<sect1 id="audiocdcdreating">
		Quickguide: Burning an Audio-CD in 4 Steps
		This Quickguide shows you how to create a AudioCD with &k3b;. To reproduce
		these steps you need a working &k3b; and a directory in which you have
		<title>Step 1</title>
			When you start &k3b; you should see something like this.
				<screeninfo>Here you can select one of four projects &k3b; offers</screeninfo>
						<imagedata fileref="select_project.png" format="PNG"/>
		<title>Step 2</title>
			Now you click on "New Audio CD Project" 
				<screeninfo>This is a dialog where you can select which files you want to burn on a CD</screeninfo>
						<imagedata fileref="select_audiofiles.png" format="PNG"/>
			The files you see on the top-part of &k3b; can be dropped with the mouse to the bottom-widget.
			Another way is to right-click on a file an select <action>Add to Project</action>. In order to rearrange
			the order of the audio-tracks you can simply move the tracks with the left mouse-button. The properties
			of the tracks can be changed by clicking with the &RMB; and choosing <action>Properties</action>.
			As soon as you like the arrangement of the tracks click on <action>Burn...</action> in the right-bottom
				When you burn AudioCD from <acronym>MP3</acronym>s or other lossy compressed music, remember that if you encode this CD back to <acronym>MP3</acronym>, you'll get poorer quality regardless the bitrate you use. To check whether AudioCD was burnt from lossy format, try <ulink url="http://true-audio.com/analyzer.project">auCDtect</ulink>.
		<title>Step 3</title>
			<screeninfo>This is a dialog where you can decide the settings for the CD.</screeninfo>
					<imagedata fileref="burndialog_audio.png" format="PNG"/>
			In this dialog you can control the settings of the burning itself. The default-settings of &k3b;
			are probably correct for you. In the top-right corner you can control the speed. One last
			step before the actual burning you can give the CD a title by choosing <guibutton>CD-Text</guibutton> and
			selecting <guilabel>Write CD-Text</guilabel>. The two which are probably most important for you
			are <guilabel>Title</guilabel> and <guilabel>Performer</guilabel>. As soon as you are content with
			the settings click on <guibutton>Burn</guibutton>.
		<title>Step 4</title>
				<screeninfo>In this dialog you can see the progress of you burning</screeninfo>
						<imagedata fileref="burndialog_progress.png" format="PNG"/>
			In this dialog is nothing you can do. Just wait for you computer to finish the session.