;
+ CodeItemMap::const_iterator f = cim.find( code );
+ if( f == cim.end() || 0 == f->second->dataList.size )
+ return;
+ MP4ItmfData& data = f->second->dataList.elements[0];
+ if( NULL == data.value )
+ return;
+ cpp = (uint64_t(data.value[0]) << 56)
+ | (uint64_t(data.value[1]) << 48)
+ | (uint64_t(data.value[2]) << 40)
+ | (uint64_t(data.value[3]) << 32)
+ | (uint64_t(data.value[4]) << 24)
+ | (uint64_t(data.value[5]) << 16)
+ | (uint64_t(data.value[6]) << 8)
+ | (uint64_t(data.value[7]) );
+ c = &cpp;
+Tags::fetchString( const CodeItemMap& cim, const string& code, string& cpp, const char*& c )
+ cpp.clear();
+ c = NULL;
+ CodeItemMap::const_iterator f = cim.find( code );
+ if( f == cim.end() || 0 == f->second->dataList.size )
+ return;
+ MP4ItmfData& data = f->second->dataList.elements[0];
+ if( NULL == data.value )
+ return;
+ cpp.append( reinterpret_cast<char*>( data.value ), data.valueSize );
+ c = cpp.c_str();
+Tags::remove( MP4File& file, const string& code )
+ MP4ItmfItemList* itemList = genericGetItemsByCode( file, code ); // alloc
+ if( itemList->size )
+ genericRemoveItem( file, &itemList->elements[0] );
+ genericItemListFree( itemList ); // free
+Tags::store( MP4File& file, const string& code, MP4ItmfBasicType basicType, const void* buffer, uint32_t size )
+ // remove existing item
+ remove( file, code );
+ // add item
+ MP4ItmfItem& item = *genericItemAlloc( code, 1 ); // alloc
+ MP4ItmfData& data = item.dataList.elements[0];
+ data.typeCode = basicType;
+ data.valueSize = size;
+ data.value = (uint8_t*)malloc( data.valueSize );
+ memcpy( data.value, buffer, data.valueSize );
+ genericAddItem( file, &item );
+ genericItemFree( &item ); // free
+Tags::storeGenre( MP4File& file, uint16_t cpp, const uint16_t* c )
+ if( c ) {
+ uint8_t buf[2];
+ buf[0] = uint8_t((cpp & 0xff00) >> 8);
+ buf[1] = uint8_t((cpp & 0x00ff) );
+ // it's not clear if you must use implicit in these situations and iirc iTunes and other software are not consistent in this regard.
+ // many other tags must be integer type yet no issues there. Silly that iTunes insists it must be implict, which is then hardcoded
+ // to interpret as genres anyways.
+ store( file, CODE_GENRETYPE, MP4_ITMF_BT_IMPLICIT, buf, sizeof(buf) );
+ }
+ else {
+ remove( file, CODE_GENRETYPE );
+ }
+Tags::storeDisk( MP4File& file, const MP4TagDisk& cpp, const MP4TagDisk* c )
+ if( c ) {
+ uint8_t buf[6];
+ memset( buf, 0, sizeof(buf) );
+ buf[2] = uint8_t((cpp.index & 0xff00) >> 8);
+ buf[3] = uint8_t((cpp.index & 0x00ff) );
+ buf[4] = uint8_t(( & 0xff00) >> 8);
+ buf[5] = uint8_t(( & 0x00ff) );
+ store( file, CODE_DISK, MP4_ITMF_BT_IMPLICIT, buf, sizeof(buf) );
+ }
+ else {
+ remove( file, CODE_DISK );
+ }
+Tags::storeTrack( MP4File& file, const MP4TagTrack& cpp, const MP4TagTrack* c )
+ if( c ) {
+ uint8_t buf[8]; // iTMF spec says 7 but iTunes media is 8
+ memset( buf, 0, sizeof(buf) );
+ buf[2] = uint8_t((cpp.index & 0xff00) >> 8);
+ buf[3] = uint8_t((cpp.index & 0x00ff) );
+ buf[4] = uint8_t(( & 0xff00) >> 8);
+ buf[5] = uint8_t(( & 0x00ff) );
+ store( file, CODE_TRACK, MP4_ITMF_BT_IMPLICIT, buf, sizeof(buf) );
+ }
+ else {
+ remove( file, CODE_TRACK );
+ }
+Tags::storeInteger( MP4File& file, const string& code, uint8_t cpp, const uint8_t* c )
+ if( c )
+ store( file, code, MP4_ITMF_BT_INTEGER, &cpp, sizeof(cpp) );
+ else
+ remove( file, code );
+Tags::storeInteger( MP4File& file, const string& code, uint16_t cpp, const uint16_t* c )
+ if( c ) {
+ uint8_t buf[2];
+ buf[0] = uint8_t((cpp & 0xff00) >> 8);
+ buf[1] = uint8_t((cpp & 0x00ff) );
+ store( file, code, MP4_ITMF_BT_INTEGER, buf, sizeof(buf) );
+ }
+ else {
+ remove( file, code );
+ }
+Tags::storeInteger( MP4File& file, const string& code, uint32_t cpp, const uint32_t* c )
+ if( c ) {
+ uint8_t buf[4];
+ buf[0] = uint8_t((cpp & 0xff000000) >> 24 );
+ buf[1] = uint8_t((cpp & 0x00ff0000) >> 16 );
+ buf[2] = uint8_t((cpp & 0x0000ff00) >> 8 );
+ buf[3] = uint8_t((cpp & 0x000000ff) );
+ store( file, code, MP4_ITMF_BT_INTEGER, buf, sizeof(buf) );
+ }
+ else {
+ remove( file, code );
+ }
+Tags::storeInteger( MP4File& file, const string& code, uint64_t cpp, const uint64_t* c )
+ if( c ) {
+ uint8_t buf[8];
+ buf[0] = uint8_t((cpp & 0xff00000000000000LL) >> 56 );
+ buf[1] = uint8_t((cpp & 0x00ff000000000000LL) >> 48 );
+ buf[2] = uint8_t((cpp & 0x0000ff0000000000LL) >> 40 );
+ buf[3] = uint8_t((cpp & 0x000000ff00000000LL) >> 32 );
+ buf[4] = uint8_t((cpp & 0x00000000ff000000LL) >> 24 );
+ buf[5] = uint8_t((cpp & 0x0000000000ff0000LL) >> 16 );
+ buf[6] = uint8_t((cpp & 0x000000000000ff00LL) >> 8 );
+ buf[7] = uint8_t((cpp & 0x00000000000000ffLL) );
+ store( file, code, MP4_ITMF_BT_INTEGER, buf, sizeof(buf) );
+ }
+ else {
+ remove( file, code );
+ }
+Tags::storeString( MP4File& file, const string& code, const string& cpp, const char* c )
+ if( c )
+ store( file, code, MP4_ITMF_BT_UTF8, cpp.c_str(), (uint32_t)cpp.size() );
+ else
+ remove( file, code );
+Tags::updateArtworkShadow( MP4Tags*& tags )
+ if( tags->artwork ) {
+ delete[] tags->artwork;
+ tags->artwork = NULL;
+ tags->artworkCount = 0;
+ }
+ if( artwork.empty() )
+ return;
+ MP4TagArtwork* const cartwork = new MP4TagArtwork[ artwork.size() ];
+ uint32_t max = (uint32_t)artwork.size();
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < max; i++ ) {
+ MP4TagArtwork& a = cartwork[i];
+ CoverArtBox::Item& item = artwork[i];
+ = item.buffer;
+ a.size = item.size;
+ switch( item.type ) {
+ case BT_BMP:
+ a.type = MP4_ART_BMP;
+ break;
+ case BT_GIF:
+ a.type = MP4_ART_GIF;
+ break;
+ case BT_JPEG:
+ a.type = MP4_ART_JPEG;
+ break;
+ case BT_PNG:
+ a.type = MP4_ART_PNG;
+ break;
+ default:
+ a.type = MP4_ART_UNDEFINED;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ tags->artwork = cartwork;
+ tags->artworkCount = max;
+const string Tags::CODE_NAME = "\xa9" "nam";
+const string Tags::CODE_ARTIST = "\xa9" "ART";
+const string Tags::CODE_ALBUMARTIST = "aART";
+const string Tags::CODE_ALBUM = "\xa9" "alb";
+const string Tags::CODE_GROUPING = "\xa9" "grp";
+const string Tags::CODE_COMPOSER = "\xa9" "wrt";
+const string Tags::CODE_COMMENTS = "\xa9" "cmt";
+const string Tags::CODE_GENRE = "\xa9" "gen";
+const string Tags::CODE_GENRETYPE = "gnre";
+const string Tags::CODE_RELEASEDATE = "\xa9" "day";
+const string Tags::CODE_TRACK = "trkn";
+const string Tags::CODE_DISK = "disk";
+const string Tags::CODE_TEMPO = "tmpo";
+const string Tags::CODE_COMPILATION = "cpil";
+const string Tags::CODE_TVSHOW = "tvsh";
+const string Tags::CODE_TVNETWORK = "tvnn";
+const string Tags::CODE_TVEPISODEID = "tven";
+const string Tags::CODE_TVSEASON = "tvsn";
+const string Tags::CODE_TVEPISODE = "tves";
+const string Tags::CODE_DESCRIPTION = "desc";
+const string Tags::CODE_LONGDESCRIPTION = "ldes";
+const string Tags::CODE_LYRICS = "\xa9" "lyr";
+const string Tags::CODE_SORTNAME = "sonm";
+const string Tags::CODE_SORTARTIST = "soar";
+const string Tags::CODE_SORTALBUMARTIST = "soaa";
+const string Tags::CODE_SORTALBUM = "soal";
+const string Tags::CODE_SORTCOMPOSER = "soco";
+const string Tags::CODE_SORTTVSHOW = "sosn";
+const string Tags::CODE_COPYRIGHT = "cprt";
+const string Tags::CODE_ENCODINGTOOL = "\xa9" "too";
+const string Tags::CODE_ENCODEDBY = "\xa9" "enc";
+const string Tags::CODE_PURCHASEDATE = "purd";
+const string Tags::CODE_PODCAST = "pcst";
+const string Tags::CODE_KEYWORDS = "keyw";
+const string Tags::CODE_CATEGORY = "catg";
+const string Tags::CODE_HDVIDEO = "hdvd";
+const string Tags::CODE_MEDIATYPE = "stik";
+const string Tags::CODE_CONTENTRATING = "rtng";
+const string Tags::CODE_GAPLESS = "pgap";
+const string Tags::CODE_ITUNESACCOUNT = "apID";
+const string Tags::CODE_ITUNESACCOUNTTYPE = "akID";
+const string Tags::CODE_ITUNESCOUNTRY = "sfID";
+const string Tags::CODE_CONTENTID = "cnID";
+const string Tags::CODE_ARTISTID = "atID";
+const string Tags::CODE_PLAYLISTID = "plID";
+const string Tags::CODE_GENREID = "geID";
+const string Tags::CODE_COMPOSERID = "cmID";
+const string Tags::CODE_XID = "xid ";
+}}} // namespace mp4v2::impl::itmf
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/Tags.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/Tags.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..57ef82cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/Tags.h
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// Portions created by David Byron are Copyright (C) 2011.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend, [email protected]
+// Rouven Wessling, [email protected]
+// David Byron, [email protected]
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl { namespace itmf {
+class Tags
+ static const string CODE_NAME;
+ static const string CODE_ARTIST;
+ static const string CODE_ALBUMARTIST;
+ static const string CODE_ALBUM;
+ static const string CODE_GROUPING;
+ static const string CODE_COMPOSER;
+ static const string CODE_COMMENTS;
+ static const string CODE_GENRE;
+ static const string CODE_GENRETYPE;
+ static const string CODE_RELEASEDATE;
+ static const string CODE_TRACK;
+ static const string CODE_DISK;
+ static const string CODE_TEMPO;
+ static const string CODE_COMPILATION;
+ static const string CODE_TVSHOW;
+ static const string CODE_TVNETWORK;
+ static const string CODE_TVEPISODEID;
+ static const string CODE_TVSEASON;
+ static const string CODE_TVEPISODE;
+ static const string CODE_DESCRIPTION;
+ static const string CODE_LONGDESCRIPTION;
+ static const string CODE_LYRICS;
+ static const string CODE_SORTNAME;
+ static const string CODE_SORTARTIST;
+ static const string CODE_SORTALBUMARTIST;
+ static const string CODE_SORTALBUM;
+ static const string CODE_SORTCOMPOSER;
+ static const string CODE_SORTTVSHOW;
+ static const string CODE_COPYRIGHT;
+ static const string CODE_ENCODINGTOOL;
+ static const string CODE_ENCODEDBY;
+ static const string CODE_PURCHASEDATE;
+ static const string CODE_PODCAST;
+ static const string CODE_KEYWORDS;
+ static const string CODE_CATEGORY;
+ static const string CODE_HDVIDEO;
+ static const string CODE_MEDIATYPE;
+ static const string CODE_CONTENTRATING;
+ static const string CODE_GAPLESS;
+ static const string CODE_ITUNESACCOUNT;
+ static const string CODE_ITUNESACCOUNTTYPE;
+ static const string CODE_ITUNESCOUNTRY;
+ static const string CODE_CONTENTID;
+ static const string CODE_ARTISTID;
+ static const string CODE_PLAYLISTID;
+ static const string CODE_GENREID;
+ static const string CODE_COMPOSERID;
+ static const string CODE_XID;
+ string name;
+ string artist;
+ string albumArtist;
+ string album;
+ string grouping;
+ string composer;
+ string comments;
+ string genre;
+ uint16_t genreType;
+ string releaseDate;
+ MP4TagTrack track;
+ MP4TagDisk disk;
+ uint16_t tempo;
+ uint8_t compilation;
+ string tvShow;
+ string tvEpisodeID;
+ uint32_t tvSeason;
+ uint32_t tvEpisode;
+ string tvNetwork;
+ string description;
+ string longDescription;
+ string lyrics;
+ string sortName;
+ string sortArtist;
+ string sortAlbumArtist;
+ string sortAlbum;
+ string sortComposer;
+ string sortTVShow;
+ CoverArtBox::ItemList artwork;
+ string copyright;
+ string encodingTool;
+ string encodedBy;
+ string purchaseDate;
+ uint8_t podcast;
+ string keywords;
+ string category;
+ uint8_t hdVideo;
+ uint8_t mediaType;
+ uint8_t contentRating;
+ uint8_t gapless;
+ string iTunesAccount;
+ uint8_t iTunesAccountType;
+ uint32_t iTunesCountry;
+ uint32_t contentID;
+ uint32_t artistID;
+ uint64_t playlistID;
+ uint32_t genreID;
+ uint32_t composerID;
+ string xid;
+ bool hasMetadata;
+ Tags();
+ ~Tags();
+ void c_alloc ( MP4Tags*& );
+ void c_fetch ( MP4Tags*&, MP4FileHandle );
+ void c_store ( MP4Tags*&, MP4FileHandle );
+ void c_free ( MP4Tags*& );
+ void c_addArtwork ( MP4Tags*&, MP4TagArtwork& );
+ void c_setArtwork ( MP4Tags*&, uint32_t, MP4TagArtwork& );
+ void c_removeArtwork ( MP4Tags*&, uint32_t );
+ void c_setString ( const char*, string&, const char*& );
+ void c_setInteger ( const uint8_t*, uint8_t&, const uint8_t*& );
+ void c_setInteger ( const uint16_t*, uint16_t&, const uint16_t*& );
+ void c_setInteger ( const uint32_t*, uint32_t&, const uint32_t*& );
+ void c_setInteger ( const uint64_t*, uint64_t&, const uint64_t*& );
+ void c_setTrack ( const MP4TagTrack*, MP4TagTrack&, const MP4TagTrack*& );
+ void c_setDisk ( const MP4TagDisk*, MP4TagDisk&, const MP4TagDisk*& );
+ typedef map<string,MP4ItmfItem*> CodeItemMap;
+ void fetchString ( const CodeItemMap&, const string&, string&, const char*& );
+ void fetchInteger ( const CodeItemMap&, const string&, uint8_t&, const uint8_t*& );
+ void fetchInteger ( const CodeItemMap&, const string&, uint16_t&, const uint16_t*& );
+ void fetchInteger ( const CodeItemMap&, const string&, uint32_t&, const uint32_t*& );
+ void fetchInteger ( const CodeItemMap&, const string&, uint64_t&, const uint64_t*& );
+ void fetchGenre ( const CodeItemMap&, uint16_t&, const uint16_t*& );
+ void fetchTrack ( const CodeItemMap&, MP4TagTrack&, const MP4TagTrack*& );
+ void fetchDisk ( const CodeItemMap&, MP4TagDisk&, const MP4TagDisk*& );
+ void storeString ( MP4File&, const string&, const string&, const char* );
+ void storeInteger ( MP4File&, const string&, uint8_t, const uint8_t* );
+ void storeInteger ( MP4File&, const string&, uint16_t, const uint16_t* );
+ void storeInteger ( MP4File&, const string&, uint32_t, const uint32_t* );
+ void storeInteger ( MP4File&, const string&, uint64_t, const uint64_t* );
+ void storeGenre ( MP4File&, uint16_t, const uint16_t* );
+ void storeTrack ( MP4File&, const MP4TagTrack&, const MP4TagTrack* );
+ void storeDisk ( MP4File&, const MP4TagDisk&, const MP4TagDisk* );
+ void remove ( MP4File&, const string& );
+ void store ( MP4File&, const string&, MP4ItmfBasicType, const void*, uint32_t );
+ void updateArtworkShadow( MP4Tags*& );
+}}} // namespace mp4v2::impl::itmf
+#endif // MP4V2_IMPL_ITMF_TAGS_H
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/generic.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/generic.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..184cd74b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/generic.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+#include "impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl { namespace itmf { namespace {
+__dataInit( MP4ItmfData& data )
+ data.typeSetIdentifier = 0;
+ data.typeCode = MP4_ITMF_BT_IMPLICIT;
+ data.locale = 0;
+ data.value = NULL;
+ data.valueSize = 0;
+__dataClear( MP4ItmfData& data )
+ if( data.value )
+ free( data.value );
+ __dataInit( data );
+__dataListInit( MP4ItmfDataList& list )
+ list.elements = NULL;
+ list.size = 0;
+__dataListClear( MP4ItmfDataList& list )
+ if( list.elements ) {
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < list.size; i++ )
+ __dataClear( list.elements[i] );
+ free( list.elements );
+ }
+ __dataListInit( list );
+__dataListResize( MP4ItmfDataList& list, uint32_t size )
+ __dataListClear( list );
+ list.elements = (MP4ItmfData*)malloc( sizeof( MP4ItmfData ) * size );
+ list.size = size;
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++ )
+ __dataInit( list.elements[i] );
+__itemInit( MP4ItmfItem& item )
+ item.__handle = NULL;
+ item.code = NULL;
+ item.mean = NULL;
+ = NULL;
+ __dataListInit( item.dataList );
+__itemClear( MP4ItmfItem& item )
+ if( item.code )
+ free( item.code );
+ if( item.mean )
+ free( item.mean );
+ if( )
+ free( );
+ __dataListClear( item.dataList );
+ __itemInit( item );
+__itemListInit( MP4ItmfItemList& list )
+ list.elements = NULL;
+ list.size = 0;
+__itemListClear( MP4ItmfItemList& list )
+ if( list.elements ) {
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < list.size; i++ )
+ __itemClear( list.elements[i] );
+ free( list.elements );
+ }
+ __itemListInit( list );
+__itemListResize( MP4ItmfItemList& list, uint32_t size )
+ __itemListClear( list );
+ if( !size )
+ return;
+ list.elements = (MP4ItmfItem*)malloc( sizeof( MP4ItmfItem ) * size );
+ list.size = size;
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++ )
+ __itemInit( list.elements[i] );
+ MP4ItmfItemList& list = *(MP4ItmfItemList*)malloc( sizeof( MP4ItmfItemList ));
+ __itemListInit( list );
+ return &list;
+static bool
+__itemAtomToModel( MP4ItemAtom& item_atom, MP4ItmfItem& model )
+ __itemClear( model );
+ model.__handle = &item_atom;
+ model.code = strdup( item_atom.GetType() );
+ // handle special meaning atom
+ if( ATOMID( item_atom.GetType() ) == ATOMID( "----" )) {
+ // meaning is mandatory
+ MP4MeanAtom* mean = (MP4MeanAtom*)item_atom.FindAtom( "----.mean" );
+ if( !mean )
+ return true;
+ // copy atom UTF-8 value (not NULL-terminated) to model (NULL-terminated)
+ model.mean = mean->value.GetValueStringAlloc();
+ // name is optional
+ MP4NameAtom* name = (MP4NameAtom*)item_atom.FindAtom( "" );
+ if( name ) {
+ // copy atom UTF-8 value (not NULL-terminated) to model (NULL-terminated)
+ = name->value.GetValueStringAlloc();
+ }
+ }
+ // pass 1: count data atoms
+ const uint32_t childCount = item_atom.GetNumberOfChildAtoms();
+ uint32_t dataCount = 0;
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < childCount; i++ ) {
+ if( ATOMID( item_atom.GetChildAtom( i )->GetType() ) != ATOMID( "data" ))
+ continue;
+ dataCount++;
+ }
+ // one or more data atoms is mandatory
+ if( dataCount < 1 )
+ return true;
+ __dataListResize( model.dataList, dataCount );
+ // pass 2: populate data model
+ for( uint32_t i = 0, idata = 0; i < childCount; i++ ) {
+ MP4Atom* atom = item_atom.GetChildAtom( i );
+ if( ATOMID( atom->GetType() ) != ATOMID( "data" ))
+ continue;
+ MP4DataAtom& data_atom = *(MP4DataAtom*)atom;
+ MP4ItmfData& data_model = model.dataList.elements[idata];
+ data_model.typeSetIdentifier = data_atom.typeSetIdentifier.GetValue();
+ data_model.typeCode = (MP4ItmfBasicType)data_atom.typeCode.GetValue();
+ data_model.locale = data_atom.locale.GetValue();
+ data_atom.metadata.GetValue( &data_model.value, &data_model.valueSize );
+ idata++;
+ }
+ return false;
+static bool
+__itemModelToAtom( const MP4ItmfItem& model, MP4ItemAtom& atom )
+ if( ATOMID( atom.GetType() ) == ATOMID( "----" )) {
+ ASSERT( model.mean ); // mandatory
+ MP4MeanAtom& meanAtom = *(MP4MeanAtom*)MP4Atom::CreateAtom( atom.GetFile(), &atom, "mean" );
+ atom.AddChildAtom( &meanAtom );
+ meanAtom.value.SetValue( (const uint8_t*)model.mean, (uint32_t)strlen( model.mean ));
+ if( ) {
+ MP4NameAtom& nameAtom = *(MP4NameAtom*)MP4Atom::CreateAtom( atom.GetFile(), &atom, "name" );
+ atom.AddChildAtom( &nameAtom );
+ nameAtom.value.SetValue( (const uint8_t*), (uint32_t)strlen( ));
+ }
+ }
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < model.dataList.size; i++ ) {
+ MP4ItmfData& dataModel = model.dataList.elements[i];
+ MP4DataAtom& dataAtom = *(MP4DataAtom*)MP4Atom::CreateAtom( atom.GetFile(), &atom, "data" );
+ atom.AddChildAtom( &dataAtom );
+ dataAtom.typeSetIdentifier.SetValue( dataModel.typeSetIdentifier );
+ dataAtom.typeCode.SetValue( (itmf::BasicType)dataModel.typeCode );
+ dataAtom.locale.SetValue( dataModel.locale );
+ dataAtom.metadata.SetValue( dataModel.value, dataModel.valueSize );
+ }
+ return true;
+} // namespace anonymous
+genericItemAlloc( const string& code, uint32_t numData )
+ MP4ItmfItem* item = (MP4ItmfItem*)malloc( sizeof( MP4ItmfItem ));
+ if( !item )
+ return NULL;
+ __itemInit( *item );
+ item->code = strdup( code.c_str() );
+ // always create array size of 1
+ __dataListResize( item->dataList, numData );
+ return item;
+genericItemFree( MP4ItmfItem* item )
+ if( !item )
+ return;
+ __itemClear( *item );
+ free( item );
+genericItemListFree( MP4ItmfItemList* list )
+ if( !list )
+ return;
+ __itemListClear( *list );
+ free( list );
+genericGetItems( MP4File& file )
+ MP4Atom* ilst = file.FindAtom( "moov.udta.meta.ilst" );
+ if( !ilst )
+ return __itemListAlloc();
+ const uint32_t itemCount = ilst->GetNumberOfChildAtoms();
+ if( itemCount < 1 )
+ return __itemListAlloc();
+ MP4ItmfItemList& list = *__itemListAlloc();
+ __itemListResize( list, itemCount );
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < list.size; i++ )
+ __itemAtomToModel( *(MP4ItemAtom*)ilst->GetChildAtom( i ), list.elements[i] );
+ return &list;
+genericGetItemsByCode( MP4File& file, const string& code )
+ MP4Atom* ilst = file.FindAtom( "moov.udta.meta.ilst" );
+ if( !ilst )
+ return __itemListAlloc();
+ // pass 1: filter by code and populate indexList
+ const uint32_t childCount = ilst->GetNumberOfChildAtoms();
+ vector<uint32_t> indexList;
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < childCount; i++ ) {
+ if( ATOMID( ilst->GetChildAtom( i )->GetType() ) != ATOMID( code.c_str() ))
+ continue;
+ indexList.push_back( i );
+ }
+ if( indexList.size() < 1 )
+ return __itemListAlloc();
+ MP4ItmfItemList& list = *__itemListAlloc();
+ __itemListResize( list, (uint32_t)indexList.size() );
+ // pass 2: process each atom
+ const vector<uint32_t>::size_type max = indexList.size();
+ for( vector<uint32_t>::size_type i = 0; i < max; i++ ) {
+ uint32_t& aidx = indexList[i];
+ __itemAtomToModel( *(MP4ItemAtom*)ilst->GetChildAtom( aidx ), list.elements[i] );
+ }
+ return &list;
+genericGetItemsByMeaning( MP4File& file, const string& meaning, const string& name )
+ MP4Atom* ilst = file.FindAtom( "moov.udta.meta.ilst" );
+ if( !ilst )
+ return __itemListAlloc();
+ // pass 1: filter by code and populate indexList
+ const uint32_t childCount = ilst->GetNumberOfChildAtoms();
+ vector<uint32_t> indexList;
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < childCount; i++ ) {
+ MP4Atom& atom = *ilst->GetChildAtom( i );
+ if( ATOMID( atom.GetType() ) != ATOMID( "----" ))
+ continue;
+ // filter-out meaning mismatch
+ MP4MeanAtom* meanAtom = (MP4MeanAtom*)atom.FindAtom( "----.mean" );
+ if( !meanAtom )
+ continue;
+ if( meanAtom->value.CompareToString( meaning ))
+ continue;
+ if( !name.empty() ) {
+ // filter-out name mismatch
+ MP4MeanAtom* nameAtom = (MP4MeanAtom*)atom.FindAtom( "" );
+ if( !nameAtom )
+ continue;
+ if( nameAtom->value.CompareToString( name ))
+ continue;
+ }
+ indexList.push_back( i );
+ }
+ if( indexList.size() < 1 )
+ return __itemListAlloc();
+ MP4ItmfItemList& list = *__itemListAlloc();
+ __itemListResize( list, (uint32_t)indexList.size() );
+ // pass 2: process each atom
+ const vector<uint32_t>::size_type max = indexList.size();
+ for( vector<uint32_t>::size_type i = 0; i < max; i++ ) {
+ uint32_t& aidx = indexList[i];
+ __itemAtomToModel( *(MP4ItemAtom*)ilst->GetChildAtom( aidx ), list.elements[i] );
+ }
+ return &list;
+genericAddItem( MP4File& file, const MP4ItmfItem* item )
+ if( !item )
+ return false;
+ MP4Atom* ilst = file.FindAtom( "moov.udta.meta.ilst" );
+ if( !ilst ) {
+ file.AddDescendantAtoms( "moov", "udta.meta.ilst" );
+ ilst = file.FindAtom( "moov.udta.meta.ilst" );
+ ASSERT( ilst );
+ }
+ MP4ItemAtom& itemAtom = *(MP4ItemAtom*)MP4Atom::CreateAtom( file, ilst, item->code );
+ ilst->AddChildAtom( &itemAtom );
+ return __itemModelToAtom( *item, itemAtom );
+genericSetItem( MP4File& file, const MP4ItmfItem* item )
+ if( !item || !item->__handle )
+ return false;
+ MP4Atom* ilst = file.FindAtom( "moov.udta.meta.ilst" );
+ if( !ilst )
+ return false;
+ MP4ItemAtom* const old = static_cast<MP4ItemAtom*>(item->__handle);
+ const uint32_t childCount = ilst->GetNumberOfChildAtoms();
+ uint32_t fidx = numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < childCount; i++ ) {
+ MP4Atom* atom = ilst->GetChildAtom( i );
+ if( atom == old ) {
+ fidx = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( fidx == numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max() )
+ return false;
+ ilst->DeleteChildAtom( old );
+ delete old;
+ MP4ItemAtom& itemAtom = *(MP4ItemAtom*)MP4Atom::CreateAtom( file, ilst, item->code );
+ ilst->InsertChildAtom( &itemAtom, fidx );
+ return __itemModelToAtom( *item, itemAtom );
+genericRemoveItem( MP4File& file, const MP4ItmfItem* item )
+ if( !item || !item->__handle )
+ return false;
+ MP4Atom* ilst = file.FindAtom( "moov.udta.meta.ilst" );
+ if( !ilst )
+ return false;
+ MP4ItemAtom* const old = static_cast<MP4ItemAtom*>(item->__handle);
+ ilst->DeleteChildAtom( old );
+ delete old;
+ return true;
+}}} // namespace mp4v2::impl::itmf
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/generic.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/generic.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9edc7eb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/generic.h
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// KonaBlend, [email protected]
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl { namespace itmf {
+genericItemAlloc( const string& code, uint32_t numData );
+genericItemFree( MP4ItmfItem* item );
+genericItemListFree( MP4ItmfItemList* list );
+genericGetItems( MP4File& file );
+genericGetItemsByCode( MP4File& file, const string& code );
+genericGetItemsByMeaning( MP4File& file, const string& meaning, const string& name );
+genericAddItem( MP4File& file, const MP4ItmfItem* item );
+genericSetItem( MP4File& file, const MP4ItmfItem* item );
+genericRemoveItem( MP4File& file, const MP4ItmfItem* item );
+}}} // namespace mp4v2::impl::itmf
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/impl.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c7eb44f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+#include "src/impl.h"
+#include "itmf.h"
+#endif // MP4V2_IMPL_ITMF_IMPL_H
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/itmf.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/itmf.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cad38ed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/itmf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+/// @namespace mp4v2::impl::itmf (private) iTunes Metadata Format.
+/// This namespace implements some features that are specified by the
+/// iTunes Metadata Format Specification, revision 2008-04-16.
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl { namespace itmf {
+ ;
+#include "CoverArtBox.h"
+#include "Tags.h"
+#include "generic.h"
+#endif // MP4V2_IMPL_ITMF_ITMF_H
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/type.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/type.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44254f8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/type.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+// Rouven Wessling, [email protected]
+#include "impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+template <>
+const itmf::EnumBasicType::Entry itmf::EnumBasicType::data[] = {
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::BT_IMPLICIT, "implicit", "implicit" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::BT_UTF8, "utf8", "UTF-8" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::BT_UTF16, "utf16", "UTF-16" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::BT_SJIS, "sjis", "S/JIS" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::BT_HTML, "html", "HTML" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::BT_XML, "xml", "XML" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::BT_UUID, "uuid", "UUID" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::BT_ISRC, "isrc", "ISRC" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::BT_MI3P, "mi3p", "MI3P" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::BT_GIF, "gif", "GIF" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::BT_JPEG, "jpeg", "JPEG" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::BT_PNG, "png", "PNG" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::BT_URL, "url", "URL" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::BT_DURATION, "duration", "duration" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::BT_DATETIME, "datetime", "date/time" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::BT_GENRES, "genres", "genres" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::BT_INTEGER, "integer", "integer" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::BT_RIAA_PA, "riaapa", "RIAA-PA" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::BT_UPC, "upc", "UPC" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::BT_BMP, "bmp", "BMP" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::BT_UNDEFINED } // must be last
+template <>
+const itmf::EnumGenreType::Entry itmf::EnumGenreType::data[] = {
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_BLUES, "blues", "Blues" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_CLASSIC_ROCK, "classicrock", "Classic Rock" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_COUNTRY, "country", "Country" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_DANCE, "dance", "Dance" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_DISCO, "disco", "Disco" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_FUNK, "funk", "Funk" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_GRUNGE, "grunge", "Grunge" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_HIP_HOP, "hiphop", "Hop-Hop" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_JAZZ, "jazz", "Jazz" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_METAL, "metal", "Metal" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_NEW_AGE, "newage", "New Age" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_OLDIES, "oldies", "Oldies" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_OTHER, "other", "Other" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_POP, "pop", "Pop" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_R_AND_B, "rand_b", "R&B" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_RAP, "rap", "Rap" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_REGGAE, "reggae", "Reggae" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_ROCK, "rock", "Rock" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_TECHNO, "techno", "Techno" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_INDUSTRIAL, "industrial", "Industrial" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_ALTERNATIVE, "alternative", "Alternative" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_SKA, "ska", "Ska" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_DEATH_METAL, "deathmetal", "Death Metal" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_PRANKS, "pranks", "Pranks" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_SOUNDTRACK, "soundtrack", "Soundtrack" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_EURO_TECHNO, "eurotechno", "Euro-Techno" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_AMBIENT, "ambient", "Ambient" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_TRIP_HOP, "triphop", "Trip-Hop" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_VOCAL, "vocal", "Vocal" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_JAZZ_FUNK, "jazzfunk", "Jazz+Funk" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_FUSION, "fusion", "Fusion" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_TRANCE, "trance", "Trance" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_CLASSICAL, "classical", "Classical" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_INSTRUMENTAL, "instrumental", "Instrumental" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_ACID, "acid", "Acid" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_HOUSE, "house", "House" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_GAME, "game", "Game" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_SOUND_CLIP, "soundclip", "Sound Clip" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_GOSPEL, "gospel", "Gospel" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_NOISE, "noise", "Noise" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_ALTERNROCK, "alternrock", "AlternRock" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_BASS, "bass", "Bass" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_SOUL, "soul", "Soul" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_PUNK, "punk", "Punk" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_SPACE, "space", "Space" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_MEDITATIVE, "meditative", "Meditative" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_INSTRUMENTAL_POP, "instrumentalpop", "Instrumental Pop" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_INSTRUMENTAL_ROCK, "instrumentalrock", "Instrumental Rock" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_ETHNIC, "ethnic", "Ethnic" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_GOTHIC, "gothic", "Gothic" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_DARKWAVE, "darkwave", "Darkwave" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_TECHNO_INDUSTRIAL, "technoindustrial", "Techno-Industrial" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_ELECTRONIC, "electronic", "Electronic" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_POP_FOLK, "popfolk", "Pop-Folk" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_EURODANCE, "eurodance", "Eurodance" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_DREAM, "dream", "Dream" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_SOUTHERN_ROCK, "southernrock", "Southern Rock" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_COMEDY, "comedy", "Comedy" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_CULT, "cult", "Cult" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_GANGSTA, "gangsta", "Gangsta" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_TOP_40, "top40", "Top 40" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_CHRISTIAN_RAP, "christianrap", "Christian Rap" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_POP_FUNK, "popfunk", "Pop/Funk" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_JUNGLE, "jungle", "Jungle" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_NATIVE_AMERICAN, "nativeamerican", "Native American" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_CABARET, "cabaret", "Cabaret" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_NEW_WAVE, "newwave", "New Wave" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_PSYCHEDELIC, "psychedelic", "Psychedelic" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_RAVE, "rave", "Rave" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_SHOWTUNES, "showtunes", "Showtunes" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_TRAILER, "trailer", "Trailer" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_LO_FI, "lofi", "Lo-Fi" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_TRIBAL, "tribal", "Tribal" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_ACID_PUNK, "acidpunk", "Acid Punk" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_ACID_JAZZ, "acidjazz", "Acid Jazz" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_POLKA, "polka", "Polka" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_RETRO, "retro", "Retro" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_MUSICAL, "musical", "Musical" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_ROCK_AND_ROLL, "rockand_roll", "Rock & Roll" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_HARD_ROCK, "hardrock", "Hard Rock" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_FOLK, "folk", "Folk" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_FOLK_ROCK, "folkrock", "Folk-Rock" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_NATIONAL_FOLK, "nationalfolk", "National Folk" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_SWING, "swing", "Swing" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_FAST_FUSION, "fastfusion", "Fast Fusion" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_BEBOB, "bebob", "Bebob" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_LATIN, "latin", "Latin" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_REVIVAL, "revival", "Revival" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_CELTIC, "celtic", "Celtic" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_BLUEGRASS, "bluegrass", "Bluegrass" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_AVANTGARDE, "avantgarde", "Avantgarde" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_GOTHIC_ROCK, "gothicrock", "Gothic Rock" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_PROGRESSIVE_ROCK, "progressiverock", "Progresive Rock" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_PSYCHEDELIC_ROCK, "psychedelicrock", "Psychedelic Rock" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_SYMPHONIC_ROCK, "symphonicrock", "SYMPHONIC_ROCK" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_SLOW_ROCK, "slowrock", "Slow Rock" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_BIG_BAND, "bigband", "Big Band" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_CHORUS, "chorus", "Chorus" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_EASY_LISTENING, "easylistening", "Easy Listening" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_ACOUSTIC, "acoustic", "Acoustic" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_HUMOUR, "humour", "Humor" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_SPEECH, "speech", "Speech" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_CHANSON, "chanson", "Chason" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_OPERA, "opera", "Opera" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_CHAMBER_MUSIC, "chambermusic", "Chamber Music" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_SONATA, "sonata", "Sonata" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_SYMPHONY, "symphony", "Symphony" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_BOOTY_BASS, "bootybass", "Booty Bass" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_PRIMUS, "primus", "Primus" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_PORN_GROOVE, "porngroove", "Porn Groove" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_SATIRE, "satire", "Satire" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_SLOW_JAM, "slowjam", "Slow Jam" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_CLUB, "club", "Club" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_TANGO, "tango", "Tango" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_SAMBA, "samba", "Samba" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_FOLKLORE, "folklore", "Folklore" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_BALLAD, "ballad", "Ballad" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_POWER_BALLAD, "powerballad", "Power Ballad" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_RHYTHMIC_SOUL, "rhythmicsoul", "Rhythmic Soul" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_FREESTYLE, "freestyle", "Freestyle" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_DUET, "duet", "Duet" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_PUNK_ROCK, "punkrock", "Punk Rock" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_DRUM_SOLO, "drumsolo", "Drum Solo" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_A_CAPELLA, "acapella", "A capella" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_EURO_HOUSE, "eurohouse", "Euro-House" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_DANCE_HALL, "dancehall", "Dance Hall" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_NONE, "none", "none" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::GENRE_UNDEFINED } // must be last
+template <>
+const itmf::EnumStikType::Entry itmf::EnumStikType::data[] = {
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::STIK_OLD_MOVIE, "oldmovie", "Movie" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::STIK_NORMAL, "normal", "Normal" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::STIK_AUDIOBOOK, "audiobook", "Audio Book" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::STIK_MUSIC_VIDEO, "musicvideo", "Music Video" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::STIK_MOVIE, "movie", "Movie" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::STIK_TV_SHOW, "tvshow", "TV Show" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::STIK_BOOKLET, "booklet", "Booklet" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::STIK_RINGTONE, "ringtone", "Ringtone" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::STIK_UNDEFINED } // must be last
+template <>
+const itmf::EnumAccountType::Entry itmf::EnumAccountType::data[] = {
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::AT_ITUNES, "itunes", "iTunes" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::AT_AOL, "aol", "AOL" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::AT_UNDEFINED } // must be last
+template <>
+const itmf::EnumCountryCode::Entry itmf::EnumCountryCode::data[] = {
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CC_USA, "usa", "United States" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CC_USA, "fra", "France" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CC_DEU, "ger", "Germany" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CC_GBR, "gbr", "United Kingdom" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CC_AUT, "aut", "Austria" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CC_BEL, "bel", "Belgium" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CC_FIN, "fin", "Finland" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CC_GRC, "grc", "Greece" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CC_IRL, "irl", "Ireland" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CC_ITA, "ita", "Italy" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CC_LUX, "lux", "Luxembourg" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CC_NLD, "nld", "Netherlands" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CC_PRT, "prt", "Portugal" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CC_ESP, "esp", "Spain" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CC_CAN, "can", "Canada" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CC_SWE, "swe", "Sweden" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CC_NOR, "nor", "Norway" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CC_DNK, "dnk", "Denmark" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CC_CHE, "che", "Switzerland" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CC_AUS, "aus", "Australia" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CC_NZL, "nzl", "New Zealand" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CC_JPN, "jpn", "Japan" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CC_UNDEFINED } // must be last
+template <>
+const itmf::EnumContentRating::Entry itmf::EnumContentRating::data[] = {
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CR_NONE, "none", "None" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CR_CLEAN, "clean", "Clean" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CR_EXPLICIT, "explicit", "Explicit" },
+ { mp4v2::impl::itmf::CR_UNDEFINED } // must be last
+namespace itmf {
+// must come after static data init
+const EnumBasicType enumBasicType;
+const EnumGenreType enumGenreType;
+const EnumStikType enumStikType;
+const EnumAccountType enumAccountType;
+const EnumCountryCode enumCountryCode;
+const EnumContentRating enumContentRating;
+namespace {
+ struct ImageHeader {
+ BasicType type;
+ string data;
+ };
+ // POD static init does not need singletons
+ static ImageHeader IMAGE_HEADERS[] = {
+ { BT_BMP, "\x42\x4d" },
+ { BT_GIF, "GIF87a" },
+ { BT_GIF, "GIF89a" },
+ { BT_JPEG, "\xff\xd8\xff\xe0" },
+ { BT_PNG, "\x89\x50\x4e\x47\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a" },
+ { BT_UNDEFINED } // must be last
+ };
+computeBasicType( const void* buffer, uint32_t size )
+ ImageHeader* found = NULL;
+ for( ImageHeader* p = IMAGE_HEADERS; p->type != BT_UNDEFINED; p++ ) {
+ ImageHeader& h = *p;
+ if( size < )
+ continue;
+ if( memcmp(, buffer, == 0 ) {
+ found = &h;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return found ? found->type : BT_IMPLICIT;
+}}} // namespace mp4v2::impl::itmf
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/type.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/type.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..484c241c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/itmf/type.h
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+// Rouven Wessling, [email protected]
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl { namespace itmf {
+/// Basic set of types as detailed in spec.
+enum BasicType {
+ BT_IMPLICIT = 0, ///< for use with tags for which no type needs to be indicated
+ BT_UTF8 = 1, ///< without any count or null terminator
+ BT_UTF16 = 2, ///< also known as UTF-16BE
+ BT_SJIS = 3, ///< deprecated unless it is needed for special Japanese characters
+ BT_HTML = 6, ///< the HTML file header specifies which HTML version
+ BT_XML = 7, ///< the XML header must identify the DTD or schemas
+ BT_UUID = 8, ///< also known as GUID; stored as 16 bytes in binary (valid as an ID)
+ BT_ISRC = 9, ///< stored as UTF-8 text (valid as an ID)
+ BT_MI3P = 10, ///< stored as UTF-8 text (valid as an ID)
+ BT_GIF = 12, ///< (deprecated) a GIF image
+ BT_JPEG = 13, ///< a JPEG image
+ BT_PNG = 14, ///< a PNG image
+ BT_URL = 15, ///< absolute, in UTF-8 characters
+ BT_DURATION = 16, ///< in milliseconds, 32-bit integer
+ BT_DATETIME = 17, ///< in UTC, counting seconds since midnight, January 1, 1904; 32 or 64-bits
+ BT_GENRES = 18, ///< a list of enumerated values, see #Genre
+ BT_INTEGER = 21, ///< a signed big-endian integer with length one of { 1,2,3,4,8 } bytes
+ BT_RIAA_PA = 24, ///< RIAA parental advisory; { -1=no, 1=yes, 0=unspecified }, 8-bit ingteger
+ BT_UPC = 25, ///< Universal Product Code, in text UTF-8 format (valid as an ID)
+ BT_BMP = 27, ///< Windows bitmap image
+typedef Enum<BasicType,BT_UNDEFINED> EnumBasicType;
+MP4V2_EXPORT extern const EnumBasicType enumBasicType;
+/// enumerated genre as defined in ID3v1 specification but +1 as per iTMF spec.
+/// Note values 80 and higher are Winamp extensions.
+enum GenreType {
+ /* ID3v1 standard */
+ GENRE_POP = 14,
+ GENRE_R_AND_B = 15,
+ GENRE_RAP = 16,
+ GENRE_ROCK = 18,
+ GENRE_SKA = 22,
+ GENRE_ACID = 35,
+ GENRE_GAME = 37,
+ GENRE_BASS = 42,
+ GENRE_SOUL = 43,
+ GENRE_PUNK = 44,
+ GENRE_CULT = 59,
+ GENRE_TOP_40 = 61,
+ GENRE_RAVE = 69,
+ GENRE_LO_FI = 72,
+ /* Winamp extension */
+ GENRE_FOLK = 81,
+ GENRE_OPERA = 104,
+ GENRE_CLUB = 113,
+ GENRE_TANGO = 114,
+ GENRE_SAMBA = 115,
+ GENRE_DUET = 121,
+ GENRE_NONE = 255
+typedef Enum<GenreType,GENRE_UNDEFINED> EnumGenreType;
+MP4V2_EXPORT extern const EnumGenreType enumGenreType;
+/// enumerated 8-bit Video Type used by iTunes.
+/// Note values are not formally defined in any specification.
+enum StikType {
+ STIK_TV_SHOW = 10,
+typedef Enum<StikType,STIK_UNDEFINED> EnumStikType;
+MP4V2_EXPORT extern const EnumStikType enumStikType;
+/// enumerated 8-bit Account Type used by the iTunes Store.
+/// Note values are not formally defined in any specification.
+enum AccountType {
+ AT_ITUNES = 0,
+ AT_AOL = 1,
+typedef Enum<AccountType,AT_UNDEFINED> EnumAccountType;
+MP4V2_EXPORT extern const EnumAccountType enumAccountType;
+/// enumerated 32-bit Country Code used by the iTunes Store.
+/// Note values are not formally defined in any specification.
+enum CountryCode {
+ CC_USA = 143441,
+ CC_FRA = 143442,
+ CC_DEU = 143443,
+ CC_GBR = 143444,
+ CC_AUT = 143445,
+ CC_BEL = 143446,
+ CC_FIN = 143447,
+ CC_GRC = 143448,
+ CC_IRL = 143449,
+ CC_ITA = 143450,
+ CC_LUX = 143451,
+ CC_NLD = 143452,
+ CC_PRT = 143453,
+ CC_ESP = 143454,
+ CC_CAN = 143455,
+ CC_SWE = 143456,
+ CC_NOR = 143457,
+ CC_DNK = 143458,
+ CC_CHE = 143459,
+ CC_AUS = 143460,
+ CC_NZL = 143461,
+ CC_JPN = 143462,
+typedef Enum<CountryCode,CC_UNDEFINED> EnumCountryCode;
+MP4V2_EXPORT extern const EnumCountryCode enumCountryCode;
+/// enumerated 8-bit Content Rating used by iTunes.
+/// Note values are not formally defined in any specification.
+enum ContentRating {
+ CR_NONE = 0,
+ CR_CLEAN = 2,
+typedef Enum<ContentRating,CR_UNDEFINED> EnumContentRating;
+MP4V2_EXPORT extern const EnumContentRating enumContentRating;
+/// compute BasicType by examining raw bytes header.
+MP4V2_EXPORT BasicType
+computeBasicType( const void* buffer, uint32_t size );
+}}} // namespace mp4v2::impl::itmf
+#endif // MP4V2_IMPL_ITMF_TYPE_H
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/log.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/log.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..26eea6b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/log.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is David Byron.
+// Portions created by David Byron are Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// David Byron, [email protected]
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+MP4LogCallback Log::_cb_func = NULL;
+// There's no mechanism to set the log level at runtime at
+// the moment so construct this so it only logs important
+// stuff.
+Log log(MP4_LOG_WARNING);
+ * Log class constructor
+ */
+Log::Log( MP4LogLevel verbosity_ /* = MP4_LOG_NONE */ )
+ : _verbosity ( verbosity_ )
+ , verbosity ( _verbosity )
+ * Log class destructor
+ */
+ * Mutator for the callback function
+ *
+ * @param value the function to call
+ */
+Log::setLogCallback( MP4LogCallback value )
+ Log::_cb_func = value;
+ * Mutator for the verbosity
+ *
+ * @param value the verbosity to use
+ */
+Log::setVerbosity( MP4LogLevel value )
+ _verbosity = value;
+ * Log an error message
+ *
+ * @param format the format string to use to process the
+ * remaining arguments. @p format should not contain a
+ * newline.
+ */
+Log::errorf( const char* format,
+ ... )
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap,format);
+ this->vprintf(MP4_LOG_ERROR,format,ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ * Log a warning message
+ *
+ * @param format the format string to use to process the
+ * remaining arguments. @p format should not contain a
+ * newline.
+ */
+Log::warningf( const char* format,
+ ... )
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap,format);
+ this->vprintf(MP4_LOG_WARNING,format,ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ * Log an info message
+ *
+ * @param format the format string to use to process the
+ * remaining arguments. @p format should not contain a
+ * newline.
+ */
+Log::infof( const char* format,
+ ... )
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap,format);
+ this->vprintf(MP4_LOG_INFO,format,ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ * Log a verbose1 message
+ *
+ * @param format the format string to use to process the
+ * remaining arguments. @p format should not contain a
+ * newline.
+ */
+Log::verbose1f( const char* format,
+ ... )
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap,format);
+ this->vprintf(MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1,format,ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ * Log a verbose2 message
+ *
+ * @param format the format string to use to process the
+ * remaining arguments. @p format should not contain a
+ * newline.
+ */
+Log::verbose2f( const char* format,
+ ... )
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap,format);
+ this->vprintf(MP4_LOG_VERBOSE2,format,ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ * Log a verbose3 message
+ *
+ * @param format the format string to use to process the
+ * remaining arguments. @p format should not contain a
+ * newline.
+ */
+Log::verbose3f( const char* format,
+ ... )
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap,format);
+ this->vprintf(MP4_LOG_VERBOSE3,format,ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ * Log a verbose4 message
+ *
+ * @param format the format string to use to process the
+ * remaining arguments. @p format should not contain a
+ * newline.
+ */
+Log::verbose4f( const char* format,
+ ... )
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap,format);
+ this->vprintf(MP4_LOG_VERBOSE4,format,ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ * Dump info to the console or a callback
+ *
+ * @param indent the number of spaces to indent the info
+ *
+ * @param verbosity the level of detail the message contains
+ *
+ * @param format the format string to use to process the
+ * remaining arguments. @p format should not contain a
+ * newline.
+ */
+Log::dump ( uint8_t indent,
+ MP4LogLevel verbosity_,
+ const char* format, ... )
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap,format);
+ this->vdump(indent,verbosity,format,ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ * Dump info if it has appropriate verbosity, either to
+ * standard out (with a newline appended to @p format) or to
+ * the callback function (with no newline appended).
+ *
+ * @param indent the number of spaces to indent the info
+ *
+ * @param verbosity the level of detail the message contains
+ *
+ * @param format the format string to use to process @p ap.
+ * @p format should not contain a newline.
+ *
+ * @param ap varargs to build the message
+ */
+Log::vdump( uint8_t indent,
+ MP4LogLevel verbosity_,
+ const char* format,
+ va_list ap )
+ // Make sure nothing gets logged with MP4_LOG_NONE.
+ // That way people who ask for nothing to get logged
+ // won't get anything logged.
+ ASSERT(verbosity_ != MP4_LOG_NONE);
+ ASSERT(format);
+ ASSERT(format[0] != '\0');
+ if (verbosity_ > this->_verbosity)
+ {
+ // We're not set verbose enough to log this
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Log::_cb_func)
+ {
+ ostringstream new_format;
+ if (indent > 0)
+ {
+ string indent_str(indent,' ');
+ // new_format << setw(indent) << setfill(' ') << "" << setw(0);
+ // new_format << format;
+ new_format << indent_str << format;
+ Log::_cb_func(verbosity_,new_format.str().c_str(),ap);
+ return;
+ }
+ Log::_cb_func(verbosity_,format,ap);
+ return;
+ }
+ // No callback set so log to standard out.
+ if (indent > 0)
+ {
+ ::fprintf(stdout,"%*c",indent,' ');
+ }
+ ::vfprintf(stdout,format,ap);
+ ::fprintf(stdout,"\n");
+ * Log a message
+ *
+ * @param verbosity the level of detail the message contains
+ *
+ * @param format the format string to use to process the
+ * remaining arguments. @p format should not contain a
+ * newline.
+ */
+Log::printf( MP4LogLevel verbosity,
+ const char* format,
+ ... )
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap,format);
+ this->vprintf(verbosity,format,ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ * Log a message if it has appropriate verbosity, either to
+ * standard out (with a newline appended to @p format) or to
+ * the callback function (with no newline appended).
+ *
+ * @param verbosity the level of detail the message contains
+ *
+ * @param format the format string to use to process @p ap.
+ * @p format should not contain a newline.
+ *
+ * @param ap varargs to build the message
+ */
+Log::vprintf( MP4LogLevel verbosity_,
+ const char* format,
+ va_list ap )
+ // Make sure nothing gets logged with MP4_LOG_NONE.
+ // That way people who ask for nothing to get logged
+ // won't get anything logged.
+ ASSERT(verbosity_ != MP4_LOG_NONE);
+ ASSERT(format);
+ if (verbosity_ > this->_verbosity)
+ {
+ // We're not set verbose enough to log this
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Log::_cb_func)
+ {
+ Log::_cb_func(verbosity_,format,ap);
+ return;
+ }
+ // No callback set so log to standard out.
+ ::vfprintf(stdout,format,ap);
+ ::fprintf(stdout,"\n");
+ * Log a buffer as ascii-hex
+ *
+ * @param indent the number of spaces to indent the buffer
+ *
+ * @param verbosity the level of detail the message contains
+ *
+ * @param pBytes the buffer to log
+ *
+ * @param numBytes the number of bytes to log
+ *
+ * @param format the format string to use to process the
+ * remaining arguments, where the format + remaining args
+ * describe @p pBytes. The resulting string should not
+ * contain a newline. Only the first 255 characters of the
+ * resulting string (not including the NUL terminator) make
+ * it to the log callback or stdout.
+ */
+Log::hexDump( uint8_t indent,
+ MP4LogLevel verbosity_,
+ const uint8_t* pBytes,
+ uint32_t numBytes,
+ const char* format,
+ ... )
+ va_list ap;
+ ASSERT(pBytes || (numBytes == 0));
+ ASSERT(format);
+ if (verbosity_ > this->_verbosity)
+ {
+ // We're not set verbose enough to log this
+ return;
+ }
+ // Build the description by processing format and the
+ // remaining args. Since we don't have asprintf, pick
+ // an arbitrary length for the string and use snprintf.
+ // To save a memory allocation, only do this if there's
+ // a non-empty format string or non-zero indent
+ char *desc = NULL;
+ if (format[0] || indent)
+ {
+ desc = (char *)MP4Calloc(256 + indent);
+ sprintf(desc,"%*c",indent,' ');
+ va_start(ap,format);
+ vsnprintf(desc + indent,255,format,ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ }
+ // From here we can use the C++ standard lib classes and
+ // build a string for each line
+ for (uint32_t i = 0;(i < numBytes);i += 16)
+ {
+ // ios_base::ate means at end. With out this desc
+ // gets overwritten with each << operation
+ ostringstream oneLine(desc ? desc : "",ios_base::ate);
+ // Append the byte offset this line starts with as
+ // an 8 character, leading 0, hex number. Leave the
+ // fill character set to 0 for the remaining
+ // operations
+ oneLine << ':' << hex << setw(8) << setfill('0') <<
+ std::right << i << setw(0) << setfill(' ') << ": ";
+ uint32_t curlen = min((uint32_t)16,numBytes - i);
+ const uint8_t *b = pBytes + i;
+ uint32_t j;
+ for (j = 0;(j < curlen);j++)
+ {
+ oneLine << hex << setw(2) << setfill('0') << right << static_cast<uint32_t>(b[j]);
+ oneLine << setw(0) << setfill(' ') << ' ';
+ }
+ for (; j < 16; j++)
+ {
+ oneLine << " ";
+ }
+ b = pBytes + i;
+ for (j = 0;(j < curlen);j++)
+ {
+ if (isprint(static_cast<int>(b[j])))
+ {
+ oneLine << static_cast<char>(b[j]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ oneLine << '.';
+ }
+ }
+ // We can either call the callback directly or use
+ // the Log::printf function. To call the callback
+ // directly, we need a va_list. (I think) we need
+ // and extra function call to build that, so we may
+ // as well call Log::printf. It's going to
+ // double-check the verbosity and the callback
+ // function pointer, but that seems OK (13-feb-09,
+ // dbyron)
+ this->printf(verbosity_,"%s",oneLine.str().c_str());
+ }
+ if (desc)
+ {
+ MP4Free(desc);
+ desc = NULL;
+ }
+ * Log an Exception as an error
+ *
+ * @param x the exception to log
+ */
+Log::errorf ( const Exception& x )
+ this->printf(MP4_LOG_ERROR,"%s",x.msg().c_str());
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
+using namespace mp4v2::impl;
+extern "C"
+void MP4SetLogCallback( MP4LogCallback cb_func )
+ Log::setLogCallback(cb_func);
+extern "C"
+MP4LogLevel MP4LogGetLevel(void)
+ return mp4v2::impl::log.verbosity;
+extern "C"
+void MP4LogSetLevel( MP4LogLevel verbosity )
+ try
+ {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.setVerbosity(verbosity);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/log.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/log.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e7a6e001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/log.h
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is David Byron.
+// Portions created by David Byron are Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// David Byron, [email protected]
+#ifndef MP4V2_IMPL_LOG_H
+#define MP4V2_IMPL_LOG_H
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+ * Handle logging either to standard out or to a callback
+ * function
+ */
+class MP4V2_EXPORT Log {
+ MP4LogLevel _verbosity;
+ static MP4LogCallback _cb_func;
+ const MP4LogLevel& verbosity;
+ Log( MP4LogLevel = MP4_LOG_NONE );
+ virtual ~Log();
+ static void setLogCallback ( MP4LogCallback );
+ void setVerbosity ( MP4LogLevel );
+ void errorf ( const char* format, ... ) MP4V2_WFORMAT_PRINTF(2,3);
+ void warningf ( const char* format, ... ) MP4V2_WFORMAT_PRINTF(2,3);
+ void infof ( const char* format, ... ) MP4V2_WFORMAT_PRINTF(2,3);
+ void verbose1f ( const char* format, ... ) MP4V2_WFORMAT_PRINTF(2,3);
+ void verbose2f ( const char* format, ... ) MP4V2_WFORMAT_PRINTF(2,3);
+ void verbose3f ( const char* format, ... ) MP4V2_WFORMAT_PRINTF(2,3);
+ void verbose4f ( const char* format, ... ) MP4V2_WFORMAT_PRINTF(2,3);
+ void dump ( uint8_t indent,
+ MP4LogLevel verbosity_,
+ const char* format, ... ) MP4V2_WFORMAT_PRINTF(4,5);
+ void vdump ( uint8_t indent,
+ MP4LogLevel verbosity_,
+ const char* format, va_list ap );
+ void printf ( MP4LogLevel verbosity_,
+ const char* format, ... ) MP4V2_WFORMAT_PRINTF(3,4);
+ void vprintf ( MP4LogLevel verbosity_,
+ const char* format, va_list ap );
+ void hexDump ( uint8_t indent,
+ MP4LogLevel verbosity_,
+ const uint8_t* pBytes,
+ uint32_t numBytes,
+ const char* format, ... ) MP4V2_WFORMAT_PRINTF(6,7);
+ void errorf ( const Exception& x );
+ Log ( const Log &src );
+ Log &operator= ( const Log &src );
+ * A global (at least to mp4v2) log object for code that
+ * needs to log something but doesn't otherwise have access
+ * to one
+ */
+extern Log log;
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
+#endif // MP4V2_IMPL_LOG_H
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..36052986
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,4563 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001 - 2005. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * 3GPP features implementation is based on 3GPP's TS26.234-v5.60,
+ * and was contributed by Ximpo Group Ltd.
+ *
+ * Portions created by Ximpo Group Ltd. are
+ * Copyright (C) Ximpo Group Ltd. 2003, 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ * Alix Marchandise-Franquet [email protected]
+ * Ximpo Group Ltd. [email protected]
+ * Bill May [email protected]
+ */
+ * MP4 library API functions
+ *
+ * These are wrapper functions that provide C linkage conventions
+ * to the library, and catch any internal errors, ensuring that
+ * a proper return value is given.
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+using namespace mp4v2::impl;
+static MP4File *ConstructMP4File ( void )
+ MP4File* pFile = NULL;
+ try {
+ pFile = new MP4File();
+ }
+ catch( std::bad_alloc ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: unable to allocate MP4File", __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: unknown exception constructing MP4File", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ return pFile;
+extern "C" {
+const char* MP4GetFilename( MP4FileHandle hFile )
+ return NULL;
+ try
+ {
+ ASSERT(hFile);
+ MP4File& file = *static_cast<MP4File*>(hFile);
+ ASSERT(file.GetFilename().c_str());
+ return file.GetFilename().c_str();
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: unknown exception accessing MP4File "
+ "filename", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ return NULL;
+MP4FileHandle MP4Read( const char* fileName )
+ if (!fileName)
+ MP4File *pFile = ConstructMP4File();
+ if (!pFile)
+ try
+ {
+ ASSERT(pFile);
+ pFile->Read( fileName, NULL );
+ return (MP4FileHandle)pFile;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: \"%s\": failed", __FUNCTION__,
+ fileName );
+ }
+ if (pFile)
+ delete pFile;
+MP4FileHandle MP4ReadProvider( const char* fileName, const MP4FileProvider* fileProvider )
+ if (!fileName)
+ MP4File *pFile = ConstructMP4File();
+ if (!pFile)
+ try {
+ pFile->Read( fileName, fileProvider );
+ return (MP4FileHandle)pFile;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: \"%s\": failed", __FUNCTION__,
+ fileName );
+ }
+ if (pFile)
+ delete pFile;
+ MP4FileHandle MP4Create (const char* fileName,
+ uint32_t flags)
+ {
+ return MP4CreateEx(fileName, flags);
+ }
+ MP4FileHandle MP4CreateEx (const char* fileName,
+ uint32_t flags,
+ int add_ftyp,
+ int add_iods,
+ char* majorBrand,
+ uint32_t minorVersion,
+ char** supportedBrands,
+ uint32_t supportedBrandsCount)
+ {
+ if (!fileName)
+ MP4File* pFile = ConstructMP4File();
+ if (!pFile)
+ try {
+ ASSERT(pFile);
+ // LATER useExtensibleFormat, moov first, then mvex's
+ pFile->Create(fileName, flags, add_ftyp, add_iods,
+ majorBrand, minorVersion,
+ supportedBrands, supportedBrandsCount);
+ return (MP4FileHandle)pFile;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: \"%s\": failed", __FUNCTION__,
+ fileName );
+ }
+ if (pFile)
+ delete pFile;
+ }
+ MP4FileHandle MP4Modify(const char* fileName,
+ uint32_t flags)
+ {
+ if (!fileName)
+ MP4File* pFile = ConstructMP4File();
+ if (!pFile)
+ try {
+ ASSERT(pFile);
+ // LATER useExtensibleFormat, moov first, then mvex's
+ if (pFile->Modify(fileName))
+ return (MP4FileHandle)pFile;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: \"%s\": failed", __FUNCTION__,
+ fileName );
+ }
+ if (pFile)
+ delete pFile;
+ }
+ bool MP4Optimize(const char* fileName,
+ const char* newFileName)
+ {
+ // Must at least have fileName for in-place optimize; newFileName
+ // can be null, however.
+ if (fileName == NULL)
+ return false;
+ MP4File* pFile = ConstructMP4File();
+ if (!pFile)
+ try {
+ ASSERT(pFile);
+ pFile->Optimize(fileName, newFileName);
+ delete pFile;
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s(%s,%s) failed", __FUNCTION__,
+ fileName, newFileName );
+ }
+ if (pFile)
+ delete pFile;
+ return false;
+ }
+ void MP4Close(MP4FileHandle hFile, uint32_t flags)
+ {
+ if( !MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE( hFile ))
+ return;
+ MP4File& f = *(MP4File*)hFile;
+ try {
+ f.Close(flags);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ delete &f;
+ }
+ bool MP4Dump(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ bool dumpImplicits)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->Dump(dumpImplicits);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ MP4Duration MP4GetDuration(MP4FileHandle hFile)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetDuration();
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t MP4GetTimeScale(MP4FileHandle hFile)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTimeScale();
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bool MP4SetTimeScale(MP4FileHandle hFile, uint32_t value)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetTimeScale(value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint8_t MP4GetODProfileLevel(MP4FileHandle hFile)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetODProfileLevel();
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bool MP4SetODProfileLevel(MP4FileHandle hFile, uint8_t value)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetODProfileLevel(value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint8_t MP4GetSceneProfileLevel(MP4FileHandle hFile)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetSceneProfileLevel();
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bool MP4SetSceneProfileLevel(MP4FileHandle hFile, uint8_t value)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetSceneProfileLevel(value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint8_t MP4GetVideoProfileLevel(MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetVideoProfileLevel();
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_TRACK_ID(trackId)) {
+ uint8_t *foo;
+ uint32_t bufsize;
+ uint8_t type;
+ // for mpeg4 video tracks, try to look for the VOSH header,
+ // which has this info.
+ type = MP4GetTrackEsdsObjectTypeId(hFile, trackId);
+ if (type == MP4_MPEG4_VIDEO_TYPE) {
+ if (MP4GetTrackESConfiguration(hFile,
+ trackId,
+ &foo,
+ &bufsize)) {
+ uint8_t *ptr = foo;
+ while (bufsize > 0) {
+ if (MP4V2_HTONL(*(uint32_t *)ptr) == 0x1b0) {
+ uint8_t ret = ptr[4];
+ free(foo);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ ptr++;
+ bufsize--;
+ }
+ free(foo);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void MP4SetVideoProfileLevel(MP4FileHandle hFile, uint8_t value)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetVideoProfileLevel(value);
+ return ;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return ;
+ }
+ uint8_t MP4GetAudioProfileLevel(MP4FileHandle hFile)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetAudioProfileLevel();
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void MP4SetAudioProfileLevel(MP4FileHandle hFile, uint8_t value)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetAudioProfileLevel(value);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ uint8_t MP4GetGraphicsProfileLevel(MP4FileHandle hFile)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetGraphicsProfileLevel();
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bool MP4SetGraphicsProfileLevel(MP4FileHandle hFile, uint8_t value)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetGraphicsProfileLevel(value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* generic file properties */
+ bool MP4HaveAtom (MP4FileHandle hFile, const char *atomName)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File *)hFile)->FindAtom(atomName) != NULL;
+ } catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4GetIntegerProperty(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, const char* propName, uint64_t *retvalue)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ *retvalue = ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetIntegerProperty(propName);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4GetFloatProperty(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, const char* propName, float *retvalue)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ *retvalue = ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetFloatProperty(propName);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4GetStringProperty(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, const char* propName,
+ const char **retvalue)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ *retvalue = ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetStringProperty(propName);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4GetBytesProperty(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, const char* propName,
+ uint8_t** ppValue, uint32_t* pValueSize)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetBytesProperty(propName, ppValue, pValueSize);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ *ppValue = NULL;
+ *pValueSize = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4SetIntegerProperty(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, const char* propName, int64_t value)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetIntegerProperty(propName, value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4SetFloatProperty(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, const char* propName, float value)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetFloatProperty(propName, value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4SetStringProperty(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, const char* propName, const char* value)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetStringProperty(propName, value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4SetBytesProperty(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, const char* propName,
+ const uint8_t* pValue, uint32_t valueSize)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetBytesProperty(propName, pValue, valueSize);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* track operations */
+ MP4TrackId MP4AddTrack(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, const char* type,uint32_t timeScale)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->AddSystemsTrack(type, timeScale);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4AddSystemsTrack(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, const char* type)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->AddSystemsTrack(type);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4AddODTrack(MP4FileHandle hFile)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->AddODTrack();
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4AddSceneTrack(MP4FileHandle hFile)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->AddSceneTrack();
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4AddULawAudioTrack(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ uint32_t timeScale)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->
+ AddULawAudioTrack(timeScale);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4AddALawAudioTrack(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ uint32_t timeScale)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->
+ AddALawAudioTrack(timeScale);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4AddAudioTrack(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ uint8_t audioType)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->
+ AddAudioTrack(timeScale, sampleDuration, audioType);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// API to initialize ismacryp properties to sensible defaults.
+// if the input pointer is null then an ismacryp params is malloc'd.
+// caller must see to it that it is properly disposed of.
