path: root/tdegtk/tdegtk-theme.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tdegtk/tdegtk-theme.cpp')
1 files changed, 788 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tdegtk/tdegtk-theme.cpp b/tdegtk/tdegtk-theme.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28ff8e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdegtk/tdegtk-theme.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,788 @@
+/* The TdeGtk Theming Engine for Gtk+.
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Timothy Pearson <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+ * MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ */
+#define RC_CACHE_VERSION TQString("1")
+#define DEBUG_PRINT(x) if (gtk3TQtDebug) printf(x"\n\r");
+#define DEBUG_PRINT_ARGS(x,y) if (gtk3TQtDebug) printf(x"\n\r",y);
+bool gtk3TQtEnable = false;
+int gtk3TQtDebug = false;
+bool tde_showIconsOnPushButtons = false;
+void initTDESettings();
+void writeGtkThemeControlFile(int forceRecreate);
+extern "C" {
+ #include <gmodule.h>
+ #include <gtk/gtk.h>
+ #include "tdegtk-engine.h"
+ G_MODULE_EXPORT void theme_init(GTypeModule *module);
+ G_MODULE_EXPORT void theme_exit(void);
+ G_MODULE_EXPORT GtkThemingEngine* create_engine(void);
+ G_MODULE_EXPORT void theme_init(GTypeModule *module) {
+ tdegtk_engine_register_types(module);
+ }
+ G_MODULE_EXPORT void theme_exit(void) {
+ //
+ }
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <tqpainter.h>
+#include <tqapplication.h>
+#include <tqdir.h>
+#include <tqfile.h>
+#include <tqstyle.h>
+#include <tqslider.h>
+#include <tqscrollbar.h>
+#include <tqregexp.h>
+#include <tqfont.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kcmdlineargs.h>
+#include <kaboutdata.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kconfig.h>
+#include <kglobal.h>
+#include <kglobalsettings.h>
+#include <gdk/gdkx.h>
+#include "tdegtk-widgetlookup.h"
+extern WidgetLookup m_widgetLookup;
+typedef std::pair<std::string, unsigned int> SizePair;
+typedef std::vector<SizePair> SizeMap;
+SizeMap icon_sizes;
+G_MODULE_EXPORT GtkThemingEngine* create_engine(void) {
+ gtk3TQtEnable = true;
+ gtk3TQtDebug = (getenv("GTK3_TQT_ENGINE_DEBUG") != NULL) ? 1 : 0;
+ DEBUG_PRINT("Creating KApplication")
+ int argc = 1;
+ char** argv;
+ // Supply it with fake data to keep KApplication happy
+ argv = (char**) malloc(sizeof(char*));
+ argv[0] = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * 21);
+ strncpy(argv[0], "gtk3-tqt-application", 21);
+ KAboutData aboutData("gtk3-tqt-engine", I18N_NOOP("gtk3-tqt-engine"), "v0.1",
+ "GTK3 TQt theme engine", KAboutData::License_GPL,
+ "(c) 2012, Timothy Pearson",
+ "", 0 /* TODO: Website */, "[email protected]");
+ KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, const_cast<char**>(argv), &aboutData);
+ KApplication::disableAutoDcopRegistration();
+ new KApplication(gdk_x11_get_default_xdisplay(), true, 0, 0, true);
+ initTDESettings();
+ // initialize icon sizes
+ icon_sizes.push_back(std::make_pair("panel-menu", 16));
+ icon_sizes.push_back(std::make_pair("panel", 32));
+ icon_sizes.push_back(std::make_pair("gtk-small-toolbar", 22));
+ icon_sizes.push_back(std::make_pair("gtk-large-toolbar", 22));
+ icon_sizes.push_back(std::make_pair("gtk-dnd", 48));
+ icon_sizes.push_back(std::make_pair("gtk-button", 16));
+ icon_sizes.push_back(std::make_pair("gtk-menu", 16));
+ icon_sizes.push_back(std::make_pair("gtk-dialog", 32));
+ icon_sizes.push_back(std::make_pair("", 16));
+ writeGtkThemeControlFile(false);
+ // Initialize hooks
+ m_widgetLookup.initializeHooks();
+ return GTK_THEMING_ENGINE (g_object_new (TDEGTK_TYPE_ENGINE, "name", "tdegtk", NULL));
+// =========================================================================================================
