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<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
<!ENTITY k3b "<application>K3b</application>">
<!ENTITY cdrdao "<application>cdrdao</application>">
<!ENTITY dvdtools "<application>DVD+RW-Tools</application>">
<!ENTITY mkisofs "<application>mkisofs</application>">
<!ENTITY cdrecord "<application>cdrecord</application>">
<!ENTITY k3bsetup "<application>K3bSetup</application>">
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<book lang="&language;">

<title>The &k3b; Handbook</title>




<holder>Carsten Niehaus</holder>
<!-- Translators: put here the copyright notice of the translation -->


<!-- Abstract about this handbook -->

  &k3b; is a CD and DVD burning application for &kde; with a comfortable user interface.



<chapter id="introduction">

  &k3b; is a CD and DVD burning application for Linux systems
  optimized for &kde;. It provides a comfortable user interface
  to perform most CD/DVD burning tasks like creating an Audio CD
  from a set of audio files or copying a CD.
  While the experienced user can take influence in all steps
  of the burning process, the beginner may find comfort
  in the automatic settings and the reasonable &k3b; defaults
  which allow a quick start. The actual burning in K3b is done
  by the command line utilities
  <application>cdrdao</application>, and

<!-- the GUI comands -->

<chapter id="howtos">
  <title>HOWTOs for a quickstart to &k3b;</title>



<!-- now the desciption of the DCOP-Interface -->

<chapter id="faq">
<title>Questions and Answers</title>

<!-- (OPTIONAL but recommended) This chapter should include all of the silly
(and not-so-silly) newbie questions that fill up your mailbox. This chapter
should be reserved for BRIEF questions and answers! If one question uses more
than a page or so then it should probably be part of the
"Using this Application" chapter instead. You should use links to
cross-reference questions to the parts of your documentation that answer them.
This is also a great place to provide pointers to other FAQ's if your users
must do some complicated configuration on other programs in order for your
application work. -->


<qandaset id="faqlist">
        Compiling &k3b; fails with undefined type "struct KComboBox".
        The QTDesigner tool <application>uic</application> is not able to find the kde widget plugins.
        To solve this run <application>qtconfig</application> and add
        <filename class="directory">$<envar>TDEDIR</envar>/lib/trinity/plugins</filename> to the
        plugin search path (replace $<envar>TDEDIR</envar> with your kde base dir).
  <!-- This is a template for a new Q&A-set

<chapter id="credits">

<!-- Include credits for the programmers, documentation writers, and
contributors here. The license for your software should then be included below
the credits with a reference to the appropriate license file included in the KDE
distribution. -->

<title>Credits and License</title>

  Program copyright 1999-2005 Sebastian Trueg <email>trueg@k3b.org</email>
  and the K3b team
  <listitem><para>Thomas Froescher <email>tfroescher@k3b.org</email></para>
<listitem><para>Christian Kvasny <email>chris@k3b.org</email></para>
<listitem><para>Klaus-Dieter Krannich <email>kd@k3b.org</email></para>

  Documentation Copyright &copy; 2003-2004 Carsten Niehaus <email>cniehaus@kde.org</email>


&underFDL;               <!-- FDL: do not remove -->

<!-- Determine which license your application is licensed under,
     and delete all the remaining licenses below:

     (NOTE:  All documentation are licensed under the FDL,
     regardless of what license the application uses) -->

&underGPL;        	 <!-- GPL License -->

<appendix id="installation">

<sect1 id="getting-kapp">
<title>How to obtain &k3b;</title>

<!-- This first entity contains boiler plate for applications that are
part of KDE CVS.  You should remove it if you are releasing your
application -->
<!-- &install.intro.documentation; ok, removed -->

  The main information site for &k3b; is
  <ulink url="http://www.k3b.org/">www.k3b.org</ulink>.
  For the most current version of &k3b;, feedback and
  community help as well as &k3b; news and other information,
  this is the place to go.


<sect1 id="requirements">

  In order to successfully use &k3b;, you need &kde; &gt;= 3.1 and &Qt; &gt;= 3.1.
  &cdrdao;: Records audio or data CD-Rs in disk-at-once (DAO)
  mode based on a textual description of the CD contents (toc-file).
  &cdrecord;/&mkisofs;: Records any kind of CD-Rs. &cdrecord; contains all of &cdrdao;'s features and extended functionality and therefore is &k3b;'s standard choice for CD burning. In some cases, &cdrdao; reaches better audio CD burning quality though.
  &dvdtools;: The &dvdtools; are used to burn and format DVD+R(W) and DVD-R(W) media.

  Optionally &k3b; can make use of all these libraries:

cdparanoia: A Compact Disc Digital Audio (CDDA) extraction tool,
commonly known on the net as a 'ripper'.

Ogg Vorbis library: Ogg Vorbis is a completely open, patent-free,
professional audio encoding and streaming technology with all the benefits
of Open Source, and in direct competition with the MP3 format.
Used by the Ogg Vorbis Decoder and Encoder plugins.

MAD (MPEG Audio Decoder) Library: A high-quality MPEG audio decoder,
supporting the MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and MPEG 2.5 formats. All three audio
layers Layer I, Layer II, and Layer III (i.e. MP3) are fully implemented.
Used by the MP3 Decoder plugin.

LAME: A highly evolved MP3 encoder, with quality and speed able to rival
state of the art commercial encoders. Used by the MP3 Encoder plugin.

FLAC: A free, open source codec for lossless audio compression and
decompression. Used by the FLAC Decoder plugin and the
External Audio Encoder plugin, so you can read and write FLAC files.

Libsndfile, FFmpeg, FLAC, Musepack decoders: Other libraries for processing a
broad range of audio file formats. For example, with FFmpeg it is possible to
decode WMA files in order to burn them onto audio CDs.
Used by the respective plugins.

SoX: A utility that can convert between various audio file formats.
Used by the SoX Audio Encoder plugin.

transcode: A Linux text-console utility for video stream processing.
You need this if you want to rip DVD video.

VCDImager: A full-featured mastering suite for authoring,
disassembling and analyzing Video CDs and Super Video CDs.

Normalize: A tool for adjusting the volume of audio files to a standard level.
This is useful for things like creating mixed CDs and MP3 collections, where
different recording levels on different albums can cause the volume to vary
greatly from song to song.

eMovix: A tiny Linux distribution that is burned on CD together with video
files. eMovix contains all the software to boot from a CD and automatically
play every video file localized in the CD root.

<!-- For a list of updates, you may refer to the application web site
or the ChangeLog file, or ... -->
You can find a list of changes to &k3b; at <ulink

<sect1 id="compilation">
<title>Compilation and Installation</title>

<!-- This entity contains the boilerplate text for standard -->
<!-- compilation instructions.  If your application requires any -->
<!-- special handling, remove it, and replace with your own text. -->





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