+ mp4v2_ismacrypParams *MP4DefaultISMACrypParams(mp4v2_ismacrypParams *ptr)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ if (ptr == NULL) {
+ ptr = (mp4v2_ismacrypParams *)MP4Malloc(sizeof(mp4v2_ismacrypParams));
+ }
+ memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(*ptr));
+ return ptr;
+ }
+ catch (...) {
+ }
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4AddAC3AudioTrack(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ uint32_t samplingRate,
+ uint8_t fscod,
+ uint8_t bsid,
+ uint8_t bsmod,
+ uint8_t acmod,
+ uint8_t lfeon,
+ uint8_t bit_rate_code)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->
+ AddAC3AudioTrack(samplingRate, fscod, bsid, bsmod, acmod, lfeon, bit_rate_code);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4AddEncAudioTrack(MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ mp4v2_ismacrypParams *icPp,
+ uint8_t audioType)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ if (icPp == NULL) {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->
+ AddEncAudioTrack(timeScale, sampleDuration, audioType,
+ 0, 0,
+ 0, 0,
+ false, NULL, false);
+ } else {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->
+ AddEncAudioTrack(timeScale, sampleDuration, audioType,
+ icPp->scheme_type, icPp->scheme_version,
+ icPp->key_ind_len, icPp->iv_len,
+ icPp->selective_enc, icPp->kms_uri, true);
+ }
+ } catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4AddAmrAudioTrack(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ uint16_t modeSet,
+ uint8_t modeChangePeriod,
+ uint8_t framesPerSample,
+ bool isAmrWB)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->
+ AddAmrAudioTrack(timeScale, modeSet, modeChangePeriod, framesPerSample, isAmrWB);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void MP4SetAmrVendor(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint32_t vendor)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->
+ SetAmrVendor(trackId, vendor);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void MP4SetAmrDecoderVersion(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint8_t decoderVersion)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->
+ SetAmrDecoderVersion(trackId, decoderVersion);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void MP4SetAmrModeSet(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint16_t modeSet)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->
+ SetAmrModeSet(trackId, modeSet);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ uint16_t MP4GetAmrModeSet(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->
+ GetAmrModeSet(trackId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4AddHrefTrack (MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ const char *base_url)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ MP4File *pFile = (MP4File *)hFile;
+ return pFile->AddHrefTrack(timeScale,
+ sampleDuration,
+ base_url);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const char *MP4GetHrefTrackBaseUrl (MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackStringProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.href.burl.base_url");
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4AddVideoTrack(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ uint16_t width,
+ uint16_t height,
+ uint8_t videoType)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ MP4File *pFile = (MP4File *)hFile;
+ return pFile->AddMP4VideoTrack(timeScale,
+ sampleDuration,
+ width,
+ height,
+ videoType);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4AddEncVideoTrack(MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ uint16_t width,
+ uint16_t height,
+ mp4v2_ismacrypParams *icPp,
+ uint8_t videoType,
+ const char *oFormat)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ // test for valid ismacrypt session descriptor
+ if (icPp == NULL) {
+ }
+ MP4File *pFile = (MP4File *)hFile;
+ return pFile->AddEncVideoTrack(timeScale,
+ sampleDuration,
+ width,
+ height,
+ videoType,
+ icPp,
+ oFormat);
+ } catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4AddColr(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId refTrackId, uint16_t pri, uint16_t tran, uint16_t mat)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->AddColr(refTrackId, pri, tran, mat);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4AddH264VideoTrack(MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ uint16_t width,
+ uint16_t height,
+ uint8_t AVCProfileIndication,
+ uint8_t profile_compat,
+ uint8_t AVCLevelIndication,
+ uint8_t sampleLenFieldSizeMinusOne)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ MP4File *pFile = (MP4File *)hFile;
+ return pFile->AddH264VideoTrack(timeScale,
+ sampleDuration,
+ width,
+ height,
+ AVCProfileIndication,
+ profile_compat,
+ AVCLevelIndication,
+ sampleLenFieldSizeMinusOne);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4AddEncH264VideoTrack(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ uint16_t width,
+ uint16_t height,
+ MP4FileHandle srcFile,
+ MP4TrackId srcTrackId,
+ mp4v2_ismacrypParams *icPp
+ )
+ {
+ MP4Atom *srcAtom;
+ MP4File *pFile;
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ pFile = (MP4File *)srcFile;
+ srcAtom = pFile->FindTrackAtom(srcTrackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.avc1.avcC");
+ if (srcAtom == NULL)
+ pFile = (MP4File *)hFile;
+ return pFile->AddEncH264VideoTrack(timeScale,
+ sampleDuration,
+ width,
+ height,
+ srcAtom,
+ icPp);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void MP4AddH264SequenceParameterSet (MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const uint8_t *pSequence,
+ uint16_t sequenceLen)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ MP4File *pFile = (MP4File *)hFile;
+ pFile->AddH264SequenceParameterSet(trackId,
+ pSequence,
+ sequenceLen);
+ return;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ void MP4AddH264PictureParameterSet (MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const uint8_t *pPict,
+ uint16_t pictLen)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ MP4File *pFile = (MP4File *)hFile;
+ pFile->AddH264PictureParameterSet(trackId,
+ pPict,
+ pictLen);
+ return;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4AddH263VideoTrack(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ uint16_t width,
+ uint16_t height,
+ uint8_t h263Level,
+ uint8_t h263Profile,
+ uint32_t avgBitrate,
+ uint32_t maxBitrate)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->
+ AddH263VideoTrack(timeScale, sampleDuration, width, height, h263Level, h263Profile, avgBitrate, maxBitrate);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void MP4SetH263Vendor(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint32_t vendor)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->
+ SetH263Vendor(trackId, vendor);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void MP4SetH263DecoderVersion(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint8_t decoderVersion)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->
+ SetH263DecoderVersion(trackId, decoderVersion);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void MP4SetH263Bitrates(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint32_t avgBitrate,
+ uint32_t maxBitrate)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->
+ SetH263Bitrates(trackId, avgBitrate, maxBitrate);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4AddHintTrack(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId refTrackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->AddHintTrack(refTrackId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4AddTextTrack(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId refTrackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->AddTextTrack(refTrackId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4AddSubtitleTrack(MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ uint32_t timescale,
+ uint16_t width,
+ uint16_t height)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->AddSubtitleTrack(timescale, width, height);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4AddSubpicTrack(MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ uint32_t timescale,
+ uint16_t width,
+ uint16_t height)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->AddSubpicTrack(timescale, width, height);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4AddChapterTextTrack(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId refTrackId, uint32_t timescale)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->AddChapterTextTrack(refTrackId, timescale);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4AddPixelAspectRatio(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId refTrackId, uint32_t hSpacing, uint32_t vSpacing)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->AddPixelAspectRatio(refTrackId, hSpacing, vSpacing);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void MP4AddChapter(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId chapterTrackId, MP4Duration chapterDuration, const char *chapterTitle)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->AddChapter(chapterTrackId, chapterDuration, chapterTitle);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void MP4AddNeroChapter(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4Timestamp chapterStart, const char *chapterTitle)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->AddNeroChapter(chapterStart, chapterTitle);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4ChapterType MP4ConvertChapters(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4ChapterType toChapterType)
+ {
+ {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->ConvertChapters(toChapterType);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return MP4ChapterTypeNone;
+ }
+ MP4ChapterType MP4DeleteChapters(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4ChapterType fromChapterType, MP4TrackId chapterTrackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->DeleteChapters(fromChapterType, chapterTrackId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return MP4ChapterTypeNone;
+ }
+ MP4ChapterType MP4GetChapters(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4Chapter_t ** chapterList, uint32_t * chapterCount, MP4ChapterType fromChapterType)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetChapters(chapterList, chapterCount, fromChapterType);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return MP4ChapterTypeNone;
+ }
+ MP4ChapterType MP4SetChapters(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4Chapter_t * chapterList, uint32_t chapterCount, MP4ChapterType toChapterType)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetChapters(chapterList, chapterCount, toChapterType);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return MP4ChapterTypeNone;
+ }
+ void MP4ChangeMovieTimeScale(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, uint32_t value)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->ChangeMovieTimeScale(value);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4CloneTrack (MP4FileHandle srcFile,
+ MP4TrackId srcTrackId,
+ MP4FileHandle dstFile,
+ MP4TrackId dstHintTrackReferenceTrack)
+ {
+ MP4TrackId dstTrackId = MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID;
+ if (dstFile == NULL) {
+ dstFile = srcFile;
+ }
+ const char* trackType =
+ MP4GetTrackType(srcFile, srcTrackId);
+ if (!trackType) {
+ return dstTrackId;
+ }
+ const char *media_data_name =
+ MP4GetTrackMediaDataName(srcFile, srcTrackId);
+ if (media_data_name == NULL) return dstTrackId;
+ if (MP4_IS_VIDEO_TRACK_TYPE(trackType)) {
+ if (ATOMID(media_data_name) == ATOMID("mp4v")) {
+ MP4SetVideoProfileLevel(dstFile,
+ MP4GetVideoProfileLevel(srcFile));
+ dstTrackId = MP4AddVideoTrack(
+ dstFile,
+ MP4GetTrackTimeScale(srcFile,
+ srcTrackId),
+ MP4GetTrackFixedSampleDuration(srcFile,
+ srcTrackId),
+ MP4GetTrackVideoWidth(srcFile,
+ srcTrackId),
+ MP4GetTrackVideoHeight(srcFile,
+ srcTrackId),
+ MP4GetTrackEsdsObjectTypeId(srcFile,
+ srcTrackId));
+ } else if (ATOMID(media_data_name) == ATOMID("avc1")) {
+ uint8_t AVCProfileIndication;
+ uint8_t profile_compat;
+ uint8_t AVCLevelIndication;
+ uint32_t sampleLenFieldSizeMinusOne;
+ uint64_t temp;
+ if (MP4GetTrackH264ProfileLevel(srcFile, srcTrackId,
+ &AVCProfileIndication,
+ &AVCLevelIndication) == false) {
+ return dstTrackId;
+ }
+ if (MP4GetTrackH264LengthSize(srcFile, srcTrackId,
+ &sampleLenFieldSizeMinusOne) == false) {
+ return dstTrackId;
+ }
+ sampleLenFieldSizeMinusOne--;
+ if (MP4GetTrackIntegerProperty(srcFile, srcTrackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*[0].avcC.profile_compatibility",
+ &temp) == false) return dstTrackId;
+ profile_compat = temp & 0xff;
+ dstTrackId = MP4AddH264VideoTrack(dstFile,
+ MP4GetTrackTimeScale(srcFile,
+ srcTrackId),
+ MP4GetTrackFixedSampleDuration(srcFile,
+ srcTrackId),
+ MP4GetTrackVideoWidth(srcFile,
+ srcTrackId),
+ MP4GetTrackVideoHeight(srcFile,
+ srcTrackId),
+ AVCProfileIndication,
+ profile_compat,
+ AVCLevelIndication,
+ sampleLenFieldSizeMinusOne);
+ uint8_t **seqheader, **pictheader;
+ uint32_t *pictheadersize, *seqheadersize;
+ uint32_t ix;
+ MP4GetTrackH264SeqPictHeaders(srcFile, srcTrackId,
+ &seqheader, &seqheadersize,
+ &pictheader, &pictheadersize);
+ for (ix = 0; seqheadersize[ix] != 0; ix++) {
+ MP4AddH264SequenceParameterSet(dstFile, dstTrackId,
+ seqheader[ix], seqheadersize[ix]);
+ free(seqheader[ix]);
+ }
+ free(seqheader);
+ free(seqheadersize);
+ for (ix = 0; pictheadersize[ix] != 0; ix++) {
+ MP4AddH264PictureParameterSet(dstFile, dstTrackId,
+ pictheader[ix], pictheadersize[ix]);
+ free(pictheader[ix]);
+ }
+ free(pictheader);
+ free(pictheadersize);
+ } else
+ return dstTrackId;
+ } else if (MP4_IS_AUDIO_TRACK_TYPE(trackType)) {
+ if (ATOMID(media_data_name) != ATOMID("mp4a")) return dstTrackId;
+ MP4SetAudioProfileLevel(dstFile,
+ MP4GetAudioProfileLevel(srcFile));
+ dstTrackId = MP4AddAudioTrack(
+ dstFile,
+ MP4GetTrackTimeScale(srcFile, srcTrackId),
+ MP4GetTrackFixedSampleDuration(srcFile, srcTrackId),
+ MP4GetTrackEsdsObjectTypeId(srcFile, srcTrackId));
+ } else if (MP4_IS_OD_TRACK_TYPE(trackType)) {
+ dstTrackId = MP4AddODTrack(dstFile);
+ } else if (MP4_IS_SCENE_TRACK_TYPE(trackType)) {
+ dstTrackId = MP4AddSceneTrack(dstFile);
+ } else if (MP4_IS_HINT_TRACK_TYPE(trackType)) {
+ if (dstHintTrackReferenceTrack == MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) {
+ dstTrackId = MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID;
+ } else {
+ dstTrackId = MP4AddHintTrack(
+ dstFile,
+ dstHintTrackReferenceTrack);
+ }
+ } else if (MP4_IS_SYSTEMS_TRACK_TYPE(trackType)) {
+ dstTrackId = MP4AddSystemsTrack(dstFile, trackType);
+ } else {
+ dstTrackId = MP4AddTrack(dstFile, trackType);
+ }
+ if (dstTrackId == MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) {
+ return dstTrackId;
+ }
+ MP4SetTrackTimeScale(
+ dstFile,
+ dstTrackId,
+ MP4GetTrackTimeScale(srcFile, srcTrackId));
+ if (MP4_IS_AUDIO_TRACK_TYPE(trackType)
+ || MP4_IS_VIDEO_TRACK_TYPE(trackType)) {
+ // copy track ES configuration
+ uint8_t* pConfig = NULL;
+ uint32_t configSize = 0;
+ MP4LogLevel verb = mp4v2::impl::log.verbosity;
+ mp4v2::impl::log.setVerbosity(MP4_LOG_NONE);
+ bool haveEs = MP4GetTrackESConfiguration(srcFile,
+ srcTrackId,
+ &pConfig,
+ &configSize);
+ mp4v2::impl::log.setVerbosity(verb);
+ if (haveEs &&
+ pConfig != NULL && configSize != 0) {
+ if (!MP4SetTrackESConfiguration(
+ dstFile,
+ dstTrackId,
+ pConfig,
+ configSize)) {
+ free(pConfig);
+ MP4DeleteTrack(dstFile, dstTrackId);
+ }
+ free(pConfig);
+ }
+ }
+ if (MP4_IS_HINT_TRACK_TYPE(trackType)) {
+ // probably not exactly what is wanted
+ // but caller can adjust later to fit their desires
+ char* payloadName = NULL;
+ char *encodingParms = NULL;
+ uint8_t payloadNumber;
+ uint16_t maxPayloadSize;
+ if (MP4GetHintTrackRtpPayload(
+ srcFile,
+ srcTrackId,
+ &payloadName,
+ &payloadNumber,
+ &maxPayloadSize,
+ &encodingParms)) {
+ if (MP4SetHintTrackRtpPayload(
+ dstFile,
+ dstTrackId,
+ payloadName,
+ &payloadNumber,
+ maxPayloadSize,
+ encodingParms) == false) {
+ MP4DeleteTrack(dstFile, dstTrackId);
+ }
+ }
+#if 0
+ MP4SetHintTrackSdp(
+ dstFile,
+ dstTrackId,
+ MP4GetHintTrackSdp(srcFile, srcTrackId));
+ }
+ return dstTrackId;
+ }
+// Given a track, make an encrypted clone of it in the dest. file
+ MP4TrackId MP4EncAndCloneTrack(MP4FileHandle srcFile,
+ MP4TrackId srcTrackId,
+ mp4v2_ismacrypParams *icPp,
+ MP4FileHandle dstFile,
+ MP4TrackId dstHintTrackReferenceTrack
+ )
+ {
+ const char *oFormat;
+ MP4TrackId dstTrackId = MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID;
+ if (dstFile == NULL) {
+ dstFile = srcFile;
+ }
+ const char* trackType = MP4GetTrackType(srcFile, srcTrackId);
+ if (!trackType) {
+ return dstTrackId;
+ }
+ if (MP4_IS_VIDEO_TRACK_TYPE(trackType)) {
+ // test source file format for avc1
+ oFormat = MP4GetTrackMediaDataName(srcFile, srcTrackId);
+ if (!strcasecmp(oFormat, "avc1"))
+ {
+ dstTrackId = MP4AddEncH264VideoTrack(dstFile,
+ MP4GetTrackTimeScale(srcFile, srcTrackId),
+ MP4GetTrackFixedSampleDuration(srcFile, srcTrackId),
+ MP4GetTrackVideoWidth(srcFile, srcTrackId),
+ MP4GetTrackVideoHeight(srcFile, srcTrackId),
+ srcFile,
+ srcTrackId,
+ icPp
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MP4SetVideoProfileLevel(dstFile, MP4GetVideoProfileLevel(srcFile));
+ dstTrackId = MP4AddEncVideoTrack(dstFile,
+ MP4GetTrackTimeScale(srcFile, srcTrackId),
+ MP4GetTrackFixedSampleDuration(srcFile, srcTrackId),
+ MP4GetTrackVideoWidth(srcFile, srcTrackId),
+ MP4GetTrackVideoHeight(srcFile, srcTrackId),
+ icPp,
+ MP4GetTrackEsdsObjectTypeId(srcFile, srcTrackId),
+ oFormat
+ );
+ }
+ } else if (MP4_IS_AUDIO_TRACK_TYPE(trackType)) {
+ MP4SetAudioProfileLevel(dstFile, MP4GetAudioProfileLevel(srcFile));
+ dstTrackId = MP4AddEncAudioTrack(dstFile,
+ MP4GetTrackTimeScale(srcFile, srcTrackId),
+ MP4GetTrackFixedSampleDuration(srcFile,
+ srcTrackId),
+ icPp,
+ MP4GetTrackEsdsObjectTypeId(srcFile,
+ srcTrackId)
+ );
+ } else if (MP4_IS_OD_TRACK_TYPE(trackType)) {
+ dstTrackId = MP4AddODTrack(dstFile);
+ } else if (MP4_IS_SCENE_TRACK_TYPE(trackType)) {
+ dstTrackId = MP4AddSceneTrack(dstFile);
+ } else if (MP4_IS_HINT_TRACK_TYPE(trackType)) {
+ if (dstHintTrackReferenceTrack == MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) {
+ dstTrackId = MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID;
+ } else {
+ dstTrackId = MP4AddHintTrack(dstFile,
+ MP4GetHintTrackReferenceTrackId(srcFile,
+ srcTrackId));
+ }
+ } else if (MP4_IS_SYSTEMS_TRACK_TYPE(trackType)) {
+ dstTrackId = MP4AddSystemsTrack(dstFile, trackType);
+ } else {
+ dstTrackId = MP4AddTrack(dstFile, trackType);
+ }
+ if (dstTrackId == MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) {
+ return dstTrackId;
+ }
+ MP4SetTrackTimeScale(dstFile,
+ dstTrackId,
+ MP4GetTrackTimeScale(srcFile, srcTrackId));
+ if (MP4_IS_AUDIO_TRACK_TYPE(trackType)
+ || MP4_IS_VIDEO_TRACK_TYPE(trackType)) {
+ // copy track ES configuration
+ uint8_t* pConfig = NULL;
+ uint32_t configSize = 0;
+ if (MP4GetTrackESConfiguration(srcFile, srcTrackId,
+ &pConfig, &configSize)) {
+ if (pConfig != NULL) {
+ MP4SetTrackESConfiguration(dstFile, dstTrackId,
+ pConfig, configSize);
+ }
+ }
+ if (pConfig != NULL)
+ free(pConfig);
+ }
+ // Bill's change to MP4CloneTrack
+ if (MP4_IS_HINT_TRACK_TYPE(trackType)) {
+ // probably not exactly what is wanted
+ // but caller can adjust later to fit their desires
+ char* payloadName = NULL;
+ char *encodingParms = NULL;
+ uint8_t payloadNumber;
+ uint16_t maxPayloadSize;
+ if (MP4GetHintTrackRtpPayload(
+ srcFile,
+ srcTrackId,
+ &payloadName,
+ &payloadNumber,
+ &maxPayloadSize,
+ &encodingParms)) {
+ (void)MP4SetHintTrackRtpPayload(
+ dstFile,
+ dstTrackId,
+ payloadName,
+ &payloadNumber,
+ maxPayloadSize,
+ encodingParms);
+ }
+#if 0
+ MP4SetHintTrackSdp(
+ dstFile,
+ dstTrackId,
+ MP4GetHintTrackSdp(srcFile, srcTrackId));
+ }
+ return dstTrackId;
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4CopyTrack(MP4FileHandle srcFile,
+ MP4TrackId srcTrackId,
+ MP4FileHandle dstFile,
+ bool applyEdits,
+ MP4TrackId dstHintTrackReferenceTrack)
+ {
+ bool copySamples = true; // LATER allow false => reference samples
+ MP4TrackId dstTrackId =
+ MP4CloneTrack(srcFile, srcTrackId, dstFile, dstHintTrackReferenceTrack);
+ if (dstTrackId == MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) {
+ return dstTrackId;
+ }
+ bool viaEdits =
+ applyEdits && MP4GetTrackNumberOfEdits(srcFile, srcTrackId);
+ MP4SampleId sampleId = 0;
+ MP4SampleId numSamples =
+ MP4GetTrackNumberOfSamples(srcFile, srcTrackId);
+ MP4Timestamp when = 0;
+ MP4Duration editsDuration =
+ MP4GetTrackEditTotalDuration(srcFile, srcTrackId);
+ while (true) {
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration = MP4_INVALID_DURATION;
+ if (viaEdits) {
+ sampleId = MP4GetSampleIdFromEditTime(
+ srcFile,
+ srcTrackId,
+ when,
+ &sampleDuration);
+ // in theory, this shouldn't happen
+ if (sampleId == MP4_INVALID_SAMPLE_ID) {
+ MP4DeleteTrack(dstFile, dstTrackId);
+ }
+ when += sampleDuration;
+ if (when >= editsDuration) {
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ sampleId++;
+ if (sampleId > numSamples) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ bool rc = false;
+ if (copySamples) {
+ rc = MP4CopySample(
+ srcFile,
+ srcTrackId,
+ sampleId,
+ dstFile,
+ dstTrackId,
+ sampleDuration);
+ } else {
+ rc = MP4ReferenceSample(
+ srcFile,
+ srcTrackId,
+ sampleId,
+ dstFile,
+ dstTrackId,
+ sampleDuration);
+ }
+ if (!rc) {
+ MP4DeleteTrack(dstFile, dstTrackId);
+ }
+ }
+ return dstTrackId;
+ }
+// Given a source track in a source file, make an encrypted copy of
+// the track in the destination file, including sample encryption
+ MP4TrackId MP4EncAndCopyTrack(MP4FileHandle srcFile,
+ MP4TrackId srcTrackId,
+ mp4v2_ismacrypParams *icPp,
+ encryptFunc_t encfcnp,
+ uint32_t encfcnparam1,
+ MP4FileHandle dstFile,
+ bool applyEdits,
+ MP4TrackId dstHintTrackReferenceTrack
+ )
+ {
+ bool copySamples = true; // LATER allow false => reference samples
+ MP4TrackId dstTrackId =
+ MP4EncAndCloneTrack(srcFile, srcTrackId,
+ icPp,
+ dstFile, dstHintTrackReferenceTrack);
+ if (dstTrackId == MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) {
+ return dstTrackId;
+ }
+ bool viaEdits =
+ applyEdits && MP4GetTrackNumberOfEdits(srcFile, srcTrackId);
+ MP4SampleId sampleId = 0;
+ MP4SampleId numSamples =
+ MP4GetTrackNumberOfSamples(srcFile, srcTrackId);
+ MP4Timestamp when = 0;
+ MP4Duration editsDuration =
+ MP4GetTrackEditTotalDuration(srcFile, srcTrackId);
+ while (true) {
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration = MP4_INVALID_DURATION;
+ if (viaEdits) {
+ sampleId = MP4GetSampleIdFromEditTime(srcFile,
+ srcTrackId,
+ when,
+ &sampleDuration);
+ // in theory, this shouldn't happen
+ if (sampleId == MP4_INVALID_SAMPLE_ID) {
+ MP4DeleteTrack(dstFile, dstTrackId);
+ }
+ when += sampleDuration;
+ if (when >= editsDuration) {
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ sampleId++;
+ if (sampleId > numSamples) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ bool rc = false;
+ if (copySamples) {
+ // encrypt and copy
+ rc = MP4EncAndCopySample(srcFile,
+ srcTrackId,
+ sampleId,
+ encfcnp,
+ encfcnparam1,
+ dstFile,
+ dstTrackId,
+ sampleDuration);
+ } else {
+ // not sure what these are - encrypt?
+ rc = MP4ReferenceSample(srcFile,
+ srcTrackId,
+ sampleId,
+ dstFile,
+ dstTrackId,
+ sampleDuration);
+ }
+ if (!rc) {
+ MP4DeleteTrack(dstFile, dstTrackId);
+ }
+ }
+ return dstTrackId;
+ }
+ bool MP4DeleteTrack(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->DeleteTrack(trackId);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint32_t MP4GetNumberOfTracks(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ const char* type,
+ uint8_t subType)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetNumberOfTracks(type, subType);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4FindTrackId(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ uint16_t index,
+ const char* type,
+ uint8_t subType)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->FindTrackId(index, type, subType);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ uint16_t MP4FindTrackIndex(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->FindTrackIndex(trackId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return (uint16_t)-1;
+ }
+ /* specific track properties */
+ const char* MP4GetTrackType(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackType(trackId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ const char* MP4GetTrackMediaDataName(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackMediaDataName(trackId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ bool MP4GetTrackMediaDataOriginalFormat(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId, char *originalFormat,
+ uint32_t buflen)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackMediaDataOriginalFormat(trackId,
+ originalFormat, buflen);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ MP4Duration MP4GetTrackDuration(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackDuration(trackId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t MP4GetTrackTimeScale(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackTimeScale(trackId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bool MP4SetTrackTimeScale(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId, uint32_t value)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetTrackTimeScale(trackId, value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint8_t MP4GetTrackAudioMpeg4Type(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackAudioMpeg4Type(trackId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Replacement to MP4GetTrackVideoType and MP4GetTrackAudioType
+// Basically does the same thing but with a more self-explanatory name
+ uint8_t MP4GetTrackEsdsObjectTypeId(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackEsdsObjectTypeId(trackId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4Duration MP4GetTrackFixedSampleDuration(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackFixedSampleDuration(trackId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t MP4GetTrackBitRate(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ MP4File *pFile = (MP4File *)hFile;
+ try {
+ return pFile->GetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*.esds.decConfigDescr.avgBitrate");
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ //mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x); we don't really need to print this.
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ // if we're here, we can't get the bitrate from above -
+ // lets calculate it
+ try {
+ MP4Duration trackDur;
+ trackDur = MP4GetTrackDuration(hFile, trackId);
+ uint64_t msDuration =
+ pFile->ConvertFromTrackDuration(trackId, trackDur,
+ if (msDuration == 0) return 0;
+ MP4Track *pTrack = pFile->GetTrack(trackId);
+ uint64_t bytes = pTrack->GetTotalOfSampleSizes();
+ bytes *= UINT64_C(8000); // 8 * 1000
+ bytes /= msDuration;
+ return (uint32_t)bytes;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bool MP4GetTrackESConfiguration(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint8_t** ppConfig, uint32_t* pConfigSize)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackESConfiguration(
+ trackId, ppConfig, pConfigSize);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ *ppConfig = NULL;
+ *pConfigSize = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4GetTrackVideoMetadata(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint8_t** ppConfig, uint32_t* pConfigSize)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackVideoMetadata(
+ trackId, ppConfig, pConfigSize);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ *ppConfig = NULL;
+ *pConfigSize = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4SetTrackESConfiguration(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const uint8_t* pConfig, uint32_t configSize)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetTrackESConfiguration(
+ trackId, pConfig, configSize);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4GetTrackH264ProfileLevel (MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint8_t *pProfile,
+ uint8_t *pLevel)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ *pProfile =
+ ((MP4File *)hFile)->GetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*[0].avcC.AVCProfileIndication");
+ *pLevel =
+ ((MP4File *)hFile)->GetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*[0].avcC.AVCLevelIndication");
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4GetTrackH264SeqPictHeaders (MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint8_t ***pSeqHeader,
+ uint32_t **pSeqHeaderSize,
+ uint8_t ***pPictHeader,
+ uint32_t **pPictHeaderSize)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackH264SeqPictHeaders(trackId,
+ pSeqHeader,
+ pSeqHeaderSize,
+ pPictHeader,
+ pPictHeaderSize);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4GetTrackH264LengthSize (MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint32_t *pLength)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ *pLength = 1 +
+ ((MP4File*) hFile)->GetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*[0].avcC.lengthSizeMinusOne");
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ MP4SampleId MP4GetTrackNumberOfSamples(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackNumberOfSamples(trackId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ uint16_t MP4GetTrackVideoWidth(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*.width");
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ uint16_t MP4GetTrackVideoHeight(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*.height");
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ double MP4GetTrackVideoFrameRate(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackVideoFrameRate(trackId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ int MP4GetTrackAudioChannels (MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackAudioChannels(trackId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+// returns true if the track is a media track encrypted according to ismacryp
+ bool MP4IsIsmaCrypMediaTrack(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId)
+ {
+ bool retval = false;
+ MP4LogLevel verb = mp4v2::impl::log.verbosity;
+ mp4v2::impl::log.setVerbosity(MP4_LOG_NONE);
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ retval = ((MP4File*)hFile)->IsIsmaCrypMediaTrack(trackId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ mp4v2::impl::log.setVerbosity(verb);
+ return retval;
+ }
+ /* generic track properties */
+ bool MP4HaveTrackAtom (MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const char *atomName)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->FindTrackAtom(trackId, atomName) != NULL;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4GetTrackIntegerProperty (
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const char* propName,
+ uint64_t *retvalue)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ *retvalue = ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ propName);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4GetTrackFloatProperty(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const char* propName,
+ float *retvalue)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ *retvalue = ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackFloatProperty(trackId, propName);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4GetTrackStringProperty(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const char* propName,
+ const char **retvalue)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ *retvalue = ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackStringProperty(trackId, propName);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4GetTrackBytesProperty(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId, const char* propName,
+ uint8_t** ppValue, uint32_t* pValueSize)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackBytesProperty(
+ trackId, propName, ppValue, pValueSize);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ *ppValue = NULL;
+ *pValueSize = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4SetTrackIntegerProperty(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const char* propName, int64_t value)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ propName, value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4SetTrackFloatProperty(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const char* propName, float value)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetTrackFloatProperty(trackId, propName, value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4SetTrackStringProperty(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const char* propName, const char* value)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetTrackStringProperty(trackId, propName, value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4SetTrackBytesProperty(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const char* propName, const uint8_t* pValue, uint32_t valueSize)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetTrackBytesProperty(
+ trackId, propName, pValue, valueSize);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* sample operations */
+ bool MP4ReadSample(
+ /* input parameters */
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ /* output parameters */
+ uint8_t** ppBytes,
+ uint32_t* pNumBytes,
+ MP4Timestamp* pStartTime,
+ MP4Duration* pDuration,
+ MP4Duration* pRenderingOffset,
+ bool* pIsSyncSample)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->ReadSample(
+ trackId,
+ sampleId,
+ ppBytes,
+ pNumBytes,
+ pStartTime,
+ pDuration,
+ pRenderingOffset,
+ pIsSyncSample);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ *pNumBytes = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4ReadSampleFromTime(
+ /* input parameters */
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4Timestamp when,
+ /* output parameters */
+ uint8_t** ppBytes,
+ uint32_t* pNumBytes,
+ MP4Timestamp* pStartTime,
+ MP4Duration* pDuration,
+ MP4Duration* pRenderingOffset,
+ bool* pIsSyncSample)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ MP4SampleId sampleId =
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetSampleIdFromTime(
+ trackId, when, false);
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->ReadSample(
+ trackId,
+ sampleId,
+ ppBytes,
+ pNumBytes,
+ pStartTime,
+ pDuration,
+ pRenderingOffset,
+ pIsSyncSample);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ *pNumBytes = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4WriteSample(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const uint8_t* pBytes,
+ uint32_t numBytes,
+ MP4Duration duration,
+ MP4Duration renderingOffset,
+ bool isSyncSample )
+ {
+ if( MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE( hFile )) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->WriteSample(
+ trackId,
+ pBytes,
+ numBytes,
+ duration,
+ renderingOffset,
+ isSyncSample );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4WriteSampleDependency(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const uint8_t* pBytes,
+ uint32_t numBytes,
+ MP4Duration duration,
+ MP4Duration renderingOffset,
+ bool isSyncSample,
+ uint32_t dependencyFlags )
+ {
+ if( MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE( hFile )) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->WriteSampleDependency(
+ trackId,
+ pBytes,
+ numBytes,
+ duration,
+ renderingOffset,
+ isSyncSample,
+ dependencyFlags );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4CopySample(
+ MP4FileHandle srcFile,
+ MP4TrackId srcTrackId,
+ MP4SampleId srcSampleId,
+ MP4FileHandle dstFile,
+ MP4TrackId dstTrackId,
+ MP4Duration dstSampleDuration )
+ {
+ if( !MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE( srcFile ))
+ return false;
+ try {
+ MP4File::CopySample(
+ (MP4File*)srcFile,
+ srcTrackId,
+ srcSampleId,
+ (MP4File*)dstFile,
+ dstTrackId,
+ dstSampleDuration );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4EncAndCopySample(
+ MP4FileHandle srcFile,
+ MP4TrackId srcTrackId,
+ MP4SampleId srcSampleId,
+ encryptFunc_t encfcnp,
+ uint32_t encfcnparam1,
+ MP4FileHandle dstFile,
+ MP4TrackId dstTrackId,
+ MP4Duration dstSampleDuration)
+ {
+ if( !MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE( srcFile ))
+ return false;
+ try {
+ MP4File::EncAndCopySample(
+ (MP4File*)srcFile,
+ srcTrackId,
+ srcSampleId,
+ encfcnp,
+ encfcnparam1,
+ (MP4File*)dstFile,
+ dstTrackId,
+ dstSampleDuration );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4ReferenceSample(
+ MP4FileHandle srcFile,
+ MP4TrackId srcTrackId,
+ MP4SampleId srcSampleId,
+ MP4FileHandle dstFile,
+ MP4TrackId dstTrackId,
+ MP4Duration dstSampleDuration)
+ {
+ // LATER Not yet implemented
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint32_t MP4GetSampleSize(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4SampleId sampleId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetSampleSize(
+ trackId, sampleId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ uint32_t MP4GetTrackMaxSampleSize(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackMaxSampleSize(trackId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ MP4SampleId MP4GetSampleIdFromTime(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4Timestamp when,
+ bool wantSyncSample)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetSampleIdFromTime(
+ trackId, when, wantSyncSample);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4Timestamp MP4GetSampleTime(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4SampleId sampleId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetSampleTime(
+ trackId, sampleId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4Duration MP4GetSampleDuration(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4SampleId sampleId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetSampleDuration(
+ trackId, sampleId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4Duration MP4GetSampleRenderingOffset(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4SampleId sampleId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetSampleRenderingOffset(
+ trackId, sampleId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool MP4SetSampleRenderingOffset(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ MP4Duration renderingOffset)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetSampleRenderingOffset(
+ trackId, sampleId, renderingOffset);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ int8_t MP4GetSampleSync(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4SampleId sampleId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetSampleSync(
+ trackId, sampleId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ uint64_t MP4ConvertFromMovieDuration(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4Duration duration,
+ uint32_t timeScale)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->ConvertFromMovieDuration(
+ duration, timeScale);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return (uint64_t)MP4_INVALID_DURATION;
+ }
+ uint64_t MP4ConvertFromTrackTimestamp(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4Timestamp timeStamp,
+ uint32_t timeScale)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->ConvertFromTrackTimestamp(
+ trackId, timeStamp, timeScale);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return (uint64_t)MP4_INVALID_TIMESTAMP;
+ }
+ MP4Timestamp MP4ConvertToTrackTimestamp(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint64_t timeStamp,
+ uint32_t timeScale)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->ConvertToTrackTimestamp(
+ trackId, timeStamp, timeScale);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ uint64_t MP4ConvertFromTrackDuration(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4Duration duration,
+ uint32_t timeScale)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->ConvertFromTrackDuration(
+ trackId, duration, timeScale);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return (uint64_t)MP4_INVALID_DURATION;
+ }
+ MP4Duration MP4ConvertToTrackDuration(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint64_t duration,
+ uint32_t timeScale)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->ConvertToTrackDuration(
+ trackId, duration, timeScale);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool MP4GetHintTrackRtpPayload(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ char** ppPayloadName,
+ uint8_t* pPayloadNumber,
+ uint16_t* pMaxPayloadSize,
+ char **ppEncodingParams)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetHintTrackRtpPayload(
+ hintTrackId, ppPayloadName, pPayloadNumber, pMaxPayloadSize,
+ ppEncodingParams);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4SetHintTrackRtpPayload(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ const char* pPayloadName,
+ uint8_t* pPayloadNumber,
+ uint16_t maxPayloadSize,
+ const char *encode_params,
+ bool include_rtp_map,
+ bool include_mpeg4_esid)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetHintTrackRtpPayload(
+ hintTrackId, pPayloadName, pPayloadNumber, maxPayloadSize, encode_params,
+ include_rtp_map, include_mpeg4_esid);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ const char* MP4GetSessionSdp(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetSessionSdp();
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ bool MP4SetSessionSdp(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ const char* sdpString)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetSessionSdp(sdpString);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4AppendSessionSdp(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ const char* sdpString)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->AppendSessionSdp(sdpString);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ const char* MP4GetHintTrackSdp(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetHintTrackSdp(hintTrackId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ bool MP4SetHintTrackSdp(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ const char* sdpString)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetHintTrackSdp(hintTrackId, sdpString);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4AppendHintTrackSdp(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ const char* sdpString)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->AppendHintTrackSdp(hintTrackId, sdpString);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ MP4TrackId MP4GetHintTrackReferenceTrackId(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->
+ GetHintTrackReferenceTrackId(hintTrackId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool MP4ReadRtpHint(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ MP4SampleId hintSampleId,
+ uint16_t* pNumPackets)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->ReadRtpHint(
+ hintTrackId, hintSampleId, pNumPackets);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint16_t MP4GetRtpHintNumberOfPackets(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetRtpHintNumberOfPackets(hintTrackId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int8_t MP4GetRtpPacketBFrame(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ uint16_t packetIndex)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->
+ GetRtpPacketBFrame(hintTrackId, packetIndex);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ int32_t MP4GetRtpPacketTransmitOffset(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ uint16_t packetIndex)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->
+ GetRtpPacketTransmitOffset(hintTrackId, packetIndex);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bool MP4ReadRtpPacket(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ uint16_t packetIndex,
+ uint8_t** ppBytes,
+ uint32_t* pNumBytes,
+ uint32_t ssrc,
+ bool includeHeader,
+ bool includePayload)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->ReadRtpPacket(
+ hintTrackId, packetIndex,
+ ppBytes, pNumBytes,
+ ssrc, includeHeader, includePayload);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ MP4Timestamp MP4GetRtpTimestampStart(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetRtpTimestampStart(hintTrackId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool MP4SetRtpTimestampStart(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ MP4Timestamp rtpStart)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetRtpTimestampStart(
+ hintTrackId, rtpStart);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4AddRtpHint(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId)
+ {
+ return MP4AddRtpVideoHint(hFile, hintTrackId, false, 0);
+ }
+ bool MP4AddRtpVideoHint(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ bool isBframe,
+ uint32_t timestampOffset)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->AddRtpHint(hintTrackId,
+ isBframe, timestampOffset);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4AddRtpPacket(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ bool setMbit,
+ int32_t transmitOffset)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->AddRtpPacket(
+ hintTrackId, setMbit, transmitOffset);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4AddRtpImmediateData(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ const uint8_t* pBytes,
+ uint32_t numBytes)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->AddRtpImmediateData(hintTrackId,
+ pBytes, numBytes);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4AddRtpSampleData(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ uint32_t dataOffset,
+ uint32_t dataLength)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->AddRtpSampleData(
+ hintTrackId, sampleId, dataOffset, dataLength);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4AddRtpESConfigurationPacket(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->AddRtpESConfigurationPacket(hintTrackId);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4WriteRtpHint(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ MP4Duration duration,
+ bool isSyncSample)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->WriteRtpHint(
+ hintTrackId, duration, isSyncSample);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf( "%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* 3GPP specific operations */
+ bool MP4Make3GPCompliant(
+ const char* fileName,
+ char* majorBrand,
+ uint32_t minorVersion,
+ char** supportedBrands,
+ uint32_t supportedBrandsCount,
+ bool deleteIodsAtom)
+ {
+ if (!fileName)
+ return false;
+ MP4File* pFile = ConstructMP4File();
+ if (!pFile)
+ try {
+ ASSERT(pFile);
+ pFile->Modify(fileName);
+ pFile->Make3GPCompliant(fileName, majorBrand, minorVersion, supportedBrands, supportedBrandsCount, deleteIodsAtom);
+ pFile->Close();
+ delete pFile;
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ if (pFile)
+ delete pFile;
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* ISMA specific operations */
+ bool MP4MakeIsmaCompliant(
+ const char* fileName,
+ bool addIsmaComplianceSdp)
+ {
+ if (!fileName)
+ return false;
+ MP4File* pFile = ConstructMP4File();
+ if (!pFile)
+ try {
+ ASSERT(pFile);
+ pFile->Modify(fileName);
+ pFile->MakeIsmaCompliant(addIsmaComplianceSdp);
+ pFile->Close();
+ delete pFile;
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: \"%s\": failed", __FUNCTION__,
+ fileName );
+ }
+ if (pFile)
+ delete pFile;
+ return false;
+ }
+ char* MP4MakeIsmaSdpIod(
+ uint8_t videoProfile,
+ uint32_t videoBitrate,
+ uint8_t* videoConfig,
+ uint32_t videoConfigLength,
+ uint8_t audioProfile,
+ uint32_t audioBitrate,
+ uint8_t* audioConfig,
+ uint32_t audioConfigLength)
+ {
+ MP4File* pFile = ConstructMP4File();
+ if (!pFile)
+ return NULL;
+ try {
+ uint8_t* pBytes = NULL;
+ uint64_t numBytes = 0;
+ ASSERT(pFile);
+ pFile->CreateIsmaIodFromParams(
+ videoProfile,
+ videoBitrate,
+ videoConfig,
+ videoConfigLength,
+ audioProfile,
+ audioBitrate,
+ audioConfig,
+ audioConfigLength,
+ &pBytes,
+ &numBytes);
+ char* iodBase64 =
+ MP4ToBase64(pBytes, numBytes);
+ MP4Free(pBytes);
+ char* sdpIod =
+ (char*)MP4Malloc(strlen(iodBase64) + 64);
+ snprintf(sdpIod, strlen(iodBase64) + 64,
+ "a=mpeg4-iod: \042data:application/mpeg4-iod;base64,%s\042",
+ iodBase64);
+ MP4Free(iodBase64);
+ delete pFile;
+ return sdpIod;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ if (pFile)
+ delete pFile;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Edit list */
+ MP4EditId MP4AddTrackEdit(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId,
+ MP4Timestamp startTime,
+ MP4Duration duration,
+ bool dwell)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ MP4EditId newEditId =
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->AddTrackEdit(trackId, editId);
+ if (newEditId != MP4_INVALID_EDIT_ID) {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetTrackEditMediaStart(
+ trackId, newEditId, startTime);
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetTrackEditDuration(
+ trackId, newEditId, duration);
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetTrackEditDwell(
+ trackId, newEditId, dwell);
+ }
+ return newEditId;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool MP4DeleteTrackEdit(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->DeleteTrackEdit(trackId, editId);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint32_t MP4GetTrackNumberOfEdits(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackNumberOfEdits(trackId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ //mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ MP4Timestamp MP4GetTrackEditMediaStart(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackEditMediaStart(
+ trackId, editId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MP4Duration MP4GetTrackEditTotalDuration(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackEditTotalDuration(
+ trackId, editId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool MP4SetTrackEditMediaStart(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId,
+ MP4Timestamp startTime)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetTrackEditMediaStart(
+ trackId, editId, startTime);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ MP4Duration MP4GetTrackEditDuration(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackEditDuration(trackId, editId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool MP4SetTrackEditDuration(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId,
+ MP4Duration duration)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetTrackEditDuration(trackId, editId, duration);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ int8_t MP4GetTrackEditDwell(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackEditDwell(trackId, editId);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ bool MP4SetTrackEditDwell(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId,
+ bool dwell)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetTrackEditDwell(trackId, editId, dwell);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool MP4ReadSampleFromEditTime(
+ /* input parameters */
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4Timestamp when,
+ /* output parameters */
+ uint8_t** ppBytes,
+ uint32_t* pNumBytes,
+ MP4Timestamp* pStartTime,
+ MP4Duration* pDuration,
+ MP4Duration* pRenderingOffset,
+ bool* pIsSyncSample)
+ {
+ MP4SampleId sampleId =
+ MP4GetSampleIdFromEditTime(
+ hFile,
+ trackId,
+ when,
+ pStartTime,
+ pDuration);
+ return MP4ReadSample(
+ hFile,
+ trackId,
+ sampleId,
+ ppBytes,
+ pNumBytes,
+ pRenderingOffset,
+ pIsSyncSample);
+ }
+ MP4SampleId MP4GetSampleIdFromEditTime(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4Timestamp when,
+ MP4Timestamp* pStartTime,
+ MP4Duration* pDuration)
+ {
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(hFile)) {
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetSampleIdFromEditTime(
+ trackId, when, pStartTime, pDuration);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Utlities */
+ char* MP4BinaryToBase16(
+ const uint8_t* pData,
+ uint32_t dataSize)
+ {
+ if (pData || dataSize == 0) {
+ try {
+ return MP4ToBase16(pData, dataSize);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ char* MP4BinaryToBase64(
+ const uint8_t* pData,
+ uint32_t dataSize)
+ {
+ if (pData || dataSize == 0) {
+ try {
+ return MP4ToBase64(pData, dataSize);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ void MP4Free (void *p)
+ {
+ if (p != NULL)
+ free(p);
+ }
+ bool MP4AddIPodUUID (MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId trackId)
+ {
+ if( !MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE( hFile ))
+ return false;
+ MP4Track* track = NULL;
+ MP4Atom* avc1 = NULL;
+ try
+ {
+ track = ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrack(trackId);
+ ASSERT(track);
+ avc1 = track->GetTrakAtom().FindChildAtom("mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.avc1");
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ return false;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ IPodUUIDAtom *ipod_uuid = NULL;
+ try
+ {
+ ipod_uuid = new IPodUUIDAtom(*(MP4File*)hFile);
+ }
+ catch( std::bad_alloc ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: unable to allocate IPodUUIDAtom", __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ return false;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: unknown exception constructing IPodUUIDAtom", __FUNCTION__ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ ASSERT(avc1);
+ ASSERT(ipod_uuid);
+ avc1->AddChildAtom(ipod_uuid);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ delete ipod_uuid;
+ ipod_uuid = NULL;
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ return false;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ delete ipod_uuid;
+ ipod_uuid = NULL;
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: unknown exception adding IPodUUIDAtom", __FUNCTION__ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+bool MP4GetTrackLanguage(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ char* code )
+ if( !MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE( hFile ))
+ return false;
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackLanguage( trackId, code );
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ return false;
+bool MP4SetTrackLanguage(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const char* code )
+ if( !MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE( hFile ))
+ return false;
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetTrackLanguage( trackId, code );
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ return false;
+bool MP4GetTrackName(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ char** name )
+ if( !MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE( hFile ))
+ return false;
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackName( trackId, name );
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ return false;
+bool MP4SetTrackName(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const char* code )
+ if( !MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE( hFile ))
+ return false;
+ try {
+ return ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetTrackName( trackId, code );
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ return false;
+bool MP4GetTrackDurationPerChunk(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4Duration* duration )
+ if( !MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE( hFile ))
+ return false;
+ if (!duration)
+ return false;
+ try {
+ *duration = ((MP4File*)hFile)->GetTrackDurationPerChunk( trackId );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ return false;
+bool MP4SetTrackDurationPerChunk(
+ MP4FileHandle hFile,
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4Duration duration )
+ if( !MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE( hFile ))
+ return false;
+ try {
+ ((MP4File*)hFile)->SetTrackDurationPerChunk( trackId, duration );
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ catch( ... ) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf("%s: failed", __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ return false;
+} // extern "C"
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4array.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4array.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c49d59ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4array.h
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#ifndef MP4V2_IMPL_MP4ARRAY_H
+#define MP4V2_IMPL_MP4ARRAY_H
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+typedef uint32_t MP4ArrayIndex;
+class MP4Array {
+ MP4Array() {
+ m_numElements = 0;
+ m_maxNumElements = 0;
+ }
+ inline bool ValidIndex(MP4ArrayIndex index) {
+ return (index < m_numElements);
+ }
+ inline MP4ArrayIndex Size(void) {
+ return m_numElements;
+ }
+ inline MP4ArrayIndex MaxSize(void) {
+ return m_maxNumElements;
+ }
+ MP4ArrayIndex m_numElements;
+ MP4ArrayIndex m_maxNumElements;
+// macro to generate subclasses
+// we use this as an alternative to templates
+// due to the excessive compile time price of extensive template usage
+#define MP4ARRAY_DECL(name, type) \
+ class name##Array : public MP4Array { \
+ public: \
+ name##Array() { \
+ m_elements = NULL; \
+ } \
+ \
+ ~name##Array() { \
+ MP4Free(m_elements); \
+ } \
+ \
+ inline void Add(type newElement) { \
+ Insert(newElement, m_numElements); \
+ } \
+ \
+ void Insert(type newElement, MP4ArrayIndex newIndex) { \
+ if (newIndex > m_numElements) { \
+ throw new PlatformException("illegal array index", ERANGE, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); \
+ } \
+ if (m_numElements == m_maxNumElements) { \
+ m_maxNumElements = max(m_maxNumElements, (MP4ArrayIndex)1) * 2; \
+ m_elements = (type*)MP4Realloc(m_elements, \
+ m_maxNumElements * sizeof(type)); \
+ } \
+ memmove(&m_elements[newIndex + 1], &m_elements[newIndex], \
+ (m_numElements - newIndex) * sizeof(type)); \
+ m_elements[newIndex] = newElement; \
+ m_numElements++; \
+ } \
+ \
+ void Delete(MP4ArrayIndex index) { \
+ if (!ValidIndex(index)) { \
+ ostringstream msg; \
+ msg << "illegal array index: " << index << " of " << m_numElements; \
+ throw new PlatformException(msg.str().c_str(), ERANGE, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); \
+ } \
+ m_numElements--; \
+ if (index < m_numElements) { \
+ memmove(&m_elements[index], &m_elements[index + 1], \
+ (m_numElements - index) * sizeof(type)); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ void Resize(MP4ArrayIndex newSize) { \
+ m_numElements = newSize; \
+ m_maxNumElements = newSize; \
+ m_elements = (type*)MP4Realloc(m_elements, \
+ m_maxNumElements * sizeof(type)); \
+ } \
+ \
+ type& operator[](MP4ArrayIndex index) { \
+ if (ValidIndex(index)) { \
+ return m_elements[index]; \
+ } \
+ else { \
+ ostringstream msg; \
+ msg << "illegal array index: " << index << " of " << m_numElements; \
+ throw new PlatformException(msg.str().c_str(), ERANGE, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ ); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ \
+ protected: \
+ type* m_elements; \
+ };
+MP4ARRAY_DECL(MP4Integer8, uint8_t)
+MP4ARRAY_DECL(MP4Integer16, uint16_t)
+MP4ARRAY_DECL(MP4Integer32, uint32_t)
+MP4ARRAY_DECL(MP4Integer64, uint64_t)
+MP4ARRAY_DECL(MP4Float32, float)
+MP4ARRAY_DECL(MP4Float64, double)
+MP4ARRAY_DECL(MP4String, char*)
+MP4ARRAY_DECL(MP4Bytes, uint8_t*)
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
+#endif // MP4V2_IMPL_MP4ARRAY_H
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4atom.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4atom.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..520cbc87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4atom.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1017 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001 - 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * 3GPP features implementation is based on 3GPP's TS26.234-v5.60,
+ * and was contributed by Ximpo Group Ltd.
+ *
+ * Portions created by Ximpo Group Ltd. are
+ * Copyright (C) Ximpo Group Ltd. 2003, 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Portions created by Adnecto d.o.o. are
+ * Copyright (C) Adnecto d.o.o. 2005. All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ * Alix Marchandise-Franquet [email protected]
+ * Ximpo Group Ltd. [email protected]
+ * Danijel Kopcinovic [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+MP4AtomInfo::MP4AtomInfo(const char* name, bool mandatory, bool onlyOne)
+ m_name = name;
+ m_mandatory = mandatory;
+ m_onlyOne = onlyOne;
+ m_count = 0;
+MP4Atom::MP4Atom(MP4File& file, const char* type)
+ : m_File(file)
+ SetType(type);
+ m_unknownType = false;
+ m_start = 0;
+ m_end = 0;
+ m_largesizeMode = false;
+ m_size = 0;
+ m_pParentAtom = NULL;
+ m_depth = 0xFF;
+ uint32_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < m_pProperties.Size(); i++) {
+ delete m_pProperties[i];
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < m_pChildAtomInfos.Size(); i++) {
+ delete m_pChildAtomInfos[i];
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < m_pChildAtoms.Size(); i++) {
+ delete m_pChildAtoms[i];
+ }
+MP4Atom* MP4Atom::CreateAtom( MP4File &file, MP4Atom* parent, const char* type )
+ MP4Atom* atom = factory( file, parent, type );
+ ASSERT( atom );
+ return atom;
+// generate a skeletal self
+void MP4Atom::Generate()
+ uint32_t i;
+ // for all properties
+ for (i = 0; i < m_pProperties.Size(); i++) {
+ // ask it to self generate
+ m_pProperties[i]->Generate();
+ }
+ // for all mandatory, single child atom types
+ for (i = 0; i < m_pChildAtomInfos.Size(); i++) {
+ if (m_pChildAtomInfos[i]->m_mandatory
+ && m_pChildAtomInfos[i]->m_onlyOne) {
+ // create the mandatory, single child atom
+ MP4Atom* pChildAtom =
+ CreateAtom(m_File, this, m_pChildAtomInfos[i]->m_name);
+ AddChildAtom(pChildAtom);
+ // and ask it to self generate
+ pChildAtom->Generate();
+ }
+ }
+MP4Atom* MP4Atom::ReadAtom(MP4File& file, MP4Atom* pParentAtom)
+ uint8_t hdrSize = 8;
+ uint8_t extendedType[16];
+ uint64_t pos = file.GetPosition();
+ log.verbose1f("\"%s\": pos = 0x%" PRIx64, file.GetFilename().c_str(), pos);
+ uint64_t dataSize = file.ReadUInt32();
+ char type[5];
+ file.ReadBytes((uint8_t*)&type[0], 4);
+ type[4] = '\0';
+ // extended size
+ const bool largesizeMode = (dataSize == 1);
+ if (dataSize == 1) {
+ dataSize = file.ReadUInt64();
+ hdrSize += 8;
+ file.Check64BitStatus(type);
+ }
+ // extended type
+ if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("uuid")) {
+ file.ReadBytes(extendedType, sizeof(extendedType));
+ hdrSize += sizeof(extendedType);
+ }
+ if (dataSize == 0) {
+ // extends to EOF
+ dataSize = file.GetSize() - pos;
+ }
+ dataSize -= hdrSize;
+ log.verbose1f("\"%s\": type = \"%s\" data-size = %" PRIu64 " (0x%" PRIx64 ") hdr %u",
+ file.GetFilename().c_str(), type, dataSize, dataSize, hdrSize);
+ if (pos + hdrSize + dataSize > pParentAtom->GetEnd()) {
+ log.errorf("%s: \"%s\": invalid atom size, extends outside parent atom - skipping to end of \"%s\" \"%s\" %" PRIu64 " vs %" PRIu64,
+ __FUNCTION__, file.GetFilename().c_str(), pParentAtom->GetType(), type,
+ pos + hdrSize + dataSize,
+ pParentAtom->GetEnd());
+ log.verbose1f("\"%s\": parent %s (%" PRIu64 ") pos %" PRIu64 " hdr %d data %" PRIu64 " sum %" PRIu64,
+ file.GetFilename().c_str(), pParentAtom->GetType(),
+ pParentAtom->GetEnd(),
+ pos,
+ hdrSize,
+ dataSize,
+ pos + hdrSize + dataSize);
+ // skip to end of atom
+ dataSize = pParentAtom->GetEnd() - pos - hdrSize;
+ }
+ MP4Atom* pAtom = CreateAtom(file, pParentAtom, type);
+ // pAtom->SetFile(pFile);
+ pAtom->SetStart(pos);
+ pAtom->SetEnd(pos + hdrSize + dataSize);
+ pAtom->SetLargesizeMode(largesizeMode);
+ pAtom->SetSize(dataSize);
+ if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("uuid")) {
+ pAtom->SetExtendedType(extendedType);
+ }
+ if (pAtom->IsUnknownType()) {
+ if (!IsReasonableType(pAtom->GetType())) {
+ log.warningf("%s: \"%s\": atom type %s is suspect", __FUNCTION__, file.GetFilename().c_str(),
+ pAtom->GetType());
+ } else {
+ log.verbose1f("\"%s\": Info: atom type %s is unknown", file.GetFilename().c_str(),
+ pAtom->GetType());
+ }
+ if (dataSize > 0) {
+ pAtom->AddProperty(
+ new MP4BytesProperty(*pAtom, "data", dataSize));
+ }
+ }
+ pAtom->SetParentAtom(pParentAtom);
+ try {
+ pAtom->Read();
+ }
+ catch (Exception* x) {
+ // delete atom and rethrow so we don't leak memory.
+ delete pAtom;
+ throw x;
+ }
+ return pAtom;
+bool MP4Atom::IsReasonableType(const char* type)
+ // Unwound this. Pricy when called a lot.
+ if( isalnum((unsigned char) type[0])) {
+ if( isalnum((unsigned char) type[1])) {
+ if( isalnum((unsigned char) type[2])) {
+ if( isalnum((unsigned char) type[3]) || type[3] == ' ' ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+// generic read
+void MP4Atom::Read()
+ if (ATOMID(m_type) != 0 && m_size > 1000000) {
+ log.verbose1f("%s: \"%s\": %s atom size %" PRIu64 " is suspect", __FUNCTION__,
+ m_File.GetFilename().c_str(), m_type, m_size);
+ }
+ ReadProperties();
+ // read child atoms, if we expect there to be some
+ if (m_pChildAtomInfos.Size() > 0) {
+ ReadChildAtoms();
+ }
+ Skip(); // to end of atom
+void MP4Atom::Skip()
+ if (m_File.GetPosition() != m_end) {
+ log.verbose1f("\"%s\": Skip: %" PRIu64 " bytes",
+ m_File.GetFilename().c_str(), m_end - m_File.GetPosition());
+ }
+ m_File.SetPosition(m_end);
+MP4Atom* MP4Atom::FindAtom(const char* name)
+ if (!IsMe(name)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!IsRootAtom()) {
+ log.verbose1f("\"%s\": FindAtom: matched %s",
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(), name);
+ name = MP4NameAfterFirst(name);
+ // I'm the sought after atom
+ if (name == NULL) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ // else it's one of my children
+ return FindChildAtom(name);
+bool MP4Atom::FindProperty(const char *name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex)
+ if (!IsMe(name)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!IsRootAtom()) {
+ log.verbose1f("\"%s\": FindProperty: matched %s",
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(), name);
+ name = MP4NameAfterFirst(name);
+ // no property name given
+ if (name == NULL) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return FindContainedProperty(name, ppProperty, pIndex);
+bool MP4Atom::IsMe(const char* name)
+ if (name == NULL) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // root atom always matches
+ if (!strcmp(m_type, "")) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // check if our atom name is specified as the first component
+ if (!MP4NameFirstMatches(m_type, name)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+MP4Atom* MP4Atom::FindChildAtom(const char* name)
+ uint32_t atomIndex = 0;
+ // get the index if we have one, e.g. moov.trak[2].mdia...
+ (void)MP4NameFirstIndex(name, &atomIndex);
+ // need to get to the index'th child atom of the right type
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_pChildAtoms.Size(); i++) {
+ if (MP4NameFirstMatches(m_pChildAtoms[i]->GetType(), name)) {
+ if (atomIndex == 0) {
+ // this is the one, ask it to match
+ return m_pChildAtoms[i]->FindAtom(name);
+ }
+ atomIndex--;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+bool MP4Atom::FindContainedProperty(const char *name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex)
+ uint32_t numProperties = m_pProperties.Size();
+ uint32_t i;
+ // check all of our properties
+ for (i = 0; i < numProperties; i++) {
+ if (m_pProperties[i]->FindProperty(name, ppProperty, pIndex)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // not one of our properties,
+ // presumably one of our children's properties
+ // check child atoms...
+ // check if we have an index, e.g. trak[2].mdia...
+ uint32_t atomIndex = 0;
+ (void)MP4NameFirstIndex(name, &atomIndex);
+ // need to get to the index'th child atom of the right type
+ for (i = 0; i < m_pChildAtoms.Size(); i++) {
+ if (MP4NameFirstMatches(m_pChildAtoms[i]->GetType(), name)) {
+ if (atomIndex == 0) {
+ // this is the one, ask it to match
+ return m_pChildAtoms[i]->FindProperty(name, ppProperty, pIndex);
+ }
+ atomIndex--;
+ }
+ }
+ log.verbose1f("\"%s\": FindProperty: no match for %s",
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(), name);
+ return false;
+void MP4Atom::ReadProperties(uint32_t startIndex, uint32_t count)
+ uint32_t numProperties = min(count, m_pProperties.Size() - startIndex);
+ // read any properties of the atom
+ for (uint32_t i = startIndex; i < startIndex + numProperties; i++) {
+ m_pProperties[i]->Read(m_File);
+ if (m_File.GetPosition() > m_end) {
+ log.verbose1f("ReadProperties: insufficient data for property: %s pos 0x%" PRIx64 " atom end 0x%" PRIx64,
+ m_pProperties[i]->GetName(),
+ m_File.GetPosition(), m_end);
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "atom '" << GetType() << "' is too small; overrun at property: " << m_pProperties[i]->GetName();
+ throw new Exception( oss.str().c_str(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ MP4LogLevel thisVerbosity =
+ (m_pProperties[i]->GetType() == TableProperty) ?
+ if (log.verbosity >= thisVerbosity) {
+ // log.printf(thisVerbosity,"Read: ");
+ m_pProperties[i]->Dump(0, true);
+ }
+ }
+void MP4Atom::ReadChildAtoms()
+ bool this_is_udta = ATOMID(m_type) == ATOMID("udta");
+ log.verbose1f("\"%s\": of %s", m_File.GetFilename().c_str(), m_type[0] ? m_type : "root");
+ for (uint64_t position = m_File.GetPosition();
+ position < m_end;
+ position = m_File.GetPosition()) {
+ // make sure that we have enough to read at least 8 bytes
+ // size and type.
+ if (m_end - position < 2 * sizeof(uint32_t)) {
+ // if we're reading udta, it's okay to have 4 bytes of 0
+ if (this_is_udta &&
+ m_end - position == sizeof(uint32_t)) {
+ uint32_t mbz = m_File.ReadUInt32();
+ if (mbz != 0) {
+ log.warningf("%s: \"%s\": In udta atom, end value is not zero %x", __FUNCTION__,
+ m_File.GetFilename().c_str(), mbz);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ // otherwise, output a warning, but don't care
+ log.warningf("%s: \"%s\": In %s atom, extra %" PRId64 " bytes at end of atom", __FUNCTION__,
+ m_File.GetFilename().c_str(), m_type, (m_end - position));
+ for (uint64_t ix = 0; ix < m_end - position; ix++) {
+ (void)m_File.ReadUInt8();
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ MP4Atom* pChildAtom = MP4Atom::ReadAtom(m_File, this);
+ AddChildAtom(pChildAtom);
+ MP4AtomInfo* pChildAtomInfo = FindAtomInfo(pChildAtom->GetType());
+ // if child atom is of known type
+ // but not expected here print warning
+ if (pChildAtomInfo == NULL && !pChildAtom->IsUnknownType()) {
+ log.verbose1f("%s: \"%s\": In atom %s unexpected child atom %s", __FUNCTION__,
+ m_File.GetFilename().c_str(), GetType(), pChildAtom->GetType());
+ }
+ // if child atoms should have just one instance
+ // and this is more than one, print warning
+ if (pChildAtomInfo) {
+ pChildAtomInfo->m_count++;
+ if (pChildAtomInfo->m_onlyOne && pChildAtomInfo->m_count > 1) {
+ log.warningf("%s: \"%s\": In atom %s multiple child atoms %s", __FUNCTION__,
+ m_File.GetFilename().c_str(), GetType(), pChildAtom->GetType());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // if mandatory child atom doesn't exist, print warning
+ uint32_t numAtomInfo = m_pChildAtomInfos.Size();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numAtomInfo; i++) {
+ if (m_pChildAtomInfos[i]->m_mandatory
+ && m_pChildAtomInfos[i]->m_count == 0) {
+ log.warningf("%s: \"%s\": In atom %s missing child atom %s", __FUNCTION__,
+ m_File.GetFilename().c_str(), GetType(), m_pChildAtomInfos[i]->m_name);
+ }
+ }
+ log.verbose1f("\"%s\": finished %s", m_File.GetFilename().c_str(), m_type);
+MP4AtomInfo* MP4Atom::FindAtomInfo(const char* name)
+ uint32_t numAtomInfo = m_pChildAtomInfos.Size();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numAtomInfo; i++) {
+ if (ATOMID(m_pChildAtomInfos[i]->m_name) == ATOMID(name)) {
+ return m_pChildAtomInfos[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// generic write
+void MP4Atom::Write()
+ BeginWrite();
+ WriteProperties();
+ WriteChildAtoms();
+ FinishWrite();
+void MP4Atom::Rewrite()
+ if (!m_end) {
+ // This atom hasn't been written yet...
+ return;
+ }
+ uint64_t fPos = m_File.GetPosition();
+ m_File.SetPosition(GetStart());
+ Write();
+ m_File.SetPosition(fPos);
+void MP4Atom::BeginWrite(bool use64)
+ m_start = m_File.GetPosition();
+ //use64 = m_File.Use64Bits();
+ if (use64) {
+ m_File.WriteUInt32(1);
+ } else {
+ m_File.WriteUInt32(0);
+ }
+ m_File.WriteBytes((uint8_t*)&m_type[0], 4);
+ if (use64) {
+ m_File.WriteUInt64(0);
+ }
+ if (ATOMID(m_type) == ATOMID("uuid")) {
+ m_File.WriteBytes(m_extendedType, sizeof(m_extendedType));
+ }
+void MP4Atom::FinishWrite(bool use64)
+ m_end = m_File.GetPosition();
+ m_size = (m_end - m_start);
+ log.verbose1f("end: type %s %" PRIu64 " %" PRIu64 " size %" PRIu64,
+ m_type,m_start, m_end, m_size);
+ //use64 = m_File.Use64Bits();
+ if (use64) {
+ m_File.SetPosition(m_start + 8);
+ m_File.WriteUInt64(m_size);
+ } else {
+ ASSERT(m_size <= (uint64_t)0xFFFFFFFF);
+ m_File.SetPosition(m_start);
+ m_File.WriteUInt32(m_size);
+ }
+ m_File.SetPosition(m_end);
+ // adjust size to just reflect data portion of atom
+ m_size -= (use64 ? 16 : 8);
+ if (ATOMID(m_type) == ATOMID("uuid")) {
+ m_size -= sizeof(m_extendedType);
+ }
+void MP4Atom::WriteProperties(uint32_t startIndex, uint32_t count)
+ uint32_t numProperties = min(count, m_pProperties.Size() - startIndex);
+ log.verbose1f("Write: \"%s\": type %s", m_File.GetFilename().c_str(), m_type);
+ for (uint32_t i = startIndex; i < startIndex + numProperties; i++) {
+ m_pProperties[i]->Write(m_File);
+ MP4LogLevel thisVerbosity =
+ (m_pProperties[i]->GetType() == TableProperty) ?
+ if (log.verbosity >= thisVerbosity) {
+ log.printf(thisVerbosity,"Write: ");
+ m_pProperties[i]->Dump(0, false);
+ }
+ }
+void MP4Atom::WriteChildAtoms()
+ uint32_t size = m_pChildAtoms.Size();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ m_pChildAtoms[i]->Write();
+ }
+ log.verbose1f("Write: \"%s\": finished %s", m_File.GetFilename().c_str(), m_type);
+void MP4Atom::AddProperty(MP4Property* pProperty)
+ ASSERT(pProperty);
+ m_pProperties.Add(pProperty);
+void MP4Atom::AddVersionAndFlags()
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer8Property(*this, "version"));
+ AddProperty(new MP4Integer24Property(*this, "flags"));
+void MP4Atom::AddReserved(MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char* name, uint32_t size)
+ MP4BytesProperty* pReserved = new MP4BytesProperty(parentAtom, name, size);
+ pReserved->SetReadOnly();
+ AddProperty(pReserved);
+void MP4Atom::ExpectChildAtom(const char* name, bool mandatory, bool onlyOne)
+ m_pChildAtomInfos.Add(new MP4AtomInfo(name, mandatory, onlyOne));
+uint8_t MP4Atom::GetVersion()
+ if (strcmp("version", m_pProperties[0]->GetName())) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[0])->GetValue();
+void MP4Atom::SetVersion(uint8_t version)
+ if (strcmp("version", m_pProperties[0]->GetName())) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValue(version);
+uint32_t MP4Atom::GetFlags()
+ if (strcmp("flags", m_pProperties[1]->GetName())) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return ((MP4Integer24Property*)m_pProperties[1])->GetValue();
+void MP4Atom::SetFlags(uint32_t flags)
+ if (strcmp("flags", m_pProperties[1]->GetName())) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ((MP4Integer24Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue(flags);
+void MP4Atom::Dump(uint8_t indent, bool dumpImplicits)
+ if ( m_type[0] != '\0' ) {
+ // create list of ancestors
+ list<string> tlist;
+ for( MP4Atom* atom = this; atom; atom = atom->GetParentAtom() ) {
+ const char* const type = atom->GetType();
+ if( type && type[0] != '\0' )
+ tlist.push_front( type );
+ }
+ // create contextual atom-name
+ string can;
+ const list<string>::iterator ie = tlist.end();
+ for( list<string>::iterator it = tlist.begin(); it != ie; it++ )
+ can += *it + '.';
+ if( can.length() )
+ can.resize( can.length() - 1 );
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, "\"%s\": type %s (%s)",
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_type, can.c_str() );
+ }
+ uint32_t i;
+ uint32_t size;
+ // dump our properties
+ size = m_pProperties.Size();
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ /* skip details of tables unless we're told to be verbose */
+ if (m_pProperties[i]->GetType() == TableProperty
+ && (log.verbosity < MP4_LOG_VERBOSE2)) {
+ log.dump(indent + 1, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, "\"%s\": <table entries suppressed>",
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str() );
+ continue;
+ }
+ m_pProperties[i]->Dump(indent + 1, dumpImplicits);
+ }
+ // dump our children
+ size = m_pChildAtoms.Size();
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ m_pChildAtoms[i]->Dump(indent + 1, dumpImplicits);
+ }
+uint8_t MP4Atom::GetDepth()
+ if (m_depth < 0xFF) {
+ return m_depth;
+ }
+ MP4Atom *pAtom = this;
+ m_depth = 0;
+ while ((pAtom = pAtom->GetParentAtom()) != NULL) {
+ m_depth++;
+ ASSERT(m_depth < 255);
+ }
+ return m_depth;
+bool MP4Atom::GetLargesizeMode()
+ return m_largesizeMode;
+void MP4Atom::SetLargesizeMode( bool mode )
+ m_largesizeMode = mode;
+MP4Atom::descendsFrom( MP4Atom* parent, const char* type )
+ const uint32_t id = ATOMID( type );
+ for( MP4Atom* atom = parent; atom; atom = atom->GetParentAtom() ) {
+ if( id == ATOMID(atom->GetType()) )
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+// UDTA child atom types to be constructed as MP4UdtaElementAtom.
+// List gleaned from QTFF 2007-09-04.
+static const char* const UDTA_ELEMENTS[] = {
+ "\xA9" "arg",
+ "\xA9" "ark",
+ "\xA9" "cok",
+ "\xA9" "com",
+ "\xA9" "cpy",
+ "\xA9" "day",
+ "\xA9" "dir",
+ "\xA9" "ed1",
+ "\xA9" "ed2",
+ "\xA9" "ed3",
+ "\xA9" "ed4",
+ "\xA9" "ed5",
+ "\xA9" "ed6",
+ "\xA9" "ed7",
+ "\xA9" "ed8",
+ "\xA9" "ed9",
+ "\xA9" "fmt",
+ "\xA9" "inf",
+ "\xA9" "isr",
+ "\xA9" "lab",
+ "\xA9" "lal",
+ "\xA9" "mak",
+ "\xA9" "nak",
+ "\xA9" "nam",
+ "\xA9" "pdk",
+ "\xA9" "phg",
+ "\xA9" "prd",
+ "\xA9" "prf",
+ "\xA9" "prk",
+ "\xA9" "prl",
+ "\xA9" "req",
+ "\xA9" "snk",
+ "\xA9" "snm",
+ "\xA9" "src",
+ "\xA9" "swf",
+ "\xA9" "swk",
+ "\xA9" "swr",
+ "\xA9" "wrt",
+ "Allf",
+ "name",
+ "LOOP",
+ "ptv ",
+ "SelO",
+ "WLOC",
+ NULL // must be last
+MP4Atom::factory( MP4File &file, MP4Atom* parent, const char* type )
+ // type may be NULL only in case of root-atom
+ if( !type )
+ return new MP4RootAtom(file);
+ // construct atoms which are context-savvy
+ if( parent ) {
+ const char* const ptype = parent->GetType();
+ if( descendsFrom( parent, "ilst" )) {
+ if( ATOMID( ptype ) == ATOMID( "ilst" ))
+ return new MP4ItemAtom( file, type );
+ if( ATOMID( type ) == ATOMID( "data" ))
+ return new MP4DataAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID( ptype ) == ATOMID( "----" )) {
+ if( ATOMID( type ) == ATOMID( "mean" ))
+ return new MP4MeanAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID( type ) == ATOMID( "name" ))
+ return new MP4NameAtom(file);
+ }
+ }
+ else if( ATOMID( ptype ) == ATOMID( "meta" )) {
+ if( ATOMID( type ) == ATOMID( "hdlr" ))
+ return new MP4ItmfHdlrAtom(file);
+ }
+ else if( ATOMID( ptype ) == ATOMID( "udta" )) {
+ if( ATOMID( type ) == ATOMID( "hnti" ))
+ return new MP4HntiAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID( type ) == ATOMID( "hinf" ))
+ return new MP4HinfAtom(file);
+ for( const char* const* p = UDTA_ELEMENTS; *p; p++ )
+ if( !strcmp( type, *p ))
+ return new MP4UdtaElementAtom( file, type );
+ }
+ }
+ // no-context construction (old-style)
+ switch( (uint8_t)type[0] ) {
+ case 'S':
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("SVQ3") )
+ return new MP4VideoAtom( file, type );
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("SMI ") )
+ return new MP4SmiAtom(file);
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("avc1") )
+ return new MP4Avc1Atom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("ac-3") )
+ return new MP4Ac3Atom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("avcC") )
+ return new MP4AvcCAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("alis") )
+ return new MP4UrlAtom( file, type );
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("alaw") )
+ return new MP4SoundAtom( file, type );
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("alac") )
+ return new MP4SoundAtom( file, type );
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("chap") )
+ return new MP4TrefTypeAtom( file, type );
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("chpl") )
+ return new MP4ChplAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("colr") )
+ return new MP4ColrAtom(file);
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("d263") )
+ return new MP4D263Atom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("damr") )
+ return new MP4DamrAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("dref") )
+ return new MP4DrefAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("dpnd") )
+ return new MP4TrefTypeAtom( file, type );
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("dac3") )
+ return new MP4DAc3Atom(file);
+ break;
+ case 'e':
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("elst") )
+ return new MP4ElstAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("enca") )
+ return new MP4EncaAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("encv") )
+ return new MP4EncvAtom(file);
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("free") )
+ return new MP4FreeAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("ftyp") )
+ return new MP4FtypAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("ftab") )
+ return new MP4FtabAtom(file);
+ break;
+ case 'g':
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("gmin") )
+ return new MP4GminAtom(file);
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("hdlr") )
+ return new MP4HdlrAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("hint") )
+ return new MP4TrefTypeAtom( file, type );
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("h263") )
+ return new MP4VideoAtom( file, type );
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("href") )
+ return new MP4HrefAtom(file);
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("ipir") )
+ return new MP4TrefTypeAtom( file, type );
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("ima4") )
+ return new MP4SoundAtom( file, type );
+ break;
+ case 'j':
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("jpeg") )
+ return new MP4VideoAtom(file, "jpeg");
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("mdhd") )
+ return new MP4MdhdAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("mvhd") )
+ return new MP4MvhdAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("mdat") )
+ return new MP4MdatAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("mpod") )
+ return new MP4TrefTypeAtom( file, type );
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("mp4a") )
+ return new MP4SoundAtom( file, type );
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("mp4s") )
+ return new MP4Mp4sAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("mp4v") )
+ return new MP4Mp4vAtom(file);
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("nmhd") )
+ return new MP4NmhdAtom(file);
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("ohdr") )
+ return new MP4OhdrAtom(file);
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("pasp") )
+ return new MP4PaspAtom(file);
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("rtp ") )
+ return new MP4RtpAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("raw ") )
+ return new MP4VideoAtom( file, type );
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("s263") )
+ return new MP4S263Atom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("samr") )
+ return new MP4AmrAtom( file, type );
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("sawb") )
+ return new MP4AmrAtom( file, type );
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("sdtp") )
+ return new MP4SdtpAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("stbl") )
+ return new MP4StblAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("stsd") )
+ return new MP4StsdAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("stsz") )
+ return new MP4StszAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("stsc") )
+ return new MP4StscAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("stz2") )
+ return new MP4Stz2Atom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("stdp") )
+ return new MP4StdpAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("sdp ") )
+ return new MP4SdpAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("sync") )
+ return new MP4TrefTypeAtom( file, type );
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("skip") )
+ return new MP4FreeAtom( file, type );
+ if (ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("sowt") )
+ return new MP4SoundAtom( file, type );
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("text") )
+ return new MP4TextAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("tx3g") )
+ return new MP4Tx3gAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("tkhd") )
+ return new MP4TkhdAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("tfhd") )
+ return new MP4TfhdAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("trun") )
+ return new MP4TrunAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("twos") )
+ return new MP4SoundAtom( file, type );
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("udta") )
+ return new MP4UdtaAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("url ") )
+ return new MP4UrlAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("urn ") )
+ return new MP4UrnAtom(file);
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("ulaw") )
+ return new MP4SoundAtom( file, type );
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("vmhd") )
+ return new MP4VmhdAtom(file);
+ break;
+ case 'y':
+ if( ATOMID(type) == ATOMID("yuv2") )
+ return new MP4VideoAtom( file, type );
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ // default to MP4StandardAtom implementation
+ return new MP4StandardAtom( file, type );
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4atom.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4atom.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b504c75b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4atom.h
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001 - 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * 3GPP features implementation is based on 3GPP's TS26.234-v5.60,
+ * and was contributed by Ximpo Group Ltd.