+// TQt3/GTK Theme Control Functions
+// =========================================================================================================
+TQStringList tdeSearchPaths;
+TQString iconTheme;
+TQStringList iconThemeDirs;
+TQColor alternateBackgroundColour;
+int showIconsOnButtons;
+int toolbarStyle;
+TQString tdeConfigValue(const TQString& section, const TQString& name, const TQString& def) {
+ KConfig currentConfig;
+ currentConfig.setGroup(section);
+ return currentConfig.readEntry(name, def);
+bool tdeBoolConfigValue(const TQString& section, const TQString& name, bool def) {
+ KConfig currentConfig;
+ currentConfig.setGroup(section);
+ return currentConfig.readBoolEntry(name, def);
+TQString tdeFindDir(const TQString& suffix, const TQString& file1, const TQString& file2) {
+ for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = tdeSearchPaths.begin(); it != tdeSearchPaths.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ if ((TQFile::exists((*it) + suffix + file1)) || (TQFile::exists((*it) + suffix + file2)))
+ return (*it) + suffix;
+ }
+ return TQString();
+TQString runCommand(const TQString& command) {
+ FILE* p = popen(command.latin1(), "r");
+ if ((p == NULL) || (p < 0))
+ return TQString();
+ TQString ret;
+ while (!feof(p))
+ {
+ char buffer[256];
+ int n = fread(buffer, 1, 255, p);
+ buffer[n] = '\0';
+ ret += buffer;
+ }
+ pclose(p);
+ return ret.stripWhiteSpace();
+void initTDESettings() {
+ tdeSearchPaths.clear();
+ TQString tdeHome = getenv("TDEHOME");
+ TQString tdeDirs = getenv("TDEDIRS");
+ TQString tdeDir = getenv("TDEDIR");
+ if (!tdeHome.isEmpty()) {
+ tdeSearchPaths.append(tdeHome);
+ }
+ tdeSearchPaths.append(runCommand("tde-config --localprefix"));
+ if (!tdeDirs.isEmpty()) {
+ tdeSearchPaths += TQStringList::split(':', tdeDirs);
+ }
+ if (!tdeDir.isEmpty()) {
+ tdeSearchPaths.append(tdeDir);
+ }
+ tdeSearchPaths.append(runCommand("tde-config --prefix"));
+ iconTheme = tdeConfigValue("Icons", "Theme", "crystalsvg");
+ tde_showIconsOnPushButtons = tdeBoolConfigValue("KDE", "ShowIconsOnPushButtons", false);
+ TQStringList back = TQStringList::split(',', tdeConfigValue("General", "alternateBackground", "238,246,255"));
+ alternateBackgroundColour.setRgb(back[0].toInt(), back[1].toInt(), back[2].toInt());
+ showIconsOnButtons = (tdeConfigValue("KDE", "ShowIconsOnPushButtons", "true").lower() == "true");
+ TQString tmp = tdeConfigValue("Toolbar style", "IconText", "true").lower();
+ if (tmp == "icononly") {
+ toolbarStyle = 0;
+ }
+ else if (tmp == "icontextright") {
+ toolbarStyle = 3;
+ }
+ else if (tmp == "textonly") {
+ toolbarStyle = 1;
+ }
+ else if (tmp == "icontextbottom") {
+ toolbarStyle = 2;
+ }
+ else {
+ // Should never happen, but just in case we fallback to TDE's default "icononly"
+ toolbarStyle = 0;
+ }
+void gtk3_tqt_load_resource_string(const char* css_string) {
+ GtkCssProvider *provider;
+ provider = gtk_css_provider_new();
+ gtk_css_provider_load_from_data(provider, css_string, -1, NULL);
+ GdkDisplay *display = gdk_display_get_default();
+ GdkScreen *screen = gdk_display_get_default_screen(display);
+ gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_screen(screen, GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER(provider), GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION);
+ g_object_unref(provider);
+ DEBUG_PRINT_ARGS("gtk3_tqt_load_resource_string(%s)", css_string)
+void gtk3_tqt_reload_theme_definition_file(const char* filename) {
+ GtkCssProvider *provider;
+ GError *error;
+ provider = gtk_css_provider_new();
+ GdkDisplay *display = gdk_display_get_default();
+ GdkScreen *screen = gdk_display_get_default_screen(display);
+ gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_screen(screen, GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER(provider), GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION);
+ g_object_unref(provider);
+ if (!gtk_css_provider_load_from_path(provider, filename, &error)) {
+ g_printerr("%s: error parsing %s: %s\n", G_STRFUNC, filename, error->message);
+ g_clear_error(&error);
+ }
+TQString tdeFontToGTKFontString(TQFont font) {
+ TQString fontDescriptor = "font: ";
+ fontDescriptor.append(;
+ if (font.bold()) {
+ fontDescriptor.append(" bold");
+ }
+ if (font.italic()) {
+ fontDescriptor.append(" italic");
+ }
+ if (font.pointSizeFloat() != -1) {
+ fontDescriptor.append(TQString(" %1").arg(font.pointSizeFloat()));
+ }
+ else {
+ fontDescriptor.append(TQString(" %1px").arg(font.pixelSize()));
+ }
+ return fontDescriptor;
+// Thanks Martin Dvorak of metatheme
+TQString parse_rc_string(const TQString& defs, const TQString& pattern, bool widgetClass = true) {
+ static int dynamic_counter = 0;
+ ++dynamic_counter;
+ return pattern + " {\n\t" + defs + ";\n}\n\n";
+GtkIconSet* generateIconSet(const std::string& gtkIconName, const std::string& tdeIconName, TQStringList pathList) {
+ if (tdeIconName == "NONE") {
+ return 0L;
+ }
+ bool empty = true;
+ // create iconSet
+ GtkIconSet* iconSet = gtk_icon_set_new();
+ // loop over iconSizes
+ for (SizeMap::const_iterator sizeIter = icon_sizes.begin(); sizeIter != icon_sizes.end(); ++sizeIter) {
+ // generate full icon name
+ std::ostringstream iconFileStream;
+ iconFileStream << sizeIter->second << "x" << sizeIter->second << "/" << tdeIconName;
+ // loop over provided path to see if at least one icon is found
+ for (TQStringList::const_iterator pathIter = pathList.begin(); pathIter != pathList.end(); ++pathIter) {
+ std::string filename((*pathIter + '/' + iconFileStream.str()).latin1());
+ if (!std::ifstream(filename.c_str())) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ empty = false;
+ GtkIconSource* iconSource(gtk_icon_source_new());
+ // set name
+ gtk_icon_source_set_filename(iconSource, filename.c_str());
+ // set direction and state wildcarded
+ gtk_icon_source_set_direction_wildcarded(iconSource, TRUE);
+ gtk_icon_source_set_state_wildcarded(iconSource, TRUE);
+ // set size
+ if (sizeIter->first.empty()) {
+ gtk_icon_source_set_size_wildcarded(iconSource, TRUE);
+ }
+ else {
+ GtkIconSize size = gtk_icon_size_from_name(sizeIter->first.c_str());
+ if (size != GTK_ICON_SIZE_INVALID) {
+ gtk_icon_source_set_size_wildcarded(iconSource, FALSE);
+ gtk_icon_source_set_size(iconSource, size);
+ }
+ }
+ // add source to iconSet
+ gtk_icon_set_add_source(iconSet, iconSource);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // if nothing found, return;
+ if (empty) {
+ gtk_icon_set_unref(iconSet);
+ return 0L;
+ }
+ else {
+ return iconSet;
+ }
+void doIconMapping(const char* gtkName, const char * tdeName, GtkIconFactory* factory, TQStringList tdeIconThemeDirs) {
+ GtkIconSet* iconSet = generateIconSet(gtkName, tdeName, tdeIconThemeDirs);
+ if (iconSet) {
+ gtk_icon_factory_add(factory, gtkName, iconSet);
+ gtk_icon_set_unref(iconSet);
+ }
+TQString colorString(TQColor color) {
+ TQString ret = "rgb(";
+ ret += TQString::number( + ", ";
+ ret += TQString::number( + ", ";
+ ret += TQString::number( + ")";
+ return ret;
+void setColour(TQString name, TQString state, TQColor color) {
+ state = ":" + state;
+ if (state == ":normal") {
+ state = "";
+ }
+ gtk3_tqt_load_resource_string(parse_rc_string(name + ": " + colorString(color), "*" + state).latin1());
+static TQStringList iconInheritsDirs(const TQString& icondir) {
+ TQFile index;
+ index.setName(icondir + "index.theme");
+ if( ! IO_ReadOnly )) {
+ index.setName(icondir + "index.desktop");
+ if( ! IO_ReadOnly ))
+ return TQStringList();
+ }
+ char buf[1024];
