path: root/libk3b/projects/mixedcd/k3bmixedjob.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libk3b/projects/mixedcd/k3bmixedjob.cpp')
1 files changed, 1339 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libk3b/projects/mixedcd/k3bmixedjob.cpp b/libk3b/projects/mixedcd/k3bmixedjob.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4be92c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libk3b/projects/mixedcd/k3bmixedjob.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1339 @@
+ *
+ * $Id: k3bmixedjob.cpp 690212 2007-07-20 11:02:13Z trueg $
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 Sebastian Trueg <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This file is part of the K3b project.
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.
+ */
+#include "k3bmixedjob.h"
+#include "k3bmixeddoc.h"
+#include <k3bdatadoc.h>
+#include <k3bisoimager.h>
+#include <k3bmsinfofetcher.h>
+#include <k3baudioimager.h>
+#include <k3baudiodoc.h>
+#include <k3baudiotrack.h>
+#include <k3baudionormalizejob.h>
+#include <k3baudiojobtempdata.h>
+#include <k3baudiomaxspeedjob.h>
+#include <k3bdevicemanager.h>
+#include <k3bdevice.h>
+#include <k3bdevicehandler.h>
+#include <k3bmsf.h>
+#include <k3bglobals.h>
+#include <k3bexternalbinmanager.h>
+#include <k3bversion.h>
+#include <k3bcore.h>
+#include <k3bcdrecordwriter.h>
+#include <k3bcdrdaowriter.h>
+#include <k3btocfilewriter.h>
+#include <k3binffilewriter.h>
+#include <k3bglobalsettings.h>
+#include <k3baudiofile.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qdatastream.h>
+#include <qapplication.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <ktempfile.h>
+#include <kio/netaccess.h>
+#include <kio/global.h>
+#include <kstringhandler.h>
+static QString createNonExistingFilesString( const QValueList<K3bAudioFile*>& items, unsigned int max )
+ QString s;
+ unsigned int cnt = 0;
+ for( QValueList<K3bAudioFile*>::const_iterator it = items.begin();
+ it != items.end(); ++it ) {
+ s += KStringHandler::csqueeze( (*it)->filename(), 60 );
+ ++cnt;
+ if( cnt >= max || it == items.end() )
+ break;
+ s += "<br>";
+ }
+ if( items.count() > max )
+ s += "...";
+ return s;
+class K3bMixedJob::Private
+ Private()
+ : maxSpeedJob(0) {
+ }
+ int copies;
+ int copiesDone;
+ K3bAudioMaxSpeedJob* maxSpeedJob;
+ bool maxSpeed;
+K3bMixedJob::K3bMixedJob( K3bMixedDoc* doc, K3bJobHandler* hdl, QObject* parent )
+ : K3bBurnJob( hdl, parent ),
+ m_doc( doc ),
+ m_normalizeJob(0)
+ d = new Private;
+ m_isoImager = new K3bIsoImager( doc->dataDoc(), this, this );
+ connect( m_isoImager, SIGNAL(infoMessage(const QString&, int)), this, SIGNAL(infoMessage(const QString&, int)) );
+ connect( m_isoImager, SIGNAL(percent(int)), this, SLOT(slotIsoImagerPercent(int)) );
+ connect( m_isoImager, SIGNAL(finished(bool)), this, SLOT(slotIsoImagerFinished(bool)) );
+ connect( m_isoImager, SIGNAL(debuggingOutput(const QString&, const QString&)),
+ this, SIGNAL(debuggingOutput(const QString&, const QString&)) );
+ m_audioImager = new K3bAudioImager( doc->audioDoc(), this, this );
+ connect( m_audioImager, SIGNAL(infoMessage(const QString&, int)),
+ this, SIGNAL(infoMessage(const QString&, int)) );
+ connect( m_audioImager, SIGNAL(percent(int)), this, SLOT(slotAudioDecoderPercent(int)) );
+ connect( m_audioImager, SIGNAL(subPercent(int)), this, SLOT(slotAudioDecoderSubPercent(int)) );
+ connect( m_audioImager, SIGNAL(finished(bool)), this, SLOT(slotAudioDecoderFinished(bool)) );
+ connect( m_audioImager, SIGNAL(nextTrack(int, int)), this, SLOT(slotAudioDecoderNextTrack(int, int)) );
+ m_msInfoFetcher = new K3bMsInfoFetcher( this, this );
+ connect( m_msInfoFetcher, SIGNAL(finished(bool)), this, SLOT(slotMsInfoFetched(bool)) );
+ connect( m_msInfoFetcher, SIGNAL(infoMessage(const QString&, int)), this, SIGNAL(infoMessage(const QString&, int)) );
+ m_writer = 0;
+ m_tocFile = 0;
+ m_tempData = new K3bAudioJobTempData( m_doc->audioDoc(), this );
+ delete m_tocFile;
+ delete d;
+K3bDevice::Device* K3bMixedJob::writer() const
+ if( m_doc->onlyCreateImages() )
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return m_doc->burner();
+K3bDoc* K3bMixedJob::doc() const
+ return m_doc;
+void K3bMixedJob::start()
+ jobStarted();
+ m_canceled = false;
+ m_errorOccuredAndAlreadyReported = false;
+ d->copiesDone = 0;
+ d->copies = m_doc->copies();
+ m_currentAction = PREPARING_DATA;
+ d->maxSpeed = false;
+ if( m_doc->dummy() )
+ d->copies = 1;
+ prepareProgressInformation();
+ //
+ // Check if all files exist
+ //
+ QValueList<K3bAudioFile*> nonExistingFiles;
+ K3bAudioTrack* track = m_doc->audioDoc()->firstTrack();
+ while( track ) {
+ K3bAudioDataSource* source = track->firstSource();
+ while( source ) {
+ if( K3bAudioFile* file = dynamic_cast<K3bAudioFile*>( source ) ) {
+ if( !QFile::exists( file->filename() ) )
+ nonExistingFiles.append( file );
