diff options
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 608 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index dcf59c5..93477be 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-# COMPILE_BEFORE_digikamimageplugins = digikam
AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.6.1
include admin/
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index aa68529..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-COMPILE_BEFORE_digikamimageplugins = digikam
-AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.6.1
-include admin/
-include admin/
-$(top_srcdir)/acinclude.m4: $(top_srcdir)/*/*.m4
diff --git a/src/spec/gwenview-RH.spec b/src/spec/gwenview-RH.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 1786913..0000000
--- a/src/spec/gwenview-RH.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-%define desktop_vendor rockers
-Name: gwenview
-Summary: Gwenview is an image viewer for TDE.
-Version: 0.16.2
-Release: 0
-License: GPL
-Group: Amusements/Graphics
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root
-Requires: libpng, tdebase >= 3.0
-BuildRequires: libpng-devel, tdelibs-devel, arts-devel, libjpeg-devel
-BuildRequires: XFree86-devel, zlib-devel, qt-devel >= 3.0.2
-Gwenview is an image viewer for TDE.
-It features a folder tree window and a file list window to
-provide easy navigation among your thousand images.
-Image loading is done by the Qt library, giving you access
-to all image formats your Qt installation supports, but
-Gwenview can also browse GIMP files (*.xcf) thanks to the
-included QXCFI component developed by Lignum Computing.
-Gwenview correctly displays images with alpha channel,
-using the traditionnal checker board as a background to
-reveal transparency.
-rm -rf %{buildroot}
-%setup -q
-%configure --with-xinerama
-make %{_smp_mflags}
-desktop-file-install --vendor %{desktop_vendor} --delete-original \
- --dir %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications \
- --add-category X-Red-Hat-Extra \
- --add-category Application \
- --add-category Graphics \
- %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applnk/Graphics/%{name}.desktop
-rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applnk
-mv %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/hicolor/16x16/actions/ \
-mkdir %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/22x22
-mv %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/hicolor/22x22/actions/ \
-mv %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/hicolor/32x32/actions/ \
-rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/hicolor
-rm -rf %{buildroot}
-* Fri Feb 14 2003 Robert Rockers <brockers at> 0.16.2
-- Recompiled for version 0.16.2
-* Fri Feb 7 2003 Robert Rockers <brockers at> 0.16.1
-- Initial RedHat RPM release.
diff --git a/src/spec/gwenview-SuSE.spec b/src/spec/gwenview-SuSE.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 0be40f2..0000000
--- a/src/spec/gwenview-SuSE.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-Summary:Simple image viewer for TDE
-Name: gwenview
-Version: 0.15.1
-Release: 1
-Copyright: GPL
-Group: Application/Multimedia
-Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
-Packager: Dario Abatianni <[email protected]>
-BuildRoot: /tmp/build/%{name}-%{version}
-Gwenview is an image viewer for TDE.
-It features a folder tree window and a file list window to provide easy
-navigation in your file hierarchy. Image loading is done by the Qt library,
-so it supports all image formats your Qt installation supports.
-./configure --prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/trinity --enable-final
-make install
diff --git a/src/spec/gwenview-mdk.spec b/src/spec/gwenview-mdk.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index e3447ad..0000000
--- a/src/spec/gwenview-mdk.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,466 +0,0 @@
-%define gvname gwenview
-%define version 1.2.92
-## Distribution Specific Release Tag
-%{?!mkrel: %define mkrel(c:) %{-c:0.%{-c*}.}%{!?_with_unstable:%(perl -e '$_="%{1}";m/(.\*)(\\d+)$/;$rel=${2}-1;re;print "$1$rel";').%{?subrel:%subrel}%{!?subrel:1}.%{?distversion:%distversion}%{?!distversion:%(echo $[%{mdkversion}/10])}}%{?_with_unstable:%{1}}%{?distsuffix:%distsuffix}%{?!distsuffix:mdk}}
-%define release %mkrel 1
-%define gvcorename libgwenviewcore
-%define gvdirpartname gvdirpart
-%define gvimagepartname gvimagepart
-%define name %gvname
-%define major 1
-%define libname %mklibname %{gvname} %major
-%define libnamedev %mklibname %{gvname} %major -d
-# building kipi version
-%define build_kipi 1
-%{?_with_nokipi: %global build_kipi 0}
-%if %build_kipi
-%define kipiopt --enable-kipi
-%define kipireq libkipi-devel
-Summary: Fast and easy to use image viewer for TDE
-Name: %name
-Version: %version
-Release: %release
-License: GPL
-Group: Graphics
-BuildRoot: %_tmppath/%{name}-%{version}
-# added automake1.7 requirement to patch Makefile(s).am
-%if %build_kipi
-BuildRequires: tdelibs-devel automake1.7 X11-devel %{kipireq}
-BuildRequires: tdelibs-devel automake1.7 X11-devel
-Gwenview is a fast and easy to use image viewer/browser for TDE.