+ TQRegExp reg( "^\\s*Inherits=([^\\n]*)" );
+ for(;;) {
+ if( index.readLine(buf, 1023) <= 0 ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if(, 0) >= 0 ) {
+ return TQStringList::split(",", reg.cap(1));
+ }
+ }
+ return TQStringList();
+void addIconThemeDir(const TQString& theme) {
+ // Try to find this theme's directory
+ TQString icondir = tdeFindDir("/share/icons/" + theme + "/", "index.theme", "index.desktop");
+ if(icondir.isEmpty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (iconThemeDirs.contains(icondir)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Add this theme to the list
+ iconThemeDirs.append(icondir);
+ // Do it again for any parent themes
+ TQStringList parents = iconInheritsDirs(icondir);
+ for ( TQStringList::Iterator it=parents.begin() ; it!=parents.end(); ++it) {
+ addIconThemeDir((*it).stripWhiteSpace());
+ }
+void writeGtkThemeControlFile(int forceRecreate) {
+ if (!gtk3TQtEnable) {
+ return;
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINT("writeGtkThemeControlFile()")
+ // Set colors
+ // Normal
+ setColour("color", "normal", tqApp->palette().active().text());
+ setColour("background-color", "normal", tqApp->palette().active().background());
+// setColour("text", "normal", tqApp->palette().active().text());
+// setColour("base", "normal", tqApp->palette().active().base());
+ // Active (on)
+ setColour("color", "active", tqApp->palette().active().text());
+ setColour("background-color", "active", tqApp->palette().active().background());
+// setColour("text", "active", tqApp->palette().active().text());
+// setColour("base", "active", tqApp->palette().active().base());
+ // Mouseover
+ setColour("color", "prelight", tqApp->palette().active().text()); // menu items - change?
+ setColour("background-color", "prelight", tqApp->palette().active().highlight());
+// setColour("text", "prelight", tqApp->palette().active().text());
+// setColour("base", "prelight", tqApp->palette().active().base());
+ // Selected
+ setColour("color", "selected", tqApp->palette().active().highlightedText());
+ setColour("background-color", "selected", tqApp->palette().active().highlight());
+// setColour("text", "selected", tqApp->palette().active().highlightedText());
+// setColour("base", "selected", tqApp->palette().active().highlight());
+ // Disabled
+ setColour("color", "insensitive", tqApp->palette().disabled().text());
+ setColour("background-color", "insensitive", tqApp->palette().disabled().background());
+// setColour("text", "insensitive", tqApp->palette().disabled().text());
+// setColour("base", "insensitive", tqApp->palette().disabled().background());
+ // Set up global application settings
+ GtkSettings* gtksettings = gtk_settings_get_default();
+ GtkSettingsValue svalue;
+ if (gtksettings) {
+ g_object_set(gtksettings, "gtk-alternative-button-order", TRUE, NULL);
+ g_object_set(gtksettings, "gtk-button-images", tde_showIconsOnPushButtons, NULL);
+ g_object_set(gtksettings, "gtk-menu-popup-delay", tqApp->style().styleHint(TQStyle::SH_PopupMenu_SubMenuPopupDelay), NULL);
+ // Handle toolbar text display
+ if (toolbarStyle == 3) {
+ // This is broken by GTK bug #68700
+ g_object_set(gtksettings, "gtk-toolbar-style", GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ, NULL);
+ }
+ else if (toolbarStyle == 2) {
+ g_object_set(gtksettings, "gtk-toolbar-style", GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH, NULL);
+ }
+ else if (toolbarStyle == 1) {
+ g_object_set(gtksettings, "gtk-toolbar-style", GTK_TOOLBAR_TEXT, NULL);
+ }
+ else {
+ g_object_set(gtksettings, "gtk-toolbar-style", GTK_TOOLBAR_ICONS, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ // This function takes quite a long time to execute, and is run at the start of every app.
