/* * * $Id: sourceheader,v 1.3 2005/01/19 13:03:46 trueg Exp $ * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Sebastian Trueg * Copyright (C) 2013 Timothy Pearson * * This file is part of the K3b project. * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg * Copyright (C) 2013 Timothy Pearson * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. */ #include "k3bhalconnection.h" #include "k3bdevice.h" #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_HAL // We acknowledge the the dbus API is unstable #define DBUS_API_SUBJECT_TO_CHANGE #include #include #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_HAL static char** qstringListToArray( const TQStringList& s ) { char** a = new char*[s.count()]; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < s.count(); ++i ) { a[i] = new char[s[i].length()+1]; ::strncpy( a[i], s[i].local8Bit().data(), s[i].length() ); a[s[i].length()] = '\0'; } return a; } static void freeArray( char** a, unsigned int length ) { for( unsigned int i = 0; i < length; ++i ) delete [] a[i]; delete a; } // CALLBACKS void halDeviceAdded( LibHalContext* ctx, const char* udi ) { Q_UNUSED( ctx ); k3bDebug() << "adding udi " << udi << endl; K3bDevice::HalConnection::instance()->addDevice( udi ); } void halDeviceRemoved( LibHalContext* ctx, const char* udi ) { Q_UNUSED( ctx ); k3bDebug() << "removing udi " << udi << endl; K3bDevice::HalConnection::instance()->removeDevice( udi ); } K3bDevice::HalConnection* K3bDevice::HalConnection::s_instance = 0; class K3bDevice::HalConnection::Private { public: Private() : halContext(0), dBusTQtConnection(0), bOpen(false) { } LibHalContext* halContext; DBusConnection* connection; DBusQt::Connection* dBusTQtConnection; bool bOpen; TQMap udiDeviceMap; TQMap deviceUdiMap; TQMap deviceMediumUdiMap; }; K3bDevice::HalConnection* K3bDevice::HalConnection::instance() { if( s_instance == 0 ) s_instance = new HalConnection( 0 ); if( !s_instance->isConnected() && !s_instance->open() ) k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) failed to open connection to HAL." << endl; return s_instance; } K3bDevice::HalConnection::HalConnection( TQObject* parent, const char* name ) : TQObject( parent, name ) { d = new Private(); } K3bDevice::HalConnection::~HalConnection() { s_instance = 0; close(); delete d; } bool K3bDevice::HalConnection::isConnected() const { return d->bOpen; } bool K3bDevice::HalConnection::open() { close(); k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) initializing HAL >= 0.5" << endl; d->halContext = libhal_ctx_new(); if( !d->halContext ) { k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) unable to create HAL context." << endl; return false; } DBusError error; dbus_error_init( &error ); d->connection = dbus_bus_get( DBUS_BUS_SYSTEM, &error ); if( dbus_error_is_set(&error) ) { k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) unable to connect to DBUS: " << error.message << endl; return false; } setupDBusTQtConnection( d->connection ); libhal_ctx_set_dbus_connection( d->halContext, d->connection ); libhal_ctx_set_device_added( d->halContext, halDeviceAdded ); libhal_ctx_set_device_removed( d->halContext, halDeviceRemoved ); libhal_ctx_set_device_new_capability( d->halContext, 0 ); libhal_ctx_set_device_lost_capability( d->halContext, 0 ); libhal_ctx_set_device_property_modified( d->halContext, 0 ); libhal_ctx_set_device_condition( d->halContext, 0 ); if( !libhal_ctx_init( d->halContext, 0 ) ) { k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) Failed to init HAL context!" << endl; return false; } d->bOpen = true; // // report all devices // int numDevices; char** halDeviceList = libhal_get_all_devices( d->halContext, &numDevices, 0 ); for( int i = 0; i < numDevices; ++i ) addDevice( halDeviceList[i] ); return true; } void K3bDevice::HalConnection::close() { if( d->halContext ) { // clear the context if( isConnected() ) libhal_ctx_shutdown( d->halContext, 0 ); libhal_ctx_free( d->halContext ); // delete the connection (may be 0 if open() failed) delete d->dBusTQtConnection; d->halContext = 0; d->dBusTQtConnection = 0; d->bOpen = false; } } TQStringList K3bDevice::HalConnection::devices() const { return