ConfigImageListPage ConfigImageListPage 0 0 352 437 Configure Image List unnamed 0 kcfg_showDirs Show folders and archives Alt+S If enabled, folders and archives will be displayed alongside images in the browse view. kcfg_loadMetadata Load &metadata from files Alt+M <p>This will cause metadata to be loaded from all the files in the current folder.</p> <p>The metadata will be used to display the creation timestamp of the image instead of the file's mtime. Also, if the preview load fails, it may be used to display the image dimensions as a fallback. </p> <p>For this option to work, you will need to have appropriate file plugins from <i></i> to be installed. </p> <p>This may have some performance impact when browsing very large folders.</p> spacer10_2 Vertical Fixed 21 16 textLabel1_2_2 1 5 0 0 <b>Thumbnail View</b> Layout6 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel1 1 1 0 0 Margin between thumbnails: kcfg_thumbnailMarginSize 0 0 0 0 UpDownArrows 50 2 1 Spacer7 Horizontal Expanding 20 0 textLabel1 Information to display in the thumbnail text: layout6 unnamed spacer7 Horizontal Fixed 21 20 mShowFileName File name mShowImageSize Image size mShowFileSize File size mShowFileDate File date spacer10 Vertical Fixed 21 16 textLabel1_2 1 5 0 0 <b>Thumbnail Cache</b> kcfg_storeThumbnailsInCache Store thumbnails in cache kcfg_deleteCacheOnExit Automatically empty thumbnail cache on exit layout7 unnamed 0 6 mCalculateCacheSize Calculate Cache Size mEmptyCache Empty Cache