+ // In order to speed it up, we can store the results in a file, along with the name of icon
+ // theme and style. This file can then be regenerated when the icon theme or style change.
+ TQDir curDir;
+ TQString themeFilePath = TQDir::homeDirPath();
+ curDir.setPath(themeFilePath);
+ if (!curDir.exists()) {
+ curDir.mkdir(themeFilePath);
+ }
+ themeFilePath = themeFilePath + "/.themes/";
+ curDir.setPath(themeFilePath);
+ if (!curDir.exists()) {
+ curDir.mkdir(themeFilePath);
+ }
+ themeFilePath = themeFilePath + TQString(TDEGTK_THEME_THEME_DIRECTORY_NAME) + "/";
+ curDir.setPath(themeFilePath);
+ if (!curDir.exists()) {
+ curDir.mkdir(themeFilePath);
+ }
+ themeFilePath = themeFilePath + "gtk-3.0/";
+ curDir.setPath(themeFilePath);
+ if (!curDir.exists()) {
+ curDir.mkdir(themeFilePath);
+ }
+ themeFilePath = themeFilePath + TDEGTK_THEME_CONTROL_FILE_NAME;
+ TQFile themeFile(themeFilePath);
+ TQTextStream stream;
+ if (!forceRecreate && themeFile.exists())
+ {
+ stream.setDevice(TQT_TQIODEVICE(&themeFile));
+ if (stream.readLine() == "/* " + iconTheme + ", " + tqApp->style().name() + ", " + RC_CACHE_VERSION + " */")
+ {
+ // This cache matches the current icon theme and style
+ gtk3_tqt_reload_theme_definition_file(themeFilePath.latin1());
+ return;
+ }
+ stream.unsetDevice();
+ themeFile.close();
+ }
+ | IO_Truncate);
+ stream.setDevice(TQT_TQIODEVICE(&themeFile));
+ stream << "/* " << iconTheme << ", " << tqApp->style().name() << ", " << RC_CACHE_VERSION << " */\n\n";
+ stream << "/* This file was generated by the Gtk TQt Theme Engine */\n";
+ stream << "/* It will be recreated when you change your TDE icon theme or widget style */\n\n";
+ stream << "\n";
+ stream << "* {\n\tengine:tdegtk;\n}\n";
+ stream << "\n";
+ TQScrollBar sbar(NULL);
+ sbar.setOrientation(TQt::Horizontal);
+ sbar.setValue(1);
+ sbar.resize(200,25);
+ // The following code determines how many buttons are on a scrollbar
+ // It works by looking at each pixel of the scrollbar's area not taken up by the groove,
+ // and asking the style which subcontrol is at that location.