TQStringList( d->udiDeviceMap.values() ); } void K3bDevice::HalConnection::addDevice( const char* udi ) { // ignore devices that have no property "info.capabilities" to suppress error messages if( !libhal_device_property_exists( d->halContext, udi, "info.capabilities", 0 ) ) return; if( libhal_device_query_capability( d->halContext, udi, "storage.cdrom", 0 ) ) { char* dev = libhal_device_get_property_string( d->halContext, udi, "block.device", 0 ); if( dev ) { TQString s( dev ); libhal_free_string( dev ); if( !s.isEmpty() ) { k3bDebug() << "Mapping udi " << udi << " to device " << s << endl; d->udiDeviceMap[udi] = s; d->deviceUdiMap[s] = udi; emit deviceAdded( s ); } } } else { if( libhal_device_property_exists( d->halContext, udi, "block.storage_device", 0 ) ) { char* deviceUdi = libhal_device_get_property_string( d->halContext, udi, "block.storage_device", 0 ); if( deviceUdi ) { TQCString du( deviceUdi ); libhal_free_string( deviceUdi ); if( d->udiDeviceMap.contains( du ) ) { // // A new medium has been inserted. Save this medium's udi so we can reuse it later // on for the mount/unmount/eject methods // d->deviceMediumUdiMap[du] = TQCString( udi ); emit mediumChanged( d->udiDeviceMap[du] ); } } } } } void K3bDevice::HalConnection::removeDevice( const char* udi ) { TQMapIterator it = d->udiDeviceMap.find( udi ); if( it != d->udiDeviceMap.end() ) { k3bDebug() << "Unmapping udi " << udi << " from device " << it.data() << endl; emit deviceRemoved( it.data() ); d->udiDeviceMap.erase( it ); d->deviceUdiMap.erase( it.data() ); } else { if( libhal_device_property_exists( d->halContext, udi, "block.storage_device", 0 ) ) { char* deviceUdi = libhal_device_get_property_string( d->halContext, udi, "block.storage_device", 0 ); if( deviceUdi ) { TQCString du( deviceUdi ); libhal_free_string( deviceUdi ); if( d->udiDeviceMap.contains( du ) ) { // // A medium has been removed/ejected. // d->deviceMediumUdiMap[du] = 0; emit mediumChanged( d->udiDeviceMap[du] ); } } } } } int K3bDevice::HalConnection::lock( Device* dev ) { // // The code below is based on the code from tdeioslave/media/mediamanager/halbackend.cpp in the tdebase package // Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Jérôme Lodewyck // DBusMessage* dmesg = 0; DBusMessage* reply = 0; DBusError error; if( !d->deviceUdiMap.contains( dev->blockDeviceName() ) ) { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; } TQCString udi = d->deviceUdiMap[dev->blockDeviceName()]; if( !( dmesg = dbus_message_new_method_call( "org.freedesktop.Hal", udi.data(), "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device", "Lock" ) ) ) { k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) lock failed for " << udi << ": could not create dbus message\n"; return org_freedesktop_Hal_CommunicationError; } const char* lockComment = "Locked by the K3b libraries"; if( !dbus_message_append_args( dmesg, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &lockComment, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID ) ) { k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) lock failed for " << udi << ": could not append args to dbus message\n"; dbus_message_unref( dmesg ); return org_freedesktop_Hal_CommunicationError; } int ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_Success; dbus_error_init( &error ); reply = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block( d->connection, dmesg, -1, &error ); if( dbus_error_is_set( &error ) ) { kdError() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) lock failed for " << udi << ": " << error.name << " - " << error.message << endl; if( !strcmp(error.name, "org.freedesktop.Hal.NoSuchDevice" ) ) ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_NoSuchDevice; else if( !strcmp(error.name, "org.freedesktop.Hal.DeviceAlreadyLocked" ) ) ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_DeviceAlreadyLocked; else if( !strcmp(error.name, "org.freedesktop.Hal.PermissionDenied" ) ) ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_PermissionDenied; dbus_error_free( &error ); } else k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) lock queued for " << udi << endl; dbus_message_unref( dmesg ); if( reply ) dbus_message_unref( reply ); return ret; } int K3bDevice::HalConnection::unlock( Device* dev ) { // // The code below is based on the code from tdeioslave/media/mediamanager/halbackend.cpp in the tdebase package // Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Jérôme Lodewyck // DBusMessage* dmesg = 0; DBusMessage* reply = 0; DBusError error; if( !d->deviceUdiMap.contains( dev->blockDeviceName() ) ) { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; } TQCString udi = d->deviceUdiMap[dev->blockDeviceName()]; if( !