-All common image formats are supported, such as PNG(including transparency),
-JPEG(including EXIF tags and lossless transformations), GIF, XCF (Gimp
-image format), BMP, XPM and others. Standard features include slideshow,
-fullscreen view, image thumbnails, drag'n'drop, image zoom, full network
-transparency using the TDEIO framework, including basic file operations and
-browsing in compressed archives, non-blocking GUI with adjustable views.
-Gwenview also provides image and directory KParts components for use e.g. in
-Konqueror. Additional features, such as image renaming, comparing,
-converting, and batch processing, HTML gallery and others are provided by the
-KIPI image framework.
-%package -n %libname
-Summary: Libraries for gwenview image viewer
-Group: System/Libraries
-Requires: %{name} = %{version}
-%description -n %libname
-Gwenview is a fast and easy to use image viewer/browser for TDE.
-%{libname} contains the libraries needed to use %{gvname}
-%package -n %libnamedev
-Summary: Devel files (gwenview image viewer)
-Group: Development/Other
-Requires: %libname = %{version}
-Provides: lib%{gvname}-devel = %{version}-%{release}
-Provides: %{gvname}-devel = %{version}-%{release}
-%description -n %libnamedev
-Gwenview is a fast and easy to use image viewer/browser for TDE.
-%{libnamedev} contains the libraries and header files needed to
-develop programs which make use of %{libname}.
-%setup -q -n %{gvname}-%{version}
-make -f admin/Makefile.common cvs
-export TQTDIR=%_prefix/%_lib/qt3
-export TDEDIR=%_prefix
-export PATH=$TQTDIR/bin:$TDEDIR/bin:$PATH
-# Search for qt/kde libraries in the right directories (avoid patch)
-# NOTE: please don't regenerate configure scripts below
-perl -pi -e "s@/lib(\"|\b[^/])@/%_lib\1@g if /(kde|qt)_(libdirs|libraries)=/" configure
-./configure --disable-rpath \
-%if %build_kipi
- %kipiopt \
- \
- --prefix=%_prefix \
- --libdir=%_libdir \
- --mandir=%_mandir \
- --datadir=%_datadir
-mkdir -p %buildroot/%_datadir/applnk/Multimedia/Graphics
-install -d %buildroot/%_menudir/ %{gvname} "Multimedia/Graphics" %buildroot/%_datadir/applications/tde/%{gvname}.desktop %buildroot/%_menudir/%{gvname}
-#icons for rpmlint
-mkdir -p %buildroot/{%_liconsdir,%_miconsdir,%_iconsdir}
-ln -s %_datadir/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/%{gvname}.png %buildroot/%_liconsdir
-ln -s %_datadir/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/%{gvname}.png %buildroot/%_iconsdir
-ln -s %_datadir/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/%{gvname}.png %buildroot/%_miconsdir
-%find_lang %{gvname}
-%post -n %libname -p /sbin/ldconfig
-%postun -n %libname -p /sbin/ldconfig
-%files -f %{gvname}.lang
-%dir %_datadir/apps/%{gvdirpartname}/
-%dir %_datadir/apps/%{gvimagepartname}/
-%dir %_datadir/apps/%{gvname}/
-%dir %_datadir/doc/HTML/
-%files -n %libname
-%files -n %libnamedev
-* Sun Aug 21 2005 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.2.92-1mdk
-- New release 1.2.92
-* Wed Jul 20 2005 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.2.91-1mdk
-- New release 1.2.91
-- patched for fvisibility problem (aligned to svn)
-* Mon May 09 2005 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 1.2.0-4
-- Real fix build on x86_64
-* Sun May 08 2005 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.2.0-3mdk
-- fix for x86_64 arch
-* Sun May 08 2005 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.2.0-2mdk
-- Rebuild
-* Sun Apr 03 2005 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.2.0-1mdk
-- really built new version
-* Sun Mar 20 2005 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.2.0-0.pre4.2mdk
-- really built new version