+ TQRect rect = tqApp->style().querySubControlMetrics(TQStyle::CC_ScrollBar, &sbar, TQStyle::SC_ScrollBarGroove);
+ bool back1 = false;
+ bool forward1 = false;
+ bool back2 = false;
+ bool forward2 = false;
+ TQStyle::SubControl sc = TQStyle::SC_None;
+ for (TQPoint pos(0,7) ; pos.x()<rect.x() ; pos.setX(pos.x()+1))
+ {
+ TQStyle::SubControl sc2 = tqApp->style().querySubControl(TQStyle::CC_ScrollBar, &sbar, pos);
+ if (sc != sc2)
+ {
+ if (sc2 == TQStyle::SC_ScrollBarAddLine) forward1 = true;
+ if (sc2 == TQStyle::SC_ScrollBarSubLine) back1 = true;
+ sc = sc2;
+ }
+ }
+ sc = TQStyle::SC_None;
+ for (TQPoint pos(rect.x()+rect.width(),7) ; pos.x()<200 ; pos.setX(pos.x()+1))
+ {
+ TQStyle::SubControl sc2 = tqApp->style().querySubControl(TQStyle::CC_ScrollBar, &sbar, pos);
+ if (sc != sc2)
+ {
+ if (sc2 == TQStyle::SC_ScrollBarAddLine) forward2 = true;
+ if (sc2 == TQStyle::SC_ScrollBarSubLine) back2 = true;
+ sc = sc2;
+ }
+ }
+ bool combobox_appears_as_list = (!(tqApp->style().styleHint(TQStyle::SH_ComboBox_Popup) || tqApp->style().styleHint(TQStyle::SH_GUIStyle) == TQt::MotifStyle));
+ stream << parse_rc_string(TQString("-GtkComboBox-appears-as-list: %1px").arg(combobox_appears_as_list), "*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string(TQString("-GtkScrollbar-has-backward-stepper: ") + (back1 ? "1" : "0"), "*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string(TQString("-GtkScrollbar-has-forward-stepper: ") + (forward2 ? "1" : "0"), "*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string(TQString("-GtkScrollbar-has-secondary-forward-stepper: ") + (forward1 ? "1" : "0"), "*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string(TQString("-GtkScrollbar-has-secondary-backward-stepper: ") + (back2 ? "1" : "0"), "*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkScrollbar-stepper-size: " + TQString::number(tqApp->style().querySubControlMetrics(TQStyle::CC_ScrollBar, &sbar, TQStyle::SC_ScrollBarSubLine).width() - 1), "*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkScrollbar-min-slider-length: " + TQString::number(tqApp->style().pixelMetric(TQStyle::PM_ScrollBarSliderMin)), "*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkScrollbar-slider-width: " + TQString::number(tqApp->style().pixelMetric(TQStyle::PM_ScrollBarExtent)-2), "*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkButton-child-displacement-x: " + TQString::number(tqApp->style().pixelMetric(TQStyle::PM_ButtonShiftHorizontal)), "*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkButton-child-displacement-y: " + TQString::number(tqApp->style().pixelMetric(TQStyle::PM_ButtonShiftVertical)), "*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkButton-default-border: 0 0 0 0", "*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkButton-default-outside-border: 0 0 0 0", "*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkButton-inner-border: 2 2 2 2", "*");
+ if (tde_showIconsOnPushButtons) {
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkButton-inner-border: 10 10 2 2", "*"); // Allow space for the icon on either side of the text
+ }
+ else {
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkButton-inner-border: 2 2 2 2", "*");
+ }
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkButtonBox-child_min_height: 0", "*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkButtonBox-child_internal_pad_x: 0", "*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkButtonBox-child_internal_pad_y: 0", "*");
+ TQSlider slider(NULL); // To keep BlueCurve happy
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkScale-slider-length: " + TQString::number(tqApp->style().pixelMetric(TQStyle::PM_SliderLength, &slider)), "*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkRange-arrow-scaling: 1.0", "GtkScrollbar");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-xthickness: " + TQString::number(tqApp->style().pixelMetric(TQStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth)), "*.GtkMenu");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-ythickness: " + TQString::number(tqApp->style().pixelMetric(TQStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth)), "*.GtkMenu");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-xthickness: 5", "*.GtkMenu.Gtk*MenuItem");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-xthickness: 3", "*.GtkNotebook");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-ythickness: 3", "*.GtkNotebook");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-ythickness: 1", "*.GtkButton");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-color: " + colorString(TQColor(0,0,0)), "gtk-tooltips.GtkLabel", false);
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-xthickness: 1", "*.GtkButton.*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-ythickness: 1", "*.GtkButton.*");
+// stream << parse_rc_string("GtkTreeView::allow-rules = 0", "*");
+// stream << parse_rc_string("GtkTreeView::tree-line-width = 1", "*");
+// stream << parse_rc_string("GtkTreeView::vertical-separator = 30", "*");
+// //stream << parse_rc_string("GtkTreeView::odd-row-color = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }", "*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkButton-inner-border: 0 0 0 0", "*GtkToolbar*GtkButton*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkButton-inner-border: 0 0 0 0", "*GtkToolbar*GtkToggleButton*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkButton-inner-border: 0 0 0 0", "*GtkNotebook*GtkButton*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkButton-inner-border: 0 0 0 0", "*GtkNotebook*GtkToggleButton*");
+ // TQt calls them tab boxes, GTK calls them notebooks (!??!?) Either way they are a pain...