( dmesg = dbus_message_new_method_call( "org.freedesktop.Hal", udi.data(), "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device", "Unlock" ) ) ) { k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) unlock failed for " << udi << ": could not create dbus message\n"; return org_freedesktop_Hal_CommunicationError; } if( !dbus_message_append_args( dmesg, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID ) ) { k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) unlock failed for " << udi << ": could not append args to dbus message\n"; dbus_message_unref( dmesg ); return org_freedesktop_Hal_CommunicationError; } int ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_Success; dbus_error_init( &error ); reply = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block( d->connection, dmesg, -1, &error ); if( dbus_error_is_set( &error ) ) { kdError() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) unlock failed for " << udi << ": " << error.name << " - " << error.message << endl; if( !strcmp(error.name, "org.freedesktop.Hal.NoSuchDevice" ) ) ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_NoSuchDevice; else if( !strcmp(error.name, "org.freedesktop.Hal.DeviceAlreadyLocked" ) ) ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_DeviceAlreadyLocked; else if( !strcmp(error.name, "org.freedesktop.Hal.PermissionDenied" ) ) ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_PermissionDenied; dbus_error_free( &error ); } else k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) unlock queued for " << udi << endl; dbus_message_unref( dmesg ); if( reply ) dbus_message_unref( reply ); return ret; } int K3bDevice::HalConnection::mount( K3bDevice::Device* dev, const TQString& mountPoint, const TQString& fstype, const TQStringList& options ) { // // The code below is based on the code from tdeioslave/media/mediamanager/halbackend.cpp in the tdebase package // Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Jérôme Lodewyck // DBusMessage* dmesg = 0; DBusMessage* reply = 0; DBusError error; if( !d->deviceUdiMap.contains( dev->blockDeviceName() ) ) return org_freedesktop_Hal_NoSuchDevice; if( !d->deviceMediumUdiMap.contains( d->deviceUdiMap[dev->blockDeviceName()] ) ) return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; TQCString mediumUdi = d->deviceMediumUdiMap[d->deviceUdiMap[dev->blockDeviceName()]]; if( !( dmesg = dbus_message_new_method_call( "org.freedesktop.Hal", mediumUdi.data(), "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume", "Mount" ) ) ) { k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) mount failed for " << mediumUdi << ": could not create dbus message\n"; return org_freedesktop_Hal_CommunicationError; } char** poptions = qstringListToArray( options ); TQByteArray strMountPoint = mountPoint.local8Bit(); TQByteArray strFstype = fstype.local8Bit(); if( !dbus_message_append_args( dmesg, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, strMountPoint.data(), DBUS_TYPE_STRING, strFstype.data(), DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &poptions, options.count(), DBUS_TYPE_INVALID ) ) { k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) mount failed for " << mediumUdi << ": could not append args to dbus message\n"; dbus_message_unref( dmesg ); freeArray( poptions, options.count() ); return org_freedesktop_Hal_CommunicationError; } freeArray( poptions, options.count() ); int ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_Success; dbus_error_init( &error ); reply = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block( d->connection, dmesg, -1, &error ); if( dbus_error_is_set( &error ) ) { kdError() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) mount failed for " << mediumUdi << ": " << error.name << " - " << error.message << endl; if( !strcmp(error.name, "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.NoSuchDevice" ) ) ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; else if( !strcmp(error.name, "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.PermissionDenied" ) ) ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_PermissionDenied; else if( !strcmp(error.name, "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.UnknownFilesystemType" ) ) ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_UnknownFilesystemType; else if( !strcmp(error.name, "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.MountPointNotAvailable" ) ) ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_MountPointNotAvailable; else if( !strcmp(error.name, "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.AlreadyMounted" ) ) ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_AlreadyMounted; else if( !strcmp(error.name, "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.InvalidMountpoint" ) ) ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_InvalidMountpoint; else if( !strcmp(error.name, "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.InvalidMountOption" ) ) ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_InvalidMountOption; else if( !strcmp(error.name, "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.PermissionDeniedByPolicy" ) ) ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_PermissionDeniedByPolicy; dbus_error_free( &error ); } else k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) mount queued for " << mediumUdi << endl; dbus_message_unref( dmesg ); if( reply ) dbus_message_unref( reply ); return ret; } int K3bDevice::HalConnection::unmount( K3bDevice::Device* dev, const TQStringList& options ) { // // The code below is based on the code from tdeioslave/media/mediamanager/halbackend.cpp in the tdebase package // Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Jérôme Lodewyck // DBusMessage* dmesg = 0; DBusMessage* reply = 0; DBusError error; if( !d->deviceUdiMap.contains( dev->blockDeviceName() ) ) return org_freedesktop_Hal_NoSuchDevice; if( !d->deviceMediumUdiMap.contains( d->deviceUdiMap[dev->blockDeviceName()] ) ) return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; TQCString mediumUdi = d->deviceMediumUdiMap[d->deviceUdiMap[dev->blockDeviceName()]]; if( !( dmesg = dbus_message_new_method_call( "org.freedesktop.Hal", mediumUdi.data(), "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume", "Unmount" ) ) ) { k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) unmount failed for " << mediumUdi << ": could not create dbus message\n"; return org_freedesktop_Hal_CommunicationError; } char** poptions = qstringListToArray( options ); if( !dbus_message_append_args( dmesg, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &poptions, options.count(), DBUS_TYPE_INVALID ) ) { k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) unmount failed for " << mediumUdi << ": could not append args to dbus message\n"; dbus_message_unref( dmesg ); freeArray( poptions, options.count() ); return org_freedesktop_Hal_CommunicationError; } freeArray( poptions, options.count() ); int ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_Success; dbus_error_init( &error ); reply = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block( d->connection, dmesg, -1, &error ); if( dbus_error_is_set( &error ) ) { kdError() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) unmount failed for " << mediumUdi << ": " << error.name << " - " << error.message << endl; if( !strcmp(error.name, "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.NoSuchDevice" ) ) ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; else if( !strcmp(error.name, "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.PermissionDenied" ) ) ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_PermissionDenied; else if( !strcmp(error.name, "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.MountPointNotAvailable" ) ) ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_MountPointNotAvailable; else