+ }
+ source = source->next();
+ }
+ track = track->next();
+ }
+ if( !nonExistingFiles.isEmpty() ) {
+ if( questionYesNo( "<p>" + i18n("The following files could not be found. Do you want to remove them from the "
+ "project and continue without adding them to the image?") +
+ "<p>" + createNonExistingFilesString( nonExistingFiles, 10 ),
+ i18n("Warning"),
+ i18n("Remove missing files and continue"),
+ i18n("Cancel and go back") ) ) {
+ for( QValueList<K3bAudioFile*>::const_iterator it = nonExistingFiles.begin();
+ it != nonExistingFiles.end(); ++it ) {
+ delete *it;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ m_canceled = true;
+ emit canceled();
+ jobFinished(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Make sure the project is not empty
+ //
+ if( m_doc->audioDoc()->numOfTracks() == 0 ) {
+ emit infoMessage( i18n("Please add files to your project first."), ERROR );
+ jobFinished(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ // set some flags that are needed
+ m_doc->audioDoc()->setOnTheFly( m_doc->onTheFly() ); // for the toc writer
+ m_doc->audioDoc()->setHideFirstTrack( false ); // unsupported
+ m_doc->dataDoc()->setBurner( m_doc->burner() ); // so the isoImager can read ms data
+ emit newTask( i18n("Preparing data") );
+ determineWritingMode();
+ //
+ // First we make sure the data portion is valid
+ //
+ // we do not have msinfo yet
+ m_currentAction = INITIALIZING_IMAGER;
+ m_isoImager->setMultiSessionInfo( QString::null );
+ m_isoImager->init();
+void K3bMixedJob::startFirstCopy()
+ //
+ // if not onthefly create the iso image and then the wavs
+ // and write then
+ // if onthefly calculate the iso size
+ //
+ if( m_doc->onTheFly() ) {
+ if( m_doc->speed() == 0 ) {
+ emit newSubTask( i18n("Determining maximum writing speed") );
+ //
+ // try to determine the max possible speed
+ // no need to check the data track's max speed. Most current systems are able
+ // to handle the maxium possible
+ //
+ if( !d->maxSpeedJob ) {
+ // the maxspeed job gets the device from the doc:
+ m_doc->audioDoc()->setBurner( m_doc->burner() );
+ d->maxSpeedJob = new K3bAudioMaxSpeedJob( m_doc->audioDoc(), this, this );
+ connect( d->maxSpeedJob, SIGNAL(percent(int)),
+ this, SIGNAL(subPercent(int)) );
+ connect( d->maxSpeedJob, SIGNAL(finished(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(slotMaxSpeedJobFinished(bool)) );
+ }
+ d->maxSpeedJob->start();
+ }
+ else if( m_doc->mixedType() != K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION ) {
+ m_currentAction = PREPARING_DATA;
+ m_isoImager->calculateSize();
+ }
+ else {
+ // we cannot calculate the size since we don't have the msinfo yet
+ // so first write the audio session
+ writeNextCopy();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ emit burning(false);
+ emit infoMessage( i18n("Creating audio image files in %1").arg(m_doc->tempDir()), INFO );
+ m_tempFilePrefix = K3b::findUniqueFilePrefix( ( !m_doc->audioDoc()->title().isEmpty()
+ ? m_doc->audioDoc()->title()
+ : m_doc->dataDoc()->isoOptions().volumeID() ),
+ m_doc->tempDir() );
+ m_tempData->prepareTempFileNames( m_doc->tempDir() );
+ QStringList filenames;
+ for( K3bAudioTrack* track = m_doc->audioDoc()->firstTrack(); track; track = track->next() )
+ filenames += m_tempData->bufferFileName( track );
+ m_audioImager->setImageFilenames( filenames );
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() != K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION ) {
+ createIsoImage();
+ }
+ else {
+ emit newTask( i18n("Creating audio image files") );
+ m_currentAction = CREATING_AUDIO_IMAGE;
+ m_audioImager->start();
+ }
+ }
+void K3bMixedJob::slotMaxSpeedJobFinished( bool success )
+ d->maxSpeed = success;
+ if( !success )
+ emit infoMessage( i18n("Unable to determine maximum speed for some reason. Ignoring."), WARNING );
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() != K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION ) {
+ m_currentAction = PREPARING_DATA;
+ m_isoImager->calculateSize();
+ }
+ else {
+ // we cannot calculate the size since we don't have the msinfo yet
+ // so first write the audio session
+ writeNextCopy();
+ }
+void K3bMixedJob::writeNextCopy()
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION ) {
+ m_currentAction = WRITING_AUDIO_IMAGE;
+ if( !prepareWriter() || !startWriting() ) {
+ cleanupAfterError();
+ jobFinished(false);
+ }
+ else if( m_doc->onTheFly() )
+ m_audioImager->start();
+ }
+ else {
+ // the prepareWriter method needs the action to be set
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_LAST_TRACK )
+ m_currentAction = WRITING_AUDIO_IMAGE;
+ else
+ m_currentAction = WRITING_ISO_IMAGE;
+ if( !prepareWriter() || !startWriting() ) {
+ cleanupAfterError();
+ jobFinished(false);
+ }
+ else if( m_doc->onTheFly() ) {
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_LAST_TRACK )