+ //stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkNotebook-tab-overlap: " + TQString::number(tqApp->style().pixelMetric(TQStyle::PM_TabBarTabOverlap)), "*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkNotebook-tab-overlap: 0", "*"); // Overlap is handled in the style engine itself
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkNotebook-tab-curvature: 0", "*");
+ // This sets both the radio button and check box sizes
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkCheckButton-indicator-size: " + TQString::number(tqApp->style().pixelMetric(TQStyle::PM_IndicatorHeight)), "*");
+ // FIXME
+ // GtkCellRendererToggle indicator-size must be set as follows, however GTK3 does not provide any means to change the default size!
+ // See upstream GTK bug #687076
+ //stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkCellRendererToggle-indicator-size: " + TQString::number(tqApp->style().pixelMetric(TQStyle::PM_IndicatorHeight)), "*");
+ // FIXME
+ // There must be a way to set the selected tab offset (shift)
+ // If not, it may be neccessary to override the GTK text drawing routines for notebooks to insert the proper shift
+ //stream << parse_rc_string("-????: " + TQString::number(tqApp->style().pixelMetric(TQStyle::PM_TabBarTabShiftHorizontal)), "*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkButton-child-displacement-x: " + TQString::number(tqApp->style().pixelMetric(TQStyle::PM_ButtonShiftHorizontal)), "*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string("-GtkButton-child-displacement-y: " + TQString::number(tqApp->style().pixelMetric(TQStyle::PM_ButtonShiftVertical)), "*");
+ // Set up fonts
+ TQFont generalFont = KGlobalSettings::generalFont();
+ TQFont toolBarFont = KGlobalSettings::toolBarFont();
+ TQFont menuFont = KGlobalSettings::menuFont();
+ // TQFont windowTitleFont = KGlobalSettings::windowTitleFont();
+ // TQFont taskbarFont = KGlobalSettings::taskbarFont();
+ stream << parse_rc_string(tdeFontToGTKFontString(generalFont), "*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string(tdeFontToGTKFontString(toolBarFont), "*GtkToolbar*GtkButton*");
+ stream << parse_rc_string(tdeFontToGTKFontString(menuFont), "*.GtkMenu");
+ // Set up icons
+ // Build the list of icon theme directories.
+ // This function is recursive - it gets the directories of all the inherited themes as well
+ addIconThemeDir(iconTheme);
+ if (iconThemeDirs.isEmpty()) {
+ themeFile.close();
+ if (!forceRecreate) {
+ gtk3_tqt_reload_theme_definition_file(themeFilePath.latin1());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ GtkIconFactory* factory;
+ factory = gtk_icon_factory_new();
+ doIconMapping("gtk-about", "actions/about_kde.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-add", "actions/add.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-apply", "actions/apply.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-bold", "actions/text_bold.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-cancel", "actions/button_cancel.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-cdrom", "devices/cdrom_unmount.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-clear", "actions/editclear.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-close", "actions/fileclose.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-color-picker", "actions/colorpicker.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-copy", "actions/editcopy.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-convert", "actions/gtk-convert.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-connect", "actions/connect_creating.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-cut", "actions/editcut.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-delete", "actions/editdelete.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-dialog-authentication", "status/gtk-dialog-authentication", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-dialog-error", "actions/messagebox_critical.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-dialog-info", "actions/messagebox_info.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-dialog-question", "actions/help.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-dialog-warning", "actions/messagebox_warning.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-directory", "filesystems/folder.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-disconnect", "actions/connect_no.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-dnd", "mimetypes/empty.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-dnd-multiple", "mimetypes/kmultiple.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-edit", "actions/edit.png", factory, iconThemeDirs); //2.6
+ doIconMapping("gtk-execute", "actions/exec.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-file", "mimetypes/empty.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-find", "actions/find.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-find-and-replace", "actions/find.png", factory, iconThemeDirs); // Is there a TDE "find and replace" icon? FIXME
