Gwenview - A simple image viewer for TDE
Copyright 2000-2004 Aur�lien G�teau

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.


// TQt 
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqslider.h>
#include <tqwidget.h>

// KDE
#include <kdirlister.h>
#include <tdefileitem.h>
#include <tdeio/job.h>
#include <kurl.h>

#include "libgwenview_export.h"
class TQIconViewItem;
class TQListViewItem;
class TQPopupMenu;

class TDEAccel;
class TDEAction;
class TDEActionCollection;
class TDEConfig;
class TDEListView;
class TDERadioAction;
class TDEToggleAction;

namespace Gwenview {
class FileViewBase;
class FileDetailView;
class FileThumbnailView;
class ImageLoader;

class DirLister;

class LIBGWENVIEW_EXPORT FileViewController : public TQWidget {

	enum FilterMode { ALL, IMAGES_ONLY, VIDEOS_ONLY };

	FileViewController(TQWidget* parent,TDEActionCollection*);

	// Properties
	void setMode(Mode);
	TQString fileName() const;
	KURL url() const;
	KURL dirURL() const;
	uint fileCount() const;
	int shownFilePosition() const;
	uint selectionSize() const;

	FileViewBase* currentFileView() const;
	FileThumbnailView* fileThumbnailView() const { return mFileThumbnailView; }
	TDEAction* selectFirst() const { return mSelectFirst; }
	TDEAction* selectLast() const { return mSelectLast; }
	TDEAction* selectPrevious() const { return mSelectPrevious; }
	TDEAction* selectNext() const { return mSelectNext; }
	TDEAction* selectPreviousDir() const { return mSelectPreviousDir; }
	TDEAction* selectNextDir() const { return mSelectNextDir; }
	TDEAction* selectFirstSubDir() const { return mSelectFirstSubDir; }
	TDERadioAction* listMode() const { return mListMode; }
	TDERadioAction* sideThumbnailMode() const { return mSideThumbnailMode; }
	TDERadioAction* bottomThumbnailMode() const { return mBottomThumbnailMode; }
	TDEToggleAction* showDotFiles() const { return mShowDotFiles; }

	KURL::List selectedURLs() const;
	KURL::List selectedImageURLs() const;
	 * If set to true, no error messages will be displayed.
	void setSilentMode( bool silent );
	 * Returns true if there was an error since last URL had been opened.
	bool lastURLError() const;
	 * Tries to open again the active URL. Useful for showing error messages
	 * initially supressed by silent mode.
	void retryURL();

	void refreshItems( const KURL::List& urls ); // used by a workaround in KIPIInterface

	virtual void setFocus();
public slots:
	void setDirURL(const KURL&);
	void setFileNameToSelect(const TQString&);

	void slotSelectFirst();
	void slotSelectLast();
	void slotSelectPrevious();
	void slotSelectNext();
	void slotSelectPreviousDir();
	void slotSelectNextDir();
	void slotSelectFirstSubDir();

	void updateThumbnail(const KURL&);

	void updateFromSettings();

	void setShowFilterBar(bool);
	// 'int' suck, but I don't want to #include fileviewconfig.h
	void setFilterMode(int);
	void setFilterName(const TQString&);
	void setFilterFromDate(const TQDate&);
	void setFilterToDate(const TQDate&);
	void applyFilter();

	void urlChanged(const KURL&);
	 * Used by DirPart to tell Konqueror to change directory
	void directoryChanged(const KURL&);

	void selectionChanged();
	void completed();
	void canceled();
	void imageDoubleClicked();
	void shownFileItemRefreshed(const KFileItem*);
	void sortingChanged();
	void requestContextMenu(const TQPoint& pos, bool onItem);

private slots:
	void delayedDirListerCompleted();
	// Used to enter directories
	void slotViewExecuted();

	// Used to change the current image
	void slotViewClicked();

	void slotViewDoubleClicked();
	// These two methods forward the context menu requests from either view to
	// openContextMenu(const TQPoint&);
	void openContextMenu(TDEListView*, TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint&);
	void openContextMenu(TQIconViewItem*,const TQPoint&);

	// Get called by the thumbnail mode actions
	void updateViewMode();
	// Get called by the thumbnail slider
	void updateThumbnailSize(int);

	void toggleShowDotFiles();
	void setSorting();
	void updateSortMenu(TQDir::SortSpec);

	// Dir lister slots
	void dirListerDeleteItem(KFileItem* item);
	void dirListerNewItems(const KFileItemList& items);
	void dirListerRefreshItems(const KFileItemList&);
	void dirListerClear();
	void dirListerStarted();
	void dirListerCanceled();
	void dirListerCompleted();

	// Metadata info loader job's slots
	void loadMetaInfo(const KFileItemList& items, bool forceReload=false);
	void nextMetaInfoJob();
	void stopMetaInfoUpdate();
	void updateItemMetaInfo(const KFileItem *item);

	void openDropURLMenu(TQDropEvent*, KFileItem*);

	void prefetchDone();

	void resetNameFilter();
	void resetFromFilter();
	void resetToFilter();

	struct Private;
	Private* d;
	Mode mMode;
	FileDetailView* mFileDetailView;
	FileThumbnailView* mFileThumbnailView;
	DirLister* mDirLister;
	ImageLoader* mPrefetch;

	// Our actions
	TDEAction* mSelectFirst;
	TDEAction* mSelectLast;
	TDEAction* mSelectPrevious;
	TDEAction* mSelectNext;
	TDEAction* mSelectPreviousDir;
	TDEAction* mSelectNextDir;
	TDEAction* mSelectFirstSubDir;
	TDERadioAction* mListMode;
	TDERadioAction* mSideThumbnailMode;
	TDERadioAction* mBottomThumbnailMode;

	TQSlider* mSizeSlider;

	TDEToggleAction* mShowDotFiles;

	// Temp data used by the dir lister
	bool mThumbnailsNeedUpdate;
	TQString mFileNameToSelect;
	enum ChangeDirStatusVals {
	} mChangeDirStatus;

	bool mBrowsing;
	bool mSelecting;
	 * Browse to the given item. Prevents multiple calls using mBrowsing.
	void browseTo(KFileItem* item);

	void browseToFileNameToSelect();
	void emitURLChanged();
	void updateActions();
	void prefetch( KFileItem* item );
	void updateViewItem(const KFileItem *item, bool metaInfoOnly=false);
	KFileItem* findFirstImage() const;
	KFileItem* findLastImage() const;
	KFileItem* findPreviousImage() const;
	KFileItem* findNextImage() const;
	KFileItem* findItemByFileName(const TQString& fileName) const;

	bool eventFilter(TQObject*, TQEvent*);

} // namespace