 * $Id: k3bcdrdaowriter.h 619556 2007-01-03 17:38:12Z trueg $
 * Copyright (C) 2003 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org>
 *                    Klaus-Dieter Krannich <kd@k3b.org>
 * This file is part of the K3b project.
 * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.


#include "k3babstractwriter.h"

class K3bExternalBin;
class K3bProcess;
class TDEProcess;
namespace K3bDevice {
    class Device;
class TQSocket;

class K3bCdrdaoWriter : public K3bAbstractWriter


  enum Command { WRITE, COPY, READ, BLANK };
  enum BlankMode { FULL, MINIMAL };
  enum SubMode { None, RW, RW_RAW };

  K3bCdrdaoWriter( K3bDevice::Device* dev, K3bJobHandler*, 
		   TQObject* parent = 0, const char* name = 0 );

   * to be used in chain: addArgument(x)->addArgument(y)
  K3bCdrdaoWriter* addArgument( const TQString& );
  K3bDevice::Device* sourceDevice() { return m_sourceDevice; };

  int fd() const;

  bool active() const;

  void reinitParser();
  void parseCdrdaoLine( const TQString& line );
  void parseCdrdaoWrote( const TQString& line );
  void parseCdrdaoError( const TQString& line ); 

 public slots:
  void start();
  void cancel();

  // options
  // ---------------------
  void setCommand( int c ) { m_command = c; }
  void setBlankMode( int b ) { m_blankMode = b; }
  void setMulti( bool b ) { m_multi = b; }
  void setForce( bool b ) { m_force = b; }
  void setOnTheFly( bool b ) { m_onTheFly = b; }
  void setDataFile( const TQString& s ) { m_dataFile = s; }
  void setTocFile( const TQString& s ) { m_tocFile = s; }

  void setSourceDevice( K3bDevice::Device* dev ) { m_sourceDevice = dev; }
  void setFastToc( bool b ) { m_fastToc = b; }
  void setReadRaw( bool b ) { m_readRaw = b; }
  void setReadSubchan(SubMode m) { m_readSubchan=m; };
  void setParanoiaMode( int i ) { m_paranoiaMode = i; }
  void setTaoSource(bool b) { m_taoSource=b; };
  void setTaoSourceAdjust(int a) { m_taoSourceAdjust=a; };
  void setSession(int s) { m_session=s; };
  void setEject(bool e) { m_eject=e; };  
// ---------------------

   * If set true the job ignores the global K3b setting
   * and does not eject the CD-RW after finishing
  void setForceNoEject( bool b ) { m_forceNoEject = b; }

 private slots:
  void slotStdLine( const TQString& line );
  void slotProcessExited(TDEProcess*);
  void parseCdrdaoMessage();
  void slotThroughput( int t );

  void unknownCdrdaoLine( const TQString& );
  void prepareArgumentList();
  void setWriteArguments();
  void setReadArguments();
  void setCopyArguments();
  void setBlankArguments();
  void setCommonArguments();

  bool cueSheet();

  TQString findDriverFile( const K3bExternalBin* bin );
  bool defaultToGenericMMC( K3bDevice::Device* dev, bool writer );

  // options
  // ---------------------
  int        m_command;
  int        m_blankMode;
  K3bDevice::Device* m_sourceDevice;
  TQString    m_dataFile;
  TQString    m_tocFile;
  TQString    m_cueFileLnk;
  TQString    m_binFileLnk;
  TQString m_backupTocFile;
  bool       m_readRaw;
  bool       m_multi;
  bool       m_force;
  bool       m_onTheFly;
  bool       m_fastToc;
  SubMode    m_readSubchan;
  bool       m_taoSource;
  int        m_taoSourceAdjust;
  int        m_paranoiaMode;
  int        m_session;
  bool       m_eject;
  // ---------------------

  const K3bExternalBin* m_cdrdaoBinObject;
  K3bProcess* m_process;

  int m_cdrdaoComm[2];
  TQSocket         *m_comSock;

  bool m_canceled;

  bool m_knownError;

// parser

  int m_size;
  int m_currentTrack;

  bool m_forceNoEject;

  class Private;
  Private* d;
