// WordDBCache.h
// intermediate cache for WordList objects.
// Internal helper for the WordListOne object.
// To speed up bulk insertions, the WordDBCache allows them to remain in
// memory as long as a given limit is not reached. The inserted entries
// are them sorted and dumped into a file. When a given number of files
// have been produced, they are merged into one. Eventually the resulting
// list of entries is inserted into the WordList index.
// END
// Part of the ht://Dig package
// Copyright (c) 1999-2004 The ht://Dig Group
// For copyright details, see the file COPYING in your distribution
// or the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) version 2 or later
// $Id: WordDBCache.h,v 1.4 2004/05/28 13:15:26 lha Exp $
#ifndef _WordDBCache_h_
#define _WordDBCache_h_
#include "htString.h"
#include "List.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "lib.h"
#include "myqsort.h"
#include "WordList.h"
class WordDB;
class WordLock;
// Minimum size of the pulsing cache
#define WORD_DB_CACHE_MINIMUM (500 * 1024)
// We could use DBT instead but it's more than two times bigger and
// time saving by the most efficient way of memory space is the whole
// point of the cache.
class WordDBCacheEntry {
char* key;
unsigned int key_size;
char* data;
unsigned int data_size;
class WordDBCache {
inline WordDBCache(WordContext* ncontext) {
context = ncontext;
entries = (WordDBCacheEntry*)malloc(1000 * sizeof(WordDBCacheEntry));
entries_length = 0;
entries_size = 1000;
pool = (char*)malloc(WORD_DB_CACHE_MINIMUM);
pool_length = 0;
pool_size = pool_max = WORD_DB_CACHE_MINIMUM;
inline ~WordDBCache() {
if(pool_length > 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "WordDBCache::~WordDBCache: destructor called and cache not empty\n");
inline int ResizeEntries() {
entries_size *= 2;
entries = (WordDBCacheEntry*)realloc(entries, entries_size * sizeof(WordDBCacheEntry));
return entries ? 0 : DB_RUNRECOVERY;
inline int ResizePool(int wanted) {
if(pool_size * 2 > pool_max) {
if(pool_max > pool_size && pool_max > wanted)
pool_size = pool_max;
return ENOMEM;
} else {
pool_size *= 2;
pool = (char*)realloc(pool, pool_size);
return pool ? 0 : DB_RUNRECOVERY;
inline int Allocate(int size) {
int ret;
if(entries_length >= entries_size)
if((ret = ResizeEntries()) != 0)
return ret;
if(pool_length + size >= pool_size) {
if((ret = ResizePool(pool_length + size)) != 0)
return ret;
return 0;
inline int GetMax() const { return pool_max; }
inline int SetMax(int max) {
if(max > pool_max)
pool_max = max;
return 0;
inline int SetCompare(int (*ncompare)(WordContext *, const WordDBCacheEntry *, const WordDBCacheEntry *)) {
compare = ncompare;
return 0;
inline int Sort() {
if(Absolute() != OK) return NOTOK;
// Reorder entries in increasing order
myqsort((void*)entries, entries_length, sizeof(WordDBCacheEntry), (myqsort_cmp)compare, (void*)context);
return 0;
inline int Relative() {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < entries_length; i++) {
entries[i].key = (char*)(entries[i].key - pool);
entries[i].data = (char*)(entries[i].data - pool);
return OK;
inline int Absolute() {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < entries_length; i++) {
entries[i].key = pool + (int)(entries[i].key);
entries[i].data = pool + (int)(entries[i].data);
return OK;
inline int Entries(WordDBCacheEntry*& nentries, int& nentries_length) {
nentries = entries;
nentries_length = entries_length;
return 0;
inline int Pool(char*& npool, int& npool_length) {
npool = pool;
npool_length = pool_length;
return OK;
inline int Add(char* key, int key_size, char* data, int data_size) {
int ret;
if((ret = Allocate(key_size + data_size)) != 0)
return ret;
entries[entries_length].key = (char*)pool_length;
entries[entries_length].key_size = key_size;
entries[entries_length].data = (char*)(pool_length + key_size);
entries[entries_length].data_size = data_size;
memcpy(pool + pool_length, key, key_size);
memcpy(pool + pool_length + key_size, data, data_size);
pool_length += key_size + data_size;
return 0;
inline int Flush() {
entries_length = 0;
pool_length = 0;
return 0;
inline int Empty() {
return entries_length <= 0;
WordDBCacheEntry* entries;
int entries_length;
int entries_size;
char* pool;
int pool_length;
int pool_size;
int pool_max;
int (*compare)(WordContext *, const WordDBCacheEntry *, const WordDBCacheEntry *);
WordContext *context;
class WordDBCacheFile : public Object
WordDBCacheFile() { size = 0; }
String filename;
unsigned int size;
class WordDBCaches {
inline WordDBCaches(WordList* nwords, int nfile_max, int size_hint, int nsize_max) : cache(nwords->GetContext()) {
words = nwords;
files = new WordDB(words->GetContext()->GetDBInfo());
files->Open(words->Filename(), "tmp", DB_BTREE, words->Flags(), 0666, WORD_DB_FILES);
file_max = nfile_max;
size_max = nsize_max;
lock = 0;
cache.SetMax(size_hint / 2);
~WordDBCaches() {
delete files;
int Full() const { return size_max > 0 ? size >= size_max : 0; }
int Add(char* key, int key_size, char* data, int data_size);
int AddFile(String& filename);
int CacheFlush();
int Merge();
int Merge(const String& filea, const String& fileb, const String& tmpname);
int Merge(WordDB& db);
int CacheWrite(const String& filename);
int CacheCompare(int (*compare)(WordContext *, const WordDBCacheEntry *, const WordDBCacheEntry *)) { cache.SetCompare(compare); return OK; }
int WriteEntry(FILE* fp, WordDBCacheEntry& entry, unsigned char*& buffer, unsigned int& buffer_size);
int ReadEntry(FILE* fp, WordDBCacheEntry& entry, unsigned char*& buffer, unsigned int& buffer_size);
WordList* words;
WordDB* files;
int file_max;
int size_max;
int size;
WordLock* lock;
WordDBCache cache;
#endif /* _WordDBCache_h */