/* * * $Id: sourceheader 511311 2006-02-19 14:51:05Z trueg $ * Copyright (C) 2006 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org> * * This file is part of the K3b project. * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. */ #include "k3bvideodvdtitledetectclippingjob.h" #include <k3bexternalbinmanager.h> #include <k3bprocess.h> #include <k3bcore.h> #include <k3bglobals.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kdebug.h> static const int s_unrealisticHighClippingValue = 100000; class K3bVideoDVDTitleDetectClippingJob::Private { public: const K3bExternalBin* usedTranscodeBin; K3bProcess* process; bool canceled; unsigned int currentChapter; unsigned int currentFrames; unsigned int totalChapters; int lastProgress; int lastSubProgress; }; K3bVideoDVDTitleDetectClippingJob::K3bVideoDVDTitleDetectClippingJob( K3bJobHandler* hdl, TQObject* parent ) : K3bJob( hdl, parent ), m_clippingTop( 0 ), m_clippingBottom( 0 ), m_clippingLeft( 0 ), m_clippingRight( 0 ), m_lowPriority( true ) { d = new Private; d->process = 0; } K3bVideoDVDTitleDetectClippingJob::~K3bVideoDVDTitleDetectClippingJob() { delete d->process; delete d; } void K3bVideoDVDTitleDetectClippingJob::start() { jobStarted(); d->canceled = false; d->lastProgress = 0; // // It seems as if the last chapter is often way too short // d->totalChapters = m_dvd[m_titleNumber-1].numPTTs(); if( d->totalChapters > 1 && m_dvd[m_titleNumber-1][d->totalChapters-1].playbackTime().totalFrames() < 200 ) d->totalChapters--; // initial values (some way to big value) m_clippingTop = s_unrealisticHighClippingValue; m_clippingBottom = s_unrealisticHighClippingValue; m_clippingLeft = s_unrealisticHighClippingValue; m_clippingRight = s_unrealisticHighClippingValue; d->usedTranscodeBin = k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject("transcode"); if( !d->usedTranscodeBin ) { emit infoMessage( i18n("%1 executable could not be found.").arg("transcode"), ERROR ); jobFinished( false ); return; } if( d->usedTranscodeBin->version < K3bVersion( 1, 0, 0 ) ){ emit infoMessage( i18n("%1 version %2 is too old.") .arg("transcode") .arg(d->usedTranscodeBin->version), ERROR ); jobFinished( false ); return; } emit debuggingOutput( "Used versions", "transcode: " + d->usedTranscodeBin->version ); if( !d->usedTranscodeBin->copyright.isEmpty() ) emit infoMessage( i18n("Using %1 %2 - Copyright (C) %3") .arg(d->usedTranscodeBin->name()) .arg(d->usedTranscodeBin->version) .arg(d->usedTranscodeBin->copyright), INFO ); emit newTask( i18n("Analysing Title %1 of Video DVD %2").arg(m_titleNumber).arg(m_dvd.volumeIdentifier()) ); startTranscode( 1 ); } void K3bVideoDVDTitleDetectClippingJob::startTranscode( int chapter ) { d->currentChapter = chapter; d->lastSubProgress = 0; // // If we have only one chapter and it is not longer than 2 minutes (value guessed based on some test DVD) // use the whole chapter // if( d->totalChapters == 1 ) d->currentFrames = TQMIN( 3000, TQMAX( 1, m_dvd[m_titleNumber-1][d->currentChapter-1].playbackTime().totalFrames() ) ); else d->currentFrames = TQMIN( 200, TQMAX( 1, m_dvd[m_titleNumber-1][d->currentChapter-1].playbackTime().totalFrames() ) ); // // prepare the process // delete d->process; d->process = new K3bProcess(); d->process->setSuppressEmptyLines(true); d->process->setSplitStdout(true); // connect( d->process, TQT_SIGNAL(stderrLine(const TQString&)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotTranscodeStderr(const TQString&)) ); connect( d->process, TQT_SIGNAL(stdoutLine(const TQString&)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotTranscodeStderr(const TQString&)) ); connect( d->process, TQT_SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess*)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotTranscodeExited(KProcess*)) ); // the executable *d->process << d->usedTranscodeBin; // low priority if( m_lowPriority ) *d->process << "--nice" << "19"; // the input *d->process << "-i" << m_dvd.device()->blockDeviceName(); // select the