+ *
+ * Portions created by Ximpo Group Ltd. are
+ * Copyright (C) Ximpo Group Ltd. 2003, 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ * Ximpo Group Ltd. [email protected]
+ */
+#ifndef MP4V2_IMPL_MP4ATOM_H
+#define MP4V2_IMPL_MP4ATOM_H
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+class MP4Atom;
+MP4ARRAY_DECL(MP4Atom, MP4Atom*);
+#define Required true
+#define Optional false
+#define OnlyOne true
+#define Many false
+#define Counted true
+/* helper class */
+class MP4AtomInfo {
+ MP4AtomInfo() {
+ m_name = NULL;
+ }
+ MP4AtomInfo(const char* name, bool mandatory, bool onlyOne);
+ const char* m_name;
+ bool m_mandatory;
+ bool m_onlyOne;
+ uint32_t m_count;
+MP4ARRAY_DECL(MP4AtomInfo, MP4AtomInfo*);
+class MP4Atom
+ static MP4Atom* ReadAtom( MP4File& file, MP4Atom* pParentAtom );
+ static MP4Atom* CreateAtom( MP4File& file, MP4Atom* parent, const char* type );
+ static bool IsReasonableType( const char* type );
+ static MP4Atom* factory( MP4File &file, MP4Atom* parent, const char* type );
+ static bool descendsFrom( MP4Atom* parent, const char* type );
+ MP4Atom(MP4File& file, const char* type = NULL);
+ virtual ~MP4Atom();
+ MP4File& GetFile() {
+ return m_File;
+ };
+ uint64_t GetStart() {
+ return m_start;
+ };
+ void SetStart(uint64_t pos) {
+ m_start = pos;
+ };
+ uint64_t GetEnd() {
+ return m_end;
+ };
+ void SetEnd(uint64_t pos) {
+ m_end = pos;
+ };
+ uint64_t GetSize() {
+ return m_size;
+ }
+ void SetSize(uint64_t size) {
+ m_size = size;
+ }
+ const char* GetType() {
+ return m_type;
+ };
+ void SetType(const char* type) {
+ if (type && *type != '\0') {
+ // not needed ASSERT(strlen(type) == 4);
+ memcpy(m_type, type, 4);
+ m_type[4] = '\0';
+ } else {
+ memset(m_type, 0, 5);
+ }
+ }
+ void GetExtendedType(uint8_t* pExtendedType) {
+ memcpy(pExtendedType, m_extendedType, sizeof(m_extendedType));
+ };
+ void SetExtendedType(uint8_t* pExtendedType) {
+ memcpy(m_extendedType, pExtendedType, sizeof(m_extendedType));
+ };
+ bool IsUnknownType() {
+ return m_unknownType;
+ }
+ void SetUnknownType(bool unknownType = true) {
+ m_unknownType = unknownType;
+ }
+ bool IsRootAtom() {
+ return m_type[0] == '\0';
+ }
+ MP4Atom* GetParentAtom() {
+ return m_pParentAtom;
+ }
+ void SetParentAtom(MP4Atom* pParentAtom) {
+ m_pParentAtom = pParentAtom;
+ }
+ void AddChildAtom(MP4Atom* pChildAtom) {
+ pChildAtom->SetParentAtom(this);
+ m_pChildAtoms.Add(pChildAtom);
+ }
+ void InsertChildAtom(MP4Atom* pChildAtom, uint32_t index) {
+ pChildAtom->SetParentAtom(this);
+ m_pChildAtoms.Insert(pChildAtom, index);
+ }
+ void DeleteChildAtom(MP4Atom* pChildAtom) {
+ for (MP4ArrayIndex i = 0; i < m_pChildAtoms.Size(); i++) {
+ if (m_pChildAtoms[i] == pChildAtom) {
+ m_pChildAtoms.Delete(i);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t GetNumberOfChildAtoms() {
+ return m_pChildAtoms.Size();
+ }
+ MP4Atom* GetChildAtom(uint32_t index) {
+ return m_pChildAtoms[index];
+ }
+ MP4Property* GetProperty(uint32_t index) {
+ return m_pProperties[index];
+ }
+ uint32_t GetCount() {
+ return m_pProperties.Size();
+ }
+ MP4Atom* FindAtom(const char* name);
+ MP4Atom* FindChildAtom(const char* name);
+ bool FindProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex = NULL);
+ uint32_t GetFlags();
+ void SetFlags(uint32_t flags);
+ uint8_t GetDepth();
+ void Skip();
+ virtual void Generate();
+ virtual void Read();
+ virtual void BeginWrite(bool use64 = false);
+ virtual void Write();
+ virtual void Rewrite();
+ virtual void FinishWrite(bool use64 = false);
+ virtual void Dump(uint8_t indent, bool dumpImplicits);
+ bool GetLargesizeMode();
+ void AddProperty(MP4Property* pProperty);
+ void AddVersionAndFlags();
+ void AddReserved(MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char* name, uint32_t size);
+ void ExpectChildAtom(const char* name,
+ bool mandatory, bool onlyOne = true);
+ MP4AtomInfo* FindAtomInfo(const char* name);
+ bool IsMe(const char* name);
+ bool FindContainedProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex);
+ void ReadProperties(
+ uint32_t startIndex = 0, uint32_t count = 0xFFFFFFFF);
+ void ReadChildAtoms();
+ void WriteProperties(
+ uint32_t startIndex = 0, uint32_t count = 0xFFFFFFFF);
+ void WriteChildAtoms();
+ uint8_t GetVersion();
+ void SetVersion(uint8_t version);
+ void SetLargesizeMode( bool );
+ MP4File& m_File;
+ uint64_t m_start;
+ uint64_t m_end;
+ bool m_largesizeMode; // true if largesize mode
+ uint64_t m_size;
+ char m_type[5];
+ bool m_unknownType;
+ uint8_t m_extendedType[16];
+ MP4Atom* m_pParentAtom;
+ uint8_t m_depth;
+ MP4PropertyArray m_pProperties;
+ MP4AtomInfoArray m_pChildAtomInfos;
+ MP4AtomArray m_pChildAtoms;
+ MP4Atom();
+ MP4Atom( const MP4Atom &src );
+ MP4Atom &operator= ( const MP4Atom &src );
+inline uint32_t ATOMID(const char* type) {
+ return STRTOINT32(type);
+// inverse ATOMID - 32 bit id to string
+inline void IDATOM(uint32_t type, char *s) {
+ INT32TOSTR(type, s);
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
+#endif // MP4V2_IMPL_MP4ATOM_H
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4container.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4container.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..acfbd29f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4container.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_pProperties.Size(); i++) {
+ delete m_pProperties[i];
+ }
+void MP4Container::AddProperty(MP4Property* pProperty)
+ ASSERT(pProperty);
+ m_pProperties.Add(pProperty);
+bool MP4Container::FindProperty(const char *name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex)
+ if (pIndex) {
+ *pIndex = 0; // set the default answer for index
+ }
+ uint32_t numProperties = m_pProperties.Size();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numProperties; i++) {
+ if (m_pProperties[i]->FindProperty(name, ppProperty, pIndex)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void MP4Container::FindIntegerProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex)
+ if (!FindProperty(name, ppProperty, pIndex)) {
+ throw new Exception("no such property", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ switch ((*ppProperty)->GetType()) {
+ case Integer8Property:
+ case Integer16Property:
+ case Integer24Property:
+ case Integer32Property:
+ case Integer64Property:
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Exception("type mismatch", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+uint64_t MP4Container::GetIntegerProperty(const char* name)
+ MP4Property* pProperty;
+ uint32_t index;
+ FindIntegerProperty(name, &pProperty, &index);
+ return ((MP4IntegerProperty*)pProperty)->GetValue(index);
+void MP4Container::SetIntegerProperty(const char* name, uint64_t value)
+ MP4Property* pProperty = NULL;
+ uint32_t index = 0;
+ FindIntegerProperty(name, &pProperty, &index);
+ ((MP4IntegerProperty*)pProperty)->SetValue(value, index);
+void MP4Container::FindFloatProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex)
+ if (!FindProperty(name, ppProperty, pIndex)) {
+ throw new Exception("no such property", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ if ((*ppProperty)->GetType() != Float32Property) {
+ throw new Exception("type mismatch", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+float MP4Container::GetFloatProperty(const char* name)
+ MP4Property* pProperty;
+ uint32_t index;
+ FindFloatProperty(name, &pProperty, &index);
+ return ((MP4Float32Property*)pProperty)->GetValue(index);
+void MP4Container::SetFloatProperty(const char* name, float value)
+ MP4Property* pProperty;
+ uint32_t index;
+ FindFloatProperty(name, &pProperty, &index);
+ ((MP4Float32Property*)pProperty)->SetValue(value, index);
+void MP4Container::FindStringProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex)
+ if (!FindProperty(name, ppProperty, pIndex)) {
+ throw new Exception("no such property", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ if ((*ppProperty)->GetType() != StringProperty) {
+ throw new Exception("type mismatch", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+const char* MP4Container::GetStringProperty(const char* name)
+ MP4Property* pProperty;
+ uint32_t index;
+ FindStringProperty(name, &pProperty, &index);
+ return ((MP4StringProperty*)pProperty)->GetValue(index);
+void MP4Container::SetStringProperty(const char* name, const char* value)
+ MP4Property* pProperty;
+ uint32_t index;
+ FindStringProperty(name, &pProperty, &index);
+ ((MP4StringProperty*)pProperty)->SetValue(value, index);
+void MP4Container::FindBytesProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex)
+ if (!FindProperty(name, ppProperty, pIndex)) {
+ throw new Exception("no such property", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ if ((*ppProperty)->GetType() != BytesProperty) {
+ throw new Exception("type mismatch", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+void MP4Container::GetBytesProperty(const char* name,
+ uint8_t** ppValue, uint32_t* pValueSize)
+ MP4Property* pProperty;
+ uint32_t index;
+ FindBytesProperty(name, &pProperty, &index);
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)pProperty)->GetValue(ppValue, pValueSize, index);
+void MP4Container::SetBytesProperty(const char* name,
+ const uint8_t* pValue, uint32_t valueSize)
+ MP4Property* pProperty;
+ uint32_t index;
+ FindBytesProperty(name, &pProperty, &index);
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)pProperty)->SetValue(pValue, valueSize, index);
+void MP4Container::Read(MP4File& file)
+ uint32_t numProperties = m_pProperties.Size();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numProperties; i++) {
+ m_pProperties[i]->Read(file);
+ }
+void MP4Container::Write(MP4File& file)
+ uint32_t numProperties = m_pProperties.Size();
+ if (numProperties == 0) {
+ WARNING(numProperties == 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numProperties; i++) {
+ m_pProperties[i]->Write(file);
+ }
+void MP4Container::Dump(uint8_t indent, bool dumpImplicits)
+ uint32_t numProperties = m_pProperties.Size();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numProperties; i++) {
+ m_pProperties[i]->Dump(indent, dumpImplicits);
+ }
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4container.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4container.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..100d94ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4container.h
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+// base class - container of mp4 properties
+class MP4Container {
+ MP4Container() { }
+ virtual ~MP4Container();
+ void AddProperty(MP4Property* pProperty);
+ virtual void Read(MP4File& file);
+ virtual void Write(MP4File& file);
+ virtual void Dump(uint8_t indent, bool dumpImplicits);
+ MP4Property* GetProperty(uint32_t index) {
+ return m_pProperties[index];
+ }
+ // LATER MP4Property* GetProperty(const char* name); throw on error
+ // LATER MP4Property* FindProperty(const char* name, uint32_t* pIndex = NULL); returns NULL on error
+ bool FindProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex = NULL);
+ void FindIntegerProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex = NULL);
+ uint64_t GetIntegerProperty(const char* name);
+ void SetIntegerProperty(const char* name, uint64_t value);
+ void FindFloatProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex = NULL);
+ float GetFloatProperty(const char* name);
+ void SetFloatProperty(const char* name, float value);
+ void FindStringProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex = NULL);
+ const char* GetStringProperty(const char* name);
+ void SetStringProperty(const char* name, const char* value);
+ void FindBytesProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex = NULL);
+ void GetBytesProperty(const char* name,
+ uint8_t** ppValue, uint32_t* pValueSize);
+ void SetBytesProperty(const char* name,
+ const uint8_t* pValue, uint32_t valueSize);
+ MP4PropertyArray m_pProperties;
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4descriptor.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4descriptor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..202deb15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4descriptor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4Descriptor::MP4Descriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom, uint8_t tag)
+ : m_parentAtom(parentAtom)
+ m_tag = tag;
+ m_start = 0;
+ m_size = 0;
+ m_readMutatePoint = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_pProperties.Size(); i++) {
+ delete m_pProperties[i];
+ }
+void MP4Descriptor::AddProperty(MP4Property* pProperty)
+ ASSERT(pProperty);
+ m_pProperties.Add(pProperty);
+bool MP4Descriptor::FindContainedProperty(const char *name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex)
+ uint32_t numProperties = m_pProperties.Size();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numProperties; i++) {
+ if (m_pProperties[i]->FindProperty(name, ppProperty, pIndex)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void MP4Descriptor::Generate()
+ // generate properties
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_pProperties.Size(); i++) {
+ m_pProperties[i]->Generate();
+ }
+void MP4Descriptor::Read(MP4File& file)
+ ReadHeader(file);
+ ReadProperties(file, 0, m_readMutatePoint);
+ Mutate();
+ ReadProperties(file, m_readMutatePoint);
+ // flush any leftover read bits
+ file.FlushReadBits();
+void MP4Descriptor::ReadHeader(MP4File& file)
+ log.verbose1f("\"%s\": ReadDescriptor: pos = 0x%" PRIx64, file.GetFilename().c_str(),
+ file.GetPosition());
+ // read tag and length
+ uint8_t tag = file.ReadUInt8();
+ if (m_tag) {
+ ASSERT(tag == m_tag);
+ } else {
+ m_tag = tag;
+ }
+ m_size = file.ReadMpegLength();
+ m_start = file.GetPosition();
+ log.verbose1f("\"%s\": ReadDescriptor: tag 0x%02x data size %u (0x%x)",
+ file.GetFilename().c_str(), m_tag, m_size, m_size);
+void MP4Descriptor::ReadProperties(MP4File& file,
+ uint32_t propStartIndex, uint32_t propCount)
+ uint32_t numProperties = min(propCount,
+ m_pProperties.Size() - propStartIndex);
+ for (uint32_t i = propStartIndex;
+ i < propStartIndex + numProperties; i++) {
+ MP4Property* pProperty = m_pProperties[i];
+ int32_t remaining = m_size - (file.GetPosition() - m_start);
+ if (pProperty->GetType() == DescriptorProperty) {
+ if (remaining > 0) {
+ // place a limit on how far this sub-descriptor looks
+ ((MP4DescriptorProperty*)pProperty)->SetSizeLimit(remaining);
+ pProperty->Read(file);
+ } // else do nothing, empty descriptor
+ } else {
+ // non-descriptor property
+ if (remaining >= 0) {
+ pProperty->Read(file);
+ MP4LogLevel thisVerbosity =
+ (pProperty->GetType() == TableProperty) ?
+ if (log.verbosity >= thisVerbosity) {
+ // log.printf(thisVerbosity,"Read: ");
+ pProperty->Dump(0, true);
+ }
+ } else {
+ log.errorf("%s: \"%s\": Overran descriptor, tag %u data size %u property %u",
+ __FUNCTION__, file.GetFilename().c_str(), m_tag, m_size, i);
+ throw new Exception("overran descriptor",__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void MP4Descriptor::Write(MP4File& file)
+ // call virtual function to adapt properties before writing
+ Mutate();
+ uint32_t numProperties = m_pProperties.Size();
+ if (numProperties == 0) {
+ WARNING(numProperties == 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ // write tag and length placeholder
+ file.WriteUInt8(m_tag);
+ uint64_t lengthPos = file.GetPosition();
+ file.WriteMpegLength(0);
+ uint64_t startPos = file.GetPosition();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numProperties; i++) {
+ m_pProperties[i]->Write(file);
+ }
+ // align with byte boundary (rarely necessary)
+ file.PadWriteBits();
+ // go back and write correct length
+ uint64_t endPos = file.GetPosition();
+ file.SetPosition(lengthPos);
+ file.WriteMpegLength(endPos - startPos);
+ file.SetPosition(endPos);
+void MP4Descriptor::WriteToMemory(MP4File& file,
+ uint8_t** ppBytes, uint64_t* pNumBytes)
+ // use memory buffer to save descriptor in memory
+ // instead of going directly to disk
+ file.EnableMemoryBuffer();
+ Write(file);
+ file.DisableMemoryBuffer(ppBytes, pNumBytes);
+void MP4Descriptor::Dump(uint8_t indent, bool dumpImplicits)
+ // call virtual function to adapt properties before dumping
+ Mutate();
+ uint32_t numProperties = m_pProperties.Size();
+ if (numProperties == 0) {
+ WARNING(numProperties == 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numProperties; i++) {
+ m_pProperties[i]->Dump(indent, dumpImplicits);
+ }
+uint8_t MP4Descriptor::GetDepth()
+ return m_parentAtom.GetDepth();
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4descriptor.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4descriptor.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..160c5cf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4descriptor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+class MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4Descriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom, uint8_t tag = 0);
+ virtual ~MP4Descriptor();
+ uint8_t GetTag() {
+ return m_tag;
+ }
+ void SetTag(uint8_t tag) {
+ m_tag = tag;
+ }
+ void AddProperty(MP4Property* pProperty);
+ virtual void Generate();
+ virtual void Read(MP4File& file);
+ virtual void Write(MP4File& file);
+ virtual void Dump(uint8_t indent, bool dumpImplicits);
+ MP4Property* GetProperty(uint32_t index) {
+ return m_pProperties[index];
+ }
+ // use with extreme caution
+ void SetProperty(uint32_t index, MP4Property* pProperty) {
+ m_pProperties[index] = pProperty;
+ }
+ bool FindProperty( const char* name, MP4Property** ppProperty,
+ uint32_t* pIndex = NULL)
+ {
+ return FindContainedProperty(name, ppProperty, pIndex);
+ }
+ void WriteToMemory(MP4File& file,
+ uint8_t** ppBytes, uint64_t* pNumBytes);
+ void SetReadMutate(uint32_t propIndex) {
+ m_readMutatePoint = propIndex;
+ }
+ void ReadHeader(MP4File& file);
+ void ReadProperties(MP4File& file,
+ uint32_t startIndex = 0, uint32_t count = 0xFFFFFFFF);
+ virtual void Mutate() {
+ // default is a no-op
+ };
+ bool FindContainedProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex);
+ uint8_t GetDepth();
+ MP4Atom& m_parentAtom;
+ uint8_t m_tag;
+ uint64_t m_start;
+ uint32_t m_size;
+ MP4PropertyArray m_pProperties;
+ uint32_t m_readMutatePoint;
+ MP4Descriptor();
+ MP4Descriptor ( const MP4Descriptor &src );
+ MP4Descriptor &operator= ( const MP4Descriptor &src );
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4file.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4file.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..25e241f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4file.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,4364 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001 - 2005. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * 3GPP features implementation is based on 3GPP's TS26.234-v5.60,
+ * and was contributed by Ximpo Group Ltd.
+ *
+ * Portions created by Ximpo Group Ltd. are
+ * Copyright (C) Ximpo Group Ltd. 2003, 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ * Alix Marchandise-Franquet [email protected]
+ * Ximpo Group Ltd. [email protected]
+ * Bill May [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+MP4File::MP4File( ) :
+ m_file ( NULL )
+ , m_fileOriginalSize ( 0 )
+ , m_createFlags ( 0 )
+ this->Init();
+ * Initialize member variables (shared among constructors)
+ */
+void MP4File::Init()
+ m_pRootAtom = NULL;
+ m_odTrackId = MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID;
+ m_useIsma = false;
+ m_pModificationProperty = NULL;
+ m_pTimeScaleProperty = NULL;
+ m_pDurationProperty = NULL;
+ m_memoryBuffer = NULL;
+ m_memoryBufferSize = 0;
+ m_memoryBufferPosition = 0;
+ m_numReadBits = 0;
+ m_bufReadBits = 0;
+ m_numWriteBits = 0;
+ m_bufWriteBits = 0;
+ m_editName = NULL;
+ m_trakName[0] = '\0';
+ delete m_pRootAtom;
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < m_pTracks.Size(); i++ )
+ delete m_pTracks[i];
+ MP4Free( m_memoryBuffer ); // just in case
+ CHECK_AND_FREE( m_editName );
+ delete m_file;
+const std::string &
+MP4File::GetFilename() const
+ // No one should call this unless Read, etc. has
+ // succeeded and m_file exists since this method really
+ // only exists for the public API. This helps us
+ // guarantee that MP4GetFilename always returns a valid
+ // string given a valid MP4FileHandle
+ ASSERT(m_file);
+ return m_file->name;
+void MP4File::Read( const char* name, const MP4FileProvider* provider )
+ Open( name, File::MODE_READ, provider );
+ ReadFromFile();
+ CacheProperties();
+void MP4File::Create( const char* fileName,
+ uint32_t flags,
+ int add_ftyp,
+ int add_iods,
+ char* majorBrand,
+ uint32_t minorVersion,
+ char** supportedBrands,
+ uint32_t supportedBrandsCount )
+ m_createFlags = flags;
+ Open( fileName, File::MODE_CREATE, NULL );
+ // generate a skeletal atom tree
+ m_pRootAtom = MP4Atom::CreateAtom(*this, NULL, NULL);
+ m_pRootAtom->Generate();
+ if (add_ftyp != 0) {
+ MakeFtypAtom(majorBrand, minorVersion,
+ supportedBrands, supportedBrandsCount);
+ }
+ CacheProperties();
+ // create mdat, and insert it after ftyp, and before moov
+ (void)InsertChildAtom(m_pRootAtom, "mdat",
+ add_ftyp != 0 ? 1 : 0);
+ // start writing
+ m_pRootAtom->BeginWrite();
+ if (add_iods != 0) {
+ (void)AddChildAtom("moov", "iods");
+ }
+bool MP4File::Use64Bits (const char *atomName)
+ uint32_t atomid = ATOMID(atomName);
+ if (atomid == ATOMID("mdat") || atomid == ATOMID("stbl")) {
+ return (m_createFlags & MP4_CREATE_64BIT_DATA) == MP4_CREATE_64BIT_DATA;
+ }
+ if (atomid == ATOMID("mvhd") ||
+ atomid == ATOMID("tkhd") ||
+ atomid == ATOMID("mdhd")) {
+ return (m_createFlags & MP4_CREATE_64BIT_TIME) == MP4_CREATE_64BIT_TIME;
+ }
+ return false;
+void MP4File::Check64BitStatus (const char *atomName)
+ uint32_t atomid = ATOMID(atomName);
+ if (atomid == ATOMID("mdat") || atomid == ATOMID("stbl")) {
+ m_createFlags |= MP4_CREATE_64BIT_DATA;
+ } else if (atomid == ATOMID("mvhd") ||
+ atomid == ATOMID("tkhd") ||
+ atomid == ATOMID("mdhd")) {
+ m_createFlags |= MP4_CREATE_64BIT_TIME;
+ }
+bool MP4File::Modify( const char* fileName )
+ Open( fileName, File::MODE_MODIFY, NULL );
+ ReadFromFile();
+ // find the moov atom
+ MP4Atom* pMoovAtom = m_pRootAtom->FindAtom("moov");
+ uint32_t numAtoms;
+ if (pMoovAtom == NULL) {
+ // there isn't one, odd but we can still proceed
+ log.warningf("%s: \"%s\": no moov atom, can't modify",
+ __FUNCTION__, GetFilename().c_str());
+ return false;
+ //pMoovAtom = AddChildAtom(m_pRootAtom, "moov");
+ } else {
+ numAtoms = m_pRootAtom->GetNumberOfChildAtoms();
+ // work backwards thru the top level atoms
+ int32_t i;
+ bool lastAtomIsMoov = true;
+ MP4Atom* pLastAtom = NULL;
+ for (i = numAtoms - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ MP4Atom* pAtom = m_pRootAtom->GetChildAtom(i);
+ const char* type = pAtom->GetType();
+ // get rid of any trailing free or skips
+ if (!strcmp(type, "free") || !strcmp(type, "skip")) {
+ m_pRootAtom->DeleteChildAtom(pAtom);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(type, "moov")) {
+ if (pLastAtom == NULL) {
+ pLastAtom = pAtom;
+ lastAtomIsMoov = false;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ // now at moov atom
+ // multiple moov atoms?!?
+ if (pAtom != pMoovAtom) {
+ throw new Exception(
+ "Badly formed mp4 file, multiple moov atoms",
+ __FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ if (lastAtomIsMoov) {
+ // position to start of moov atom,
+ // effectively truncating file
+ // prior to adding new mdat
+ SetPosition(pMoovAtom->GetStart());
+ } else { // last atom isn't moov
+ // need to place a free atom
+ MP4Atom* pFreeAtom = MP4Atom::CreateAtom(*this, NULL, "free");
+ // in existing position of the moov atom
+ m_pRootAtom->InsertChildAtom(pFreeAtom, i);
+ m_pRootAtom->DeleteChildAtom(pMoovAtom);
+ m_pRootAtom->AddChildAtom(pMoovAtom);
+ // write free atom to disk
+ SetPosition(pMoovAtom->GetStart());
+ pFreeAtom->SetSize(pMoovAtom->GetSize());
+ pFreeAtom->Write();
+ // finally set our file position to the end of the last atom
+ SetPosition(pLastAtom->GetEnd());
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ ASSERT(i != -1);
+ }
+ CacheProperties(); // of moov atom
+ numAtoms = m_pRootAtom->GetNumberOfChildAtoms();
+ // insert another mdat prior to moov atom (the last atom)
+ MP4Atom* pMdatAtom = InsertChildAtom(m_pRootAtom, "mdat", numAtoms - 1);
+ // start writing new mdat
+ pMdatAtom->BeginWrite(Use64Bits("mdat"));
+ return true;
+void MP4File::Optimize( const char* srcFileName, const char* dstFileName )
+ File* src = NULL;
+ File* dst = NULL;
+ // compute destination filename
+ string dname;
+ if( dstFileName ) {
+ dname = dstFileName;
+ } else {
+ // No destination given, so let's kludge together a temporary file.
+ // We'll try to create it in the same directory as the srcFileName, since
+ // it's more likely that directory is writable. In the absence of that,
+ // we'll create it in "./", which is the default pathnameTemp() provides.
+ string s(srcFileName);
+ size_t pos = s.find_last_of("\\/");
+ const char *d;
+ if (pos == string::npos) {
+ d = ".";
+ } else {
+ s = s.substr(0, pos);
+ d = s.c_str();
+ }
+ FileSystem::pathnameTemp( dname, d, "tmp", ".mp4" );
+ }
+ try {
+ // file source to optimize
+ Open( srcFileName, File::MODE_READ, NULL );
+ ReadFromFile();
+ CacheProperties(); // of moov atom
+ src = m_file;
+ m_file = NULL;
+ // optimized file destination
+ Open( dname.c_str(), File::MODE_CREATE, NULL );
+ dst = m_file;
+ SetIntegerProperty( "moov.mvhd.modificationTime", MP4GetAbsTimestamp() );
+ // writing meta info in the optimal order
+ ((MP4RootAtom*)m_pRootAtom)->BeginOptimalWrite();
+ // write data in optimal order
+ RewriteMdat( *src, *dst );
+ // finish writing
+ ((MP4RootAtom*)m_pRootAtom)->FinishOptimalWrite();
+ }
+ catch (...) {
+ // cleanup and rethrow. Without this, we'd leak memory and an open file handle(s).
+ if(src == NULL && dst == NULL)
+ delete m_file;// We didn't make it far enough to have m_file go to src or dst.
+ m_file = NULL;
+ delete dst;
+ delete src;
+ throw;
+ }
+ // cleanup
+ delete dst;
+ delete src;
+ m_file = NULL;
+ // move temporary file into place
+ if( !dstFileName )
+ Rename( dname.c_str(), srcFileName );
+void MP4File::RewriteMdat( File& src, File& dst )
+ uint32_t numTracks = m_pTracks.Size();
+ MP4ChunkId* chunkIds = new MP4ChunkId[numTracks];
+ MP4ChunkId* maxChunkIds = new MP4ChunkId[numTracks];
+ MP4Timestamp* nextChunkTimes = new MP4Timestamp[numTracks];
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < numTracks; i++ ) {
+ chunkIds[i] = 1;
+ maxChunkIds[i] = m_pTracks[i]->GetNumberOfChunks();
+ nextChunkTimes[i] = MP4_INVALID_TIMESTAMP;
+ }
+ for( ;; ) {
+ uint32_t nextTrackIndex = (uint32_t)-1;
+ MP4Timestamp nextTime = MP4_INVALID_TIMESTAMP;
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < numTracks; i++ ) {
+ if( chunkIds[i] > maxChunkIds[i] )
+ continue;
+ if( nextChunkTimes[i] == MP4_INVALID_TIMESTAMP ) {
+ MP4Timestamp chunkTime = m_pTracks[i]->GetChunkTime( chunkIds[i] );
+ nextChunkTimes[i] = MP4ConvertTime( chunkTime, m_pTracks[i]->GetTimeScale(), GetTimeScale() );
+ }
+ // time is not earliest so far
+ if( nextChunkTimes[i] > nextTime )
+ continue;
+ // prefer hint tracks to media tracks if times are equal
+ if( nextChunkTimes[i] == nextTime && strcmp( m_pTracks[i]->GetType(), MP4_HINT_TRACK_TYPE ))
+ continue;
+ // this is our current choice of tracks
+ nextTime = nextChunkTimes[i];
+ nextTrackIndex = i;
+ }
+ if( nextTrackIndex == (uint32_t)-1 )
+ break;
+ uint8_t* pChunk;
+ uint32_t chunkSize;
+ // point into original mp4 file for read chunk call
+ m_file = &src;
+ m_pTracks[nextTrackIndex]->ReadChunk( chunkIds[nextTrackIndex], &pChunk, &chunkSize );
+ // point back at the new mp4 file for write chunk
+ m_file = &dst;
+ m_pTracks[nextTrackIndex]->RewriteChunk( chunkIds[nextTrackIndex], pChunk, chunkSize );
+ MP4Free( pChunk );
+ chunkIds[nextTrackIndex]++;
+ nextChunkTimes[nextTrackIndex] = MP4_INVALID_TIMESTAMP;
+ }
+ delete [] chunkIds;
+ delete [] maxChunkIds;
+ delete [] nextChunkTimes;
+void MP4File::Open( const char* name, File::Mode mode, const MP4FileProvider* provider )
+ ASSERT( !m_file );
+ m_file = new File( name, mode, provider ? new io::CustomFileProvider( *provider ) : NULL );
+ if( m_file->open() ) {
+ ostringstream msg;
+ msg << "open(" << name << ") failed";
+ throw new Exception( msg.str(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ switch( mode ) {
+ case File::MODE_READ:
+ case File::MODE_MODIFY:
+ m_fileOriginalSize = m_file->size;
+ break;
+ case File::MODE_CREATE:
+ default:
+ m_fileOriginalSize = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+void MP4File::ReadFromFile()
+ // ensure we start at beginning of file
+ SetPosition(0);
+ // create a new root atom
+ ASSERT(m_pRootAtom == NULL);
+ m_pRootAtom = MP4Atom::CreateAtom(*this, NULL, NULL);
+ uint64_t fileSize = GetSize();
+ m_pRootAtom->SetStart(0);
+ m_pRootAtom->SetSize(fileSize);
+ m_pRootAtom->SetEnd(fileSize);
+ m_pRootAtom->Read();
+ // create MP4Track's for any tracks in the file
+ GenerateTracks();
+void MP4File::GenerateTracks()
+ uint32_t trackIndex = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ char trackName[32];
+ snprintf(trackName, sizeof(trackName), "moov.trak[%u]", trackIndex);
+ // find next trak atom
+ MP4Atom* pTrakAtom = m_pRootAtom->FindAtom(trackName);
+ // done, no more trak atoms
+ if (pTrakAtom == NULL) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // find track id property
+ MP4Integer32Property* pTrackIdProperty = NULL;
+ (void)pTrakAtom->FindProperty(
+ "trak.tkhd.trackId",
+ (MP4Property**)&pTrackIdProperty);
+ // find track type property
+ MP4StringProperty* pTypeProperty = NULL;
+ (void)pTrakAtom->FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.hdlr.handlerType",
+ (MP4Property**)&pTypeProperty);
+ // ensure we have the basics properties
+ if (pTrackIdProperty && pTypeProperty) {
+ m_trakIds.Add(pTrackIdProperty->GetValue());
+ MP4Track* pTrack = NULL;
+ try {
+ if (!strcmp(pTypeProperty->GetValue(), MP4_HINT_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ pTrack = new MP4RtpHintTrack(*this, *pTrakAtom);
+ } else {
+ pTrack = new MP4Track(*this, *pTrakAtom);
+ }
+ m_pTracks.Add(pTrack);
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ // remember when we encounter the OD track
+ if (pTrack && !strcmp(pTrack->GetType(), MP4_OD_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ if (m_odTrackId == MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) {
+ m_odTrackId = pTrackIdProperty->GetValue();
+ } else {
+ log.warningf("%s: \"%s\": multiple OD tracks present",
+ __FUNCTION__, GetFilename().c_str() );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ m_trakIds.Add(0);
+ }
+ trackIndex++;
+ }
+void MP4File::CacheProperties()
+ FindIntegerProperty("moov.mvhd.modificationTime",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pModificationProperty);
+ FindIntegerProperty("moov.mvhd.timeScale",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pTimeScaleProperty);
+ FindIntegerProperty("moov.mvhd.duration",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pDurationProperty);
+void MP4File::BeginWrite()
+ m_pRootAtom->BeginWrite();
+void MP4File::FinishWrite(uint32_t options)
+ // remove empty moov.udta.meta.ilst
+ {
+ MP4Atom* ilst = FindAtom( "moov.udta.meta.ilst" );
+ if( ilst ) {
+ if( ilst->GetNumberOfChildAtoms() == 0 ) {
+ ilst->GetParentAtom()->DeleteChildAtom( ilst );
+ delete ilst;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // remove empty moov.udta.meta
+ {
+ MP4Atom* meta = FindAtom( "moov.udta.meta" );
+ if( meta ) {
+ if( meta->GetNumberOfChildAtoms() == 0 ) {
+ meta->GetParentAtom()->DeleteChildAtom( meta );
+ delete meta;
+ }
+ else if( meta->GetNumberOfChildAtoms() == 1 ) {
+ if( ATOMID( meta->GetChildAtom( 0 )->GetType() ) == ATOMID( "hdlr" )) {
+ meta->GetParentAtom()->DeleteChildAtom( meta );
+ delete meta;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // remove empty
+ {
+ MP4Atom* name = FindAtom( "" );
+ if( name ) {
+ unsigned char *val = NULL;
+ uint32_t valSize = 0;
+ GetBytesProperty("", (uint8_t**)&val, &valSize);
+ if( valSize == 0 ) {
+ name->GetParentAtom()->DeleteChildAtom( name );
+ delete name;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // remove empty moov.udta
+ {
+ MP4Atom* udta = FindAtom( "moov.udta" );
+ if( udta ) {
+ if( udta->GetNumberOfChildAtoms() == 0 ) {
+ udta->GetParentAtom()->DeleteChildAtom( udta );
+ delete udta;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // for all tracks, flush chunking buffers
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < m_pTracks.Size(); i++ ) {
+ ASSERT( m_pTracks[i] );
+ m_pTracks[i]->FinishWrite(options);
+ }
+ // ask root atom to write
+ m_pRootAtom->FinishWrite();
+ // finished all writes, if position < size then file has shrunk and
+ // we mark remaining bytes as free atom; otherwise trailing garbage remains.
+ if( GetPosition() < GetSize() ) {
+ MP4RootAtom* root = (MP4RootAtom*)FindAtom( "" );
+ ASSERT( root );
+ // compute size of free atom; always has 8 bytes of overhead
+ uint64_t size = GetSize() - GetPosition();
+ if( size < 8 )
+ size = 0;
+ else
+ size -= 8;
+ MP4FreeAtom* freeAtom = (MP4FreeAtom*)MP4Atom::CreateAtom( *this, NULL, "free" );
+ ASSERT( freeAtom );
+ freeAtom->SetSize( size );
+ root->AddChildAtom( freeAtom );
+ freeAtom->Write();
+ }
+void MP4File::UpdateDuration(MP4Duration duration)
+ MP4Duration currentDuration = GetDuration();
+ if (duration > currentDuration) {
+ SetDuration(duration);
+ }
+void MP4File::Dump( bool dumpImplicits )
+ log.dump(0, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, "\"%s\": Dumping meta-information...", m_file->name.c_str() );
+ m_pRootAtom->Dump( 0, dumpImplicits);
+void MP4File::Close(uint32_t options)
+ if( IsWriteMode() ) {
+ SetIntegerProperty( "moov.mvhd.modificationTime", MP4GetAbsTimestamp() );
+ FinishWrite(options);
+ }
+ delete m_file;
+ m_file = NULL;
+void MP4File::Rename(const char* oldFileName, const char* newFileName)
+ if( FileSystem::rename( oldFileName, newFileName ))
+ throw new PlatformException( sys::getLastErrorStr(), sys::getLastError(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+void MP4File::ProtectWriteOperation(const char* file,
+ int line,
+ const char* func )
+ if( !IsWriteMode() )
+ throw new Exception( "operation not permitted in read mode", file, line, func );
+MP4Track* MP4File::GetTrack(MP4TrackId trackId)
+ return m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)];
+MP4Atom* MP4File::FindAtom(const char* name)
+ MP4Atom* pAtom = NULL;
+ if (!name || !strcmp(name, "")) {
+ pAtom = m_pRootAtom;
+ } else {
+ pAtom = m_pRootAtom->FindAtom(name);
+ }
+ return pAtom;
+MP4Atom* MP4File::AddChildAtom(
+ const char* parentName,
+ const char* childName)
+ return AddChildAtom(FindAtom(parentName), childName);
+MP4Atom* MP4File::AddChildAtom(
+ MP4Atom* pParentAtom,
+ const char* childName)
+ return InsertChildAtom(pParentAtom, childName,
+ pParentAtom->GetNumberOfChildAtoms());
+MP4Atom* MP4File::InsertChildAtom(
+ const char* parentName,
+ const char* childName,
+ uint32_t index)
+ return InsertChildAtom(FindAtom(parentName), childName, index);
+MP4Atom* MP4File::InsertChildAtom(
+ MP4Atom* pParentAtom,
+ const char* childName,
+ uint32_t index)
+ MP4Atom* pChildAtom = MP4Atom::CreateAtom(*this, pParentAtom, childName);
+ ASSERT(pParentAtom);
+ pParentAtom->InsertChildAtom(pChildAtom, index);
+ pChildAtom->Generate();
+ return pChildAtom;
+MP4Atom* MP4File::AddDescendantAtoms(
+ const char* ancestorName,
+ const char* descendantNames)
+ return AddDescendantAtoms(FindAtom(ancestorName), descendantNames);
+MP4Atom* MP4File::AddDescendantAtoms(
+ MP4Atom* pAncestorAtom, const char* descendantNames)
+ ASSERT(pAncestorAtom);
+ MP4Atom* pParentAtom = pAncestorAtom;
+ MP4Atom* pChildAtom = NULL;
+ while (true) {
+ char* childName = MP4NameFirst(descendantNames);
+ if (childName == NULL) {
+ break;
+ }
+ descendantNames = MP4NameAfterFirst(descendantNames);
+ pChildAtom = pParentAtom->FindChildAtom(childName);
+ if (pChildAtom == NULL) {
+ pChildAtom = AddChildAtom(pParentAtom, childName);
+ }
+ pParentAtom = pChildAtom;
+ MP4Free(childName);
+ }
+ return pChildAtom;
+bool MP4File::FindProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex)
+ if( pIndex )
+ *pIndex = 0; // set the default answer for index
+ return m_pRootAtom->FindProperty(name, ppProperty, pIndex);
+void MP4File::FindIntegerProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex)
+ if (!FindProperty(name, ppProperty, pIndex)) {
+ ostringstream msg;
+ msg << "no such property - " << name;
+ throw new Exception(msg.str(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ switch ((*ppProperty)->GetType()) {
+ case Integer8Property:
+ case Integer16Property:
+ case Integer24Property:
+ case Integer32Property:
+ case Integer64Property:
+ break;
+ default:
+ ostringstream msg;
+ msg << "type mismatch - property " << name << " type " << (*ppProperty)->GetType();
+ throw new Exception(msg.str(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+uint64_t MP4File::GetIntegerProperty(const char* name)
+ MP4Property* pProperty;
+ uint32_t index;
+ FindIntegerProperty(name, &pProperty, &index);
+ return ((MP4IntegerProperty*)pProperty)->GetValue(index);
+void MP4File::SetIntegerProperty(const char* name, uint64_t value)
+ ProtectWriteOperation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ MP4Property* pProperty = NULL;
+ uint32_t index = 0;
+ FindIntegerProperty(name, &pProperty, &index);
+ ((MP4IntegerProperty*)pProperty)->SetValue(value, index);
+void MP4File::FindFloatProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex)
+ if (!FindProperty(name, ppProperty, pIndex)) {
+ ostringstream msg;
+ msg << "no such property - " << name;
+ throw new Exception(msg.str(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ if ((*ppProperty)->GetType() != Float32Property) {
+ ostringstream msg;
+ msg << "type mismatch - property " << name << " type " << (*ppProperty)->GetType();
+ throw new Exception(msg.str(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+float MP4File::GetFloatProperty(const char* name)
+ MP4Property* pProperty;
+ uint32_t index;
+ FindFloatProperty(name, &pProperty, &index);
+ return ((MP4Float32Property*)pProperty)->GetValue(index);
+void MP4File::SetFloatProperty(const char* name, float value)
+ ProtectWriteOperation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ MP4Property* pProperty;
+ uint32_t index;
+ FindFloatProperty(name, &pProperty, &index);
+ ((MP4Float32Property*)pProperty)->SetValue(value, index);
+void MP4File::FindStringProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex)
+ if (!FindProperty(name, ppProperty, pIndex)) {
+ ostringstream msg;
+ msg << "no such property - " << name;
+ throw new Exception(msg.str(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ if ((*ppProperty)->GetType() != StringProperty) {
+ ostringstream msg;
+ msg << "type mismatch - property " << name << " type " << (*ppProperty)->GetType();
+ throw new Exception(msg.str(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+const char* MP4File::GetStringProperty(const char* name)
+ MP4Property* pProperty;
+ uint32_t index;
+ FindStringProperty(name, &pProperty, &index);
+ return ((MP4StringProperty*)pProperty)->GetValue(index);
+void MP4File::SetStringProperty(const char* name, const char* value)
+ ProtectWriteOperation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ MP4Property* pProperty;
+ uint32_t index;
+ FindStringProperty(name, &pProperty, &index);
+ ((MP4StringProperty*)pProperty)->SetValue(value, index);
+void MP4File::FindBytesProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex)
+ if (!FindProperty(name, ppProperty, pIndex)) {
+ ostringstream msg;
+ msg << "no such property " << name;
+ throw new Exception(msg.str(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ if ((*ppProperty)->GetType() != BytesProperty) {
+ ostringstream msg;
+ msg << "type mismatch - property " << name << " - type " << (*ppProperty)->GetType();
+ throw new Exception(msg.str(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+void MP4File::GetBytesProperty(const char* name,
+ uint8_t** ppValue, uint32_t* pValueSize)
+ MP4Property* pProperty;
+ uint32_t index;
+ FindBytesProperty(name, &pProperty, &index);
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)pProperty)->GetValue(ppValue, pValueSize, index);
+void MP4File::SetBytesProperty(const char* name,
+ const uint8_t* pValue, uint32_t valueSize)
+ ProtectWriteOperation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ MP4Property* pProperty;
+ uint32_t index;
+ FindBytesProperty(name, &pProperty, &index);
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)pProperty)->SetValue(pValue, valueSize, index);
+// track functions
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddTrack(const char* type, uint32_t timeScale)
+ ProtectWriteOperation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ // create and add new trak atom
+ MP4Atom* pTrakAtom = AddChildAtom("moov", "trak");
+ ASSERT(pTrakAtom);
+ // allocate a new track id
+ MP4TrackId trackId = AllocTrackId();
+ m_trakIds.Add(trackId);
+ // set track id
+ MP4Integer32Property* pInteger32Property = NULL;
+ (void)pTrakAtom->FindProperty("trak.tkhd.trackId",
+ (MP4Property**)&pInteger32Property);
+ ASSERT(pInteger32Property);
+ pInteger32Property->SetValue(trackId);
+ // set track type
+ const char* normType = MP4NormalizeTrackType(type);
+ // sanity check for user defined types
+ if (strlen(normType) > 4) {
+ log.warningf("%s: \"%s\": type truncated to four characters",
+ __FUNCTION__, GetFilename().c_str());
+ // StringProperty::SetValue() will do the actual truncation
+ }
+ MP4StringProperty* pStringProperty = NULL;
+ (void)pTrakAtom->FindProperty("trak.mdia.hdlr.handlerType",
+ (MP4Property**)&pStringProperty);
+ ASSERT(pStringProperty);
+ pStringProperty->SetValue(normType);
+ // set track time scale
+ pInteger32Property = NULL;
+ (void)pTrakAtom->FindProperty("trak.mdia.mdhd.timeScale",
+ (MP4Property**)&pInteger32Property);
+ ASSERT(pInteger32Property);
+ pInteger32Property->SetValue(timeScale ? timeScale : 1000);
+ // now have enough to create MP4Track object
+ MP4Track* pTrack = NULL;
+ if (!strcmp(normType, MP4_HINT_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ pTrack = new MP4RtpHintTrack(*this, *pTrakAtom);
+ } else {
+ pTrack = new MP4Track(*this, *pTrakAtom);
+ }
+ m_pTracks.Add(pTrack);
+ // mark non-hint tracks as enabled
+ if (strcmp(normType, MP4_HINT_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId, "tkhd.flags", 1);
+ }
+ // mark track as contained in this file
+ // LATER will provide option for external data references
+ AddDataReference(trackId, NULL);
+ return trackId;
+void MP4File::AddTrackToIod(MP4TrackId trackId)
+ MP4DescriptorProperty* pDescriptorProperty = NULL;
+ (void)m_pRootAtom->FindProperty("moov.iods.esIds",
+ (MP4Property**)&pDescriptorProperty);
+ ASSERT(pDescriptorProperty);
+ MP4Descriptor* pDescriptor =
+ pDescriptorProperty->AddDescriptor(MP4ESIDIncDescrTag);
+ ASSERT(pDescriptor);
+ MP4Integer32Property* pIdProperty = NULL;
+ (void)pDescriptor->FindProperty("id",
+ (MP4Property**)&pIdProperty);
+ ASSERT(pIdProperty);
+ pIdProperty->SetValue(trackId);
+void MP4File::RemoveTrackFromIod(MP4TrackId trackId, bool shallHaveIods)
+ MP4DescriptorProperty* pDescriptorProperty = NULL;
+ if (!m_pRootAtom->FindProperty("moov.iods.esIds",(MP4Property**)&pDescriptorProperty)
+ || pDescriptorProperty == NULL)
+ return;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pDescriptorProperty->GetCount(); i++) {
+ /* static */
+ char name[32];
+ snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "esIds[%u].id", i);
+ MP4Integer32Property* pIdProperty = NULL;
+ (void)pDescriptorProperty->FindProperty(name,
+ (MP4Property**)&pIdProperty);
+ // wmay ASSERT(pIdProperty);
+ if (pIdProperty != NULL &&
+ pIdProperty->GetValue() == trackId) {
+ pDescriptorProperty->DeleteDescriptor(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void MP4File::AddTrackToOd(MP4TrackId trackId)
+ if (!m_odTrackId) {
+ return;
+ }
+ AddTrackReference(MakeTrackName(m_odTrackId, "tref.mpod"), trackId);
+void MP4File::RemoveTrackFromOd(MP4TrackId trackId)
+ if (!m_odTrackId) {
+ return;
+ }
+ RemoveTrackReference(MakeTrackName(m_odTrackId, "tref.mpod"), trackId);
+ * Try to obtain the properties of this reference track, if not found then return
+ * NULL in *ppCountProperty and *ppTrackIdProperty.
+ */
+void MP4File::GetTrackReferenceProperties(const char* trefName,
+ MP4Property** ppCountProperty, MP4Property** ppTrackIdProperty)
+ char propName[1024];
+ snprintf(propName, sizeof(propName), "%s.%s", trefName, "entryCount");
+ (void)m_pRootAtom->FindProperty(propName, ppCountProperty);
+ snprintf(propName, sizeof(propName), "%s.%s", trefName, "entries.trackId");
+ (void)m_pRootAtom->FindProperty(propName, ppTrackIdProperty);
+void MP4File::AddTrackReference(const char* trefName, MP4TrackId refTrackId)
+ MP4Integer32Property* pCountProperty = NULL;
+ MP4Integer32Property* pTrackIdProperty = NULL;
+ GetTrackReferenceProperties(trefName,
+ (MP4Property**)&pCountProperty,
+ (MP4Property**)&pTrackIdProperty);
+ if (pCountProperty && pTrackIdProperty) {
+ pTrackIdProperty->AddValue(refTrackId);
+ pCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+ }
+uint32_t MP4File::FindTrackReference(const char* trefName,
+ MP4TrackId refTrackId)
+ MP4Integer32Property* pCountProperty = NULL;
+ MP4Integer32Property* pTrackIdProperty = NULL;
+ GetTrackReferenceProperties(trefName,
+ (MP4Property**)&pCountProperty,
+ (MP4Property**)&pTrackIdProperty);
+ if (pCountProperty && pTrackIdProperty) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pCountProperty->GetValue(); i++) {
+ if (refTrackId == pTrackIdProperty->GetValue(i)) {
+ return i + 1; // N.B. 1 not 0 based index
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+void MP4File::RemoveTrackReference(const char* trefName, MP4TrackId refTrackId)
+ MP4Integer32Property* pCountProperty = NULL;
+ MP4Integer32Property* pTrackIdProperty = NULL;
+ GetTrackReferenceProperties(trefName,
+ (MP4Property**)&pCountProperty,
+ (MP4Property**)&pTrackIdProperty);
+ if (pCountProperty && pTrackIdProperty) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pCountProperty->GetValue(); i++) {
+ if (refTrackId == pTrackIdProperty->GetValue(i)) {
+ pTrackIdProperty->DeleteValue(i);
+ pCountProperty->IncrementValue(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void MP4File::AddDataReference(MP4TrackId trackId, const char* url)
+ MP4Atom* pDrefAtom =
+ FindAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.dinf.dref"));
+ ASSERT(pDrefAtom);
+ MP4Integer32Property* pCountProperty = NULL;
+ (void)pDrefAtom->FindProperty("dref.entryCount",
+ (MP4Property**)&pCountProperty);
+ ASSERT(pCountProperty);
+ pCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+ MP4Atom* pUrlAtom = AddChildAtom(pDrefAtom, "url ");
+ if (url && url[0] != '\0') {
+ pUrlAtom->SetFlags(pUrlAtom->GetFlags() & 0xFFFFFE);
+ MP4StringProperty* pUrlProperty = NULL;
+ (void)pUrlAtom->FindProperty("url .location",
+ (MP4Property**)&pUrlProperty);
+ ASSERT(pUrlProperty);
+ pUrlProperty->SetValue(url);
+ } else {
+ pUrlAtom->SetFlags(pUrlAtom->GetFlags() | 1);
+ }
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddSystemsTrack(const char* type, uint32_t timeScale)
+ const char* normType = MP4NormalizeTrackType(type);
+ // TBD if user type, fix name to four chars, and warn
+ MP4TrackId trackId = AddTrack(type, timeScale);
+ (void)InsertChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf"), "nmhd", 0);
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd"), "mp4s");
+ AddDescendantAtoms(MakeTrackName(trackId, NULL), "");
+ // stsd is a unique beast in that it has a count of the number
+ // of child atoms that needs to be incremented after we add the mp4s atom
+ MP4Integer32Property* pStsdCountProperty;
+ FindIntegerProperty(
+ MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.entryCount"),
+ (MP4Property**)&pStsdCountProperty);
+ pStsdCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4s.esds.ESID",
+ 0
+ );
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4s.esds.decConfigDescr.objectTypeId",
+ MP4SystemsV1ObjectType);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4s.esds.decConfigDescr.streamType",
+ ConvertTrackTypeToStreamType(normType));
+ return trackId;
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddODTrack()
+ // until a demonstrated need emerges
+ // we limit ourselves to one object description track
+ if (m_odTrackId != MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) {
+ throw new Exception("object description track already exists",__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ m_odTrackId = AddSystemsTrack(MP4_OD_TRACK_TYPE);
+ AddTrackToIod(m_odTrackId);
+ (void)AddDescendantAtoms(MakeTrackName(m_odTrackId, NULL), "tref.mpod");
+ return m_odTrackId;
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddSceneTrack()
+ MP4TrackId trackId = AddSystemsTrack(MP4_SCENE_TRACK_TYPE);
+ AddTrackToIod(trackId);
+ AddTrackToOd(trackId);
+ return trackId;
+bool MP4File::ShallHaveIods()
+ // NULL terminated list of brands which require the IODS atom
+ const char* brandsWithIods[] = {
+ "mp42",
+ "isom",
+ };
+ MP4FtypAtom* ftyp = (MP4FtypAtom*)m_pRootAtom->FindAtom( "ftyp" );
+ if( !ftyp )
+ return false;
+ // check major brand
+ const char* brand = ftyp->majorBrand.GetValue();
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; brandsWithIods[i] != NULL; i++ ) {
+ if( !strcasecmp( brandsWithIods[i], brand ))
+ return true;
+ }
+ // check compatible brands
+ uint32_t max = ftyp->compatibleBrands.GetCount();
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < max; i++ ) {
+ brand = ftyp->compatibleBrands.GetValue( i );
+ for( uint32_t j = 0; brandsWithIods[j] != NULL ; j++) {
+ if( !strcasecmp( brandsWithIods[j], brand ))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void MP4File::SetAmrVendor(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint32_t vendor)
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*.damr.vendor",
+ vendor);
+void MP4File::SetAmrDecoderVersion(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint8_t decoderVersion)
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*.damr.decoderVersion",
+ decoderVersion);
+void MP4File::SetAmrModeSet(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint16_t modeSet)
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*.damr.modeSet",
+ modeSet);
+uint16_t MP4File::GetAmrModeSet(MP4TrackId trackId)
+ return GetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*.damr.modeSet");
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddAmrAudioTrack(
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ uint16_t modeSet,
+ uint8_t modeChangePeriod,
+ uint8_t framesPerSample,
+ bool isAmrWB)
+ uint32_t fixedSampleDuration = (timeScale * 20)/1000; // 20mSec/Sample
+ MP4TrackId trackId = AddTrack(MP4_AUDIO_TRACK_TYPE, timeScale);
+ AddTrackToOd(trackId);
+ SetTrackFloatProperty(trackId, "tkhd.volume", 1.0);
+ (void)InsertChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf"), "smhd", 0);
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd"), isAmrWB ? "sawb" : "samr");
+ // stsd is a unique beast in that it has a count of the number
+ // of child atoms that needs to be incremented after we add the mp4a atom
+ MP4Integer32Property* pStsdCountProperty;
+ FindIntegerProperty(
+ MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.entryCount"),
+ (MP4Property**)&pStsdCountProperty);
+ pStsdCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*.timeScale",
+ timeScale);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*.damr.modeSet",
+ modeSet);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*.damr.modeChangePeriod",
+ modeChangePeriod);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*.damr.framesPerSample",
+ framesPerSample);
+ m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->
+ SetFixedSampleDuration(fixedSampleDuration);
+ return trackId;
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddULawAudioTrack( uint32_t timeScale)
+ uint32_t fixedSampleDuration = (timeScale * 20)/1000; // 20mSec/Sample
+ MP4TrackId trackId = AddTrack(MP4_AUDIO_TRACK_TYPE, timeScale);
+ AddTrackToOd(trackId);
+ SetTrackFloatProperty(trackId, "tkhd.volume", 1.0);
+ (void)InsertChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf"), "smhd", 0);
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd"), "ulaw");
+ // stsd is a unique beast in that it has a count of the number
+ // of child atoms that needs to be incremented after we add the mp4a atom
+ MP4Integer32Property* pStsdCountProperty;
+ FindIntegerProperty(
+ MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.entryCount"),
+ (MP4Property**)&pStsdCountProperty);
+ pStsdCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.ulaw.timeScale",
+ timeScale<<16);
+ m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->SetFixedSampleDuration(fixedSampleDuration);
+ return trackId;
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddALawAudioTrack( uint32_t timeScale)
+ uint32_t fixedSampleDuration = (timeScale * 20)/1000; // 20mSec/Sample
+ MP4TrackId trackId = AddTrack(MP4_AUDIO_TRACK_TYPE, timeScale);
+ AddTrackToOd(trackId);
+ SetTrackFloatProperty(trackId, "tkhd.volume", 1.0);
+ (void)InsertChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf"), "smhd", 0);
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd"), "alaw");
+ // stsd is a unique beast in that it has a count of the number
+ // of child atoms that needs to be incremented after we add the mp4a atom
+ MP4Integer32Property* pStsdCountProperty;
+ FindIntegerProperty(
+ MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.entryCount"),
+ (MP4Property**)&pStsdCountProperty);
+ pStsdCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.alaw.timeScale",
+ timeScale<<16);
+ m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->SetFixedSampleDuration(fixedSampleDuration);
+ return trackId;
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddAudioTrack(
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ uint8_t audioType)
+ MP4TrackId trackId = AddTrack(MP4_AUDIO_TRACK_TYPE, timeScale);
+ AddTrackToOd(trackId);
+ SetTrackFloatProperty(trackId, "tkhd.volume", 1.0);
+ (void)InsertChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf"), "smhd", 0);
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd"), "mp4a");
+ AddDescendantAtoms(MakeTrackName(trackId, NULL), "");
+ // stsd is a unique beast in that it has a count of the number
+ // of child atoms that needs to be incremented after we add the mp4a atom
+ MP4Integer32Property* pStsdCountProperty;
+ FindIntegerProperty(
+ MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.entryCount"),
+ (MP4Property**)&pStsdCountProperty);
+ pStsdCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4a.timeScale", timeScale << 16);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4a.esds.ESID",
+ 0
+ );
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4a.esds.decConfigDescr.objectTypeId",
+ audioType);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4a.esds.decConfigDescr.streamType",
+ MP4AudioStreamType);
+ m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->
+ SetFixedSampleDuration(sampleDuration);
+ return trackId;
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddAC3AudioTrack(
+ uint32_t samplingRate,
+ uint8_t fscod,
+ uint8_t bsid,
+ uint8_t bsmod,
+ uint8_t acmod,
+ uint8_t lfeon,
+ uint8_t bit_rate_code)
+ MP4TrackId trackId = AddTrack(MP4_AUDIO_TRACK_TYPE, samplingRate);
+ AddTrackToOd(trackId);
+ SetTrackFloatProperty(trackId, "tkhd.volume", 1.0);
+ InsertChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf"), "smhd", 0);
+ AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd"), "ac-3");
+ // Set Ac3 settings
+ MP4Integer16Property* pSampleRateProperty = NULL;
+ FindIntegerProperty(
+ MakeTrackName(trackId, ""),
+ (MP4Property**)&pSampleRateProperty);
+ if (pSampleRateProperty) {
+ pSampleRateProperty->SetValue(samplingRate);
+ } else {
+ throw new Exception("no ac-3.samplingRate property", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ MP4BitfieldProperty* pBitfieldProperty = NULL;
+ FindProperty(MakeTrackName(trackId, ""),
+ (MP4Property**)&pBitfieldProperty);
+ if (pBitfieldProperty) {
+ pBitfieldProperty->SetValue(fscod);
+ pBitfieldProperty = NULL;
+ } else {
+ throw new Exception("no dac3.fscod property", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ FindProperty(MakeTrackName(trackId, ""),
+ (MP4Property**)&pBitfieldProperty);
+ if (pBitfieldProperty) {
+ pBitfieldProperty->SetValue(bsid);
+ pBitfieldProperty = NULL;
+ } else {
+ throw new Exception("no dac3.bsid property", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ FindProperty(MakeTrackName(trackId, ""),
+ (MP4Property**)&pBitfieldProperty);
+ if (pBitfieldProperty) {
+ pBitfieldProperty->SetValue(bsmod);
+ pBitfieldProperty = NULL;
+ } else {
+ throw new Exception("no dac3.bsmod property", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ FindProperty(MakeTrackName(trackId, ""),
+ (MP4Property**)&pBitfieldProperty);
+ if (pBitfieldProperty) {
+ pBitfieldProperty->SetValue(acmod);
+ pBitfieldProperty = NULL;
+ } else {
+ throw new Exception("no dac3.acmod property", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ FindProperty(MakeTrackName(trackId, ""),
+ (MP4Property**)&pBitfieldProperty);
+ if (pBitfieldProperty) {
+ pBitfieldProperty->SetValue(lfeon);
+ pBitfieldProperty = NULL;
+ } else {
+ throw new Exception("no dac3.lfeon property", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ FindProperty(MakeTrackName(trackId, ""),
+ (MP4Property**)&pBitfieldProperty);
+ if (pBitfieldProperty) {
+ pBitfieldProperty->SetValue(bit_rate_code);
+ pBitfieldProperty = NULL;
+ } else {
+ throw new Exception("no dac3.bit_rate_code property", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ AddDescendantAtoms(MakeTrackName(trackId, NULL), "");
+ // stsd is a unique beast in that it has a count of the number
+ // of child atoms that needs to be incremented after we add the mp4a atom
+ MP4Integer32Property* pStsdCountProperty;
+ FindIntegerProperty(
+ MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.entryCount"),
+ (MP4Property**)&pStsdCountProperty);
+ pStsdCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+ m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->
+ SetFixedSampleDuration(1536);
+ return trackId;
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddEncAudioTrack(uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ uint8_t audioType,
+ uint32_t scheme_type,
+ uint16_t scheme_version,
+ uint8_t key_ind_len,
+ uint8_t iv_len,
+ bool selective_enc,
+ const char *kms_uri,
+ bool use_ismacryp
+ )
+ uint32_t original_fmt = 0;
+ MP4TrackId trackId = AddTrack(MP4_AUDIO_TRACK_TYPE, timeScale);
+ AddTrackToOd(trackId);
+ SetTrackFloatProperty(trackId, "tkhd.volume", 1.0);
+ (void)InsertChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf"), "smhd", 0);
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd"), "enca");
+ // stsd is a unique beast in that it has a count of the number
+ // of child atoms that needs to be incremented after we add the enca atom
+ MP4Integer32Property* pStsdCountProperty;
+ FindIntegerProperty(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.entryCount"),
+ (MP4Property**)&pStsdCountProperty);
+ pStsdCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+ /* set all the ismacryp-specific values */
+ // original format is mp4a
+ if (use_ismacryp) {
+ original_fmt = ATOMID("mp4a");
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "",
+ original_fmt);
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.enca.sinf"),
+ "schm");
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.enca.sinf"),
+ "schi");
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.enca.sinf.schi"),
+ "iKMS");
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.enca.sinf.schi"),
+ "iSFM");
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.enca.sinf.schm.scheme_type",
+ scheme_type);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.enca.sinf.schm.scheme_version",
+ scheme_version);
+ SetTrackStringProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.enca.sinf.schi.iKMS.kms_URI",
+ kms_uri);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.enca.sinf.schi.iSFM.selective-encryption",
+ selective_enc);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.enca.sinf.schi.iSFM.key-indicator-length",
+ key_ind_len);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.enca.sinf.schi.iSFM.IV-length",
+ iv_len);
+ /* end ismacryp */
+ }
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.enca.timeScale", timeScale);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.enca.esds.ESID",
+ 0
+ );
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.enca.esds.decConfigDescr.objectTypeId",
+ audioType);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.enca.esds.decConfigDescr.streamType",
+ MP4AudioStreamType);
+ m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->
+ SetFixedSampleDuration(sampleDuration);
+ return trackId;
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddCntlTrackDefault (uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ const char *type)
+ MP4TrackId trackId = AddTrack(MP4_CNTL_TRACK_TYPE, timeScale);
+ (void)InsertChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf"), "nmhd", 0);
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd"), type);
+ // stsd is a unique beast in that it has a count of the number
+ // of child atoms that needs to be incremented after we add the mp4v atom
+ MP4Integer32Property* pStsdCountProperty;
+ FindIntegerProperty(
+ MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.entryCount"),
+ (MP4Property**)&pStsdCountProperty);
+ pStsdCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsz.sampleSize", sampleDuration);
+ m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->
+ SetFixedSampleDuration(sampleDuration);
+ return trackId;
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddHrefTrack (uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ const char *base_url)
+ MP4TrackId trackId = AddCntlTrackDefault(timeScale, sampleDuration, "href");
+ if (base_url != NULL) {
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.href"),
+ "burl");
+ SetTrackStringProperty(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.href.burl.base_url",
+ base_url);
+ }
+ return trackId;
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddVideoTrackDefault(
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ uint16_t width,
+ uint16_t height,
+ const char *videoType)
+ MP4TrackId trackId = AddTrack(MP4_VIDEO_TRACK_TYPE, timeScale);
+ AddTrackToOd(trackId);
+ SetTrackFloatProperty(trackId, "tkhd.width", width);
+ SetTrackFloatProperty(trackId, "tkhd.height", height);
+ (void)InsertChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf"), "vmhd", 0);
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd"), videoType);
+ // stsd is a unique beast in that it has a count of the number
+ // of child atoms that needs to be incremented after we add the mp4v atom
+ MP4Integer32Property* pStsdCountProperty;
+ FindIntegerProperty(
+ MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.entryCount"),
+ (MP4Property**)&pStsdCountProperty);
+ pStsdCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsz.sampleSize", sampleDuration);
+ m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->
+ SetFixedSampleDuration(sampleDuration);
+ return trackId;
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddMP4VideoTrack(
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ uint16_t width,
+ uint16_t height,
+ uint8_t videoType)
+ MP4TrackId trackId = AddVideoTrackDefault(timeScale,
+ sampleDuration,
+ width,
+ height,
+ "mp4v");
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4v.width", width);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4v.height", height);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4v.esds.ESID",
+ 0
+ );
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4v.esds.decConfigDescr.objectTypeId",
+ videoType);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4v.esds.decConfigDescr.streamType",
+ MP4VisualStreamType);
+ return trackId;
+// ismacrypted
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddEncVideoTrack(uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ uint16_t width,
+ uint16_t height,
+ uint8_t videoType,
+ mp4v2_ismacrypParams *icPp,
+ const char *oFormat
+ )
+ uint32_t original_fmt = 0;
+ MP4TrackId trackId = AddVideoTrackDefault(timeScale,
+ sampleDuration,
+ width,
+ height,
+ "encv");
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.width", width);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.height", height);
+ /* set all the ismacryp-specific values */
+ original_fmt = ATOMID(oFormat);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "",
+ original_fmt);
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.sinf"),
+ "schm");
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.sinf"),
+ "schi");
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.sinf.schi"),
+ "iKMS");
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.sinf.schi"),
+ "iSFM");
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.sinf.schm.scheme_type",
+ icPp->scheme_type);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.sinf.schm.scheme_version",
+ icPp->scheme_version);
+ SetTrackStringProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.sinf.schi.iKMS.kms_URI",
+ icPp->kms_uri);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.sinf.schi.iSFM.selective-encryption",
+ icPp->selective_enc);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.sinf.schi.iSFM.key-indicator-length",
+ icPp->key_ind_len);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.sinf.schi.iSFM.IV-length",
+ icPp->iv_len);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.esds.ESID",
+ 0
+ );
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.esds.decConfigDescr.objectTypeId",
+ videoType);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.esds.decConfigDescr.streamType",
+ MP4VisualStreamType);
+ return trackId;
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddH264VideoTrack(
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ uint16_t width,
+ uint16_t height,
+ uint8_t AVCProfileIndication,
+ uint8_t profile_compat,
+ uint8_t AVCLevelIndication,
+ uint8_t sampleLenFieldSizeMinusOne)
+ MP4TrackId trackId = AddVideoTrackDefault(timeScale,
+ sampleDuration,
+ width,
+ height,
+ "avc1");
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.avc1.width", width);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.avc1.height", height);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.avc1.avcC.AVCProfileIndication",
+ AVCProfileIndication);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.avc1.avcC.profile_compatibility",
+ profile_compat);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.avc1.avcC.AVCLevelIndication",
+ AVCLevelIndication);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.avc1.avcC.lengthSizeMinusOne",
+ sampleLenFieldSizeMinusOne);
+ return trackId;
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddEncH264VideoTrack(
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ uint16_t width,
+ uint16_t height,
+ MP4Atom *srcAtom,
+ mp4v2_ismacrypParams *icPp)
+ uint32_t original_fmt = 0;
+ MP4Atom *avcCAtom;
+ MP4TrackId trackId = AddVideoTrackDefault(timeScale,
+ sampleDuration,
+ width,
+ height,
+ "encv");
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.width", width);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.height", height);
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv"), "avcC");
+ // create default values
+ avcCAtom = FindAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.avcC"));
+ // export source atom
+ ((MP4AvcCAtom *) srcAtom)->Clone((MP4AvcCAtom *)avcCAtom);
+ /* set all the ismacryp-specific values */
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.sinf"), "schm");
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.sinf"), "schi");
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.sinf.schi"), "iKMS");
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.sinf.schi"), "iSFM");
+ // per ismacrypt E&A V1.1 section 'avc1' is renamed '264b'
+ // avc1 must not appear as a sample entry name or original format name
+ original_fmt = ATOMID("264b");
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId, "",
+ original_fmt);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.sinf.schm.scheme_type",
+ icPp->scheme_type);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.sinf.schm.scheme_version",
+ icPp->scheme_version);
+ SetTrackStringProperty(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.sinf.schi.iKMS.kms_URI",
+ icPp->kms_uri);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.sinf.schi.iSFM.selective-encryption",
+ icPp->selective_enc);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.sinf.schi.iSFM.key-indicator-length",
+ icPp->key_ind_len);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.sinf.schi.iSFM.IV-length",
+ icPp->iv_len);
+ return trackId;
+void MP4File::AddH264SequenceParameterSet (MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const uint8_t *pSequence,
+ uint16_t sequenceLen)
+ const char *format;
+ MP4Atom *avcCAtom;
+ // get 4cc media format - can be avc1 or encv for ismacrypted track
+ format = GetTrackMediaDataName(trackId);
+ if (!strcasecmp(format, "avc1"))
+ avcCAtom = FindAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.avc1.avcC"));
+ else if (!strcasecmp(format, "encv"))
+ avcCAtom = FindAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.avcC"));
+ else
+ // huh? unknown track format
+ return;
+ MP4BitfieldProperty *pCount;
+ MP4Integer16Property *pLength;