-* Sun Mar 20 2005 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.2.0-0.pre4.1mdk
-- new version
-* Sat Mar 19 2005 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.2.0-0.pre3.2mdk
-- fix bug #14731
-* Sun Feb 27 2005 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.2.0-0.pre3.1mdk
-- new version
-* Sun Feb 13 2005 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.2.0-0.pre2.2mdk
-- define mkrel macro if not exist
-* Sun Feb 13 2005 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.2.0-0.pre2.1mdk
-- new version
-* Sat Jan 29 2005 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.2.0-0.pre1.2mdk
-- added patch to make it compile for mdk official 10.1
-- added patch to fix zoom (from cvs)
-- added patch to add missing files (from cvs)
-* Mon Jan 24 2005 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.2.0-0.pre1.1mdk
-- new version
-* Wed Jan 19 2005 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.1.8-0.4mdk
-- fix bug 13100
-* Sun Jan 16 2005 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.1.8-0.3mdk
-- better handling of symlink
-* Thu Jan 13 2005 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.1.8-0.2mdk
-- fix double click into kpart
-* Sun Jan 09 2005 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.1.8-0.1mdk
-- 1.1.8
-- fix Requires section to be compliant to the library policy
-* Thu Dec 30 2004 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.1.7-0.5mdk
-- added 1.1.7b patch (solved some build problems)
-* Wed Dec 29 2004 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.1.7-0.4mdk
-- description restyling
-* Sun Dec 26 2004 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.1.7-0.3mdk
-- fix Require and Provide section
-* Sun Dec 26 2004 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.1.7-0.2mdk
-- removed hack management
-- added distro-specific release tag management
- use option "--with official" to build mdk official package
-* Mon Dec 20 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 1.1.7-0.1mdk
-- 1.1.7
-* Fri Dec 10 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 1.1.6-0.2mdk
-- Fix spec file
-* Sun Oct 24 2004 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.1.6-0.1mdk
-- new version
- * New features:
- o The application now has two modes: browse and view. Browse mode shows
- all views: folder, file and image. View mode only shows the image.
- Gwenview starts in browse mode except if an image URL is given as
- an argument. You can switch between modes using the toolbar button,
- or with the "View/Browse mode" menu item or with the Ctrl+Return shortcut.
- o JPEGTran code has been integrated into Gwenview, there's no need to install
- it separately anymore.
- * Fixes:
- o Update the EXIF thumbnail when rotating a JPEG file.
- o In the folder view, folders now open with a single click (By Daniel Thaler).
- o Reworked coordinate conversions in order to avoid subtle paint errors.
- o Remember computed optimal repaint sizes in the config file,
- so they are available immediately after next start.
- o Remember shown URL after session restore.
-* Sat Oct 16 2004 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.1.5-0.3mdk
-- rebuilt for new liblipi + fixing
-* Sat Oct 09 2004 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.1.5-0.2mdk
-- applied Lubos Lunak's patch to avoid printing crash using Konqueror
-* Mon Sep 20 2004 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.1.5-0.1mdk
-- new version
- * New features:
- o The thumbnail progress bar and stop buttons are now embedded in the thumbnail view.
- o The location bar now shows the file names instead of the folders.
- o The thumbnails toolbar buttons have been moved to a specialized file view toolbar.