+ m_audioImager->start();
+ else
+ m_isoImager->start();
+ }
+ }
+void K3bMixedJob::cancel()
+ m_canceled = true;
+ if( d->maxSpeedJob )
+ d->maxSpeedJob->cancel();
+ if( m_writer )
+ m_writer->cancel();
+ m_isoImager->cancel();
+ m_audioImager->cancel();
+ m_msInfoFetcher->cancel();
+ emit infoMessage( i18n("Writing canceled."), K3bJob::ERROR );
+ removeBufferFiles();
+ emit canceled();
+ jobFinished(false);
+void K3bMixedJob::slotMsInfoFetched( bool success )
+ if( m_canceled || m_errorOccuredAndAlreadyReported )
+ return;
+ if( success ) {
+ if( m_usedDataWritingApp == K3b::CDRECORD )
+ m_isoImager->setMultiSessionInfo( m_msInfoFetcher->msInfo() );
+ else // cdrdao seems to write a 150 blocks pregap that is not used by cdrecord
+ m_isoImager->setMultiSessionInfo( QString("%1,%2")
+ .arg(m_msInfoFetcher->lastSessionStart())
+ .arg(m_msInfoFetcher->nextSessionStart()+150) );
+ if( m_doc->onTheFly() ) {
+ m_currentAction = PREPARING_DATA;
+ m_isoImager->calculateSize();
+ }
+ else {
+ createIsoImage();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // the MsInfoFetcher already emitted failure info
+ cleanupAfterError();
+ jobFinished(false);
+ }
+void K3bMixedJob::slotIsoImagerFinished( bool success )
+ if( m_canceled || m_errorOccuredAndAlreadyReported )
+ return;
+ //
+ // Initializing imager before the first copy
+ //
+ if( m_currentAction == INITIALIZING_IMAGER ) {
+ if( success ) {
+ m_currentAction = PREPARING_DATA;
+ // check the size
+ m_projectSize = m_isoImager->size() + m_doc->audioDoc()->length();
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION )
+ m_projectSize += 11400; // the session gap
+ startFirstCopy();
+ }
+ else {
+ cleanupAfterError();
+ jobFinished( false );
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Recalculated iso image size
+ //
+ else if( m_currentAction == PREPARING_DATA ) {
+ if( success ) {
+ // 1. data in first track:
+ // start isoimager and writer
+ // when isoimager finishes start audiodecoder
+ // 2. data in last track
+ // start audiodecoder and writer
+ // when audiodecoder finishes start isoimager
+ // 3. data in second session
+ // start audiodecoder and writer
+ // start isoimager and writer
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION ) {
+ m_currentAction = WRITING_ISO_IMAGE;
+ if( !prepareWriter() || !startWriting() ) {
+ cleanupAfterError();
+ jobFinished(false);
+ }
+ else
+ m_isoImager->start();
+ }
+ else
+ writeNextCopy();
+ }
+ else {
+ cleanupAfterError();
+ jobFinished( false );
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Image creation finished
+ //
+ else {
+ if( !success ) {
+ emit infoMessage( i18n("Error while creating ISO image."), ERROR );
+ cleanupAfterError();
+ jobFinished( false );
+ return;
+ }
+ if( m_doc->onTheFly() ) {
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_FIRST_TRACK ) {
+ m_currentAction = WRITING_AUDIO_IMAGE;
+ m_audioImager->start();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ emit infoMessage( i18n("ISO image successfully created."), SUCCESS );
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION ) {
+ m_currentAction = WRITING_ISO_IMAGE;
+ if( !prepareWriter() || !startWriting() ) {
+ cleanupAfterError();
+ jobFinished(false);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ emit newTask( i18n("Creating audio image files") );
+ m_currentAction = CREATING_AUDIO_IMAGE;
+ m_audioImager->start();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void K3bMixedJob::slotWriterFinished( bool success )
+ if( m_canceled || m_errorOccuredAndAlreadyReported )
+ return;
+ if( !success ) {
+ cleanupAfterError();
+ jobFinished(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ emit burning(false);
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION && m_currentAction == WRITING_AUDIO_IMAGE ) {
+ // reload the media (as a subtask so the user does not see the "Flushing cache" or "Fixating" messages while
+ // doing so
+ emit newSubTask( i18n("Reloading the medium") );
+ connect( K3bDevice::reload( m_doc->burner() ), SIGNAL(finished(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(slotMediaReloadedForSecondSession(bool)) );
+ }
+ else {
+ d->copiesDone++;
+ if( d->copiesDone < d->copies ) {
+ K3bDevice::eject( m_doc->burner() );
+ writeNextCopy();
+ }
+ else {
+ if( !m_doc->onTheFly() && m_doc->removeImages() )
+ removeBufferFiles();
+ if( k3bcore->globalSettings()->ejectMedia() )
+ K3bDevice::eject( m_doc->burner() );
+ jobFinished(true);
+ }
+ }
+void K3bMixedJob::slotMediaReloadedForSecondSession( bool success )
+ if( !success )
+ blockingInformation( i18n("Please reload the medium and press 'ok'"),
+ i18n("Unable to close the tray") );
+ // start the next session
+ m_currentAction = WRITING_ISO_IMAGE;
+ if( d->copiesDone > 0 ) {
+ // we only create the image once. This should not be a problem???