+ MP4BytesProperty *pUnit;
+ if ((avcCAtom->FindProperty("avcC.numOfSequenceParameterSets",
+ (MP4Property **)&pCount) == false) ||
+ (avcCAtom->FindProperty("avcC.sequenceEntries.sequenceParameterSetLength",
+ (MP4Property **)&pLength) == false) ||
+ (avcCAtom->FindProperty("avcC.sequenceEntries.sequenceParameterSetNALUnit",
+ (MP4Property **)&pUnit) == false)) {
+ log.errorf("%s: \"%s\": Could not find avcC properties",
+ __FUNCTION__, GetFilename().c_str() );
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32_t count = pCount->GetValue();
+ if (count > 0) {
+ // see if we already exist
+ for (uint32_t index = 0; index < count; index++) {
+ if (pLength->GetValue(index) == sequenceLen) {
+ uint8_t *seq;
+ uint32_t seqlen;
+ pUnit->GetValue(&seq, &seqlen, index);
+ if (memcmp(seq, pSequence, sequenceLen) == 0) {
+ free(seq);
+ return;
+ }
+ free(seq);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pLength->AddValue(sequenceLen);
+ pUnit->AddValue(pSequence, sequenceLen);
+ pCount->IncrementValue();
+ return;
+void MP4File::AddH264PictureParameterSet (MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const uint8_t *pPict,
+ uint16_t pictLen)
+ MP4Atom *avcCAtom =
+ FindAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.avc1.avcC"));
+ MP4Integer8Property *pCount;
+ MP4Integer16Property *pLength;
+ MP4BytesProperty *pUnit;
+ if ((avcCAtom->FindProperty("avcC.numOfPictureParameterSets",
+ (MP4Property **)&pCount) == false) ||
+ (avcCAtom->FindProperty("avcC.pictureEntries.pictureParameterSetLength",
+ (MP4Property **)&pLength) == false) ||
+ (avcCAtom->FindProperty("avcC.pictureEntries.pictureParameterSetNALUnit",
+ (MP4Property **)&pUnit) == false)) {
+ log.errorf("%s: \"%s\": Could not find avcC picture table properties",
+ __FUNCTION__, GetFilename().c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ ASSERT(pCount);
+ uint32_t count = pCount->GetValue();
+ if (count > 0) {
+ // see if we already exist
+ for (uint32_t index = 0; index < count; index++) {
+ if (pLength->GetValue(index) == pictLen) {
+ uint8_t *seq;
+ uint32_t seqlen;
+ pUnit->GetValue(&seq, &seqlen, index);
+ if (memcmp(seq, pPict, pictLen) == 0) {
+ log.verbose1f("\"%s\": picture matches %d",
+ GetFilename().c_str(), index);
+ free(seq);
+ return;
+ }
+ free(seq);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pLength->AddValue(pictLen);
+ pUnit->AddValue(pPict, pictLen);
+ pCount->IncrementValue();
+ log.verbose1f("\"%s\": new picture added %d", GetFilename().c_str(),
+ pCount->GetValue());
+ return;
+void MP4File::SetH263Vendor(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint32_t vendor)
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.s263.d263.vendor",
+ vendor);
+void MP4File::SetH263DecoderVersion(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint8_t decoderVersion)
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.s263.d263.decoderVersion",
+ decoderVersion);
+void MP4File::SetH263Bitrates(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint32_t avgBitrate,
+ uint32_t maxBitrate)
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.s263.d263.bitr.avgBitrate",
+ avgBitrate);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.s263.d263.bitr.maxBitrate",
+ maxBitrate);
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddH263VideoTrack(
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ uint16_t width,
+ uint16_t height,
+ uint8_t h263Level,
+ uint8_t h263Profile,
+ uint32_t avgBitrate,
+ uint32_t maxBitrate)
+ MP4TrackId trackId = AddVideoTrackDefault(timeScale,
+ sampleDuration,
+ width,
+ height,
+ "s263");
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.s263.width", width);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.s263.height", height);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.s263.d263.h263Level", h263Level);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.s263.d263.h263Profile", h263Profile);
+ // Add the bitr atom
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.s263.d263"),
+ "bitr");
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.s263.d263.bitr.avgBitrate", avgBitrate);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.s263.d263.bitr.maxBitrate", maxBitrate);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsz.sampleSize", sampleDuration);
+ return trackId;
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddHintTrack(MP4TrackId refTrackId)
+ // validate reference track id
+ (void)FindTrackIndex(refTrackId);
+ MP4TrackId trackId =
+ AddTrack(MP4_HINT_TRACK_TYPE, GetTrackTimeScale(refTrackId));
+ (void)InsertChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf"), "hmhd", 0);
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd"), "rtp ");
+ // stsd is a unique beast in that it has a count of the number
+ // of child atoms that needs to be incremented after we add the rtp atom
+ MP4Integer32Property* pStsdCountProperty;
+ FindIntegerProperty(
+ MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.entryCount"),
+ (MP4Property**)&pStsdCountProperty);
+ pStsdCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.rtp .tims.timeScale",
+ GetTrackTimeScale(trackId));
+ (void)AddDescendantAtoms(MakeTrackName(trackId, NULL), "tref.hint");
+ AddTrackReference(MakeTrackName(trackId, "tref.hint"), refTrackId);
+ (void)AddDescendantAtoms(MakeTrackName(trackId, NULL), "udta.hnti.sdp ");
+ (void)AddDescendantAtoms(MakeTrackName(trackId, NULL), "udta.hinf");
+ return trackId;
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddTextTrack(MP4TrackId refTrackId)
+ // validate reference track id
+ (void)FindTrackIndex(refTrackId);
+ MP4TrackId trackId =
+ AddTrack(MP4_TEXT_TRACK_TYPE, GetTrackTimeScale(refTrackId));
+ (void)InsertChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf"), "gmhd", 0);
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd"), "text");
+ // stsd is a unique beast in that it has a count of the number
+ // of child atoms that needs to be incremented after we add the text atom
+ MP4Integer32Property* pStsdCountProperty;
+ FindIntegerProperty(
+ MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.entryCount"),
+ (MP4Property**)&pStsdCountProperty);
+ pStsdCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+ return trackId;
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddSubtitleTrack(uint32_t timescale,
+ uint16_t width,
+ uint16_t height)
+ MP4TrackId trackId =
+ AddTrack(MP4_SUBTITLE_TRACK_TYPE, timescale);
+ InsertChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf"), "nmhd", 0);
+ AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd"), "tx3g");
+ SetTrackFloatProperty(trackId, "tkhd.width", width);
+ SetTrackFloatProperty(trackId, "tkhd.height", height);
+ // Hardcoded crap... add the ftab atom and add one font entry
+ MP4Atom* pFtabAtom = AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.tx3g"), "ftab");
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)pFtabAtom->GetProperty(0))->IncrementValue();
+ MP4Integer16Property* pfontID = (MP4Integer16Property*)((MP4TableProperty*)pFtabAtom->GetProperty(1))->GetProperty(0);
+ pfontID->AddValue(1);
+ MP4StringProperty* pName = (MP4StringProperty*)((MP4TableProperty*)pFtabAtom->GetProperty(1))->GetProperty(1);
+ pName->AddValue("Arial");
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.tx3g.fontID", 1);
+ // stsd is a unique beast in that it has a count of the number
+ // of child atoms that needs to be incremented after we add the tx3g atom
+ MP4Integer32Property* pStsdCountProperty;
+ FindIntegerProperty(
+ MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.entryCount"),
+ (MP4Property**)&pStsdCountProperty);
+ pStsdCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+ return trackId;
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddSubpicTrack(uint32_t timescale,
+ uint16_t width,
+ uint16_t height)
+ MP4TrackId trackId =
+ AddTrack(MP4_SUBPIC_TRACK_TYPE, timescale);
+ InsertChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf"), "nmhd", 0);
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd"), "mp4s");
+ SetTrackFloatProperty(trackId, "tkhd.width", width);
+ SetTrackFloatProperty(trackId, "tkhd.height", height);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId, "tkhd.layer", 0);
+ // stsd is a unique beast in that it has a count of the number
+ // of child atoms that needs to be incremented after we add the mp4s atom
+ MP4Integer32Property* pStsdCountProperty;
+ FindIntegerProperty(
+ MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.entryCount"),
+ (MP4Property**)&pStsdCountProperty);
+ pStsdCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4s.esds.ESID",
+ 0
+ );
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4s.esds.decConfigDescr.objectTypeId",
+ MP4SubpicObjectType);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4s.esds.decConfigDescr.streamType",
+ MP4NeroSubpicStreamType);
+ return trackId;
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddChapterTextTrack(MP4TrackId refTrackId, uint32_t timescale)
+ // validate reference track id
+ (void)FindTrackIndex(refTrackId);
+ if (0 == timescale)
+ {
+ timescale = GetTrackTimeScale(refTrackId);
+ }
+ MP4TrackId trackId = AddTrack(MP4_TEXT_TRACK_TYPE, timescale);
+ (void)InsertChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf"), "gmhd", 0);
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd"), "text");
+ // stsd is a unique beast in that it has a count of the number
+ // of child atoms that needs to be incremented after we add the text atom
+ MP4Integer32Property* pStsdCountProperty;
+ FindIntegerProperty(
+ MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.entryCount"),
+ (MP4Property**)&pStsdCountProperty);
+ pStsdCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+ // add a "text" atom to the generic media header
+ // this is different to the stsd "text" atom added above
+ // truth be told, it's not clear what this second "text" atom does,
+ // but all iTunes Store movies (with chapter markers) have it,
+ // as do all movies with chapter tracks made by hand in QuickTime Pro
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.gmhd"), "text");
+ // disable the chapter text track
+ // it won't display anyway, as it has zero display size,
+ // but nonetheless it's good to disable it
+ // the track still operates as a chapter track when disabled
+ MP4Atom *pTkhdAtom = FindAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "tkhd"));
+ if (pTkhdAtom) {
+ pTkhdAtom->SetFlags(0xE);
+ }
+ // add a "chapter" track reference to our reference track,
+ // pointing to this new chapter track
+ (void)AddDescendantAtoms(MakeTrackName(refTrackId, NULL), "tref.chap");
+ AddTrackReference(MakeTrackName(refTrackId, "tref.chap"), trackId);
+ return trackId;
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddPixelAspectRatio(MP4TrackId trackId, uint32_t hSpacing, uint32_t vSpacing)
+ // validate reference track id
+ (void)FindTrackIndex(trackId);
+ const char *format = GetTrackMediaDataName (trackId);
+ if (!strcasecmp(format, "avc1"))
+ {
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.avc1"), "pasp");
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.avc1.pasp.hSpacing", hSpacing);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.avc1.pasp.vSpacing", vSpacing);
+ }
+ else if (!strcasecmp(format, "mp4v"))
+ {
+ (void)AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4v"), "pasp");
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4v.pasp.hSpacing", hSpacing);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4v.pasp.vSpacing", vSpacing);
+ }
+ return trackId;
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AddColr(MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint16_t primariesIndex,
+ uint16_t transferFunctionIndex,
+ uint16_t matrixIndex)
+ // validate reference track id
+ (void)FindTrackIndex(trackId);
+ const char *format = GetTrackMediaDataName (trackId);
+ if (!strcasecmp(format, "avc1"))
+ {
+ AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.avc1"), "colr");
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.avc1.colr.primariesIndex", primariesIndex);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.avc1.colr.transferFunctionIndex", transferFunctionIndex);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.avc1.colr.matrixIndex", matrixIndex);
+ }
+ else if (!strcasecmp(format, "mp4v"))
+ {
+ AddChildAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4v"), "colr");
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4v.colr.primariesIndex", primariesIndex);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4v.colr.transferFunctionIndex", transferFunctionIndex);
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4v.colr.matrixIndex", matrixIndex);
+ }
+ return trackId;
+void MP4File::AddChapter(MP4TrackId chapterTrackId, MP4Duration chapterDuration, const char *chapterTitle)
+ if (MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID == chapterTrackId)
+ {
+ throw new Exception("No chapter track given",__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ uint32_t sampleLength = 0;
+ uint8_t sample[1040] = {0};
+ int textLen = 0;
+ char *text = (char *)&(sample[2]);
+ if(chapterTitle != NULL)
+ {
+ textLen = min((uint32_t)strlen(chapterTitle), (uint32_t)MP4V2_CHAPTER_TITLE_MAX);
+ if (0 < textLen)
+ {
+ strncpy(text, chapterTitle, textLen);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MP4Track * pChapterTrack = GetTrack(chapterTrackId);
+ snprintf( text, 1023, "Chapter %03d", pChapterTrack->GetNumberOfSamples() + 1 );
+ textLen = (uint32_t)strlen(text);
+ }
+ sampleLength = textLen + 2 + 12; // Account for text length code and other marker
+ // 2-byte length marker
+ sample[0] = (textLen >> 8) & 0xff;
+ sample[1] = textLen & 0xff;
+ int x = 2 + textLen;
+ // Modifier Length Marker
+ sample[x] = 0x00;
+ sample[x+1] = 0x00;
+ sample[x+2] = 0x00;
+ sample[x+3] = 0x0C;
+ // Modifier Type Code
+ sample[x+4] = 'e';
+ sample[x+5] = 'n';
+ sample[x+6] = 'c';
+ sample[x+7] = 'd';
+ // Modifier Value
+ sample[x+8] = 0x00;
+ sample[x+9] = 0x00;
+ sample[x+10] = (256 >> 8) & 0xff;
+ sample[x+11] = 256 & 0xff;
+ WriteSample(chapterTrackId, sample, sampleLength, chapterDuration);
+void MP4File::AddNeroChapter(MP4Timestamp chapterStart, const char * chapterTitle)
+ MP4Atom * pChpl = FindAtom("moov.udta.chpl");
+ if (!pChpl)
+ {
+ pChpl = AddDescendantAtoms("", "moov.udta.chpl");
+ }
+ MP4Integer32Property * pCount = (MP4Integer32Property*)pChpl->GetProperty(3);
+ pCount->IncrementValue();
+ char buffer[256];
+ if (0 == chapterTitle)
+ {
+ snprintf( buffer, 255, "Chapter %03d", pCount->GetValue() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int len = min((uint32_t)strlen(chapterTitle), (uint32_t)255);
+ strncpy( buffer, chapterTitle, len );
+ buffer[len] = 0;
+ }
+ MP4TableProperty * pTable;
+ if (pChpl->FindProperty("chpl.chapters", (MP4Property **)&pTable))
+ {
+ MP4Integer64Property * pStartTime = (MP4Integer64Property *) pTable->GetProperty(0);
+ MP4StringProperty * pName = (MP4StringProperty *) pTable->GetProperty(1);
+ if (pStartTime && pTable)
+ {
+ pStartTime->AddValue(chapterStart);
+ pName->AddValue(buffer);
+ }
+ }
+MP4TrackId MP4File::FindChapterReferenceTrack(MP4TrackId chapterTrackId, char * trackName, int trackNameSize)
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_pTracks.Size(); i++)
+ {
+ if( MP4_IS_VIDEO_TRACK_TYPE( m_pTracks[i]->GetType() ) ||
+ MP4_IS_AUDIO_TRACK_TYPE( m_pTracks[i]->GetType() ) )
+ {
+ MP4TrackId refTrackId = m_pTracks[i]->GetId();
+ char *name = MakeTrackName(refTrackId, "tref.chap");
+ if( FindTrackReference( name, chapterTrackId ) )
+ {
+ if( 0 != trackName )
+ {
+ int nameLen = min((uint32_t)strlen(name), (uint32_t)trackNameSize);
+ strncpy(trackName, name, nameLen);
+ trackName[nameLen] = 0;
+ }
+ return m_pTracks[i]->GetId();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+MP4TrackId MP4File::FindChapterTrack(char * trackName, int trackNameSize)
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_pTracks.Size(); i++)
+ {
+ if( !strcasecmp(MP4_TEXT_TRACK_TYPE, m_pTracks[i]->GetType()) )
+ {
+ MP4TrackId refTrackId = FindChapterReferenceTrack(m_pTracks[i]->GetId(), trackName, trackNameSize);
+ if (MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID != refTrackId)
+ {
+ return m_pTracks[i]->GetId();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+MP4ChapterType MP4File::DeleteChapters(MP4ChapterType chapterType, MP4TrackId chapterTrackId)
+ MP4ChapterType deletedType = MP4ChapterTypeNone;
+ if (MP4ChapterTypeAny == chapterType || MP4ChapterTypeNero == chapterType)
+ {
+ MP4Atom * pChpl = FindAtom("moov.udta.chpl");
+ if (pChpl)
+ {
+ MP4Atom * pParent = pChpl->GetParentAtom();
+ pParent->DeleteChildAtom(pChpl);
+ deletedType = MP4ChapterTypeNero;
+ }
+ }
+ if (MP4ChapterTypeAny == chapterType || MP4ChapterTypeQt == chapterType)
+ {
+ char trackName[128] = {0};
+ // no text track given, find a suitable
+ if (MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID == chapterTrackId)
+ {
+ chapterTrackId = FindChapterTrack(trackName, 127);
+ }
+ if (MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID != chapterTrackId)
+ {
+ FindChapterReferenceTrack(chapterTrackId, trackName, 127);
+ }
+ if (MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID != chapterTrackId && 0 != trackName[0])
+ {
+ // remove the reference
+ MP4Atom * pChap = FindAtom( trackName );
+ if( pChap )
+ {
+ MP4Atom * pTref = pChap->GetParentAtom();
+ if( pTref )
+ {
+ pTref->DeleteChildAtom( pChap );
+ MP4Atom* pParent = pTref->GetParentAtom();
+ pParent->DeleteChildAtom( pTref );
+ }
+ }
+ // remove the chapter track
+ DeleteTrack(chapterTrackId);
+ deletedType = MP4ChapterTypeNone == deletedType ? MP4ChapterTypeQt : MP4ChapterTypeAny;
+ }
+ }
+ return deletedType;
+MP4ChapterType MP4File::GetChapters(MP4Chapter_t ** chapterList, uint32_t * chapterCount, MP4ChapterType fromChapterType)
+ *chapterList = 0;
+ *chapterCount = 0;
+ if (MP4ChapterTypeAny == fromChapterType || MP4ChapterTypeQt == fromChapterType)
+ {
+ uint8_t * sample = 0;
+ uint32_t sampleSize = 0;
+ MP4Timestamp startTime = 0;
+ MP4Duration duration = 0;
+ // get the chapter track
+ MP4TrackId chapterTrackId = FindChapterTrack();
+ if (MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID == chapterTrackId)
+ {
+ if (MP4ChapterTypeQt == fromChapterType)
+ {
+ return MP4ChapterTypeNone;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // get infos about the chapters
+ MP4Track * pChapterTrack = GetTrack(chapterTrackId);
+ uint32_t counter = pChapterTrack->GetNumberOfSamples();
+ if (0 < counter)
+ {
+ uint32_t timescale = pChapterTrack->GetTimeScale();
+ MP4Chapter_t * chapters = (MP4Chapter_t*)MP4Malloc(sizeof(MP4Chapter_t) * counter);
+ // process all chapter sample
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < counter; ++i)
+ {
+ // get the sample corresponding to the starttime
+ MP4SampleId sampleId = pChapterTrack->GetSampleIdFromTime(startTime + duration, true);
+ pChapterTrack->ReadSample(sampleId, &sample, &sampleSize);
+ // get the starttime and duration
+ pChapterTrack->GetSampleTimes(sampleId, &startTime, &duration);
+ // we know that sample+2 contains the title (sample[0] and sample[1] is the length)
+ const char * title = (const char *)&(sample[2]);
+ int titleLen = min((uint32_t)((sample[0] << 8) | sample[1]), (uint32_t)MP4V2_CHAPTER_TITLE_MAX);
+ strncpy(chapters[i].title, title, titleLen);
+ chapters[i].title[titleLen] = 0;
+ // write the duration (in milliseconds)
+ chapters[i].duration = MP4ConvertTime(duration, timescale, MP4_MILLISECONDS_TIME_SCALE);
+ // we're done with this sample
+ MP4Free(sample);
+ sample = 0;
+ }
+ *chapterList = chapters;
+ *chapterCount = counter;
+ // we got chapters so we are done
+ return MP4ChapterTypeQt;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (MP4ChapterTypeAny == fromChapterType || MP4ChapterTypeNero == fromChapterType)
+ {
+ MP4Atom * pChpl = FindAtom("moov.udta.chpl");
+ if (!pChpl)
+ {
+ return MP4ChapterTypeNone;
+ }
+ MP4Integer32Property * pCounter = 0;
+ if (!pChpl->FindProperty("chpl.chaptercount", (MP4Property **)&pCounter))
+ {
+ log.warningf("%s: \"%s\": Nero chapter count does not exist",
+ __FUNCTION__, GetFilename().c_str());
+ return MP4ChapterTypeNone;
+ }
+ uint32_t counter = pCounter->GetValue();
+ if (0 == counter)
+ {
+ log.warningf("%s: \"%s\": No Nero chapters available",
+ __FUNCTION__, GetFilename().c_str());
+ return MP4ChapterTypeNone;
+ }
+ MP4TableProperty * pTable = 0;
+ MP4Integer64Property * pStartTime = 0;
+ MP4StringProperty * pName = 0;
+ MP4Duration chapterDurationSum = 0;
+ const char * name = 0;
+ if (!pChpl->FindProperty("chpl.chapters", (MP4Property **)&pTable))
+ {
+ log.warningf("%s: \"%s\": Nero chapter list does not exist",
+ __FUNCTION__, GetFilename().c_str());
+ return MP4ChapterTypeNone;
+ }
+ if (0 == (pStartTime = (MP4Integer64Property *) pTable->GetProperty(0)))
+ {
+ log.warningf("%s: \"%s\": List of Chapter starttimes does not exist",
+ __FUNCTION__, GetFilename().c_str());
+ return MP4ChapterTypeNone;
+ }
+ if (0 == (pName = (MP4StringProperty *) pTable->GetProperty(1)))
+ {
+ log.warningf("%s: \"%s\": List of Chapter titles does not exist",
+ __FUNCTION__, GetFilename().c_str());
+ return MP4ChapterTypeNone;
+ }
+ MP4Chapter_t * chapters = (MP4Chapter_t*)MP4Malloc(sizeof(MP4Chapter_t) * counter);
+ // get the name of the first chapter
+ name = pName->GetValue();
+ // process remaining chapters
+ uint32_t i, j;
+ for (i = 0, j = 1; i < counter; ++i, ++j)
+ {
+ // insert the chapter title
+ uint32_t len = min((uint32_t)strlen(name), (uint32_t)MP4V2_CHAPTER_TITLE_MAX);
+ strncpy(chapters[i].title, name, len);
+ chapters[i].title[len] = 0;
+ // calculate the duration
+ MP4Duration duration = 0;
+ if (j < counter)
+ {
+ duration = MP4ConvertTime(pStartTime->GetValue(j),
+ MP4_MILLISECONDS_TIME_SCALE) - chapterDurationSum;
+ // now get the name of the chapter (to be written next)
+ name = pName->GetValue(j);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // last chapter
+ duration = MP4ConvertTime(GetDuration(), GetTimeScale(), MP4_MILLISECONDS_TIME_SCALE) - chapterDurationSum;
+ }
+ // sum up the chapter duration
+ chapterDurationSum += duration;
+ // insert the chapter duration
+ chapters[i].duration = duration;
+ }
+ *chapterList = chapters;
+ *chapterCount = counter;
+ return MP4ChapterTypeNero;
+ }
+ return MP4ChapterTypeNone;
+MP4ChapterType MP4File::SetChapters(MP4Chapter_t * chapterList, uint32_t chapterCount, MP4ChapterType toChapterType)
+ MP4ChapterType setType = MP4ChapterTypeNone;
+ // first remove any existing chapters
+ DeleteChapters(toChapterType, MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID);
+ if( MP4ChapterTypeAny == toChapterType || MP4ChapterTypeNero == toChapterType )
+ {
+ MP4Duration duration = 0;
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < chapterCount; ++i )
+ {
+ AddNeroChapter(duration, chapterList[i].title);
+ duration += 10 * MP4_MILLISECONDS_TIME_SCALE * chapterList[i].duration;
+ }
+ setType = MP4ChapterTypeNero;
+ }
+ if (MP4ChapterTypeAny == toChapterType || MP4ChapterTypeQt == toChapterType)
+ {
+ // find the first video or audio track
+ MP4TrackId refTrack = MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID;
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < m_pTracks.Size(); i++ )
+ {
+ if( MP4_IS_VIDEO_TRACK_TYPE( m_pTracks[i]->GetType() ) ||
+ MP4_IS_AUDIO_TRACK_TYPE( m_pTracks[i]->GetType() ) )
+ {
+ refTrack = m_pTracks[i]->GetId();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( refTrack == MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID )
+ {
+ return setType;
+ }
+ // create the chapter track
+ MP4TrackId chapterTrack = AddChapterTextTrack(refTrack, MP4_MILLISECONDS_TIME_SCALE);
+ for( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < chapterCount; ++i )
+ {
+ // create and write the chapter track sample
+ AddChapter( chapterTrack, chapterList[i].duration, chapterList[i].title );
+ }
+ setType = MP4ChapterTypeNone == setType ? MP4ChapterTypeQt : MP4ChapterTypeAny;
+ }
+ return setType;
+MP4ChapterType MP4File::ConvertChapters(MP4ChapterType toChapterType)
+ MP4ChapterType sourceType = MP4ChapterTypeNone;
+ const char* errMsg = 0;
+ if( MP4ChapterTypeQt == toChapterType )
+ {
+ sourceType = MP4ChapterTypeNero;
+ errMsg = "Could not find Nero chapter markers";
+ }
+ else if( MP4ChapterTypeNero == toChapterType )
+ {
+ sourceType = MP4ChapterTypeQt;
+ errMsg = "Could not find QuickTime chapter markers";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return MP4ChapterTypeNone;
+ }
+ MP4Chapter_t * chapters = 0;
+ uint32_t chapterCount = 0;
+ GetChapters(&chapters, &chapterCount, sourceType);
+ if (0 == chapterCount)
+ {
+ log.warningf("%s: \"%s\": %s", __FUNCTION__, GetFilename().c_str(),
+ errMsg);
+ return MP4ChapterTypeNone;
+ }
+ SetChapters(chapters, chapterCount, toChapterType);
+ MP4Free(chapters);
+ return toChapterType;
+void MP4File::ChangeMovieTimeScale(uint32_t timescale)
+ uint32_t origTimeScale = GetTimeScale();
+ if (timescale == origTimeScale) {
+ // already done
+ return;
+ }
+ MP4Duration movieDuration = GetDuration();
+ // set movie header timescale and duration
+ SetTimeScale(timescale);
+ SetDuration(MP4ConvertTime(movieDuration, origTimeScale, timescale));
+ // set track header duration (calculated with movie header timescale)
+ uint32_t trackCount = GetNumberOfTracks();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < trackCount; ++i)
+ {
+ MP4Track * track = GetTrack(FindTrackId(i));
+ MP4Atom & trackAtom = track->GetTrakAtom();
+ MP4IntegerProperty * duration;
+ if (trackAtom.FindProperty("trak.tkhd.duration", (MP4Property**)&duration))
+ {
+ duration->SetValue(MP4ConvertTime(duration->GetValue(), origTimeScale, timescale));
+ }
+ }
+void MP4File::DeleteTrack(MP4TrackId trackId)
+ ProtectWriteOperation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ uint32_t trakIndex = FindTrakAtomIndex(trackId);
+ uint16_t trackIndex = FindTrackIndex(trackId);
+ MP4Track* pTrack = m_pTracks[trackIndex];
+ MP4Atom& trakAtom = pTrack->GetTrakAtom();
+ MP4Atom* pMoovAtom = FindAtom("moov");
+ ASSERT(pMoovAtom);
+ RemoveTrackFromIod(trackId, ShallHaveIods());
+ RemoveTrackFromOd(trackId);
+ if (trackId == m_odTrackId) {
+ m_odTrackId = 0;
+ }
+ pMoovAtom->DeleteChildAtom(&trakAtom);
+ m_trakIds.Delete(trakIndex);
+ m_pTracks.Delete(trackIndex);
+ delete pTrack;
+ delete &trakAtom;
+uint32_t MP4File::GetNumberOfTracks(const char* type, uint8_t subType)
+ if (type == NULL) {
+ return m_pTracks.Size();
+ }
+ uint32_t typeSeen = 0;
+ const char* normType = MP4NormalizeTrackType(type);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_pTracks.Size(); i++) {
+ if (!strcmp(normType, m_pTracks[i]->GetType())) {
+ if (subType) {
+ if (strcmp(normType, MP4_AUDIO_TRACK_TYPE) == 0) {
+ if (subType != GetTrackEsdsObjectTypeId(m_pTracks[i]->GetId())) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(normType, MP4_VIDEO_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ if (subType != GetTrackEsdsObjectTypeId(m_pTracks[i]->GetId())) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // else unknown subtype, ignore it
+ }
+ typeSeen++;
+ }
+ }
+ return typeSeen;
+MP4TrackId MP4File::AllocTrackId()
+ MP4TrackId trackId =
+ GetIntegerProperty("moov.mvhd.nextTrackId");
+ if (trackId <= 0xFFFF) {
+ // check that nextTrackid is correct
+ try {
+ (void)FindTrackIndex(trackId);
+ // ERROR, this trackId is in use
+ }
+ catch (Exception* x) {
+ // OK, this trackId is not in use, proceed
+ delete x;
+ SetIntegerProperty("moov.mvhd.nextTrackId", trackId + 1);
+ return trackId;
+ }
+ }
+ // we need to search for a track id
+ for (trackId = 1; trackId <= 0xFFFF; trackId++) {
+ try {
+ (void)FindTrackIndex(trackId);
+ // KEEP LOOKING, this trackId is in use
+ }
+ catch (Exception* x) {
+ // OK, this trackId is not in use, proceed
+ delete x;
+ return trackId;
+ }
+ }
+ // extreme case where mp4 file has 2^16 tracks in it
+ throw new Exception("too many existing tracks", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ return MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID; // to keep MSVC happy
+MP4TrackId MP4File::FindTrackId(uint16_t trackIndex,
+ const char* type, uint8_t subType)
+ if (type == NULL) {
+ return m_pTracks[trackIndex]->GetId();
+ }
+ uint32_t typeSeen = 0;
+ const char* normType = MP4NormalizeTrackType(type);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_pTracks.Size(); i++) {
+ if (!strcmp(normType, m_pTracks[i]->GetType())) {
+ if (subType) {
+ if (strcmp(normType, MP4_AUDIO_TRACK_TYPE) == 0) {
+ if (subType != GetTrackEsdsObjectTypeId(m_pTracks[i]->GetId())) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(normType, MP4_VIDEO_TRACK_TYPE) == 0) {
+ if (subType != GetTrackEsdsObjectTypeId(m_pTracks[i]->GetId())) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // else unknown subtype, ignore it
+ }
+ if (trackIndex == typeSeen) {
+ return m_pTracks[i]->GetId();
+ }
+ typeSeen++;
+ }
+ }
+ ostringstream msg;
+ msg << "Track index doesn't exist - track " << trackIndex << " type " << type;
+ throw new Exception(msg.str(),__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ return MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID; // satisfy MS compiler
+uint16_t MP4File::FindTrackIndex(MP4TrackId trackId)
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_pTracks.Size() && i <= 0xFFFF; i++) {
+ if (m_pTracks[i]->GetId() == trackId) {
+ return (uint16_t)i;
+ }
+ }
+ ostringstream msg;
+ msg << "Track id " << trackId << " doesn't exist";
+ throw new Exception(msg.str(),__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ return (uint16_t)-1; // satisfy MS compiler
+uint16_t MP4File::FindTrakAtomIndex(MP4TrackId trackId)
+ if (trackId) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_trakIds.Size(); i++) {
+ if (m_trakIds[i] == trackId) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ostringstream msg;
+ msg << "Track id " << trackId << " doesn't exist";
+ throw new Exception(msg.str(),__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ return (uint16_t)-1; // satisfy MS compiler
+uint32_t MP4File::GetSampleSize(MP4TrackId trackId, MP4SampleId sampleId)
+ return m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->GetSampleSize(sampleId);
+uint32_t MP4File::GetTrackMaxSampleSize(MP4TrackId trackId)
+ return m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->GetMaxSampleSize();
+MP4SampleId MP4File::GetSampleIdFromTime(MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4Timestamp when, bool wantSyncSample)
+ return m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->
+ GetSampleIdFromTime(when, wantSyncSample);
+MP4Timestamp MP4File::GetSampleTime(
+ MP4TrackId trackId, MP4SampleId sampleId)
+ MP4Timestamp timestamp;
+ m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->
+ GetSampleTimes(sampleId, &timestamp, NULL);
+ return timestamp;
+MP4Duration MP4File::GetSampleDuration(
+ MP4TrackId trackId, MP4SampleId sampleId)
+ MP4Duration duration;
+ m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->
+ GetSampleTimes(sampleId, NULL, &duration);
+ return duration;
+MP4Duration MP4File::GetSampleRenderingOffset(
+ MP4TrackId trackId, MP4SampleId sampleId)
+ return m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->
+ GetSampleRenderingOffset(sampleId);
+bool MP4File::GetSampleSync(MP4TrackId trackId, MP4SampleId sampleId)
+ return m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->IsSyncSample(sampleId);
+void MP4File::ReadSample(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ uint8_t** ppBytes,
+ uint32_t* pNumBytes,
+ MP4Timestamp* pStartTime,
+ MP4Duration* pDuration,
+ MP4Duration* pRenderingOffset,
+ bool* pIsSyncSample,
+ bool* hasDependencyFlags,
+ uint32_t* dependencyFlags )
+ m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->ReadSample(
+ sampleId,
+ ppBytes,
+ pNumBytes,
+ pStartTime,
+ pDuration,
+ pRenderingOffset,
+ pIsSyncSample,
+ hasDependencyFlags,
+ dependencyFlags );
+void MP4File::WriteSample(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const uint8_t* pBytes,
+ uint32_t numBytes,
+ MP4Duration duration,
+ MP4Duration renderingOffset,
+ bool isSyncSample )
+ ProtectWriteOperation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->WriteSample(
+ pBytes, numBytes, duration, renderingOffset, isSyncSample );
+ m_pModificationProperty->SetValue( MP4GetAbsTimestamp() );
+void MP4File::WriteSampleDependency(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const uint8_t* pBytes,
+ uint32_t numBytes,
+ MP4Duration duration,
+ MP4Duration renderingOffset,
+ bool isSyncSample,
+ uint32_t dependencyFlags )
+ ProtectWriteOperation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->WriteSampleDependency(
+ pBytes, numBytes, duration, renderingOffset, isSyncSample, dependencyFlags );
+ m_pModificationProperty->SetValue( MP4GetAbsTimestamp() );
+void MP4File::SetSampleRenderingOffset(MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4SampleId sampleId, MP4Duration renderingOffset)
+ ProtectWriteOperation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->
+ SetSampleRenderingOffset(sampleId, renderingOffset);
+ m_pModificationProperty->SetValue(MP4GetAbsTimestamp());
+void MP4File::MakeFtypAtom(
+ char* majorBrand,
+ uint32_t minorVersion,
+ char** compatibleBrands,
+ uint32_t compatibleBrandsCount)
+ MP4FtypAtom* ftyp = (MP4FtypAtom*)m_pRootAtom->FindAtom( "ftyp" );
+ if (ftyp == NULL)
+ ftyp = (MP4FtypAtom*)InsertChildAtom( m_pRootAtom, "ftyp", 0 );
+ // bail if majorbrand is not specified; defaults suffice.
+ if (majorBrand == NULL)
+ return;
+ ftyp->majorBrand.SetValue( majorBrand );
+ ftyp->minorVersion.SetValue( minorVersion );
+ ftyp->compatibleBrands.SetCount( compatibleBrandsCount );
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < compatibleBrandsCount; i++ )
+ ftyp->compatibleBrands.SetValue( compatibleBrands[i], i );
+char* MP4File::MakeTrackName(MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name)
+ uint16_t trakIndex = FindTrakAtomIndex(trackId);
+ if (name == NULL || name[0] == '\0') {
+ snprintf(m_trakName, sizeof(m_trakName),
+ "moov.trak[%u]", trakIndex);
+ } else {
+ snprintf(m_trakName, sizeof(m_trakName),
+ "moov.trak[%u].%s", trakIndex, name);
+ }
+ return m_trakName;
+MP4Atom *MP4File::FindTrackAtom (MP4TrackId trackId, const char *name)
+ return FindAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, name));
+uint64_t MP4File::GetTrackIntegerProperty(MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name)
+ return GetIntegerProperty(MakeTrackName(trackId, name));
+void MP4File::SetTrackIntegerProperty(MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name,
+ int64_t value)
+ SetIntegerProperty(MakeTrackName(trackId, name), value);
+float MP4File::GetTrackFloatProperty(MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name)
+ return GetFloatProperty(MakeTrackName(trackId, name));
+void MP4File::SetTrackFloatProperty(MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name,
+ float value)
+ SetFloatProperty(MakeTrackName(trackId, name), value);
+const char* MP4File::GetTrackStringProperty(MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name)
+ return GetStringProperty(MakeTrackName(trackId, name));
+void MP4File::SetTrackStringProperty(MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name,
+ const char* value)
+ SetStringProperty(MakeTrackName(trackId, name), value);
+void MP4File::GetTrackBytesProperty(MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name,
+ uint8_t** ppValue, uint32_t* pValueSize)
+ GetBytesProperty(MakeTrackName(trackId, name), ppValue, pValueSize);
+void MP4File::SetTrackBytesProperty(MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name,
+ const uint8_t* pValue, uint32_t valueSize)
+ SetBytesProperty(MakeTrackName(trackId, name), pValue, valueSize);
+bool MP4File::GetTrackLanguage( MP4TrackId trackId, char* code )
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "moov.trak[" << FindTrakAtomIndex(trackId) << "].mdia.mdhd.language";
+ MP4Property* prop;
+ if( !m_pRootAtom->FindProperty( oss.str().c_str(), &prop ))
+ return false;
+ if( prop->GetType() != LanguageCodeProperty )
+ return false;
+ MP4LanguageCodeProperty& lang = *static_cast<MP4LanguageCodeProperty*>(prop);
+ string slang;
+ bmff::enumLanguageCode.toString( lang.GetValue(), slang );
+ if( slang.length() != 3 ) {
+ memset( code, '\0', 4 );
+ }
+ else {
+ memcpy( code, slang.c_str(), 3 );
+ code[3] = '\0';
+ }
+ return true;
+bool MP4File::SetTrackLanguage( MP4TrackId trackId, const char* code )
+ ProtectWriteOperation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "moov.trak[" << FindTrakAtomIndex(trackId) << "].mdia.mdhd.language";
+ MP4Property* prop;
+ if( !m_pRootAtom->FindProperty( oss.str().c_str(), &prop ))
+ return false;
+ if( prop->GetType() != LanguageCodeProperty )
+ return false;
+ MP4LanguageCodeProperty& lang = *static_cast<MP4LanguageCodeProperty*>(prop);
+ lang.SetValue( bmff::enumLanguageCode.toType( code ));
+ return true;
+bool MP4File::GetTrackName( MP4TrackId trackId, char** name )
+ unsigned char *val = NULL;
+ uint32_t valSize = 0;
+ MP4Atom *pMetaAtom;
+ pMetaAtom = m_pRootAtom->FindAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId,""));
+ if (pMetaAtom)
+ {
+ GetBytesProperty(MakeTrackName(trackId,""), (uint8_t**)&val, &valSize);
+ }
+ if (valSize > 0)
+ {
+ *name = (char*)malloc((valSize+1)*sizeof(char));
+ if (*name == NULL) {
+ free(val);
+ return false;
+ }
+ memcpy(*name, val, valSize*sizeof(unsigned char));
+ free(val);
+ (*name)[valSize] = '\0';
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool MP4File::SetTrackName( MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name )
+ ProtectWriteOperation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ char atomstring[40];
+ MP4Atom *pMetaAtom;
+ MP4BytesProperty *pMetadataProperty = NULL;
+ snprintf(atomstring, 40, "%s", MakeTrackName(trackId,""));
+ pMetaAtom = m_pRootAtom->FindAtom(atomstring);
+ if (!pMetaAtom)
+ {
+ if (!AddDescendantAtoms(MakeTrackName(trackId, NULL), ""))
+ return false;
+ pMetaAtom = m_pRootAtom->FindAtom(atomstring);
+ if (pMetaAtom == NULL) return false;
+ }
+ ASSERT(pMetaAtom->FindProperty("name.value",
+ (MP4Property**)&pMetadataProperty));
+ ASSERT(pMetadataProperty);
+ pMetadataProperty->SetValue((uint8_t*)name, (uint32_t)strlen(name));
+ return true;
+// file level convenience functions
+MP4Duration MP4File::GetDuration()
+ return m_pDurationProperty->GetValue();
+void MP4File::SetDuration(MP4Duration value)
+ m_pDurationProperty->SetValue(value);
+uint32_t MP4File::GetTimeScale()
+ return m_pTimeScaleProperty->GetValue();
+void MP4File::SetTimeScale(uint32_t value)
+ if (value == 0) {
+ throw new Exception("invalid value", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ m_pTimeScaleProperty->SetValue(value);
+uint8_t MP4File::GetODProfileLevel()
+ return GetIntegerProperty("moov.iods.ODProfileLevelId");
+void MP4File::SetODProfileLevel(uint8_t value)
+ SetIntegerProperty("moov.iods.ODProfileLevelId", value);
+uint8_t MP4File::GetSceneProfileLevel()
+ return GetIntegerProperty("moov.iods.sceneProfileLevelId");
+void MP4File::SetSceneProfileLevel(uint8_t value)
+ SetIntegerProperty("moov.iods.sceneProfileLevelId", value);
+uint8_t MP4File::GetVideoProfileLevel()
+ return GetIntegerProperty("moov.iods.visualProfileLevelId");
+void MP4File::SetVideoProfileLevel(uint8_t value)
+ SetIntegerProperty("moov.iods.visualProfileLevelId", value);
+uint8_t MP4File::GetAudioProfileLevel()
+ return GetIntegerProperty("moov.iods.audioProfileLevelId");
+void MP4File::SetAudioProfileLevel(uint8_t value)
+ SetIntegerProperty("moov.iods.audioProfileLevelId", value);
+uint8_t MP4File::GetGraphicsProfileLevel()
+ return GetIntegerProperty("moov.iods.graphicsProfileLevelId");
+void MP4File::SetGraphicsProfileLevel(uint8_t value)
+ SetIntegerProperty("moov.iods.graphicsProfileLevelId", value);
+const char* MP4File::GetSessionSdp()
+ return GetStringProperty("moov.udta.hnti.rtp .sdpText");
+void MP4File::SetSessionSdp(const char* sdpString)
+ (void)AddDescendantAtoms("moov", "udta.hnti.rtp ");
+ SetStringProperty("moov.udta.hnti.rtp .sdpText", sdpString);
+void MP4File::AppendSessionSdp(const char* sdpFragment)
+ const char* oldSdpString = NULL;
+ try {
+ oldSdpString = GetSessionSdp();
+ }
+ catch (Exception* x) {
+ delete x;
+ SetSessionSdp(sdpFragment);
+ return;
+ }
+ char* newSdpString =
+ (char*)MP4Malloc(strlen(oldSdpString) + strlen(sdpFragment) + 1);
+ strcpy(newSdpString, oldSdpString);
+ strcat(newSdpString, sdpFragment);
+ SetSessionSdp(newSdpString);
+ MP4Free(newSdpString);
+// ismacrypt API - retrieve OriginalFormatBox
+// parameters are assumed to have been sanity tested in mp4.cpp
+// don't call this unless media data name is 'encv',
+// results may otherwise be unpredictable.
+// input:
+// trackID - valid encv track ID for this file
+// buflen - length of oFormat, minimum is 5 (4cc plus null terminator)
+// output:
+// oFormat - buffer to return null terminated string containing
+// track original format
+// return:
+// 0 - original format returned OK
+// 1 - buffer length error or problem retrieving track property
+bool MP4File::GetTrackMediaDataOriginalFormat(MP4TrackId trackId,
+ char *originalFormat, uint32_t buflen)
+ uint32_t format;
+ if (buflen < 5)
+ return false;
+ format = GetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*");
+ IDATOM(format, originalFormat);
+ return true;
+// track level convenience functions
+MP4SampleId MP4File::GetTrackNumberOfSamples(MP4TrackId trackId)
+ return m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->GetNumberOfSamples();
+const char* MP4File::GetTrackType(MP4TrackId trackId)
+ return m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->GetType();
+const char *MP4File::GetTrackMediaDataName (MP4TrackId trackId)
+ MP4Atom *pChild;
+ MP4Atom *pAtom =
+ FindAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd"));
+ if (pAtom->GetNumberOfChildAtoms() != 1) {
+ log.errorf("%s: \"%s\": track %d has more than 1 child atoms in stsd",
+ __FUNCTION__, GetFilename().c_str(), trackId);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pChild = pAtom->GetChildAtom(0);
+ return pChild->GetType();
+uint32_t MP4File::GetTrackTimeScale(MP4TrackId trackId)
+ return m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->GetTimeScale();
+void MP4File::SetTrackTimeScale(MP4TrackId trackId, uint32_t value)
+ if (value == 0) {
+ throw new Exception("invalid value", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ SetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId, "mdia.mdhd.timeScale", value);
+MP4Duration MP4File::GetTrackDuration(MP4TrackId trackId)
+ return GetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId, "mdia.mdhd.duration");
+uint8_t MP4File::GetTrackEsdsObjectTypeId(MP4TrackId trackId)
+ // changed mp4a to * to handle enca case
+ try {
+ return GetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*.esds.decConfigDescr.objectTypeId");
+ } catch (Exception *x) {
+ delete x;
+ return GetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*.*.esds.decConfigDescr.objectTypeId");
+ }
+uint8_t MP4File::GetTrackAudioMpeg4Type(MP4TrackId trackId)
+ // verify that track is an MPEG-4 audio track
+ if (GetTrackEsdsObjectTypeId(trackId) != MP4_MPEG4_AUDIO_TYPE) {
+ }
+ uint8_t* pEsConfig = NULL;
+ uint32_t esConfigSize;
+ // The Mpeg4 audio type (AAC, CELP, HXVC, ...)
+ // is the first 5 bits of the ES configuration
+ GetTrackESConfiguration(trackId, &pEsConfig, &esConfigSize);
+ if (esConfigSize < 1) {
+ free(pEsConfig);
+ }
+ uint8_t mpeg4Type = ((pEsConfig[0] >> 3) & 0x1f);
+ // TTTT TXXX XXX potentially 6 bits of extension.
+ if (mpeg4Type == 0x1f) {
+ if (esConfigSize < 2) {
+ free(pEsConfig);
+ }
+ mpeg4Type = 32 +
+ (((pEsConfig[0] & 0x7) << 3) | ((pEsConfig[1] >> 5) & 0x7));
+ }
+ free(pEsConfig);
+ return mpeg4Type;
+MP4Duration MP4File::GetTrackFixedSampleDuration(MP4TrackId trackId)
+ return m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->GetFixedSampleDuration();
+double MP4File::GetTrackVideoFrameRate(MP4TrackId trackId)
+ MP4SampleId numSamples =
+ GetTrackNumberOfSamples(trackId);
+ uint64_t
+ msDuration =
+ ConvertFromTrackDuration(trackId,
+ GetTrackDuration(trackId), MP4_MSECS_TIME_SCALE);
+ if (msDuration == 0) {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ return ((double)numSamples / double(msDuration)) * MP4_MSECS_TIME_SCALE;
+int MP4File::GetTrackAudioChannels (MP4TrackId trackId)
+ return GetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*[0].channels");
+// true if media track encrypted according to ismacryp
+bool MP4File::IsIsmaCrypMediaTrack(MP4TrackId trackId)
+ if (GetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*")
+ != (uint64_t)-1) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool MP4File::IsWriteMode()
+ if( !m_file )
+ return false;
+ switch( m_file->mode ) {
+ case File::MODE_READ:
+ return false;
+ case File::MODE_MODIFY:
+ case File::MODE_CREATE:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
+void MP4File::GetTrackESConfiguration(MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint8_t** ppConfig, uint32_t* pConfigSize)
+ try {
+ GetTrackBytesProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*[0].esds.decConfigDescr.decSpecificInfo[0].info",
+ ppConfig, pConfigSize);
+ } catch (Exception *x) {
+ delete x;
+ GetTrackBytesProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*[0].*.esds.decConfigDescr.decSpecificInfo[0].info",
+ ppConfig, pConfigSize);
+ }
+void MP4File::GetTrackVideoMetadata(MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint8_t** ppConfig, uint32_t* pConfigSize)
+ GetTrackBytesProperty(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*[0].*.metadata",
+ ppConfig, pConfigSize);
+void MP4File::SetTrackESConfiguration(MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const uint8_t* pConfig, uint32_t configSize)
+ // get a handle on the track decoder config descriptor
+ MP4DescriptorProperty* pConfigDescrProperty = NULL;
+ if (FindProperty(MakeTrackName(trackId,
+ "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*[0].esds.decConfigDescr.decSpecificInfo"),
+ (MP4Property**)&pConfigDescrProperty) == false ||
+ pConfigDescrProperty == NULL) {
+ // probably trackId refers to a hint track
+ throw new Exception("no such property", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ // lookup the property to store the configuration
+ MP4BytesProperty* pInfoProperty = NULL;
+ (void)pConfigDescrProperty->FindProperty("decSpecificInfo[0].info",
+ (MP4Property**)&pInfoProperty);
+ // configuration being set for the first time
+ if (pInfoProperty == NULL) {
+ // need to create a new descriptor to hold it
+ MP4Descriptor* pConfigDescr =
+ pConfigDescrProperty->AddDescriptor(MP4DecSpecificDescrTag);
+ pConfigDescr->Generate();
+ (void)pConfigDescrProperty->FindProperty(
+ "decSpecificInfo[0].info",
+ (MP4Property**)&pInfoProperty);
+ ASSERT(pInfoProperty);
+ }
+ // set the value
+ pInfoProperty->SetValue(pConfig, configSize);
+void MP4File::GetTrackH264SeqPictHeaders (MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint8_t ***pppSeqHeader,
+ uint32_t **ppSeqHeaderSize,
+ uint8_t ***pppPictHeader,
+ uint32_t **ppPictHeaderSize)
+ uint32_t count;
+ const char *format;
+ MP4Atom *avcCAtom;
+ *pppSeqHeader = NULL;
+ *pppPictHeader = NULL;
+ *ppSeqHeaderSize = NULL;
+ *ppPictHeaderSize = NULL;
+ // get 4cc media format - can be avc1 or encv for ismacrypted track
+ format = GetTrackMediaDataName (trackId);
+ if (!strcasecmp(format, "avc1"))
+ avcCAtom = FindAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.avc1.avcC"));
+ else if (!strcasecmp(format, "encv"))
+ avcCAtom = FindAtom(MakeTrackName(trackId, "mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.encv.avcC"));
+ else
+ // huh? unknown track format
+ return;
+ MP4BitfieldProperty *pSeqCount;
+ MP4IntegerProperty *pSeqLen, *pPictCount, *pPictLen;
+ MP4BytesProperty *pSeqVal, *pPictVal;
+ if ((avcCAtom->FindProperty("avcC.numOfSequenceParameterSets",
+ (MP4Property **)&pSeqCount) == false) ||
+ (avcCAtom->FindProperty("avcC.sequenceEntries.sequenceParameterSetLength",
+ (MP4Property **)&pSeqLen) == false) ||
+ (avcCAtom->FindProperty("avcC.sequenceEntries.sequenceParameterSetNALUnit",
+ (MP4Property **)&pSeqVal) == false)) {
+ log.errorf("%s: \"%s\": Could not find avcC properties", __FUNCTION__, GetFilename().c_str());
+ return ;
+ }
+ uint8_t **ppSeqHeader =
+ (uint8_t **)malloc((pSeqCount->GetValue() + 1) * sizeof(uint8_t *));
+ if (ppSeqHeader == NULL) return;
+ *pppSeqHeader = ppSeqHeader;
+ uint32_t *pSeqHeaderSize =
+ (uint32_t *)malloc((pSeqCount->GetValue() + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t *));
+ if (pSeqHeaderSize == NULL) return;
+ *ppSeqHeaderSize = pSeqHeaderSize;
+ for (count = 0; count < pSeqCount->GetValue(); count++) {
+ pSeqVal->GetValue(&(ppSeqHeader[count]), &(pSeqHeaderSize[count]),
+ count);
+ }
+ ppSeqHeader[count] = NULL;
+ pSeqHeaderSize[count] = 0;
+ if ((avcCAtom->FindProperty("avcC.numOfPictureParameterSets",
+ (MP4Property **)&pPictCount) == false) ||
+ (avcCAtom->FindProperty("avcC.pictureEntries.pictureParameterSetLength",
+ (MP4Property **)&pPictLen) == false) ||
+ (avcCAtom->FindProperty("avcC.pictureEntries.pictureParameterSetNALUnit",
+ (MP4Property **)&pPictVal) == false)) {
+ log.errorf("%s: \"%s\": Could not find avcC picture table properties",
+ __FUNCTION__, GetFilename().c_str());
+ return ;
+ }
+ uint8_t
+ **ppPictHeader =
+ (uint8_t **)malloc((pPictCount->GetValue() + 1) * sizeof(uint8_t *));
+ if (ppPictHeader == NULL) return;
+ uint32_t *pPictHeaderSize =
+ (uint32_t *)malloc((pPictCount->GetValue() + 1)* sizeof(uint32_t *));
+ if (pPictHeaderSize == NULL) {
+ free(ppPictHeader);
+ return;
+ }
+ *pppPictHeader = ppPictHeader;
+ *ppPictHeaderSize = pPictHeaderSize;
+ for (count = 0; count < pPictCount->GetValue(); count++) {
+ pPictVal->GetValue(&(ppPictHeader[count]), &(pPictHeaderSize[count]),
+ count);
+ }
+ ppPictHeader[count] = NULL;
+ pPictHeaderSize[count] = 0;
+ return ;
+const char* MP4File::GetHintTrackSdp(MP4TrackId hintTrackId)
+ return GetTrackStringProperty(hintTrackId, "udta.hnti.sdp .sdpText");
+void MP4File::SetHintTrackSdp(MP4TrackId hintTrackId, const char* sdpString)
+ MP4Track* pTrack = m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(hintTrackId)];
+ if (strcmp(pTrack->GetType(), MP4_HINT_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ throw new Exception("track is not a hint track", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ (void)AddDescendantAtoms(
+ MakeTrackName(hintTrackId, NULL), "udta.hnti.sdp ");
+ SetTrackStringProperty(hintTrackId, "udta.hnti.sdp .sdpText", sdpString);
+void MP4File::AppendHintTrackSdp(MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ const char* sdpFragment)
+ const char* oldSdpString = NULL;
+ try {
+ oldSdpString = GetHintTrackSdp(hintTrackId);
+ }
+ catch (Exception* x) {
+ delete x;
+ SetHintTrackSdp(hintTrackId, sdpFragment);
+ return;
+ }
+ char* newSdpString =
+ (char*)MP4Malloc(strlen(oldSdpString) + strlen(sdpFragment) + 1);
+ strcpy(newSdpString, oldSdpString);
+ strcat(newSdpString, sdpFragment);
+ SetHintTrackSdp(hintTrackId, newSdpString);
+ MP4Free(newSdpString);
+void MP4File::GetHintTrackRtpPayload(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ char** ppPayloadName,
+ uint8_t* pPayloadNumber,
+ uint16_t* pMaxPayloadSize,
+ char **ppEncodingParams)
+ MP4Track* pTrack = m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(hintTrackId)];
+ if (strcmp(pTrack->GetType(), MP4_HINT_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ throw new Exception("track is not a hint track", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ ((MP4RtpHintTrack*)pTrack)->GetPayload(
+ ppPayloadName, pPayloadNumber, pMaxPayloadSize, ppEncodingParams);
+void MP4File::SetHintTrackRtpPayload(MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ const char* payloadName, uint8_t* pPayloadNumber, uint16_t maxPayloadSize,
+ const char *encoding_params,
+ bool include_rtp_map,
+ bool include_mpeg4_esid)
+ MP4Track* pTrack = m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(hintTrackId)];
+ if (strcmp(pTrack->GetType(), MP4_HINT_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ throw new Exception("track is not a hint track", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ uint8_t payloadNumber;
+ if (pPayloadNumber && *pPayloadNumber != MP4_SET_DYNAMIC_PAYLOAD) {
+ payloadNumber = *pPayloadNumber;
+ } else {
+ payloadNumber = AllocRtpPayloadNumber();
+ if (pPayloadNumber) {
+ *pPayloadNumber = payloadNumber;
+ }
+ }
+ ((MP4RtpHintTrack*)pTrack)->SetPayload(
+ payloadName, payloadNumber, maxPayloadSize, encoding_params,
+ include_rtp_map, include_mpeg4_esid);
+uint8_t MP4File::AllocRtpPayloadNumber()
+ MP4Integer32Array usedPayloads;
+ uint32_t i;
+ // collect rtp payload numbers in use by existing tracks
+ for (i = 0; i < m_pTracks.Size(); i++) {
+ MP4Atom& trakAtom = m_pTracks[i]->GetTrakAtom();
+ MP4Integer32Property* pPayloadProperty = NULL;
+ if (trakAtom.FindProperty("trak.udta.hinf.payt.payloadNumber",
+ (MP4Property**)&pPayloadProperty) &&
+ pPayloadProperty) {
+ usedPayloads.Add(pPayloadProperty->GetValue());
+ }
+ }
+ // search dynamic payload range for an available slot
+ uint8_t payload;
+ for (payload = 96; payload < 128; payload++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < usedPayloads.Size(); i++) {
+ if (payload == usedPayloads[i]) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i == usedPayloads.Size()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (payload >= 128) {
+ throw new Exception("no more available rtp payload numbers",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return payload;
+MP4TrackId MP4File::GetHintTrackReferenceTrackId(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId)
+ MP4Track* pTrack = m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(hintTrackId)];
+ if (strcmp(pTrack->GetType(), MP4_HINT_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ throw new Exception("track is not a hint track",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ MP4Track* pRefTrack = ((MP4RtpHintTrack*)pTrack)->GetRefTrack();
+ if (pRefTrack == NULL) {
+ }
+ return pRefTrack->GetId();
+void MP4File::ReadRtpHint(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ MP4SampleId hintSampleId,
+ uint16_t* pNumPackets)
+ MP4Track* pTrack = m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(hintTrackId)];
+ if (strcmp(pTrack->GetType(), MP4_HINT_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ throw new Exception("track is not a hint track", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ ((MP4RtpHintTrack*)pTrack)->
+ ReadHint(hintSampleId, pNumPackets);
+uint16_t MP4File::GetRtpHintNumberOfPackets(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId)
+ MP4Track* pTrack = m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(hintTrackId)];
+ if (strcmp(pTrack->GetType(), MP4_HINT_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ throw new Exception("track is not a hint track",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return ((MP4RtpHintTrack*)pTrack)->GetHintNumberOfPackets();
+int8_t MP4File::GetRtpPacketBFrame(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ uint16_t packetIndex)
+ MP4Track* pTrack = m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(hintTrackId)];
+ if (strcmp(pTrack->GetType(), MP4_HINT_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ throw new Exception("track is not a hint track",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return ((MP4RtpHintTrack*)pTrack)->GetPacketBFrame(packetIndex);
+int32_t MP4File::GetRtpPacketTransmitOffset(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ uint16_t packetIndex)
+ MP4Track* pTrack = m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(hintTrackId)];
+ if (strcmp(pTrack->GetType(), MP4_HINT_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ throw new Exception("track is not a hint track",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return ((MP4RtpHintTrack*)pTrack)->GetPacketTransmitOffset(packetIndex);
+void MP4File::ReadRtpPacket(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ uint16_t packetIndex,
+ uint8_t** ppBytes,
+ uint32_t* pNumBytes,
+ uint32_t ssrc,
+ bool includeHeader,
+ bool includePayload)
+ MP4Track* pTrack = m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(hintTrackId)];
+ if (strcmp(pTrack->GetType(), MP4_HINT_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ throw new Exception("track is not a hint track", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ ((MP4RtpHintTrack*)pTrack)->ReadPacket(
+ packetIndex, ppBytes, pNumBytes,
+ ssrc, includeHeader, includePayload);
+MP4Timestamp MP4File::GetRtpTimestampStart(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId)
+ MP4Track* pTrack = m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(hintTrackId)];
+ if (strcmp(pTrack->GetType(), MP4_HINT_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ throw new Exception("track is not a hint track", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return ((MP4RtpHintTrack*)pTrack)->GetRtpTimestampStart();
+void MP4File::SetRtpTimestampStart(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ MP4Timestamp rtpStart)
+ MP4Track* pTrack = m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(hintTrackId)];
+ if (strcmp(pTrack->GetType(), MP4_HINT_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ throw new Exception("track is not a hint track",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ ((MP4RtpHintTrack*)pTrack)->SetRtpTimestampStart(rtpStart);
+void MP4File::AddRtpHint(MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ bool isBframe, uint32_t timestampOffset)
+ ProtectWriteOperation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ MP4Track* pTrack = m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(hintTrackId)];
+ if (strcmp(pTrack->GetType(), MP4_HINT_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ throw new Exception("track is not a hint track", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ ((MP4RtpHintTrack*)pTrack)->AddHint(isBframe, timestampOffset);
+void MP4File::AddRtpPacket(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId, bool setMbit, int32_t transmitOffset)
+ ProtectWriteOperation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ MP4Track* pTrack = m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(hintTrackId)];
+ if (strcmp(pTrack->GetType(), MP4_HINT_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ throw new Exception("track is not a hint track", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ ((MP4RtpHintTrack*)pTrack)->AddPacket(setMbit, transmitOffset);
+void MP4File::AddRtpImmediateData(MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ const uint8_t* pBytes, uint32_t numBytes)
+ ProtectWriteOperation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ MP4Track* pTrack = m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(hintTrackId)];
+ if (strcmp(pTrack->GetType(), MP4_HINT_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ throw new Exception("track is not a hint track",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ ((MP4RtpHintTrack*)pTrack)->AddImmediateData(pBytes, numBytes);
+void MP4File::AddRtpSampleData(MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ MP4SampleId sampleId, uint32_t dataOffset, uint32_t dataLength)
+ ProtectWriteOperation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ MP4Track* pTrack = m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(hintTrackId)];
+ if (strcmp(pTrack->GetType(), MP4_HINT_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ throw new Exception("track is not a hint track",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ ((MP4RtpHintTrack*)pTrack)->AddSampleData(
+ sampleId, dataOffset, dataLength);
+void MP4File::AddRtpESConfigurationPacket(MP4TrackId hintTrackId)
+ ProtectWriteOperation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ MP4Track* pTrack = m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(hintTrackId)];
+ if (strcmp(pTrack->GetType(), MP4_HINT_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ throw new Exception("track is not a hint track",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ ((MP4RtpHintTrack*)pTrack)->AddESConfigurationPacket();
+void MP4File::WriteRtpHint(MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ MP4Duration duration, bool isSyncSample)
+ ProtectWriteOperation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ MP4Track* pTrack = m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(hintTrackId)];
+ if (strcmp(pTrack->GetType(), MP4_HINT_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ throw new Exception("track is not a hint track",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ ((MP4RtpHintTrack*)pTrack)->WriteHint(duration, isSyncSample);
+uint64_t MP4File::ConvertFromMovieDuration(
+ MP4Duration duration,
+ uint32_t timeScale)
+ return MP4ConvertTime((uint64_t)duration,
+ GetTimeScale(), timeScale);
+uint64_t MP4File::ConvertFromTrackTimestamp(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4Timestamp timeStamp,
+ uint32_t timeScale)
+ return MP4ConvertTime(timeStamp,
+ GetTrackTimeScale(trackId), timeScale);
+MP4Timestamp MP4File::ConvertToTrackTimestamp(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint64_t timeStamp,
+ uint32_t timeScale)
+ return (MP4Timestamp)MP4ConvertTime(timeStamp,
+ timeScale, GetTrackTimeScale(trackId));
+uint64_t MP4File::ConvertFromTrackDuration(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4Duration duration,
+ uint32_t timeScale)
+ return MP4ConvertTime((uint64_t)duration,
+ GetTrackTimeScale(trackId), timeScale);
+MP4Duration MP4File::ConvertToTrackDuration(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint64_t duration,
+ uint32_t timeScale)
+ return (MP4Duration)MP4ConvertTime(duration,
+ timeScale, GetTrackTimeScale(trackId));
+uint8_t MP4File::ConvertTrackTypeToStreamType(const char* trackType)
+ uint8_t streamType;
+ if (!strcmp(trackType, MP4_OD_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ streamType = MP4ObjectDescriptionStreamType;
+ } else if (!strcmp(trackType, MP4_SCENE_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ streamType = MP4SceneDescriptionStreamType;
+ } else if (!strcmp(trackType, MP4_CLOCK_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ streamType = MP4ClockReferenceStreamType;
+ } else if (!strcmp(trackType, MP4_MPEG7_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ streamType = MP4Mpeg7StreamType;
+ } else if (!strcmp(trackType, MP4_OCI_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ streamType = MP4OCIStreamType;
+ } else if (!strcmp(trackType, MP4_IPMP_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ streamType = MP4IPMPStreamType;
+ } else if (!strcmp(trackType, MP4_MPEGJ_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ streamType = MP4MPEGJStreamType;
+ } else {
+ streamType = MP4UserPrivateStreamType;
+ }
+ return streamType;
+// edit list
+char* MP4File::MakeTrackEditName(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId,
+ const char* name)
+ char* trakName = MakeTrackName(trackId, NULL);
+ if (m_editName == NULL) {
+ m_editName = (char *)malloc(1024);
+ if (m_editName == NULL) return NULL;
+ }
+ snprintf(m_editName, 1024,
+ "%s.edts.elst.entries[%u].%s",
+ trakName, editId - 1, name);
+ return m_editName;
+MP4EditId MP4File::AddTrackEdit(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId)
+ ProtectWriteOperation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ return m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->AddEdit(editId);
+void MP4File::DeleteTrackEdit(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId)
+ ProtectWriteOperation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->DeleteEdit(editId);
+uint32_t MP4File::GetTrackNumberOfEdits(
+ MP4TrackId trackId)
+ return GetTrackIntegerProperty(trackId, "edts.elst.entryCount");
+MP4Duration MP4File::GetTrackEditTotalDuration(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId)
+ return m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->GetEditTotalDuration(editId);
+MP4Timestamp MP4File::GetTrackEditStart(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId)
+ return m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->GetEditStart(editId);
+MP4Timestamp MP4File::GetTrackEditMediaStart(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId)
+ return GetIntegerProperty(
+ MakeTrackEditName(trackId, editId, "mediaTime"));
+void MP4File::SetTrackEditMediaStart(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId,
+ MP4Timestamp startTime)
+ SetIntegerProperty(
+ MakeTrackEditName(trackId, editId, "mediaTime"),
+ startTime);
+MP4Duration MP4File::GetTrackEditDuration(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId)
+ return GetIntegerProperty(
+ MakeTrackEditName(trackId, editId, "segmentDuration"));
+void MP4File::SetTrackEditDuration(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId,
+ MP4Duration duration)
+ SetIntegerProperty(
+ MakeTrackEditName(trackId, editId, "segmentDuration"),
+ duration);
+bool MP4File::GetTrackEditDwell(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId)
+ return (GetIntegerProperty(
+ MakeTrackEditName(trackId, editId, "mediaRate")) == 0);
+void MP4File::SetTrackEditDwell(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId,
+ bool dwell)
+ SetIntegerProperty(
+ MakeTrackEditName(trackId, editId, "mediaRate"),
+ (dwell ? 0 : 1));
+MP4SampleId MP4File::GetSampleIdFromEditTime(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4Timestamp when,
+ MP4Timestamp* pStartTime,
+ MP4Duration* pDuration)
+ return m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->GetSampleIdFromEditTime(
+ when, pStartTime, pDuration);
+MP4Duration MP4File::GetTrackDurationPerChunk( MP4TrackId trackId )
+ return m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->GetDurationPerChunk();
+void MP4File::SetTrackDurationPerChunk( MP4TrackId trackId, MP4Duration duration )
+ m_pTracks[FindTrackIndex(trackId)]->SetDurationPerChunk( duration );
+void MP4File::CopySample(
+ MP4File* srcFile,
+ MP4TrackId srcTrackId,
+ MP4SampleId srcSampleId,
+ MP4File* dstFile,
+ MP4TrackId dstTrackId,
+ MP4Duration dstSampleDuration )
+ // Note: we leave it up to the caller to ensure that the
+ // source and destination tracks are compatible.
+ // i.e. copying audio samples into a video track
+ // is unlikely to do anything useful
+ uint8_t* pBytes = NULL;
+ uint32_t numBytes = 0;
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration;
+ MP4Duration renderingOffset;
+ bool isSyncSample;
+ bool hasDependencyFlags;
+ uint32_t dependencyFlags;
+ srcFile->ReadSample(
+ srcTrackId,
+ srcSampleId,
+ &pBytes,
+ &numBytes,
+ &sampleDuration,
+ &renderingOffset,
+ &isSyncSample,
+ &hasDependencyFlags,
+ &dependencyFlags );
+ if( !dstFile )
+ dstFile = srcFile;
+ if( dstTrackId == MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID )
+ dstTrackId = srcTrackId;
+ if( dstSampleDuration != MP4_INVALID_DURATION )
+ sampleDuration = dstSampleDuration;
+ if( hasDependencyFlags ) {
+ dstFile->WriteSampleDependency(
+ dstTrackId,
+ pBytes,
+ numBytes,
+ sampleDuration,
+ renderingOffset,
+ isSyncSample,
+ dependencyFlags );
+ }
+ else {
+ dstFile->WriteSample(
+ dstTrackId,
+ pBytes,
+ numBytes,
+ sampleDuration,
+ renderingOffset,
+ isSyncSample );
+ }
+ free( pBytes );
+void MP4File::EncAndCopySample(
+ MP4File* srcFile,
+ MP4TrackId srcTrackId,
+ MP4SampleId srcSampleId,
+ encryptFunc_t encfcnp,
+ uint32_t encfcnparam1,
+ MP4File* dstFile,
+ MP4TrackId dstTrackId,
+ MP4Duration dstSampleDuration )
+ // Note: we leave it up to the caller to ensure that the
+ // source and destination tracks are compatible.
+ // i.e. copying audio samples into a video track
+ // is unlikely to do anything useful
+ uint8_t* pBytes = NULL;
+ uint32_t numBytes = 0;
+ uint8_t* encSampleData = NULL;
+ uint32_t encSampleLength = 0;
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration;
+ MP4Duration renderingOffset;
+ bool isSyncSample;
+ bool hasDependencyFlags;
+ uint32_t dependencyFlags;
+ ASSERT(srcFile);
+ srcFile->ReadSample(
+ srcTrackId,
+ srcSampleId,
+ &pBytes,
+ &numBytes,
+ &sampleDuration,
+ &renderingOffset,
+ &isSyncSample,
+ &hasDependencyFlags,
+ &dependencyFlags );
+ if( !dstFile )
+ dstFile = srcFile;
+ ASSERT(dstFile);
+ if( dstTrackId == MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID )
+ dstTrackId = srcTrackId;
+ if( dstSampleDuration != MP4_INVALID_DURATION )
+ sampleDuration = dstSampleDuration;
+ //if( ismacrypEncryptSampleAddHeader( ismaCryptSId, numBytes, pBytes, &encSampleLength, &encSampleData ) != 0)
+ if( encfcnp( encfcnparam1, numBytes, pBytes, &encSampleLength, &encSampleData ) != 0 )
+ log.errorf("%s(%s,%s) Can't encrypt the sample and add its header %u",
+ __FUNCTION__, srcFile->GetFilename().c_str(), dstFile->GetFilename().c_str(), srcSampleId );
+ if( hasDependencyFlags ) {
+ dstFile->WriteSampleDependency(
+ dstTrackId,
+ pBytes,
+ numBytes,
+ sampleDuration,
+ renderingOffset,
+ isSyncSample,
+ dependencyFlags );
+ }
+ else {
+ dstFile->WriteSample(
+ dstTrackId,
+ encSampleData,
+ encSampleLength,
+ sampleDuration,
+ renderingOffset,
+ isSyncSample );
+ }
+ free( pBytes );
+ if( encSampleData != NULL )
+ free( encSampleData );
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4file.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4file.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..813f90f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4file.h
@@ -0,0 +1,991 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+// Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+// Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001 - 2005. All Rights Reserved.
+// 3GPP features implementation is based on 3GPP's TS26.234-v5.60,
+// and was contributed by Ximpo Group Ltd.
