2020-11-09 Tracking is used to put some marks within a copy of the source and in the log file. uncrustify generate a HTML file with the marks. Using a browser, one can see where, which options are working. The command option is: uncrustify --tracking Track.html -c config-FILE -f source-FILE -L A 2>A.txt Tracking puts a red "M" in the source to show where the options are working. A tracking number is used and writen in the Track.html file and the output file A.txt to make possible to link the changes together. An example: tracking.cpp { a = b + 111-55; } The config file: indent_with_tabs = 0 sp_arith = force sp_assign = force The tracking file is: Uncrustify: where do the Spaces options work

Use it with a browser and you can see the red "M"s. Let put the cursor on the "M"s, and you see the tracking number and the option used. (look at the picture track.jpg)