+ if( !prepareWriter() || !startWriting() ) {
+ cleanupAfterError();
+ jobFinished(false);
+ }
+ else if( m_doc->onTheFly() ) {
+ m_isoImager->start();
+ }
+ }
+ else if( m_doc->dummy() ) {
+ // do not try to get ms info in simulation mode since the cd is empty!
+ if( m_doc->onTheFly() ) {
+ m_currentAction = PREPARING_DATA;
+ m_isoImager->calculateSize();
+ }
+ else
+ createIsoImage();
+ }
+ else {
+ m_currentAction = FETCHING_MSINFO;
+ m_msInfoFetcher->setDevice( m_doc->burner() );
+ m_msInfoFetcher->start();
+ }
+void K3bMixedJob::slotAudioDecoderFinished( bool success )
+ if( m_canceled || m_errorOccuredAndAlreadyReported )
+ return;
+ if( !success ) {
+ emit infoMessage( i18n("Error while decoding audio tracks."), ERROR );
+ cleanupAfterError();
+ jobFinished(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ if( m_doc->onTheFly() ) {
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_LAST_TRACK ) {
+ m_currentAction = WRITING_ISO_IMAGE;
+ m_isoImager->start();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ emit infoMessage( i18n("Audio images successfully created."), SUCCESS );
+ if( m_doc->audioDoc()->normalize() ) {
+ normalizeFiles();
+ }
+ else {
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_FIRST_TRACK )
+ m_currentAction = WRITING_ISO_IMAGE;
+ else
+ m_currentAction = WRITING_AUDIO_IMAGE;
+ if( !prepareWriter() || !startWriting() ) {
+ cleanupAfterError();
+ jobFinished(false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void K3bMixedJob::slotAudioDecoderNextTrack( int t, int tt )
+ if( m_doc->onlyCreateImages() || !m_doc->onTheFly() ) {
+ K3bAudioTrack* track = m_doc->audioDoc()->getTrack(t);
+ emit newSubTask( i18n("Decoding audio track %1 of %2%3")
+ .arg(t)
+ .arg(tt)
+ .arg( track->title().isEmpty() || track->artist().isEmpty()
+ ? QString::null
+ : " (" + track->artist() + " - " + track->title() + ")" ) );
+ }
+bool K3bMixedJob::prepareWriter()
+ if( m_writer ) delete m_writer;
+ if( ( m_currentAction == WRITING_ISO_IMAGE && m_usedDataWritingApp == K3b::CDRECORD ) ||
+ ( m_currentAction == WRITING_AUDIO_IMAGE && m_usedAudioWritingApp == K3b::CDRECORD ) ) {
+ if( !writeInfFiles() ) {
+ kdDebug() << "(K3bMixedJob) could not write inf-files." << endl;
+ emit infoMessage( i18n("IO Error"), ERROR );
+ return false;
+ }
+ K3bCdrecordWriter* writer = new K3bCdrecordWriter( m_doc->burner(), this, this );
+ // only write the audio tracks in DAO mode
+ if( m_currentAction == WRITING_ISO_IMAGE )
+ writer->setWritingMode( m_usedDataWritingMode );
+ else
+ writer->setWritingMode( m_usedAudioWritingMode );
+ writer->setSimulate( m_doc->dummy() );
+ writer->setBurnSpeed( m_doc->speed() );
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION ) {
+ if( m_currentAction == WRITING_ISO_IMAGE ) {
+ if( m_doc->onTheFly() )
+ writer->addArgument("-waiti");
+ addDataTrack( writer );
+ }
+ else {
+ writer->addArgument("-multi");
+ addAudioTracks( writer );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_FIRST_TRACK )
+ addDataTrack( writer );
+ addAudioTracks( writer );
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_LAST_TRACK )
+ addDataTrack( writer );
+ }
+ m_writer = writer;
+ }
+ else {
+ if( !writeTocFile() ) {
+ kdDebug() << "(K3bDataJob) could not write tocfile." << endl;
+ emit infoMessage( i18n("IO Error"), ERROR );
+ return false;
+ }
+ // create the writer
+ // create cdrdao job
+ K3bCdrdaoWriter* writer = new K3bCdrdaoWriter( m_doc->burner(), this, this );
+ writer->setSimulate( m_doc->dummy() );
+ writer->setBurnSpeed( m_doc->speed() );
+ // multisession only for the first session
+ writer->setMulti( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION
+ && m_currentAction == WRITING_AUDIO_IMAGE );
+ writer->setTocFile( m_tocFile->name() );
+ m_writer = writer;
+ }
+ connect( m_writer, SIGNAL(infoMessage(const QString&, int)), this, SIGNAL(infoMessage(const QString&, int)) );
+ connect( m_writer, SIGNAL(percent(int)), this, SLOT(slotWriterJobPercent(int)) );
+ connect( m_writer, SIGNAL(processedSize(int, int)), this, SIGNAL(processedSize(int, int)) );
+ connect( m_writer, SIGNAL(subPercent(int)), this, SIGNAL(subPercent(int)) );
+ connect( m_writer, SIGNAL(processedSubSize(int, int)), this, SIGNAL(processedSubSize(int, int)) );
+ connect( m_writer, SIGNAL(nextTrack(int, int)), this, SLOT(slotWriterNextTrack(int, int)) );
+ connect( m_writer, SIGNAL(buffer(int)), this, SIGNAL(bufferStatus(int)) );
+ connect( m_writer, SIGNAL(deviceBuffer(int)), this, SIGNAL(deviceBuffer(int)) );
+ connect( m_writer, SIGNAL(writeSpeed(int, int)), this, SIGNAL(writeSpeed(int, int)) );
+ connect( m_writer, SIGNAL(finished(bool)), this, SLOT(slotWriterFinished(bool)) );
+ // connect( m_writer, SIGNAL(newTask(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(newTask(const QString&)) );
+ connect( m_writer, SIGNAL(newSubTask(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(newSubTask(const QString&)) );
+ connect( m_writer, SIGNAL(debuggingOutput(const QString&, const QString&)),
+ this, SIGNAL(debuggingOutput(const QString&, const QString&)) );
+ return true;
+bool K3bMixedJob::writeInfFiles()
+ K3bInfFileWriter infFileWriter;
+ K3bAudioTrack* track = m_doc->audioDoc()->firstTrack();
+ while( track ) {
+ infFileWriter.setTrack( track->toCdTrack() );
+ infFileWriter.setTrackNumber( track->trackNumber() );
+ if( !m_doc->onTheFly() )
+ infFileWriter.setBigEndian( false );
+ if( ! m_tempData->infFileName(track) ) )
+ return false;
+ track = track->next();
+ }
+ return true;
+bool K3bMixedJob::writeTocFile()
+ // FIXME: create the tocfile in the same directory like all the other files.