+// Portions created by Ximpo Group Ltd. are
+// Copyright (C) Ximpo Group Ltd. 2003, 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Dave Mackie, [email protected]
+// Alix Marchandise-Franquet, [email protected]
+// Ximpo Group Ltd., [email protected]
+// Kona Blend,
+#ifndef MP4V2_IMPL_MP4FILE_H
+#define MP4V2_IMPL_MP4FILE_H
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+class MP4Atom;
+class MP4Property;
+class MP4Float32Property;
+class MP4StringProperty;
+class MP4BytesProperty;
+class MP4Descriptor;
+class MP4DescriptorProperty;
+class MP4File
+ static void CopySample(
+ MP4File* srcFile,
+ MP4TrackId srcTrackId,
+ MP4SampleId srcSampleId,
+ MP4File* dstFile,
+ MP4TrackId dstTrackId,
+ MP4Duration dstSampleDuration );
+ static void EncAndCopySample(
+ MP4File* srcFile,
+ MP4TrackId srcTrackId,
+ MP4SampleId srcSampleId,
+ encryptFunc_t encfcnp,
+ uint32_t encfcnparam1,
+ MP4File* dstFile,
+ MP4TrackId dstTrackId,
+ MP4Duration dstSampleDuration );
+ MP4File();
+ ~MP4File();
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // file ops
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ void Create( const char* fileName,
+ uint32_t flags,
+ int add_ftyp = 1,
+ int add_iods = 1,
+ char* majorBrand = NULL,
+ uint32_t minorVersion = 0,
+ char** supportedBrands = NULL,
+ uint32_t supportedBrandsCount = 0 );
+ const std::string &GetFilename() const;
+ void Read( const char* name, const MP4FileProvider* provider );
+ bool Modify( const char* fileName );
+ void Optimize( const char* srcFileName, const char* dstFileName = NULL );
+ bool CopyClose( const string& copyFileName );
+ void Dump( bool dumpImplicits = false );
+ void Close(uint32_t flags = 0);
+ bool Use64Bits(const char *atomName);
+ void Check64BitStatus(const char *atomName);
+ /* file properties */
+ uint64_t GetIntegerProperty(const char* name);
+ float GetFloatProperty(const char* name);
+ const char* GetStringProperty(const char* name);
+ void GetBytesProperty(const char* name,
+ uint8_t** ppValue, uint32_t* pValueSize);
+ void SetIntegerProperty(const char* name, uint64_t value);
+ void SetFloatProperty(const char* name, float value);
+ void SetStringProperty(const char* name, const char* value);
+ void SetBytesProperty(const char* name,
+ const uint8_t* pValue, uint32_t valueSize);
+ // file level convenience functions
+ MP4Duration GetDuration();
+ void SetDuration(MP4Duration value);
+ uint32_t GetTimeScale();
+ void SetTimeScale(uint32_t value);
+ uint8_t GetODProfileLevel();
+ void SetODProfileLevel(uint8_t value);
+ uint8_t GetSceneProfileLevel();
+ void SetSceneProfileLevel(uint8_t value);
+ uint8_t GetVideoProfileLevel();
+ void SetVideoProfileLevel(uint8_t value);
+ uint8_t GetAudioProfileLevel();
+ void SetAudioProfileLevel(uint8_t value);
+ uint8_t GetGraphicsProfileLevel();
+ void SetGraphicsProfileLevel(uint8_t value);
+ const char* GetSessionSdp();
+ void SetSessionSdp(const char* sdpString);
+ void AppendSessionSdp(const char* sdpString);
+ /* track operations */
+ MP4TrackId AddTrack(const char* type, uint32_t timeScale = 1000);
+ void DeleteTrack(MP4TrackId trackId);
+ uint32_t GetNumberOfTracks(const char* type = NULL, uint8_t subType = 0);
+ MP4TrackId AllocTrackId();
+ MP4TrackId FindTrackId(uint16_t trackIndex,
+ const char* type = NULL, uint8_t subType = 0);
+ uint16_t FindTrackIndex(MP4TrackId trackId);
+ uint16_t FindTrakAtomIndex(MP4TrackId trackId);
+ /* track properties */
+ MP4Atom *FindTrackAtom(MP4TrackId trackId, const char *name);
+ uint64_t GetTrackIntegerProperty(
+ MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name);
+ float GetTrackFloatProperty(
+ MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name);
+ const char* GetTrackStringProperty(
+ MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name);
+ void GetTrackBytesProperty(
+ MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name,
+ uint8_t** ppValue, uint32_t* pValueSize);
+ void SetTrackIntegerProperty(
+ MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name, int64_t value);
+ void SetTrackFloatProperty(
+ MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name, float value);
+ void SetTrackStringProperty(
+ MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name, const char* value);
+ void SetTrackBytesProperty(
+ MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name,
+ const uint8_t* pValue, uint32_t valueSize);
+ bool GetTrackLanguage( MP4TrackId, char* );
+ bool SetTrackLanguage( MP4TrackId, const char* );
+ bool GetTrackName( MP4TrackId trackId, char** name );
+ bool SetTrackName( MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name);
+ /* sample operations */
+ uint32_t GetSampleSize(MP4TrackId trackId, MP4SampleId sampleId);
+ uint32_t GetTrackMaxSampleSize(MP4TrackId trackId);
+ MP4SampleId GetSampleIdFromTime(MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4Timestamp when, bool wantSyncSample = false);
+ MP4Timestamp GetSampleTime(
+ MP4TrackId trackId, MP4SampleId sampleId);
+ MP4Duration GetSampleDuration(
+ MP4TrackId trackId, MP4SampleId sampleId);
+ MP4Duration GetSampleRenderingOffset(
+ MP4TrackId trackId, MP4SampleId sampleId);
+ bool GetSampleSync(
+ MP4TrackId trackId, MP4SampleId sampleId);
+ void ReadSample(
+ // input parameters
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ // output parameters
+ uint8_t** ppBytes,
+ uint32_t* pNumBytes,
+ MP4Timestamp* pStartTime = NULL,
+ MP4Duration* pDuration = NULL,
+ MP4Duration* pRenderingOffset = NULL,
+ bool* pIsSyncSample = NULL,
+ bool* hasDependencyFlags = NULL,
+ uint32_t* dependencyFlags = NULL );
+ void WriteSample(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const uint8_t* pBytes,
+ uint32_t numBytes,
+ MP4Duration duration = 0,
+ MP4Duration renderingOffset = 0,
+ bool isSyncSample = true );
+ void WriteSampleDependency(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const uint8_t* pBytes,
+ uint32_t numBytes,
+ MP4Duration duration,
+ MP4Duration renderingOffset,
+ bool isSyncSample,
+ uint32_t dependencyFlags );
+ void SetSampleRenderingOffset(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ MP4Duration renderingOffset );
+ MP4Duration GetTrackDurationPerChunk( MP4TrackId );
+ void SetTrackDurationPerChunk( MP4TrackId, MP4Duration );
+ /* track level convenience functions */
+ MP4TrackId AddSystemsTrack(const char* type, uint32_t timeScale = 1000 );
+ MP4TrackId AddODTrack();
+ MP4TrackId AddSceneTrack();
+ MP4TrackId AddAudioTrack(
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ uint8_t audioType);
+ MP4TrackId AddULawAudioTrack(
+ uint32_t timeScale);
+ MP4TrackId AddALawAudioTrack(
+ uint32_t timeScale);
+ MP4TrackId AddAC3AudioTrack(
+ uint32_t samplingRate,
+ uint8_t fscod,
+ uint8_t bsid,
+ uint8_t bsmod,
+ uint8_t acmod,
+ uint8_t lfeon,
+ uint8_t bit_rate_code);
+ MP4TrackId AddEncAudioTrack( // ismacryp
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ uint8_t audioType,
+ uint32_t scheme_type,
+ uint16_t scheme_version,
+ uint8_t key_ind_len,
+ uint8_t iv_len,
+ bool selective_enc,
+ const char *kms_uri,
+ bool use_ismacryp);
+ void SetAmrVendor(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint32_t vendor);
+ void SetAmrDecoderVersion(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint8_t decoderVersion);
+ void SetAmrModeSet(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint16_t modeSet);
+ uint16_t GetAmrModeSet(MP4TrackId trackId);
+ MP4TrackId AddAmrAudioTrack(
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ uint16_t modeSet,
+ uint8_t modeChangePeriod,
+ uint8_t framesPerSample,
+ bool isAmrWB);
+ MP4TrackId AddHrefTrack(uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ const char *base_url);
+ MP4TrackId AddMP4VideoTrack(
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ uint16_t width,
+ uint16_t height,
+ uint8_t videoType);
+ MP4TrackId AddEncVideoTrack( // ismacryp
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ uint16_t width,
+ uint16_t height,
+ uint8_t videoType,
+ mp4v2_ismacrypParams *icPp,
+ const char *oFormat);
+ void SetH263Vendor(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint32_t vendor);
+ void SetH263DecoderVersion(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint8_t decoderVersion);
+ void SetH263Bitrates(
+ MP4TrackId,
+ uint32_t avgBitrate,
+ uint32_t maxBitrate);
+ MP4TrackId AddH263VideoTrack(
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ uint16_t width,
+ uint16_t height,
+ uint8_t h263Level,
+ uint8_t h263Profile,
+ uint32_t avgBitrate,
+ uint32_t maxBitrate);
+ MP4TrackId AddH264VideoTrack(
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ uint16_t width,
+ uint16_t height,
+ uint8_t AVCProfileIndication,
+ uint8_t profile_compat,
+ uint8_t AVCLevelIndication,
+ uint8_t sampleLenFieldSizeMinusOne);
+ MP4TrackId AddEncH264VideoTrack(
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ uint16_t width,
+ uint16_t height,
+ MP4Atom *srcAtom,
+ mp4v2_ismacrypParams *icPp);
+ void AddH264SequenceParameterSet(MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const uint8_t *pSequence,
+ uint16_t sequenceLen);
+ void AddH264PictureParameterSet(MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const uint8_t *pPicture,
+ uint16_t pictureLen);
+ MP4TrackId AddHintTrack(MP4TrackId refTrackId);
+ MP4TrackId AddTextTrack(MP4TrackId refTrackId);
+ /** Add a QuickTime chapter track.
+ *
+ * This function adds a chapter (text) track.
+ * The optional parameter <b>timescale</b> may be supplied to give the new
+ * chapter a specific timescale. Otherwise the chapter track will have
+ * the same timescale as the reference track defined in parameter refTrackId.
+ *
+ * @param refTrackId ID of the track that will reference the chapter track.
+ * @param timescale the timescale of the chapter track or 0 to use the
+ * timescale of track specified by <b>refTrackId</b>.
+ *
+ * @return ID of the created chapter track.
+ */
+ MP4TrackId AddChapterTextTrack(
+ MP4TrackId refTrackId,
+ uint32_t timescale = 0 );
+ MP4TrackId AddSubtitleTrack(uint32_t timescale,
+ uint16_t width,
+ uint16_t height);
+ MP4TrackId AddSubpicTrack(uint32_t timescale,
+ uint16_t width,
+ uint16_t height);
+ MP4TrackId AddPixelAspectRatio(MP4TrackId trackId, uint32_t hSpacing, uint32_t vSpacing);
+ MP4TrackId AddColr(MP4TrackId trackId, uint16_t pri, uint16_t tran, uint16_t mat);
+ /** Add a QuickTime chapter.
+ *
+ * @param chapterTrackId ID of chapter track or #MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID
+ * if unknown.
+ * @param chapterDuration duration (in the timescale of the chapter track).
+ * @param chapterTitle title text for the chapter or NULL to use default
+ * title format ("Chapter %03d", n) where n is the chapter number.
+ */
+ void AddChapter(
+ MP4TrackId chapterTrackId,
+ MP4Duration chapterDuration,
+ const char* chapterTitle = 0 );
+ /** Add a Nero chapter.
+ *
+ * @param chapterStart the start time of the chapter in 100 nanosecond units
+ * @param chapterTitle title text for the chapter or NULL to use default
+ * title format ("Chapter %03d", n) where n is the chapter number.
+ */
+ void AddNeroChapter(
+ MP4Timestamp chapterStart,
+ const char* chapterTitle = 0 );
+ /*! Returns the ID of the track referencing the chapter track chapterTrackId.
+ * This function searches for a track of type MP4_AUDIO_TRACK_TYPE that references
+ * the track chapterTrackId through the atom "tref.chap".
+ *
+ * @param chapterTrackId the ID of the chapter track
+ * @param trackName receives the name of the referencing track if not null
+ * @param trackNameSize the size of the memory pointed to by trackName
+ * @return the ID if the track referencing the chapter track or MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID
+ */
+ MP4TrackId FindChapterReferenceTrack(MP4TrackId chapterTrackId,
+ char *trackName = 0,
+ int trackNameSize = 0);
+ /*! Find the QuickTime chapter track in the current file.
+ * This function searches for a track of type text.
+ *
+ * @param trackName receives the name of the chapter track if not null
+ * @param trackNameSize the size of the memory pointed to by trackName
+ * @return the ID of the chapter track or MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID
+ */
+ MP4TrackId FindChapterTrack(char *trackName = 0, int trackNameSize = 0);
+ /** Delete chapters.
+ *
+ * @param chapterType the type of chapters to delete:
+ * @li #MP4ChapterTypeAny (delete all known chapter types)
+ * @li #MP4ChapterTypeQt
+ * @li #MP4ChapterTypeNero
+ * @param chapterTrackId ID of the chapter track if known,
+ * Only applies when <b>chapterType</b>=#MP4ChapterTypeQt.
+ *
+ * @return the type of deleted chapters
+ */
+ MP4ChapterType DeleteChapters(
+ MP4ChapterType chapterType = MP4ChapterTypeQt,
+ MP4TrackId chapterTrackId = 0 );
+ /** Get list of chapters.
+ *
+ * @param chapterList address receiving array of chapter items.
+ * If a non-NULL is received the caller is responsible for freeing the
+ * memory with MP4Free().
+ * @param chapterCount address receiving count of items in array.
+ * @param chapterType the type of chapters to read:
+ * @li #MP4ChapterTypeAny (any chapters, searched in order of Qt, Nero)
+ * @li #MP4ChapterTypeQt
+ * @li #MP4ChapterTypeNero
+ *
+ * @result the first type of chapters found.
+ */
+ MP4ChapterType GetChapters(
+ MP4Chapter_t** chapterList,
+ uint32_t* chapterCount,
+ MP4ChapterType fromChapterType = MP4ChapterTypeQt );
+ /** Set list of chapters.
+ *
+ * This functions sets the complete chapter list.
+ * If any chapters of the same type already exist they will first
+ * be deleted.
+ *
+ * @param chapterList array of chapters items.
+ * @param chapterCount count of items in array.
+ * @param chapterType type of chapters to write:
+ * @li #MP4ChapterTypeAny (chapters of all types are written)
+ * @li #MP4ChapterTypeQt
+ * @li #MP4ChapterTypeNero
+ *
+ * @return the type of chapters written.
+ */
+ MP4ChapterType SetChapters(
+ MP4Chapter_t* chapterList,
+ uint32_t chapterCount,
+ MP4ChapterType toChapterType = MP4ChapterTypeQt );
+ /** Convert chapters to another type.
+ *
+ * This function converts existing chapters
+ * from one type to another type.
+ * Conversion from Nero to QuickTime or QuickTime to Nero is supported.
+ *
+ * @param toChapterType the chapter type to convert to:
+ * @li #MP4ChapterTypeQt (convert from Nero to Qt)
+ * @li #MP4ChapterTypeNero (convert from Qt to Nero)
+ *
+ * @return the chapter type before conversion or #MP4ChapterTypeNone
+ * if the source chapters do not exist
+ * or invalid <b>toChapterType</b> was specified.
+ */
+ MP4ChapterType ConvertChapters(MP4ChapterType toChapterType = MP4ChapterTypeQt);
+ /** Change the general timescale.
+ *
+ * This function changes the general timescale to the new timescale
+ * <b>value</b> by recalculating all values that depend on the timescale
+ * in "moov.mvhd".
+ *
+ * If the timescale is already equal to value nothing is done.
+ *
+ * @param value the new timescale.
+ */
+ void ChangeMovieTimeScale(uint32_t timescale);
+ MP4SampleId GetTrackNumberOfSamples(MP4TrackId trackId);
+ const char* GetTrackType(MP4TrackId trackId);
+ const char *GetTrackMediaDataName(MP4TrackId trackId);
+ bool GetTrackMediaDataOriginalFormat(MP4TrackId trackId,
+ char *originalFormat, uint32_t buflen);
+ MP4Duration GetTrackDuration(MP4TrackId trackId);
+ uint32_t GetTrackTimeScale(MP4TrackId trackId);
+ void SetTrackTimeScale(MP4TrackId trackId, uint32_t value);
+ // replacement to GetTrackAudioType and GetTrackVideoType
+ uint8_t GetTrackEsdsObjectTypeId(MP4TrackId trackId);
+ uint8_t GetTrackAudioMpeg4Type(MP4TrackId trackId);
+ MP4Duration GetTrackFixedSampleDuration(MP4TrackId trackId);
+ double GetTrackVideoFrameRate(MP4TrackId trackId);
+ int GetTrackAudioChannels(MP4TrackId trackId);
+ void GetTrackESConfiguration(MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint8_t** ppConfig, uint32_t* pConfigSize);
+ void SetTrackESConfiguration(MP4TrackId trackId,
+ const uint8_t* pConfig, uint32_t configSize);
+ void GetTrackVideoMetadata(MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint8_t** ppConfig, uint32_t* pConfigSize);
+ void GetTrackH264SeqPictHeaders(MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint8_t ***pSeqHeader,
+ uint32_t **pSeqHeaderSize,
+ uint8_t ***pPictHeader,
+ uint32_t **pPictHeaderSize);
+ const char* GetHintTrackSdp(MP4TrackId hintTrackId);
+ void SetHintTrackSdp(MP4TrackId hintTrackId, const char* sdpString);
+ void AppendHintTrackSdp(MP4TrackId hintTrackId, const char* sdpString);
+ void MakeFtypAtom(
+ char* majorBrand,
+ uint32_t minorVersion,
+ char** compatibleBrands,
+ uint32_t compatibleBrandsCount );
+ // 3GPP specific functions
+ void Make3GPCompliant(const char* fileName,
+ char* majorBrand,
+ uint32_t minorVersion,
+ char** supportedBrands,
+ uint32_t supportedBrandsCount,
+ bool deleteIodsAtom);
+ // ISMA specific functions
+ // true if media track encrypted according to ismacryp
+ bool IsIsmaCrypMediaTrack(MP4TrackId trackId);
+ void MakeIsmaCompliant(bool addIsmaComplianceSdp = true);
+ void CreateIsmaIodFromParams(
+ uint8_t videoProfile,
+ uint32_t videoBitrate,
+ uint8_t* videoConfig,
+ uint32_t videoConfigLength,
+ uint8_t audioProfile,
+ uint32_t audioBitrate,
+ uint8_t* audioConfig,
+ uint32_t audioConfigLength,
+ uint8_t** ppBytes,
+ uint64_t* pNumBytes);
+ // time convenience functions
+ uint64_t ConvertFromMovieDuration(
+ MP4Duration duration,
+ uint32_t timeScale);
+ uint64_t ConvertFromTrackTimestamp(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4Timestamp timeStamp,
+ uint32_t timeScale);
+ MP4Timestamp ConvertToTrackTimestamp(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint64_t timeStamp,
+ uint32_t timeScale);
+ uint64_t ConvertFromTrackDuration(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4Duration duration,
+ uint32_t timeScale);
+ MP4Duration ConvertToTrackDuration(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ uint64_t duration,
+ uint32_t timeScale);
+ // specialized operations
+ void GetHintTrackRtpPayload(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ char** ppPayloadName = NULL,
+ uint8_t* pPayloadNumber = NULL,
+ uint16_t* pMaxPayloadSize = NULL,
+ char **ppEncodingParams = NULL);
+ void SetHintTrackRtpPayload(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ const char* payloadName,
+ uint8_t* pPayloadNumber,
+ uint16_t maxPayloadSize,
+ const char *encoding_params,
+ bool include_rtp_map,
+ bool include_mpeg4_esid);
+ MP4TrackId GetHintTrackReferenceTrackId(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId);
+ void ReadRtpHint(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ MP4SampleId hintSampleId,
+ uint16_t* pNumPackets = NULL);
+ uint16_t GetRtpHintNumberOfPackets(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId);
+ int8_t GetRtpPacketBFrame(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ uint16_t packetIndex);
+ int32_t GetRtpPacketTransmitOffset(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ uint16_t packetIndex);
+ void ReadRtpPacket(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ uint16_t packetIndex,
+ uint8_t** ppBytes,
+ uint32_t* pNumBytes,
+ uint32_t ssrc = 0,
+ bool includeHeader = true,
+ bool includePayload = true);
+ MP4Timestamp GetRtpTimestampStart(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId);
+ void SetRtpTimestampStart(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ MP4Timestamp rtpStart);
+ void AddRtpHint(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ bool isBframe,
+ uint32_t timestampOffset);
+ void AddRtpPacket(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ bool setMbit,
+ int32_t transmitOffset);
+ void AddRtpImmediateData(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ const uint8_t* pBytes,
+ uint32_t numBytes);
+ void AddRtpSampleData(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ uint32_t dataOffset,
+ uint32_t dataLength);
+ void AddRtpESConfigurationPacket(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId);
+ void WriteRtpHint(
+ MP4TrackId hintTrackId,
+ MP4Duration duration,
+ bool isSyncSample);
+ uint8_t AllocRtpPayloadNumber();
+ // edit list related
+ char* MakeTrackEditName(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId,
+ const char* name);
+ MP4EditId AddTrackEdit(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId = MP4_INVALID_EDIT_ID);
+ void DeleteTrackEdit(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId);
+ uint32_t GetTrackNumberOfEdits(
+ MP4TrackId trackId);
+ MP4Timestamp GetTrackEditStart(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId);
+ MP4Duration GetTrackEditTotalDuration(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId);
+ MP4Timestamp GetTrackEditMediaStart(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId);
+ void SetTrackEditMediaStart(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId,
+ MP4Timestamp startTime);
+ MP4Duration GetTrackEditDuration(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId);
+ void SetTrackEditDuration(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId,
+ MP4Duration duration);
+ bool GetTrackEditDwell(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId);
+ void SetTrackEditDwell(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4EditId editId,
+ bool dwell);
+ MP4SampleId GetSampleIdFromEditTime(
+ MP4TrackId trackId,
+ MP4Timestamp when,
+ MP4Timestamp* pStartTime = NULL,
+ MP4Duration* pDuration = NULL);
+ /* "protected" interface to be used only by friends in library */
+ uint64_t GetPosition( File* file = NULL );
+ void SetPosition( uint64_t pos, File* file = NULL );
+ uint64_t GetSize( File* file = NULL );
+ void ReadBytes( uint8_t* buf, uint32_t bufsiz, File* file = NULL );
+ void PeekBytes( uint8_t* buf, uint32_t bufsiz, File* file = NULL );
+ uint64_t ReadUInt(uint8_t size);
+ uint8_t ReadUInt8();
+ uint16_t ReadUInt16();
+ uint32_t ReadUInt24();
+ uint32_t ReadUInt32();
+ uint64_t ReadUInt64();
+ float ReadFixed16();
+ float ReadFixed32();
+ float ReadFloat();
+ char* ReadString();
+ char* ReadCountedString(
+ uint8_t charSize = 1, bool allowExpandedCount = false, uint8_t fixedLength = 0);
+ uint64_t ReadBits(uint8_t numBits);
+ void FlushReadBits();
+ uint32_t ReadMpegLength();
+ void WriteBytes( uint8_t* buf, uint32_t bufsiz, File* file = NULL );
+ void WriteUInt8(uint8_t value);
+ void WriteUInt16(uint16_t value);
+ void WriteUInt24(uint32_t value);
+ void WriteUInt32(uint32_t value);
+ void WriteUInt64(uint64_t value);
+ void WriteFixed16(float value);
+ void WriteFixed32(float value);
+ void WriteFloat(float value);
+ void WriteString(char* string);
+ void WriteCountedString(char* string,
+ uint8_t charSize = 1,
+ bool allowExpandedCount = false,
+ uint32_t fixedLength = 0);
+ void WriteBits(uint64_t bits, uint8_t numBits);
+ void PadWriteBits(uint8_t pad = 0);
+ void FlushWriteBits();
+ void WriteMpegLength(uint32_t value, bool compact = false);
+ void EnableMemoryBuffer(
+ uint8_t* pBytes = NULL, uint64_t numBytes = 0);
+ void DisableMemoryBuffer(
+ uint8_t** ppBytes = NULL, uint64_t* pNumBytes = NULL);
+ bool IsWriteMode();
+ MP4Track* GetTrack(MP4TrackId trackId);
+ void UpdateDuration(MP4Duration duration);
+ MP4Atom* FindAtom(const char* name);
+ MP4Atom* AddChildAtom(
+ const char* parentName,
+ const char* childName);
+ MP4Atom* AddChildAtom(
+ MP4Atom* pParentAtom,
+ const char* childName);
+ MP4Atom* InsertChildAtom(
+ const char* parentName,
+ const char* childName,
+ uint32_t index);
+ MP4Atom* InsertChildAtom(
+ MP4Atom* pParentAtom,
+ const char* childName,
+ uint32_t index);
+ MP4Atom* AddDescendantAtoms(
+ const char* ancestorName,
+ const char* childName);
+ MP4Atom* AddDescendantAtoms(
+ MP4Atom* pAncestorAtom,
+ const char* childName);
+ void Init();
+ void Open( const char* name, File::Mode mode, const MP4FileProvider* provider );
+ void ReadFromFile();
+ void GenerateTracks();
+ void BeginWrite();
+ void FinishWrite(uint32_t options);
+ void CacheProperties();
+ void RewriteMdat( File& src, File& dst );
+ bool ShallHaveIods();
+ void Rename(const char* existingFileName, const char* newFileName);
+ void ProtectWriteOperation(const char* file, int line, const char *func);
+ void FindIntegerProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex = NULL);
+ void FindFloatProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex = NULL);
+ void FindStringProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex = NULL);
+ void FindBytesProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex = NULL);
+ bool FindProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex = NULL);
+ MP4TrackId AddVideoTrackDefault(
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ uint16_t width,
+ uint16_t height,
+ const char *videoType);
+ MP4TrackId AddCntlTrackDefault(
+ uint32_t timeScale,
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration,
+ const char *videoType);
+ void AddTrackToIod(MP4TrackId trackId);
+ void RemoveTrackFromIod(MP4TrackId trackId, bool shallHaveIods = true);
+ void AddTrackToOd(MP4TrackId trackId);
+ void RemoveTrackFromOd(MP4TrackId trackId);
+ void GetTrackReferenceProperties(const char* trefName,
+ MP4Property** ppCountProperty, MP4Property** ppTrackIdProperty);
+ void AddTrackReference(const char* trefName, MP4TrackId refTrackId);
+ uint32_t FindTrackReference(const char* trefName, MP4TrackId refTrackId);
+ void RemoveTrackReference(const char* trefName, MP4TrackId refTrackId);
+ void AddDataReference(MP4TrackId trackId, const char* url);
+ char* MakeTrackName(MP4TrackId trackId, const char* name);
+ uint8_t ConvertTrackTypeToStreamType(const char* trackType);
+ void CreateIsmaIodFromFile(
+ MP4TrackId odTrackId,
+ MP4TrackId sceneTrackId,
+ MP4TrackId audioTrackId,
+ MP4TrackId videoTrackId,
+ uint8_t** ppBytes,
+ uint64_t* pNumBytes);
+ void CreateESD(
+ MP4DescriptorProperty* pEsProperty,
+ uint32_t esid,
+ uint8_t objectType,
+ uint8_t streamType,
+ uint32_t bufferSize,
+ uint32_t bitrate,
+ const uint8_t* pConfig,
+ uint32_t configLength,
+ char* url);
+ void CreateIsmaODUpdateCommandFromFileForFile(
+ MP4TrackId odTrackId,
+ MP4TrackId audioTrackId,
+ MP4TrackId videoTrackId,
+ uint8_t** ppBytes,
+ uint64_t* pNumBytes);
+ void CreateIsmaODUpdateCommandFromFileForStream(
+ MP4TrackId audioTrackId,
+ MP4TrackId videoTrackId,
+ uint8_t** ppBytes,
+ uint64_t* pNumBytes);
+ void CreateIsmaODUpdateCommandForStream(
+ MP4DescriptorProperty* pAudioEsdProperty,
+ MP4DescriptorProperty* pVideoEsdProperty,
+ uint8_t** ppBytes,
+ uint64_t* pNumBytes);
+ void CreateIsmaSceneCommand(
+ bool hasAudio,
+ bool hasVideo,
+ uint8_t** ppBytes,
+ uint64_t* pNumBytes);
+ File* m_file;
+ uint64_t m_fileOriginalSize;
+ uint32_t m_createFlags;
+ MP4Atom* m_pRootAtom;
+ MP4Integer32Array m_trakIds;
+ MP4TrackArray m_pTracks;
+ MP4TrackId m_odTrackId;
+ bool m_useIsma;
+ // cached properties
+ MP4IntegerProperty* m_pModificationProperty;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pTimeScaleProperty;
+ MP4IntegerProperty* m_pDurationProperty;
+ // read/write in memory
+ uint8_t* m_memoryBuffer;
+ uint64_t m_memoryBufferPosition;
+ uint64_t m_memoryBufferSize;
+ // bit read/write buffering
+ uint8_t m_numReadBits;
+ uint8_t m_bufReadBits;
+ uint8_t m_numWriteBits;
+ uint8_t m_bufWriteBits;
+ char m_trakName[1024];
+ char *m_editName;
+ private:
+ MP4File ( const MP4File &src );
+ MP4File &operator= ( const MP4File &src );
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
+#endif // MP4V2_IMPL_MP4FILE_H
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4file_io.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4file_io.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5de29104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4file_io.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+// MP4File low level IO support
+uint64_t MP4File::GetPosition( File* file )
+ if( m_memoryBuffer )
+ return m_memoryBufferPosition;
+ if( !file )
+ file = m_file;
+ ASSERT( file );
+ return file->position;
+void MP4File::SetPosition( uint64_t pos, File* file )
+ if( m_memoryBuffer ) {
+ if( pos >= m_memoryBufferSize )
+ throw new Exception( "position out of range", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ m_memoryBufferPosition = pos;
+ return;
+ }
+ if( !file )
+ file = m_file;
+ ASSERT( file );
+ if( file->seek( pos ))
+ throw new PlatformException( "seek failed", sys::getLastError(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+uint64_t MP4File::GetSize( File* file )
+ if( m_memoryBuffer )
+ return m_memoryBufferSize;
+ if( !file )
+ file = m_file;
+ ASSERT( file );
+ return file->size;
+void MP4File::ReadBytes( uint8_t* buf, uint32_t bufsiz, File* file )
+ if( bufsiz == 0 )
+ return;
+ ASSERT( buf );
+ WARNING( m_numReadBits > 0 );
+ if( m_memoryBuffer ) {
+ if( m_memoryBufferPosition + bufsiz > m_memoryBufferSize )
+ throw new Exception( "not enough bytes, reached end-of-memory", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ memcpy( buf, &m_memoryBuffer[m_memoryBufferPosition], bufsiz );
+ m_memoryBufferPosition += bufsiz;
+ return;
+ }
+ if( !file )
+ file = m_file;
+ ASSERT( file );
+ File::Size nin;
+ if( file->read( buf, bufsiz, nin ))
+ throw new PlatformException( "read failed", sys::getLastError(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ if( nin != bufsiz )
+ throw new Exception( "not enough bytes, reached end-of-file", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+void MP4File::PeekBytes( uint8_t* buf, uint32_t bufsiz, File* file )
+ const uint64_t pos = GetPosition( file );
+ ReadBytes( buf, bufsiz, file );
+ SetPosition( pos, file );
+void MP4File::EnableMemoryBuffer( uint8_t* pBytes, uint64_t numBytes )
+ ASSERT( !m_memoryBuffer );
+ if (pBytes) {
+ m_memoryBuffer = pBytes;
+ m_memoryBufferSize = numBytes;
+ } else {
+ if (numBytes) {
+ m_memoryBufferSize = numBytes;
+ } else {
+ m_memoryBufferSize = 4096;
+ }
+ m_memoryBuffer = (uint8_t*)MP4Malloc(m_memoryBufferSize);
+ }
+ m_memoryBufferPosition = 0;
+void MP4File::DisableMemoryBuffer( uint8_t** ppBytes, uint64_t* pNumBytes )
+ ASSERT(m_memoryBuffer != NULL);
+ if (ppBytes) {
+ *ppBytes = m_memoryBuffer;
+ }
+ if (pNumBytes) {
+ *pNumBytes = m_memoryBufferPosition;
+ }
+ m_memoryBuffer = NULL;
+ m_memoryBufferSize = 0;
+ m_memoryBufferPosition = 0;
+void MP4File::WriteBytes( uint8_t* buf, uint32_t bufsiz, File* file )
+ ASSERT( m_numWriteBits == 0 || m_numWriteBits >= 8 );
+ if( !buf || bufsiz == 0 )
+ return;
+ if( m_memoryBuffer ) {
+ if( m_memoryBufferPosition + bufsiz > m_memoryBufferSize ) {
+ m_memoryBufferSize = 2 * (m_memoryBufferSize + bufsiz);
+ m_memoryBuffer = (uint8_t*)MP4Realloc( m_memoryBuffer, m_memoryBufferSize );
+ }
+ memcpy( &m_memoryBuffer[m_memoryBufferPosition], buf, bufsiz );
+ m_memoryBufferPosition += bufsiz;
+ return;
+ }
+ if( !file )
+ file = m_file;
+ ASSERT( file );
+ File::Size nout;
+ if( file->write( buf, bufsiz, nout ))
+ throw new PlatformException( "write failed", sys::getLastError(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ if( nout != bufsiz )
+ throw new Exception( "not all bytes written", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+uint64_t MP4File::ReadUInt(uint8_t size)
+ switch (size) {
+ case 1:
+ return ReadUInt8();
+ case 2:
+ return ReadUInt16();
+ case 3:
+ return ReadUInt24();
+ case 4:
+ return ReadUInt32();
+ case 8:
+ return ReadUInt64();
+ default:
+ ASSERT(false);
+ return 0;
+ }
+uint8_t MP4File::ReadUInt8()
+ uint8_t data;
+ ReadBytes(&data, 1);
+ return data;
+void MP4File::WriteUInt8(uint8_t value)
+ WriteBytes(&value, 1);
+uint16_t MP4File::ReadUInt16()
+ uint8_t data[2];
+ ReadBytes(&data[0], 2);
+ return ((data[0] << 8) | data[1]);
+void MP4File::WriteUInt16(uint16_t value)
+ uint8_t data[2];
+ data[0] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ data[1] = value & 0xFF;
+ WriteBytes(data, 2);
+uint32_t MP4File::ReadUInt24()
+ uint8_t data[3];
+ ReadBytes(&data[0], 3);
+ return ((data[0] << 16) | (data[1] << 8) | data[2]);
+void MP4File::WriteUInt24(uint32_t value)
+ uint8_t data[3];
+ data[0] = (value >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ data[1] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ data[2] = value & 0xFF;
+ WriteBytes(data, 3);
+uint32_t MP4File::ReadUInt32()
+ uint8_t data[4];
+ ReadBytes(&data[0], 4);
+ return ((data[0] << 24) | (data[1] << 16) | (data[2] << 8) | data[3]);
+void MP4File::WriteUInt32(uint32_t value)
+ uint8_t data[4];
+ data[0] = (value >> 24) & 0xFF;
+ data[1] = (value >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ data[2] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ data[3] = value & 0xFF;
+ WriteBytes(data, 4);
+uint64_t MP4File::ReadUInt64()
+ uint8_t data[8];
+ uint64_t result = 0;
+ uint64_t temp;
+ ReadBytes(&data[0], 8);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ temp = data[i];
+ result |= temp << ((7 - i) * 8);
+ }
+ return result;
+void MP4File::WriteUInt64(uint64_t value)
+ uint8_t data[8];
+ for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
+ data[i] = value & 0xFF;
+ value >>= 8;
+ }
+ WriteBytes(data, 8);
+float MP4File::ReadFixed16()
+ uint8_t iPart = ReadUInt8();
+ uint8_t fPart = ReadUInt8();
+ return iPart + (((float)fPart) / 0x100);
+void MP4File::WriteFixed16(float value)
+ if (value >= 0x100) {
+ ostringstream msg;
+ msg << value << " out of range";
+ throw new PlatformException(msg.str().c_str(), ERANGE, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ uint8_t iPart = (uint8_t)value;
+ uint8_t fPart = (uint8_t)((value - iPart) * 0x100);
+ WriteUInt8(iPart);
+ WriteUInt8(fPart);
+float MP4File::ReadFixed32()
+ uint16_t iPart = ReadUInt16();
+ uint16_t fPart = ReadUInt16();
+ return iPart + (((float)fPart) / 0x10000);
+void MP4File::WriteFixed32(float value)
+ if (value >= 0x10000) {
+ ostringstream msg;
+ msg << value << " out of range";
+ throw new PlatformException(msg.str().c_str(), ERANGE, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ uint16_t iPart = (uint16_t)value;
+ uint16_t fPart = (uint16_t)((value - iPart) * 0x10000);
+ WriteUInt16(iPart);
+ WriteUInt16(fPart);
+float MP4File::ReadFloat()
+ union {
+ float f;
+ uint32_t i;
+ } u;
+ u.i = ReadUInt32();
+ return u.f;
+void MP4File::WriteFloat(float value)
+ union {
+ float f;
+ uint32_t i;
+ } u;
+ u.f = value;
+ WriteUInt32(u.i);
+char* MP4File::ReadString()
+ uint32_t length = 0;
+ uint32_t alloced = 64;
+ char* data = (char*)MP4Malloc(alloced);
+ do {
+ if (length == alloced) {
+ data = (char*)MP4Realloc(data, alloced * 2);
+ if (data == NULL) return NULL;
+ alloced *= 2;
+ }
+ ReadBytes((uint8_t*)&data[length], 1);
+ length++;
+ } while (data[length - 1] != 0);
+ data = (char*)MP4Realloc(data, length);
+ return data;
+void MP4File::WriteString(char* string)
+ if (string == NULL) {
+ uint8_t zero = 0;
+ WriteBytes(&zero, 1);
+ } else {
+ WriteBytes((uint8_t*)string, (uint32_t)strlen(string) + 1);
+ }
+char* MP4File::ReadCountedString(uint8_t charSize, bool allowExpandedCount, uint8_t fixedLength)
+ uint32_t charLength;
+ if (allowExpandedCount) {
+ uint8_t b;
+ uint32_t ix = 0;
+ charLength = 0;
+ do {
+ b = ReadUInt8();
+ charLength += b;
+ ix++;
+ if (ix > 25)
+ throw new PlatformException("Counted string too long 25 * 255",ERANGE,
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ } while (b == 255);
+ } else {
+ charLength = ReadUInt8();
+ }
+ if (fixedLength && (charLength > fixedLength)) {
+ /*
+ * The counted length of this string is greater than the
+ * maxiumum fixed length, so truncate the string to the
+ * maximum fixed length amount (take 1 byte away from the
+ * fixedlength since we've already sacrificed one byte for
+ * reading the counted length, and there has been a bug where
+ * a non counted string has been used in the place of a
+ * counted string).
+ */
+ WARNING(charLength > fixedLength);
+ charLength = fixedLength - 1U;
+ }
+ uint32_t byteLength = charLength * charSize;
+ char* data = (char*)MP4Malloc(byteLength + 1);
+ if (byteLength > 0) {
+ ReadBytes((uint8_t*)data, byteLength);
+ }
+ data[byteLength] = '\0';
+ // read padding
+ if (fixedLength) {
+ const uint8_t padsize = fixedLength - byteLength -1U;
+ if( padsize ) {
+ uint8_t* padbuf = (uint8_t*)malloc( padsize );
+ ReadBytes( padbuf, padsize );
+ free( padbuf );
+ }
+ }
+ return data;
+void MP4File::WriteCountedString(char* string,
+ uint8_t charSize, bool allowExpandedCount,
+ uint32_t fixedLength)
+ uint32_t byteLength;
+ uint8_t zero[1];
+ if (string) {
+ byteLength = (uint32_t)strlen(string);
+ if (fixedLength && (byteLength >= fixedLength)) {
+ byteLength = fixedLength-1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ byteLength = 0;
+ }
+ uint32_t charLength = byteLength / charSize;
+ if (allowExpandedCount) {
+ while (charLength >= 0xFF) {
+ WriteUInt8(0xFF);
+ charLength -= 0xFF;
+ }
+ // Write the count
+ WriteUInt8(charLength);
+ } else {
+ if (charLength > 255) {
+ ostringstream msg;
+ msg << "Length is " << charLength;
+ throw new PlatformException(msg.str().c_str(), ERANGE, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ // Write the count
+ WriteUInt8(charLength);
+ }
+ if (byteLength > 0) {
+ // Write the string (or the portion that we want to write)
+ WriteBytes((uint8_t*)string, byteLength);
+ }
+ // Write any padding if this is a fixed length counted string
+ if (fixedLength) {
+ zero[0] = 0;
+ while (byteLength < fixedLength-1U) {
+ WriteBytes(zero, 1);
+ byteLength++;
+ }
+ }
+uint64_t MP4File::ReadBits(uint8_t numBits)
+ ASSERT(numBits > 0);
+ ASSERT(numBits <= 64);
+ uint64_t bits = 0;
+ for (uint8_t i = numBits; i > 0; i--) {
+ if (m_numReadBits == 0) {
+ ReadBytes(&m_bufReadBits, 1);
+ m_numReadBits = 8;
+ }
+ bits = (bits << 1) | ((m_bufReadBits >> (--m_numReadBits)) & 1);
+ }
+ return bits;
+void MP4File::FlushReadBits()
+ // eat any remaining bits in the read buffer
+ m_numReadBits = 0;
+void MP4File::WriteBits(uint64_t bits, uint8_t numBits)
+ ASSERT(numBits <= 64);
+ for (uint8_t i = numBits; i > 0; i--) {
+ m_bufWriteBits |=
+ (((bits >> (i - 1)) & 1) << (8 - ++m_numWriteBits));
+ if (m_numWriteBits == 8) {
+ FlushWriteBits();
+ }
+ }
+void MP4File::PadWriteBits(uint8_t pad)
+ if (m_numWriteBits) {
+ WriteBits(pad ? 0xFF : 0x00, 8 - m_numWriteBits);
+ }
+void MP4File::FlushWriteBits()
+ if (m_numWriteBits > 0) {
+ WriteBytes(&m_bufWriteBits, 1);
+ m_numWriteBits = 0;
+ m_bufWriteBits = 0;
+ }
+uint32_t MP4File::ReadMpegLength()
+ uint32_t length = 0;
+ uint8_t numBytes = 0;
+ uint8_t b;
+ do {
+ b = ReadUInt8();
+ length = (length << 7) | (b & 0x7F);
+ numBytes++;
+ } while ((b & 0x80) && numBytes < 4);
+ return length;
+void MP4File::WriteMpegLength(uint32_t value, bool compact)
+ if (value > 0x0FFFFFFF) {
+ ostringstream msg;
+ msg << "out of range: " << value;
+ throw new PlatformException(msg.str().c_str(), ERANGE, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ int8_t numBytes;
+ if (compact) {
+ if (value <= 0x7F) {
+ numBytes = 1;
+ } else if (value <= 0x3FFF) {
+ numBytes = 2;
+ } else if (value <= 0x1FFFFF) {
+ numBytes = 3;
+ } else {
+ numBytes = 4;
+ }
+ } else {
+ numBytes = 4;
+ }
+ int8_t i = numBytes;
+ do {
+ i--;
+ uint8_t b = (value >> (i * 7)) & 0x7F;
+ if (i > 0) {
+ b |= 0x80;
+ }
+ WriteUInt8(b);
+ } while (i > 0);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4info.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4info.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44bf45e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4info.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001-2002. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Portions created by Ximpo Group Ltd. are
+ * Copyright (C) Ximpo Group Ltd. 2003, 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ * Bill May [email protected]
+ * Alix Marchandise-Franquet [email protected]
+ * Ximpo Group Ltd. [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+static char* PrintAudioInfo(
+ MP4FileHandle mp4File,
+ MP4TrackId trackId)
+ static const char* mpeg4AudioNames[] = {
+ "MPEG-4 AAC main",
+ "MPEG-4 AAC LC",
+ "MPEG-4 AAC HE",
+ "MPEG-4 AAC Scalable",
+ "MPEG-4 TwinVQ",
+ "MPEG-4 CELP",
+ "MPEG-4 HVXC",
+ "MPEG-4 TTSI",
+ "MPEG-4 Main Synthetic",
+ "MPEG-4 Wavetable Syn",
+ "MPEG-4 General MIDI",
+ "MPEG-4 Algo Syn and Audio FX",
+ "MPEG-4 ER AAC Scalable",
+ "MPEG-4 ER TwinVQ",
+ "MPEG-4 ER Parametric",
+ "MPEG-4 SSC",
+ "MPEG-4 PS",
+ "MPEG-4 MPEG Surround",
+ "MPEG-4 Layer-1",
+ "MPEG-4 Layer-2",
+ "MPEG-4 Layer-3",
+ "MPEG-4 DST",
+ "MPEG-4 Audio Lossless",
+ "MPEG-4 SLS",
+ "MPEG-4 SLS non-core",
+ };
+ static const uint8_t mpegAudioTypes[] = {
+ MP4_MPEG2_AUDIO_TYPE, // 0x69
+ // private types
+ };
+ static const char* mpegAudioNames[] = {
+ "MPEG-2 AAC Main",
+ "MPEG-2 AAC LC",
+ "MPEG-2 Audio (13818-3)",
+ "MPEG-1 Audio (11172-3)",
+ // private types
+ "PCM16 (little endian)",
+ "Vorbis",
+ "G.711 aLaw",
+ "G.711 uLaw",
+ "G.723.1",
+ "PCM16 (big endian)",
+ };
+ uint8_t numMpegAudioTypes =
+ sizeof(mpegAudioTypes) / sizeof(uint8_t);
+ const char* typeName = "Unknown";
+ bool foundType = false;
+ uint8_t type = 0;
+ const char *media_data_name;
+ media_data_name = MP4GetTrackMediaDataName(mp4File, trackId);
+ if (media_data_name == NULL) {
+ typeName = "Unknown - no media data name";
+ } else if (strcasecmp(media_data_name, "samr") == 0) {
+ typeName = "AMR";
+ foundType = true;
+ } else if (strcasecmp(media_data_name, "sawb") == 0) {
+ typeName = "AMR-WB";
+ foundType = true;
+ } else if (strcasecmp(media_data_name, "mp4a") == 0) {
+ type = MP4GetTrackEsdsObjectTypeId(mp4File, trackId);
+ switch (type) {
+ typeName = "AAC from .mov";
+ foundType = true;
+ break;
+ case MP4_MPEG4_AUDIO_TYPE: {
+ type = MP4GetTrackAudioMpeg4Type(mp4File, trackId);
+ if (type == MP4_MPEG4_INVALID_AUDIO_TYPE ||
+ type > NUM_ELEMENTS_IN_ARRAY(mpeg4AudioNames) ||
+ mpeg4AudioNames[type - 1] == NULL) {
+ typeName = "MPEG-4 Unknown Profile";
+ } else {
+ typeName = mpeg4AudioNames[type - 1];
+ foundType = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // fall through
+ default:
+ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numMpegAudioTypes; i++) {
+ if (type == mpegAudioTypes[i]) {
+ typeName = mpegAudioNames[i];
+ foundType = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ typeName = media_data_name;
+ foundType = true;
+ }
+ uint32_t timeScale =
+ MP4GetTrackTimeScale(mp4File, trackId);
+ MP4Duration trackDuration =
+ MP4GetTrackDuration(mp4File, trackId);
+ double msDuration =
+ double(MP4ConvertFromTrackDuration(mp4File, trackId,
+ trackDuration, MP4_MSECS_TIME_SCALE));
+ uint32_t avgBitRate =
+ MP4GetTrackBitRate(mp4File, trackId);
+ char *sInfo = (char*)MP4Malloc(256);
+ // type duration avgBitrate samplingFrequency
+ if (foundType)
+ snprintf(sInfo, 256,
+ "%u\taudio\t%s%s, %.3f secs, %u kbps, %u Hz\n",
+ trackId,
+ MP4IsIsmaCrypMediaTrack(mp4File, trackId) ? "enca - " : "",
+ typeName,
+ msDuration / 1000.0,
+ (avgBitRate + 500) / 1000,
+ timeScale);
+ else
+ snprintf(sInfo, 256,
+ "%u\taudio\t%s%s(%u), %.3f secs, %u kbps, %u Hz\n",
+ trackId,
+ MP4IsIsmaCrypMediaTrack(mp4File, trackId) ? "enca - " : "",
+ typeName,
+ type,
+ msDuration / 1000.0,
+ (avgBitRate + 500) / 1000,
+ timeScale);
+ return sInfo;
+static const struct {
+ uint8_t profile;
+ const char *name;
+} VisualProfileToName[] = {
+ { MPEG4_SP_L1, "MPEG-4 Simple @ L1"},
+ { MPEG4_SP_L2, "MPEG-4 Simple @ L2" },
+ { MPEG4_SP_L3, "MPEG-4 Simple @ L3" },
+ { MPEG4_SP_L0, "MPEG-4 Simple @ L0" },
+ { MPEG4_SSP_L1, "MPEG-4 Simple Scalable @ L1"},
+ { MPEG4_SSP_L2, "MPEG-4 Simple Scalable @ L2" },
+ { MPEG4_CP_L1, "MPEG-4 Core @ L1"},
+ { MPEG4_CP_L2, "MPEG-4 Core @ L2"},
+ { MPEG4_MP_L2, "MPEG-4 Main @ L2"},
+ { MPEG4_MP_L3, "MPEG-4 Main @ L3"},
+ { MPEG4_MP_L4, "MPEG-4 Main @ L4"},
+ { MPEG4_NBP_L2, "MPEG-4 N-bit @ L2"},
+ { MPEG4_STP_L1, "MPEG-4 Scalable Texture @ L1"},
+ { MPEG4_SFAP_L1, "MPEG-4 Simple Face Anim @ L1"},
+ { MPEG4_SFAP_L2, "MPEG-4 Simple Face Anim @ L2"},
+ { MPEG4_SFBAP_L1, "MPEG-4 Simple FBA @ L1"},
+ { MPEG4_SFBAP_L2, "MPEG-4 Simple FBA @ L2"},
+ { MPEG4_BATP_L1, "MPEG-4 Basic Anim Text @ L1"},
+ { MPEG4_BATP_L2, "MPEG-4 Basic Anim Text @ L2"},
+ { MPEG4_HP_L1, "MPEG-4 Hybrid @ L1"},
+ { MPEG4_HP_L2, "MPEG-4 Hybrid @ L2"},
+ { MPEG4_ARTSP_L1, "MPEG-4 Adv RT Simple @ L1"},
+ { MPEG4_ARTSP_L2, "MPEG-4 Adv RT Simple @ L2"},
+ { MPEG4_ARTSP_L3, "MPEG-4 Adv RT Simple @ L3"},
+ { MPEG4_ARTSP_L4, "MPEG-4 Adv RT Simple @ L4"},
+ { MPEG4_CSP_L1, "MPEG-4 Core Scalable @ L1"},
+ { MPEG4_CSP_L2, "MPEG-4 Core Scalable @ L2"},
+ { MPEG4_CSP_L3, "MPEG-4 Core Scalable @ L3"},
+ { MPEG4_ACEP_L1, "MPEG-4 Adv Coding Efficieny @ L1"},
+ { MPEG4_ACEP_L2, "MPEG-4 Adv Coding Efficieny @ L2"},
+ { MPEG4_ACEP_L3, "MPEG-4 Adv Coding Efficieny @ L3"},
+ { MPEG4_ACEP_L4, "MPEG-4 Adv Coding Efficieny @ L4"},
+ { MPEG4_ACP_L1, "MPEG-4 Adv Core Profile @ L1"},
+ { MPEG4_ACP_L2, "MPEG-4 Adv Core Profile @ L2"},
+ { MPEG4_AST_L1, "MPEG-4 Adv Scalable Texture @ L1"},
+ { MPEG4_AST_L2, "MPEG-4 Adv Scalable Texture @ L2"},
+ { MPEG4_AST_L3, "MPEG-4 Adv Scalable Texture @ L3"},
+ { MPEG4_S_STUDIO_P_L1, "MPEG-4 Simple Studio @ L1"},
+ { MPEG4_S_STUDIO_P_L2, "MPEG-4 Simple Studio @ L2"},
+ { MPEG4_S_STUDIO_P_L3, "MPEG-4 Simple Studio @ L3"},
+ { MPEG4_S_STUDIO_P_L4, "MPEG-4 Simple Studio @ L4"},
+ { MPEG4_C_STUDIO_P_L1, "MPEG-4 Core Studio @ L1"},
+ { MPEG4_C_STUDIO_P_L2, "MPEG-4 Core Studio @ L2"},
+ { MPEG4_C_STUDIO_P_L3, "MPEG-4 Core Studio @ L3"},
+ { MPEG4_C_STUDIO_P_L4, "MPEG-4 Core Studio @ L4"},
+ { MPEG4_ASP_L0, "MPEG-4 Adv Simple@L0"},
+ { MPEG4_ASP_L1, "MPEG-4 Adv Simple@L1"},
+ { MPEG4_ASP_L2, "MPEG-4 Adv Simple@L2"},
+ { MPEG4_ASP_L3, "MPEG-4 Adv Simple@L3"},
+ { MPEG4_ASP_L4, "MPEG-4 Adv Simple@L4"},
+ { MPEG4_ASP_L5, "MPEG-4 Adv Simple@L5"},
+ { MPEG4_ASP_L3B, "MPEG-4 Adv Simple@L3b"},
+ { MPEG4_FGSP_L0, "MPEG-4 FGS @ L0" },
+ { MPEG4_FGSP_L1, "MPEG-4 FGS @ L1" },
+ { MPEG4_FGSP_L2, "MPEG-4 FGS @ L2" },
+ { MPEG4_FGSP_L3, "MPEG-4 FGS @ L3" },
+ { MPEG4_FGSP_L4, "MPEG-4 FGS @ L4" },
+ { MPEG4_FGSP_L5, "MPEG-4 FGS @ L5" }
+static const char *Mpeg4VisualProfileName (uint8_t visual_profile)
+ size_t size = sizeof(VisualProfileToName) / sizeof(*VisualProfileToName);
+ for (size_t ix = 0; ix < size; ix++) {
+ if (visual_profile == VisualProfileToName[ix].profile) {
+ return (VisualProfileToName[ix].name);
+ }
+ }
+ return (NULL);
+static char* PrintVideoInfo(
+ MP4FileHandle mp4File,
+ MP4TrackId trackId)
+ static const uint8_t mpegVideoTypes[] = {
+ MP4_MPEG2_442_VIDEO_TYPE, // 0x65
+ };
+ static const char* mpegVideoNames[] = {
+ "MPEG-2 Simple",
+ "MPEG-2 Main",
+ "MPEG-2 SNR",
+ "MPEG-2 Spatial",
+ "MPEG-2 High",
+ "MPEG-2 4:2:2",
+ "MPEG-1",
+ "JPEG",
+ "YUV12",
+ "H.263",
+ "H.261",
+ };
+ uint8_t numMpegVideoTypes =
+ sizeof(mpegVideoTypes) / sizeof(uint8_t);
+ bool foundTypeName = false;
+ const char* typeName = "Unknown";
+ const char *media_data_name;
+ char originalFormat[8];
+ char oformatbuffer[32];
+ originalFormat[0] = 0;
+ *oformatbuffer = 0;
+ uint8_t type = 0;
+ media_data_name = MP4GetTrackMediaDataName(mp4File, trackId);
+ // encv 264b
+ if (strcasecmp(media_data_name, "encv") == 0) {
+ if (MP4GetTrackMediaDataOriginalFormat(mp4File,
+ trackId,
+ originalFormat,
+ sizeof(originalFormat)) == false)
+ media_data_name = NULL;
+ }
+ char typebuffer[80];
+ if (media_data_name == NULL) {
+ typeName = "Unknown - no media data name";
+ foundTypeName = true;
+ } else if ((strcasecmp(media_data_name, "avc1") == 0) ||
+ (strcasecmp(originalFormat, "264b") == 0)) {
+ // avc
+ uint8_t profile, level;
+ char profileb[20], levelb[20];
+ if (MP4GetTrackH264ProfileLevel(mp4File, trackId,
+ &profile, &level)) {
+ if (profile == 66) {
+ strcpy(profileb, "Baseline");
+ } else if (profile == 77) {
+ strcpy(profileb, "Main");
+ } else if (profile == 88) {
+ strcpy(profileb, "Extended");
+ } else if (profile == 100) {
+ strcpy(profileb, "High");
+ } else if (profile == 110) {
+ strcpy(profileb, "High 10");
+ } else if (profile == 122) {
+ strcpy(profileb, "High 4:2:2");
+ } else if (profile == 144) {
+ strcpy(profileb, "High 4:4:4");
+ } else {
+ snprintf(profileb, 20, "Unknown Profile %x", profile);
+ }
+ switch (level) {
+ case 10:
+ case 20:
+ case 30:
+ case 40:
+ case 50:
+ snprintf(levelb, 20, "%u", level / 10);
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ case 12:
+ case 13:
+ case 21:
+ case 22:
+ case 31:
+ case 32:
+ case 41:
+ case 42:
+ case 51:
+ snprintf(levelb, 20, "%u.%u", level / 10, level % 10);
+ break;
+ default:
+ snprintf(levelb, 20, "unknown level %x", level);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (originalFormat != NULL && originalFormat[0] != '\0')
+ snprintf(oformatbuffer, 32, "(%s) ", originalFormat);
+ snprintf(typebuffer, sizeof(typebuffer), "H264 %s%s@%s",
+ oformatbuffer, profileb, levelb);
+ typeName = typebuffer;
+ } else {
+ typeName = "H.264 - profile/level error";
+ }
+ foundTypeName = true;
+ } else if (strcasecmp(media_data_name, "s263") == 0) {
+ // 3gp h.263
+ typeName = "H.263";
+ foundTypeName = true;
+ } else if ((strcasecmp(media_data_name, "mp4v") == 0) ||
+ (strcasecmp(media_data_name, "encv") == 0)) {
+ // note encv might needs it's own field eventually.
+ type = MP4GetTrackEsdsObjectTypeId(mp4File, trackId);
+ if (type == MP4_MPEG4_VIDEO_TYPE) {
+ type = MP4GetVideoProfileLevel(mp4File, trackId);
+ typeName = Mpeg4VisualProfileName(type);
+ if (typeName == NULL) {
+ typeName = "MPEG-4 Unknown Profile";
+ } else {
+ foundTypeName = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numMpegVideoTypes; i++) {
+ if (type == mpegVideoTypes[i]) {
+ typeName = mpegVideoNames[i];
+ foundTypeName = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ typeName = media_data_name;
+ foundTypeName = true; // we don't have a type value to display
+ }
+ MP4Duration trackDuration =
+ MP4GetTrackDuration(mp4File, trackId);
+ double msDuration =
+ double(MP4ConvertFromTrackDuration(mp4File, trackId,
+ trackDuration, MP4_MSECS_TIME_SCALE));
+ uint32_t avgBitRate =
+ MP4GetTrackBitRate(mp4File, trackId);
+ // Note not all mp4 implementations set width and height correctly
+ // The real answer can be buried inside the ES configuration info
+ uint16_t width = MP4GetTrackVideoWidth(mp4File, trackId);
+ uint16_t height = MP4GetTrackVideoHeight(mp4File, trackId);
+ double fps = MP4GetTrackVideoFrameRate(mp4File, trackId);
+ char *sInfo = (char*)MP4Malloc(256);
+ // type duration avgBitrate frameSize frameRate
+ if (foundTypeName) {
+ sprintf(sInfo,
+ "%u\tvideo\t%s%s, %.3f secs, %u kbps, %ux%u @ %f fps\n",
+ trackId,
+ MP4IsIsmaCrypMediaTrack(mp4File, trackId) ? "encv - " : "",
+ typeName,
+ msDuration / 1000.0,
+ (avgBitRate + 500) / 1000,
+ width,
+ height,
+ fps
+ );
+ } else {
+ sprintf(sInfo,
+ "%u\tvideo\t%s(%u), %.3f secs, %u kbps, %ux%u @ %f fps\n",
+ trackId,
+ typeName,
+ type,
+ msDuration / 1000.0,
+ (avgBitRate + 500) / 1000,
+ width,
+ height,
+ fps
+ );
+ }
+ return sInfo;
+static char* PrintCntlInfo(
+ MP4FileHandle mp4File,
+ MP4TrackId trackId)
+ const char *media_data_name = MP4GetTrackMediaDataName(mp4File, trackId);
+ const char *typeName = "Unknown";
+ if (media_data_name == NULL) {
+ typeName = "Unknown - no media data name";
+ } else if (strcasecmp(media_data_name, "href") == 0) {
+ typeName = "ISMA Href";
+ } else {
+ typeName = media_data_name;
+ }
+ MP4Duration trackDuration =
+ MP4GetTrackDuration(mp4File, trackId);
+ double msDuration =
+ double(MP4ConvertFromTrackDuration(mp4File, trackId,
+ trackDuration, MP4_MSECS_TIME_SCALE));
+ char *sInfo = (char *)MP4Malloc(256);
+ snprintf(sInfo, 256,
+ "%u\tcontrol\t%s, %.3f secs\n",
+ trackId,
+ typeName,
+ msDuration / 1000.0);
+ return sInfo;
+static char* PrintHintInfo(
+ MP4FileHandle mp4File,
+ MP4TrackId trackId)
+ MP4TrackId referenceTrackId =
+ MP4GetHintTrackReferenceTrackId(mp4File, trackId);
+ char* payloadName = NULL;
+ if (!MP4GetHintTrackRtpPayload(mp4File, trackId, &payloadName))
+ return NULL;
+ char *sInfo = (char*)MP4Malloc(256);
+ snprintf(sInfo, 256,
+ "%u\thint\tPayload %s for track %u\n",
+ trackId,
+ payloadName,
+ referenceTrackId);
+ free(payloadName);
+ return sInfo;
+static char* PrintTrackInfo(
+ MP4FileHandle mp4File,
+ MP4TrackId trackId)
+ char* trackInfo = NULL;
+ const char* trackType =
+ MP4GetTrackType(mp4File, trackId);
+ if (trackType == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (!strcmp(trackType, MP4_AUDIO_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ trackInfo = PrintAudioInfo(mp4File, trackId);
+ } else if (!strcmp(trackType, MP4_VIDEO_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ trackInfo = PrintVideoInfo(mp4File, trackId);
+ } else if (!strcmp(trackType, MP4_HINT_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ trackInfo = PrintHintInfo(mp4File, trackId);
+ } else if (strcmp(trackType, MP4_CNTL_TRACK_TYPE) == 0) {
+ trackInfo = PrintCntlInfo(mp4File, trackId);
+ } else {
+ trackInfo = (char*)MP4Malloc(256);
+ if (!strcmp(trackType, MP4_OD_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ snprintf(trackInfo, 256,
+ "%u\tod\tObject Descriptors\n",
+ trackId);
+ } else if (!strcmp(trackType, MP4_SCENE_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ snprintf(trackInfo, 256,
+ "%u\tscene\tBIFS\n",
+ trackId);
+ } else {
+ snprintf(trackInfo, 256,
+ "%u\t%s\n",
+ trackId, trackType);
+ }
+ }
+ return trackInfo;
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
+using namespace mp4v2::impl;
+extern "C"
+char* MP4Info(
+ MP4FileHandle mp4File,
+ MP4TrackId trackId )
+ char* info = NULL;
+ if (MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE(mp4File)) {
+ try {
+ if (trackId == MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID) {
+ uint32_t buflen = 4 * 1024;
+ info = (char*)MP4Calloc(buflen);
+ buflen -= snprintf(info, buflen,
+ "Track\tType\tInfo\n");
+ uint32_t numTracks = MP4GetNumberOfTracks(mp4File);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) {
+ trackId = MP4FindTrackId(mp4File, i);
+ char* trackInfo = PrintTrackInfo(mp4File, trackId);
+ strncat(info, trackInfo, buflen);
+ uint32_t newlen = (uint32_t)strlen(trackInfo);
+ if (newlen > buflen) buflen = 0;
+ else buflen -= newlen;
+ MP4Free(trackInfo);
+ }
+ } else {
+ info = PrintTrackInfo(mp4File, trackId);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception* x) {
+ mp4v2::impl::log.errorf(*x);
+ delete x;
+ }
+ }
+ return info;
+extern "C"
+char* MP4FileInfo(
+ const char* fileName,
+ MP4TrackId trackId )
+ MP4FileHandle mp4File = MP4Read(fileName);
+ if (!mp4File) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ char* info = MP4Info(mp4File, trackId);
+ MP4Close(mp4File);
+ return info; // caller should free this
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4property.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4property.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a5b1e32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4property.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1190 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ * Kona Blend
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+MP4Property::MP4Property(MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char* name)
+ : m_parentAtom(parentAtom)
+ m_name = name;
+ m_readOnly = false;
+ m_implicit = false;
+bool MP4Property::FindProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex)
+ if (name == NULL) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!strcasecmp(m_name, name)) {
+ log.verbose1f("\"%s\": FindProperty: matched %s",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(), name);
+ *ppProperty = this;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+// Integer Property
+uint64_t MP4IntegerProperty::GetValue(uint32_t index)
+ switch (this->GetType()) {
+ case Integer8Property:
+ return ((MP4Integer8Property*)this)->GetValue(index);
+ case Integer16Property:
+ return ((MP4Integer16Property*)this)->GetValue(index);
+ case Integer24Property:
+ return ((MP4Integer24Property*)this)->GetValue(index);
+ case Integer32Property:
+ return ((MP4Integer32Property*)this)->GetValue(index);
+ case Integer64Property:
+ return ((MP4Integer64Property*)this)->GetValue(index);
+ default:
+ ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ return (0);
+void MP4IntegerProperty::SetValue(uint64_t value, uint32_t index)
+ switch (this->GetType()) {
+ case Integer8Property:
+ ((MP4Integer8Property*)this)->SetValue(value, index);
+ break;
+ case Integer16Property:
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)this)->SetValue(value, index);
+ break;
+ case Integer24Property:
+ ((MP4Integer24Property*)this)->SetValue(value, index);
+ break;
+ case Integer32Property:
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)this)->SetValue(value, index);
+ break;
+ case Integer64Property:
+ ((MP4Integer64Property*)this)->SetValue(value, index);
+ break;
+ default:
+ ASSERT(false);
+ }
+void MP4IntegerProperty::InsertValue(uint64_t value, uint32_t index)
+ switch (this->GetType()) {
+ case Integer8Property:
+ ((MP4Integer8Property*)this)->InsertValue(value, index);
+ break;
+ case Integer16Property:
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)this)->InsertValue(value, index);
+ break;
+ case Integer24Property:
+ ((MP4Integer24Property*)this)->InsertValue(value, index);
+ break;
+ case Integer32Property:
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)this)->InsertValue(value, index);
+ break;
+ case Integer64Property:
+ ((MP4Integer64Property*)this)->InsertValue(value, index);
+ break;
+ default:
+ ASSERT(false);
+ }
+void MP4IntegerProperty::DeleteValue(uint32_t index)
+ switch (this->GetType()) {
+ case Integer8Property:
+ ((MP4Integer8Property*)this)->DeleteValue(index);
+ break;
+ case Integer16Property:
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)this)->DeleteValue(index);
+ break;
+ case Integer24Property:
+ ((MP4Integer24Property*)this)->DeleteValue(index);
+ break;
+ case Integer32Property:
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)this)->DeleteValue(index);
+ break;
+ case Integer64Property:
+ ((MP4Integer64Property*)this)->DeleteValue(index);
+ break;
+ default:
+ ASSERT(false);
+ }
+void MP4IntegerProperty::IncrementValue(int32_t increment, uint32_t index)
+ SetValue(GetValue() + increment);
+void MP4Integer8Property::Dump(uint8_t indent,
+ bool dumpImplicits, uint32_t index)
+ if (m_implicit && !dumpImplicits) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (index != 0)
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, "\"%s\": %s[%u] = %u (0x%02x)",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name, index, m_values[index], m_values[index]);
+ else
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, "\"%s\": %s = %u (0x%02x)",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name, m_values[index], m_values[index]);
+void MP4Integer16Property::Dump(uint8_t indent,
+ bool dumpImplicits, uint32_t index)
+ if (m_implicit && !dumpImplicits) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (index != 0)
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, "\"%s\": %s[%u] = %u (0x%04x)",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name, index, m_values[index], m_values[index]);
+ else
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, "\"%s\": %s = %u (0x%04x)",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name, m_values[index], m_values[index]);
+void MP4Integer24Property::Dump(uint8_t indent,
+ bool dumpImplicits, uint32_t index)
+ if (m_implicit && !dumpImplicits) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (index != 0)
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, "\"%s\": %s[%u] = %u (0x%06x)",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name, index, m_values[index], m_values[index]);
+ else
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, "\"%s\": %s = %u (0x%06x)",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name, m_values[index], m_values[index]);
+void MP4Integer32Property::Dump(uint8_t indent,
+ bool dumpImplicits, uint32_t index)
+ if (m_implicit && !dumpImplicits) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (index != 0)
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, "\"%s\": %s[%u] = %u (0x%08x)",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name, index, m_values[index], m_values[index]);
+ else
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, "\"%s\": %s = %u (0x%08x)",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name, m_values[index], m_values[index]);
+void MP4Integer64Property::Dump(uint8_t indent,
+ bool dumpImplicits, uint32_t index)
+ if (m_implicit && !dumpImplicits) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (index != 0)
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, "\"%s\": %s[%u] = %" PRIu64 " (0x%016" PRIx64 ")",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name, index, m_values[index], m_values[index]);
+ else
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, "\"%s\": %s = %" PRIu64 " (0x%016" PRIx64 ")",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name, m_values[index], m_values[index]);
+// MP4BitfieldProperty
+void MP4BitfieldProperty::Read(MP4File& file, uint32_t index)
+ if (m_implicit) {
+ return;
+ }
+ m_values[index] = file.ReadBits(m_numBits);
+void MP4BitfieldProperty::Write(MP4File& file, uint32_t index)
+ if (m_implicit) {
+ return;
+ }
+ file.WriteBits(m_values[index], m_numBits);
+void MP4BitfieldProperty::Dump(uint8_t indent,
+ bool dumpImplicits, uint32_t index)
+ if (m_implicit && !dumpImplicits) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint8_t hexWidth = m_numBits / 4;
+ if (hexWidth == 0 || (m_numBits % 4)) {
+ hexWidth++;
+ }
+ if (index != 0)
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1,
+ "\"%s\": %s[%u] = %" PRIu64 " (0x%0*" PRIx64 ") <%u bits>",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name, index, m_values[index], (int)hexWidth, m_values[index], m_numBits);
+ else
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1,
+ "\"%s\": %s = %" PRIu64 " (0x%0*" PRIx64 ") <%u bits>",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name, m_values[index], (int)hexWidth, m_values[index], m_numBits);
+// MP4Float32Property
+void MP4Float32Property::Read(MP4File& file, uint32_t index)
+ if (m_implicit) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m_useFixed16Format) {
+ m_values[index] = file.ReadFixed16();
+ } else if (m_useFixed32Format) {
+ m_values[index] = file.ReadFixed32();
+ } else {
+ m_values[index] = file.ReadFloat();
+ }
+void MP4Float32Property::Write(MP4File& file, uint32_t index)
+ if (m_implicit) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m_useFixed16Format) {
+ file.WriteFixed16(m_values[index]);
+ } else if (m_useFixed32Format) {
+ file.WriteFixed32(m_values[index]);
+ } else {
+ file.WriteFloat(m_values[index]);
+ }
+void MP4Float32Property::Dump(uint8_t indent,
+ bool dumpImplicits, uint32_t index)
+ if (m_implicit && !dumpImplicits) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (index != 0)
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, "\"%s\": %s[%u] = %f",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name, index, m_values[index]);
+ else
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, "\"%s\": %s = %f",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name, m_values[index]);
+// MP4StringProperty
+ MP4Atom& parentAtom,
+ const char* name,
+ bool useCountedFormat,
+ bool useUnicode,
+ bool arrayMode )
+ : MP4Property( parentAtom, name )
+ , m_arrayMode ( arrayMode )
+ , m_useCountedFormat ( useCountedFormat )
+ , m_useExpandedCount ( false )
+ , m_useUnicode ( useUnicode )
+ , m_fixedLength ( 0 )
+ SetCount( 1 );
+ m_values[0] = NULL;
+ uint32_t count = GetCount();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ MP4Free(m_values[i]);
+ }
+void MP4StringProperty::SetCount(uint32_t count)
+ uint32_t oldCount = m_values.Size();
+ m_values.Resize(count);
+ for (uint32_t i = oldCount; i < count; i++) {
+ m_values[i] = NULL;
+ }
+void MP4StringProperty::SetValue(const char* value, uint32_t index)
+ if (m_readOnly) {
+ ostringstream msg;
+ msg << "property " << m_name << "is read-only";
+ throw new PlatformException(msg.str().c_str(), EACCES, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ MP4Free(m_values[index]);
+ if (m_fixedLength) {
+ m_values[index] = (char*)MP4Calloc(m_fixedLength + 1);
+ if (value) {
+ strncpy(m_values[index], value, m_fixedLength);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (value) {
+ m_values[index] = MP4Stralloc(value);
+ } else {
+ m_values[index] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+void MP4StringProperty::Read( MP4File& file, uint32_t index )
+ if( m_implicit )
+ return;
+ uint32_t begin = index;
+ uint32_t max = index + 1;
+ if( m_arrayMode ) {
+ begin = 0;
+ max = GetCount();
+ }
+ for( uint32_t i = begin; i < max; i++ ) {
+ char*& value = m_values[i];
+ // Generally a default atom setting, e.g. see atom_avc1.cpp, "JVT/AVC Coding"; we'll leak this string if
+ // we don't free. Note that MP4Free checks for null.
