<!-- The original version had the title 'Command Reference'
with one sect1 sub-chapter called 'The main window'.
However, the only features described were the menu entries,
so a rename of this chapter does make sense. -->

<chapter id="commands">
  <title>The Menu Entries</title>

  <sect1 id="filemenu">
    <title>The <guimenu>File</guimenu> Menu</title>
                <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap>
              <guimenuitem>New Project</guimenuitem>
              <action>Creates a new project.</action>
              You have to choose the project type (Audio CD, Data DVD, ...).
                <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>O</keycap>
              <action>Opens an existing project</action> which
              can be selected with KDE's Open File dialog.
                <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>R</keycap>
              <guimenuitem>Open Recent</guimenuitem>
              This is a shortcut to <action>re-open recently opened
              projects</action>. The sub-menu belonging to this item
              contains a list of these projects, clicking on a specific file
              will open it again.
                <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>S</keycap>
              <action>Saves the current project.</action>
              If there has already been a save of the document then this
              will overwrite the previously saved file without asking
              for the user's consent. If it is the first save of a new
              document the Save As dialog will be invoked.
              <guimenuitem>Save As...</guimenuitem>
              <action>Saves the current project with a new
              file name.</action> KDE's Save As dialog appears to specify
              name and directory of the new project file.
              <guimenuitem>Save All</guimenuitem>
              <action>Saves all open projects.</action>
              This is the same as selecting
              </menuchoice> for each of them.
                <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>C</keycap>
              <action>Closes the current project.</action>
              If a project has been modified but not yet saved
              then &k3b; will ask what to do.
              You can choose to save or discard the changes,
              and you also have the opportunity to cancel closing
              and keep the project open.
              <guimenuitem>Close All</guimenuitem>
              <action>Closes all open projects.</action> For each unsaved
              project &k3b; will ask what to do, just like it does when
              </menuchoice> is selected.
                <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Q</keycap>
              <action>Quits &k3b;</action> after closing all of its open
              projects. For every unsaved project &k3b; will ask what to do,
              just like it does when
              </menuchoice> is selected.

  <sect1 id="projectmenu">
    <title>The <guimenu>Project</guimenu> Menu</title>
              <guimenuitem>Add Files...</guimenuitem>
              When this item is selected, the appearing dialog
              <action>lets you choose one or more files to be added
              to the project.</action> This has the same effect as dragging
              files directly from the Contents View into the Project View.
              If the current project is a data disc project,
              the added files will appear in the disc's root directory.
              <guimenuitem>Clear Project</guimenuitem>
              <action>Removes all files and directories
              from the current project.</action>
              The project itself remains open.
                <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>B</keycap>
              <action>Opens the Burn dialog for the current project.</action>
              This is in fact the same as the Properties dialog - the only
              difference is that there is an additional Burn button which
              causes &k3b; to burn a disc from project data. The Burn dialog
              won't open if the project does not contain any files.
                <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>P</keycap>
              <action>Opens the Properties dialog for the current project.
              </action> Here you can specify a lot of options concerning
              the project. Every project type has got a different set of
              options, most of them can be explained by using What's This
              (accessible by right-mouse-clicking).
              <guimenuitem>Import Session</guimenuitem>
              This Item only appears if a Data CD/DVD or Video DVD project
              is active. It causes K3b to <action>import the file entries
              from the previous session to the current project</action>.
              You can use this when compiling files for multi-session discs.
              Hence that data from the previous session is always included,
              even if you don't choose to make use of this command.
              It just helps to know what's on the disc already.
              <guimenuitem>Clear Imported Session</guimenuitem>
              This Item only appears if a Data CD/DVD or Video DVD project
              is active. It causes K3b to <action>remove the file entries
              from the current project that were imported</action> by
                <guimenuitem>Import Session</guimenuitem>
              </menuchoice> while keeping all of the other data
              in the project. Hence that making use of this command doesn't
              actually remove anything from the disc that will be burned,
              it just hides these files again.
              <guimenuitem>Edit Boot Images</guimenuitem>
              This Item only appears if a Data CD/DVD or Video DVD project
              is active. <action>Here you can specify boot images</action>
              in order to create bootable CDs or DVDs. A boot image can be
              a direct copy of a floppy or hard disk (for example, created
              by the dd shell command) as well as another disc's boot image.
              In any case it's a single file containing a complete, bootable
              system that is burned as a normal file. In order to let the
              computer know that the disc contains a boot image, the burning
              application creates a boot catalog file whose name can be
              determined in the dialog window.

<!-- This menu has been deleted in 0.12. Instead, the command has moved
     to the project view, being a button there.
  <sect1 id="pluginmenu">
    <title>The <guimenu>Plugin</guimenu> Menu</title>
              <guimenuitem>Rename Audio Files...</guimenuitem>
              Allows you to <action>rename audio files</action>
              in a data project using their meta information.
              The new file names are defined by patterns
              containing information like title or artist name.

