 * $Id: k3baudiotrack.h 620139 2007-01-05 11:59:05Z trueg $
 * Copyright (C) 2003 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org>
 * This file is part of the K3b project.
 * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.


#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqfileinfo.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqptrlist.h>

#include <tdeio/global.h>

#include <k3bmsf.h>

#include <k3bcdtext.h>
#include <k3btrack.h>
#include "k3b_export.h"

class K3bAudioDecoder;
class K3bAudioDataSource;
class K3bAudioDoc;

 * @author Sebastian Trueg
class LIBK3B_EXPORT K3bAudioTrack
  friend class K3bAudioDataSource;
  friend class K3bAudioDoc;

  K3bAudioTrack( K3bAudioDoc* parent );

  K3bAudioDoc* doc() const { return m_parent; }

  K3bDevice::Track toCdTrack() const;

   * @return length of track in frames
  K3b::Msf length() const;
  TDEIO::filesize_t size() const;

  const TQString& artist() const { return m_cdText.performer(); }
  const TQString& performer() const { return m_cdText.performer(); }
  const TQString& title() const { return m_cdText.title(); }
  const TQString& arranger() const { return m_cdText.arranger(); }
  const TQString& songwriter() const { return m_cdText.songwriter(); }
  const TQString& composer() const { return m_cdText.composer(); }
  const TQString& isrc() const { return m_cdText.isrc(); }
  const TQString& cdTextMessage() const { return m_cdText.message(); }
  const K3bDevice::TrackCdText& cdText() const { return m_cdText; }
  bool copyProtection() const { return m_copy; }
  bool preEmp() const { return m_preEmp; }
   * @obsolete use setPerformer
  void setArtist( const TQString& a );
  void setPerformer( const TQString& a );
  void setTitle( const TQString& t );
  void setArranger( const TQString& t );
  void setSongwriter( const TQString& t );
  void setComposer( const TQString& t );
  void setIsrc( const TQString& t );
  void setCdTextMessage( const TQString& t );

  void setCdText( const K3bDevice::TrackCdText& cdtext );

  void setPreEmp( bool b ) { m_preEmp = b; emitChanged(); }
  void setCopyProtection( bool b ) { m_copy = b; emitChanged(); }

  K3b::Msf index0() const;
   * The length of the postgap, ie. the number of blocks with index0.
   * This is always 0 for the last track.
  K3b::Msf postGap() const;
  void setIndex0( const K3b::Msf& );

   * \return The track number starting at 1.
  unsigned int trackNumber() const;

   * Remove this track from the list and return it.
  K3bAudioTrack* take();

   * Move this track after @p track.
   * If @p track is null this track will be merged into the beginning
   * of the docs list.
  void moveAfter( K3bAudioTrack* track );

   * Move this track ahead of @p track.
   * If @p track is null this track will be appended to the end
   * of the docs list.
  void moveAhead( K3bAudioTrack* track );

   * Merge @p trackToMerge into this one.
  void merge( K3bAudioTrack* trackToMerge, K3bAudioDataSource* sourceAfter = 0 );

  K3bAudioTrack* prev() const { return m_prev; }
  K3bAudioTrack* next() const { return m_next; }

   * Use with care.
  void setFirstSource( K3bAudioDataSource* source );
  K3bAudioDataSource* firstSource() const { return m_firstSource; }
  K3bAudioDataSource* lastSource() const;
  int numberSources() const;

   * Append source to the end of the sources list.
  void addSource( K3bAudioDataSource* source );

  bool seek( const K3b::Msf& );

   * Read data from the track.
   * @return number of read bytes
  int read( char* data, unsigned int max );

   * called by K3bAudioDataSource because of the lack of signals
  void sourceChanged( K3bAudioDataSource* );

   * Create a copy of this track containing copies of all the sources
   * but not being part of some list.
  K3bAudioTrack* copy() const;

   * Split the track at position pos and return the splitted track
   * on success.
   * The new track will be moved after this track.
   * \param pos The position at which to split. \a pos will be the 
   * first frame in the new track.
  K3bAudioTrack* split( const K3b::Msf& pos );

   * Is this track in a list
  bool inList() const;

   * Tells the doc that the track has changed
  void emitChanged();

  void debug();

  K3bAudioDoc* m_parent;

  /** copy protection */
  bool m_copy;
  bool m_preEmp;

  K3b::Msf m_index0Offset;

  K3bDevice::TrackCdText m_cdText;

  // list
  K3bAudioTrack* m_prev;
  K3bAudioTrack* m_next;

  K3bAudioDataSource* m_firstSource;

  K3bAudioDataSource* m_currentSource;
  long long m_alreadyReadBytes;

  bool m_currentlyDeleting;

  class Private;
  Private* d;
