/* * * $Id: k3bmpeginfo.cpp 619556 2007-01-03 17:38:12Z trueg $ * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Christian Kvasny <chris@k3b.org> * * This file is part of the K3b project. * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. */ // kde includes #include <tdelocale.h> // k3b includes #include "k3bmpeginfo.h" static const double frame_rates[ 16 ] = { 0.0, 24000.0 / 1001, 24.0, 25.0, 30000.0 / 1001, 30.0, 50.0, 60000.0 / 1001, 60.0, 0.0, }; K3bMpegInfo::K3bMpegInfo( const char* filename ) : m_mpegfile( 0 ), m_filename( filename ), m_done( false ), m_buffstart( 0 ), m_buffend( 0 ), m_buffer( 0 ), m_initial_TS( 0.0 ) { mpeg_info = new Mpeginfo(); m_mpegfile = fopen( filename, "rb" ); if ( m_mpegfile == 0 ) { kdDebug() << TQString( "Unable to open %1" ).arg( m_filename ) << endl; return ; } if ( fseeko( m_mpegfile, 0, SEEK_END ) ) { kdDebug() << TQString( "Unable to seek in file %1" ).arg( m_filename ) << endl; return ; } llong lof = ftello( m_mpegfile ); if ( lof == -1 ) { kdDebug() << TQString( "Seeking to end of input file %1 failed." ).arg( m_filename ) << endl; //give up.. return ; } else m_filesize = lof; // nothing to do on an empty file if ( !m_filesize ) { kdDebug() << TQString( "File %1 is empty." ).arg( m_filename ) << endl; m_error_string = i18n( "File %1 is empty." ).arg( m_filename ); return ; } m_buffer = new byte[ BUFFERSIZE ]; MpegParsePacket ( ); } K3bMpegInfo::~K3bMpegInfo() { if ( m_buffer ) { delete[] m_buffer; } if ( m_mpegfile ) { fclose( m_mpegfile ); } delete mpeg_info; } bool K3bMpegInfo::MpegParsePacket () { /* verify the packet begins with a pack header */ if ( !EnsureMPEG( 0, MPEG_PACK_HEADER_CODE ) ) { llong code = GetNBytes( 0, 4 ); kdDebug() << TQString( "(K3bMpegInfo::mpeg_parse_packet ()) pack header code 0x%1 expected, but 0x%2 found" ).arg( 0x00000100 + MPEG_PACK_HEADER_CODE, 0, 16 ).arg( code, 0, 16 ) << endl; if ( code == 0x00000100 + MPEG_SEQUENCE_CODE ) { kdDebug() << "...this looks like a elementary video stream but a multiplexed program stream was required." << endl; m_error_string = i18n( "This looks like a elementary video stream but a multiplexed program stream was required." ); } if ( ( 0xfff00000 & code ) == 0xfff00000 ) { kdDebug() << "...this looks like a elementary audio stream but a multiplexed program stream was required." << endl; m_error_string = i18n( "This looks like a elementary audio stream but a multiplexed program stream was required." ); } if ( code == 0x52494646 ) { kdDebug() << "...this looks like a RIFF header but a plain multiplexed program stream was required." << endl; m_error_string = i18n( "This looks like a RIFF header but a plain multiplexed program stream was required." ); } return false; } /* take a look at the pack header */ int offset = 0; while ( GetByte( offset ) == 0x00 ) offset ++; //here we're on the first non null byte let's get back to leave two zeros (packet start code) offset -= 2; if ( offset != 0 ) { // we actually skipped some zeroes kdDebug() << TQString( "Skipped %1 zeroes at start of file" ).arg( offset ) << endl; } // here while schleife while ( offset != -1 ) { offset = MpegParsePacket( offset ); } /* int pkt = 0; offset = FindNextMarker( 0, MPEG_PACK_HEADER_CODE ); while ( offset != -1 ) { pkt++; offset = FindNextMarker( offset+1, MPEG_PACK_HEADER_CODE ); } kdDebug() << "Pkt found: " << pkt << endl; */ //seek