title number and chapter *d->process << "-T" << TQString("%1,%2").arg(m_titleNumber).arg(chapter); // null output *d->process << "-y" << "null,null" << "-o" << "/dev/null"; // analyze the first 200 frames *d->process << "-J" << TQString("detectclipping=range=0-%1/5").arg(d->currentFrames); // also only decode the first 200 frames *d->process << "-c" << TQString("0-%1").arg(d->currentFrames+1); // additional user parameters from config const TQStringList& params = d->usedTranscodeBin->userParameters(); for( TQStringList::const_iterator it = params.begin(); it != params.end(); ++it ) *d->process << *it; // produce some debugging output kdDebug() << "***** transcode parameters:\n"; const TQValueList<TQCString>& args = d->process->args(); TQString s; for( TQValueList<TQCString>::const_iterator it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); ++it ) { s += *it + " "; } kdDebug() << s << flush << endl; emit debuggingOutput( d->usedTranscodeBin->name() + " command:", s); // start the process if( !d->process->start( KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::All ) ) { // something went wrong when starting the program // it "should" be the executable emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not start %1.").arg(d->usedTranscodeBin->name()), K3bJob::ERROR ); jobFinished(false); } else { emit newSubTask( i18n("Analysing Chapter %1 of %2").arg(chapter).arg(m_dvd[m_titleNumber-1].numPTTs()) ); emit subPercent( 0 ); } } void K3bVideoDVDTitleDetectClippingJob::cancel() { d->canceled = true; if( d->process && d->process->isRunning() ) d->process->kill(); } void K3bVideoDVDTitleDetectClippingJob::slotTranscodeStderr( const TQString& line ) { emit debuggingOutput( "transcode", line ); // parse progress // encoding frame [185], 24.02 fps, 93.0%, ETA: 0:00:00, ( 0| 0| 0) if( line.startsWith( "encoding frame" ) ) { int pos1 = line.find( '[', 15 ); int pos2 = line.find( ']', pos1+1 ); if( pos1 > 0 && pos2 > 0 ) { bool ok; int encodedFrames = line.mid( pos1+1, pos2-pos1-1 ).toInt( &ok ); if( ok ) { int progress = 100 * encodedFrames / d->currentFrames; if( progress > d->lastSubProgress ) { d->lastSubProgress = progress; emit subPercent( progress ); } double part = 100.0 / (double)d->totalChapters; progress = (int)( ( (double)(d->currentChapter-1) * part ) + ( (double)progress / (double)d->totalChapters ) + 0.5 ); if( progress > d->lastProgress ) { d->lastProgress = progress; emit percent( progress ); } } } } // [detectclipping#0] valid area: X: 5..719 Y: 72..507 -> -j 72,6,68,0 else if( line.startsWith( "[detectclipping" ) ) { int pos = line.find( "-j" ); if( pos > 0 ) { TQStringList values = TQStringList::split( ',', line.mid( pos+3 ) ); m_clippingTop = TQMIN( m_clippingTop, values[0].toInt() ); m_clippingLeft = TQMIN( m_clippingLeft, values[1].toInt() ); m_clippingBottom = TQMIN( m_clippingBottom, values[2].toInt() ); m_clippingRight = TQMIN( m_clippingRight, values[3].toInt() ); } else kdDebug() << "(K3bVideoDVDTitleDetectClippingJob) failed to parse line: " << line << endl; } } void K3bVideoDVDTitleDetectClippingJob::slotTranscodeExited( KProcess* p ) { switch( p->exitStatus() ) { case 0: d->currentChapter++; if( d->currentChapter > d->totalChapters ) { // // check if we did set any values at all // if( m_clippingTop == s_unrealisticHighClippingValue ) m_clippingTop = m_clippingLeft = m_clippingBottom = m_clippingRight = 0; if( d->totalChapters < m_dvd[m_titleNumber-1].numPTTs() ) emit infoMessage( i18n("Ignoring last chapter due to its short playback time."), INFO ); jobFinished( true ); } else { startTranscode( d->currentChapter ); } break; default: // FIXME: error handling if( d->canceled ) { emit canceled(); } else { emit infoMessage( i18n("%1 returned an unknown error (code %2).") .arg(d->usedTranscodeBin->name()).arg(p->exitStatus()), K3bJob::ERROR ); emit infoMessage( i18n("Please send me an email with the last output."), K3bJob::ERROR ); } jobFinished( false ); } } #include "k3bvideodvdtitledetectclippingjob.moc"