+ if( m_tocFile ) delete m_tocFile;
+ m_tocFile = new KTempFile( QString::null, "toc" );
+ m_tocFile->setAutoDelete(true);
+ // write the toc-file
+ if( QTextStream* s = m_tocFile->textStream() ) {
+ K3bTocFileWriter tocFileWriter;
+ //
+ // TOC
+ //
+ tocFileWriter.setData( m_doc->toToc( m_usedDataMode == K3b::MODE2
+ ? K3bDevice::Track::XA_FORM1
+ : K3bDevice::Track::MODE1,
+ m_doc->onTheFly()
+ ? m_isoImager->size()
+ : m_doc->dataDoc()->length() ) );
+ //
+ // CD-Text
+ //
+ if( m_doc->audioDoc()->cdText() ) {
+ K3bDevice::CdText text = m_doc->audioDoc()->cdTextData();
+ // if data in first track we need to add a dummy cdtext
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_FIRST_TRACK )
+ text.insert( text.begin(), K3bDevice::TrackCdText() );
+ tocFileWriter.setCdText( text );
+ }
+ //
+ // Session to write
+ //
+ tocFileWriter.setSession( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION &&
+ m_currentAction == WRITING_ISO_IMAGE ? 2 : 1 );
+ //
+ // image filenames
+ //
+ if( !m_doc->onTheFly() ) {
+ QStringList files;
+ K3bAudioTrack* track = m_doc->audioDoc()->firstTrack();
+ while( track ) {
+ files += m_tempData->bufferFileName( track );
+ track = track->next();
+ }
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_FIRST_TRACK )
+ files.prepend( m_isoImageFilePath );
+ else
+ files.append( m_isoImageFilePath );
+ tocFileWriter.setFilenames( files );
+ }
+ bool success = *s );
+ m_tocFile->close();
+ // backup for debugging
+// KIO::NetAccess::del("/tmp/trueg/tocfile_debug_backup.toc",0L);
+// KIO::NetAccess::copy( m_tocFile->name(), "/tmp/trueg/tocfile_debug_backup.toc",0L );
+ return success;
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+void K3bMixedJob::addAudioTracks( K3bCdrecordWriter* writer )
+ writer->addArgument( "-useinfo" );
+ // add raw cdtext data
+ if( m_doc->audioDoc()->cdText() ) {
+ writer->setRawCdText( m_doc->audioDoc()->cdTextData().rawPackData() );
+ }
+ writer->addArgument( "-audio" );
+ // we always pad because although K3b makes sure all tracks' length are multiples of 2352
+ // it seems that normalize sometimes corrupts these lengths
+ // FIXME: see K3bAudioJob for the whole less4secs and zeroPregap handling
+ writer->addArgument( "-pad" );
+ // Allow tracks shorter than 4 seconds
+ writer->addArgument( "-shorttrack" );
+ // add all the audio tracks
+ K3bAudioTrack* track = m_doc->audioDoc()->firstTrack();
+ while( track ) {
+ if( m_doc->onTheFly() ) {
+ // this is only supported by cdrecord versions >= 2.01a13
+ writer->addArgument( QFile::encodeName( m_tempData->infFileName( track ) ) );
+ }
+ else {
+ writer->addArgument( QFile::encodeName( m_tempData->bufferFileName( track ) ) );
+ }
+ track = track->next();
+ }
+void K3bMixedJob::addDataTrack( K3bCdrecordWriter* writer )
+ // add data track
+ if( m_usedDataMode == K3b::MODE2 ) {
+ if( k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject("cdrecord") &&
+ k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject("cdrecord")->hasFeature( "xamix" ) )
+ writer->addArgument( "-xa" );
+ else
+ writer->addArgument( "-xa1" );
+ }
+ else
+ writer->addArgument( "-data" );
+ if( m_doc->onTheFly() )
+ writer->addArgument( QString("-tsize=%1s").arg(m_isoImager->size()) )->addArgument("-");
+ else
+ writer->addArgument( m_isoImageFilePath );
+void K3bMixedJob::slotWriterNextTrack( int t, int )
+ K3bAudioTrack* track = 0;
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_FIRST_TRACK ) {
+ if( t > 1 )
+ track = m_doc->audioDoc()->getTrack(t-1);
+ }
+ else if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_LAST_TRACK ) {
+ if( t < m_doc->audioDoc()->numOfTracks()+1 )
+ track = m_doc->audioDoc()->getTrack(t);
+ }
+ else if( m_currentAction == WRITING_AUDIO_IMAGE )
+ track = m_doc->audioDoc()->getTrack(t);
+ else
+ t = m_doc->numOfTracks();
+ if( track )
+ emit newSubTask( i18n("Writing track %1 of %2%3")
+ .arg(t)
+ .arg(m_doc->numOfTracks())
+ .arg( track->title().isEmpty() || track->artist().isEmpty()
+ ? QString::null
+ : " (" + track->artist() + " - " + track->title() + ")" ) );
+ else
+ emit newSubTask( i18n("Writing track %1 of %2 (%3)").arg(t).arg(m_doc->numOfTracks()).arg(i18n("ISO9660 data")) );
+void K3bMixedJob::slotWriterJobPercent( int p )
+ double totalTasks = d->copies;
+ double tasksDone = d->copiesDone;
+ if( m_doc->audioDoc()->normalize() ) {
+ totalTasks+=1.0;
+ tasksDone+=1.0;
+ }
+ if( !m_doc->onTheFly() ) {
+ totalTasks+=1.0;
+ }
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION ) {
