/* * * $Id: sourceheader 511311 2006-02-19 14:51:05Z trueg $ * Copyright (C) 2006 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org> * * This file is part of the K3b project. * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. */ #ifndef _K3B_VIDEODVD_TITLE_H_ #define _K3B_VIDEODVD_TITLE_H_ #include <k3b_export.h> #include <k3bvideodvdtime.h> #include <k3bvideodvdvideostream.h> #include <k3bvideodvdaudiostream.h> #include <k3bvideodvdsubpicturestream.h> #include <k3bvideodvdptt.h> #include <tqvaluevector.h> namespace K3bVideoDVD { class LIBK3B_EXPORT Title { public: Title() {} unsigned int titleNumber() const { return m_titleNum; } /** * \return The number of PTTs (Part of Title), commonly known * as chapters */ unsigned int numPTTs() const { return m_numPTTs; } /** * This method is just here for convenience. It returns the same as the above. */ unsigned int numChapters() const { return m_numPTTs; } unsigned int numAngles() const { return m_numAngles; } /** * \return The number of the titleset this title is a part of. */ unsigned int titleSet() const { return m_titleSet; } /** * \return Number of the title in it's titleset. */ unsigned int ttn() const { return m_ttn; } unsigned int numAudioStreams() const { return m_audioStreams.count(); } unsigned int numSubPictureStreams() const { return m_subPictureStreams.count(); } const VideoStream& videoStream() const { return m_videoStream; } const AudioStream& audioStream( unsigned int i ) const { return m_audioStreams[i]; } const SubPictureStream& subPictureStream( unsigned int i ) const { return m_subPictureStreams[i]; } /** * Access to the PTTs of the title */ const PTT& operator[]( int i ) const { return ptt( i ); } /** * Access to the PTTs of the title */ const PTT& ptt( int i ) const { return m_ptts[i]; } /** * Access to the PTTs (chapters) of the title */ const PTT& chapter( int i ) const { return ptt( i ); } const Time& playbackTime() const { return m_playbackTime; } /** * \return A video capture */ // TQBitmap videoCapture( const Time& ) const; private: unsigned int m_titleNum; unsigned int m_numPTTs; unsigned int m_titleSet; // FIXME: find a proper name for ttn unsigned int m_ttn; unsigned int m_numAngles; Time m_playbackTime; VideoStream m_videoStream; TQValueVector<AudioStream> m_audioStreams; TQValueVector<SubPictureStream> m_subPictureStreams; TQValueVector<PTT> m_ptts; // VideoDVD* m_videoDVD; friend class VideoDVD; }; } #endif