/* * * $Id: k3bjob.h 619556 2007-01-03 17:38:12Z trueg $ * Copyright (C) 2003 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org> * * This file is part of the K3b project. * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. */ #ifndef K3BJOB_H #define K3BJOB_H #include <tqobject.h> #include <tqptrlist.h> #include "k3bjobhandler.h" #include "k3b_export.h" class K3bDoc; namespace K3bDevice { class Device; } /** * This is the baseclass for all the jobs in K3b which actually do the work like burning a cd! * The K3bJob object takes care of registering with the k3bcore or with a parent K3bJob. * * Every job has a jobhandler which can be another job (in which case the job is handled as * a subjob) or an arbitrary class implementing the K3bJobHandler interface. * * A Job should never create any widgets. User interaction should be done through the methods * questionYesNo, waitForMedia. * * @author Sebastian Trueg */ class LIBK3B_EXPORT K3bJob : public TQObject, public K3bJobHandler { Q_OBJECT TQ_OBJECT public: virtual ~K3bJob(); /** * \reimplemented from K3bJobHandler */ bool isJob() const { return true; } K3bJobHandler* jobHandler() const { return m_jobHandler; } /** * Is the job active? * The default implementation is based on the jobStarted() and jobFinished() * methods and there is normally no need to reimplement this. */ virtual bool active() const { return m_active; } /** * The default implementation is based on the canceled() signal. * * This means that one cannot count on this value being valid * in a slot connected to the canceled() signal. It is, however, save * to call this method from a slot connected to the finished() signal * in case the job makes proper usage of the jobStarted/jobFinished * methods. */ virtual bool hasBeenCanceled() const { return m_canceled; } virtual TQString jobDescription() const { return "K3bJob"; } virtual TQString jobDetails() const { return TQString(); } /** * @returns the number of running subjobs. * this is useful for proper cancellation of jobs. */ unsigned int numRunningSubJobs() const; const TQPtrList<K3bJob>& runningSubJobs() const { return m_runningSubJobs; } /** * \deprecated */ virtual void connectSubJob( K3bJob* subJob, const char* finishedSlot = 0, bool progress = false, const char* progressSlot = 0, const char* subProgressSot = 0, const char* processedSizeSlot = 0, const char* processedSubSizeSlot = 0 ); static const char* DEFAULT_SIGNAL_CONNECTION; /** * \param newTaskSlot If DEFAULT_SIGNAL_CONNECTION the newTask signal from the subjob will * be connected to the newSubTask signal * \param newSubTaskSlot If DEFAULT_SIGNAL_CONNECTION the newSubTask signal from the subjob * will create an infoMessage signal * \param progressSlot If DEFAULT_SIGNAL_CONNECTION the percent signal of the subjob will be * connected to the subPercent signal. * debuggingOutput and infoMessage will always be direcctly connected. * * If a parameter is set to 0 it will not be connected at all */ virtual void connectSubJob( K3bJob* subJob, const char* finishedSlot = DEFAULT_SIGNAL_CONNECTION, const char* newTaskSlot = DEFAULT_SIGNAL_CONNECTION, const char* newSubTaskSlot = DEFAULT_SIGNAL_CONNECTION, const char* progressSlot = DEFAULT_SIGNAL_CONNECTION, const char* subProgressSlot = DEFAULT_SIGNAL_CONNECTION, const char* processedSizeSlot = DEFAULT_SIGNAL_CONNECTION, const char* processedSubSizeSlot = DEFAULT_SIGNAL_CONNECTION ); /** * Message types to be used in combination with the infoMessage signal. * * \see infoMessage() */ enum MessageType { INFO, /**< Informational message. For example a message that informs the user about what is currently going on */ WARNING, /**< A warning message. Something did not go perfectly but the job may continue. */ ERROR, /**< An error. Only use this message type if the job will actually fail afterwards with a call to jobFinished( false ) */ SUCCESS /**< This message type may be used to inform the user that a sub job has been successfully finished. */ }; /** * reimplemented from K3bJobHandler */ int waitForMedia( K3bDevice::Device*, int mediaState = K3bDevice::STATE_EMPTY, int mediaType = K3bDevice::MEDIA_WRITABLE_CD, const TQString& message = TQString() ); /** * reimplemented from K3bJobHandler */ bool questionYesNo( const TQString& text, const TQString& caption = TQString(), const TQString& yesText = TQString(), const TQString& noText = TQString() ); /** * reimplemented from K3bJobHandler */ void blockingInformation( const TQString& text, const TQString& caption = TQString() ); public slots: /** * This is the slot that starts the job. The first call should always * be jobStarted(). * * Once the job has finished it has to call jobFinished() with the result as * a parameter. * * \see jobStarted() * \see jobFinished() */ virtual void start() = 0; /** * This slot should cancel the job. The job has to emit the canceled() signal and make a call * to jobFinished(). * It is not important to do any of those two directly in this slot though. */ virtual void cancel() = 0; void setJobHandler( K3bJobHandler* ); signals: void infoMessage( const TQString& msg, int type ); void percent( int p ); void subPercent( int p ); void processedSize( int processed, int size ); void processedSubSize( int processed, int size ); void newTask( const TQString& job ); void newSubTask( const TQString& job ); void debuggingOutput(const TQString&, const TQString&); void data( const char* data, int len ); void nextTrack( int track, int numTracks ); void canceled(); /** * Emitted once the job has been started. Never emit this signal directly. * Use jobStarted() instead, otherwise the job will not be properly registered */ void started(); /** * Emitted once the job has been finshed. Never emit this signal directly. * Use jobFinished() instead, otherwise the job will not be properly deregistered */ void finished( bool success ); protected: /** * \param hdl the handler of the job. This allows for some user interaction without * specifying any details (like the GUI). * The job handler can also be another job. In that case this job is a sub job * and will be part of the parents running sub jobs. * * \see runningSubJobs() * \see numRunningSubJobs() */ K3bJob( K3bJobHandler* hdl, TQObject* parent = 0, const char* name = 0 ); /** * Call this in start() to properly register the job and emit the started() signal. * Do never emit the started() signal manually. * * Always call K3bJob::jobStarted in reimplementations. */ virtual void jobStarted(); /** * Call this at the end of the job to properly deregister the job and emit the finished() signal. * Do never emit the started() signal manually. * * Always call K3bJob::jobFinished in reimplementations. */ virtual void jobFinished( bool success ); private slots: void slotCanceled(); void slotNewSubTask( const TQString& str ); private: void registerSubJob( K3bJob* ); void unregisterSubJob( K3bJob* ); K3bJobHandler* m_jobHandler; TQPtrList<K3bJob> m_runningSubJobs; bool m_canceled; bool m_active; class Private; Private* d; }; /** * Every job used to actually burn a medium is derived from K3bBurnJob. * This class implements additional signals like buffer status or writing speed * as well as a handling of the used writing application. */ class LIBK3B_EXPORT K3bBurnJob : public K3bJob { Q_OBJECT TQ_OBJECT public: K3bBurnJob( K3bJobHandler* hdl, TQObject* parent = 0, const char* name = 0 ); virtual ~K3bBurnJob(); /** * The writing device used by this job. */ virtual K3bDevice::Device* writer() const { return 0; } /** * use K3b::WritingApp */ int writingApp() const { return m_writeMethod; } /** * K3b::WritingApp "ored" together */ virtual int supportedWritingApps() const; public slots: /** * use K3b::WritingApp */ void setWritingApp( int w ) { m_writeMethod = w; } signals: void buffertqStatus( int ); void deviceBuffer( int ); /** * @param speed current writing speed in Kb * @param multiplicator use 150 for CDs and 1380 for DVDs * FIXME: maybe one should be able to ask the burnjob if it burns a CD or a DVD and remove the * multiplicator parameter) */ void writeSpeed( int speed, int multiplicator ); /** * This signal may be used to inform when the burning starts or ends * The BurningProgressDialog for example uses it to enable and disable * the buffer and writing speed displays. */ void burning(bool); private: int m_writeMethod; class Private; Private* d; }; #endif