+ MP4Free(value);
+ if( m_useCountedFormat ) {
+ value = file.ReadCountedString( (m_useUnicode ? 2 : 1), m_useExpandedCount, m_fixedLength );
+ }
+ else if( m_fixedLength ) {
+ value = (char*)MP4Calloc( m_fixedLength + 1 );
+ file.ReadBytes( (uint8_t*)value, m_fixedLength );
+ }
+ else {
+ value = file.ReadString();
+ }
+ }
+void MP4StringProperty::Write( MP4File& file, uint32_t index )
+ if( m_implicit )
+ return;
+ uint32_t begin = index;
+ uint32_t max = index + 1;
+ if( m_arrayMode ) {
+ begin = 0;
+ max = GetCount();
+ }
+ for( uint32_t i = begin; i < max; i++ ) {
+ char*& value = m_values[i];
+ if( m_useCountedFormat ) {
+ file.WriteCountedString( value, (m_useUnicode ? 2 : 1), m_useExpandedCount, m_fixedLength );
+ }
+ else if( m_fixedLength ) {
+ file.WriteBytes( (uint8_t*)value, m_fixedLength );
+ }
+ else {
+ file.WriteString( value );
+ }
+ }
+void MP4StringProperty::Dump( uint8_t indent, bool dumpImplicits, uint32_t index )
+ if( m_implicit && !dumpImplicits )
+ return;
+ if( !m_arrayMode ) {
+ char indexd[32];
+ if( index != 0 )
+ snprintf( indexd, 32, "[%u]", index );
+ else
+ indexd[0] = '\0';
+ if( m_useUnicode )
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, "\"%s\": %s%s = %ls",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name, indexd, (wchar_t*)m_values[index] );
+ else
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, "\"%s\": %s%s = %s",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name, indexd, m_values[index] );
+ }
+ else if( log.verbosity >= MP4_LOG_VERBOSE2 )
+ {
+ const uint32_t max = GetCount();
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE2, "\"%s\": %s (size=%u)",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name, max );
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < max; i++ ) {
+ char*& value = m_values[i];
+ if( m_useUnicode )
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE2, "\"%s\": %s[%u] = %ls",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name, i, (wchar_t*)value );
+ else
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE2, "\"%s\": %s[%u] = %s",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name, i, value );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, "\"%s\": <table entries suppressed>",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str() );
+ }
+// MP4BytesProperty
+MP4BytesProperty::MP4BytesProperty(MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char* name, uint32_t valueSize,
+ uint32_t defaultValueSize)
+ : MP4Property(parentAtom, name)
+ , m_fixedValueSize(0)
+ , m_defaultValueSize(defaultValueSize)
+ SetCount(1);
+ m_values[0] = (uint8_t*)MP4Calloc(valueSize);
+ m_valueSizes[0] = valueSize;
+ uint32_t count = GetCount();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ MP4Free(m_values[i]);
+ }
+void MP4BytesProperty::SetCount(uint32_t count)
+ uint32_t oldCount = m_values.Size();
+ m_values.Resize(count);
+ m_valueSizes.Resize(count);
+ for (uint32_t i = oldCount; i < count; i++) {
+ m_values[i] = NULL;
+ m_valueSizes[i] = m_defaultValueSize;
+ }
+void MP4BytesProperty::SetValue(const uint8_t* pValue, uint32_t valueSize,
+ uint32_t index)
+ if (m_readOnly) {
+ ostringstream msg;
+ msg << "property " << m_name << "is read-only";
+ throw new PlatformException(msg.str().c_str(), EACCES, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ if (m_fixedValueSize) {
+ if (valueSize > m_fixedValueSize) {
+ ostringstream msg;
+ msg << GetParentAtom().GetType() << "." << GetName() << " value size " << valueSize << " exceeds fixed value size " << m_fixedValueSize;
+ throw new Exception(msg.str().c_str(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ if (m_values[index] == NULL) {
+ m_values[index] = (uint8_t*)MP4Calloc(m_fixedValueSize);
+ m_valueSizes[index] = m_fixedValueSize;
+ }
+ if (pValue) {
+ memcpy(m_values[index], pValue, valueSize);
+ }
+ } else {
+ MP4Free(m_values[index]);
+ if (pValue) {
+ m_values[index] = (uint8_t*)MP4Malloc(valueSize);
+ memcpy(m_values[index], pValue, valueSize);
+ m_valueSizes[index] = valueSize;
+ } else {
+ m_values[index] = NULL;
+ m_valueSizes[index] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+void MP4BytesProperty::SetValueSize(uint32_t valueSize, uint32_t index)
+ if (m_fixedValueSize) {
+ throw new Exception("can't change size of fixed sized property",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ if (m_values[index] != NULL) {
+ m_values[index] = (uint8_t*)MP4Realloc(m_values[index], valueSize);
+ }
+ m_valueSizes[index] = valueSize;
+void MP4BytesProperty::SetFixedSize(uint32_t fixedSize)
+ m_fixedValueSize = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < GetCount(); i++) {
+ SetValueSize(fixedSize, i);
+ }
+ m_fixedValueSize = fixedSize;
+void MP4BytesProperty::Read(MP4File& file, uint32_t index)
+ if (m_implicit) {
+ return;
+ }
+ MP4Free(m_values[index]);
+ m_values[index] = (uint8_t*)MP4Malloc(m_valueSizes[index]);
+ file.ReadBytes(m_values[index], m_valueSizes[index]);
+void MP4BytesProperty::Write(MP4File& file, uint32_t index)
+ if (m_implicit) {
+ return;
+ }
+ file.WriteBytes(m_values[index], m_valueSizes[index]);
+void MP4BytesProperty::Dump(uint8_t indent,
+ bool dumpImplicits, uint32_t index)
+ if( m_implicit && !dumpImplicits )
+ return;
+ const uint32_t size = m_valueSizes[index];
+ const uint8_t* const value = m_values[index];
+ if( size == 0 ) {
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE2, "\"%s\": %s = <%u bytes>",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name, size );
+ return;
+ }
+ if( size <= 16 ) {
+ ostringstream oss;
+ ostringstream text;
+ oss << " ";
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
+ if( i )
+ oss << ' ';
+ oss << hex << setw(2) << setfill('0') << right << static_cast<uint32_t>(value[i]);
+ text << (isprint( static_cast<int>(value[i]) ) ? static_cast<char>(value[i]) : '.');
+ }
+ oss << " |" << text.str() << "|";
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE2, "\"%s\": %s = <%u bytes>%s",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name, size, oss.str().c_str() );
+ return;
+ }
+ // specialization for ilst item data always show all bytes except for covr
+ bool showall = false;
+ MP4Atom* const datac = m_parentAtom.GetParentAtom(); // data container
+ MP4Atom* const datacc = datac->GetParentAtom();
+ if( datacc &&
+ ATOMID( datacc->GetType() ) == ATOMID( "ilst" ) &&
+ ATOMID( datac->GetType() ) != ATOMID( "covr" ) )
+ {
+ showall = true;
+ }
+ uint32_t adjsize;
+ bool supressed;
+ if( showall ||
+ size < 128 || log.verbosity >= MP4_LOG_VERBOSE2 )
+ {
+ adjsize = size;
+ supressed = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ adjsize = 128;
+ supressed = true;
+ }
+ ostringstream oss;
+ ostringstream text;
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE2, "\"%s\": %s = <%u bytes>",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name, size );
+ log.hexDump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE2, value, adjsize, "\"%s\": %s",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name);
+ if( supressed ) {
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, "\"%s\": <remaining bytes supressed>",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str() );
+ }
+// MP4TableProperty
+MP4TableProperty::MP4TableProperty(MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char* name, MP4IntegerProperty* pCountProperty)
+ : MP4Property(parentAtom, name)
+ m_pCountProperty = pCountProperty;
+ m_pCountProperty->SetReadOnly();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_pProperties.Size(); i++) {
+ delete m_pProperties[i];
+ }
+void MP4TableProperty::AddProperty(MP4Property* pProperty)
+ ASSERT(pProperty);
+ ASSERT(pProperty->GetType() != TableProperty);
+ ASSERT(pProperty->GetType() != DescriptorProperty);
+ m_pProperties.Add(pProperty);
+ pProperty->SetCount(0);
+bool MP4TableProperty::FindProperty(const char *name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex)
+ ASSERT(m_name);
+ // check if first component of name matches ourselves
+ if (!MP4NameFirstMatches(m_name, name)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // check if the specified table entry exists
+ uint32_t index;
+ bool haveIndex = MP4NameFirstIndex(name, &index);
+ if (haveIndex) {
+ if (index >= GetCount()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (pIndex) {
+ *pIndex = index;
+ }
+ }
+ log.verbose1f("\"%s\": FindProperty: matched %s",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(), name);
+ // get name of table property
+ const char *tablePropName = MP4NameAfterFirst(name);
+ if (tablePropName == NULL) {
+ if (!haveIndex) {
+ *ppProperty = this;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // check if this table property exists
+ return FindContainedProperty(tablePropName, ppProperty, pIndex);
+bool MP4TableProperty::FindContainedProperty(const char *name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex)
+ uint32_t numProperties = m_pProperties.Size();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numProperties; i++) {
+ if (m_pProperties[i]->FindProperty(name, ppProperty, pIndex)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void MP4TableProperty::Read(MP4File& file, uint32_t index)
+ ASSERT(index == 0);
+ if (m_implicit) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32_t numProperties = m_pProperties.Size();
+ if (numProperties == 0) {
+ WARNING(numProperties == 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32_t numEntries = GetCount();
+ /* for each property set size */
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < numProperties; j++) {
+ m_pProperties[j]->SetCount(numEntries);
+ }
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
+ ReadEntry(file, i);
+ }
+void MP4TableProperty::ReadEntry(MP4File& file, uint32_t index)
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < m_pProperties.Size(); j++) {
+ m_pProperties[j]->Read(file, index);
+ }
+void MP4TableProperty::Write(MP4File& file, uint32_t index)
+ ASSERT(index == 0);
+ if (m_implicit) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32_t numProperties = m_pProperties.Size();
+ if (numProperties == 0) {
+ WARNING(numProperties == 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32_t numEntries = GetCount();
+ if (m_pProperties[0]->GetCount() != numEntries) {
+ log.errorf("%s: \"%s\": %s %s \"%s\"table entries %u doesn't match count %u",
+ __FUNCTION__, m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ GetParentAtom().GetType(),
+ GetName(), m_pProperties[0]->GetName(),
+ m_pProperties[0]->GetCount(), numEntries);
+ ASSERT(m_pProperties[0]->GetCount() == numEntries);
+ }
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
+ WriteEntry(file, i);
+ }
+void MP4TableProperty::WriteEntry(MP4File& file, uint32_t index)
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < m_pProperties.Size(); j++) {
+ m_pProperties[j]->Write(file, index);
+ }
+void MP4TableProperty::Dump(uint8_t indent,
+ bool dumpImplicits, uint32_t index)
+ ASSERT(index == 0);
+ // implicit tables just can't be dumped
+ if (m_implicit) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32_t numProperties = m_pProperties.Size();
+ if (numProperties == 0) {
+ WARNING(numProperties == 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32_t numEntries = GetCount();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < numProperties; j++) {
+ m_pProperties[j]->Dump(indent + 1, dumpImplicits, i);
+ }
+ }
+// MP4DescriptorProperty
+MP4DescriptorProperty::MP4DescriptorProperty(MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char* name,
+ uint8_t tagsStart, uint8_t tagsEnd, bool mandatory, bool onlyOne)
+ : MP4Property(parentAtom, name)
+ SetTags(tagsStart, tagsEnd);
+ m_sizeLimit = 0;
+ m_mandatory = mandatory;
+ m_onlyOne = onlyOne;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_pDescriptors.Size(); i++) {
+ delete m_pDescriptors[i];
+ }
+MP4Descriptor* MP4DescriptorProperty::AddDescriptor(uint8_t tag)
+ // check that tag is in expected range
+ ASSERT(tag >= m_tagsStart && tag <= m_tagsEnd);
+ MP4Descriptor* pDescriptor = CreateDescriptor(m_parentAtom, tag);
+ ASSERT(pDescriptor);
+ m_pDescriptors.Add(pDescriptor);
+ return pDescriptor;
+void MP4DescriptorProperty::DeleteDescriptor(uint32_t index)
+ delete m_pDescriptors[index];
+ m_pDescriptors.Delete(index);
+void MP4DescriptorProperty::Generate()
+ // generate a default descriptor
+ // if it is mandatory, and single
+ if (m_mandatory && m_onlyOne) {
+ MP4Descriptor* pDescriptor =
+ AddDescriptor(m_tagsStart);
+ pDescriptor->Generate();
+ }
+bool MP4DescriptorProperty::FindProperty(const char *name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex)
+ // we're unnamed, so just check contained properties
+ if (m_name == NULL || !strcmp(m_name, "")) {
+ return FindContainedProperty(name, ppProperty, pIndex);
+ }
+ // check if first component of name matches ourselves
+ if (!MP4NameFirstMatches(m_name, name)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // check if the specific descriptor entry exists
+ uint32_t descrIndex;
+ bool haveDescrIndex = MP4NameFirstIndex(name, &descrIndex);
+ if (haveDescrIndex && descrIndex >= GetCount()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ log.verbose1f("\"%s\": matched %s",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ name);
+ // get name of descriptor property
+ name = MP4NameAfterFirst(name);
+ if (name == NULL) {
+ if (!haveDescrIndex) {
+ *ppProperty = this;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* check rest of name */
+ if (haveDescrIndex) {
+ return m_pDescriptors[descrIndex]->FindProperty(name,
+ ppProperty, pIndex);
+ } else {
+ return FindContainedProperty(name, ppProperty, pIndex);
+ }
+bool MP4DescriptorProperty::FindContainedProperty(const char *name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex)
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_pDescriptors.Size(); i++) {
+ if (m_pDescriptors[i]->FindProperty(name, ppProperty, pIndex)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void MP4DescriptorProperty::Read(MP4File& file, uint32_t index)
+ ASSERT(index == 0);
+ if (m_implicit) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint64_t start = file.GetPosition();
+ while (true) {
+ // enforce size limitation
+ if (m_sizeLimit && file.GetPosition() >= start + m_sizeLimit) {
+ break;
+ }
+ uint8_t tag;
+ try {
+ file.PeekBytes(&tag, 1);
+ }
+ catch (Exception* x) {
+ if (file.GetPosition() >= file.GetSize()) {
+ // EOF
+ delete x;
+ break;
+ }
+ throw x;
+ }
+ // check if tag is in desired range
+ if (tag < m_tagsStart || tag > m_tagsEnd) {
+ break;
+ }
+ MP4Descriptor* pDescriptor =
+ AddDescriptor(tag);
+ pDescriptor->Read(file);
+ }
+ // warnings
+ if (m_mandatory && m_pDescriptors.Size() == 0) {
+ log.warningf("%s: \"%s\": Mandatory descriptor 0x%02x missing",
+ __FUNCTION__, GetParentAtom().GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(), m_tagsStart);
+ } else if (m_onlyOne && m_pDescriptors.Size() > 1) {
+ log.warningf("%s: \"%s\": Descriptor 0x%02x has more than one instance",
+ __FUNCTION__, GetParentAtom().GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(), m_tagsStart);
+ }
+void MP4DescriptorProperty::Write(MP4File& file, uint32_t index)
+ ASSERT(index == 0);
+ if (m_implicit) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_pDescriptors.Size(); i++) {
+ m_pDescriptors[i]->Write(file);
+ }
+void MP4DescriptorProperty::Dump(uint8_t indent,
+ bool dumpImplicits, uint32_t index)
+ ASSERT(index == 0);
+ if (m_implicit && !dumpImplicits) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m_name) {
+ if (index != 0)
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, "\"%s\": %s[%u]",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name, index);
+ else
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, "\"%s\": %s",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name);
+ indent++;
+ }
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_pDescriptors.Size(); i++) {
+ m_pDescriptors[i]->Dump(indent, dumpImplicits);
+ }
+MP4LanguageCodeProperty::MP4LanguageCodeProperty( MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char* name, bmff::LanguageCode value )
+ : MP4Property( parentAtom, name )
+ SetValue( value );
+MP4LanguageCodeProperty::MP4LanguageCodeProperty( MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char* name, const string& code )
+ : MP4Property( parentAtom, name )
+ SetValue( bmff::enumLanguageCode.toType( code ));
+MP4LanguageCodeProperty::Dump( uint8_t indent, bool dumpImplicits, uint32_t index )
+ uint16_t data = 0;
+ string svalue;
+ bmff::enumLanguageCode.toString( _value, svalue );
+ if( svalue.length() == 3 ) {
+ data = (((svalue[0] - 0x60) & 0x001f) << 10)
+ | (((svalue[1] - 0x60) & 0x001f) << 5)
+ | (((svalue[2] - 0x60) & 0x001f) );
+ }
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE2, "\"%s\": %s = %s (0x%04x)",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_name, bmff::enumLanguageCode.toString( _value, true ).c_str(), data );
+ return 1;
+ return LanguageCodeProperty;
+ return _value;
+MP4LanguageCodeProperty::Read( MP4File& file, uint32_t index )
+ uint16_t data = file.ReadBits( 16 );
+ char code[3];
+ code[0] = ((data & 0x7c00) >> 10) + 0x60;
+ code[1] = ((data & 0x03e0) >> 5) + 0x60;
+ code[2] = ((data & 0x001f) ) + 0x60;
+ SetValue( bmff::enumLanguageCode.toType( string( code, sizeof(code) )));
+MP4LanguageCodeProperty::SetCount( uint32_t count )
+ // do nothing; count is always 1
+MP4LanguageCodeProperty::SetValue( bmff::LanguageCode value )
+ _value = value;
+MP4LanguageCodeProperty::Write( MP4File& file, uint32_t index )
+ uint16_t data = 0;
+ string svalue;
+ bmff::enumLanguageCode.toString( _value, svalue );
+ if( svalue.length() == 3 ) {
+ data = (((svalue[0] - 0x60) & 0x001f) << 10)
+ | (((svalue[1] - 0x60) & 0x001f) << 5)
+ | (((svalue[2] - 0x60) & 0x001f) );
+ }
+ file.WriteBits( data, 16 );
+MP4BasicTypeProperty::MP4BasicTypeProperty( MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char* name, itmf::BasicType type )
+ : MP4Property( parentAtom, name )
+ SetValue( type );
+MP4BasicTypeProperty::Dump( uint8_t indent, bool dumpImplicits, uint32_t index )
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, "\"%s\": %s = %s (0x%02x)",
+ m_parentAtom.GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(), m_name,
+ itmf::enumBasicType.toString( _value, true ).c_str(), _value );
+ return 1;
+ return BasicTypeProperty;
+ return _value;
+MP4BasicTypeProperty::Read( MP4File& file, uint32_t index )
+ SetValue( static_cast<itmf::BasicType>( file.ReadBits( 8 )));
+MP4BasicTypeProperty::SetCount( uint32_t count )
+ // do nothing; count is always 1
+MP4BasicTypeProperty::SetValue( itmf::BasicType value )
+ _value = value;
+MP4BasicTypeProperty::Write( MP4File& file, uint32_t index )
+ file.WriteBits( _value, 8 );
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4property.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4property.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c7ccad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4property.h
@@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+// forward declarations
+class MP4Atom;
+class MP4Descriptor;
+MP4ARRAY_DECL(MP4Descriptor, MP4Descriptor*);
+enum MP4PropertyType {
+ Integer8Property,
+ Integer16Property,
+ Integer24Property,
+ Integer32Property,
+ Integer64Property,
+ Float32Property,
+ StringProperty,
+ BytesProperty,
+ TableProperty,
+ DescriptorProperty,
+ LanguageCodeProperty,
+ BasicTypeProperty,
+class MP4Property {
+ MP4Property(MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char *name = NULL);
+ virtual ~MP4Property() { }
+ MP4Atom& GetParentAtom() {
+ return m_parentAtom;
+ }
+ const char *GetName() {
+ return m_name;
+ }
+ virtual MP4PropertyType GetType() = 0;
+ bool IsReadOnly() {
+ return m_readOnly;
+ }
+ void SetReadOnly(bool value = true) {
+ m_readOnly = value;
+ }
+ bool IsImplicit() {
+ return m_implicit;
+ }
+ void SetImplicit(bool value = true) {
+ m_implicit = value;
+ }
+ virtual uint32_t GetCount() = 0;
+ virtual void SetCount(uint32_t count) = 0;
+ virtual void Generate() { /* default is a no-op */ };
+ virtual void Read(MP4File& file, uint32_t index = 0) = 0;
+ virtual void Write(MP4File& file, uint32_t index = 0) = 0;
+ virtual void Dump(uint8_t indent,
+ bool dumpImplicits, uint32_t index = 0) = 0;
+ virtual bool FindProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex = NULL);
+ MP4Atom& m_parentAtom;
+ const char* m_name;
+ bool m_readOnly;
+ bool m_implicit;
+ MP4Property();
+ MP4Property ( const MP4Property &src );
+ MP4Property &operator= ( const MP4Property &src );
+MP4ARRAY_DECL(MP4Property, MP4Property*);
+class MP4IntegerProperty : public MP4Property {
+ MP4IntegerProperty(MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char* name)
+ : MP4Property(parentAtom, name) { };
+ uint64_t GetValue(uint32_t index = 0);
+ void SetValue(uint64_t value, uint32_t index = 0);
+ void InsertValue(uint64_t value, uint32_t index = 0);
+ void DeleteValue(uint32_t index = 0);
+ void IncrementValue(int32_t increment = 1, uint32_t index = 0);
+ MP4IntegerProperty();
+ MP4IntegerProperty ( const MP4IntegerProperty &src );
+ MP4IntegerProperty &operator= ( const MP4IntegerProperty &src );
+#define MP4INTEGER_PROPERTY_DECL2(isize, xsize) \
+ class MP4Integer##xsize##Property : public MP4IntegerProperty { \
+ public: \
+ MP4Integer##xsize##Property(MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char* name) \
+ : MP4IntegerProperty(parentAtom, name) { \
+ SetCount(1); \
+ m_values[0] = 0; \
+ } \
+ \
+ MP4PropertyType GetType() { \
+ return Integer##xsize##Property; \
+ } \
+ \
+ uint32_t GetCount() { \
+ return m_values.Size(); \
+ } \
+ void SetCount(uint32_t count) { \
+ m_values.Resize(count); \
+ } \
+ \
+ uint##isize##_t GetValue(uint32_t index = 0) { \
+ return m_values[index]; \
+ } \
+ \
+ void SetValue(uint##isize##_t value, uint32_t index = 0) { \
+ if (m_readOnly) { \
+ ostringstream msg; \
+ msg << "property is read-only: " << m_name; \
+ throw new PlatformException(msg.str().c_str(), EACCES, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); \
+ } \
+ m_values[index] = value; \
+ } \
+ void AddValue(uint##isize##_t value) { \
+ m_values.Add(value); \
+ } \
+ void InsertValue(uint##isize##_t value, uint32_t index) { \
+ m_values.Insert(value, index); \
+ } \
+ void DeleteValue(uint32_t index) { \
+ m_values.Delete(index); \
+ } \
+ void IncrementValue(int32_t increment = 1, uint32_t index = 0) { \
+ m_values[index] += increment; \
+ } \
+ void Read(MP4File& file, uint32_t index = 0) { \
+ if (m_implicit) { \
+ return; \
+ } \
+ m_values[index] = file.ReadUInt##xsize(); \
+ } \
+ \
+ void Write(MP4File& file, uint32_t index = 0) { \
+ if (m_implicit) { \
+ return; \
+ } \
+ file.WriteUInt##xsize(m_values[index]); \
+ } \
+ void Dump(uint8_t indent, \
+ bool dumpImplicits, uint32_t index = 0); \
+ \
+ protected: \
+ MP4Integer##isize##Array m_values; \
+ private: \
+ MP4Integer##xsize##Property(); \
+ MP4Integer##xsize##Property ( const MP4Integer##xsize##Property &src ); \
+ MP4Integer##xsize##Property &operator= ( const MP4Integer##xsize##Property &src ); \
+ };
+class MP4BitfieldProperty : public MP4Integer64Property {
+ MP4BitfieldProperty(MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char* name, uint8_t numBits)
+ : MP4Integer64Property(parentAtom, name) {
+ ASSERT(numBits != 0);
+ ASSERT(numBits <= 64);
+ m_numBits = numBits;
+ }
+ uint8_t GetNumBits() {
+ return m_numBits;
+ }
+ void SetNumBits(uint8_t numBits) {
+ m_numBits = numBits;
+ }
+ void Read(MP4File& file, uint32_t index = 0);
+ void Write(MP4File& file, uint32_t index = 0);
+ void Dump(uint8_t indent,
+ bool dumpImplicits, uint32_t index = 0);
+ uint8_t m_numBits;
+ MP4BitfieldProperty();
+ MP4BitfieldProperty ( const MP4BitfieldProperty &src );
+ MP4BitfieldProperty &operator= ( const MP4BitfieldProperty &src );
+class MP4Float32Property : public MP4Property {
+ MP4Float32Property(MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char* name)
+ : MP4Property(parentAtom, name) {
+ m_useFixed16Format = false;
+ m_useFixed32Format = false;
+ SetCount(1);
+ m_values[0] = 0.0;
+ }
+ MP4PropertyType GetType() {
+ return Float32Property;
+ }
+ uint32_t GetCount() {
+ return m_values.Size();
+ }
+ void SetCount(uint32_t count) {
+ m_values.Resize(count);
+ }
+ float GetValue(uint32_t index = 0) {
+ return m_values[index];
+ }
+ void SetValue(float value, uint32_t index = 0) {
+ if (m_readOnly) {
+ ostringstream msg;
+ msg << "property is read-only: " << m_name;
+ throw new PlatformException(msg.str().c_str(), EACCES, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ m_values[index] = value;
+ }
+ void AddValue(float value) {
+ m_values.Add(value);
+ }
+ void InsertValue(float value, uint32_t index) {
+ m_values.Insert(value, index);
+ }
+ bool IsFixed16Format() {
+ return m_useFixed16Format;
+ }
+ void SetFixed16Format(bool useFixed16Format = true) {
+ m_useFixed16Format = useFixed16Format;
+ }
+ bool IsFixed32Format() {
+ return m_useFixed32Format;
+ }
+ void SetFixed32Format(bool useFixed32Format = true) {
+ m_useFixed32Format = useFixed32Format;
+ }
+ void Read(MP4File& file, uint32_t index = 0);
+ void Write(MP4File& file, uint32_t index = 0);
+ void Dump(uint8_t indent,
+ bool dumpImplicits, uint32_t index = 0);
+ bool m_useFixed16Format;
+ bool m_useFixed32Format;
+ MP4Float32Array m_values;
+ MP4Float32Property();
+ MP4Float32Property ( const MP4Float32Property &src );
+ MP4Float32Property &operator= ( const MP4Float32Property &src );
+class MP4StringProperty : public MP4Property {
+ MP4StringProperty(MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char* name,
+ bool useCountedFormat = false, bool useUnicode = false, bool arrayMode = false);
+ ~MP4StringProperty();
+ MP4PropertyType GetType() {
+ return StringProperty;
+ }
+ uint32_t GetCount() {
+ return m_values.Size();
+ }
+ void SetCount(uint32_t count);
+ const char* GetValue(uint32_t index = 0) {
+ return m_values[index];
+ }
+ void SetValue(const char* value, uint32_t index = 0);
+ void AddValue(const char* value) {
+ uint32_t count = GetCount();
+ SetCount(count + 1);
+ SetValue(value, count);
+ }
+ bool IsCountedFormat() {
+ return m_useCountedFormat;
+ }
+ void SetCountedFormat(bool useCountedFormat) {
+ m_useCountedFormat = useCountedFormat;
+ }
+ bool IsExpandedCountedFormat() {
+ return m_useExpandedCount;
+ }
+ void SetExpandedCountedFormat(bool useExpandedCount) {
+ m_useExpandedCount = useExpandedCount;
+ }
+ bool IsUnicode() {
+ return m_useUnicode;
+ }
+ void SetUnicode(bool useUnicode) {
+ m_useUnicode = useUnicode;
+ }
+ uint32_t GetFixedLength() {
+ return m_fixedLength;
+ }
+ void SetFixedLength(uint32_t fixedLength) {
+ m_fixedLength = fixedLength;
+ }
+ void Read(MP4File& file, uint32_t index = 0);
+ void Write(MP4File& file, uint32_t index = 0);
+ void Dump(uint8_t indent,
+ bool dumpImplicits, uint32_t index = 0);
+ bool m_arrayMode; // during read/write ignore index and read/write full array
+ bool m_useCountedFormat;
+ bool m_useExpandedCount;
+ bool m_useUnicode;
+ uint32_t m_fixedLength;
+ MP4StringArray m_values;
+ MP4StringProperty();
+ MP4StringProperty ( const MP4StringProperty &src );
+ MP4StringProperty &operator= ( const MP4StringProperty &src );
+class MP4BytesProperty : public MP4Property {
+ MP4BytesProperty(MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char* name, uint32_t valueSize = 0,
+ uint32_t defaultValueSize = 0);
+ ~MP4BytesProperty();
+ MP4PropertyType GetType() {
+ return BytesProperty;
+ }
+ uint32_t GetCount() {
+ return m_values.Size();
+ }
+ void SetCount(uint32_t count);
+ void GetValue(uint8_t** ppValue, uint32_t* pValueSize,
+ uint32_t index = 0) {
+ // N.B. caller must free memory
+ *ppValue = (uint8_t*)MP4Malloc(m_valueSizes[index]);
+ memcpy(*ppValue, m_values[index], m_valueSizes[index]);
+ *pValueSize = m_valueSizes[index];
+ }
+ char* GetValueStringAlloc( uint32_t index = 0 ) {
+ char* buf = (char*)MP4Malloc( m_valueSizes[index] + 1 );
+ memcpy( buf, m_values[index], m_valueSizes[index] );
+ buf[m_valueSizes[index]] = '\0';
+ return buf;
+ }
+ bool CompareToString( const string& s, uint32_t index = 0 ) {
+ return string( (const char*)m_values[index], m_valueSizes[index] ) != s;
+ }
+ void CopyValue(uint8_t* pValue, uint32_t index = 0) {
+ // N.B. caller takes responsbility for valid pointer
+ // and sufficient memory at the destination
+ memcpy(pValue, m_values[index], m_valueSizes[index]);
+ }
+ void SetValue(const uint8_t* pValue, uint32_t valueSize,
+ uint32_t index = 0);
+ void AddValue(const uint8_t* pValue, uint32_t valueSize) {
+ uint32_t count = GetCount();
+ SetCount(count + 1);
+ SetValue(pValue, valueSize, count);
+ }
+ uint32_t GetValueSize( uint32_t index = 0 ) {
+ return m_valueSizes[index];
+ }
+ void SetValueSize(uint32_t valueSize, uint32_t index = 0);
+ uint32_t GetFixedSize() {
+ return m_fixedValueSize;
+ }
+ void SetFixedSize(uint32_t fixedSize);
+ void Read(MP4File& file, uint32_t index = 0);
+ void Write(MP4File& file, uint32_t index = 0);
+ void Dump(uint8_t indent,
+ bool dumpImplicits, uint32_t index = 0);
+ uint32_t m_fixedValueSize;
+ uint32_t m_defaultValueSize;
+ MP4Integer32Array m_valueSizes;
+ MP4BytesArray m_values;
+ MP4BytesProperty();
+ MP4BytesProperty ( const MP4BytesProperty &src );
+ MP4BytesProperty &operator= ( const MP4BytesProperty &src );
+class MP4TableProperty : public MP4Property {
+ MP4TableProperty(MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char* name, MP4IntegerProperty* pCountProperty);
+ ~MP4TableProperty();
+ MP4PropertyType GetType() {
+ return TableProperty;
+ }
+ void AddProperty(MP4Property* pProperty);
+ MP4Property* GetProperty(uint32_t index) {
+ return m_pProperties[index];
+ }
+ virtual uint32_t GetCount() {
+ return m_pCountProperty->GetValue();
+ }
+ virtual void SetCount(uint32_t count) {
+ m_pCountProperty->SetValue(count);
+ }
+ void Read(MP4File& file, uint32_t index = 0);
+ void Write(MP4File& file, uint32_t index = 0);
+ void Dump(uint8_t indent,
+ bool dumpImplicits, uint32_t index = 0);
+ bool FindProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex = NULL);
+ virtual void ReadEntry(MP4File& file, uint32_t index);
+ virtual void WriteEntry(MP4File& file, uint32_t index);
+ bool FindContainedProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex);
+ MP4IntegerProperty* m_pCountProperty;
+ MP4PropertyArray m_pProperties;
+ MP4TableProperty();
+ MP4TableProperty ( const MP4TableProperty &src );
+ MP4TableProperty &operator= ( const MP4TableProperty &src );
+class MP4DescriptorProperty : public MP4Property {
+ MP4DescriptorProperty(MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char* name = NULL,
+ uint8_t tagsStart = 0, uint8_t tagsEnd = 0,
+ bool mandatory = false, bool onlyOne = false);
+ ~MP4DescriptorProperty();
+ MP4PropertyType GetType() {
+ return DescriptorProperty;
+ }
+ void SetParentAtom(MP4Atom* pParentAtom);
+ void SetSizeLimit(uint64_t sizeLimit) {
+ m_sizeLimit = sizeLimit;
+ }
+ uint32_t GetCount() {
+ return m_pDescriptors.Size();
+ }
+ void SetCount(uint32_t count) {
+ m_pDescriptors.Resize(count);
+ }
+ void SetTags(uint8_t tagsStart, uint8_t tagsEnd = 0) {
+ m_tagsStart = tagsStart;
+ m_tagsEnd = tagsEnd ? tagsEnd : tagsStart;
+ }
+ MP4Descriptor* AddDescriptor(uint8_t tag);
+ void AppendDescriptor(MP4Descriptor* pDescriptor) {
+ m_pDescriptors.Add(pDescriptor);
+ }
+ void DeleteDescriptor(uint32_t index);
+ void Generate();
+ void Read(MP4File& file, uint32_t index = 0);
+ void Write(MP4File& file, uint32_t index = 0);
+ void Dump(uint8_t indent,
+ bool dumpImplicits, uint32_t index = 0);
+ bool FindProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex = NULL);
+ virtual MP4Descriptor* CreateDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom, uint8_t tag);
+ bool FindContainedProperty(const char* name,
+ MP4Property** ppProperty, uint32_t* pIndex);
+ uint8_t m_tagsStart;
+ uint8_t m_tagsEnd;
+ uint64_t m_sizeLimit;
+ bool m_mandatory;
+ bool m_onlyOne;
+ MP4DescriptorArray m_pDescriptors;
+ MP4DescriptorProperty();
+ MP4DescriptorProperty ( const MP4DescriptorProperty &src );
+ MP4DescriptorProperty &operator= ( const MP4DescriptorProperty &src );
+class MP4QosQualifierProperty : public MP4DescriptorProperty {
+ MP4QosQualifierProperty(MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char* name = NULL,
+ uint8_t tagsStart = 0, uint8_t tagsEnd = 0,
+ bool mandatory = false, bool onlyOne = false) :
+ MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, name, tagsStart, tagsEnd, mandatory, onlyOne) { }
+ MP4Descriptor* CreateDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom, uint8_t tag);
+ MP4QosQualifierProperty();
+ MP4QosQualifierProperty ( const MP4QosQualifierProperty &src );
+ MP4QosQualifierProperty &operator= ( const MP4QosQualifierProperty &src );
+/// ISO-639-2/T language code.
+/// Language codes are 3-alpha (always lowercase) codes which are then
+/// offset using 0x60 and packed as 5-bit values into 16-bits, most
+/// significant bit is zero-padding.
+class MP4LanguageCodeProperty : public MP4Property {
+ bmff::LanguageCode _value;
+ explicit MP4LanguageCodeProperty( MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char* , bmff::LanguageCode = bmff::ILC_UND );
+ MP4LanguageCodeProperty( MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char* , const string& );
+ MP4PropertyType GetType();
+ uint32_t GetCount();
+ void SetCount( uint32_t );
+ void Read( MP4File&, uint32_t = 0 );
+ void Write( MP4File&, uint32_t = 0 );
+ void Dump( uint8_t, bool, uint32_t = 0 );
+ bmff::LanguageCode GetValue();
+ void SetValue( bmff::LanguageCode );
+ MP4LanguageCodeProperty();
+ MP4LanguageCodeProperty ( const MP4LanguageCodeProperty &src );
+ MP4LanguageCodeProperty &operator= ( const MP4LanguageCodeProperty &src );
+class MP4BasicTypeProperty : public MP4Property {
+ itmf::BasicType _value;
+ explicit MP4BasicTypeProperty( MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char* , itmf::BasicType = itmf::BT_UNDEFINED );
+ MP4PropertyType GetType();
+ uint32_t GetCount();
+ void SetCount( uint32_t );
+ void Read( MP4File&, uint32_t = 0 );
+ void Write( MP4File&, uint32_t = 0 );
+ void Dump( uint8_t, bool, uint32_t = 0 );
+ itmf::BasicType GetValue();
+ void SetValue( itmf::BasicType );
+ MP4BasicTypeProperty();
+ MP4BasicTypeProperty ( const MP4BasicTypeProperty &src );
+ MP4BasicTypeProperty &operator= ( const MP4BasicTypeProperty &src );
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4track.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4track.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cfa1a1f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4track.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1910 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001 - 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * 3GPP features implementation is based on 3GPP's TS26.234-v5.60,
+ * and was contributed by Ximpo Group Ltd.
+ *
+ * Portions created by Ximpo Group Ltd. are
+ * Copyright (C) Ximpo Group Ltd. 2003, 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ * Alix Marchandise-Franquet [email protected]
+ * Ximpo Group Ltd. [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+#define AMR_TRUE 0
+#define AMR_FALSE 1
+MP4Track::MP4Track(MP4File& file, MP4Atom& trakAtom)
+ : m_File(file)
+ , m_trakAtom(trakAtom)
+ m_lastStsdIndex = 0;
+ m_lastSampleFile = NULL;
+ m_cachedReadSampleId = MP4_INVALID_SAMPLE_ID;
+ m_pCachedReadSample = NULL;
+ m_cachedReadSampleSize = 0;
+ m_writeSampleId = 1;
+ m_fixedSampleDuration = 0;
+ m_pChunkBuffer = NULL;
+ m_chunkBufferSize = 0;
+ m_sizeOfDataInChunkBuffer = 0;
+ m_chunkSamples = 0;
+ m_chunkDuration = 0;
+ // m_bytesPerSample should be set to 1, except for the
+ // quicktime audio constant bit rate samples, which have non-1 values
+ m_bytesPerSample = 1;
+ m_samplesPerChunk = 0;
+ m_durationPerChunk = 0;
+ m_curMode = 0;
+ m_cachedSttsSid = MP4_INVALID_SAMPLE_ID;
+ m_cachedCttsSid = MP4_INVALID_SAMPLE_ID;
+ bool success = true;
+ MP4Integer32Property* pTrackIdProperty;
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.tkhd.trackId",
+ (MP4Property**)&pTrackIdProperty);
+ if (success) {
+ m_trackId = pTrackIdProperty->GetValue();
+ }
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.mdhd.timeScale",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pTimeScaleProperty);
+ if (success) {
+ // default chunking is 1 second of samples
+ m_durationPerChunk = m_pTimeScaleProperty->GetValue();
+ }
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.tkhd.duration",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pTrackDurationProperty);
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.mdhd.duration",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pMediaDurationProperty);
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.tkhd.modificationTime",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pTrackModificationProperty);
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.mdhd.modificationTime",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pMediaModificationProperty);
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.hdlr.handlerType",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pTypeProperty);
+ // get handles on sample size information
+ m_pStszFixedSampleSizeProperty = NULL;
+ bool have_stsz =
+ m_trakAtom.FindProperty("trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsz.sampleSize",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pStszFixedSampleSizeProperty);
+ if (have_stsz) {
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsz.sampleCount",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pStszSampleCountProperty);
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsz.entries.entrySize",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pStszSampleSizeProperty);
+ m_stsz_sample_bits = 32;
+ } else {
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stz2.sampleCount",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pStszSampleCountProperty);
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stz2.entries.entrySize",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pStszSampleSizeProperty);
+ MP4Integer8Property *stz2_field_size;
+ if (m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stz2.fieldSize",
+ (MP4Property **)&stz2_field_size)) {
+ m_stsz_sample_bits = stz2_field_size->GetValue();
+ m_have_stz2_4bit_sample = false;
+ } else success = false;
+ }
+ // get handles on information needed to map sample id's to file offsets
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsc.entryCount",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pStscCountProperty);
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsc.entries.firstChunk",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pStscFirstChunkProperty);
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsc.entries.samplesPerChunk",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pStscSamplesPerChunkProperty);
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsc.entries.sampleDescriptionIndex",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pStscSampleDescrIndexProperty);
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsc.entries.firstSample",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pStscFirstSampleProperty);
+ bool haveStco = m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stco.entryCount",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pChunkCountProperty);
+ if (haveStco) {
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stco.entries.chunkOffset",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pChunkOffsetProperty);
+ } else {
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.co64.entryCount",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pChunkCountProperty);
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.co64.entries.chunkOffset",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pChunkOffsetProperty);
+ }
+ // get handles on sample timing info
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stts.entryCount",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pSttsCountProperty);
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stts.entries.sampleCount",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pSttsSampleCountProperty);
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stts.entries.sampleDelta",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pSttsSampleDeltaProperty);
+ // get handles on rendering offset info if it exists
+ m_pCttsCountProperty = NULL;
+ m_pCttsSampleCountProperty = NULL;
+ m_pCttsSampleOffsetProperty = NULL;
+ bool haveCtts = m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.ctts.entryCount",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pCttsCountProperty);
+ if (haveCtts) {
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.ctts.entries.sampleCount",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pCttsSampleCountProperty);
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.ctts.entries.sampleOffset",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pCttsSampleOffsetProperty);
+ }
+ // get handles on sync sample info if it exists
+ m_pStssCountProperty = NULL;
+ m_pStssSampleProperty = NULL;
+ bool haveStss = m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stss.entryCount",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pStssCountProperty);
+ if (haveStss) {
+ success &= m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stss.entries.sampleNumber",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pStssSampleProperty);
+ }
+ // edit list
+ (void)InitEditListProperties();
+ // was everything found?
+ if (!success) {
+ throw new Exception("invalid track", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ CalculateBytesPerSample();
+ // update sdtp log from sdtp atom
+ MP4SdtpAtom* sdtp = (MP4SdtpAtom*)m_trakAtom.FindAtom( "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.sdtp" );
+ if( sdtp ) {
+ uint8_t* buffer;
+ uint32_t bufsize;
+ sdtp->data.GetValue( &buffer, &bufsize );
+ m_sdtpLog.assign( (char*)buffer, bufsize );
+ free( buffer );
+ }
+ MP4Free(m_pCachedReadSample);
+ m_pCachedReadSample = NULL;
+ MP4Free(m_pChunkBuffer);
+ m_pChunkBuffer = NULL;
+const char* MP4Track::GetType()
+ return m_pTypeProperty->GetValue();
+void MP4Track::SetType(const char* type)
+ m_pTypeProperty->SetValue(MP4NormalizeTrackType(type));
+void MP4Track::ReadSample(
+ MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ uint8_t** ppBytes,
+ uint32_t* pNumBytes,
+ MP4Timestamp* pStartTime,
+ MP4Duration* pDuration,
+ MP4Duration* pRenderingOffset,
+ bool* pIsSyncSample,
+ bool* hasDependencyFlags,
+ uint32_t* dependencyFlags )
+ if( sampleId == MP4_INVALID_SAMPLE_ID )
+ throw new Exception( "sample id can't be zero", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ if( hasDependencyFlags )
+ *hasDependencyFlags = !m_sdtpLog.empty();
+ if( dependencyFlags ) {
+ if( m_sdtpLog.empty() ) {
+ *dependencyFlags = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ if( sampleId > m_sdtpLog.size() )
+ throw new Exception( "sample id > sdtp logsize", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ *dependencyFlags = m_sdtpLog[sampleId-1]; // sampleId is 1-based
+ }
+ }
+ // handle unusual case of wanting to read a sample
+ // that is still sitting in the write chunk buffer
+ if (m_pChunkBuffer && sampleId >= m_writeSampleId - m_chunkSamples) {
+ WriteChunkBuffer();
+ }
+ File* fin = GetSampleFile( sampleId );
+ if( fin == (File*)-1 )
+ throw new Exception( "sample is located in an inaccessible file", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ uint64_t fileOffset = GetSampleFileOffset(sampleId);
+ uint32_t sampleSize = GetSampleSize(sampleId);
+ if (*ppBytes != NULL && *pNumBytes < sampleSize) {
+ throw new Exception("sample buffer is too small",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ *pNumBytes = sampleSize;
+ log.verbose3f("\"%s\": ReadSample: track %u id %u offset 0x%" PRIx64 " size %u (0x%x)",
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(), m_trackId, sampleId, fileOffset, *pNumBytes, *pNumBytes);
+ bool bufferMalloc = false;
+ if (*ppBytes == NULL) {
+ *ppBytes = (uint8_t*)MP4Malloc(*pNumBytes);
+ bufferMalloc = true;
+ }
+ uint64_t oldPos = m_File.GetPosition( fin ); // only used in mode == 'w'
+ try {
+ m_File.SetPosition( fileOffset, fin );
+ m_File.ReadBytes( *ppBytes, *pNumBytes, fin );
+ if (pStartTime || pDuration) {
+ GetSampleTimes(sampleId, pStartTime, pDuration);
+ log.verbose3f("\"%s\": ReadSample: start %" PRIu64 " duration %" PRId64,
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(), (pStartTime ? *pStartTime : 0),
+ (pDuration ? *pDuration : 0));
+ }
+ if (pRenderingOffset) {
+ *pRenderingOffset = GetSampleRenderingOffset(sampleId);
+ log.verbose3f("\"%s\": ReadSample: renderingOffset %" PRId64,
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(), *pRenderingOffset);
+ }
+ if (pIsSyncSample) {
+ *pIsSyncSample = IsSyncSample(sampleId);
+ log.verbose3f("\"%s\": ReadSample: isSyncSample %u",
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(), *pIsSyncSample);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception* x) {
+ if( bufferMalloc ) {
+ MP4Free( *ppBytes );
+ *ppBytes = NULL;
+ }
+ if( m_File.IsWriteMode() )
+ m_File.SetPosition( oldPos, fin );
+ throw x;
+ }
+ if( m_File.IsWriteMode() )
+ m_File.SetPosition( oldPos, fin );
+void MP4Track::ReadSampleFragment(
+ MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ uint32_t sampleOffset,
+ uint16_t sampleLength,
+ uint8_t* pDest)
+ if (sampleId == MP4_INVALID_SAMPLE_ID) {
+ throw new Exception("invalid sample id",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ if (sampleId != m_cachedReadSampleId) {
+ MP4Free(m_pCachedReadSample);
+ m_pCachedReadSample = NULL;
+ m_cachedReadSampleSize = 0;
+ m_cachedReadSampleId = MP4_INVALID_SAMPLE_ID;
+ ReadSample(
+ sampleId,
+ &m_pCachedReadSample,
+ &m_cachedReadSampleSize);
+ m_cachedReadSampleId = sampleId;
+ }
+ if (sampleOffset + sampleLength > m_cachedReadSampleSize) {
+ throw new Exception("offset and/or length are too large",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ memcpy(pDest, &m_pCachedReadSample[sampleOffset], sampleLength);
+void MP4Track::WriteSample(
+ const uint8_t* pBytes,
+ uint32_t numBytes,
+ MP4Duration duration,
+ MP4Duration renderingOffset,
+ bool isSyncSample )
+ uint8_t curMode = 0;
+ log.verbose3f("\"%s\": WriteSample: track %u id %u size %u (0x%x) ",
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_trackId, m_writeSampleId, numBytes, numBytes);
+ if (pBytes == NULL && numBytes > 0) {
+ throw new Exception("no sample data", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ if (m_isAmr == AMR_UNINITIALIZED ) {
+ // figure out if this is an AMR audio track
+ if (m_trakAtom.FindAtom("trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.samr") ||
+ m_trakAtom.FindAtom("trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.sawb")) {
+ m_isAmr = AMR_TRUE;
+ m_curMode = (pBytes[0] >> 3) & 0x000F;
+ } else {
+ m_isAmr = AMR_FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_isAmr == AMR_TRUE) {
+ curMode = (pBytes[0] >> 3) &0x000F; // The mode is in the first byte
+ }
+ if (duration == MP4_INVALID_DURATION) {
+ duration = GetFixedSampleDuration();
+ }
+ log.verbose3f("\"%s\": duration %" PRIu64, GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ duration);
+ if ((m_isAmr == AMR_TRUE) &&
+ (m_curMode != curMode)) {
+ WriteChunkBuffer();
+ m_curMode = curMode;
+ }
+ // append sample bytes to chunk buffer
+ if( m_sizeOfDataInChunkBuffer + numBytes > m_chunkBufferSize ) {
+ m_pChunkBuffer = (uint8_t*)MP4Realloc(m_pChunkBuffer, m_chunkBufferSize + numBytes);
+ if (m_pChunkBuffer == NULL)
+ return;
+ m_chunkBufferSize += numBytes;
+ }
+ memcpy(&m_pChunkBuffer[m_sizeOfDataInChunkBuffer], pBytes, numBytes);
+ m_sizeOfDataInChunkBuffer += numBytes;
+ m_chunkSamples++;
+ m_chunkDuration += duration;
+ UpdateSampleSizes(m_writeSampleId, numBytes);
+ UpdateSampleTimes(duration);
+ UpdateRenderingOffsets(m_writeSampleId, renderingOffset);
+ UpdateSyncSamples(m_writeSampleId, isSyncSample);
+ if (IsChunkFull(m_writeSampleId)) {
+ WriteChunkBuffer();
+ m_curMode = curMode;
+ }
+ UpdateDurations(duration);
+ UpdateModificationTimes();
+ m_writeSampleId++;
+void MP4Track::WriteSampleDependency(
+ const uint8_t* pBytes,
+ uint32_t numBytes,
+ MP4Duration duration,
+ MP4Duration renderingOffset,
+ bool isSyncSample,
+ uint32_t dependencyFlags )
+ m_sdtpLog.push_back( dependencyFlags ); // record dependency flags for processing at finish
+ WriteSample( pBytes, numBytes, duration, renderingOffset, isSyncSample );
+void MP4Track::WriteChunkBuffer()
+ if (m_sizeOfDataInChunkBuffer == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint64_t chunkOffset = m_File.GetPosition();
+ // write chunk buffer
+ m_File.WriteBytes(m_pChunkBuffer, m_sizeOfDataInChunkBuffer);
+ log.verbose3f("\"%s\": WriteChunk: track %u offset 0x%" PRIx64 " size %u (0x%x) numSamples %u",
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_trackId, chunkOffset, m_sizeOfDataInChunkBuffer,
+ m_sizeOfDataInChunkBuffer, m_chunkSamples);
+ UpdateSampleToChunk(m_writeSampleId,
+ m_pChunkCountProperty->GetValue() + 1,
+ m_chunkSamples);
+ UpdateChunkOffsets(chunkOffset);
+ // note: we do not free our chunk buffer; we reuse it, expanding as needed.
+ // It gets zapped when this class goes out of scope
+ m_sizeOfDataInChunkBuffer = 0;
+ m_chunkSamples = 0;
+ m_chunkDuration = 0;
+void MP4Track::FinishWrite(uint32_t options)
+ FinishSdtp();
+ // write out any remaining samples in chunk buffer
+ WriteChunkBuffer();
+ if (m_pStszFixedSampleSizeProperty == NULL &&
+ m_stsz_sample_bits == 4) {
+ if (m_have_stz2_4bit_sample) {
+ ((MP4Integer8Property *)m_pStszSampleSizeProperty)->AddValue(m_stz2_4bit_sample_value);
+ m_pStszSampleSizeProperty->IncrementValue();
+ }
+ }
+ // record buffer size and bitrates
+ MP4BitfieldProperty* pBufferSizeProperty;
+ if (m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*.esds.decConfigDescr.bufferSizeDB",
+ (MP4Property**)&pBufferSizeProperty)) {
+ pBufferSizeProperty->SetValue(GetMaxSampleSize());
+ }
+ // don't overwrite bitrate if it was requested in the Close call
+ if( !(options & MP4_CLOSE_DO_NOT_COMPUTE_BITRATE)) {
+ MP4Integer32Property* pBitrateProperty;
+ if (m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*.esds.decConfigDescr.maxBitrate",
+ (MP4Property**)&pBitrateProperty)) {
+ pBitrateProperty->SetValue(GetMaxBitrate());
+ }
+ if (m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*.esds.decConfigDescr.avgBitrate",
+ (MP4Property**)&pBitrateProperty)) {
+ pBitrateProperty->SetValue(GetAvgBitrate());
+ }
+ }
+ // cleaup trak.udta
+ MP4BytesProperty* nameProperty = NULL;
+ m_trakAtom.FindProperty("", (MP4Property**) &nameProperty);
+ if( nameProperty != NULL && nameProperty->GetValueSize() == 0 ){
+ // Zero length name value--delete name, and then udta if no child atoms
+ MP4Atom* name = m_trakAtom.FindChildAtom("");
+ if( name ) {
+ MP4Atom* udta = name->GetParentAtom();
+ udta->DeleteChildAtom( name );
+ delete name;
+ if( udta->GetNumberOfChildAtoms() == 0 ) {
+ udta->GetParentAtom()->DeleteChildAtom( udta );
+ delete udta;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Process sdtp log and add sdtp atom.
+// Testing (subjective) showed a marked improvement with QuickTime
+// player on Mac OS X when scrubbing. Best results were obtained
+// from encodings using low number of bframes. It's expected sdtp may help
+// other QT-based players.
+void MP4Track::FinishSdtp()
+ // bail if log is empty -- indicates dependency information was not written
+ if( m_sdtpLog.empty() )
+ return;
+ MP4SdtpAtom* sdtp = (MP4SdtpAtom*)m_trakAtom.FindAtom( "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.sdtp" );
+ if( !sdtp )
+ sdtp = (MP4SdtpAtom*)AddAtom( "trak.mdia.minf.stbl", "sdtp" );
+ sdtp->data.SetValue( (const uint8_t*), (uint32_t)m_sdtpLog.size() );
+ // add avc1 compatibility indicator if not present
+ MP4FtypAtom* ftyp = (MP4FtypAtom*)m_File.FindAtom( "ftyp" );
+ if( ftyp ) {
+ bool found = false;
+ const uint32_t max = ftyp->compatibleBrands.GetCount();
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < max; i++ ) {
+ if( !strcmp( ftyp->compatibleBrands.GetValue( i ), "avc1" )) {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( !found )
+ ftyp->compatibleBrands.AddValue( "avc1" );
+ }
+bool MP4Track::IsChunkFull(MP4SampleId sampleId)
+ if (m_samplesPerChunk) {
+ return m_chunkSamples >= m_samplesPerChunk;
+ }
+ ASSERT(m_durationPerChunk);
+ return m_chunkDuration >= m_durationPerChunk;
+uint32_t MP4Track::GetNumberOfSamples()
+ return m_pStszSampleCountProperty->GetValue();
+uint32_t MP4Track::GetSampleSize(MP4SampleId sampleId)
+ if (m_pStszFixedSampleSizeProperty != NULL) {
+ uint32_t fixedSampleSize =
+ m_pStszFixedSampleSizeProperty->GetValue();
+ if (fixedSampleSize != 0) {
+ return fixedSampleSize * m_bytesPerSample;
+ }
+ }
+ // will have to check for 4 bit sample size here
+ if (m_stsz_sample_bits == 4) {
+ uint8_t value = m_pStszSampleSizeProperty->GetValue((sampleId - 1) / 2);
+ if ((sampleId - 1) / 2 == 0) {
+ value >>= 4;
+ } else value &= 0xf;
+ return m_bytesPerSample * value;
+ }
+ return m_bytesPerSample *
+ m_pStszSampleSizeProperty->GetValue(sampleId - 1);
+uint32_t MP4Track::GetMaxSampleSize()
+ if (m_pStszFixedSampleSizeProperty != NULL) {
+ uint32_t fixedSampleSize =
+ m_pStszFixedSampleSizeProperty->GetValue();
+ if (fixedSampleSize != 0) {
+ return fixedSampleSize * m_bytesPerSample;
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t maxSampleSize = 0;
+ uint32_t numSamples = m_pStszSampleSizeProperty->GetCount();
+ for (MP4SampleId sid = 1; sid <= numSamples; sid++) {
+ uint32_t sampleSize =
+ m_pStszSampleSizeProperty->GetValue(sid - 1);
+ if (sampleSize > maxSampleSize) {
+ maxSampleSize = sampleSize;
+ }
+ }
+ return maxSampleSize * m_bytesPerSample;
+uint64_t MP4Track::GetTotalOfSampleSizes()
+ uint64_t retval;
+ if (m_pStszFixedSampleSizeProperty != NULL) {
+ uint32_t fixedSampleSize =
+ m_pStszFixedSampleSizeProperty->GetValue();
+ // if fixed sample size, just need to multiply by number of samples
+ if (fixedSampleSize != 0) {
+ retval = m_bytesPerSample;
+ retval *= fixedSampleSize;
+ retval *= GetNumberOfSamples();
+ return retval;
+ }
+ }
+ // else non-fixed sample size, sum them
+ uint64_t totalSampleSizes = 0;
+ uint32_t numSamples = m_pStszSampleSizeProperty->GetCount();
+ for (MP4SampleId sid = 1; sid <= numSamples; sid++) {
+ uint32_t sampleSize =
+ m_pStszSampleSizeProperty->GetValue(sid - 1);
+ totalSampleSizes += sampleSize;
+ }
+ return totalSampleSizes * m_bytesPerSample;
+void MP4Track::SampleSizePropertyAddValue (uint32_t size)
+ // this has to deal with different sample size values
+ switch (m_pStszSampleSizeProperty->GetType()) {
+ case Integer32Property:
+ ((MP4Integer32Property *)m_pStszSampleSizeProperty)->AddValue(size);
+ break;
+ case Integer16Property:
+ ((MP4Integer16Property *)m_pStszSampleSizeProperty)->AddValue(size);
+ break;
+ case Integer8Property:
+ if (m_stsz_sample_bits == 4) {
+ if (m_have_stz2_4bit_sample == false) {
+ m_have_stz2_4bit_sample = true;
+ m_stz2_4bit_sample_value = size << 4;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ m_have_stz2_4bit_sample = false;
+ size &= 0xf;
+ size |= m_stz2_4bit_sample_value;
+ }
+ }
+ ((MP4Integer8Property *)m_pStszSampleSizeProperty)->AddValue(size);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ // m_pStszSampleSizeProperty->IncrementValue();
+void MP4Track::UpdateSampleSizes(MP4SampleId sampleId, uint32_t numBytes)
+ if (m_bytesPerSample > 1) {
+ if ((numBytes % m_bytesPerSample) != 0) {
+ // error
+ log.errorf("%s: \"%s\": numBytes %u not divisible by bytesPerSample %u sampleId %u",
+ __FUNCTION__, GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ numBytes, m_bytesPerSample, sampleId);
+ }
+ numBytes /= m_bytesPerSample;
+ }
+ // for first sample
+ // wmay - if we are adding, we want to make sure that
+ // we don't inadvertently set up the fixed size again.
+ // so, we check the number of samples
+ if (sampleId == 1 && GetNumberOfSamples() == 0) {
+ if (m_pStszFixedSampleSizeProperty == NULL ||
+ numBytes == 0) {
+ // special case of first sample is zero bytes in length
+ // leave m_pStszFixedSampleSizeProperty at 0
+ // start recording variable sample sizes
+ if (m_pStszFixedSampleSizeProperty != NULL)
+ m_pStszFixedSampleSizeProperty->SetValue(0);
+ SampleSizePropertyAddValue(0);
+ } else {
+ // presume sample size is fixed
+ m_pStszFixedSampleSizeProperty->SetValue(numBytes);
+ }
+ } else { // sampleId > 1
+ uint32_t fixedSampleSize = 0;
+ if (m_pStszFixedSampleSizeProperty != NULL) {
+ fixedSampleSize = m_pStszFixedSampleSizeProperty->GetValue();
+ }
+ // if we don't have a fixed size, or the current sample size
+ // doesn't match our sample size, we need to write the current
+ // sample size into the table
+ if (fixedSampleSize == 0 || numBytes != fixedSampleSize) {
+ if (fixedSampleSize != 0) {
+ // fixed size was set; we need to clear fixed sample size
+ m_pStszFixedSampleSizeProperty->SetValue(0);
+ // and create sizes for all previous samples
+ // use GetNumberOfSamples due to needing the total number
+ // not just the appended part of the file
+ uint32_t samples = GetNumberOfSamples();
+ for (MP4SampleId sid = 1; sid <= samples; sid++) {
+ SampleSizePropertyAddValue(fixedSampleSize);
+ }
+ }
+ // add size value for this sample
+ SampleSizePropertyAddValue(numBytes);
+ }
+ }
+ // either way, we increment the number of samples.
+ m_pStszSampleCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+uint32_t MP4Track::GetAvgBitrate()
+ if (GetDuration() == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ double calc = double(GetTotalOfSampleSizes());
+ // this is a bit better - we use the whole duration
+ calc *= 8.0;
+ calc *= GetTimeScale();
+ calc /= double(GetDuration());
+ // we might want to think about rounding to the next 100 or 1000
+ return (uint32_t) ceil(calc);
+uint32_t MP4Track::GetMaxBitrate()
+ uint32_t timeScale = GetTimeScale();
+ MP4SampleId numSamples = GetNumberOfSamples();
+ uint32_t maxBytesPerSec = 0;
+ uint32_t bytesThisSec = 0;
+ MP4Timestamp thisSecStart = 0;
+ MP4Timestamp lastSampleTime = 0;
+ uint32_t lastSampleSize = 0;
+ MP4SampleId thisSecStartSid = 1;
+ for (MP4SampleId sid = 1; sid <= numSamples; sid++) {
+ uint32_t sampleSize;
+ MP4Timestamp sampleTime;
+ sampleSize = GetSampleSize(sid);
+ GetSampleTimes(sid, &sampleTime, NULL);
+ if (sampleTime < thisSecStart + timeScale) {
+ bytesThisSec += sampleSize;
+ lastSampleSize = sampleSize;
+ lastSampleTime = sampleTime;
+ } else {
+ // we've already written the last sample and sampleSize.
+ // this means that we've probably overflowed the last second
+ // calculate the time we've overflowed
+ MP4Duration overflow_dur =
+ (thisSecStart + timeScale) - lastSampleTime;
+ // calculate the duration of the last sample
+ MP4Duration lastSampleDur = sampleTime - lastSampleTime;
+ // now, calculate the number of bytes we overflowed. Round up.
+ if( lastSampleDur > 0 ) {
+ uint32_t overflow_bytes = 0;
+ overflow_bytes = ((lastSampleSize * overflow_dur) + (lastSampleDur - 1)) / lastSampleDur;
+ if (bytesThisSec - overflow_bytes > maxBytesPerSec) {
+ maxBytesPerSec = bytesThisSec - overflow_bytes;
+ }
+ }
+ // now adjust the values for this sample. Remove the bytes
+ // from the first sample in this time frame
+ lastSampleTime = sampleTime;
+ lastSampleSize = sampleSize;
+ bytesThisSec += sampleSize;
+ bytesThisSec -= GetSampleSize(thisSecStartSid);
+ thisSecStartSid++;
+ GetSampleTimes(thisSecStartSid, &thisSecStart, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ return maxBytesPerSec * 8;
+uint32_t MP4Track::GetSampleStscIndex(MP4SampleId sampleId)
+ uint32_t stscIndex;
+ uint32_t numStscs = m_pStscCountProperty->GetValue();
+ if (numStscs == 0) {
+ throw new Exception("No data chunks exist", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ for (stscIndex = 0; stscIndex < numStscs; stscIndex++) {
+ if (sampleId < m_pStscFirstSampleProperty->GetValue(stscIndex)) {
+ ASSERT(stscIndex != 0);
+ stscIndex -= 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (stscIndex == numStscs) {
+ ASSERT(stscIndex != 0);
+ stscIndex -= 1;
+ }
+ return stscIndex;
+File* MP4Track::GetSampleFile( MP4SampleId sampleId )
+ uint32_t stscIndex = GetSampleStscIndex( sampleId );
+ uint32_t stsdIndex = m_pStscSampleDescrIndexProperty->GetValue( stscIndex );
+ // check if the answer will be the same as last time
+ if( m_lastStsdIndex && stsdIndex == m_lastStsdIndex )
+ return m_lastSampleFile;
+ MP4Atom* pStsdAtom = m_trakAtom.FindAtom( "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd" );
+ ASSERT( pStsdAtom );
+ MP4Atom* pStsdEntryAtom = pStsdAtom->GetChildAtom( stsdIndex - 1 );
+ ASSERT( pStsdEntryAtom );
+ MP4Integer16Property* pDrefIndexProperty = NULL;
+ if( !pStsdEntryAtom->FindProperty( "*.dataReferenceIndex", (MP4Property**)&pDrefIndexProperty ) ||
+ pDrefIndexProperty == NULL )
+ {
+ throw new Exception( "invalid stsd entry", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ uint32_t drefIndex = pDrefIndexProperty->GetValue();
+ MP4Atom* pDrefAtom = m_trakAtom.FindAtom( "trak.mdia.minf.dinf.dref" );
+ ASSERT(pDrefAtom);
+ MP4Atom* pUrlAtom = pDrefAtom->GetChildAtom( drefIndex - 1 );
+ ASSERT( pUrlAtom );
+ File* file;
+ // make sure this is actually a url atom (somtimes it's "cios", like in iTunes videos)
+ if( strcmp(pUrlAtom->GetType(), "url ") ||
+ pUrlAtom->GetFlags() & 1 ) {
+ file = NULL; // self-contained
+ }
+ else {
+ MP4StringProperty* pLocationProperty = NULL;
+ ASSERT( pUrlAtom->FindProperty( "*.location", (MP4Property**)&pLocationProperty) );
+ ASSERT( pLocationProperty );
+ const char* url = pLocationProperty->GetValue();
+ log.verbose3f("\"%s\": dref url = %s", GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ url);
+ file = (File*)-1;
+ // attempt to open url if it's a file url
+ // currently this is the only thing we understand
+ if( !strncmp( url, "file:", 5 )) {
+ const char* fileName = url + 5;
+ if( !strncmp(fileName, "//", 2 ))
+ fileName = strchr( fileName + 2, '/' );
+ if( fileName ) {
+ file = new File( fileName, File::MODE_READ );
+ if( !file->open() ) {
+ delete file;
+ file = (File*)-1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( m_lastSampleFile )
+ m_lastSampleFile->close();
+ // cache the answer
+ m_lastStsdIndex = stsdIndex;
+ m_lastSampleFile = file;
+ return file;
+uint64_t MP4Track::GetSampleFileOffset(MP4SampleId sampleId)
+ uint32_t stscIndex =
+ GetSampleStscIndex(sampleId);
+ // firstChunk is the chunk index of the first chunk with
+ // samplesPerChunk samples in the chunk. There may be multiples -
+ // ie: several chunks with the same number of samples per chunk.
+ uint32_t firstChunk =
+ m_pStscFirstChunkProperty->GetValue(stscIndex);
+ MP4SampleId firstSample =
+ m_pStscFirstSampleProperty->GetValue(stscIndex);
+ uint32_t samplesPerChunk =
+ m_pStscSamplesPerChunkProperty->GetValue(stscIndex);
+ // chunkId tells which is the absolute chunk number that this sample
+ // is stored in.
+ MP4ChunkId chunkId = firstChunk +
+ ((sampleId - firstSample) / samplesPerChunk);
+ // chunkOffset is the file offset (absolute) for the start of the chunk
+ uint64_t chunkOffset = m_pChunkOffsetProperty->GetValue(chunkId - 1);
+ MP4SampleId firstSampleInChunk =
+ sampleId - ((sampleId - firstSample) % samplesPerChunk);
+ // need cumulative samples sizes from firstSample to sampleId - 1
+ uint32_t sampleOffset = 0;
+ for (MP4SampleId i = firstSampleInChunk; i < sampleId; i++) {
+ sampleOffset += GetSampleSize(i);
+ }
+ return chunkOffset + sampleOffset;
+void MP4Track::UpdateSampleToChunk(MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ MP4ChunkId chunkId, uint32_t samplesPerChunk)
+ uint32_t numStsc = m_pStscCountProperty->GetValue();
+ // if samplesPerChunk == samplesPerChunk of last entry
+ if (numStsc && samplesPerChunk ==
+ m_pStscSamplesPerChunkProperty->GetValue(numStsc-1)) {
+ // nothing to do
+ } else {
+ // add stsc entry
+ m_pStscFirstChunkProperty->AddValue(chunkId);
+ m_pStscSamplesPerChunkProperty->AddValue(samplesPerChunk);
+ m_pStscSampleDescrIndexProperty->AddValue(1);
+ m_pStscFirstSampleProperty->AddValue(sampleId - samplesPerChunk + 1);
+ m_pStscCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+ }
+void MP4Track::UpdateChunkOffsets(uint64_t chunkOffset)
+ if (m_pChunkOffsetProperty->GetType() == Integer32Property) {
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pChunkOffsetProperty)->AddValue(chunkOffset);
+ } else {
+ ((MP4Integer64Property*)m_pChunkOffsetProperty)->AddValue(chunkOffset);
+ }
+ m_pChunkCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+MP4Duration MP4Track::GetFixedSampleDuration()
+ uint32_t numStts = m_pSttsCountProperty->GetValue();
+ if (numStts == 0) {
+ return m_fixedSampleDuration;
+ }
+ if (numStts != 1) {
+ return MP4_INVALID_DURATION; // sample duration is not fixed
+ }
+ return m_pSttsSampleDeltaProperty->GetValue(0);
+void MP4Track::SetFixedSampleDuration(MP4Duration duration)
+ uint32_t numStts = m_pSttsCountProperty->GetValue();
+ // setting this is only allowed before samples have been written
+ if (numStts != 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ m_fixedSampleDuration = duration;
+ return;
+void MP4Track::GetSampleTimes(MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ MP4Timestamp* pStartTime, MP4Duration* pDuration)
+ uint32_t numStts = m_pSttsCountProperty->GetValue();
+ MP4SampleId sid;
+ MP4Duration elapsed;
+ if (m_cachedSttsSid != MP4_INVALID_SAMPLE_ID && sampleId >= m_cachedSttsSid) {
+ sid = m_cachedSttsSid;
+ elapsed = m_cachedSttsElapsed;
+ } else {
+ m_cachedSttsIndex = 0;
+ sid = 1;
+ elapsed = 0;
+ }
+ for (uint32_t sttsIndex = m_cachedSttsIndex; sttsIndex < numStts; sttsIndex++) {
+ uint32_t sampleCount =
+ m_pSttsSampleCountProperty->GetValue(sttsIndex);
+ uint32_t sampleDelta =
+ m_pSttsSampleDeltaProperty->GetValue(sttsIndex);
+ if (sampleId <= sid + sampleCount - 1) {
+ if (pStartTime) {
+ *pStartTime = (sampleId - sid);
+ *pStartTime *= sampleDelta;
+ *pStartTime += elapsed;
+ }
+ if (pDuration) {
+ *pDuration = sampleDelta;
+ }
+ m_cachedSttsIndex = sttsIndex;
+ m_cachedSttsSid = sid;
+ m_cachedSttsElapsed = elapsed;
+ return;
+ }
+ sid += sampleCount;
+ elapsed += sampleCount * sampleDelta;
+ }
+ throw new Exception("sample id out of range",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+MP4SampleId MP4Track::GetSampleIdFromTime(
+ MP4Timestamp when,
+ bool wantSyncSample)
+ uint32_t numStts = m_pSttsCountProperty->GetValue();
+ MP4SampleId sid = 1;
+ MP4Duration elapsed = 0;
+ for (uint32_t sttsIndex = 0; sttsIndex < numStts; sttsIndex++) {
+ uint32_t sampleCount =
+ m_pSttsSampleCountProperty->GetValue(sttsIndex);
+ uint32_t sampleDelta =
+ m_pSttsSampleDeltaProperty->GetValue(sttsIndex);
+ if (sampleDelta == 0 && sttsIndex < numStts - 1) {
+ log.warningf("%s: \"%s\": Zero sample duration, stts entry %u",
+ __FUNCTION__, GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(), sttsIndex);
+ }
+ MP4Duration d = when - elapsed;
+ if (d <= sampleCount * sampleDelta) {
+ MP4SampleId sampleId = sid;
+ if (sampleDelta) {
+ sampleId += (d / sampleDelta);
+ }
+ if (wantSyncSample) {
+ return GetNextSyncSample(sampleId);
+ }
+ return sampleId;
+ }
+ sid += sampleCount;
+ elapsed += sampleCount * sampleDelta;
+ }
+ throw new Exception("time out of range",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ return 0; // satisfy MS compiler
+void MP4Track::UpdateSampleTimes(MP4Duration duration)
+ uint32_t numStts = m_pSttsCountProperty->GetValue();
+ // if duration == duration of last entry
+ if (numStts
+ && duration == m_pSttsSampleDeltaProperty->GetValue(numStts-1)) {
+ // increment last entry sampleCount
+ m_pSttsSampleCountProperty->IncrementValue(1, numStts-1);
+ } else {
+ // add stts entry, sampleCount = 1, sampleDuration = duration
+ m_pSttsSampleCountProperty->AddValue(1);
+ m_pSttsSampleDeltaProperty->AddValue(duration);
+ m_pSttsCountProperty->IncrementValue();;
+ }
+uint32_t MP4Track::GetSampleCttsIndex(MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ MP4SampleId* pFirstSampleId)
+ uint32_t numCtts = m_pCttsCountProperty->GetValue();
+ MP4SampleId sid;
+ if (m_cachedCttsSid != MP4_INVALID_SAMPLE_ID && sampleId >= m_cachedCttsSid) {
+ sid = m_cachedCttsSid;
+ } else {
+ m_cachedCttsIndex = 0;
+ sid = 1;
+ }
+ for (uint32_t cttsIndex = m_cachedCttsIndex; cttsIndex < numCtts; cttsIndex++) {
+ uint32_t sampleCount =
+ m_pCttsSampleCountProperty->GetValue(cttsIndex);
+ if (sampleId <= sid + sampleCount - 1) {
+ if (pFirstSampleId) {
+ *pFirstSampleId = sid;
+ }
+ m_cachedCttsIndex = cttsIndex;
+ m_cachedCttsSid = sid;
+ return cttsIndex;
+ }
+ sid += sampleCount;
+ }
+ throw new Exception("sample id out of range",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ return 0; // satisfy MS compiler
+MP4Duration MP4Track::GetSampleRenderingOffset(MP4SampleId sampleId)
+ if (m_pCttsCountProperty == NULL) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (m_pCttsCountProperty->GetValue() == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ uint32_t cttsIndex = GetSampleCttsIndex(sampleId);
+ return m_pCttsSampleOffsetProperty->GetValue(cttsIndex);
+void MP4Track::UpdateRenderingOffsets(MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ MP4Duration renderingOffset)
+ // if ctts atom doesn't exist
+ if (m_pCttsCountProperty == NULL) {
+ // no rendering offset, so nothing to do
+ if (renderingOffset == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // else create a ctts atom
+ MP4Atom* pCttsAtom = AddAtom("trak.mdia.minf.stbl", "ctts");
+ // and get handles on the properties
+ ASSERT(pCttsAtom->FindProperty(
+ "ctts.entryCount",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pCttsCountProperty));
+ ASSERT(pCttsAtom->FindProperty(
+ "ctts.entries.sampleCount",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pCttsSampleCountProperty));
+ ASSERT(pCttsAtom->FindProperty(
+ "ctts.entries.sampleOffset",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pCttsSampleOffsetProperty));
+ // if this is not the first sample
+ if (sampleId > 1) {
+ // add a ctts entry for all previous samples
+ // with rendering offset equal to zero
+ m_pCttsSampleCountProperty->AddValue(sampleId - 1);
+ m_pCttsSampleOffsetProperty->AddValue(0);
+ m_pCttsCountProperty->IncrementValue();;
+ }
+ }
+ // ctts atom exists (now)
+ uint32_t numCtts = m_pCttsCountProperty->GetValue();
+ // if renderingOffset == renderingOffset of last entry
+ if (numCtts && renderingOffset
+ == m_pCttsSampleOffsetProperty->GetValue(numCtts-1)) {
+ // increment last entry sampleCount
+ m_pCttsSampleCountProperty->IncrementValue(1, numCtts-1);
+ } else {
+ // add ctts entry, sampleCount = 1, sampleOffset = renderingOffset
+ m_pCttsSampleCountProperty->AddValue(1);
+ m_pCttsSampleOffsetProperty->AddValue(renderingOffset);
+ m_pCttsCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+ }
+void MP4Track::SetSampleRenderingOffset(MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ MP4Duration renderingOffset)
+ // check if any ctts entries exist
+ if (m_pCttsCountProperty == NULL
+ || m_pCttsCountProperty->GetValue() == 0) {
+ // if not then Update routine can be used
+ // to create a ctts entry for samples before this one
+ // and a ctts entry for this sample
+ UpdateRenderingOffsets(sampleId, renderingOffset);
+ // but we also need a ctts entry
+ // for all samples after this one
+ uint32_t afterSamples = GetNumberOfSamples() - sampleId;
+ if (afterSamples) {
+ m_pCttsSampleCountProperty->AddValue(afterSamples);
+ m_pCttsSampleOffsetProperty->AddValue(0);
+ m_pCttsCountProperty->IncrementValue();;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ MP4SampleId firstSampleId;
+ uint32_t cttsIndex = GetSampleCttsIndex(sampleId, &firstSampleId);
+ // do nothing in the degenerate case
+ if (renderingOffset ==
+ m_pCttsSampleOffsetProperty->GetValue(cttsIndex)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32_t sampleCount =
+ m_pCttsSampleCountProperty->GetValue(cttsIndex);
+ // if this sample has it's own ctts entry
+ if (sampleCount == 1) {
+ // then just set the value,
+ // note we don't attempt to collapse entries
+ m_pCttsSampleOffsetProperty->SetValue(renderingOffset, cttsIndex);
+ return;
+ }
+ MP4SampleId lastSampleId = firstSampleId + sampleCount - 1;
+ // else we share this entry with other samples
+ // we need to insert our own entry
+ if (sampleId == firstSampleId) {
+ // our sample is the first one
+ m_pCttsSampleCountProperty->
+ InsertValue(1, cttsIndex);
+ m_pCttsSampleOffsetProperty->
+ InsertValue(renderingOffset, cttsIndex);
+ m_pCttsSampleCountProperty->
+ SetValue(sampleCount - 1, cttsIndex + 1);
+ m_pCttsCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+ } else if (sampleId == lastSampleId) {
+ // our sample is the last one
+ m_pCttsSampleCountProperty->
+ InsertValue(1, cttsIndex + 1);
+ m_pCttsSampleOffsetProperty->
+ InsertValue(renderingOffset, cttsIndex + 1);
+ m_pCttsSampleCountProperty->
+ SetValue(sampleCount - 1, cttsIndex);
+ m_pCttsCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+ } else {
+ // our sample is in the middle, UGH!