the file duration by fetching the last PACK //and reading its timestamp llong last_pack = bdFindNextMarker( m_filesize - 13, MPEG_PACK_HEADER_CODE ); // -12 because a PACK is at least 12 bytes double duration; last_pack += 4; int bits = GetByte( last_pack ) >> 4; if ( bits == 0x2 ) /* %0010 ISO11172-1 */ { duration = ReadTS( last_pack ); } else if ( bits >> 2 == 0x1 ) /* %01xx ISO13818-1 */ { duration = ReadTSMpeg2( last_pack ); } else { kdDebug() << TQString( "no timestamp found" ) << endl; duration = ReadTS( last_pack ); } mpeg_info->playing_time = duration - m_initial_TS; if ( !mpeg_info->has_video ) for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) if ( mpeg_info->video[ i ].seen ) mpeg_info->has_video = true; if ( !mpeg_info->has_audio ) for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) if ( mpeg_info->audio[ i ].seen ) mpeg_info->has_audio = true; return true; } llong K3bMpegInfo::MpegParsePacket ( llong offset ) { byte mark = 0; uint size = 0; /* continue until start code seen */ offset = FindNextMarker( offset, &mark ); if ( offset < 0 ) return offset; switch ( mark ) { int bits; case MPEG_PACK_HEADER_CODE: // kdDebug() << TQString( "MPEG_PACK_HEADER_CODE @ %1" ).arg( offset ) << endl; offset += 4; if ( mpeg_info->version != MPEG_VERS_INVALID ) break; bits = GetByte( offset ) >> 4; if ( bits == 0x2 ) /* %0010 ISO11172-1 */ { mpeg_info->version = MPEG_VERS_MPEG1; unsigned long muxrate = 0; muxrate = ( GetByte( offset + 5 ) & 0x7F ) << 15; muxrate |= ( GetByte( offset + 6 ) << 7 ); muxrate |= ( GetByte( offset + 7 ) >> 1 ); mpeg_info->muxrate = muxrate * 50 * 8; if ( m_initial_TS == 0.0 ) { m_initial_TS = ReadTS( offset ); kdDebug() << TQString( "Initial TS = %1" ).arg( m_initial_TS ) << endl; } } else if ( bits >> 2 == 0x1 ) /* %01xx ISO13818-1 */ { mpeg_info->version = MPEG_VERS_MPEG2; unsigned long muxrate = 0; muxrate = GetByte( offset + 6 ) << 14; muxrate |= GetByte( offset + 7 ) << 6; muxrate |= GetByte( offset + 8 ) >> 2; mpeg_info->muxrate = muxrate * 50 * 8; if ( m_initial_TS == 0.0 ) { m_initial_TS = ReadTSMpeg2( offset ); kdDebug() << TQString( "Initial TS = %1" ).arg( m_initial_TS ) << endl; } } else { kdDebug() << TQString( "packet not recognized as either version 1 or 2 (%1)" ).arg( bits ) << endl; mpeg_info->version = MPEG_VERS_INVALID; return -1; } break; case MPEG_SYSTEM_HEADER_CODE: case MPEG_PAD_CODE: case MPEG_PRIVATE_1_CODE: case MPEG_VIDEO_E0_CODE: case MPEG_VIDEO_E1_CODE: case MPEG_VIDEO_E2_CODE: case MPEG_AUDIO_C0_CODE: case MPEG_AUDIO_C1_CODE: case MPEG_AUDIO_C2_CODE: offset += 4; size = GetSize( offset ); offset += 2; // kdDebug() << TQString( "offset = %1, size = %2" ).arg( offset ).arg( size ) << endl; switch ( mark ) { case MPEG_SYSTEM_HEADER_CODE: // kdDebug() << TQString( "Systemheader: %1" ).arg( m_code, 0, 16 ) << endl; break; case MPEG_VIDEO_E0_CODE: case MPEG_VIDEO_E1_CODE: case MPEG_VIDEO_E2_CODE: ParseVideo( offset, mark ); // _analyze_video_pes (code & 0xff, buf + pos, size, !parse_pes, ctx); if ( mpeg_info->has_video && mpeg_info->has_audio ) { return -1; } else if ( mark == MPEG_VIDEO_E0_CODE || mpeg_info->version == MPEG_VERS_MPEG2 && mark == MPEG_VIDEO_E1_CODE || mpeg_info->version == MPEG_VERS_MPEG1 && mark == MPEG_VIDEO_E2_CODE ) { mpeg_info->has_video = true; offset = FindNextAudio( offset ); } break; case MPEG_AUDIO_C0_CODE: case MPEG_AUDIO_C1_CODE: case