+ if( m_currentAction == WRITING_AUDIO_IMAGE ) {
+ // the audio imager has finished in all cases
+ // the iso imager only if this is not the first copy
+ if( d->copiesDone > 0 )
+ tasksDone += 1.0;
+ else if( !m_doc->onTheFly() )
+ tasksDone += m_audioDocPartOfProcess;
+ p = (int)((double)p*m_audioDocPartOfProcess);
+ }
+ else {
+ // all images have been created
+ if( !m_doc->onTheFly() )
+ tasksDone += 1.0;
+ p = (int)(100.0*m_audioDocPartOfProcess + (double)p*(1.0-m_audioDocPartOfProcess));
+ }
+ }
+ else if( !m_doc->onTheFly() )
+ tasksDone += 1.0;
+ emit percent( (int)((100.0*tasksDone + (double)p) / totalTasks) );
+void K3bMixedJob::slotAudioDecoderPercent( int p )
+ // the only thing finished here might be the isoimager which is part of this task
+ if( !m_doc->onTheFly() ) {
+ double totalTasks = d->copies+1;
+ if( m_doc->audioDoc()->normalize() )
+ totalTasks+=1.0;
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION )
+ p = (int)((double)p*m_audioDocPartOfProcess);
+ else
+ p = (int)(100.0*(1.0-m_audioDocPartOfProcess) + (double)p*m_audioDocPartOfProcess);
+ emit percent( (int)((double)p / totalTasks) );
+ }
+void K3bMixedJob::slotAudioDecoderSubPercent( int p )
+ if( !m_doc->onTheFly() ) {
+ emit subPercent( p );
+ }
+void K3bMixedJob::slotIsoImagerPercent( int p )
+ if( !m_doc->onTheFly() ) {
+ emit subPercent( p );
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION ) {
+ double totalTasks = d->copies+1.0;
+ double tasksDone = d->copiesDone;
+ if( m_doc->audioDoc()->normalize() ) {
+ totalTasks+=1.0;
+ // the normalizer finished
+ tasksDone+=1.0;
+ }
+ // the writing of the audio part finished
+ tasksDone += m_audioDocPartOfProcess;
+ // the audio decoder finished (which is part of this task in terms of progress)
+ p = (int)(100.0*m_audioDocPartOfProcess + (double)p*(1.0-m_audioDocPartOfProcess));
+ emit percent( (int)((100.0*tasksDone + (double)p) / totalTasks) );
+ }
+ else {
+ double totalTasks = d->copies+1.0;
+ if( m_doc->audioDoc()->normalize() )
+ totalTasks+=1.0;
+ emit percent( (int)((double)(p*(1.0-m_audioDocPartOfProcess)) / totalTasks) );
+ }
+ }
+bool K3bMixedJob::startWriting()
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION ) {
+ if( m_currentAction == WRITING_ISO_IMAGE) {
+ if( m_doc->dummy() )
+ emit newTask( i18n("Simulating second session") );
+ else if( d->copies > 1 )
+ emit newTask( i18n("Writing second session of copy %1").arg(d->copiesDone+1) );
+ else
+ emit newTask( i18n("Writing second session") );
+ }
+ else {
+ if( m_doc->dummy() )
+ emit newTask( i18n("Simulating first session") );
+ else if( d->copies > 1 )
+ emit newTask( i18n("Writing first session of copy %1").arg(d->copiesDone+1) );
+ else
+ emit newTask( i18n("Writing first session") );
+ }
+ }
+ else if( m_doc->dummy() )
+ emit newTask( i18n("Simulating") );
+ else
+ emit newTask( i18n("Writing Copy %1").arg(d->copiesDone+1) );
+ // if we append the second session the cd is already in the drive
+ if( !(m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION
+ && m_currentAction == WRITING_ISO_IMAGE) ) {
+ emit newSubTask( i18n("Waiting for media") );
+ if( waitForMedia( m_doc->burner() ) < 0 ) {
+ cancel();
+ return false;
+ }
+ // just to be sure we did not get canceled during the async discWaiting
+ if( m_canceled )
+ return false;
+ // check if the project will fit on the CD
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION ) {
+ // the media is in and has been checked so this should be fast (hopefully)
+ K3b::Msf mediaSize = m_doc->burner()->diskInfo().capacity();
+ if( mediaSize < m_projectSize ) {
+ if( k3bcore->globalSettings()->overburn() ) {
+ emit infoMessage( i18n("Trying to write more than the official disk capacity"), K3bJob::WARNING );
+ }
+ else {
+ emit infoMessage( i18n("Data does not fit on disk."), ERROR );
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // in case we determined the max possible writing speed we have to reset the speed on the writer job
+ // here since an inserted media is necessary
+ // the Max speed job will compare the max speed value with the supported values of the writer
+ if( d->maxSpeed )
+ m_writer->setBurnSpeed( d->maxSpeedJob->maxSpeed() );
+ emit burning(true);
+ m_writer->start();
+ if( m_doc->onTheFly() ) {
+ // now the writer is running and we can get it's stdin
+ // we only use this method when writing on-the-fly since
+ // we cannot easily change the audioDecode fd while it's working
+ // which we would need to do since we write into several
+ // image files.