+ // insert our new entry
+ m_pCttsSampleCountProperty->
+ InsertValue(1, cttsIndex + 1);
+ m_pCttsSampleOffsetProperty->
+ InsertValue(renderingOffset, cttsIndex + 1);
+ // adjust count of previous entry
+ m_pCttsSampleCountProperty->
+ SetValue(sampleId - firstSampleId, cttsIndex);
+ // insert new entry for those samples beyond our sample
+ m_pCttsSampleCountProperty->
+ InsertValue(lastSampleId - sampleId, cttsIndex + 2);
+ uint32_t oldRenderingOffset =
+ m_pCttsSampleOffsetProperty->GetValue(cttsIndex);
+ m_pCttsSampleOffsetProperty->
+ InsertValue(oldRenderingOffset, cttsIndex + 2);
+ m_pCttsCountProperty->IncrementValue(2);
+ }
+bool MP4Track::IsSyncSample(MP4SampleId sampleId)
+ if (m_pStssCountProperty == NULL) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ uint32_t numStss = m_pStssCountProperty->GetValue();
+ uint32_t stssLIndex = 0;
+ uint32_t stssRIndex = numStss - 1;
+ while (stssRIndex >= stssLIndex) {
+ uint32_t stssIndex = (stssRIndex + stssLIndex) >> 1;
+ MP4SampleId syncSampleId =
+ m_pStssSampleProperty->GetValue(stssIndex);
+ if (sampleId == syncSampleId) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (sampleId > syncSampleId) {
+ stssLIndex = stssIndex + 1;
+ } else {
+ stssRIndex = stssIndex - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+// N.B. "next" is inclusive of this sample id
+MP4SampleId MP4Track::GetNextSyncSample(MP4SampleId sampleId)
+ if (m_pStssCountProperty == NULL) {
+ return sampleId;
+ }
+ uint32_t numStss = m_pStssCountProperty->GetValue();
+ for (uint32_t stssIndex = 0; stssIndex < numStss; stssIndex++) {
+ MP4SampleId syncSampleId =
+ m_pStssSampleProperty->GetValue(stssIndex);
+ if (sampleId > syncSampleId) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ return syncSampleId;
+ }
+ // LATER check stsh for alternate sample
+void MP4Track::UpdateSyncSamples(MP4SampleId sampleId, bool isSyncSample)
+ if (isSyncSample) {
+ // if stss atom exists, add entry
+ if (m_pStssCountProperty) {
+ m_pStssSampleProperty->AddValue(sampleId);
+ m_pStssCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+ } // else nothing to do (yet)
+ } else { // !isSyncSample
+ // if stss atom doesn't exist, create one
+ if (m_pStssCountProperty == NULL) {
+ MP4Atom* pStssAtom = AddAtom("trak.mdia.minf.stbl", "stss");
+ ASSERT(pStssAtom->FindProperty(
+ "stss.entryCount",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pStssCountProperty));
+ ASSERT(pStssAtom->FindProperty(
+ "stss.entries.sampleNumber",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pStssSampleProperty));
+ // set values for all samples that came before this one
+ uint32_t samples = GetNumberOfSamples();
+ for (MP4SampleId sid = 1; sid < samples; sid++) {
+ m_pStssSampleProperty->AddValue(sid);
+ m_pStssCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+ }
+ } // else nothing to do
+ }
+MP4Atom* MP4Track::AddAtom(const char* parentName, const char* childName)
+ MP4Atom* pParentAtom = m_trakAtom.FindAtom(parentName);
+ ASSERT(pParentAtom);
+ MP4Atom* pChildAtom = MP4Atom::CreateAtom(m_File, pParentAtom, childName);
+ pParentAtom->AddChildAtom(pChildAtom);
+ pChildAtom->Generate();
+ return pChildAtom;
+uint64_t MP4Track::GetDuration()
+ return m_pMediaDurationProperty->GetValue();
+uint32_t MP4Track::GetTimeScale()
+ return m_pTimeScaleProperty->GetValue();
+void MP4Track::UpdateDurations(MP4Duration duration)
+ // update media, track, and movie durations
+ m_pMediaDurationProperty->SetValue(
+ m_pMediaDurationProperty->GetValue() + duration);
+ MP4Duration movieDuration = ToMovieDuration(
+ m_pMediaDurationProperty->GetValue());
+ m_pTrackDurationProperty->SetValue(movieDuration);
+ m_File.UpdateDuration(m_pTrackDurationProperty->GetValue());
+MP4Duration MP4Track::ToMovieDuration(MP4Duration trackDuration)
+ return (trackDuration * m_File.GetTimeScale())
+ / m_pTimeScaleProperty->GetValue();
+void MP4Track::UpdateModificationTimes()
+ // update media and track modification times
+ MP4Timestamp now = MP4GetAbsTimestamp();
+ m_pMediaModificationProperty->SetValue(now);
+ m_pTrackModificationProperty->SetValue(now);
+uint32_t MP4Track::GetNumberOfChunks()
+ return m_pChunkOffsetProperty->GetCount();
+uint32_t MP4Track::GetChunkStscIndex(MP4ChunkId chunkId)
+ uint32_t stscIndex;
+ uint32_t numStscs = m_pStscCountProperty->GetValue();
+ ASSERT(chunkId);
+ ASSERT(numStscs > 0);
+ for (stscIndex = 0; stscIndex < numStscs; stscIndex++) {
+ if (chunkId < m_pStscFirstChunkProperty->GetValue(stscIndex)) {
+ ASSERT(stscIndex != 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return stscIndex - 1;
+MP4Timestamp MP4Track::GetChunkTime(MP4ChunkId chunkId)
+ uint32_t stscIndex = GetChunkStscIndex(chunkId);
+ MP4ChunkId firstChunkId =
+ m_pStscFirstChunkProperty->GetValue(stscIndex);
+ MP4SampleId firstSample =
+ m_pStscFirstSampleProperty->GetValue(stscIndex);
+ uint32_t samplesPerChunk =
+ m_pStscSamplesPerChunkProperty->GetValue(stscIndex);
+ MP4SampleId firstSampleInChunk =
+ firstSample + ((chunkId - firstChunkId) * samplesPerChunk);
+ MP4Timestamp chunkTime;
+ GetSampleTimes(firstSampleInChunk, &chunkTime, NULL);
+ return chunkTime;
+uint32_t MP4Track::GetChunkSize(MP4ChunkId chunkId)
+ uint32_t stscIndex = GetChunkStscIndex(chunkId);
+ MP4ChunkId firstChunkId =
+ m_pStscFirstChunkProperty->GetValue(stscIndex);
+ MP4SampleId firstSample =
+ m_pStscFirstSampleProperty->GetValue(stscIndex);
+ uint32_t samplesPerChunk =
+ m_pStscSamplesPerChunkProperty->GetValue(stscIndex);
+ MP4SampleId firstSampleInChunk =
+ firstSample + ((chunkId - firstChunkId) * samplesPerChunk);
+ // need cumulative sizes of samples in chunk
+ uint32_t chunkSize = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < samplesPerChunk; i++) {
+ chunkSize += GetSampleSize(firstSampleInChunk + i);
+ }
+ return chunkSize;
+void MP4Track::ReadChunk(MP4ChunkId chunkId,
+ uint8_t** ppChunk, uint32_t* pChunkSize)
+ ASSERT(chunkId);
+ ASSERT(ppChunk);
+ ASSERT(pChunkSize);
+ uint64_t chunkOffset =
+ m_pChunkOffsetProperty->GetValue(chunkId - 1);
+ *pChunkSize = GetChunkSize(chunkId);
+ *ppChunk = (uint8_t*)MP4Malloc(*pChunkSize);
+ log.verbose3f("\"%s\": ReadChunk: track %u id %u offset 0x%" PRIx64 " size %u (0x%x)",
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_trackId, chunkId, chunkOffset, *pChunkSize, *pChunkSize);
+ uint64_t oldPos = m_File.GetPosition(); // only used in mode == 'w'
+ try {
+ m_File.SetPosition( chunkOffset );
+ m_File.ReadBytes( *ppChunk, *pChunkSize );
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ MP4Free( *ppChunk );
+ *ppChunk = NULL;
+ if( m_File.IsWriteMode() )
+ m_File.SetPosition( oldPos );
+ throw x;
+ }
+ if( m_File.IsWriteMode() )
+ m_File.SetPosition( oldPos );
+void MP4Track::RewriteChunk(MP4ChunkId chunkId,
+ uint8_t* pChunk, uint32_t chunkSize)
+ uint64_t chunkOffset = m_File.GetPosition();
+ m_File.WriteBytes(pChunk, chunkSize);
+ m_pChunkOffsetProperty->SetValue(chunkOffset, chunkId - 1);
+ log.verbose3f("\"%s\": RewriteChunk: track %u id %u offset 0x%" PRIx64 " size %u (0x%x)",
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ m_trackId, chunkId, chunkOffset, chunkSize, chunkSize);
+// map track type name aliases to official names
+bool MP4Track::InitEditListProperties()
+ m_pElstCountProperty = NULL;
+ m_pElstMediaTimeProperty = NULL;
+ m_pElstDurationProperty = NULL;
+ m_pElstRateProperty = NULL;
+ m_pElstReservedProperty = NULL;
+ MP4Atom* pElstAtom =
+ m_trakAtom.FindAtom("trak.edts.elst");
+ if (!pElstAtom) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ (void)pElstAtom->FindProperty(
+ "elst.entryCount",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pElstCountProperty);
+ (void)pElstAtom->FindProperty(
+ "elst.entries.mediaTime",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pElstMediaTimeProperty);
+ (void)pElstAtom->FindProperty(
+ "elst.entries.segmentDuration",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pElstDurationProperty);
+ (void)pElstAtom->FindProperty(
+ "elst.entries.mediaRate",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pElstRateProperty);
+ (void)pElstAtom->FindProperty(
+ "elst.entries.reserved",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pElstReservedProperty);
+ return m_pElstCountProperty
+ && m_pElstMediaTimeProperty
+ && m_pElstDurationProperty
+ && m_pElstRateProperty
+ && m_pElstReservedProperty;
+MP4EditId MP4Track::AddEdit(MP4EditId editId)
+ if (!m_pElstCountProperty) {
+ (void)m_File.AddDescendantAtoms(&m_trakAtom, "edts.elst");
+ if (InitEditListProperties() == false) return MP4_INVALID_EDIT_ID;
+ }
+ if (editId == MP4_INVALID_EDIT_ID) {
+ editId = m_pElstCountProperty->GetValue() + 1;
+ }
+ m_pElstMediaTimeProperty->InsertValue(0, editId - 1);
+ m_pElstDurationProperty->InsertValue(0, editId - 1);
+ m_pElstRateProperty->InsertValue(1, editId - 1);
+ m_pElstReservedProperty->InsertValue(0, editId - 1);
+ m_pElstCountProperty->IncrementValue();
+ return editId;
+void MP4Track::DeleteEdit(MP4EditId editId)
+ if (editId == MP4_INVALID_EDIT_ID) {
+ throw new Exception("edit id can't be zero",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ if (!m_pElstCountProperty
+ || m_pElstCountProperty->GetValue() == 0) {
+ throw new Exception("no edits exist",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ m_pElstMediaTimeProperty->DeleteValue(editId - 1);
+ m_pElstDurationProperty->DeleteValue(editId - 1);
+ m_pElstRateProperty->DeleteValue(editId - 1);
+ m_pElstReservedProperty->DeleteValue(editId - 1);
+ m_pElstCountProperty->IncrementValue(-1);
+ // clean up if last edit is deleted
+ if (m_pElstCountProperty->GetValue() == 0) {
+ m_pElstCountProperty = NULL;
+ m_pElstMediaTimeProperty = NULL;
+ m_pElstDurationProperty = NULL;
+ m_pElstRateProperty = NULL;
+ m_pElstReservedProperty = NULL;
+ m_trakAtom.DeleteChildAtom(
+ m_trakAtom.FindAtom("trak.edts"));
+ }
+MP4Timestamp MP4Track::GetEditStart(
+ MP4EditId editId)
+ if (editId == MP4_INVALID_EDIT_ID) {
+ } else if (editId == 1) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return (MP4Timestamp)GetEditTotalDuration(editId - 1);
+MP4Duration MP4Track::GetEditTotalDuration(
+ MP4EditId editId)
+ uint32_t numEdits = 0;
+ if (m_pElstCountProperty) {
+ numEdits = m_pElstCountProperty->GetValue();
+ }
+ if (editId == MP4_INVALID_EDIT_ID) {
+ editId = numEdits;
+ }
+ if (numEdits == 0 || editId > numEdits) {
+ }
+ MP4Duration totalDuration = 0;
+ for (MP4EditId eid = 1; eid <= editId; eid++) {
+ totalDuration +=
+ m_pElstDurationProperty->GetValue(eid - 1);
+ }
+ return totalDuration;
+MP4SampleId MP4Track::GetSampleIdFromEditTime(
+ MP4Timestamp editWhen,
+ MP4Timestamp* pStartTime,
+ MP4Duration* pDuration)
+ MP4SampleId sampleId = MP4_INVALID_SAMPLE_ID;
+ uint32_t numEdits = 0;
+ if (m_pElstCountProperty) {
+ numEdits = m_pElstCountProperty->GetValue();
+ }
+ if (numEdits) {
+ MP4Duration editElapsedDuration = 0;
+ for (MP4EditId editId = 1; editId <= numEdits; editId++) {
+ // remember edit segment's start time (in edit timeline)
+ MP4Timestamp editStartTime =
+ (MP4Timestamp)editElapsedDuration;
+ // accumulate edit segment's duration
+ editElapsedDuration +=
+ m_pElstDurationProperty->GetValue(editId - 1);
+ // calculate difference between the specified edit time
+ // and the end of this edit segment
+ if (editElapsedDuration - editWhen <= 0) {
+ // the specified time has not yet been reached
+ continue;
+ }
+ // 'editWhen' is within this edit segment
+ // calculate the specified edit time
+ // relative to just this edit segment
+ MP4Duration editOffset =
+ editWhen - editStartTime;
+ // calculate the media (track) time that corresponds
+ // to the specified edit time based on the edit list
+ MP4Timestamp mediaWhen =
+ m_pElstMediaTimeProperty->GetValue(editId - 1)
+ + editOffset;
+ // lookup the sample id for the media time
+ sampleId = GetSampleIdFromTime(mediaWhen, false);
+ // lookup the sample's media start time and duration
+ MP4Timestamp sampleStartTime;
+ MP4Duration sampleDuration;
+ GetSampleTimes(sampleId, &sampleStartTime, &sampleDuration);
+ // calculate the difference if any between when the sample
+ // would naturally start and when it starts in the edit timeline
+ MP4Duration sampleStartOffset =
+ mediaWhen - sampleStartTime;
+ // calculate the start time for the sample in the edit time line
+ MP4Timestamp editSampleStartTime =
+ editWhen - min(editOffset, sampleStartOffset);
+ MP4Duration editSampleDuration = 0;
+ // calculate how long this sample lasts in the edit list timeline
+ if (m_pElstRateProperty->GetValue(editId - 1) == 0) {
+ // edit segment is a "dwell"
+ // so sample duration is that of the edit segment
+ editSampleDuration =
+ m_pElstDurationProperty->GetValue(editId - 1);
+ } else {
+ // begin with the natural sample duration
+ editSampleDuration = sampleDuration;
+ // now shorten that if the edit segment starts
+ // after the sample would naturally start
+ if (editOffset < sampleStartOffset) {
+ editSampleDuration -= sampleStartOffset - editOffset;
+ }
+ // now shorten that if the edit segment ends
+ // before the sample would naturally end
+ if (editElapsedDuration
+ < editSampleStartTime + sampleDuration) {
+ editSampleDuration -= (editSampleStartTime + sampleDuration)
+ - editElapsedDuration;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pStartTime) {
+ *pStartTime = editSampleStartTime;
+ }
+ if (pDuration) {
+ *pDuration = editSampleDuration;
+ }
+ log.verbose2f("\"%s\": GetSampleIdFromEditTime: when %" PRIu64 " "
+ "sampleId %u start %" PRIu64 " duration %" PRId64,
+ GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ editWhen, sampleId,
+ editSampleStartTime, editSampleDuration);
+ return sampleId;
+ }
+ throw new Exception("time out of range",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ } else { // no edit list
+ sampleId = GetSampleIdFromTime(editWhen, false);
+ if (pStartTime || pDuration) {
+ GetSampleTimes(sampleId, pStartTime, pDuration);
+ }
+ }
+ return sampleId;
+void MP4Track::CalculateBytesPerSample ()
+ MP4Atom *pMedia = m_trakAtom.FindAtom("trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd");
+ MP4Atom *pMediaData;
+ const char *media_data_name;
+ if (pMedia == NULL) return;
+ if (pMedia->GetNumberOfChildAtoms() != 1) return;
+ pMediaData = pMedia->GetChildAtom(0);
+ media_data_name = pMediaData->GetType();
+ if ((ATOMID(media_data_name) == ATOMID("twos")) ||
+ (ATOMID(media_data_name) == ATOMID("sowt"))) {
+ MP4IntegerProperty *chan, *sampleSize;
+ chan = (MP4IntegerProperty *)pMediaData->GetProperty(4);
+ sampleSize = (MP4IntegerProperty *)pMediaData->GetProperty(5);
+ m_bytesPerSample = chan->GetValue() * (sampleSize->GetValue() / 8);
+ }
+MP4Duration MP4Track::GetDurationPerChunk()
+ return m_durationPerChunk;
+void MP4Track::SetDurationPerChunk( MP4Duration duration )
+ m_durationPerChunk = duration;
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4track.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4track.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a649f20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4track.h
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001 - 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * 3GPP features implementation is based on 3GPP's TS26.234-v5.60,
+ * and was contributed by Ximpo Group Ltd.
+ *
+ * Portions created by Ximpo Group Ltd. are
+ * Copyright (C) Ximpo Group Ltd. 2003, 2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ * Ximpo Group Ltd. [email protected]
+ */
+#ifndef MP4V2_IMPL_MP4TRACK_H
+#define MP4V2_IMPL_MP4TRACK_H
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+typedef uint32_t MP4ChunkId;
+// forward declarations
+class MP4File;
+class MP4Atom;
+class MP4Property;
+class MP4IntegerProperty;
+class MP4Integer8Property;
+class MP4Integer16Property;
+class MP4Integer32Property;
+class MP4Integer64Property;
+class MP4StringProperty;
+class MP4Track
+ MP4Track(MP4File& file, MP4Atom& trakAtom);
+ virtual ~MP4Track();
+ MP4TrackId GetId() {
+ return m_trackId;
+ }
+ const char* GetType();
+ void SetType(const char* type);
+ MP4File& GetFile() {
+ return m_File;
+ }
+ MP4Atom& GetTrakAtom() {
+ return m_trakAtom;
+ }
+ void ReadSample(
+ // input parameters
+ MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ // output parameters
+ uint8_t** ppBytes,
+ uint32_t* pNumBytes,
+ MP4Timestamp* pStartTime = NULL,
+ MP4Duration* pDuration = NULL,
+ MP4Duration* pRenderingOffset = NULL,
+ bool* pIsSyncSample = NULL,
+ bool* hasDependencyFlags = NULL,
+ uint32_t* dependencyFlags = NULL );
+ void WriteSample(
+ const uint8_t* pBytes,
+ uint32_t numBytes,
+ MP4Duration duration = 0,
+ MP4Duration renderingOffset = 0,
+ bool isSyncSample = true);
+ void WriteSampleDependency(
+ const uint8_t* pBytes,
+ uint32_t numBytes,
+ MP4Duration duration,
+ MP4Duration renderingOffset,
+ bool isSyncSample,
+ uint32_t dependencyFlags );
+ virtual void FinishWrite(uint32_t options = 0);
+ uint64_t GetDuration(); // in track timeScale units
+ uint32_t GetTimeScale();
+ uint32_t GetNumberOfSamples();
+ uint32_t GetSampleSize(MP4SampleId sampleId);
+ uint32_t GetMaxSampleSize();
+ uint64_t GetTotalOfSampleSizes();
+ uint32_t GetAvgBitrate(); // in bps
+ uint32_t GetMaxBitrate(); // in bps
+ MP4Duration GetFixedSampleDuration();
+ void SetFixedSampleDuration(MP4Duration duration);
+ void GetSampleTimes(MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ MP4Timestamp* pStartTime, MP4Duration* pDuration);
+ bool IsSyncSample(MP4SampleId sampleId);
+ MP4SampleId GetSampleIdFromTime(
+ MP4Timestamp when,
+ bool wantSyncSample = false);
+ MP4Duration GetSampleRenderingOffset(MP4SampleId sampleId);
+ void SetSampleRenderingOffset(MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ MP4Duration renderingOffset);
+ MP4EditId AddEdit(
+ MP4EditId editId = MP4_INVALID_EDIT_ID);
+ void DeleteEdit(
+ MP4EditId editId);
+ MP4Timestamp GetEditStart(
+ MP4EditId editId);
+ MP4Timestamp GetEditTotalDuration(
+ MP4EditId editId);
+ MP4SampleId GetSampleIdFromEditTime(
+ MP4Timestamp editWhen,
+ MP4Timestamp* pStartTime = NULL,
+ MP4Duration* pDuration = NULL);
+ // special operation for use during hint track packet assembly
+ void ReadSampleFragment(
+ MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ uint32_t sampleOffset,
+ uint16_t sampleLength,
+ uint8_t* pDest);
+ // special operations for use during optimization
+ uint32_t GetNumberOfChunks();
+ MP4Timestamp GetChunkTime(MP4ChunkId chunkId);
+ void ReadChunk(MP4ChunkId chunkId,
+ uint8_t** ppChunk, uint32_t* pChunkSize);
+ void RewriteChunk(MP4ChunkId chunkId,
+ uint8_t* pChunk, uint32_t chunkSize);
+ MP4Duration GetDurationPerChunk();
+ void SetDurationPerChunk( MP4Duration );
+ bool InitEditListProperties();
+ File* GetSampleFile( MP4SampleId sampleId );
+ uint64_t GetSampleFileOffset(MP4SampleId sampleId);
+ uint32_t GetSampleStscIndex(MP4SampleId sampleId);
+ uint32_t GetChunkStscIndex(MP4ChunkId chunkId);
+ uint32_t GetChunkSize(MP4ChunkId chunkId);
+ uint32_t GetSampleCttsIndex(MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ MP4SampleId* pFirstSampleId = NULL);
+ MP4SampleId GetNextSyncSample(MP4SampleId sampleId);
+ void UpdateSampleSizes(MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ uint32_t numBytes);
+ bool IsChunkFull(MP4SampleId sampleId);
+ void UpdateSampleToChunk(MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ MP4ChunkId chunkId, uint32_t samplesPerChunk);
+ void UpdateChunkOffsets(uint64_t chunkOffset);
+ void UpdateSampleTimes(MP4Duration duration);
+ void UpdateRenderingOffsets(MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ MP4Duration renderingOffset);
+ void UpdateSyncSamples(MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ bool isSyncSample);
+ MP4Atom* AddAtom(const char* parentName, const char* childName);
+ void UpdateDurations(MP4Duration duration);
+ MP4Duration ToMovieDuration(MP4Duration trackDuration);
+ void UpdateModificationTimes();
+ void WriteChunkBuffer();
+ void CalculateBytesPerSample();
+ void FinishSdtp();
+ MP4File& m_File;
+ MP4Atom& m_trakAtom; // moov.trak[]
+ MP4TrackId m_trackId; // moov.trak[].tkhd.trackId
+ MP4StringProperty* m_pTypeProperty; // moov.trak[].mdia.hdlr.handlerType
+ uint32_t m_lastStsdIndex;
+ File* m_lastSampleFile;
+ // for efficient construction of hint track packets
+ MP4SampleId m_cachedReadSampleId;
+ uint8_t* m_pCachedReadSample;
+ uint32_t m_cachedReadSampleSize;
+ // for writing
+ MP4SampleId m_writeSampleId;
+ MP4Duration m_fixedSampleDuration;
+ uint8_t* m_pChunkBuffer;
+ uint32_t m_chunkBufferSize; // Actual size of our chunk buffer.
+ uint32_t m_sizeOfDataInChunkBuffer; // Size of the data in the chunk buffer.
+ uint32_t m_chunkSamples;
+ MP4Duration m_chunkDuration;
+ // controls for chunking
+ uint32_t m_samplesPerChunk;
+ MP4Duration m_durationPerChunk;
+ uint32_t m_bytesPerSample;
+ // controls for AMR chunking
+ int m_isAmr;
+ uint8_t m_curMode;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pTimeScaleProperty;
+ MP4IntegerProperty* m_pTrackDurationProperty; // 32 or 64 bits
+ MP4IntegerProperty* m_pMediaDurationProperty; // 32 or 64 bits
+ MP4IntegerProperty* m_pTrackModificationProperty; // 32 or 64 bits
+ MP4IntegerProperty* m_pMediaModificationProperty; // 32 or 64 bits
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pStszFixedSampleSizeProperty;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pStszSampleCountProperty;
+ void SampleSizePropertyAddValue(uint32_t bytes);
+ uint8_t m_stsz_sample_bits;
+ bool m_have_stz2_4bit_sample;
+ uint8_t m_stz2_4bit_sample_value;
+ MP4IntegerProperty* m_pStszSampleSizeProperty;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pStscCountProperty;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pStscFirstChunkProperty;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pStscSamplesPerChunkProperty;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pStscSampleDescrIndexProperty;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pStscFirstSampleProperty;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pChunkCountProperty;
+ MP4IntegerProperty* m_pChunkOffsetProperty; // 32 or 64 bits
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pSttsCountProperty;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pSttsSampleCountProperty;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pSttsSampleDeltaProperty;
+ // for improve sequental timestamp index access
+ uint32_t m_cachedSttsIndex;
+ MP4SampleId m_cachedSttsSid;
+ MP4Timestamp m_cachedSttsElapsed;
+ uint32_t m_cachedCttsIndex;
+ MP4SampleId m_cachedCttsSid;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pCttsCountProperty;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pCttsSampleCountProperty;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pCttsSampleOffsetProperty;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pStssCountProperty;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pStssSampleProperty;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pElstCountProperty;
+ MP4IntegerProperty* m_pElstMediaTimeProperty; // 32 or 64 bits
+ MP4IntegerProperty* m_pElstDurationProperty; // 32 or 64 bits
+ MP4Integer16Property* m_pElstRateProperty;
+ MP4Integer16Property* m_pElstReservedProperty;
+ string m_sdtpLog; // records frame types for H264 samples
+MP4ARRAY_DECL(MP4Track, MP4Track*);
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
+#endif // MP4V2_IMPL_MP4TRACK_H
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4util.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4util.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47bd74ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4util.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001-2005. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ * Bill May [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+bool MP4NameFirstMatches(const char* s1, const char* s2)
+ if (s1 == NULL || *s1 == '\0' || s2 == NULL || *s2 == '\0') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (*s2 == '*') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ while (*s1 != '\0') {
+ if (*s2 == '\0' || strchr("[.", *s2)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (tolower(*s1) != tolower(*s2)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ s1++;
+ s2++;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool MP4NameFirstIndex(const char* s, uint32_t* pIndex)
+ if (s == NULL) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ while (*s != '\0' && *s != '.') {
+ if (*s == '[') {
+ s++;
+ ASSERT(pIndex);
+ if (sscanf(s, "%u", pIndex) != 1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ s++;
+ }
+ return false;
+char* MP4NameFirst(const char *s)
+ if (s == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ const char* end = s;
+ while (*end != '\0' && *end != '.') {
+ end++;
+ }
+ char* first = (char*)MP4Calloc((end - s) + 1);
+ if (first) {
+ strncpy(first, s, end - s);
+ }
+ return first;
+const char* MP4NameAfterFirst(const char *s)
+ if (s == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ while (*s != '\0') {
+ if (*s == '.') {
+ s++;
+ if (*s == '\0') {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ s++;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+char* MP4ToBase16(const uint8_t* pData, uint32_t dataSize)
+ if (dataSize) {
+ ASSERT(pData);
+ }
+ uint32_t size = 2 * dataSize + 1;
+ char* s = (char*)MP4Calloc(size);
+ uint32_t i, j;
+ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < dataSize; i++) {
+ size -= snprintf(&s[j], size, "%02x", pData[i]);
+ j += 2;
+ }
+ return s; /* N.B. caller is responsible for free'ing s */
+char* MP4ToBase64(const uint8_t* pData, uint32_t dataSize)
+ if (pData == NULL || dataSize == 0) return NULL;
+ static const char encoding[64] = {
+ 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P',
+ 'Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','a','b','c','d','e','f',
+ 'g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v',
+ 'w','x','y','z','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','+','/'
+ };
+ char* s = (char*)MP4Calloc((((dataSize + 2) * 4) / 3) + 1);
+ const uint8_t* src = pData;
+ if (pData == NULL) return NULL;
+ char* dest = s;
+ uint32_t numGroups = dataSize / 3;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numGroups; i++) {
+ *dest++ = encoding[src[0] >> 2];
+ *dest++ = encoding[((src[0] & 0x03) << 4) | (src[1] >> 4)];
+ *dest++ = encoding[((src[1] & 0x0F) << 2) | (src[2] >> 6)];
+ *dest++ = encoding[src[2] & 0x3F];
+ src += 3;
+ }
+ if (dataSize % 3 == 1) {
+ *dest++ = encoding[src[0] >> 2];
+ *dest++ = encoding[((src[0] & 0x03) << 4)];
+ *dest++ = '=';
+ *dest++ = '=';
+ } else if (dataSize % 3 == 2) {
+ *dest++ = encoding[src[0] >> 2];
+ *dest++ = encoding[((src[0] & 0x03) << 4) | (src[1] >> 4)];
+ *dest++ = encoding[((src[1] & 0x0F) << 2)];
+ *dest++ = '=';
+ }
+ *dest = '\0';
+ return s; /* N.B. caller is responsible for free'ing s */
+static bool convertBase64 (const char data, uint8_t *value)
+ static const uint8_t decodingarr64[128] = {
+ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
+ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
+ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
+ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
+ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
+ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x3e, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x3f,
+ 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b,
+ 0x3c, 0x3d, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
+ 0xff, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06,
+ 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e,
+ 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16,
+ 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
+ 0xff, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20,
+ 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28,
+ 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30,
+ 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
+ };
+ uint8_t index = (uint8_t)data;
+ if ((index & 0x80) != 0) return false;
+ if (decodingarr64[index] == 0xff) return false;
+ *value = decodingarr64[index];
+ return true;
+uint8_t *Base64ToBinary (const char *pData, uint32_t decodeSize, uint32_t *pDataSize)
+ uint8_t *ret;
+ uint32_t size, ix, groups;
+ if (pData == NULL || decodeSize == 0 || pDataSize == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ if ((decodeSize % 4) != 0) {
+ // must be multiples of 4 characters
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ size = (decodeSize * 3) / 4;
+ groups = decodeSize / 4;
+ ret = (uint8_t *)MP4Calloc(size);
+ if (ret == NULL) return NULL;
+ for (ix = 0; ix < groups; ix++) {
+ uint8_t value[4];
+ for (uint8_t jx = 0; jx < 4; jx++) {
+ if (pData[jx] == '=') {
+ if (ix != (groups - 1)) {
+ free(ret);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ size--;
+ value[jx] = 0;
+ } else if (convertBase64(pData[jx], &value[jx]) == false) {
+ free(ret);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ ret[(ix * 3)] = value[0] << 2 | ((value[1] >> 4) & 0x3);
+ ret[(ix * 3) + 1] = (value[1] << 4) | (value[2] >> 2 & 0xf);
+ ret[(ix * 3) + 2] = ((value[2] & 0x3) << 6) | value[3];
+ pData += 4;
+ }
+ *pDataSize = size;
+ return ret;
+// log2 of value, rounded up
+static uint8_t ilog2(uint64_t value)
+ uint64_t powerOf2 = 1;
+ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
+ if (value <= powerOf2) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ powerOf2 <<= 1;
+ }
+ return 64;
+uint64_t MP4ConvertTime(uint64_t t,
+ uint32_t oldTimeScale, uint32_t newTimeScale)
+ // avoid float point exception
+ if (oldTimeScale == 0) {
+ throw new Exception("division by zero", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ if (oldTimeScale == newTimeScale) return t;
+ // check if we can safely use integer operations
+ if (ilog2(t) + ilog2(newTimeScale) <= 64) {
+ return (t * newTimeScale) / oldTimeScale;
+ }
+ // final resort is to use floating point
+ double d = (double)newTimeScale;
+ d *= double(t);
+ d /= (double)oldTimeScale;
+ d += 0.5; // round up.
+ return (uint64_t)d;
+const char* MP4NormalizeTrackType (const char* type)
+ if (!strcasecmp(type, "vide")
+ || !strcasecmp(type, "video")
+ || !strcasecmp(type, "mp4v")
+ || !strcasecmp(type, "avc1")
+ || !strcasecmp(type, "s263") // 3GPP H.263
+ || !strcasecmp(type, "encv")) {
+ }
+ if (!strcasecmp(type, "soun")
+ || !strcasecmp(type, "sound")
+ || !strcasecmp(type, "audio")
+ || !strcasecmp(type, "enca")
+ || !strcasecmp(type, "samr") // 3GPP AMR
+ || !strcasecmp(type, "sawb") // 3GPP AMR/WB
+ || !strcasecmp(type, "mp4a")) {
+ }
+ if (!strcasecmp(type, "sdsm")
+ || !strcasecmp(type, "scene")
+ || !strcasecmp(type, "bifs")) {
+ }
+ if (!strcasecmp(type, "odsm")
+ || !strcasecmp(type, "od")) {
+ return MP4_OD_TRACK_TYPE;
+ }
+ if (strcasecmp(type, "cntl") == 0) {
+ }
+ log.verbose1f("Attempt to normalize %s did not match",type);
+ return type;
+MP4Timestamp MP4GetAbsTimestamp() {
+ /* MP4 epoch is midnight, January 1, 1904
+ * offset from midnight, January 1, 1970 is 2082844800 seconds
+ * 208284480 is (((1970 - 1904) * 365) + 17) * 24 * 60 * 60
+ */
+ return time::getLocalTimeSeconds() + 2082844800;
+uint32_t STRTOINT32( const char* s )
+ // it seems ARM integer instructions require 4-byte alignment so we
+ // manually copy string-data into the integer before performing ops
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ memcpy( &tmp, s, sizeof(tmp) );
+ return MP4V2_NTOHL( tmp );
+ return MP4V2_NTOHL(*(uint32_t *)s);
+void INT32TOSTR( uint32_t i, char* s )
+ // it seems ARM integer instructions require 4-byte alignment so we
+ // manually copy string-data into the integer before performing ops
+ uint32_t tmp = MP4V2_HTONL( i );
+ memcpy( s, &tmp, sizeof(tmp) );
+ *(uint32_t *)s = MP4V2_HTONL(i);
+ s[4] = 0;
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4util.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4util.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1fbbd81e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/mp4util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#ifndef MP4V2_IMPL_MP4UTIL_H
+#define MP4V2_IMPL_MP4UTIL_H
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+#include <assert.h>
+#define LIBMPV42_STRINGIFY(x) #x
+#ifndef ASSERT
+# define ASSERT(expr) \
+ if (!(expr)) { \
+ throw new Exception("assert failure: "LIBMPV42_STRINGIFY((expr)), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ ); \
+ }
+#define WARNING(expr) \
+ if (expr) { \
+ log.errorf("Warning (%s) in %s at line %u", \
+ LIBMPV42_STRINGIFY(expr), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
+ }
+#define CHECK_AND_FREE(a) if ((a) != NULL) { free((void *)(a)); (a) = NULL;}
+#define NUM_ELEMENTS_IN_ARRAY(name) ((sizeof((name))) / (sizeof(*(name))))
+inline void* MP4Malloc(size_t size) {
+ if (size == 0) return NULL;
+ void* p = malloc(size);
+ if (p == NULL && size > 0) {
+ throw new PlatformException("malloc failed",errno,__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return p;
+inline void* MP4Calloc(size_t size) {
+ if (size == 0) return NULL;
+ return memset(MP4Malloc(size), 0, size);
+inline char* MP4Stralloc(const char* s1) {
+ char* s2 = (char*)MP4Malloc(strlen(s1) + 1);
+ strcpy(s2, s1);
+ return s2;
+inline void* MP4Realloc(void* p, uint32_t newSize) {
+ // workaround library bug
+ if (p == NULL && newSize == 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ void* temp = realloc(p, newSize);
+ if (temp == NULL && newSize > 0) {
+ throw new PlatformException("malloc failed",errno,__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return temp;
+uint32_t STRTOINT32( const char* );
+void INT32TOSTR( uint32_t, char* );
+MP4Timestamp MP4GetAbsTimestamp();
+uint64_t MP4ConvertTime(uint64_t t,
+ uint32_t oldTimeScale, uint32_t newTimeScale);
+bool MP4NameFirstMatches(const char* s1, const char* s2);
+bool MP4NameFirstIndex(const char* s, uint32_t* pIndex);
+char* MP4NameFirst(const char *s);
+const char* MP4NameAfterFirst(const char *s);
+char* MP4ToBase16(const uint8_t* pData, uint32_t dataSize);
+char* MP4ToBase64(const uint8_t* pData, uint32_t dataSize);
+const char* MP4NormalizeTrackType(const char* type);
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
+#endif // MP4V2_IMPL_MP4UTIL_H
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/ocidescriptors.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/ocidescriptors.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f78850d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/ocidescriptors.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4ContentClassDescriptor::MP4ContentClassDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom)
+ : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "classificationEntity"));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(parentAtom, "classificationTable"));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4BytesProperty(parentAtom, "contentClassificationData"));
+void MP4ContentClassDescriptor::Read(MP4File& file)
+ ReadHeader(file);
+ /* byte properties need to know how long they are before reading */
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValueSize(m_size - 6);
+ ReadProperties(file);
+MP4KeywordDescriptor::MP4KeywordDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom)
+ : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4BytesProperty(parentAtom, "languageCode", 3));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "isUTF8String", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "reserved", 7));
+ MP4Integer8Property* pCount =
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "keywordCount");
+ AddProperty(pCount); /* 3 */
+ MP4TableProperty* pTable = new MP4TableProperty(parentAtom, "keywords", pCount);
+ AddProperty(pTable); /* 4 */
+ pTable->AddProperty( /* 4, 0 */
+ new MP4StringProperty(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "string", Counted));
+ SetReadMutate(2);
+void MP4KeywordDescriptor::Mutate()
+ bool utf8Flag = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[1])->GetValue();
+ MP4Property* pProperty =
+ ((MP4TableProperty*)m_pProperties[4])->GetProperty(0);
+ ASSERT(pProperty);
+ ((MP4StringProperty*)pProperty)->SetUnicode(!utf8Flag);
+MP4RatingDescriptor::MP4RatingDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom)
+ : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "ratingEntity"));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(parentAtom, "ratingCriteria"));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4BytesProperty(parentAtom, "ratingInfo"));
+void MP4RatingDescriptor::Read(MP4File& file)
+ ReadHeader(file);
+ /* byte properties need to know how long they are before reading */
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValueSize(m_size - 6);
+ ReadProperties(file);
+MP4LanguageDescriptor::MP4LanguageDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom)
+ : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4BytesProperty(parentAtom, "languageCode", 3));
+MP4ShortTextDescriptor::MP4ShortTextDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom)
+ : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4BytesProperty(parentAtom, "languageCode", 3));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "isUTF8String", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "reserved", 7));
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4StringProperty(parentAtom, "eventName", Counted));
+ AddProperty( /* 4 */
+ new MP4StringProperty(parentAtom, "eventText", Counted));
+ SetReadMutate(2);
+void MP4ShortTextDescriptor::Mutate()
+ bool utf8Flag = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[1])->GetValue();
+ ((MP4StringProperty*)m_pProperties[3])->SetUnicode(!utf8Flag);
+ ((MP4StringProperty*)m_pProperties[4])->SetUnicode(!utf8Flag);
+MP4ExpandedTextDescriptor::MP4ExpandedTextDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom)
+ : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4BytesProperty(parentAtom, "languageCode", 3));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "isUTF8String", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "reserved", 7));
+ MP4Integer8Property* pCount =
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "itemCount");
+ AddProperty(pCount); /* 3 */
+ MP4TableProperty* pTable = new MP4TableProperty(parentAtom, "items", pCount);
+ AddProperty(pTable); /* 4 */
+ pTable->AddProperty( /* Table 0 */
+ new MP4StringProperty(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "itemDescription", Counted));
+ pTable->AddProperty( /* Table 1 */
+ new MP4StringProperty(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "itemText", Counted));
+ AddProperty( /* 5 */
+ new MP4StringProperty(parentAtom, "nonItemText"));
+ ((MP4StringProperty*)m_pProperties[5])->SetExpandedCountedFormat(true);
+ SetReadMutate(2);
+void MP4ExpandedTextDescriptor::Mutate()
+ bool utf8Flag = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[1])->GetValue();
+ MP4Property* pProperty =
+ ((MP4TableProperty*)m_pProperties[4])->GetProperty(0);
+ ASSERT(pProperty);
+ ((MP4StringProperty*)pProperty)->SetUnicode(!utf8Flag);
+ pProperty = ((MP4TableProperty*)m_pProperties[4])->GetProperty(1);
+ ASSERT(pProperty);
+ ((MP4StringProperty*)pProperty)->SetUnicode(!utf8Flag);
+ ((MP4StringProperty*)m_pProperties[5])->SetUnicode(!utf8Flag);
+class MP4CreatorTableProperty : public MP4TableProperty {
+ MP4CreatorTableProperty(MP4Atom& parentAtom, const char* name, MP4Integer8Property* pCountProperty) :
+ MP4TableProperty(parentAtom, name, pCountProperty) {
+ };
+ void ReadEntry(MP4File& file, uint32_t index);
+ void WriteEntry(MP4File& file, uint32_t index);
+ MP4CreatorTableProperty();
+ MP4CreatorTableProperty ( const MP4CreatorTableProperty &src );
+ MP4CreatorTableProperty &operator= ( const MP4CreatorTableProperty &src );
+MP4CreatorDescriptor::MP4CreatorDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom, uint8_t tag)
+ : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom, tag)
+ MP4Integer8Property* pCount =
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "creatorCount");
+ AddProperty(pCount); /* 0 */
+ MP4TableProperty* pTable = new MP4CreatorTableProperty(parentAtom, "creators", pCount);
+ AddProperty(pTable); /* 1 */
+ pTable->AddProperty( /* Table 0 */
+ new MP4BytesProperty(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "languageCode", 3, 3));
+ pTable->AddProperty( /* Table 1 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "isUTF8String", 1));
+ pTable->AddProperty( /* Table 2 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "reserved", 7));
+ pTable->AddProperty( /* Table 3 */
+ new MP4StringProperty(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "name", Counted));
+void MP4CreatorTableProperty::ReadEntry(MP4File& file, uint32_t index)
+ m_pProperties[0]->Read(file, index);
+ m_pProperties[1]->Read(file, index);
+ bool utf8Flag = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[1])->GetValue(index);
+ ((MP4StringProperty*)m_pProperties[3])->SetUnicode(!utf8Flag);
+ m_pProperties[2]->Read(file, index);
+ m_pProperties[3]->Read(file, index);
+void MP4CreatorTableProperty::WriteEntry(MP4File& file, uint32_t index)
+ bool utf8Flag = ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[1])->GetValue(index);
+ ((MP4StringProperty*)m_pProperties[3])->SetUnicode(!utf8Flag);
+ MP4TableProperty::WriteEntry(file, index);
+MP4CreationDescriptor::MP4CreationDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom, uint8_t tag)
+ : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom, tag)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "contentCreationDate", 40));
+MP4SmpteCameraDescriptor::MP4SmpteCameraDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom)
+ : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom)
+ MP4Integer8Property* pCount =
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "parameterCount");
+ AddProperty(pCount);
+ MP4TableProperty* pTable = new MP4TableProperty(parentAtom, "parameters", pCount);
+ AddProperty(pTable);
+ pTable->AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "id"));
+ pTable->AddProperty(
+ new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "value"));
+MP4UnknownOCIDescriptor::MP4UnknownOCIDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom)
+ : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4BytesProperty(parentAtom, "data"));
+void MP4UnknownOCIDescriptor::Read(MP4File& file)
+ ReadHeader(file);
+ /* byte properties need to know how long they are before reading */
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValueSize(m_size);
+ ReadProperties(file);
+MP4Descriptor* CreateOCIDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom, uint8_t tag)
+ MP4Descriptor* pDescriptor = NULL;
+ switch (tag) {
+ case MP4ContentClassDescrTag:
+ pDescriptor = new MP4ContentClassDescriptor(parentAtom);
+ break;
+ case MP4KeywordDescrTag:
+ pDescriptor = new MP4KeywordDescriptor(parentAtom);
+ break;
+ case MP4RatingDescrTag:
+ pDescriptor = new MP4RatingDescriptor(parentAtom);
+ break;
+ case MP4LanguageDescrTag:
+ pDescriptor = new MP4LanguageDescriptor(parentAtom);
+ break;
+ case MP4ShortTextDescrTag:
+ pDescriptor = new MP4ShortTextDescriptor(parentAtom);
+ break;
+ case MP4ExpandedTextDescrTag:
+ pDescriptor = new MP4ExpandedTextDescriptor(parentAtom);
+ break;
+ case MP4ContentCreatorDescrTag:
+ case MP4OCICreatorDescrTag:
+ pDescriptor = new MP4CreatorDescriptor(parentAtom, tag);
+ break;
+ case MP4ContentCreationDescrTag:
+ case MP4OCICreationDescrTag:
+ pDescriptor = new MP4CreationDescriptor(parentAtom, tag);
+ break;
+ case MP4SmpteCameraDescrTag:
+ pDescriptor = new MP4SmpteCameraDescriptor(parentAtom);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (pDescriptor == NULL) {
+ if (tag >= MP4OCIDescrTagsStart && tag <= MP4OCIDescrTagsEnd) {
+ pDescriptor = new MP4UnknownOCIDescriptor(parentAtom);
+ pDescriptor->SetTag(tag);
+ }
+ }
+ return pDescriptor;
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/ocidescriptors.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/ocidescriptors.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3018501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/ocidescriptors.h
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+const uint8_t MP4OCIDescrTagsStart = 0x40;
+const uint8_t MP4ContentClassDescrTag = 0x40;
+const uint8_t MP4KeywordDescrTag = 0x41;
+const uint8_t MP4RatingDescrTag = 0x42;
+const uint8_t MP4LanguageDescrTag = 0x43;
+const uint8_t MP4ShortTextDescrTag = 0x44;
+const uint8_t MP4ExpandedTextDescrTag = 0x45;
+const uint8_t MP4ContentCreatorDescrTag = 0x46;
+const uint8_t MP4ContentCreationDescrTag = 0x47;
+const uint8_t MP4OCICreatorDescrTag = 0x48;
+const uint8_t MP4OCICreationDescrTag = 0x49;
+const uint8_t MP4SmpteCameraDescrTag = 0x4A;
+const uint8_t MP4OCIDescrTagsEnd = 0x5F;
+class MP4ContentClassDescriptor : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4ContentClassDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom);
+ void Read(MP4File& file);
+ MP4ContentClassDescriptor();
+ MP4ContentClassDescriptor ( const MP4ContentClassDescriptor &src );
+ MP4ContentClassDescriptor &operator= ( const MP4ContentClassDescriptor &src );
+class MP4KeywordDescriptor : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4KeywordDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom);
+ void Mutate();
+ MP4KeywordDescriptor();
+ MP4KeywordDescriptor ( const MP4KeywordDescriptor &src );
+ MP4KeywordDescriptor &operator= ( const MP4KeywordDescriptor &src );
+class MP4RatingDescriptor : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4RatingDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom);
+ void Read(MP4File& file);
+ MP4RatingDescriptor();
+ MP4RatingDescriptor ( const MP4RatingDescriptor &src );
+ MP4RatingDescriptor &operator= ( const MP4RatingDescriptor &src );
+class MP4LanguageDescriptor : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4LanguageDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom);
+ MP4LanguageDescriptor();
+ MP4LanguageDescriptor ( const MP4LanguageDescriptor &src );
+ MP4LanguageDescriptor &operator= ( const MP4LanguageDescriptor &src );
+class MP4ShortTextDescriptor : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4ShortTextDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom);
+ void Mutate();
+ MP4ShortTextDescriptor();
+ MP4ShortTextDescriptor ( const MP4ShortTextDescriptor &src );
+ MP4ShortTextDescriptor &operator= ( const MP4ShortTextDescriptor &src );
+class MP4ExpandedTextDescriptor : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4ExpandedTextDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom);
+ void Mutate();
+ MP4ExpandedTextDescriptor();
+ MP4ExpandedTextDescriptor ( const MP4ExpandedTextDescriptor &src );
+ MP4ExpandedTextDescriptor &operator= ( const MP4ExpandedTextDescriptor &src );
+class MP4CreatorDescriptor : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4CreatorDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom, uint8_t tag);
+ MP4CreatorDescriptor();
+ MP4CreatorDescriptor ( const MP4CreatorDescriptor &src );
+ MP4CreatorDescriptor &operator= ( const MP4CreatorDescriptor &src );
+class MP4CreationDescriptor : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4CreationDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom, uint8_t tag);
+ MP4CreationDescriptor();
+ MP4CreationDescriptor ( const MP4CreationDescriptor &src );
+ MP4CreationDescriptor &operator= ( const MP4CreationDescriptor &src );
+class MP4SmpteCameraDescriptor : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4SmpteCameraDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom);
+ MP4SmpteCameraDescriptor();
+ MP4SmpteCameraDescriptor ( const MP4SmpteCameraDescriptor &src );
+ MP4SmpteCameraDescriptor &operator= ( const MP4SmpteCameraDescriptor &src );
+class MP4UnknownOCIDescriptor : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4UnknownOCIDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom);
+ void Read(MP4File& file);
+ MP4UnknownOCIDescriptor();
+ MP4UnknownOCIDescriptor ( const MP4UnknownOCIDescriptor &src );
+ MP4UnknownOCIDescriptor &operator= ( const MP4UnknownOCIDescriptor &src );
+extern MP4Descriptor *CreateOCIDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom, uint8_t tag);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/odcommands.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/odcommands.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7cf4f748
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/odcommands.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+MP4ODUpdateDescriptor::MP4ODUpdateDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom)
+ : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom, MP4ODUpdateODCommandTag)
+ // just a container for ObjectDescriptors
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, NULL,
+ MP4FileODescrTag, 0, Required, Many));
+MP4ODRemoveDescriptor::MP4ODRemoveDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom)
+ : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom, MP4ODRemoveODCommandTag)
+ MP4Integer32Property* pCount =
+ new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "entryCount");
+ pCount->SetImplicit();
+ AddProperty(pCount); /* 0 */
+ MP4TableProperty* pTable =
+ new MP4TableProperty(parentAtom, "entries", pCount);
+ AddProperty(pTable); /* 1 */
+ pTable->AddProperty( /* 1, 0 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(pTable->GetParentAtom(), "objectDescriptorId", 10));
+void MP4ODRemoveDescriptor::Read(MP4File& file)
+ // table entry count computed from descriptor size
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[0])->SetReadOnly(false);
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValue((m_size * 8) / 10);
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[0])->SetReadOnly(true);
+ MP4Descriptor::Read(file);
+MP4ESUpdateDescriptor::MP4ESUpdateDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom)
+ : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom, MP4ESUpdateODCommandTag)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "objectDescriptorId", 10));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "pad", 6));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "esIdRefs",
+ MP4ESIDRefDescrTag, 0, Required, Many));
+// LATER might be able to combine with ESUpdateDescriptor
+MP4ESRemoveDescriptor::MP4ESRemoveDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom)
+ : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom, MP4ESRemoveODCommandTag)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "objectDescriptorId", 10));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(parentAtom, "pad", 6));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4DescriptorProperty(parentAtom, "esIdRefs",
+ MP4ESIDRefDescrTag, 0, Required, Many));
+MP4Descriptor* CreateODCommand(MP4Atom& parentAtom, uint8_t tag)
+ MP4Descriptor* pDescriptor = NULL;
+ switch (tag) {
+ case MP4ODUpdateODCommandTag:
+ pDescriptor = new MP4ODUpdateDescriptor(parentAtom);
+ break;
+ case MP4ODRemoveODCommandTag:
+ pDescriptor = new MP4ODRemoveDescriptor(parentAtom);
+ break;
+ case MP4ESUpdateODCommandTag:
+ pDescriptor = new MP4ESUpdateDescriptor(parentAtom);
+ break;
+ case MP4ESRemoveODCommandTag:
+ pDescriptor = new MP4ESRemoveDescriptor(parentAtom);
+ break;
+ }
+ return pDescriptor;
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/odcommands.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/odcommands.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..08f11974
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/odcommands.h
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+// OD stream command descriptors
+const uint8_t MP4ODUpdateODCommandTag = 0x01;
+const uint8_t MP4ODRemoveODCommandTag = 0x02;
+const uint8_t MP4ESUpdateODCommandTag = 0x03;
+const uint8_t MP4ESRemoveODCommandTag = 0x04;
+const uint8_t MP4IPMPUpdateODCommandTag = 0x05;
+const uint8_t MP4IPMPRemoveODCommandTag = 0x06;
+const uint8_t MP4ESRemoveRefODCommandTag = 0x07;
+class MP4ODUpdateDescriptor : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4ODUpdateDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom);
+ MP4ODUpdateDescriptor();
+ MP4ODUpdateDescriptor ( const MP4ODUpdateDescriptor &src );
+ MP4ODUpdateDescriptor &operator= ( const MP4ODUpdateDescriptor &src );
+class MP4ODRemoveDescriptor : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4ODRemoveDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom);
+ void Read(MP4File& file);
+ MP4ODRemoveDescriptor();
+ MP4ODRemoveDescriptor ( const MP4ODRemoveDescriptor &src );
+ MP4ODRemoveDescriptor &operator= ( const MP4ODRemoveDescriptor &src );
+class MP4ESUpdateDescriptor : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4ESUpdateDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom);
+ MP4ESUpdateDescriptor();
+ MP4ESUpdateDescriptor ( const MP4ESUpdateDescriptor &src );
+ MP4ESUpdateDescriptor &operator= ( const MP4ESUpdateDescriptor &src );
+class MP4ESRemoveDescriptor : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4ESRemoveDescriptor(MP4Atom& parentAtom);
+ MP4ESRemoveDescriptor();
+ MP4ESRemoveDescriptor ( const MP4ESRemoveDescriptor &src );
+ MP4ESRemoveDescriptor &operator= ( const MP4ESRemoveDescriptor &src );
+MP4Descriptor* CreateODCommand(MP4Atom& parentAtom, uint8_t tag);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qosqualifiers.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qosqualifiers.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..02d54c1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qosqualifiers.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+#if 1
+MP4QosDescriptorBase::MP4QosDescriptorBase (MP4Atom& parentAtom, uint8_t tag)
+ : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom, tag)
+ switch (tag) {
+ case MP4QosDescrTag:
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "predefined"));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4QosQualifierProperty(parentAtom, "qualifiers",
+ MP4QosTagsStart,
+ MP4QosTagsEnd, Optional, Many));
+ break;
+ case MP4MaxDelayQosTag:
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "maxDelay"));
+ break;
+ case MP4PrefMaxDelayQosTag:
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "prefMaxDelay"));
+ break;
+ case MP4LossProbQosTag:
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Float32Property(parentAtom, "lossProb"));
+ break;
+ case MP4MaxGapLossQosTag:
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "maxGapLoss"));
+ break;
+ case MP4MaxAUSizeQosTag:
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "maxAUSize"));
+ break;
+ case MP4AvgAUSizeQosTag:
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "avgAUSize"));
+ break;
+ case MP4MaxAURateQosTag:
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "maxAURate"));
+ break;
+ }
+MP4QosDescriptor::MP4QosDescriptor(MP4Atom &parentAtom)
+ : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom, MP4QosDescrTag)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(parentAtom, "predefined"));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4QosQualifierProperty(parentAtom, "qualifiers",
+ MP4QosTagsStart, MP4QosTagsEnd, Optional, Many));
+MP4MaxDelayQosQualifier::MP4MaxDelayQosQualifier(MP4Atom &parentAtom)
+ : MP4QosQualifier(parentAtom, MP4MaxDelayQosTag)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "maxDelay"));
+MP4PrefMaxDelayQosQualifier::MP4PrefMaxDelayQosQualifier(MP4Atom &parentAtom)
+ : MP4QosQualifier(parentAtom, MP4PrefMaxDelayQosTag)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "prefMaxDelay"));
+MP4LossProbQosQualifier::MP4LossProbQosQualifier(MP4Atom &parentAtom)
+ : MP4QosQualifier(parentAtom, MP4LossProbQosTag)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Float32Property(parentAtom, "lossProb"));
+MP4MaxGapLossQosQualifier::MP4MaxGapLossQosQualifier(MP4Atom &parentAtom)
+ : MP4QosQualifier(parentAtom, MP4MaxGapLossQosTag)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "maxGapLoss"));
+MP4MaxAUSizeQosQualifier::MP4MaxAUSizeQosQualifier(MP4Atom &parentAtom)
+ : MP4QosQualifier(parentAtom, MP4MaxAUSizeQosTag)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "maxAUSize"));
+MP4AvgAUSizeQosQualifier::MP4AvgAUSizeQosQualifier(MP4Atom &parentAtom)
+ : MP4QosQualifier(parentAtom, MP4AvgAUSizeQosTag)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "avgAUSize"));
+MP4MaxAURateQosQualifier::MP4MaxAURateQosQualifier(MP4Atom &parentAtom)
+ : MP4QosQualifier(parentAtom, MP4MaxAURateQosTag)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(parentAtom, "maxAURate"));
+MP4UnknownQosQualifier::MP4UnknownQosQualifier(MP4Atom &parentAtom)
+ : MP4Descriptor(parentAtom)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4BytesProperty(parentAtom, "data"));
+void MP4UnknownQosQualifier::Read(MP4File& file)
+ ReadHeader(file);
+ /* byte properties need to know how long they are before reading */
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValueSize(m_size);
+ ReadProperties(file);
+MP4Descriptor* MP4QosQualifierProperty::CreateDescriptor(MP4Atom &parentAtom, uint8_t tag)
+ MP4Descriptor* pDescriptor = NULL;
+ switch (tag) {
+ case MP4MaxDelayQosTag:
+ case MP4PrefMaxDelayQosTag:
+ case MP4LossProbQosTag:
+ case MP4MaxGapLossQosTag:
+ case MP4MaxAUSizeQosTag:
+ case MP4AvgAUSizeQosTag:
+ case MP4MaxAURateQosTag:
+ pDescriptor = new MP4QosDescriptorBase(parentAtom, tag);
+ break;
+ default:
+ pDescriptor = new MP4UnknownQosQualifier(parentAtom);
+ pDescriptor->SetTag(tag);
+ }
+ return pDescriptor;
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qosqualifiers.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qosqualifiers.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5bd4bd0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qosqualifiers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+const uint8_t MP4QosDescrTag = 0x0C;
+const uint8_t MP4QosTagsStart = 0x01;
+const uint8_t MP4MaxDelayQosTag = 0x01;
+const uint8_t MP4PrefMaxDelayQosTag = 0x02;
+const uint8_t MP4LossProbQosTag = 0x03;
+const uint8_t MP4MaxGapLossQosTag = 0x04;
+const uint8_t MP4MaxAUSizeQosTag = 0x41;
+const uint8_t MP4AvgAUSizeQosTag = 0x42;
+const uint8_t MP4MaxAURateQosTag = 0x43;
+const uint8_t MP4QosTagsEnd = 0xFF;
+class MP4QosDescriptorBase : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4QosDescriptorBase(MP4Atom &parentAtom, uint8_t tag);
+ MP4QosDescriptorBase();
+ MP4QosDescriptorBase ( const MP4QosDescriptorBase &src );
+ MP4QosDescriptorBase &operator= ( const MP4QosDescriptorBase &src );
+class MP4UnknownQosQualifier : public MP4Descriptor {
+ MP4UnknownQosQualifier(MP4Atom &parentAtom);
+ void Read(MP4File& file);
+ MP4UnknownQosQualifier();
+ MP4UnknownQosQualifier ( const MP4UnknownQosQualifier &src );
+ MP4UnknownQosQualifier &operator= ( const MP4UnknownQosQualifier &src );
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qtff/ColorParameterBox.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qtff/ColorParameterBox.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7581c63b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qtff/ColorParameterBox.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+#include "impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl { namespace qtff {
+namespace {
+ const string BOX_CODE = "colr";
+ bool findColorParameterBox( MP4FileHandle file, MP4Atom& coding, MP4Atom*& colr );
+ColorParameterBox::add( MP4FileHandle file, uint16_t trackIndex, const Item& item )
+ MP4Atom* coding;
+ if( !MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE( file ))
+ throw new Exception( "invalid file handle", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ if( findCoding( file, trackIndex, coding ))
+ throw new Exception( "supported coding not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ MP4Atom* colr;
+ if( !findColorParameterBox( file, *coding, colr ))
+ throw new Exception( "colr-box already exists", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ colr = MP4Atom::CreateAtom( *((MP4File *)file), coding, BOX_CODE.c_str() );
+ coding->AddChildAtom( colr );
+ colr->Generate();
+ MP4StringProperty* type;
+ MP4Integer16Property* primariesIndex;
+ MP4Integer16Property* transferFunctionIndex;
+ MP4Integer16Property* matrixIndex;
+ if( colr->FindProperty( "colr.colorParameterType", (MP4Property**)&type ))
+ type->SetValue( "nclc" );
+ if( colr->FindProperty( "colr.primariesIndex", (MP4Property**)&primariesIndex ))
+ primariesIndex->SetValue( item.primariesIndex );
+ if( colr->FindProperty( "colr.transferFunctionIndex", (MP4Property**)&transferFunctionIndex ))
+ transferFunctionIndex->SetValue( item.transferFunctionIndex );
+ if( colr->FindProperty( "colr.matrixIndex", (MP4Property**)&matrixIndex ))
+ matrixIndex->SetValue( item.matrixIndex );
+ return false;
+ColorParameterBox::add( MP4FileHandle file, MP4TrackId trackId, const Item& item )
+ MP4File& mp4 = *((MP4File*)file);
+ return add( file, mp4.FindTrackIndex( trackId ), item );
+ColorParameterBox::get( MP4FileHandle file, uint16_t trackIndex, Item& item )
+ item.reset();
+ MP4Atom* coding;
+ if( findCoding( file, trackIndex, coding ))
+ throw new Exception( "supported coding not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ MP4Atom* colr;
+ if( findColorParameterBox( file, *coding, colr ))
+ throw new Exception( "colr-box not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ MP4Integer16Property* primariesIndex;
+ MP4Integer16Property* transferFunctionIndex;
+ MP4Integer16Property* matrixIndex;
+ if( colr->FindProperty( "colr.primariesIndex", (MP4Property**)&primariesIndex ))
+ item.primariesIndex = primariesIndex->GetValue();
+ if( colr->FindProperty( "colr.transferFunctionIndex", (MP4Property**)&transferFunctionIndex ))
+ item.transferFunctionIndex = transferFunctionIndex->GetValue();
+ if( colr->FindProperty( "colr.matrixIndex", (MP4Property**)&matrixIndex ))
+ item.matrixIndex = matrixIndex->GetValue();
+ return false;
+ColorParameterBox::get( MP4FileHandle file, MP4TrackId trackId, Item& item )
+ MP4File& mp4 = *((MP4File*)file);
+ return get( file, mp4.FindTrackIndex( trackId ), item );
+ColorParameterBox::list( MP4FileHandle file, ItemList& itemList )
+ itemList.clear();
+ MP4File& mp4 = *((MP4File*)file);
+ const uint16_t trackc = mp4.GetNumberOfTracks();
+ for( uint16_t i = 0; i < trackc; i++) {
+ MP4TrackId id = mp4.FindTrackId( i );
+ if( id == MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID )
+ continue;
+ const char* type = mp4.GetTrackType( id );
+ if( !type )
+ continue;
+ itemList.resize( itemList.size() + 1 );
+ IndexedItem& xitem = itemList[itemList.size()-1];
+ xitem.trackIndex = i;
+ xitem.trackId = id;
+ bool success = false;
+ try {
+ success = !get( file, i, xitem.item );
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ delete x;
+ }
+ if( !success ) {
+ itemList.resize( itemList.size() - 1 );
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ColorParameterBox::remove( MP4FileHandle file, uint16_t trackIndex )
+ MP4Atom* coding;
+ if( findCoding( file, trackIndex, coding ))
+ throw new Exception( "supported coding not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ MP4Atom* colr;
+ if( findColorParameterBox( file, *coding, colr ))
+ throw new Exception( "colr-box not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ coding->DeleteChildAtom( colr );
+ delete colr;
+ return false;
+ColorParameterBox::remove( MP4FileHandle file, MP4TrackId trackId )
+ MP4File& mp4 = *((MP4File*)file);
+ return remove( file, mp4.FindTrackIndex( trackId ));
+ColorParameterBox::set( MP4FileHandle file, uint16_t trackIndex, const Item& item )
+ MP4Atom* coding;
+ if( findCoding( file, trackIndex, coding ))
+ throw new Exception( "supported coding not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ MP4Atom* colr;
+ if( findColorParameterBox( file, *coding, colr ))
+ throw new Exception( "colr-box not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ MP4Integer16Property* primariesIndex;
+ MP4Integer16Property* transferFunctionIndex;
+ MP4Integer16Property* matrixIndex;
+ if( colr->FindProperty( "colr.primariesIndex", (MP4Property**)&primariesIndex ))
+ primariesIndex->SetValue( item.primariesIndex );
+ if( colr->FindProperty( "colr.transferFunctionIndex", (MP4Property**)&transferFunctionIndex ))
+ transferFunctionIndex->SetValue( item.transferFunctionIndex );
+ if( colr->FindProperty( "colr.matrixIndex", (MP4Property**)&matrixIndex ))
+ matrixIndex->SetValue( item.matrixIndex );
+ return false;
+ColorParameterBox::set( MP4FileHandle file, MP4TrackId trackId, const Item& item )
+ MP4File& mp4 = *((MP4File*)file);
+ return set( file, mp4.FindTrackIndex( trackId ), item );
+ : trackIndex ( numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max() )
+ , trackId ( MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID )
+ : primariesIndex ( 6 )
+ , transferFunctionIndex ( 1 )
+ , matrixIndex ( 6 )
+ColorParameterBox::Item::convertFromCSV( const string& text )
+ istringstream iss( text );
+ char delim;
+ iss >> primariesIndex;
+ iss >> delim;
+ iss >> transferFunctionIndex;
+ iss >> delim;
+ iss >> matrixIndex;
+ // input was good if we end up with only eofbit set
+ if( iss.rdstate() != ios::eofbit ) {
+ reset();
+ ostringstream xss;
+ xss << "invalid ColorParameterBox format"
+ << " (expecting: INDEX1,INDEX2,INDEX3)"
+ << " got: " << text;
+ throw new Exception( xss.str(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ColorParameterBox::Item::convertToCSV() const
+ string buffer;
+ return convertToCSV( buffer );
+ColorParameterBox::Item::convertToCSV( string& buffer ) const
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss << primariesIndex << ',' << transferFunctionIndex << ',' << matrixIndex;
+ buffer = oss.str();
+ return buffer;
+ primariesIndex = 6;
+ transferFunctionIndex = 1;
+ matrixIndex = 6;
+namespace {
+findColorParameterBox( MP4FileHandle file, MP4Atom& coding, MP4Atom*& colr )
+ colr = NULL;
+ MP4Atom* found = NULL;
+ const uint32_t atomc = coding.GetNumberOfChildAtoms();
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < atomc; i++ ) {
+ MP4Atom* atom = coding.GetChildAtom( i );
+ if( BOX_CODE != atom->GetType() )
+ continue;
+ found = atom;
+ }
+ if( !found )
+ return true;
+ MP4StringProperty* type;
+ if( !found->FindProperty( "colr.colorParameterType", (MP4Property**)&type ))
+ return true;
+ const string type_nclc = "nclc";
+ if( type_nclc != type->GetValue() )
+ return true;
+ colr = found;
+ return false;
+} // anonymous
+}}} // namespace mp4v2::impl::qtff
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qtff/ColorParameterBox.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qtff/ColorParameterBox.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a27fcd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qtff/ColorParameterBox.h
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl { namespace qtff {
+/// Functional class for colr-box (Color Parameter Box) support.