+ doIconMapping("gtk-floppy", "devices/3floppy_unmount.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-fullscreen", "actions/window-fullscreen.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-goto-bottom", "actions/bottom.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-goto-first", "actions/start.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-goto-last", "actions/finish.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-goto-top", "actions/top.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-go-back", "actions/back.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-go-down", "actions/down.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-go-forward", "actions/forward.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-go-up", "actions/up.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-harddisk", "devices/hdd_unmount.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-help", "apps/khelpcenter.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-home", "filesystems/folder_home.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-indent", "actions/indent.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-index", "actions/contents.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-info", "actions/messagebox_info.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-italic", "actions/text_italic.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-jump-to", "actions/goto.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-justify-center", "actions/text_center.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-justify-fill", "actions/text_block.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-justify-left", "actions/text_left.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-justify-right", "actions/text_right.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-leave-fullscreen", "actions/window-nofullscreen.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-media-forward", "player-fwd.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-media-next", "actions/player-end.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-media-pause", "actions/player-pause.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-media-previous", "actions/player-start.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-media-record", "actions/gtk-media-record.png", factory, iconThemeDirs); // FIXME
+ doIconMapping("gtk-media-rewind", "actions/player-rew.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-media-stop", "actions/player-stop.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-missing-image", "mimetypes/unknown.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-network", "filesystems/network.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-new", "actions/filenew.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-no", "actions/gtk-no.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-ok", "actions/button_ok.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-open", "actions/fileopen.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ //doIconMapping("gtk-orientation-landscape", factory, iconThemeDirs); // FIXME
+ //doIconMapping("gtk-orientation-portrait", factory, iconThemeDirs); // FIXME
+ //doIconMapping("gtk-orientation-reverse-landscape", factory, iconThemeDirs); // FIXME
+ //doIconMapping("gtk-orientation-reverse-portrait"", factory, iconThemeDirs); // FIXME
+ doIconMapping("gtk-paste", "actions/editpaste.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-preferences", "actions/configure.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-print", "actions/fileprint.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-print-preview", "actions/filequickprint.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-properties", "actions/configure.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-quit", "actions/exit.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-redo", "actions/redo.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-refresh", "actions/reload.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-remove", "actions/remove.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-revert-to-saved", "actions/revert.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-save", "actions/filesave.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-save-as", "actions/filesaveas.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-select-all", "actions/gtk-select-all.png", factory, iconThemeDirs); // FIXME
+ doIconMapping("gtk-select-color", "actions/colorize.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-select-font", "mimetypes/font.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ //doIconMapping("gtk-sort-ascending", "??", factory, iconThemeDirs); // FIXME
+ //doIconMapping("gtk-sort-descending", "??", factory, iconThemeDirs); // FIXME
+ doIconMapping("gtk-spell-check", "actions/spellcheck.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-stop", "actions/stop.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-strikethrough", "actions/text_strike.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-undelete", "actions/gtk-undelete.png", factory, iconThemeDirs); // FIXME
+ doIconMapping("gtk-underline", "actions/text_under.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-undo", "actions/undo.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-unindent", "actions/unindent.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-yes", "actions/button_ok.png", factory, iconThemeDirs); // Verify mapping here
+ doIconMapping("gtk-zoom-100", "actions/viewmag1.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-zoom-fit", "actions/viewmagfit.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-zoom-in", "actions/viewmag+.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("gtk-zoom-out", "actions/viewmag-.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ // Other icons that really should have Trinity equivalents in tdelibs
+ doIconMapping("list-add", "actions/add.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ doIconMapping("list-remove", "actions/remove.png", factory, iconThemeDirs);
+ gtk_icon_factory_add_default(factory);
+ themeFile.close();
+ if (!forceRecreate) {
+ gtk3_tqt_reload_theme_definition_file(themeFilePath.latin1());
+ }
+// ========================================================================================================= \ No newline at end of file