path: root/src/part/fileTree.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/part/fileTree.h')
1 files changed, 238 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/part/fileTree.h b/src/part/fileTree.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25ac6fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/part/fileTree.h
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+//Author: Max Howell <[email protected]>, (C) 2004
+//Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+#ifndef FILETREE_H
+#define FILETREE_H
+#include <qcstring.h> //qstrdup
+#include <qfile.h> //decodeName()
+#include <stdlib.h>
+//TODO these are pointlessly general purpose now, make them incredibly specific
+typedef unsigned long int FileSize;
+typedef unsigned long int Dirsize; //**** currently unused
+template <class T> class Iterator;
+template <class T> class ConstIterator;
+template <class T> class Chain;
+template <class T>
+class Link
+ Link( T* const t ) : prev( this ), next( this ), data( t ) {}
+ Link() : prev( this ), next( this ), data( 0 ) {}
+//TODO unlinking is slow and you don't use it very much in this context.
+// ** Perhaps you can make a faster deletion system that doesn't bother tidying up first
+// ** and then you MUST call some kind of detach() function when you remove elements otherwise
+ ~Link() { delete data; unlink(); }
+ friend class Iterator<T>;
+ friend class ConstIterator<T>;
+ friend class Chain<T>;
+ void unlink() { prev->next = next; next->prev = prev; prev = next = this; }
+ Link<T>* prev;
+ Link<T>* next;
+ T* data; //ensure only iterators have access to this
+template <class T>
+class Iterator
+ Iterator() : link( 0 ) { } //**** remove this, remove this REMOVE THIS!!! dangerous as your implementation doesn't test for null links, always assumes they can be derefenced
+ Iterator( Link<T> *p ) : link( p ) { }
+ bool operator==( const Iterator<T>& it ) const { return link ==; }
+ bool operator!=( const Iterator<T>& it ) const { return link !=; }
+ bool operator!=( const Link<T> *p ) const { return p != link; }
+ //here we have a choice, really I should make two classes one const the other not
+ const T* operator*() const { return link->data; }
+ T* operator*() { return link->data; }
+ Iterator<T>& operator++() { link = link->next; return *this; } //**** does it waste time returning in places where we don't use the retval?
+ bool isNull() const { return (link == 0); } //REMOVE WITH ABOVE REMOVAL you don't want null iterators to be possible
+ void transferTo( Chain<T> &chain )
+ {
+ chain.append( remove() );
+ }
+ T* const remove() //remove from list, delete Link, data is returned NOT deleted
+ {
+ T* const d = link->data;
+ Link<T>* const p = link->prev;
+ link->data = 0;
+ delete link;
+ link = p; //make iterator point to previous element, YOU must check this points to an element
+ return d;
+ }
+ Link<T> *link;
+template <class T>
+class ConstIterator
+ ConstIterator( Link<T> *p ) : link( p ) { }
+ bool operator==( const Iterator<T>& it ) const { return link ==; }
+ bool operator!=( const Iterator<T>& it ) const { return link !=; }
+ bool operator!=( const Link<T> *p ) const { return p != link; }
+ const T* operator*() const { return link->data; }
+ ConstIterator<T>& operator++() { link = link->next; return *this; }
+ const Link<T> *link;
+template <class T>
+class Chain
+ virtual ~Chain() { empty(); }
+ void append( T* const data )
+ {
+ Link<T>* const link = new Link<T>( data );
+ link->prev = head.prev;
+ link->next = &head;
+ head.prev->next = link;
+ head.prev = link;
+ }
+ void transferTo( Chain &c )
+ {
+ if( isEmpty() ) return;
+ Link<T>* const first =;
+ Link<T>* const last = head.prev;
+ head.unlink();
+ first->prev = c.head.prev;
+ c.head.prev->next = first;
+ last->next = &c.head;
+ c.head.prev = last;
+ }
+ void empty() { while( != &head ) { delete; } }
+ Iterator<T> iterator() const { return Iterator<T>( ); }
+ ConstIterator<T> constIterator() const { return ConstIterator<T>( ); }
+ const Link<T> *end() const { return &head; }
+ bool isEmpty() const { return == &head; }
+ Link<T> head;
+ void operator=( const Chain& );
+class Directory;
+class QString;
+class File
+ friend class Directory;
+ enum UnitPrefix { kilo, mega, giga, tera };
+ static const uint DENOMINATOR[4];
+ File( const char *name, FileSize size ) : m_parent( 0 ), m_name( qstrdup( name ) ), m_size( size ) {}
+ virtual ~File() { delete [] m_name; }
+ const Directory *parent() const { return m_parent; }
+ const char *name8Bit() const { return m_name; }
+ const FileSize size() const { return m_size; }
+ QString name() const { return QFile::decodeName( m_name ); }
+ virtual bool isDirectory() const { return false; }
+ QString fullPath( const Directory* = 0 ) const;
+ QString humanReadableSize( UnitPrefix key = mega ) const;
+ static QString humanReadableSize( uint size, UnitPrefix Key = mega );
+ File( const char *name, FileSize size, Directory *parent ) : m_parent( parent ), m_name( qstrdup( name ) ), m_size( size ) {}
+ Directory *m_parent; //0 if this is treeRoot
+ char *m_name;
+ FileSize m_size; //in units of KiB
+ File( const File& );
+ void operator=( const File& );
+class Directory : public Chain<File>, public File
+ Directory( const char *name ) : File( name, 0 ), m_children( 0 ) {} //DON'T pass the full path!
+ uint children() const { return m_children; }
+ virtual bool isDirectory() const { return true; }
+ ///appends a Directory
+ void append( Directory *d, const char *name=0 )
+ {
+ if( name ) {
+ delete [] d->m_name;
+ d->m_name = qstrdup( name ); } //directories that had a fullpath copy just their names this way
+ m_children += d->children(); //doesn't include the dir itself
+ d->m_parent = this;
+ append( (File*)d ); //will add 1 to filecount for the dir itself
+ }
+ ///appends a File
+ void append( const char *name, FileSize size )
+ {
+ append( new File( name, size, this ) );
+ }
+ void append( File *p )
+ {
+ m_children++;
+ m_size += p->size();
+ Chain<File>::append( p );
+ }
+ uint m_children;
+ Directory( const Directory& ); //undefined
+ void operator=( const Directory& ); //undefined