<chapter id="dcop">
  <title>The &k3b; &DCOP; Interface</title>
  <para>&k3b; features, like many other &kde; applications as well, a
    &DCOP; interface which makes it possible to control a part of it's
    functionality from &eg; a shellscript.</para>
  <para>To use these &DCOP; functions you can either use the
    <command>dcop</command> commandline program or the more convenient
    <application>Kdcop</application> application. Both provide the same
    functionality so it's mostly a matter of taste and context of usage when
    deciding which way to choose.</para>
  <para>This chapter assumes that you're using the <command>dcop</command>
    commandline program. To access &k3b;'s &DCOP; functions, make sure that
    &k3b; is started and then enter something like this at a console:
<prompt>#</prompt> <command>dcop</command> <option>k3b</option> <option>K3bInterface</option> <replaceable>[function]</replaceable>

<para>Besides the generic &DCOP; functions available to all &kde;
applications, &k3b;'s DCOP interface mainly consists of two parts as described below.</para>

<title>The default K3bInterface</title>

<para>The default K3b DCOP interface provides functionality like copyCD, formatDVD, and methods for creating new projects.</para>

DCOPRef createDataCDProject()
DCOPRef createAudioCDProject()
DCOPRef createMixedCDProject()
DCOPRef createVideoCDProject()
DCOPRef createMovixCDProject()
DCOPRef createDataDVDProject()
DCOPRef createVideoDVDProject()
DCOPRef createMovixDVDProject()
DCOPRef openProject(KURL url)
QValueList&lt;DCOPRef&gt; projects()
DCOPRef currentProject()
void copyCd()
void copyDvd()
void eraseCdrw()
void formatDvd()
void burnCdImage(KURL url)
void burnDvdImage(KURL url)

<para>As result from one of the createXXXProject methods one gets a DCOP reference to the newly created project:


Alternatively you may create a project using the command line:

<prompt>#</prompt> <command>k3b</command> <replaceable>--audiocd</replaceable>

and then retrieve a reference to this project with

<prompt>#</prompt> <command>dcop</command> <option>k3b</option> <option>K3bInterface</option> <replaceable>currentProject</replaceable>

Using this reference it is possible to manipulate the project using the <link linkend="k3bprojectinterface">K3bProjectInterface</link>.</para>


<sect1 id="k3bprojectinterface">

void addUrls(KURL::List urls)
void addUrl(KURL url)
void burn()

<para>K3b offers the K3bProjectInterface as listed above or the more powerful K3bDataProjectInterface which only applies to data projects (CD and DVD):

void createFolder(QString name)
void createFolder(QString name,QString parent)
void addUrl(KURL url,QString parent)
void addUrls(KURL::List urls,QString parent)
void removeItem(QString path)
void renameItem(QString path,QString newName)
void setVolumeID(QString id)

<para>Using this it is possible to fill a data project with files and folders from a script.
The following script for example creates a new data project, adds several folders to the project, and adds files to the newly created folders:

PROJECT=$(dcop k3b K3bInterface createDataCDProject)
dcop $PROJECT createFolder test
dcop $PROJECT createFolder foo
dcop $PROJECT createFolder bar /foo
dcop $PROJECT addUrl /home/trueg/somefile.txt /foo/bar