+/// A colr-box is expected to be contained in a video track which is one of
+/// the following coding types:
+/// @li avc1
+/// @li mp4v
+/// This implementation assumes a maximum count of <b>1</b> for
+/// VideoSampleEntry of the supported codings.
+/// This implementation supports parameter-type 'nclc' only.
+class MP4V2_EXPORT ColorParameterBox
+ /// Data object for colr-box item.
+ /// This object correlates to one colr-box (Color Parameter Box).
+ ///
+ class MP4V2_EXPORT Item
+ {
+ public:
+ Item();
+ /// reset to state of newly constructed object.
+ void reset();
+ // convert from string CSV format.
+ void convertFromCSV( const string& csv );
+ // convert to string CSV format.
+ string convertToCSV() const;
+ // convert to string CSV format with buffer.
+ string& convertToCSV( string& buffer ) const;
+ public:
+ /// a 16-bit unsigned integer index.
+ /// Specifies an index into a table specifying the CIE 1931 xy
+ /// chromaticity coordinates of the white point and the red, green, and
+ /// blue primaries. The table of primaries specifies the white point and
+ /// the red, green, and blue primary color points for a video system.
+ uint16_t primariesIndex;
+ /// a 16-bit unsigned integer index.
+ /// Specifies an an index into a table specifying the nonlinear transfer
+ /// function coefficients used to translate between RGB color space values
+ /// and Y′CbCr values. The table of transfer function coefficients
+ /// specifies the nonlinear function coefficients used to translate
+ /// between the stored Y′CbCr values and a video capture or display
+ /// system.
+ uint16_t transferFunctionIndex;
+ /// a 16-bit unsigned integer index.
+ /// Specifies an index into a table specifying the transformation matrix
+ /// coefficients used to translate between RGB color space values and
+ /// Y′CbCr values. The table of matrixes specifies the matrix used during
+ /// the translation.
+ uint16_t matrixIndex;
+ };
+ class MP4V2_EXPORT IndexedItem {
+ public:
+ IndexedItem();
+ uint16_t trackIndex;
+ uint16_t trackId;
+ Item item;
+ };
+ typedef vector<IndexedItem> ItemList;
+ static bool list( MP4FileHandle file, ItemList& itemList );
+ /// Add colr-box by track-index.
+ ///
+ /// This function adds a colr-box to <b>trackId</b> of <b>file</b>.
+ /// The track must be a video-track and match one of the supporting
+ /// codings.
+ ///
+ /// @param file on which to operate.
+ /// @param trackIndex on which to operate.
+ /// @param item colr-box properties to set.
+ ///
+ /// @return <b>true</b> on failure, <b>false</b> on success.
+ ///
+ static bool add( MP4FileHandle file, uint16_t trackIndex, const Item& item );
+ /// Add colr-box by track-id.
+ ///
+ /// This function adds a colr-box to <b>trackId</b> of <b>file</b>.
+ /// The track must be a video-track and match one of the supporting
+ /// codings.
+ ///
+ /// @param file on which to operate.
+ /// @param trackId on which to operate.
+ /// @param item colr-box properties to set.
+ ///
+ /// @return <b>true</b> on failure, <b>false</b> on success.
+ ///
+ static bool add( MP4FileHandle file, MP4TrackId trackId, const Item& item );
+ /// Store colr-box (Color Parameter Box) properties by track-index.
+ ///
+ /// This function sets the properties of a <b>colr-box</b>
+ /// (Color Parameter Box).
+ ///
+ /// @param file on which to operate.
+ /// @param trackIndex on which to operate.
+ /// @param item colr-box properties to set.
+ ///
+ /// @return <b>true</b> on failure, <b>false</b> on success.
+ ///
+ static bool set( MP4FileHandle file, uint16_t trackIndex, const Item& item );
+ /// Store colr-box (Color Parameter Box) properties by track-id.
+ ///
+ /// This function sets the properties of a <b>colr-box</b>
+ /// (Color Parameter Box).
+ ///
+ /// @param file on which to operate.
+ /// @param trackId on which to operate.
+ /// @param item colr-box properties to set.
+ ///
+ /// @return <b>true</b> on failure, <b>false</b> on success.
+ ///
+ static bool set( MP4FileHandle file, MP4TrackId trackId, const Item& item );
+ /// Fetch colr-box (Color Parameter Box) properties by track-index.
+ ///
+ /// This function gets the properties of a <b>colr-box</b>
+ /// (Color Parameter Box).
+ ///
+ /// @param file on which to operate.
+ /// @param trackIndex on which to operate.
+ /// @param item colr-box properties to set.
+ ///
+ /// @return <b>true</b> on failure, <b>false</b> on success.
+ ///
+ static bool get( MP4FileHandle file, uint16_t trackIndex, Item& item );
+ /// Fetch colr-box (Color Parameter Box) properties by track-id.
+ ///
+ /// This function gets the properties of a <b>colr-box</b>
+ /// (Color Parameter Box).
+ ///
+ /// @param file on which to operate.
+ /// @param trackId on which to operate.
+ /// @param item colr-box properties to set.
+ ///
+ /// @return <b>true</b> on failure, <b>false</b> on success.
+ ///
+ static bool get( MP4FileHandle file, MP4TrackId trackId, Item& item );
+ /// Remove colr-box (Color Parameter Box) by track-index.
+ ///
+ /// @param file on which to operate.
+ /// @param trackIndex on which to operate.
+ ///
+ /// @return <b>true</b> on failure, <b>false</b> on success.
+ ///
+ static bool remove( MP4FileHandle file, uint16_t trackIndex );
+ /// Remove colr-box (Color Parameter Box) by track-id.
+ ///
+ /// @param file on which to operate.
+ /// @param trackId on which to operate.
+ ///
+ /// @return <b>true</b> on failure, <b>false</b> on success.
+ ///
+ static bool remove( MP4FileHandle file, MP4TrackId trackId );
+}}} // namespace mp4v2::impl::qtff
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qtff/PictureAspectRatioBox.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qtff/PictureAspectRatioBox.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4fe5916d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qtff/PictureAspectRatioBox.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+#include "impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl { namespace qtff {
+namespace {
+ const string BOX_CODE = "pasp";
+ bool findPictureAspectRatioBox( MP4FileHandle file, MP4Atom& coding, MP4Atom*& pasp );
+PictureAspectRatioBox::add( MP4FileHandle file, uint16_t trackIndex, const Item& item )
+ MP4Atom* coding;
+ if( !MP4_IS_VALID_FILE_HANDLE( file ))
+ throw new Exception( "invalid file handle", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ if( findCoding( file, trackIndex, coding ))
+ throw new Exception( "supported coding not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ MP4Atom* pasp;
+ if( !findPictureAspectRatioBox( file, *coding, pasp ))
+ throw new Exception( "pasp-box already exists", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ pasp = MP4Atom::CreateAtom( *((MP4File *)file), coding, BOX_CODE.c_str() );
+ coding->AddChildAtom( pasp );
+ pasp->Generate();
+ MP4Integer16Property* hSpacing;
+ MP4Integer16Property* vSpacing;
+ if( pasp->FindProperty( "pasp.hSpacing", (MP4Property**)&hSpacing ))
+ hSpacing->SetValue( item.hSpacing );
+ if( pasp->FindProperty( "pasp.vSpacing", (MP4Property**)&vSpacing ))
+ vSpacing->SetValue( item.vSpacing );
+ return false;
+PictureAspectRatioBox::add( MP4FileHandle file, MP4TrackId trackId, const Item& item )
+ MP4File& mp4 = *((MP4File*)file);
+ return add( file, mp4.FindTrackIndex( trackId ), item );
+PictureAspectRatioBox::get( MP4FileHandle file, uint16_t trackIndex, Item& item )
+ item.reset();
+ MP4Atom* coding;
+ if( findCoding( file, trackIndex, coding ))
+ throw new Exception( "supported coding not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ MP4Atom* pasp;
+ if( findPictureAspectRatioBox( file, *coding, pasp ))
+ throw new Exception( "pasp-box not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ MP4Integer16Property* hSpacing;
+ MP4Integer16Property* vSpacing;
+ if( pasp->FindProperty( "pasp.hSpacing", (MP4Property**)&hSpacing ))
+ item.hSpacing = hSpacing->GetValue();
+ if( pasp->FindProperty( "pasp.vSpacing", (MP4Property**)&vSpacing ))
+ item.vSpacing = vSpacing->GetValue();
+ return false;
+PictureAspectRatioBox::get( MP4FileHandle file, MP4TrackId trackId, Item& item )
+ MP4File& mp4 = *((MP4File*)file);
+ return get( file, mp4.FindTrackIndex( trackId ), item );
+PictureAspectRatioBox::list( MP4FileHandle file, ItemList& itemList )
+ itemList.clear();
+ MP4File& mp4 = *((MP4File*)file);
+ const uint16_t trackc = mp4.GetNumberOfTracks();
+ for( uint16_t i = 0; i < trackc; i++) {
+ MP4TrackId id = mp4.FindTrackId( i );
+ if( id == MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID )
+ continue;
+ const char* type = mp4.GetTrackType( id );
+ if( !type )
+ continue;
+ itemList.resize( itemList.size() + 1 );
+ IndexedItem& xitem = itemList[itemList.size()-1];
+ xitem.trackIndex = i;
+ xitem.trackId = id;
+ bool success = false;
+ try {
+ success = !get( file, i, xitem.item );
+ }
+ catch( Exception* x ) {
+ delete x;
+ }
+ if( !success ) {
+ itemList.resize( itemList.size() - 1 );
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+PictureAspectRatioBox::remove( MP4FileHandle file, uint16_t trackIndex )
+ MP4Atom* coding;
+ if( findCoding( file, trackIndex, coding ))
+ throw new Exception( "supported coding not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ MP4Atom* pasp;
+ if( findPictureAspectRatioBox( file, *coding, pasp ))
+ throw new Exception( "pasp-box not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ coding->DeleteChildAtom( pasp );
+ delete pasp;
+ return false;
+PictureAspectRatioBox::remove( MP4FileHandle file, MP4TrackId trackId )
+ MP4File& mp4 = *((MP4File*)file);
+ return remove( file, mp4.FindTrackIndex( trackId ));
+PictureAspectRatioBox::set( MP4FileHandle file, uint16_t trackIndex, const Item& item )
+ MP4Atom* coding;
+ if( findCoding( file, trackIndex, coding ))
+ throw new Exception( "supported coding not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ MP4Atom* pasp;
+ if( findPictureAspectRatioBox( file, *coding, pasp ))
+ throw new Exception( "pasp-box not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ MP4Integer16Property* hSpacing;
+ MP4Integer16Property* vSpacing;
+ if( pasp->FindProperty( "pasp.hSpacing", (MP4Property**)&hSpacing ))
+ hSpacing->SetValue( item.hSpacing );
+ if( pasp->FindProperty( "pasp.vSpacing", (MP4Property**)&vSpacing ))
+ vSpacing->SetValue( item.vSpacing );
+ return false;
+PictureAspectRatioBox::set( MP4FileHandle file, MP4TrackId trackId, const Item& item )
+ MP4File& mp4 = *((MP4File*)file);
+ return set( file, mp4.FindTrackIndex( trackId ), item );
+ : trackIndex ( numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max() )
+ , trackId ( MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID )
+ : hSpacing ( 1 )
+ , vSpacing ( 1 )
+ hSpacing = 1;
+ vSpacing = 1;
+PictureAspectRatioBox::Item::convertFromCSV( const string& text )
+ istringstream iss( text );
+ char delim;
+ iss >> hSpacing;
+ iss >> delim;
+ iss >> vSpacing;
+ // input was good if we end up with only eofbit set
+ if( iss.rdstate() != ios::eofbit ) {
+ reset();
+ ostringstream xss;
+ xss << "invalid PcitureAspectRatioBox format"
+ << " (expecting: hSpacing,vSpacing)"
+ << " got: " << text;
+ throw new Exception( xss.str(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+PictureAspectRatioBox::Item::convertToCSV() const
+ string buffer;
+ return convertToCSV( buffer );
+PictureAspectRatioBox::Item::convertToCSV( string& buffer ) const
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss << hSpacing << ',' << vSpacing;
+ buffer = oss.str();
+ return buffer;
+namespace {
+findPictureAspectRatioBox( MP4FileHandle file, MP4Atom& coding, MP4Atom*& pasp )
+ pasp = NULL;
+ MP4Atom* found = NULL;
+ const uint32_t atomc = coding.GetNumberOfChildAtoms();
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < atomc; i++ ) {
+ MP4Atom* atom = coding.GetChildAtom( i );
+ if( BOX_CODE != atom->GetType() )
+ continue;
+ found = atom;
+ }
+ if( !found )
+ return true;
+ pasp = found;
+ return false;
+}}}} // namespace mp4v2::impl::qtff::anonymous
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qtff/PictureAspectRatioBox.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qtff/PictureAspectRatioBox.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..75e4c8fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qtff/PictureAspectRatioBox.h
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl { namespace qtff {
+ using namespace std;
+/// Functional class for pasp-box (Picture Aspect Ratio Box) support.
+/// A pasp-box is expected to be contained in a video track which is one of
+/// the following coding types:
+/// @li avc1
+/// @li mp4v
+/// This implementation assumes a maximum count of <b>1</b> for
+/// VideoSampleEntry of the supported codings.
+class MP4V2_EXPORT PictureAspectRatioBox
+ /// Data object for pasp-box item.
+ /// This object correlates to one pasp-box (Picture Aspect Ratio Box).
+ class MP4V2_EXPORT Item
+ {
+ public:
+ Item ();
+ /// reset to state of newly constructed object.
+ void reset();
+ // convert from string CSV format.
+ void convertFromCSV( const string& csv );
+ // convert to string CSV format.
+ string convertToCSV() const;
+ // convert to string CSV format with buffer.
+ string& convertToCSV( string& buffer ) const;
+ public:
+ /// an unsigned 32-bit integer specifying the vertical spacing of pixels.
+ uint32_t hSpacing;
+ /// an unsigned 32-bit integer specifying the horizontal spacing of pixels.
+ uint32_t vSpacing;
+ };
+ class MP4V2_EXPORT IndexedItem {
+ public:
+ IndexedItem();
+ uint16_t trackIndex;
+ uint16_t trackId;
+ Item item;
+ };
+ typedef vector<IndexedItem> ItemList;
+ static bool list( MP4FileHandle file, ItemList& itemList );
+ /// Add pasp-box by track-index.
+ ///
+ /// This function adds a pasp-box to <b>trackId</b> of <b>file</b>.
+ /// The track must be a video-track and match one of the supporting
+ /// codings.
+ ///
+ /// @param file on which to operate.
+ /// @param trackIndex on which to operate.
+ /// @param item pasp-box properties to set.
+ ///
+ /// @return <b>true</b> on failure, <b>false</b> on success.
+ ///
+ static bool add( MP4FileHandle file, uint16_t trackIndex, const Item& item );
+ /// Add pasp-box by track-id.
+ ///
+ /// This function adds a pasp-box to <b>trackId</b> of <b>file</b>.
+ /// The track must be a video-track and match one of the supporting
+ /// codings.
+ ///
+ /// @param file on which to operate.
+ /// @param trackId on which to operate.
+ /// @param item pasp-box properties to set.
+ ///
+ /// @return <b>true</b> on failure, <b>false</b> on success.
+ ///
+ static bool add( MP4FileHandle file, MP4TrackId trackId, const Item& item );
+ /// Store pasp-box (Color Parameter Box) properties by track-index.
+ ///
+ /// This function sets the properties of a <b>pasp-box</b>
+ /// (Color Parameter Box).
+ ///
+ /// @param file on which to operate.
+ /// @param trackIndex on which to operate.
+ /// @param item pasp-box properties to set.
+ ///
+ /// @return <b>true</b> on failure, <b>false</b> on success.
+ ///
+ static bool set( MP4FileHandle file, uint16_t trackIndex, const Item& item );
+ /// Store pasp-box (Color Parameter Box) properties by track-id.
+ ///
+ /// This function sets the properties of a <b>pasp-box</b>
+ /// (Color Parameter Box).
+ ///
+ /// @param file on which to operate.
+ /// @param trackId on which to operate.
+ /// @param item pasp-box properties to set.
+ ///
+ /// @return <b>true</b> on failure, <b>false</b> on success.
+ ///
+ static bool set( MP4FileHandle file, MP4TrackId trackId, const Item& item );
+ /// Fetch pasp-box (Color Parameter Box) properties by track-index.
+ ///
+ /// This function gets the properties of a <b>pasp-box</b>
+ /// (Color Parameter Box).
+ ///
+ /// @param file on which to operate.
+ /// @param trackIndex on which to operate.
+ /// @param item pasp-box properties to set.
+ ///
+ /// @return <b>true</b> on failure, <b>false</b> on success.
+ ///
+ static bool get( MP4FileHandle file, uint16_t trackIndex, Item& item );
+ /// Fetch pasp-box (Color Parameter Box) properties by track-id.
+ ///
+ /// This function gets the properties of a <b>pasp-box</b>
+ /// (Color Parameter Box).
+ ///
+ /// @param file on which to operate.
+ /// @param trackId on which to operate.
+ /// @param item pasp-box properties to set.
+ ///
+ /// @return <b>true</b> on failure, <b>false</b> on success.
+ ///
+ static bool get( MP4FileHandle file, MP4TrackId trackId, Item& item );
+ /// Remove pasp-box (Color Parameter Box) by track-index.
+ ///
+ /// @param file on which to operate.
+ /// @param trackIndex on which to operate.
+ ///
+ /// @return <b>true</b> on failure, <b>false</b> on success.
+ ///
+ static bool remove( MP4FileHandle file, uint16_t trackIndex );
+ /// Remove pasp-box (Color Parameter Box) by track-id.
+ ///
+ /// @param file on which to operate.
+ /// @param trackId on which to operate.
+ ///
+ /// @return <b>true</b> on failure, <b>false</b> on success.
+ ///
+ static bool remove( MP4FileHandle file, MP4TrackId trackId );
+}}} // namespace mp4v2::impl::qtff
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qtff/coding.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qtff/coding.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29eaf779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qtff/coding.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+#include "impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl { namespace qtff {
+namespace {
+ class StaticData
+ {
+ public:
+ StaticData()
+ {
+ supportedCodings.insert( "avc1" );
+ supportedCodings.insert( "mp4v" );
+ }
+ set<string> supportedCodings;
+ };
+ const StaticData STATIC_DATA;
+findCoding( MP4FileHandle file, uint16_t trackIndex, MP4Atom*& coding )
+ coding = NULL;
+ MP4File& mp4 = *((MP4File*)file);
+ if( trackIndex == numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max() ) {
+ ostringstream xss;
+ xss << "invalid track-index: " << trackIndex;
+ throw new Exception( xss.str(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "moov.trak[" << trackIndex << "].mdia.hdlr";
+ MP4Atom* hdlr = mp4.FindAtom( oss.str().c_str() );
+ if( !hdlr )
+ throw new Exception( "media handler not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ MP4StringProperty* handlerType;
+ if( !hdlr->FindProperty( "hdlr.handlerType", (MP4Property**)&handlerType ))
+ throw new Exception( "media handler type-property not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ const string video = "vide";
+ if( video != handlerType->GetValue() )
+ throw new Exception( "video-track required", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ oss.str( "" );
+ oss.clear();
+ oss << "moov.trak[" << trackIndex << "].mdia.minf.stbl.stsd";
+ MP4Atom* stsd = mp4.FindAtom( oss.str().c_str() );
+ if( !stsd )
+ throw new Exception( "media handler type-property not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ // find first atom which is a supported coding
+ const uint32_t atomc = stsd->GetNumberOfChildAtoms();
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < atomc; i++ ) {
+ MP4Atom* atom = stsd->GetChildAtom( i );
+ if( STATIC_DATA.supportedCodings.find( atom->GetType() ) == STATIC_DATA.supportedCodings.end() )
+ continue;
+ coding = atom;
+ }
+ return coding == NULL;
+}}} // namespace mp4v2::impl::qtff
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qtff/coding.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qtff/coding.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..819c5cc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qtff/coding.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl { namespace qtff {
+bool findCoding( MP4FileHandle file, uint16_t trackIndex, MP4Atom*& coding );
+}}} // namespace mp4v2::impl::qtff
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qtff/impl.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qtff/impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..27c7edbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qtff/impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+#include "src/impl.h"
+#include "qtff.h"
+#endif // MP4V2_IMPL_QTFF_IMPL_H
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qtff/qtff.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qtff/qtff.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64038219
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/qtff/qtff.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+// under the License.
+// The Original Code is MP4v2.
+// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kona Blend.
+// Portions created by Kona Blend are Copyright (C) 2008.
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// Contributors:
+// Kona Blend,
+/// @namespace mp4v2::impl::qtff (private) QuickTime File Format.
+/// This namespace implements some features that are specified by the
+/// QuickTime File Format Specification, revision 2007-09-04.
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl { namespace qtff {
+ ;
+#include "ColorParameterBox.h"
+#include "PictureAspectRatioBox.h"
+#include "coding.h"
+#endif // MP4V2_IMPL_QTTF_QTFF_H
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/rtphint.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/rtphint.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e07309d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/rtphint.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1358 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+/* rtp hint track operations */
+MP4RtpHintTrack::MP4RtpHintTrack(MP4File& file, MP4Atom& trakAtom)
+ : MP4Track(file, trakAtom)
+ m_pRefTrack = NULL;
+ m_pRtpMapProperty = NULL;
+ m_pPayloadNumberProperty = NULL;
+ m_pMaxPacketSizeProperty = NULL;
+ m_pSnroProperty = NULL;
+ m_pTsroProperty = NULL;
+ m_pReadHint = NULL;
+ m_pReadHintSample = NULL;
+ m_readHintSampleSize = 0;
+ m_pWriteHint = NULL;
+ m_writeHintId = MP4_INVALID_SAMPLE_ID;
+ m_writePacketId = 0;
+ m_pTrpy = NULL;
+ m_pNump = NULL;
+ m_pTpyl = NULL;
+ m_pMaxr = NULL;
+ m_pDmed = NULL;
+ m_pDimm = NULL;
+ m_pPmax = NULL;
+ m_pDmax = NULL;
+ m_pMaxPdu = NULL;
+ m_pAvgPdu = NULL;
+ m_pMaxBitRate = NULL;
+ m_pAvgBitRate = NULL;
+ m_thisSec = 0;
+ m_bytesThisSec = 0;
+ m_bytesThisHint = 0;
+ m_bytesThisPacket = 0;
+ delete m_pReadHint; m_pReadHint = NULL;
+ MP4Free( m_pReadHintSample ); m_pReadHintSample = NULL;
+ delete m_pWriteHint; m_pWriteHint = NULL;
+void MP4RtpHintTrack::InitRefTrack()
+ if (m_pRefTrack == NULL) {
+ MP4Integer32Property* pRefTrackIdProperty = NULL;
+ (void)m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.tref.hint.entries[0].trackId",
+ (MP4Property**)&pRefTrackIdProperty);
+ ASSERT(pRefTrackIdProperty);
+ m_pRefTrack = m_File.GetTrack(pRefTrackIdProperty->GetValue());
+ }
+void MP4RtpHintTrack::InitRtpStart()
+ number::srandom( time::getLocalTimeMilliseconds() );
+ (void)m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.udta.hnti.rtp .snro.offset",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pSnroProperty);
+ if (m_pSnroProperty) {
+ m_rtpSequenceStart = m_pSnroProperty->GetValue();
+ } else {
+ m_rtpSequenceStart = number::random32();
+ }
+ (void)m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.udta.hnti.rtp .tsro.offset",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pTsroProperty);
+ if (m_pTsroProperty) {
+ m_rtpTimestampStart = m_pTsroProperty->GetValue();
+ } else {
+ m_rtpTimestampStart = number::random32();
+ }
+void MP4RtpHintTrack::ReadHint(
+ MP4SampleId hintSampleId,
+ uint16_t* pNumPackets)
+ if (m_pRefTrack == NULL) {
+ InitRefTrack();
+ InitRtpStart();
+ }
+ // dispose of any old hint
+ delete m_pReadHint; m_pReadHint = NULL;
+ MP4Free( m_pReadHintSample ); m_pReadHintSample = NULL;
+ m_readHintSampleSize = 0;
+ // read the desired hint sample into memory
+ ReadSample(
+ hintSampleId,
+ &m_pReadHintSample,
+ &m_readHintSampleSize,
+ &m_readHintTimestamp);
+ m_File.EnableMemoryBuffer(m_pReadHintSample, m_readHintSampleSize);
+ m_pReadHint = new MP4RtpHint(*this);
+ m_pReadHint->Read(m_File);
+ m_File.DisableMemoryBuffer();
+ if (pNumPackets) {
+ *pNumPackets = GetHintNumberOfPackets();
+ }
+uint16_t MP4RtpHintTrack::GetHintNumberOfPackets()
+ if (m_pReadHint == NULL) {
+ throw new Exception("no hint has been read",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ return m_pReadHint->GetNumberOfPackets();
+bool MP4RtpHintTrack::GetPacketBFrame(uint16_t packetIndex)
+ if (m_pReadHint == NULL) {
+ throw new Exception("no hint has been read",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ MP4RtpPacket* pPacket =
+ m_pReadHint->GetPacket(packetIndex);
+ return pPacket->IsBFrame();
+uint16_t MP4RtpHintTrack::GetPacketTransmitOffset(uint16_t packetIndex)
+ if (m_pReadHint == NULL) {
+ throw new Exception("no hint has been read",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ MP4RtpPacket* pPacket =
+ m_pReadHint->GetPacket(packetIndex);
+ return pPacket->GetTransmitOffset();
+void MP4RtpHintTrack::ReadPacket(
+ uint16_t packetIndex,
+ uint8_t** ppBytes,
+ uint32_t* pNumBytes,
+ uint32_t ssrc,
+ bool addHeader,
+ bool addPayload)
+ if (m_pReadHint == NULL) {
+ throw new Exception("no hint has been read",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ if (!addHeader && !addPayload) {
+ throw new Exception("no data requested",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ MP4RtpPacket* pPacket =
+ m_pReadHint->GetPacket(packetIndex);
+ *pNumBytes = 0;
+ if (addHeader) {
+ *pNumBytes += 12;
+ }
+ if (addPayload) {
+ *pNumBytes += pPacket->GetDataSize();
+ }
+ // if needed, allocate the packet memory
+ bool buffer_malloc = false;
+ if (*ppBytes == NULL) {
+ *ppBytes = (uint8_t*)MP4Malloc(*pNumBytes);
+ buffer_malloc = true;
+ }
+ try {
+ uint8_t* pDest = *ppBytes;
+ if (addHeader) {
+ *pDest++ =
+ 0x80 | (pPacket->GetPBit() << 5) | (pPacket->GetXBit() << 4);
+ *pDest++ =
+ (pPacket->GetMBit() << 7) | pPacket->GetPayload();
+ *((uint16_t*)pDest) =
+ MP4V2_HTONS(m_rtpSequenceStart + pPacket->GetSequenceNumber());
+ pDest += 2;
+ *((uint32_t*)pDest) =
+ MP4V2_HTONL(m_rtpTimestampStart + (uint32_t)m_readHintTimestamp);
+ pDest += 4;
+ *((uint32_t*)pDest) =
+ MP4V2_HTONL(ssrc);
+ pDest += 4;
+ }
+ if (addPayload) {
+ pPacket->GetData(pDest);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception* x) {
+ if (buffer_malloc) {
+ MP4Free(*ppBytes);
+ *ppBytes = NULL;
+ }
+ throw x;
+ }
+ log.hexDump(0, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, *ppBytes, *pNumBytes,
+ "\"%s\": %u ", GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(),
+ packetIndex);
+MP4Timestamp MP4RtpHintTrack::GetRtpTimestampStart()
+ if (m_pRefTrack == NULL) {
+ InitRefTrack();
+ InitRtpStart();
+ }
+ return m_rtpTimestampStart;
+void MP4RtpHintTrack::SetRtpTimestampStart(MP4Timestamp start)
+ if (!m_pTsroProperty) {
+ MP4Atom* pTsroAtom =
+ m_File.AddDescendantAtoms(&m_trakAtom, "udta.hnti.rtp .tsro");
+ ASSERT(pTsroAtom);
+ (void)pTsroAtom->FindProperty("offset",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pTsroProperty);
+ ASSERT(m_pTsroProperty);
+ }
+ m_pTsroProperty->SetValue(start);
+ m_rtpTimestampStart = start;
+void MP4RtpHintTrack::InitPayload()
+ if (m_pRtpMapProperty == NULL) {
+ (void)m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.udta.hinf.payt.rtpMap",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pRtpMapProperty);
+ }
+ if (m_pPayloadNumberProperty == NULL) {
+ (void)m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.udta.hinf.payt.payloadNumber",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pPayloadNumberProperty);
+ }
+ if (m_pMaxPacketSizeProperty == NULL) {
+ (void)m_trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.rtp .maxPacketSize",
+ (MP4Property**)&m_pMaxPacketSizeProperty);
+ }
+void MP4RtpHintTrack::GetPayload(
+ char** ppPayloadName,
+ uint8_t* pPayloadNumber,
+ uint16_t* pMaxPayloadSize,
+ char **ppEncodingParams)
+ const char* pRtpMap;
+ const char* pSlash;
+ uint32_t length;
+ InitPayload();
+ if (ppPayloadName || ppEncodingParams) {
+ if (ppPayloadName)
+ *ppPayloadName = NULL;
+ if (ppEncodingParams)
+ *ppEncodingParams = NULL;
+ if (m_pRtpMapProperty) {
+ pRtpMap = m_pRtpMapProperty->GetValue();
+ pSlash = strchr(pRtpMap, '/');
+ if (pSlash) {
+ length = pSlash - pRtpMap;
+ } else {
+ length = (uint32_t)strlen(pRtpMap);
+ }
+ if (ppPayloadName) {
+ *ppPayloadName = (char*)MP4Calloc(length + 1);
+ strncpy(*ppPayloadName, pRtpMap, length);
+ }
+ if (pSlash && ppEncodingParams) {
+ pSlash++;
+ pSlash = strchr(pSlash, '/');
+ if (pSlash != NULL) {
+ pSlash++;
+ if (pSlash != '\0') {
+ length = (uint32_t)strlen(pRtpMap) - (pSlash - pRtpMap);
+ *ppEncodingParams = (char *)MP4Calloc(length + 1);
+ strncpy(*ppEncodingParams, pSlash, length);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pPayloadNumber) {
+ if (m_pPayloadNumberProperty) {
+ *pPayloadNumber = m_pPayloadNumberProperty->GetValue();
+ } else {
+ *pPayloadNumber = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pMaxPayloadSize) {
+ if (m_pMaxPacketSizeProperty) {
+ *pMaxPayloadSize = m_pMaxPacketSizeProperty->GetValue();
+ } else {
+ *pMaxPayloadSize = 0;
+ }
+ }
+void MP4RtpHintTrack::SetPayload(
+ const char* payloadName,
+ uint8_t payloadNumber,
+ uint16_t maxPayloadSize,
+ const char *encoding_parms,
+ bool include_rtp_map,
+ bool include_mpeg4_esid)
+ InitRefTrack();
+ InitPayload();
+ ASSERT(m_pRtpMapProperty);
+ ASSERT(m_pPayloadNumberProperty);
+ ASSERT(m_pMaxPacketSizeProperty);
+ size_t len = strlen(payloadName) + 16;
+ if (encoding_parms != NULL) {
+ size_t temp = strlen(encoding_parms);
+ if (temp == 0) {
+ encoding_parms = NULL;
+ } else {
+ len += temp;
+ }
+ }
+ char* rtpMapBuf = (char*)MP4Malloc(len);
+ snprintf(rtpMapBuf, len, "%s/%u%c%s",
+ payloadName,
+ GetTimeScale(),
+ encoding_parms != NULL ? '/' : '\0',
+ encoding_parms == NULL ? "" : encoding_parms);
+ m_pRtpMapProperty->SetValue(rtpMapBuf);
+ m_pPayloadNumberProperty->SetValue(payloadNumber);
+ if (maxPayloadSize == 0) {
+ maxPayloadSize = 1460;
+ }
+ m_pMaxPacketSizeProperty->SetValue(maxPayloadSize);
+ // set sdp media type
+ const char* sdpMediaType;
+ if (!strcmp(m_pRefTrack->GetType(), MP4_AUDIO_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ sdpMediaType = "audio";
+ } else if (!strcmp(m_pRefTrack->GetType(), MP4_VIDEO_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ sdpMediaType = "video";
+ } else if (!strcmp(m_pRefTrack->GetType(), MP4_CNTL_TRACK_TYPE)) {
+ sdpMediaType = "control";
+ } else {
+ sdpMediaType = "application";
+ }
+ uint32_t maxlen =
+ (uint32_t)strlen(sdpMediaType) + (uint32_t)strlen(rtpMapBuf) + 256;
+ char* sdpBuf = (char*)MP4Malloc(maxlen);
+ uint32_t buflen;
+ buflen = snprintf(sdpBuf, maxlen,
+ "m=%s 0 RTP/AVP %u\015\012"
+ "a=control:trackID=%u\015\012",
+ sdpMediaType, payloadNumber,
+ m_trackId);
+ if (include_rtp_map) {
+ buflen += snprintf(sdpBuf + buflen, maxlen - buflen,
+ "a=rtpmap:%u %s\015\012",
+ payloadNumber, rtpMapBuf);
+ }
+ if (include_mpeg4_esid) {
+ snprintf(sdpBuf + buflen, maxlen - buflen,
+ "a=mpeg4-esid:%u\015\012",
+ m_pRefTrack->GetId());
+ }
+ MP4StringProperty* pSdpProperty = NULL;
+ (void)m_trakAtom.FindProperty("trak.udta.hnti.sdp .sdpText",
+ (MP4Property**)&pSdpProperty);
+ ASSERT(pSdpProperty);
+ pSdpProperty->SetValue(sdpBuf);
+ // cleanup
+ MP4Free(rtpMapBuf);
+ MP4Free(sdpBuf);
+void MP4RtpHintTrack::AddHint(bool isBFrame, uint32_t timestampOffset)
+ // on first hint, need to lookup the reference track
+ if (m_writeHintId == MP4_INVALID_SAMPLE_ID) {
+ InitRefTrack();
+ InitStats();
+ }
+ if (m_pWriteHint) {
+ throw new Exception("unwritten hint is still pending", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ m_pWriteHint = new MP4RtpHint(*this);
+ m_pWriteHint->SetBFrame(isBFrame);
+ m_pWriteHint->SetTimestampOffset(timestampOffset);
+ m_bytesThisHint = 0;
+ m_writeHintId++;
+void MP4RtpHintTrack::AddPacket(bool setMbit, int32_t transmitOffset)
+ if (m_pWriteHint == NULL) {
+ throw new Exception("no hint pending", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ MP4RtpPacket* pPacket = m_pWriteHint->AddPacket();
+ ASSERT(m_pPayloadNumberProperty);
+ pPacket->Set(
+ m_pPayloadNumberProperty->GetValue(),
+ m_writePacketId++,
+ setMbit);
+ pPacket->SetTransmitOffset(transmitOffset);
+ m_bytesThisHint += 12;
+ if (m_bytesThisPacket > m_pPmax->GetValue()) {
+ m_pPmax->SetValue(m_bytesThisPacket);
+ }
+ m_bytesThisPacket = 12;
+ m_pNump->IncrementValue();
+ m_pTrpy->IncrementValue(12); // RTP packet header size
+void MP4RtpHintTrack::AddImmediateData(
+ const uint8_t* pBytes,
+ uint32_t numBytes)
+ if (m_pWriteHint == NULL) {
+ throw new Exception("no hint pending", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ MP4RtpPacket* pPacket = m_pWriteHint->GetCurrentPacket();
+ if (pPacket == NULL) {
+ throw new Exception("no packet pending", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ if (pBytes == NULL || numBytes == 0) {
+ throw new Exception("no data",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ if (numBytes > 14) {
+ throw new Exception("data size is larger than 14 bytes",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ MP4RtpImmediateData* pData = new MP4RtpImmediateData(*pPacket);
+ pData->Set(pBytes, numBytes);
+ pPacket->AddData(pData);
+ m_bytesThisHint += numBytes;
+ m_bytesThisPacket += numBytes;
+ m_pDimm->IncrementValue(numBytes);
+ m_pTpyl->IncrementValue(numBytes);
+ m_pTrpy->IncrementValue(numBytes);
+void MP4RtpHintTrack::AddSampleData(
+ MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ uint32_t dataOffset,
+ uint32_t dataLength)
+ if (m_pWriteHint == NULL) {
+ throw new Exception("no hint pending", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ MP4RtpPacket* pPacket = m_pWriteHint->GetCurrentPacket();
+ if (pPacket == NULL) {
+ throw new Exception("no packet pending", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ MP4RtpSampleData* pData = new MP4RtpSampleData(*pPacket);
+ pData->SetReferenceSample(sampleId, dataOffset, dataLength);
+ pPacket->AddData(pData);
+ m_bytesThisHint += dataLength;
+ m_bytesThisPacket += dataLength;
+ m_pDmed->IncrementValue(dataLength);
+ m_pTpyl->IncrementValue(dataLength);
+ m_pTrpy->IncrementValue(dataLength);
+void MP4RtpHintTrack::AddESConfigurationPacket()
+ if (m_pWriteHint == NULL) {
+ throw new Exception("no hint pending", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ uint8_t* pConfig = NULL;
+ uint32_t configSize = 0;
+ m_File.GetTrackESConfiguration(m_pRefTrack->GetId(),
+ &pConfig, &configSize);
+ if (pConfig == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ASSERT(m_pMaxPacketSizeProperty);
+ if (configSize > m_pMaxPacketSizeProperty->GetValue()) {
+ throw new Exception("ES configuration is too large for RTP payload", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ AddPacket(false);
+ MP4RtpPacket* pPacket = m_pWriteHint->GetCurrentPacket();
+ ASSERT(pPacket);
+ // This is ugly!
+ // To get the ES configuration data somewhere known
+ // we create a sample data reference that points to
+ // this hint track (not the media track)
+ // and this sample of the hint track
+ // the offset into this sample is filled in during the write process
+ MP4RtpSampleData* pData = new MP4RtpSampleData(*pPacket);
+ pData->SetEmbeddedImmediate(m_writeSampleId, pConfig, configSize);
+ pPacket->AddData(pData);
+ m_bytesThisHint += configSize;
+ m_bytesThisPacket += configSize;
+ m_pTpyl->IncrementValue(configSize);
+ m_pTrpy->IncrementValue(configSize);
+void MP4RtpHintTrack::WriteHint(MP4Duration duration, bool isSyncSample)
+ if (m_pWriteHint == NULL) {
+ throw new Exception("no hint pending", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ uint8_t* pBytes;
+ uint64_t numBytes;
+ m_File.EnableMemoryBuffer();
+ m_pWriteHint->Write(m_File);
+ m_File.DisableMemoryBuffer(&pBytes, &numBytes);
+ WriteSample(pBytes, numBytes, duration, 0, isSyncSample);
+ MP4Free(pBytes);
+ // update statistics
+ if (m_bytesThisPacket > m_pPmax->GetValue()) {
+ m_pPmax->SetValue(m_bytesThisPacket);
+ }
+ if (duration > m_pDmax->GetValue()) {
+ m_pDmax->SetValue(duration);
+ }
+ MP4Timestamp startTime;
+ GetSampleTimes(m_writeHintId, &startTime, NULL);
+ if (startTime < m_thisSec + GetTimeScale()) {
+ m_bytesThisSec += m_bytesThisHint;
+ } else {
+ if (m_bytesThisSec > m_pMaxr->GetValue()) {
+ m_pMaxr->SetValue(m_bytesThisSec);
+ }
+ m_thisSec = startTime - (startTime % GetTimeScale());
+ m_bytesThisSec = m_bytesThisHint;
+ }
+ // cleanup
+ delete m_pWriteHint;
+ m_pWriteHint = NULL;
+void MP4RtpHintTrack::FinishWrite(uint32_t option)
+ if (m_writeHintId != MP4_INVALID_SAMPLE_ID) {
+ m_pMaxPdu->SetValue(m_pPmax->GetValue());
+ if (m_pNump->GetValue()) {
+ m_pAvgPdu->SetValue(m_pTrpy->GetValue() / m_pNump->GetValue());
+ }
+ m_pMaxBitRate->SetValue(m_pMaxr->GetValue() * 8);
+ if (GetDuration()) {
+ m_pAvgBitRate->SetValue(
+ m_pTrpy->GetValue() * 8 * GetTimeScale() / GetDuration());
+ }
+ }
+ MP4Track::FinishWrite();
+void MP4RtpHintTrack::InitStats()
+ MP4Atom* pHinfAtom = m_trakAtom.FindAtom("trak.udta.hinf");
+ ASSERT(pHinfAtom);
+ (void)pHinfAtom->FindProperty("hinf.trpy.bytes", (MP4Property**)&m_pTrpy);
+ (void)pHinfAtom->FindProperty("hinf.nump.packets", (MP4Property**)&m_pNump);
+ (void)pHinfAtom->FindProperty("hinf.tpyl.bytes", (MP4Property**)&m_pTpyl);
+ (void)pHinfAtom->FindProperty("hinf.maxr.bytes", (MP4Property**)&m_pMaxr);
+ (void)pHinfAtom->FindProperty("hinf.dmed.bytes", (MP4Property**)&m_pDmed);
+ (void)pHinfAtom->FindProperty("hinf.dimm.bytes", (MP4Property**)&m_pDimm);
+ (void)pHinfAtom->FindProperty("hinf.pmax.bytes", (MP4Property**)&m_pPmax);
+ (void)pHinfAtom->FindProperty("hinf.dmax.milliSecs", (MP4Property**)&m_pDmax);
+ MP4Atom* pHmhdAtom = m_trakAtom.FindAtom("trak.mdia.minf.hmhd");
+ ASSERT(pHmhdAtom);
+ (void)pHmhdAtom->FindProperty("hmhd.maxPduSize", (MP4Property**)&m_pMaxPdu);
+ (void)pHmhdAtom->FindProperty("hmhd.avgPduSize", (MP4Property**)&m_pAvgPdu);
+ (void)pHmhdAtom->FindProperty("hmhd.maxBitRate", (MP4Property**)&m_pMaxBitRate);
+ (void)pHmhdAtom->FindProperty("hmhd.avgBitRate", (MP4Property**)&m_pAvgBitRate);
+ MP4Integer32Property* pMaxrPeriod = NULL;
+ (void)pHinfAtom->FindProperty("hinf.maxr.granularity",
+ (MP4Property**)&pMaxrPeriod);
+ if (pMaxrPeriod) {
+ pMaxrPeriod->SetValue(1000); // 1 second
+ }
+MP4RtpHint::MP4RtpHint(MP4RtpHintTrack& track)
+ : m_track(track)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(this->GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "packetCount"));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(this->GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "reserved"));
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_rtpPackets.Size(); i++) {
+ delete m_rtpPackets[i];
+ }
+MP4RtpPacket* MP4RtpHint::AddPacket()
+ MP4RtpPacket* pPacket = new MP4RtpPacket(*this);
+ m_rtpPackets.Add(pPacket);
+ // packetCount property
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[0])->IncrementValue();
+ pPacket->SetBFrame(m_isBFrame);
+ pPacket->SetTimestampOffset(m_timestampOffset);
+ return pPacket;
+void MP4RtpHint::Read(MP4File& file)
+ // call base class Read for required properties
+ MP4Container::Read(file);
+ uint16_t numPackets =
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[0])->GetValue();
+ for (uint16_t i = 0; i < numPackets; i++) {
+ MP4RtpPacket* pPacket = new MP4RtpPacket(*this);
+ m_rtpPackets.Add(pPacket);
+ pPacket->Read(file);
+ }
+ if (log.verbosity >= MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1) {
+ log.verbose1f("\"%s\": ReadHint:", GetTrack().GetFile().GetFilename().c_str());
+ Dump(10, false);
+ }
+void MP4RtpHint::Write(MP4File& file)
+ uint64_t hintStartPos = file.GetPosition();
+ MP4Container::Write(file);
+ uint64_t packetStartPos = file.GetPosition();
+ uint32_t i;
+ // first write out packet (and data) entries
+ for (i = 0; i < m_rtpPackets.Size(); i++) {
+ m_rtpPackets[i]->Write(file);
+ }
+ // now let packets write their extra data into the hint sample
+ for (i = 0; i < m_rtpPackets.Size(); i++) {
+ m_rtpPackets[i]->WriteEmbeddedData(file, hintStartPos);
+ }
+ uint64_t endPos = file.GetPosition();
+ file.SetPosition(packetStartPos);
+ // finally rewrite the packet and data entries
+ // which now contain the correct offsets for the embedded data
+ for (i = 0; i < m_rtpPackets.Size(); i++) {
+ m_rtpPackets[i]->Write(file);
+ }
+ file.SetPosition(endPos);
+ if (log.verbosity >= MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1) {
+ log.verbose1f("\"%s\": WriteRtpHint:", GetTrack().GetFile().GetFilename().c_str());
+ Dump(14, false);
+ }
+void MP4RtpHint::Dump(uint8_t indent, bool dumpImplicits)
+ MP4Container::Dump(indent, dumpImplicits);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_rtpPackets.Size(); i++) {
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1,"\"%s\": RtpPacket: %u",
+ GetTrack().GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(), i);
+ m_rtpPackets[i]->Dump(indent + 1, dumpImplicits);
+ }
+MP4RtpPacket::MP4RtpPacket(MP4RtpHint& hint)
+ : m_hint(hint)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(this->GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "relativeXmitTime"));
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(this->GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "reserved1", 2));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(this->GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "Pbit", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(this->GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "Xbit", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 4 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(this->GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "reserved2", 4));
+ AddProperty( /* 5 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(this->GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "Mbit", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 6 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(this->GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "payloadType", 7));
+ AddProperty( /* 7 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(this->GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "sequenceNumber"));
+ AddProperty( /* 8 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(this->GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "reserved3", 13));
+ AddProperty( /* 9 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(this->GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "extraFlag", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 10 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(this->GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "bFrameFlag", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 11 */
+ new MP4BitfieldProperty(this->GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "repeatFlag", 1));
+ AddProperty( /* 12 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(this->GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "entryCount"));
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_rtpData.Size(); i++) {
+ delete m_rtpData[i];
+ }
+void MP4RtpPacket::AddExtraProperties()
+ AddProperty( /* 13 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(this->GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "extraInformationLength"));
+ // This is a bit of a hack, since the tlv entries are really defined
+ // as atoms but there is only one type defined now, rtpo, and getting
+ // our atom code hooked up here would be a major pain with little gain
+ AddProperty( /* 14 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(this->GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "tlvLength"));
+ AddProperty( /* 15 */
+ new MP4StringProperty(this->GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "tlvType"));
+ AddProperty( /* 16 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(this->GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "timestampOffset"));
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[13])->SetValue(16);
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[14])->SetValue(12);
+ ((MP4StringProperty*)m_pProperties[15])->SetFixedLength(4);
+ ((MP4StringProperty*)m_pProperties[15])->SetValue("rtpo");
+void MP4RtpPacket::Read(MP4File& file)
+ // call base class Read for required properties
+ MP4Container::Read(file);
+ // read extra info if present
+ // we only support the rtpo field!
+ if (((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[9])->GetValue() == 1) {
+ ReadExtra(file);
+ }
+ uint16_t numDataEntries =
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[12])->GetValue();
+ // read data entries
+ for (uint16_t i = 0; i < numDataEntries; i++) {
+ uint8_t dataType;
+ file.PeekBytes(&dataType, 1);
+ MP4RtpData* pData;
+ switch (dataType) {
+ case 0:
+ pData = new MP4RtpNullData(*this);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ pData = new MP4RtpImmediateData(*this);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ pData = new MP4RtpSampleData(*this);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ pData = new MP4RtpSampleDescriptionData(*this);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Exception("unknown packet data entry type", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ m_rtpData.Add(pData);
+ // read data entry's properties
+ pData->Read(file);
+ }
+void MP4RtpPacket::ReadExtra(MP4File& file)
+ AddExtraProperties();
+ int32_t extraLength = (int32_t)file.ReadUInt32();
+ if (extraLength < 4) {
+ throw new Exception("bad packet extra info length", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ extraLength -= 4;
+ while (extraLength > 0) {
+ uint32_t entryLength = file.ReadUInt32();
+ uint32_t entryTag = file.ReadUInt32();
+ if (entryLength < 8) {
+ throw new Exception("bad packet extra info entry length", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ if (entryTag == STRTOINT32("rtpo") && entryLength == 12) {
+ // read the rtp timestamp offset
+ m_pProperties[16]->Read(file);
+ } else {
+ // ignore it, LATER carry it along
+ file.SetPosition(file.GetPosition() + entryLength - 8);
+ }
+ extraLength -= entryLength;
+ }
+ if (extraLength < 0) {
+ throw new Exception("invalid packet extra info length", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+void MP4RtpPacket::Set(uint8_t payloadNumber,
+ uint32_t packetId, bool setMbit)
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[5])->SetValue(setMbit);
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[6])->SetValue(payloadNumber);
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[7])->SetValue(packetId);
+int32_t MP4RtpPacket::GetTransmitOffset()
+ return ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[0])->GetValue();
+void MP4RtpPacket::SetTransmitOffset(int32_t transmitOffset)
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValue(transmitOffset);
+bool MP4RtpPacket::GetPBit()
+ return ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[2])->GetValue();
+bool MP4RtpPacket::GetXBit()
+ return ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[3])->GetValue();
+bool MP4RtpPacket::GetMBit()
+ return ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[5])->GetValue();
+uint8_t MP4RtpPacket::GetPayload()
+ return ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[6])->GetValue();
+uint16_t MP4RtpPacket::GetSequenceNumber()
+ return ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[7])->GetValue();
+bool MP4RtpPacket::IsBFrame()
+ return ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[10])->GetValue();
+void MP4RtpPacket::SetBFrame(bool isBFrame)
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[10])->SetValue(isBFrame);
+void MP4RtpPacket::SetTimestampOffset(uint32_t timestampOffset)
+ if (timestampOffset == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ASSERT(((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[9])->GetValue() == 0);
+ // set X bit
+ ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[9])->SetValue(1);
+ AddExtraProperties();
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[16])->SetValue(timestampOffset);
+void MP4RtpPacket::AddData(MP4RtpData* pData)
+ m_rtpData.Add(pData);
+ // increment entry count property
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[12])->IncrementValue();
+uint32_t MP4RtpPacket::GetDataSize()
+ uint32_t totalDataSize = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_rtpData.Size(); i++) {
+ totalDataSize += m_rtpData[i]->GetDataSize();
+ }
+ return totalDataSize;
+void MP4RtpPacket::GetData(uint8_t* pDest)
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_rtpData.Size(); i++) {
+ m_rtpData[i]->GetData(pDest);
+ pDest += m_rtpData[i]->GetDataSize();
+ }
+void MP4RtpPacket::Write(MP4File& file)
+ MP4Container::Write(file);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_rtpData.Size(); i++) {
+ m_rtpData[i]->Write(file);
+ }
+void MP4RtpPacket::WriteEmbeddedData(MP4File& file, uint64_t startPos)
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_rtpData.Size(); i++) {
+ m_rtpData[i]->WriteEmbeddedData(file, startPos);
+ }
+void MP4RtpPacket::Dump(uint8_t indent, bool dumpImplicits)
+ MP4Container::Dump(indent, dumpImplicits);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_rtpData.Size(); i++) {
+ log.dump(indent, MP4_LOG_VERBOSE1, "\"%s\": RtpData: %u",
+ GetHint().GetTrack().GetFile().GetFilename().c_str(), i);
+ m_rtpData[i]->Dump(indent + 1, dumpImplicits);
+ }
+MP4RtpData::MP4RtpData(MP4RtpPacket& packet)
+ : m_packet(packet)
+ AddProperty( /* 0 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(this->GetPacket().GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "type"));
+MP4Track* MP4RtpData::FindTrackFromRefIndex(uint8_t refIndex)
+ MP4Track* pTrack;
+ if (refIndex == (uint8_t)-1) {
+ // ourselves
+ pTrack = &GetPacket().GetHint().GetTrack();
+ } else if (refIndex == 0) {
+ // our reference track
+ pTrack = GetPacket().GetHint().GetTrack().GetRefTrack();
+ } else {
+ // some other track
+ MP4RtpHintTrack* pHintTrack =
+ &GetPacket().GetHint().GetTrack();
+ MP4Atom& trakAtom = pHintTrack->GetTrakAtom();
+ MP4Integer32Property* pTrackIdProperty = NULL;
+ (void)trakAtom.FindProperty(
+ "trak.tref.hint.entries",
+ (MP4Property**)&pTrackIdProperty);
+ ASSERT(pTrackIdProperty);
+ uint32_t refTrackId =
+ pTrackIdProperty->GetValue(refIndex - 1);
+ pTrack = pHintTrack->GetFile().GetTrack(refTrackId);
+ }
+ return pTrack;
+MP4RtpNullData::MP4RtpNullData(MP4RtpPacket& packet)
+ : MP4RtpData(packet)
+ ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValue(0);
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4BytesProperty(this->GetPacket().GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "pad", 15));
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[1])->SetFixedSize(15);
+MP4RtpImmediateData::MP4RtpImmediateData(MP4RtpPacket& packet)
+ : MP4RtpData(packet)
+ ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValue(1);
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(this->GetPacket().GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "count"));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4BytesProperty(this->GetPacket().GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "data", 14));
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[2])->SetFixedSize(14);
+void MP4RtpImmediateData::Set(const uint8_t* pBytes, uint8_t numBytes)
+ ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue(numBytes);
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValue(pBytes, numBytes);
+uint16_t MP4RtpImmediateData::GetDataSize()
+ return ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[1])->GetValue();
+void MP4RtpImmediateData::GetData(uint8_t* pDest)
+ uint8_t* pValue;
+ uint32_t valueSize;
+ ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[2])->GetValue(&pValue, &valueSize);
+ memcpy(pDest, pValue, GetDataSize());
+ MP4Free(pValue);
+MP4RtpSampleData::MP4RtpSampleData(MP4RtpPacket& packet)
+ : MP4RtpData(packet)
+ ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValue(2);
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(this->GetPacket().GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "trackRefIndex"));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(this->GetPacket().GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "length"));
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(this->GetPacket().GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "sampleNumber"));
+ AddProperty( /* 4 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(this->GetPacket().GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "sampleOffset"));
+ AddProperty( /* 5 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(this->GetPacket().GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "bytesPerBlock"));
+ AddProperty( /* 6 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(this->GetPacket().GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "samplesPerBlock"));
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[5])->SetValue(1);
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[6])->SetValue(1);
+ m_pRefData = NULL;
+ m_pRefTrack = NULL;
+ m_refSampleId = MP4_INVALID_SAMPLE_ID;
+ m_refSampleOffset = 0;
+void MP4RtpSampleData::SetEmbeddedImmediate(MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ uint8_t* pData, uint16_t dataLength)
+ ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue((uint8_t)-1);
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValue(dataLength);
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[3])->SetValue(sampleId);
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[4])->SetValue(0);
+ CHECK_AND_FREE(m_pRefData);
+ m_pRefData = pData;
+void MP4RtpSampleData::SetReferenceSample(
+ MP4SampleId refSampleId, uint32_t refSampleOffset,
+ uint16_t sampleLength)
+ ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue(0);
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValue(sampleLength);
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[3])->SetValue(refSampleId);
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[4])->SetValue(refSampleOffset);
+void MP4RtpSampleData::SetEmbeddedSample(
+ MP4SampleId sampleId, MP4Track* pRefTrack,
+ MP4SampleId refSampleId, uint32_t refSampleOffset,
+ uint16_t sampleLength)
+ ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue((uint8_t)-1);
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValue(sampleLength);
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[3])->SetValue(sampleId);
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[4])->SetValue(0);
+ m_pRefTrack = pRefTrack;
+ m_refSampleId = refSampleId;
+ m_refSampleOffset = refSampleOffset;
+uint16_t MP4RtpSampleData::GetDataSize()
+ return ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[2])->GetValue();
+void MP4RtpSampleData::GetData(uint8_t* pDest)
+ uint8_t trackRefIndex =
+ ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[1])->GetValue();
+ MP4Track* pSampleTrack =
+ FindTrackFromRefIndex(trackRefIndex);
+ pSampleTrack->ReadSampleFragment(
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[3])->GetValue(), // sampleId
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[4])->GetValue(), // sampleOffset
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[2])->GetValue(), // sampleLength
+ pDest);
+void MP4RtpSampleData::WriteEmbeddedData(MP4File& file, uint64_t startPos)
+ // if not using embedded data, nothing to do
+ if (((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[1])->GetValue() != (uint8_t)-1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // figure out the offset within this hint sample for this embedded data
+ uint64_t offset = file.GetPosition() - startPos;
+ ASSERT(offset <= 0xFFFFFFFF);
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[4])->SetValue((uint32_t)offset);
+ uint16_t length = ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[2])->GetValue();
+ if (m_pRefData) {
+ file.WriteBytes(m_pRefData, length);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m_refSampleId != MP4_INVALID_SAMPLE_ID) {
+ uint8_t* pSample = NULL;
+ uint32_t sampleSize = 0;
+ ASSERT(m_pRefTrack);
+ m_pRefTrack->ReadSample(m_refSampleId, &pSample, &sampleSize);
+ ASSERT(m_refSampleOffset + length <= sampleSize);
+ file.WriteBytes(&pSample[m_refSampleOffset], length);
+ MP4Free(pSample);
+ return;
+ }
+MP4RtpSampleDescriptionData::MP4RtpSampleDescriptionData(MP4RtpPacket& packet)
+ : MP4RtpData(packet)
+ ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValue(3);
+ AddProperty( /* 1 */
+ new MP4Integer8Property(this->GetPacket().GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "trackRefIndex"));
+ AddProperty( /* 2 */
+ new MP4Integer16Property(this->GetPacket().GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "length"));
+ AddProperty( /* 3 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(this->GetPacket().GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "sampleDescriptionIndex"));
+ AddProperty( /* 4 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(this->GetPacket().GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "sampleDescriptionOffset"));
+ AddProperty( /* 5 */
+ new MP4Integer32Property(this->GetPacket().GetHint().GetTrack().GetTrakAtom(), "reserved"));
+void MP4RtpSampleDescriptionData::Set(uint32_t sampleDescrIndex,
+ uint32_t offset, uint16_t length)
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValue(length);
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[3])->SetValue(sampleDescrIndex);
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[4])->SetValue(offset);
+uint16_t MP4RtpSampleDescriptionData::GetDataSize()
+ return ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[2])->GetValue();
+void MP4RtpSampleDescriptionData::GetData(uint8_t* pDest)
+ // we start with the index into our track references
+ uint8_t trackRefIndex =
+ ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[1])->GetValue();
+ // from which we can find the track structure
+ MP4Track* pSampleTrack =
+ FindTrackFromRefIndex(trackRefIndex);
+ // next find the desired atom in the track's sample description table
+ uint32_t sampleDescrIndex =
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[3])->GetValue();
+ MP4Atom& trakAtom =
+ pSampleTrack->GetTrakAtom();
+ char sdName[64];
+ snprintf(sdName, 64, "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*[%u]", sampleDescrIndex);
+ MP4Atom* pSdAtom =
+ trakAtom.FindAtom(sdName);
+ // bad reference
+ if (pSdAtom == NULL) {
+ throw new Exception("invalid sample description index", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
+ }
+ // check validity of the upcoming copy
+ uint16_t length =
+ ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[2])->GetValue();
+ uint32_t offset =
+ ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[4])->GetValue();
+ if (offset + length > pSdAtom->GetSize()) {
+ throw new Exception("offset and/or length are too large",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ // now we use the raw file to get the desired bytes
+ MP4File& file = GetPacket().GetHint().GetTrack().GetFile();
+ uint64_t orgPos = file.GetPosition();
+ // It's not entirely clear from the spec whether the offset is from
+ // the start of the sample descirption atom, or the start of the atom's
+ // data. I believe it is the former, but the commented out code will
+ // realize the latter interpretation if I turn out to be wrong.
+ uint64_t dataPos = pSdAtom->GetStart();
+ //uint64_t dataPos = pSdAtom->GetEnd() - pSdAtom->GetSize();
+ file.SetPosition(dataPos + offset);
+ file.ReadBytes(pDest, length);
+ file.SetPosition(orgPos);
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/rtphint.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/rtphint.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2a4fa8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/rtphint.h
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ * rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
+ * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
+ * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Dave Mackie [email protected]
+ */
+namespace mp4v2 {
+namespace impl {
+// forward declarations
+class MP4RtpHintTrack;
+class MP4RtpHint;
+class MP4RtpPacket;
+class MP4RtpData : public MP4Container {
+ MP4RtpData(MP4RtpPacket& packet);
+ MP4RtpPacket& GetPacket() {
+ return m_packet;
+ }
+ virtual uint16_t GetDataSize() = 0;
+ virtual void GetData(uint8_t* pDest) = 0;
+ MP4Track* FindTrackFromRefIndex(uint8_t refIndex);
+ virtual void WriteEmbeddedData(MP4File& file, uint64_t startPos) {
+ // default is no-op
+ }
+ MP4RtpPacket& m_packet;
+MP4ARRAY_DECL(MP4RtpData, MP4RtpData*)
+class MP4RtpNullData : public MP4RtpData {
+ MP4RtpNullData(MP4RtpPacket& packet);
+ uint16_t GetDataSize() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void GetData(uint8_t* pDest) {
+ // no-op
+ }
+class MP4RtpImmediateData : public MP4RtpData {
+ MP4RtpImmediateData(MP4RtpPacket& packet);
+ void Set(const uint8_t* pBytes, uint8_t numBytes);
+ uint16_t GetDataSize();
+ void GetData(uint8_t* pDest);
+class MP4RtpSampleData : public MP4RtpData {
+ MP4RtpSampleData(MP4RtpPacket& packet);
+ ~MP4RtpSampleData(void) {
+ CHECK_AND_FREE(m_pRefData);
+ };
+ void SetEmbeddedImmediate(
+ MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ uint8_t* pData, uint16_t dataLength);
+ void SetReferenceSample(
+ MP4SampleId refSampleId, uint32_t refSampleOffset,
+ uint16_t sampleLength);
+ void SetEmbeddedSample(
+ MP4SampleId sampleId, MP4Track* pRefTrack,
+ MP4SampleId refSampleId, uint32_t refSampleOffset,
+ uint16_t sampleLength);
+ uint16_t GetDataSize();
+ void GetData(uint8_t* pDest);
+ void WriteEmbeddedData(MP4File& file, uint64_t startPos);
+ uint8_t* m_pRefData;
+ MP4Track* m_pRefTrack;
+ MP4SampleId m_refSampleId;
+ uint32_t m_refSampleOffset;
+class MP4RtpSampleDescriptionData : public MP4RtpData {
+ MP4RtpSampleDescriptionData(MP4RtpPacket& packet);
+ void Set(uint32_t sampleDescrIndex,
+ uint32_t offset, uint16_t length);
+ uint16_t GetDataSize();
+ void GetData(uint8_t* pDest);
+class MP4RtpPacket : public MP4Container {
+ MP4RtpPacket(MP4RtpHint& hint);
+ ~MP4RtpPacket();
+ void AddExtraProperties();
+ MP4RtpHint& GetHint() {
+ return m_hint;
+ }
+ void Set(uint8_t payloadNumber, uint32_t packetId, bool setMbit);
+ int32_t GetTransmitOffset();
+ bool GetPBit();
+ bool GetXBit();
+ bool GetMBit();
+ uint8_t GetPayload();
+ uint16_t GetSequenceNumber();
+ void SetTransmitOffset(int32_t transmitOffset);
+ bool IsBFrame();
+ void SetBFrame(bool isBFrame);
+ void SetTimestampOffset(uint32_t timestampOffset);
+ void AddData(MP4RtpData* pData);
+ uint32_t GetDataSize();
+ void GetData(uint8_t* pDest);
+ void Read(MP4File& file);
+ void ReadExtra(MP4File& file);
+ void Write(MP4File& file);
+ void WriteEmbeddedData(MP4File& file, uint64_t startPos);
+ void Dump(uint8_t indent, bool dumpImplicits);
+ MP4RtpHint& m_hint;
+ MP4RtpDataArray m_rtpData;
+MP4ARRAY_DECL(MP4RtpPacket, MP4RtpPacket*)
+class MP4RtpHint : public MP4Container {
+ MP4RtpHint(MP4RtpHintTrack& track);
+ ~MP4RtpHint();
+ MP4RtpHintTrack& GetTrack() {
+ return m_track;
+ }
+ uint16_t GetNumberOfPackets() {
+ return m_rtpPackets.Size();
+ }
+ bool IsBFrame() {
+ return m_isBFrame;
+ }
+ void SetBFrame(bool isBFrame) {
+ m_isBFrame = isBFrame;
+ }
+ uint32_t GetTimestampOffset() {
+ return m_timestampOffset;
+ }
+ void SetTimestampOffset(uint32_t timestampOffset) {
+ m_timestampOffset = timestampOffset;
+ }
+ MP4RtpPacket* AddPacket();
+ MP4RtpPacket* GetPacket(uint16_t index) {
+ return m_rtpPackets[index];
+ }
+ MP4RtpPacket* GetCurrentPacket() {
+ if (m_rtpPackets.Size() == 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return m_rtpPackets[m_rtpPackets.Size() - 1];
+ }
+ void Read(MP4File& file);
+ void Write(MP4File& file);
+ void Dump(uint8_t indent, bool dumpImplicits);
+ MP4RtpHintTrack& m_track;
+ MP4RtpPacketArray m_rtpPackets;
+ // values when adding packets to a hint (write mode)
+ bool m_isBFrame;
+ uint32_t m_timestampOffset;
+class MP4RtpHintTrack : public MP4Track {
+ MP4RtpHintTrack(MP4File& file, MP4Atom& trakAtom);
+ ~MP4RtpHintTrack();
+ void InitRefTrack();
+ void InitPayload();
+ void InitRtpStart();
+ void InitStats();
+ MP4Track* GetRefTrack() {
+ InitRefTrack();
+ return m_pRefTrack;
+ }
+ void GetPayload(
+ char** ppPayloadName = NULL,
+ uint8_t* pPayloadNumber = NULL,
+ uint16_t* pMaxPayloadSize = NULL,
+ char **ppEncodingParams = NULL);
+ void SetPayload(
+ const char* payloadName,
+ uint8_t payloadNumber,
+ uint16_t maxPayloadSize,
+ const char *encoding_parms,
+ bool add_rtpmap,
+ bool add_mpeg4_esid);
+ void ReadHint(
+ MP4SampleId hintSampleId,
+ uint16_t* pNumPackets = NULL);
+ uint16_t GetHintNumberOfPackets();
+ bool GetPacketBFrame(uint16_t packetIndex);
+ uint16_t GetPacketTransmitOffset(uint16_t packetIndex);
+ void ReadPacket(
+ uint16_t packetIndex,
+ uint8_t** ppBytes,
+ uint32_t* pNumBytes,
+ uint32_t ssrc,
+ bool includeHeader = true,
+ bool includePayload = true);
+ MP4Timestamp GetRtpTimestampStart();
+ void SetRtpTimestampStart(MP4Timestamp start);
+ void AddHint(bool isBFrame, uint32_t timestampOffset);
+ void AddPacket(bool setMbit, int32_t transmitOffset = 0);
+ void AddImmediateData(const uint8_t* pBytes, uint32_t numBytes);
+ void AddSampleData(MP4SampleId sampleId,
+ uint32_t dataOffset, uint32_t dataLength);
+ void AddESConfigurationPacket();
+ void WriteHint(MP4Duration duration, bool isSyncSample);
+ void FinishWrite(uint32_t options = 0);
+ MP4Track* m_pRefTrack;
+ MP4StringProperty* m_pRtpMapProperty;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pPayloadNumberProperty;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pMaxPacketSizeProperty;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pSnroProperty;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pTsroProperty;
+ uint32_t m_rtpSequenceStart;
+ uint32_t m_rtpTimestampStart;
+ // reading
+ MP4RtpHint* m_pReadHint;
+ uint8_t* m_pReadHintSample;
+ uint32_t m_readHintSampleSize;
+ MP4Timestamp m_readHintTimestamp;
+ // writing
+ MP4RtpHint* m_pWriteHint;
+ MP4SampleId m_writeHintId;
+ uint32_t m_writePacketId;
+ // statistics
+ // in trak.udta.hinf
+ MP4Integer64Property* m_pTrpy;
+ MP4Integer64Property* m_pNump;
+ MP4Integer64Property* m_pTpyl;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pMaxr;
+ MP4Integer64Property* m_pDmed;
+ MP4Integer64Property* m_pDimm;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pPmax;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pDmax;
+ // in trak.mdia.minf.hmhd
+ MP4Integer16Property* m_pMaxPdu;
+ MP4Integer16Property* m_pAvgPdu;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pMaxBitRate;
+ MP4Integer32Property* m_pAvgBitRate;
+ MP4Timestamp m_thisSec;
+ uint32_t m_bytesThisSec;
+ uint32_t m_bytesThisHint;
+ uint32_t m_bytesThisPacket;
+} // namespace mp4v2::impl
+#endif // MP4V2_IMPL_RTPHINT_H
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/src.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/src.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..472d8a0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/src.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#ifndef MP4V2_IMPL_SRC_H
+#define MP4V2_IMPL_SRC_H
+#include "libplatform/platform.h"
+#include <mp4v2/mp4v2.h>
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+ using namespace mp4v2::platform;
+ using io::File;
+ using io::FileSystem;
+}} // namspace mp4v2::impl
+#include "text.h"
+#include "enum.h"
+#include "exception.h"
+#include "bmff/typebmff.h"
+#include "itmf/type.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "mp4util.h"
+#include "mp4array.h"
+#include "mp4track.h"
+#include "mp4file.h"
+#include "mp4property.h"
+#include "mp4container.h"
+#include "mp4atom.h"
+#include "atoms.h"
+#include "bmff/bmff.h"
+#include "itmf/itmf.h"
+#include "qtff/qtff.h"
+#include "mp4descriptor.h"
+#include "descriptors.h"
+#include "ocidescriptors.h"
+#include "qosqualifiers.h"
+#include "odcommands.h"
+#include "rtphint.h"
+#endif // MP4V2_IMPL_SRC_H
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/text.cpp b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/text.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5790f967
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/text.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#include "src/impl.h"
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+LessIgnoreCase::operator()( const string& xstr, const string& ystr ) const
+ const string::size_type xlen = xstr.length();
+ const string::size_type ylen = ystr.length();
+ if( xlen < ylen ) {
+ for( string::size_type i = 0; i < xlen; i++ ) {
+ const char x = std::toupper( xstr[i] );
+ const char y = std::toupper( ystr[i] );
+ if( x < y )
+ return true;
+ else if ( x > y )
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ else {
+ for( string::size_type i = 0; i < ylen; i++ ) {
+ const char x = std::toupper( xstr[i] );
+ const char y = std::toupper( ystr[i] );
+ if( x < y )
+ return true;
+ else if ( x > y )
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/text.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/text.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4afd336b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/text.h
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#ifndef MP4V2_IMPL_TEXT_H
+#define MP4V2_IMPL_TEXT_H
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+struct MP4V2_EXPORT LessIgnoreCase : less<string>
+ bool operator()( const string&, const string& ) const;
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
+#endif // MP4V2_IMPL_TEXT_H
diff --git a/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/util.h b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/util.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aa3aba67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0~dfsg0/src/util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#ifndef MP4V2_IMPL_UTIL_H
+#define MP4V2_IMPL_UTIL_H
+namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl {
+inline int8_t max( int8_t a, int8_t b ) {
+ return ( a > b ) ? a : b;
+inline int16_t max( int16_t a, int16_t b ) {
+ return ( a > b ) ? a : b;
+inline int32_t max( int32_t a, int32_t b ) {
+ return ( a > b ) ? a : b;
+inline int64_t max( int64_t a, int64_t b ) {
+ return ( a > b ) ? a : b;
+inline uint8_t max( uint8_t a, uint8_t b ) {
+ return ( a > b ) ? a : b;
+inline uint16_t max( uint16_t a, uint16_t b ) {
+ return ( a > b ) ? a : b;
+inline uint32_t max( uint32_t a, uint32_t b ) {
+ return ( a > b ) ? a : b;
+inline uint64_t max( uint64_t a, uint64_t b ) {
+ return ( a > b ) ? a : b;
+inline int8_t min( int8_t a, int8_t b ) {
+ return ( a < b ) ? a : b;
+inline int16_t min( int16_t a, int16_t b ) {
+ return ( a < b ) ? a : b;
+inline int32_t min( int32_t a, int32_t b ) {
+ return ( a < b ) ? a : b;
+inline int64_t min( int64_t a, int64_t b ) {
+ return ( a < b ) ? a : b;
+inline uint8_t min( uint8_t a, uint8_t b ) {
+ return ( a < b ) ? a : b;
+inline uint16_t min( uint16_t a, uint16_t b ) {
+ return ( a < b ) ? a : b;
+inline uint32_t min( uint32_t a, uint32_t b ) {
+ return ( a < b ) ? a : b;
+inline uint64_t min( uint64_t a, uint64_t b ) {
+ return ( a < b ) ? a : b;
+}} // namespace mp4v2::impl
+#endif // MP4V2_IMPL_UTIL_H