  <sect1 id="toolsmenu">
    <title>The <guimenu>Tools</guimenu> Menu</title>
              <guimenuitem>Copy CD...</guimenuitem>
              <action>Opens the CD Copy dialog.</action>
              Without the need of a project file, it provides
              the ability to copy a CD's content to another disc.
              Alternatively, you can choose only to create an image
              of the source CD which can be burned anytime. There is
              also an option to clone the CD instead of normal
              copying, which should be preferred when copying CDs
              with defective sectors or Video CDs.
              <guimenuitem>Copy DVD...</guimenuitem>
              <action>Opens the DVD Copy dialog.</action>
              Without the need of a project file, it provides
              the ability to copy a DVD's content to another disc.
              Alternatively, you can choose only to create an image
              of the source DVD which can be burned anytime.
              Video transcoding within the DVD Copy dialog
              is not yet supported, so the destination disc
              has to be large enough to contain all of the
              source disc's (video) data in its original form.
              <guimenuitem>Erase CD-RW...</guimenuitem>
              <action>Opens the Erase CD-RW dialog.</action>
              With its help you can clear the contents of a CD-RW,
              or part of it.
              <guimenuitem>Format DVD±RW...</guimenuitem>
              <action>Opens the DVD Formatting dialog.</action>
              With its help you can format a DVD-R(W) or DVD+R(W),
              which causes the disc's contents to be deleted.
              &k3b; gives the choice between the "Overwrite" and
              "Incremental" writing modes.
              <guimenuitem>Burn CD Image...</guimenuitem>
              <action>Burns a previously created CD image.</action>
              The Burn CD Image dialog asks to select an
              <literal role="extension">*.iso</literal>,
              <literal role="extension">*.cue</literal> or
              <literal role="extension">*.toc</literal> file
              as data source that you can instantly burn by pressing
              the Start button.
              (Nero <literal role="extension">*.nrg</literal> files
              are currently not supported, so you have to make use
              of other tools like <ulink
              <guimenuitem>Burn DVD ISO Image...</guimenuitem>
              <action>Burns a previously created DVD image.</action>
              The Burn Iso9660 Image dialog asks to select an
              <literal role="extension">*.iso</literal> file as data
              source that you can instantly burn by pressing
              the Start button.
              <guimenuitem>Encode Video...</guimenuitem>
              <action>A DVD video that has already been ripped can be
              encoded</action> with a little help from the Encoding Video
              dialog. This dialog box normally opens after ripping the DVD
              from within the Contents View, but can also be used standalone.
              It contains information about the ripped DVD video, encoding
              options and even video resizing and cropping abilities.
              <action>Shows information about the inserted disk.</action>
              This information will be displayed in the Contents View and
              covers disk properties like type, size and track length
              of the CD or DVD in your drive.

  <sect1 id="settingsmenu">
    <title>The <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> Menu</title>
              <action>Pops up a list of &k3b;'s toolbars.</action>
              If a toolbar entry is checked, it means that
              the toolbar is currently visible.
              <guimenuitem>Show/Hide Statusbar</guimenuitem>
              This enables you to <action>show or hide the small bar
              at the bottom of the main window</action> containing
              various information about &k3b;'s status and activities.
              <guimenuitem>Show Directories</guimenuitem>
              <action>Toggles the visibility of the Directory View.</action>
              This view enables you to select directories and disc drives.
              When selected, their contents will appear in the Contents View.
              Disc drives have also got a context menu providing functions
              like Disk Info, (un)mounting the drive or ejecting the medium.
              <guimenuitem>Show Contents</guimenuitem>
              <action>Toggles the visibility of the Contents View.</action>
              This view enables you to select files that can be dragged
              into the Project View in order to add them to the project.
              The Contents View also acts as an interface to rip
              audio CDs and video discs when a disc drive containing
              an appropriate CD/DVD is selected in the Directory View.
              <guimenuitem>Show Document Header</guimenuitem>
              <action>Toggles the visibility of the document header</action>
              belonging to the Project View. This is a small bar that is
              only visible if the Project View contains any open projects.
              The document header has no functionality, yet it's nice
              eye candy and improves clarity by separating
              the Project View from the other views.
              <guimenuitem>Configure Shortcuts...</guimenuitem>
              This command <action>opens a dialog box where the key bindings
              for &k3b;'s menu commands may be changed</action>.
              After selecting one of the available commands
              from the upper part of the dialog, the shortcut
              for this action can be changed in the lower part.
              <guimenuitem>Configure Toolbars...</guimenuitem>
              This command <action>opens a dialog box where the toolbars
              can be customized</action>. The drop down box on top
              of the dialog determines which toolbar can be edited
              at the moment. The Available Actions list on the left contains
              all commands that can be added to the toolbar,
              the Current Actions list on the right shows the ones
              that are already there. Items can be added by selecting
              the appropriate command out of the Available Actions list and
              pressing the right button to move it to the Current Actions
              list. Removing an item works the other way round.
              The up and down buttons change the commands's position
              within the toolbar.
              <guimenuitem>&k3b; Setup</guimenuitem>
              This <action>opens &k3bsetup;</action> which helps setting the
              right permissions needed by &k3b; in order to burn
              CDs and DVDs. Linux' user rights management permits program
              execution and access to disc drives if no permissions have
              been granted by the administrator. &k3bsetup; cannot set
              permissions without administrator privileges, so you have
              to enter the root password when starting up.
              <guimenuitem>Configure &k3b;...</guimenuitem>
              <action>Opens the Options dialog</action>
              where general program settings can be configured.
              Although most of &k3b;'s functionality should work out
              of the box, this dialog allows to customize and fine-tune
              the program.

  <sect1 id="helpmenu">
    <title>The <guimenu>Help</guimenu> Menu</title>
<!-- Assuming you have a standard help menu (help, what's this, about &k3b;,
about KDE) then the documentation is already written. The following entity
is valid anywhere that a variablelist is valid.  -->&help.menu.documentation;

<!-- ______________________________________________ using this editor width-->