+ m_audioImager->writeToFd( m_writer->fd() );
+ m_isoImager->writeToFd( m_writer->fd() );
+ }
+ return true;
+void K3bMixedJob::createIsoImage()
+ m_currentAction = CREATING_ISO_IMAGE;
+ // prepare iso image file
+ m_isoImageFilePath = m_tempFilePrefix + "_datatrack.iso";
+ if( !m_doc->onTheFly() )
+ emit newTask( i18n("Creating ISO image file") );
+ emit newSubTask( i18n("Creating ISO image in %1").arg(m_isoImageFilePath) );
+ emit infoMessage( i18n("Creating ISO image in %1").arg(m_isoImageFilePath), INFO );
+ m_isoImager->writeToImageFile( m_isoImageFilePath );
+ m_isoImager->start();
+void K3bMixedJob::cleanupAfterError()
+ m_errorOccuredAndAlreadyReported = true;
+ // m_audioImager->cancel();
+ m_isoImager->cancel();
+ if( m_writer )
+ m_writer->cancel();
+ if( m_tocFile ) delete m_tocFile;
+ m_tocFile = 0;
+ // remove the temp files
+ removeBufferFiles();
+void K3bMixedJob::removeBufferFiles()
+ if ( !m_doc->onTheFly() ) {
+ emit infoMessage( i18n("Removing buffer files."), INFO );
+ }
+ if( QFile::exists( m_isoImageFilePath ) )
+ if( !QFile::remove( m_isoImageFilePath ) )
+ emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not delete file %1.").arg(m_isoImageFilePath), ERROR );
+ // removes buffer images and temp toc or inf files
+ m_tempData->cleanup();
+void K3bMixedJob::determineWritingMode()
+ // we don't need this when only creating image and it is possible
+ // that the burn device is null
+ if( m_doc->onlyCreateImages() )
+ return;
+ // at first we determine the data mode
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------
+ if( m_doc->dataDoc()->dataMode() == K3b::DATA_MODE_AUTO ) {
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION )
+ m_usedDataMode = K3b::MODE2;
+ else
+ m_usedDataMode = K3b::MODE1;
+ }
+ else
+ m_usedDataMode = m_doc->dataDoc()->dataMode();
+ // we try to use cdrecord if possible
+ bool cdrecordOnTheFly = false;
+ bool cdrecordCdText = false;
+ bool cdrecordUsable = false;
+ if( k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject("cdrecord") ) {
+ cdrecordOnTheFly =
+ k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject("cdrecord")->hasFeature( "audio-stdin" );
+ cdrecordCdText =
+ k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject("cdrecord")->hasFeature( "cdtext" );
+ cdrecordUsable =
+ !( !cdrecordOnTheFly && m_doc->onTheFly() ) &&
+ !( m_doc->audioDoc()->cdText() && !cdrecordCdText );
+ }
+ // Writing Application
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------
+ // cdrecord seems to have problems writing xa 1 disks in dao mode? At least on my system!
