/* * * $Id: k3baudiocuefilewritingjob.cpp 619556 2007-01-03 17:38:12Z trueg $ * Copyright (C) 2005 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org> * * This file is part of the K3b project. * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. */ #include "k3baudiocuefilewritingjob.h" #include <k3baudiodoc.h> #include <k3baudiojob.h> #include <k3bdevice.h> #include <k3baudiodecoder.h> #include <k3baudiotrack.h> #include <k3baudiofile.h> #include <k3bcuefileparser.h> #include <k3bthread.h> #include <k3bthreadjob.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <tdelocale.h> class K3bAudioCueFileWritingJob::AnalyserThread : public K3bThread { public: AnalyserThread() : K3bThread() { } void setDecoder( K3bAudioDecoder* dec ) { m_decoder = dec; } protected: void run() { emitStarted(); m_decoder->analyseFile(); emitFinished(true); } private: K3bAudioDecoder* m_decoder; }; K3bAudioCueFileWritingJob::K3bAudioCueFileWritingJob( K3bJobHandler* jh, TQObject* parent, const char* name ) : K3bBurnJob( jh, parent, name ), m_decoder(0) { m_analyserThread = new AnalyserThread(); m_analyserJob = new K3bThreadJob( m_analyserThread, this, this ); connect( m_analyserJob, TQT_SIGNAL(finished(bool)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotAnalyserThreadFinished(bool)) ); m_audioDoc = new K3bAudioDoc( this ); m_audioDoc->newDocument(); m_audioJob = new K3bAudioJob( m_audioDoc, this, this ); // just loop all through connect( m_audioJob, TQT_SIGNAL(newTask(const TQString&)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(newTask(const TQString&)) ); connect( m_audioJob, TQT_SIGNAL(newSubTask(const TQString&)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(newSubTask(const TQString&)) ); connect( m_audioJob, TQT_SIGNAL(debuggingOutput(const TQString&, const TQString&)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(debuggingOutput(const TQString&, const TQString&)) ); connect( m_audioJob, TQT_SIGNAL(infoMessage(const TQString&, int)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(infoMessage(const TQString&, int)) ); connect( m_audioJob, TQT_SIGNAL(finished(bool)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(finished(bool)) ); connect( m_audioJob, TQT_SIGNAL(canceled()), this, TQT_SIGNAL(canceled()) ); connect( m_audioJob, TQT_SIGNAL(percent(int)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(percent(int)) ); connect( m_audioJob, TQT_SIGNAL(subPercent(int)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(subPercent(int)) ); connect( m_audioJob, TQT_SIGNAL(processedSize(int, int)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(processedSubSize(int, int)) ); connect( m_audioJob, TQT_SIGNAL(processedSubSize(int, int)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(processedSubSize(int, int)) ); connect( m_audioJob, TQT_SIGNAL(burning(bool)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(burning(bool)) ); connect( m_audioJob, TQT_SIGNAL(bufferStatus(int)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(bufferStatus(int)) ); connect( m_audioJob, TQT_SIGNAL(deviceBuffer(int)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(deviceBuffer(int)) ); connect( m_audioJob, TQT_SIGNAL(writeSpeed(int, int)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(writeSpeed(int, int)) ); m_canceled = false; m_audioJobRunning = false; } K3bAudioCueFileWritingJob::~K3bAudioCueFileWritingJob() { // the threadjob does not delete the thread delete m_analyserThread; } K3bDevice::Device* K3bAudioCueFileWritingJob::writer() const { return m_audioDoc->burner(); } TQString K3bAudioCueFileWritingJob::jobDescription() const { return i18n("Writing Audio Cue File"); } TQString K3bAudioCueFileWritingJob::jobDetails() const { return m_cueFile.section( '/', -1 ); } void K3bAudioCueFileWritingJob::start() { // FIXME: here we trust that a job won't be started twice :( jobStarted(); m_canceled = false; m_audioJobRunning = false; importCueInProject(); } void K3bAudioCueFileWritingJob::cancel() { m_canceled = true; // the AudioJob cancel method is very stupid. It emits the canceled signal even if it was never running :( if( m_audioJobRunning ) m_audioJob->cancel(); m_analyserJob->cancel(); } void K3bAudioCueFileWritingJob::setCueFile( const TQString& s ) { m_cueFile = s; } void K3bAudioCueFileWritingJob::setOnTheFly( bool b ) { m_audioDoc->setOnTheFly( b ); } void K3bAudioCueFileWritingJob::setSpeed( int s ) { m_audioDoc->setSpeed( s ); } void K3bAudioCueFileWritingJob::setBurnDevice( K3bDevice::Device* dev ) { m_audioDoc->setBurner( dev ); } void K3bAudioCueFileWritingJob::setWritingMode( int mode ) { m_audioDoc->setWritingMode( mode ); } void K3bAudioCueFileWritingJob::setSimulate( bool b ) { m_audioDoc->setDummy( b ); } void K3bAudioCueFileWritingJob::setCopies( int c ) { m_audioDoc->setCopies( c ); } void K3bAudioCueFileWritingJob::setTempDir( const TQString& s ) { m_audioDoc->setTempDir( s ); } void K3bAudioCueFileWritingJob::slotAnalyserThreadFinished( bool ) { if( !m_canceled ) { if( m_audioDoc->lastTrack()->length() == 0 ) { emit infoMessage( i18n("Analysing the audio file failed. Corrupt file?"), ERROR ); jobFinished(false); } else { // FIXME: m_audioJobRunning is never reset m_audioJobRunning = true; m_audioJob->start(); // from here on the audio job takes over completely } } else { emit canceled(); jobFinished(false); } } void K3bAudioCueFileWritingJob::importCueInProject() { // cleanup the project (this wil also delete the decoder) // we do not use newDocument as that would overwrite the settings already made while( m_audioDoc->firstTrack() ) delete m_audioDoc->firstTrack()->take(); m_decoder = 0; K3bCueFileParser parser( m_cueFile ); if( parser.isValid() && parser.toc().contentType() == K3bDevice::AUDIO ) { kdDebug() << "(K3bAudioCueFileWritingJob::importCueFile) parsed with image: " << parser.imageFilename() << endl; // global cd-text m_audioDoc->setTitle( parser.cdText().title() ); m_audioDoc->setPerformer( parser.cdText().performer() ); m_audioDoc->writeCdText( !parser.cdText().title().isEmpty() ); m_decoder = K3bAudioDecoderFactory::createDecoder( parser.imageFilename() ); if( m_decoder ) { m_decoder->setFilename( parser.imageFilename() ); K3bAudioTrack* after = 0; K3bAudioFile* newFile = 0; unsigned int i = 0; for( K3bDevice::Toc::const_iterator it = parser.toc().begin(); it != parser.toc().end(); ++it ) { const K3bDevice::Track& track = *it; newFile = new K3bAudioFile( m_decoder, m_audioDoc ); newFile->setStartOffset( track.firstSector() ); newFile->setEndOffset( track.lastSector()+1 ); K3bAudioTrack* newTrack = new K3bAudioTrack( m_audioDoc ); newTrack->addSource( newFile ); newTrack->moveAfter( after ); // cd-text newTrack->setTitle( parser.cdText()[i].title() ); newTrack->setPerformer( parser.cdText()[i].performer() ); // add the next track after this one after = newTrack; ++i; } // let the last source use the data up to the end of the file if( newFile ) newFile->setEndOffset(0); // now analyze the source emit newTask( i18n("Analysing the audio file") ); emit newSubTask( i18n("Analysing %1").arg( parser.imageFilename() ) ); // start the analyser thread m_analyserThread->setDecoder( m_decoder ); m_analyserJob->start(); } else { emit infoMessage( i18n("Unable to handle '%1' due to an unsupported format.").arg( m_cueFile ), ERROR ); jobFinished(false); } } else { emit infoMessage( i18n("No valid audio cue file: '%1'").arg( m_cueFile ), ERROR ); jobFinished(false); } } #include "k3baudiocuefilewritingjob.moc"