// vim: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab /* Gwenview - A simple image viewer for TDE Copyright 2000-2006 Aurelien Gateau This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gvcore/cache.h" #include "gvcore/fileviewcontroller.h" #include <../gvcore/fileviewconfig.h> #include <../gvcore/miscconfig.h> #include "mainwindow.h" namespace Gwenview { static KCmdLineOptions options[] = { { "f", I18N_NOOP("Start in fullscreen mode"), 0 }, { "filter-type ", I18N_NOOP("Filter by file type"), 0 }, { "filter-name ", I18N_NOOP("Filter by file pattern (*.jpg, 01*...)"), 0 }, { "filter-from ", I18N_NOOP("Only show files newer or equal to "), 0 }, { "filter-to ", I18N_NOOP("Only show files older or equal to "), 0 }, { "+[file or folder]", I18N_NOOP("A starting file or folder"), 0 }, KCmdLineLastOption }; static const char version[] = "1.4.2"; void applyFilterArgs(TDECmdLineArgs* args, FileViewController* controller) { TQString filterType = args->getOption("filter-type"); TQString filterName = args->getOption("filter-name"); TQString filterFrom = args->getOption("filter-from"); TQString filterTo = args->getOption("filter-to"); // Do nothing if there is no filter if (filterType.isEmpty() && filterName.isEmpty() && filterFrom.isEmpty() && filterTo.isEmpty()) { return; } TQStringList typeList; typeList << "all" << "images" << "videos"; int mode = typeList.findIndex(filterType); if (mode == -1) { // Default to "all" controller->setFilterMode(0); } else { controller->setFilterMode(mode); } controller->setShowFilterBar( !filterName.isEmpty() || !filterFrom.isEmpty() || !filterTo.isEmpty() ); controller->setFilterName(filterName); bool ok = false; TQDate date; if (!filterFrom.isEmpty()) { date = KGlobal::locale()->readDate(filterFrom, &ok); if (!ok) { kdWarning() << "Invalid value for filter-from option\n"; } } controller->setFilterFromDate(date); date=TQDate(); if (!filterTo.isEmpty()) { date = KGlobal::locale()->readDate(filterTo, &ok); if (!ok) { kdWarning() << "Invalid value for filter-to option\n"; } } controller->setFilterToDate(date); controller->applyFilter(); } #ifndef __KDE_HAVE_GCC_VISIBILITY #undef KDE_EXPORT #define KDE_EXPORT #endif extern "C" KDE_EXPORT int kdemain (int argc, char *argv[]) { KAboutData aboutData("gwenview", I18N_NOOP("Gwenview"), version, I18N_NOOP("An image viewer for TDE"), KAboutData::License_GPL, "Copyright 2000-2006, The Gwenview developers",0,"http://gwenview.sourceforge.net"); aboutData.addAuthor("Aurélien Gâteau", I18N_NOOP("Main developer"), "aurelien.gateau@free.fr"); aboutData.addAuthor("Luboš Luňák", I18N_NOOP("Developer"), "l.lunak@suse.cz"); aboutData.addCredit("Frank Becker", I18N_NOOP("Fast JPEG thumbnail generation (v0.13.0)"), "ff@telus.net"); aboutData.addCredit("Tudor Calin", I18N_NOOP("Address bar (v0.16.0)\nHistory support (v1.0.0)"), "tudor_calin@mymail.ro"); aboutData.addCredit("Avinash Chopde", I18N_NOOP("File operation patch (v0.9.2)"), "avinash@acm.org"); aboutData.addCredit("Marco Gazzetta", I18N_NOOP("Fixed crash when trying to generate a thumbnail for a broken JPEG file (v0.16.0)"), "mililani@pobox.com"); aboutData.addCredit("GeniusR13", I18N_NOOP("Fixed compilation on KDE 3.0 (v0.16.1)"), "geniusr13@gmx.net"); aboutData.addCredit("Ian Koenig", I18N_NOOP("First RPM spec file"), "iguy@ionsphere.org"); aboutData.addCredit("Meni Livne", I18N_NOOP("Toolbar layout patch for RTL languages (v0.16.0)"), "livne@kde.org"); aboutData.addCredit("Angelo Naselli", I18N_NOOP("Printing support (v1.0.0)"), "anaselli@linux.it"); aboutData.addCredit("Jos van den Oever", I18N_NOOP("File info view (v1.0.0)\nPatch to toggle auto-zoom on click (v1.0.0)"), "jos@vandenoever.info"); aboutData.addCredit("Jeroen Peters", I18N_NOOP("Configurable mouse wheel behavior (v1.1.1)"), "jpeters@coldmail.nl"); aboutData.addCredit("Andreas Pfaller", I18N_NOOP("Option to prevent Gwenview from automatically loading the first image of a folder (v0.15.0)"), "apfaller@yahoo.com.au"); aboutData.addCredit("Renchi Raju", I18N_NOOP("Fixed thumbnail generation to share the thumbnail folder of Konqueror v3 (v0.15.0)"), "renchi@green.tam.uiuc.edu"); aboutData.addCredit("Michael Spanier", I18N_NOOP("Patch for mouse navigation (v0.7.0)"), "mail@michael-spanier.de"); aboutData.addCredit("Christian A Strømmen", I18N_NOOP("Integration in Konqueror folder context menu"), "number1@realityx.net"); TDECmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, &aboutData ); TDECmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options ); TDEApplication kapplication; if (kapplication.isRestored()) { RESTORE(MainWindow) } else { TDECmdLineArgs *args = TDECmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); MainWindow *mainWindow = new MainWindow; applyFilterArgs(args, mainWindow->fileViewController()); bool fullscreen=args->isSet("f"); if (fullscreen) mainWindow->setFullScreen(true); KURL url; if (args->count()>0) { url=args->url(0); } else { if (MiscConfig::rememberURL() && MiscConfig::history().count() > 0) { url = KURL(MiscConfig::history()[0]); } else { url.setPath( TQDir::currentDirPath() ); } } mainWindow->openURL(url); mainWindow->show(); } return kapplication.exec(); } } // namespace