/* * * $Id: k3blibdvdcss.cpp 619556 2007-01-03 17:38:12Z trueg $ * Copyright (C) 2004 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org> * * This file is part of the K3b project. * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. */ #include <config.h> #include "k3blibdvdcss.h" #include <k3bdevice.h> #include <k3biso9660.h> #include <k3biso9660backend.h> #include <tqfile.h> #include <tqcstring.h> #include <tqvaluevector.h> #include <tqpair.h> #include <dlfcn.h> void* K3bLibDvdCss::s_libDvdCss = 0; int K3bLibDvdCss::s_counter = 0; extern "C" { struct dvdcss_s; typedef struct dvdcss_s* dvdcss_t; dvdcss_t (*k3b_dvdcss_open)(char*); int (*k3b_dvdcss_close)( dvdcss_t ); int (*k3b_dvdcss_seek)( dvdcss_t, int, int ); int (*k3b_dvdcss_read)( dvdcss_t, void*, int, int ); } class K3bLibDvdCss::Private { public: Private() :dvd(0) { } dvdcss_t dvd; K3bDevice::Device* device; TQValueVector< TQPair<int,int> > titleOffsets; int currentSector; bool currentSectorInTitle; }; K3bLibDvdCss::K3bLibDvdCss() { d = new Private(); s_counter++; } K3bLibDvdCss::~K3bLibDvdCss() { close(); delete d; s_counter--; if( s_counter == 0 ) { dlclose( s_libDvdCss ); s_libDvdCss = 0; } } bool K3bLibDvdCss::open( K3bDevice::Device* dev ) { d->device = dev; dev->close(); d->dvd = k3b_dvdcss_open( const_cast<char*>( TQFile::encodeName(dev->blockDeviceName()).data() ) ); d->currentSector = 0; d->currentSectorInTitle = false; return ( d->dvd != 0 ); } void K3bLibDvdCss::close() { if( d->dvd ) k3b_dvdcss_close( d->dvd ); d->dvd = 0; } int K3bLibDvdCss::seek( int sector, int flags ) { return k3b_dvdcss_seek( d->dvd, sector, flags ); } int K3bLibDvdCss::read( void* buffer, int sectors, int flags ) { return k3b_dvdcss_read( d->dvd, buffer, sectors, flags ); } int K3bLibDvdCss::readWrapped( void* buffer, int firstSector, int sectors ) { // 1. are we in a title? // 2. does a new title start in the read sector area? // - see below, set title if firstSector is the first sector of a new title // 3. does a title end in the read sector area? // 3.1 does a previous title end // 3.2 does the title from 2. already end // we need to seek to the first sector. Otherwise we get faulty data. bool needToSeek = ( firstSector != d->currentSector || firstSector == 0 ); bool inTitle = false; bool startOfTitle = false; // // Make sure we never read encrypted and unencrypted data at once since libdvdcss // only decrypts the whole area of read sectors or nothing at all. // for( unsigned int i = 0; i < d->titleOffsets.count(); ++i ) { int titleStart = d->titleOffsets[i].first; int titleEnd = titleStart + d->titleOffsets[i].second - 1; // update key when entrering a new title // FIXME: we also need this if we seek into a new title (not only the start of the title) if( titleStart == firstSector ) startOfTitle = needToSeek = inTitle = true; // check if a new title or non-title area starts inside the read sector range if( firstSector < titleStart && firstSector+sectors > titleStart ) { kdDebug() << "(K3bLibDvdCss) title start inside of sector range (" << firstSector << "-" << (firstSector+sectors-1) << "). only reading " << (titleStart - firstSector) << " sectors up to title offset " << (titleStart-1) << endl; sectors = titleStart - firstSector; } if( firstSector < titleEnd && firstSector+sectors > titleEnd ) { kdDebug() << "(K3bLibDvdCss) title end inside of sector range (" << firstSector << "-" << (firstSector+sectors-1) << "). only reading " << (titleEnd - firstSector + 1) << " sectors up to title offset " << titleEnd << endl; sectors = titleEnd - firstSector + 1; inTitle = true; } // is our read range part of one title if( firstSector >= titleStart && firstSector+sectors-1 <= titleEnd ) inTitle = true; } if( needToSeek ) { int flags = DVDCSS_NOFLAGS; if( startOfTitle ) flags = DVDCSS_SEEK_KEY; else if( inTitle ) flags = DVDCSS_SEEK_MPEG; kdDebug() << "(K3bLibDvdCss) need to seek from " << d->currentSector << " to " << firstSector << " with " << flags << endl; d->currentSector = seek( firstSector, flags ); if( d->currentSector != firstSector ) { kdDebug() << "(K3bLibDvdCss) seek failed: " << d->currentSector << endl; return -1; } kdDebug() << "(K3bLibDvdCss) seek done: " << d->currentSector << endl; } int flags = DVDCSS_NOFLAGS; if( inTitle ) flags = DVDCSS_READ_DECRYPT; int ret = read( buffer, sectors, flags ); if( ret >= 0 ) d->currentSector += ret; else d->currentSector = 0; // force a seek the next time return ret; } bool K3bLibDvdCss::crackAllKeys() { // // Loop over all titles and crack the keys (inspired by libdvdread) // kdDebug() << "(K3bLibDvdCss) cracking all keys." << endl; d->titleOffsets.clear(); K3bIso9660 iso( new K3bIso9660DeviceBackend( d->device ) ); iso.setPlainIso9660( true ); if( !iso.open() ) { kdDebug() << "(K3bLibDvdCss) could not open iso9660 fs." << endl; return false; } #ifdef K3B_DEBUG iso.debug(); #endif const K3bIso9660Directory* dir = iso.firstIsoDirEntry(); int title = 0; for( ; title < 100; ++title ) { TQString filename; // first we get the menu vob if( title == 0 ) filename.sprintf( "VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.VOB" ); else filename.sprintf( "VIDEO_TS/VTS_%02d_%d.VOB", title, 0 ); const K3bIso9660File* file = dynamic_cast<const K3bIso9660File*>( dir->entry( filename ) ); if( file && file->size() > 0 ) { d->titleOffsets.append( tqMakePair( (int)file->startSector(), (int)(file->size() / 2048U) ) ); kdDebug() << "(K3bLibDvdCss) Get key for /" << filename << " at " << file->startSector() << endl; if( seek( (int)file->startSector(), DVDCSS_SEEK_KEY ) < 0 ) { kdDebug() << "(K3bLibDvdCss) unable to seek to " << file->startSector() << endl; return false; } } if( title > 0 ) { TQPair<int,int> p; int vob = 1; for( ; vob < 100; ++vob ) { filename.sprintf( "VIDEO_TS/VTS_%02d_%d.VOB", title, vob ); file = dynamic_cast<const K3bIso9660File*>( dir->entry( filename ) ); if( file ) { if( file->size() % 2048 ) kdError() << "(K3bLibDvdCss) FILESIZE % 2048 != 0!!!" << endl; if( vob == 1 ) { p.first = file->startSector(); p.second = file->size() / 2048; kdDebug() << "(K3bLibDvdCss) Get key for /" << filename << " at " << file->startSector() << endl; if( seek( (int)file->startSector(), DVDCSS_SEEK_KEY ) < 0 ) { kdDebug() << "(K3bLibDvdCss) unable to seek to " << file->startSector() << endl; return false; } } else { p.second += file->size() / 2048; } } else { // last vob break; } } --vob; // last title if( vob == 0 ) break; kdDebug() << "(K3bLibDvdCss) Title " << title << " " << vob << " vobs with length " << p.second << endl; d->titleOffsets.append( p ); } } --title; kdDebug() << "(K3bLibDvdCss) found " << title << " titles." << endl; return (title > 0); } K3bLibDvdCss* K3bLibDvdCss::create() { if( s_libDvdCss == 0 ) { s_libDvdCss = dlopen( "libdvdcss.so.2", RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_GLOBAL ); if( s_libDvdCss ) { k3b_dvdcss_open = (dvdcss_t (*)(char*))dlsym( s_libDvdCss, "dvdcss_open" ); k3b_dvdcss_close = (int (*)( dvdcss_t ))dlsym( s_libDvdCss, "dvdcss_close" ); k3b_dvdcss_seek = (int (*)( dvdcss_t, int, int ))dlsym( s_libDvdCss, "dvdcss_seek" ); k3b_dvdcss_read = (int (*)( dvdcss_t, void*, int, int ))dlsym( s_libDvdCss, "dvdcss_read" ); if( !k3b_dvdcss_open || !k3b_dvdcss_close || !k3b_dvdcss_seek || !k3b_dvdcss_read ) { kdDebug() << "(K3bLibDvdCss) unable to resolve libdvdcss." << endl; dlclose( s_libDvdCss ); s_libDvdCss = 0; } } else kdDebug() << "(K3bLibDvdCss) unable to load libdvdcss." << endl; } if( s_libDvdCss ) return new K3bLibDvdCss(); else return 0; }