MPEG_AUDIO_C2_CODE: offset = SkipPacketHeader( offset - 6 ); ParseAudio( offset, mark ); // audio packet doesn't begin with 0xFFF if ( !mpeg_info->audio[ GetAudioIdx( mark ) ].seen ) { int a_idx = GetAudioIdx( mark ); while ( ( offset < m_filesize - 10 ) && !mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].seen ) { if ( ( GetByte( offset ) == 0xFF ) && ( GetByte( offset + 1 ) & 0xF0 ) == 0xF0 ) ParseAudio( offset, mark ); offset++; } } mpeg_info->has_audio = true; if ( mpeg_info->has_video ) return -1; offset = FindNextVideo( offset ); break; case MPEG_PRIVATE_1_CODE: kdDebug() << TQString( "PrivateCode: %1" ).arg( mark, 0, 16 ) << endl; break; } break; case MPEG_PROGRAM_END_CODE: kdDebug() << TQString( "ProgramEndCode: %1" ).arg( mark, 0, 16 ) << endl; offset += 4; break; case MPEG_PICTURE_CODE: kdDebug() << TQString( "PictureCode: %1" ).arg( mark, 0, 16 ) << endl; offset += 3; break; default: offset += 4; break; } return offset; } byte K3bMpegInfo::GetByte( llong offset ) { unsigned long nread; if ( ( offset >= m_buffend ) || ( offset < m_buffstart ) ) { if ( fseeko( m_mpegfile, offset, SEEK_SET ) ) { kdDebug() << TQString( "could not get seek to offset (%1) in file %2 (size:%3)" ).arg( offset ).arg( m_filename ).arg( m_filesize ) << endl; return 0x11; } nread = fread( m_buffer, 1, BUFFERSIZE, m_mpegfile ); m_buffstart = offset; m_buffend = offset + nread; if ( ( offset >= m_buffend ) || ( offset < m_buffstart ) ) { // weird kdDebug() << TQString( "could not get offset %1 in file %2 [%3]" ).arg( offset ).arg( m_filename ).arg( m_filesize ) << endl; return 0x11; } } return m_buffer[ offset - m_buffstart ]; } // same as above but improved for backward search byte K3bMpegInfo::bdGetByte( llong offset ) { unsigned long nread; if ( ( offset >= m_buffend ) || ( offset < m_buffstart ) ) { llong start = offset - BUFFERSIZE + 1 ; start = start >= 0 ? start : 0; fseeko( m_mpegfile, start, SEEK_SET ); nread = fread( m_buffer, 1, BUFFERSIZE, m_mpegfile ); m_buffstart = start; m_buffend = start + nread; if ( ( offset >= m_buffend ) || ( offset < m_buffstart ) ) { // weird kdDebug() << TQString( "could not get offset %1 in file %2 [%3]" ).arg( offset ).arg( m_filename ).arg( m_filesize ) << endl; return 0x11; } } return m_buffer[ offset - m_buffstart ]; } llong K3bMpegInfo::GetNBytes( llong offset, int n ) { llong nbytes = 0; n--; for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) ( ( char* ) & nbytes ) [ n - i ] = GetByte( offset + i ); return nbytes; } // get a two byte size unsigned short int K3bMpegInfo::GetSize( llong offset ) { return GetByte( offset ) * 256 + GetByte( offset + 1 ); // return GetNBytes( offset, 2 ); } bool K3bMpegInfo::EnsureMPEG( llong offset, byte mark ) { if ( ( GetByte( offset ) == 0x00 ) && ( GetByte( offset + 1 ) == 0x00 ) && ( GetByte( offset + 2 ) == 0x01 ) && ( GetByte( offset + 3 ) == mark ) ) return true; else return false; } // find next 0x 00 00 01 xx sequence, returns offset or -1 on err llong K3bMpegInfo::FindNextMarker( llong from ) { llong offset; for ( offset = from; offset < ( m_filesize - 4 ); offset++ ) { if ( ( GetByte( offset + 0 ) == 0x00 ) && ( GetByte( offset + 1 ) == 0x00 ) && ( GetByte( offset + 2 ) == 0x01 ) ) { return offset; } } return -1; } // find next 0x 00 00 01 xx sequence, returns offset or -1 on err and // change mark to xx llong K3bMpegInfo::FindNextMarker( llong