 * $Id: k3bstringutils.cpp 619556 2007-01-03 17:38:12Z trueg $
 * Copyright (C) 2003 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org>
 * This file is part of the K3b project.
 * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.

#include "k3bstringutils.h"

#include <tqfontmetrics.h>

#include <kdebug.h>

TQString K3b::cutToWidth( const TQFontMetrics& fm, const TQString& fullText, int cutWidth )
  TQString squeezedText = "...";
  int squeezedWidth = fm.width(squeezedText);
  int textWidth = fm.width(fullText);

  if( textWidth <= cutWidth ) {
    return fullText;

  if( fm.width(fullText.right(1) + "..." ) > cutWidth ) {
    kdDebug() << "(K3b::cutToWidth) not able to cut text to " << cutWidth << "!" << endl;
    return fullText.right(1) + "...";

  // estimate how many letters we can add to the dots
  int letters = fullText.length() * (cutWidth - squeezedWidth) / textWidth;
  squeezedText = fullText.left(letters) + "...";
  squeezedWidth = fm.width(squeezedText);

  if (squeezedWidth < cutWidth) {
    // we estimated too short
    // add letters while text < label
    do {
      squeezedText = fullText.left(letters) + "...";
      squeezedWidth = fm.width(squeezedText);
    } while (squeezedWidth < cutWidth);
    squeezedText = fullText.left(letters) + "...";
  } else if (squeezedWidth > cutWidth) {
    // we estimated too long
    // remove letters while text > label
    do {
      squeezedText = fullText.left(letters) + "...";
      squeezedWidth = fm.width(squeezedText);
    } while (squeezedWidth > cutWidth);

  return squeezedText;

// from KSqueezedTextLabel
TQString K3b::squeezeTextToWidth( const TQFontMetrics& fm, const TQString& fullText, int cutWidth )
  int textWidth = fm.width(fullText);
  if (textWidth > cutWidth) {
    // start with the dots only
    TQString squeezedText = "...";
    int squeezedWidth = fm.width(squeezedText);

    // estimate how many letters we can add to the dots on both sides
    int letters = fullText.length() * (cutWidth - squeezedWidth) / textWidth / 2;
    if (cutWidth < squeezedWidth) letters=1;
    squeezedText = fullText.left(letters) + "..." + fullText.right(letters);
    squeezedWidth = fm.width(squeezedText);

    if (squeezedWidth < cutWidth) {
      // we estimated too short
      // add letters while text < label
      do {
	squeezedText = fullText.left(letters) + "..." + fullText.right(letters);
	squeezedWidth = fm.width(squeezedText);
      } while (squeezedWidth < cutWidth);
      squeezedText = fullText.left(letters) + "..." + fullText.right(letters);
    else if (squeezedWidth > cutWidth) {
      // we estimated too long
      // remove letters while text > label
      do {
	squeezedText = fullText.left(letters) + "..." + fullText.right(letters);
	squeezedWidth = fm.width(squeezedText);
      } while (letters > 2 && squeezedWidth > cutWidth);

    if (letters == 2)
      kdDebug() << "(K3b::squeezeTextToWidth) WARNING: unable to squeeze text to width " 
		<< cutWidth << endl;
    return squeezedText;
    return fullText;