if( !strcmp(error.name, "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.InvalidUnmountOption" ) ) ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_InvalidUnmountOption; else if( !strcmp(error.name, "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.InvalidMountpoint" ) ) ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_InvalidMountpoint; else if( !strcmp(error.name, "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.PermissionDeniedByPolicy" ) ) ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_PermissionDeniedByPolicy; dbus_error_free( &error ); } else k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) unmount queued for " << mediumUdi << endl; dbus_message_unref( dmesg ); if( reply ) dbus_message_unref( reply ); return ret; } int K3bDevice::HalConnection::eject( K3bDevice::Device* dev, const TQStringList& options ) { // // The code below is based on the code from tdeioslave/media/mediamanager/halbackend.cpp in the tdebase package // Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Jérôme Lodewyck // DBusMessage* dmesg = 0; DBusMessage* reply = 0; DBusError error; if( !d->deviceUdiMap.contains( dev->blockDeviceName() ) ) return org_freedesktop_Hal_NoSuchDevice; if( !d->deviceMediumUdiMap.contains( d->deviceUdiMap[dev->blockDeviceName()] ) ) return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; TQCString mediumUdi = d->deviceMediumUdiMap[d->deviceUdiMap[dev->blockDeviceName()]]; if( !( dmesg = dbus_message_new_method_call( "org.freedesktop.Hal", mediumUdi.data(), "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume", "Eject" ) ) ) { k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) eject failed for " << mediumUdi << ": could not create dbus message\n"; return org_freedesktop_Hal_CommunicationError; } char** poptions = qstringListToArray( options ); if( !dbus_message_append_args( dmesg, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &poptions, options.count(), DBUS_TYPE_INVALID ) ) { k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) eject failed for " << mediumUdi << ": could not append args to dbus message\n"; dbus_message_unref( dmesg ); freeArray( poptions, options.count() ); return org_freedesktop_Hal_CommunicationError; } freeArray( poptions, options.count() ); int ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_Success; dbus_error_init( &error ); reply = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block( d->connection, dmesg, -1, &error ); if( dbus_error_is_set( &error ) ) { kdError() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) eject failed for " << mediumUdi << ": " << error.name << " - " << error.message << endl; if( !strcmp(error.name, "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.NoSuchDevice" ) ) ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; else if( !strcmp(error.name, "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.PermissionDenied" ) ) ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_PermissionDenied; else if( !strcmp(error.name, "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.InvalidEjectOption" ) ) ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_InvalidEjectOption; else if( !strcmp(error.name, "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.PermissionDeniedByPolicy" ) ) ret = org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_PermissionDeniedByPolicy; dbus_error_free( &error ); } else k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) eject queued for " << mediumUdi << endl; dbus_message_unref( dmesg ); if( reply ) dbus_message_unref( reply ); return ret; } void K3bDevice::HalConnection::setupDBusTQtConnection( DBusConnection* dbusConnection ) { d->dBusTQtConnection = new DBusQt::Connection( this ); d->dBusTQtConnection->dbus_connection_setup_with_qt_main( dbusConnection ); } void K3bDevice::HalConnection::AddDeviceHandler(TDEGenericDevice* hwdevice) { // Empty body, only to avoid linking errors } void K3bDevice::HalConnection::RemoveDeviceHandler(TDEGenericDevice* hwdevice) { // Empty body, only to avoid linking errors } void K3bDevice::HalConnection::ModifyDeviceHandler(TDEGenericDevice* hwdevice) { // Empty