from, byte* mark ) { llong offset = FindNextMarker( from ); if ( offset >= 0 ) { *mark = GetByte( offset + 3 ); return offset; } else { return -1; } } // find next 0X00 00 01 mark llong K3bMpegInfo::FindNextMarker( llong from, byte mark ) { llong offset = from; while ( offset >= 0 ) { offset = FindNextMarker( offset ); if ( offset < 0 ) { return -1; } if ( EnsureMPEG( offset, mark ) ) { return offset; } else offset++; } //shouldn't be here return -1; } llong K3bMpegInfo::bdFindNextMarker( llong from, byte mark ) { llong offset; for ( offset = from; offset >= 0; offset-- ) { if ( ( bdGetByte( offset ) == 0x00 ) && ( bdGetByte( offset + 1 ) == 0x00 ) && ( bdGetByte( offset + 2 ) == 0x01 ) && ( bdGetByte( offset + 3 ) == mark ) ) { return offset; } } return -1; } llong K3bMpegInfo::bdFindNextMarker( llong from, byte* mark ) { llong offset; for ( offset = from; offset >= 0; offset-- ) { if ( ( bdGetByte( offset ) == 0x00 ) && ( bdGetByte( offset + 1 ) == 0x00 ) && ( bdGetByte( offset + 2 ) == 0x01 ) ) { *mark = bdGetByte( offset + 3 ); return offset; } } return -1; } llong K3bMpegInfo::FindNextVideo( llong from ) { llong offset = from; while ( offset >= 0 ) { offset = FindNextMarker( offset ); if ( offset < 0 ) { return -1; } if ( EnsureMPEG( offset, MPEG_VIDEO_E0_CODE ) || EnsureMPEG( offset, MPEG_VIDEO_E1_CODE ) || EnsureMPEG( offset, MPEG_VIDEO_E2_CODE ) ) { return offset; } else offset++; } //shouldn't be here return -1; } llong K3bMpegInfo::FindNextAudio( llong from ) { llong offset = from; while ( offset >= 0 ) { offset = FindNextMarker( offset ); if ( offset < 0 ) { return -1; } if ( EnsureMPEG( offset, MPEG_AUDIO_C0_CODE ) || EnsureMPEG( offset, MPEG_AUDIO_C1_CODE ) || EnsureMPEG( offset, MPEG_AUDIO_C2_CODE ) ) { return offset; } else offset++; } return -1; } int K3bMpegInfo::GetVideoIdx ( byte marker ) { switch ( marker ) { case MPEG_VIDEO_E0_CODE: return 0; break; case MPEG_VIDEO_E1_CODE: return 1; break; case MPEG_VIDEO_E2_CODE: return 2; break; default: kdDebug() << "VideoCode not reached" << endl; break; } return -1; } int K3bMpegInfo::GetAudioIdx ( byte marker ) { switch ( marker ) { case MPEG_AUDIO_C0_CODE: return 0; break; case MPEG_AUDIO_C1_CODE: return 1; break; case MPEG_AUDIO_C2_CODE: return 2; break; default: kdDebug() << "VideoCode not reached" << endl; break; } return -1; } llong K3bMpegInfo::SkipPacketHeader( llong offset ) { byte tmp_byte; if ( mpeg_info->version == MPEG_VERS_MPEG1 ) { // skip startcode and packet size offset += 6; //remove stuffing bytes tmp_byte = GetByte( offset ); while ( tmp_byte & 0x80 ) tmp_byte = GetByte( ++offset ); if ( ( tmp_byte & 0xC0 ) == 0x40 ) // next two bits are 01 offset += 2; tmp_byte = GetByte( offset ); if ( ( tmp_byte & 0xF0 ) == 0x20 ) offset += 5; else if ( ( tmp_byte & 0xF0 ) == 0x30 ) offset += 10; else offset++; return offset; } else if ( mpeg_info->version == MPEG_VERS_MPEG2 ) { return ( offset + 9 + GetByte( offset + 8 ) ); } else return ( offset + 10 ); } void K3bMpegInfo::ParseAudio ( llong offset, byte marker ) { unsigned brate, srate; bool mpeg2_5 = false; const int a_idx = GetAudioIdx( marker ); if ( mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].seen ) /* we have it already */ return ; if ( ( GetByte( offset ) != 0xFF ) || ( ( GetByte( offset + 1 ) & 0xF0 ) != 0xF0 ) ) { // doesn't start with 12 bits set if ( ( GetByte( offset ) != 