<chapter id="external_tools"> <title>External tools</title> <para>You can easily extend &kappname; by defining external tools. These tools are accessible from the contextual popup menu which appears when right-clicking on a thumbnail or in the image view. Look in the <menuchoice><guimenu>External Tools</guimenu></menuchoice> entry.</para> <para>&kappname; comes with a few predefined external tools, but it's very easy to add more through the <guilabel>Configure External Tools</guilabel> dialog. You can open it from <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure External Tools...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. </para> <para>Here is how it looks: <screenshot> <screeninfo>External tools dialog</screeninfo> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="external_tools_dialog.png" format="PNG" /> </imageobject> </mediaobject> </screenshot> </para> <para>In this example, I defined an external tool which will call Exiftran to regenerate the EXIF tags for JPEG images. Here is a more detailed description of its definition:</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para>The <guilabel>Name:</guilabel> field contains the description of your tool, has it will appear in the menu. </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>The <guilabel>Command:</guilabel> field contains the command which will be run when this tool is invoked. Click on the little question mark on the right of the field to get a list of the keywords you can use in this field. These keywords will get expanded to the image files. </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> The button on the right lets you associate an icon with your tool. </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> The <guilabel>File Associations</guilabel> group indicates what type of files this tool can work with. Your tool will only appear in the <menuchoice><guimenu>External Tools</guimenu></menuchoice> menu if the selected files are of the correct type. In my example, this tool is only valid with JPEG images, so I choose <guilabel>Custom:</guilabel>, then <guilabel>image/jpeg</guilabel> and <guilabel>image/pjpeg</guilabel>. </para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> <tip> <para>You can find other external tool examples from <ulink url="http://gwenview.sourceforge.net/tools">&kappname; web site</ulink>. </para> </tip> </chapter> <!-- vim: set ft=xml: -->