- o It's now possible to assign key shortcuts to KIPI plugins.
- o New manpage by Christopher Martin.
- * Fixes:
- o Do not display the folder name as an image in the status bar.
- o Make sure the folder KPart starts in the right folder.
- o Unbreak the saving of key shortcuts.
- o Remote urls are correctly bookmarked.
- o Do not try to overwrite the trash when trashing only one file.
-* Sun Aug 29 2004 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.1.4-0.2mdk
-- patch for russian language
-* Tue Aug 24 2004 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.1.4-0.1mdk
-- changed spec file to manage -with-hack option to build gwenview with
- hack suffix (default is without hack)
-- from Aur�lien G�teau:
-- New features:
- - In the thumbnail view, It's now possible to sort images in reverse order.
- - Use EXIF-stored thumbnail if available.
- - Option to disable saving of generated thumbnails to cache.
- - In fullscreen mode, it's now possible to display the image comment or size
- in addition to the file path.
- - The fullscreen On-Screen-Display is more readable now.
- - The background color of the image view can be configured.
- - When printing, it's now possible to enlarge images so that they fill the
- page.
-- Fixes:
- - In the folder view, pressing Enter now opens the selected folder.
- - Use icon list for the configuration dialog.
- - Avoid data loss if the JPEG images are saved while being rotated by
- JPEGTran.
- - The back button in Konqueror now works correctly with gvimagepart.
- - The default layout is more user-friendly.
- - Non-trivial URLs (e.g. http query URL) are correctly handled.
- - You can now drop images on the image view.
-* Sat Jun 12 2004 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.1.3-0.1mdk
-- new release: my wedding present :-)
- from Aur�lien G�teau:
- Gwenview codenamed "Hurry up, I'm getting married tomorrow"
- * New features:
- o You can now define custom branches in the dir view (By Craig Drummond)
- o An image cache has been added to speedup image loading.
- o Gwenview now uses thumbnail spec to store thumbnails.
- o A new option to automatically empty thumbnail cache on exit (By Angelo Naselli).
- o The image size is now displayed below file names in thumbnail view.
- * Fixes:
- o Don't crash when switching to fullscreen while generating thumbnails and coming back (By Lubos Lunak)
- o Faster thumbnail generation (By Lubos Lunak)
- o Faster image painting by dynamically determining suitable paint size (By Lubos Lunak)
- o Use the "Standard Background" color as the background for thumbnails and folders (By Craig Drummond).
- o Make sure the current image is reloaded if it has been modified outside Gwenview.
-* Tue Jun 1 2004 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.1.2-0.3mdk
-- hack suffix on kpart lib
-* Thu May 13 2004 Lenny Cartier <[email protected]> 1.1.2-0.2mdk
-- merge with changes from Angelo Naselli <[email protected]>
-* Wed May 12 2004 Lenny Cartier <[email protected]> 1.1.2-0.1mdk
-- 1.1.2
-- from Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> :
-- mdk version of the development release (1.1.1) named gwenview_hack
- from Aur�lien G�teau:
- - New features:
- - Added KPart support, this installs in Konqueror a new file view mode and let you view
- images in an embedded Gwenview (By Jonathan Riddell).
- - Asynchronous JPEG loading, based on Khtml loader.
- - Really asynchronous PNG loading (By Lubos Lunak).
- - Mouse wheel will now scroll the image by default. Holding Ctrl will scroll horizontally.
- An option has been added to the setting dialog to toggle between scroll and browse
- (By Jeroen Peters).
- - When holding shift over the image, right click will zoom out (By Jeroen Peters).
- - Image painting is now progressive (By Lubos Lunak).
- - Fixes:
- - The rotate and mirror functions can now work on multiple selection.
- - Make it possible to load another image or quit even if you can't save your changes.
- - Gwenview won't spawn multiple instances of jpegtran anymore.
-* Sun Feb 01 2004 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.1.0-0.1mdk
-- mdk version of the first development release (1.1.0)
- from Aur�lien G�teau:
- - New features:
- - New settings in print dialog to specify how the image must be printed.