0xFF ) || ( ( GetByte( offset + 1 ) & 0xE0 ) != 0xE0 ) ) { // doesn't start with 11 bits set return ; } else { // start with 11 bits set mpeg2_5 = true; } } // Find mpeg version 1.0 or 2.0 if ( GetByte( offset + 1 ) & 0x08 ) { if ( !mpeg2_5 ) mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].version = 1; else return ; // invalid 01 encountered } else { if ( !mpeg2_5 ) mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].version = 2; else mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].version = 3; //for mpeg 2.5 } // Find Layer mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].layer = ( GetByte( offset + 1 ) & 0x06 ) >> 1; switch ( mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].layer ) { case 0: mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].layer = 0; break; case 1: mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].layer = 3; break; case 2: mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].layer = 2; break; case 3: mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].layer = 1; break; } // Protection Bit mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].protect = GetByte( offset + 1 ) & 0x01; if ( mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].protect ) mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].protect = 0; else mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].protect = 1; const unsigned bit_rates[ 4 ][ 16 ] = { { 0, }, {0, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 288, 320, 352, 384, 416, 448, 0}, {0, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384, 0}, {0, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 0} }; /* const unsigned bit_rates [ 3 ][ 3 ][ 16 ] = { { {0, }, {0, }, {0, }, }, { {0, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 288, 320, 352, 384, 416, 448, 0}, {0, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384, 0}, {0, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 0} }, { {0, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80 , 96 , 112, 128, 144, 160, 176, 192, 224, 256, 0}, {0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64 , 80 , 96 , 112, 128, 144, 160, 0}, {0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64 , 80 , 96 , 112, 128, 144, 160, 0} } }; */ const unsigned sampling_rates[ 4 ][ 4 ] = { { 0, }, {44100, 48000, 32000, 0}, //mpeg 1 {22050, 24000, 16000, 0}, //mpeg 2 {11025, 12000, 8000, 0} //mpeg 2.5 }; // Bitrate index and sampling index to pass through the array brate = GetByte( offset + 2 ) >> 4; srate = ( GetByte( offset + 2 ) & 0x0f ) >> 2; mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].bitrate = 1024 * bit_rates[ mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].layer ][ brate ]; mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].byterate = ( float ) ( mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].bitrate / 8.0 ); mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].sampfreq = sampling_rates[ mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].version ][ srate ]; // Audio mode mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].mode = 1 + ( GetByte( offset + 3 ) >> 6 ) ; // Copyright bit if ( GetByte( offset + 3 ) & 0x08 ) mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].copyright = true; else mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].copyright = false; // Original/Copy bit if ( GetByte( offset + 3 ) & 0x04 ) mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].original = true; else mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].original = false; mpeg_info->audio[ a_idx ].seen = true; } void K3bMpegInfo::ParseVideo ( llong offset, byte marker ) { unsigned long aratio, frate, brate; const int v_idx = GetVideoIdx( marker ); const double aspect_ratios[ 16 ] = { 0.0000, 1.0000, 0.6735, 0.7031, 0.7615, 0.8055, 0.8437, 0.8935, 0.9375, 0.9815, 1.0255, 1.0695, 1.1250, 1.1575, 1.2015, 0.0000 }; if ( mpeg_info->video[ v_idx ].seen ) /* we have it already */ return ; offset = FindNextMarker( offset + 1, MPEG_SEQUENCE_CODE ); if ( !offset ) return ; offset += 4; mpeg_info->video[ v_idx ].hsize = GetSize( offset ) >> 4; mpeg_info->video[ v_idx ].vsize = GetSize( offset + 1 ) & 0x0FFF; // Get picture rate offset += 3; // after picture sizes aratio = ( GetByte( offset ) & 0x0F ) >> 4; mpeg_info->video[ v_idx ].aratio = aspect_ratios[ aratio ]; // offset += 3; // after picture sizes frate = GetByte( offset ) & 0x0F; mpeg_info->video[ v_idx ].frate = frame_rates[ frate ]; offset += 1; // after picture rate // 18 following bytes are the bitrate /400 //read first 16 bytes brate = GetSize( offset ); // scale brate <<= 2; byte lasttwo = GetByte( offset + 2 ); lasttwo >>= 6; brate |= lasttwo; mpeg_info->video[ v_idx ].bitrate = 400 * brate; byte mark; while ( true ) { offset = FindNextMarker( offset, &mark ); if ( mark == MPEG_GOP_CODE ) break; switch ( GetByte( offset + 3 ) ) { case MPEG_EXT_CODE : // Extension offset += 4; switch ( GetByte( offset ) >> 4 ) { case 1: //SequenceExt if ( GetByte( offset + 1 ) & 0x08 ) mpeg_info->video[ v_idx ].progressive = true; mpeg_info->video[ v_idx ].chroma_format = ( GetByte( offset + 1 ) & 0x06 ) >> 1; break; case 2: // SequenceDisplayExt mpeg_info->video[ v_idx ].video_format = ( GetByte( offset ) & 0x0E ) >> 1; break; } break; case MPEG_USER_CODE : // UserData break; } offset++; } mpeg_info->video[ v_idx ].seen = true; } double K3bMpegInfo::ReadTS( llong offset ) { byte highbit; unsigned long low4Bytes; double TS; highbit = ( GetByte( offset ) >> 3 ) & 0x01; low4Bytes = ( ( GetByte( offset ) >> 1 ) & 0x03 ) << 30; low4Bytes |= GetByte( offset + 1 ) << 22; low4Bytes |= ( GetByte( offset + 2 ) >> 1 ) << 15; low4Bytes |= GetByte( offset + 3 ) << 7; low4Bytes |= GetByte( offset + 4 ) >> 1; TS = ( double ) ( highbit * FLOAT_0x10000 * FLOAT_0x10000 ); TS += ( double ) ( low4Bytes ); TS /= ( double ) ( STD_SYSTEM_CLOCK_FREQ ); return TS; } double K3bMpegInfo::ReadTSMpeg2( llong offset ) { byte highbit; unsigned long low4Bytes; unsigned long sys_clock_ref; double TS; highbit = ( GetByte( offset ) & 0x20 ) >> 5; low4Bytes = ( ( GetByte( offset ) & 0x18 ) >> 3 ) << 30; low4Bytes |= ( GetByte( offset ) & 0x03 ) << 28; low4Bytes |= GetByte( offset + 1 ) << 20; low4Bytes |= ( GetByte( offset + 2 ) & 0xF8 ) << 12; low4Bytes |= ( GetByte( offset + 2 ) & 0x03 ) << 13; low4Bytes |= GetByte( offset + 3 ) << 5; low4Bytes |= ( GetByte( offset + 4 ) ) >> 3; sys_clock_ref = ( GetByte( offset + 4 ) & 0x3 ) << 7; sys_clock_ref |= ( GetByte( offset + 5 ) >> 1 ); TS = ( double ) ( highbit * FLOAT_0x10000 * FLOAT_0x10000 ); TS += ( double ) ( low4Bytes ); if ( sys_clock_ref == 0 ) TS /= ( double ) ( STD_SYSTEM_CLOCK_FREQ ); else { TS /= ( double ) ( 27000000 / sys_clock_ref ); } return TS; }