+ if( writingApp() == K3b::DEFAULT ) {
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION ) {
+ if( m_doc->writingMode() == K3b::DAO ||
+ ( m_doc->writingMode() == K3b::WRITING_MODE_AUTO && !cdrecordUsable ) ) {
+ m_usedAudioWritingApp = K3b::CDRDAO;
+ m_usedDataWritingApp = K3b::CDRDAO;
+ }
+ else {
+ m_usedAudioWritingApp = K3b::CDRECORD;
+ m_usedDataWritingApp = K3b::CDRECORD;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if( cdrecordUsable ) {
+ m_usedAudioWritingApp = K3b::CDRECORD;
+ m_usedDataWritingApp = K3b::CDRECORD;
+ }
+ else {
+ m_usedAudioWritingApp = K3b::CDRDAO;
+ m_usedDataWritingApp = K3b::CDRDAO;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ m_usedAudioWritingApp = writingApp();
+ m_usedDataWritingApp = writingApp();
+ }
+ // TODO: use K3bExceptions::brokenDaoAudio
+ // Writing Mode (TAO/DAO/RAW)
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------
+ if( m_doc->writingMode() == K3b::WRITING_MODE_AUTO ) {
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION ) {
+ if( m_usedDataWritingApp == K3b::CDRECORD )
+ m_usedDataWritingMode = K3b::TAO;
+ else
+ m_usedDataWritingMode = K3b::DAO;
+ // default to Session at once for the audio part
+ m_usedAudioWritingMode = K3b::DAO;
+ }
+ else if( writer()->dao() ) {
+ m_usedDataWritingMode = K3b::DAO;
+ m_usedAudioWritingMode = K3b::DAO;
+ }
+ else {
+ m_usedDataWritingMode = K3b::TAO;
+ m_usedAudioWritingMode = K3b::TAO;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ m_usedAudioWritingMode = m_doc->writingMode();
+ m_usedDataWritingMode = m_doc->writingMode();
+ }
+ if( m_usedDataWritingApp == K3b::CDRECORD ) {
+ if( !cdrecordOnTheFly && m_doc->onTheFly() ) {
+ m_doc->setOnTheFly( false );
+ emit infoMessage( i18n("On-the-fly writing with cdrecord < 2.01a13 not supported."), ERROR );
+ }
+ if( m_doc->audioDoc()->cdText() ) {
+ if( !cdrecordCdText ) {
+ m_doc->audioDoc()->writeCdText( false );
+ emit infoMessage( i18n("Cdrecord %1 does not support CD-Text writing.").arg(k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject("cdrecord")->version), ERROR );
+ }
+ else if( m_usedAudioWritingMode == K3b::TAO ) {
+ emit infoMessage( i18n("It is not possible to write CD-Text in TAO mode. Try DAO or RAW."), WARNING );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void K3bMixedJob::normalizeFiles()
+ if( !m_normalizeJob ) {
+ m_normalizeJob = new K3bAudioNormalizeJob( this, this );
+ connect( m_normalizeJob, SIGNAL(infoMessage(const QString&, int)),
+ this, SIGNAL(infoMessage(const QString&, int)) );
+ connect( m_normalizeJob, SIGNAL(percent(int)), this, SLOT(slotNormalizeProgress(int)) );
+ connect( m_normalizeJob, SIGNAL(subPercent(int)), this, SLOT(slotNormalizeSubProgress(int)) );
+ connect( m_normalizeJob, SIGNAL(finished(bool)), this, SLOT(slotNormalizeJobFinished(bool)) );
+ connect( m_normalizeJob, SIGNAL(newTask(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(newSubTask(const QString&)) );
+ connect( m_normalizeJob, SIGNAL(debuggingOutput(const QString&, const QString&)),
+ this, SIGNAL(debuggingOutput(const QString&, const QString&)) );
+ }
+ // add all the files
+ QValueVector<QString> files;
+ K3bAudioTrack* track = m_doc->audioDoc()->firstTrack();
+ while( track ) {
+ files.append( m_tempData->bufferFileName(track) );
+ track = track->next();
+ }
+ m_normalizeJob->setFilesToNormalize( files );
+ emit newTask( i18n("Normalizing volume levels") );
+ m_normalizeJob->start();
+void K3bMixedJob::slotNormalizeJobFinished( bool success )
+ if( m_canceled || m_errorOccuredAndAlreadyReported )
+ return;
+ if( success ) {
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_FIRST_TRACK )
+ m_currentAction = WRITING_ISO_IMAGE;
+ else
+ m_currentAction = WRITING_AUDIO_IMAGE;
+ if( !prepareWriter() || !startWriting() ) {
+ cleanupAfterError();
+ jobFinished(false);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ cleanupAfterError();
+ jobFinished(false);
+ }
+void K3bMixedJob::slotNormalizeProgress( int p )
+ double totalTasks = d->copies+2.0;
+ double tasksDone = 0;
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION ) {
+ // the audio imager finished (m_audioDocPartOfProcess*1 task)
+ // plus the normalize progress
+ tasksDone = m_audioDocPartOfProcess;
+ }
+ else {
+ // the iso and audio imagers already finished (one task)
+ // plus the normalize progress
+ tasksDone = 1.0;
+ }
+ emit percent( (int)((100.0*tasksDone + (double)p) / totalTasks) );
+void K3bMixedJob::slotNormalizeSubProgress( int p )
+ emit subPercent( p );
+void K3bMixedJob::prepareProgressInformation()
+ // calculate percentage of audio and data
+ // this is also used in on-the-fly mode
+ double ds = (double)m_doc->dataDoc()->length().totalFrames();
+ double as = (double)m_doc->audioDoc()->length().totalFrames();
+ m_audioDocPartOfProcess = as/(ds+as);
+QString K3bMixedJob::jobDescription() const
+ if( m_doc->mixedType() == K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION )
+ return i18n("Writing Enhanced Audio CD")
+ + ( m_doc->audioDoc()->title().isEmpty()
+ ? QString::null
+ : QString( " (%1)" ).arg(m_doc->audioDoc()->title()) );
+ else
+ return i18n("Writing Mixed Mode CD")
+ + ( m_doc->audioDoc()->title().isEmpty()
+ ? QString::null
+ : QString( " (%1)" ).arg(m_doc->audioDoc()->title()) );
+QString K3bMixedJob::jobDetails() const
+ return ( i18n("%1 tracks (%2 minutes audio data, %3 ISO9660 data)")
+ .arg(m_doc->numOfTracks())
+ .arg(m_doc->audioDoc()->length().toString())
+ .arg(KIO::convertSize(m_doc->dataDoc()->size()))
+ + ( m_doc->copies() > 1 && !m_doc->dummy()
+ ? i18n(" - %n copy", " - %n copies", m_doc->copies())
+ : QString::null ) );
+#include "k3bmixedjob.moc"