- - Big thumbnails are really BIG now.
- - First implementation of asynchronous image loading. Only for PNG right now.
- - Fixes:
- - The move and copy dialogs now use a tree view.
- - In the thumbnail view, create thumbnails for the visible images first
-* Sun Jan 11 2004 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.0.1-0.1mdk
-- built mdk version of Gwenview 1.0.0 release
-- fix icons for rpmlint
- from Aur�lien G�teau:
- - New features:
- - Double-clicking an image in the file view will open it in fullscreen.
- - Fixes:
- - Gave contributors the credit they deserve in the about box.
- - Updated to libexif 0.5.12 and applied patch from libexif CVS.
- - When going to the parent folder, make sure the folder we were in before is selected.
- - If there's no image in the current folder, select the first visible file.
- - When holding down Shift to zoom, keep the same area of the image under the cursor.
- - Nicer drag cursor.
- - Hopefully fixed every cases where the image was not centered in the view.
-* Mon Dec 08 2003 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.0.0-0.1mdk
-- built mdk version of Gwenview 1.0.0 release
- from Aur�lien G�teau:
- - New features:
- - Show a wait icon for not-generated-yet thumbnails (inspired from Nautilus
- thumbnail view).
- - Show a broken icon for broken images.
- - Fixes:
- - If auto-zoom is on, make sure the zoom is updated after rotating an image.
- - Fixed crash when loading XCF images if Gwenview was compiled with gcc 3.3.1.
- - Before running an external tool, change working directory to current folder.
- - When switching images in fullscreen, don't show the cursor.
- - Use standard KDE icons for zoom actions.
- - New icons for slideshow and image operations.
- - New magnifier cursor.
-* Sun Nov 16 2003 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.0.0-0.pre4.1mdk
-- built mdk version
- from Aur�lien G�teau:
- - New features
- - Added a new option to hide the busy pointer when loading an
- image in fullscreen.
- - Added a popup menu to select the sorting mode.
- Usefull in thumbnail view.
- - Fixes:
- - Use a KDE dialog for the configuration dialog.
- - Removed the image view mouse behavior configuration
- options. The behavior is much simpler now: left button
- to drag image,
- - middle button to toggle auto-zoom and mouse-wheel
- to browse images. Ifrom Aur�lien G�teauef you want to zoom hold Shift
- and use either the mouse-wheel or the left button.
-* Wed Nov 05 2003 Marcel Pol <[email protected]> 1.0.0-0.pre3.2mdk
-- redo changelog
-- rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT in %%install instead of %%prep
-* Tue Nov 04 2003 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.0.0-0.pre3.1mdk
-- built mdk version
- - New features from Aur�lien G�teau:
- - Added a "don't ask me again" check box to the save prompt dialog.
- - Added a reload button.
- - Added a "Go" button to the location toolbar.
- - Fixes:
- - Really fixed saving of external tools.
- - Make sure the folder view is updated when a folder is renamed.
- - The mouse-wheel behaviors are not messed anymore by dialogs or by
- showing the popup menu.
-* Mon Nov 03 2003 Marcel Pol <[email protected]> 1.0.0-0.pre2.2mdk
-- buildrequires
-- quiet setup
-* Wed Oct 22 2003 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.0.0-0.pre2.1mdk
-- added some changes on spec file imported from
- Lenny Cartier <[email protected]> 1.0.0-0.pre1.1mdk
-* Mon Oct 20 2003 Lenny Cartier <[email protected]> 1.0.0-0.pre1.1mdk
-- from Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> :
- - built mdk version
-* Mon Oct 12 2003 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.0.0pre2-1mdk
-- fixed some bugs on spec file
-- built mdk version
-* Mon Oct 6 2003 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.0.0pre1-2mdk
-- Added print button patch
-* Mon Sep 29 2003 Angelo Naselli <[email protected]> 1.0.0pre1-1mdk
-- built mdk version
-* Fri Aug 08 2003 Angelo N. <[email protected]> 0.17.1a-1mdk
-- built mdk version