body, only to avoid linking errors } #else // HAVE_HAL #ifdef __TDE_HAVE_TDEHWLIB #include #else #define TDEHardwareDevices void #endif K3bDevice::HalConnection* K3bDevice::HalConnection::s_instance = 0; class K3bDevice::HalConnection::Private { public: Private() : bOpen(false), m_hwdevices(NULL) { // } bool bOpen; TDEHardwareDevices *m_hwdevices; TQMap udiDeviceMap; TQMap deviceUdiMap; TQMap deviceMediumUdiMap; }; K3bDevice::HalConnection* K3bDevice::HalConnection::instance() { if (s_instance == 0) { s_instance = new HalConnection(0); } if ((!s_instance->isConnected()) && (!s_instance->open())) { k3bDebug() << "(K3bDevice::HalConnection) failed to initialize the TDE hardware backend." << endl; } return s_instance; } K3bDevice::HalConnection::HalConnection( TQObject* parent, const char* name ) : TQObject( parent, name ) { d = new Private(); } K3bDevice::HalConnection::~HalConnection() { s_instance = 0; close(); delete d; } bool K3bDevice::HalConnection::isConnected() const { return d->bOpen; } bool K3bDevice::HalConnection::open() { #ifdef __TDE_HAVE_TDEHWLIB // Initialize the TDE device manager d->m_hwdevices = TDEGlobal::hardwareDevices(); // Connect device monitoring signals/slots connect(d->m_hwdevices, TQT_SIGNAL(hardwareAdded(TDEGenericDevice*)), this, TQT_SLOT(AddDeviceHandler(TDEGenericDevice*))); connect(d->m_hwdevices, TQT_SIGNAL(hardwareRemoved(TDEGenericDevice*)), this, TQT_SLOT(RemoveDeviceHandler(TDEGenericDevice*))); connect(d->m_hwdevices, TQT_SIGNAL(hardwareUpdated(TDEGenericDevice*)), this, TQT_SLOT(ModifyDeviceHandler(TDEGenericDevice*))); d->bOpen = true; // // Report all devices // TDEGenericHardwareList hwlist = d->m_hwdevices->listAllPhysicalDevices(); TDEGenericDevice *hwdevice; for (hwdevice = hwlist.first(); hwdevice; hwdevice = hwlist.next()) { AddDeviceHandler(hwdevice); } return true; #else return false; #endif } void K3bDevice::HalConnection::close() { d->bOpen = false; } TQStringList K3bDevice::HalConnection::devices() const { return TQStringList(d->udiDeviceMap.values()); } void K3bDevice::HalConnection::AddDeviceHandler(TDEGenericDevice* hwdevice) { #ifdef __TDE_HAVE_TDEHWLIB if (hwdevice->type() != TDEGenericDeviceType::Disk) { return; } TQString udi = hwdevice->uniqueID(); TDEStorageDevice* sdevice = static_cast(hwdevice); if (sdevice->diskType() & TDEDiskDeviceType::Optical) { TQString blockDevice = sdevice->deviceNode(); if (!blockDevice.isEmpty()) { k3bDebug() << "Mapping udi " << udi << " to device " << blockDevice << endl; d->udiDeviceMap[udi] = blockDevice; d->deviceUdiMap[blockDevice] = udi; emit deviceAdded(blockDevice); // Check for medium if (sdevice->mediaInserted()) { d->deviceMediumUdiMap[blockDevice] = true; emit mediumChanged(blockDevice); } } } #endif } void K3bDevice::HalConnection::RemoveDeviceHandler(TDEGenericDevice* hwdevice) { #ifdef __TDE_HAVE_TDEHWLIB if (hwdevice->type() != TDEGenericDeviceType::Disk) { return; } TQString udi = hwdevice->uniqueID(); TQString blockDevice = hwdevice->deviceNode(); TQMapIterator it = d->udiDeviceMap.find(udi); if (it != d->udiDeviceMap.end()) { k3bDebug() << "Unmapping udi " << udi << " from device " << it.data() << endl; emit deviceRemoved(it.data()); d->udiDeviceMap.erase(it); d->deviceUdiMap.erase(it.data()); if (d->deviceMediumUdiMap[blockDevice]) { d->deviceMediumUdiMap[blockDevice] = false; emit mediumChanged(blockDevice); } } #endif } void K3bDevice::HalConnection::ModifyDeviceHandler(TDEGenericDevice* hwdevice) { #ifdef __TDE_HAVE_TDEHWLIB if (hwdevice->type() != TDEGenericDeviceType::Disk) { return; } TQString udi = hwdevice->uniqueID(); TDEStorageDevice* sdevice = static_cast(hwdevice); TQString blockDevice = hwdevice->deviceNode(); if (d->deviceMediumUdiMap[blockDevice] != sdevice->mediaInserted()) { d->deviceMediumUdiMap[blockDevice] = sdevice->mediaInserted(); emit mediumChanged(blockDevice); } #endif } int K3bDevice::HalConnection::lock(Device* dev) { #ifdef __TDE_HAVE_TDEHWLIB if (!d->deviceUdiMap.contains(dev->blockDeviceName())) { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; } TQString udi = d->deviceUdiMap[dev->blockDeviceName()]; TDEGenericDevice *hwdevice = d->m_hwdevices->findByUniqueID(udi); if (!hwdevice) { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; } if (hwdevice->type() != TDEGenericDeviceType::Disk) { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; } TDEStorageDevice* sdevice = static_cast(hwdevice); if (sdevice->lockDriveMedia(true)) { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Success; } else { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_InvalidEjectOption; } #else return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; #endif } int K3bDevice::HalConnection::unlock(Device* dev) { #ifdef __TDE_HAVE_TDEHWLIB if (!d->deviceUdiMap.contains(dev->blockDeviceName())) { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; } TQString udi = d->deviceUdiMap[dev->blockDeviceName()]; TDEGenericDevice *hwdevice = d->m_hwdevices->findByUniqueID(udi); if (!hwdevice) { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; } if (hwdevice->type() != TDEGenericDeviceType::Disk) { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; } TDEStorageDevice* sdevice = static_cast(hwdevice); if (sdevice->lockDriveMedia(false)) { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Success; } else { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_InvalidEjectOption; } #else return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; #endif } int K3bDevice::HalConnection::mount( K3bDevice::Device* dev, const TQString& mountPoint, const TQString& fstype, const TQStringList& options ) { #ifdef __TDE_HAVE_TDEHWLIB if (!d->deviceUdiMap.contains(dev->blockDeviceName())) { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; } TQString udi = d->deviceUdiMap[dev->blockDeviceName()]; TDEGenericDevice *hwdevice = d->m_hwdevices->findByUniqueID(udi); if (!hwdevice) { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; } if (hwdevice->type() != TDEGenericDeviceType::Disk) { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; } TDEStorageDevice* sdevice = static_cast(hwdevice); // FIXME // Options from 'options' are not currently loaded into 'mountOptions' TDEStorageMountOptions mountOptions; TQString mountedPath = sdevice->mountDevice(mountPoint, mountOptions); if (mountedPath.isNull()) { return org_freedesktop_Hal_CommunicationError; } else { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Success; } #else return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; #endif } int K3bDevice::HalConnection::unmount(K3bDevice::Device* dev, const TQStringList& options) { #ifdef __TDE_HAVE_TDEHWLIB if (!d->deviceUdiMap.contains(dev->blockDeviceName())) { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; } TQString udi = d->deviceUdiMap[dev->blockDeviceName()]; TDEGenericDevice *hwdevice = d->m_hwdevices->findByUniqueID(udi); if (!hwdevice) { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; } if (hwdevice->type() != TDEGenericDeviceType::Disk) { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; } TDEStorageDevice* sdevice = static_cast(hwdevice); // FIXME // Options from 'options' are not currently loaded into 'mountOptions' TQString mountOptions; if (!sdevice->unmountDevice(NULL)) { // Unmount failed! return org_freedesktop_Hal_CommunicationError; } else { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Success; } #else return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; #endif } int K3bDevice::HalConnection::eject(K3bDevice::Device* dev, const TQStringList& options) { #ifdef __TDE_HAVE_TDEHWLIB if (!d->deviceUdiMap.contains(dev->blockDeviceName())) { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; } TQString udi = d->deviceUdiMap[dev->blockDeviceName()]; TDEGenericDevice *hwdevice = d->m_hwdevices->findByUniqueID(udi); if (!hwdevice) { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; } if (hwdevice->type() != TDEGenericDeviceType::Disk) { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; } TDEStorageDevice* sdevice = static_cast(hwdevice); if (sdevice->ejectDriveMedia()) { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Success; } else { return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_InvalidEjectOption; } #else return org_freedesktop_Hal_Device_Volume_NoSuchDevice; #endif } #endif // HAVE_HAL #include "k3bhalconnection.moc"