/* * * $Id$ * Copyright (C) 2003 Sebastian Trueg * * This file is part of the K3b project. * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. */ #include #include "k3baudioprojectcddbplugin.h" // the k3b stuff we need #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( libk3baudioprojectcddbplugin, K3bPluginFactory( "libk3baudioprojectcddbplugin" ) ) K3bAudioProjectCddbPlugin::K3bAudioProjectCddbPlugin( TQObject* parent, const char* name ) : K3bProjectPlugin( AUDIO_CD, false, parent, name ), m_cddb(0), m_progress(0) { setText( i18n("Query Cddb") ); setToolTip( i18n("Query a cddb entry for the current audio project.") ); } K3bAudioProjectCddbPlugin::~K3bAudioProjectCddbPlugin() { delete m_progress; } void K3bAudioProjectCddbPlugin::activate( K3bDoc* doc, TQWidget* parent ) { m_doc = dynamic_cast( doc ); m_parentWidget = parent; m_canceled = false; if( !m_doc || m_doc->numOfTracks() == 0 ) { KMessageBox::sorry( parent, i18n("Please select a non-empty audio project for a cddb query.") ); } else { if( !m_cddb ) { m_cddb = new K3bCddb( this ); connect( m_cddb, TQ_SIGNAL(queryFinished(int)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotCddbQueryFinished(int)) ); } if( !m_progress ) { m_progress = new K3bProgressDialog( i18n("Query Cddb"), parent, i18n("Audio Project") ); connect( m_progress, TQ_SIGNAL(cancelClicked()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotCancelClicked()) ); } // read the k3b config :) TDEConfig* c = k3bcore->config(); c->setGroup("Cddb"); m_cddb->readConfig( c ); // start the query m_cddb->query( m_doc->toToc() ); m_progress->exec(false); } } void K3bAudioProjectCddbPlugin::slotCancelClicked() { m_canceled = true; m_progress->close(); } void K3bAudioProjectCddbPlugin::slotCddbQueryFinished( int error ) { if( !m_canceled ) { m_progress->hide(); if( error == K3bCddbQuery::SUCCESS ) { K3bCddbResultEntry cddbInfo = m_cddb->result(); // save the entry locally TDEConfig* c = k3bcore->config(); c->setGroup( "Cddb" ); if( c->readBoolEntry( "save cddb entries locally", true ) ) m_cddb->saveEntry( cddbInfo ); // save the entry to the doc m_doc->setTitle( cddbInfo.cdTitle ); m_doc->setPerformer( cddbInfo.cdArtist ); m_doc->setCdTextMessage( cddbInfo.cdExtInfo ); int i = 0; for( K3bAudioTrack* track = m_doc->firstTrack(); track; track = track->next() ) { track->setTitle( cddbInfo.titles[i] ); track->setPerformer( cddbInfo.artists[i] ); track->setCdTextMessage( cddbInfo.extInfos[i] ); ++i; } // and enable cd-text m_doc->writeCdText( true ); } else if( error == K3bCddbQuery::NO_ENTRY_FOUND ) { KMessageBox::information( m_parentWidget, i18n("No CDDB entry found."), i18n("CDDB") ); } else if( error != K3bCddbQuery::CANCELED ) { KMessageBox::information( m_parentWidget, m_cddb->errorString(), i18n("Cddb error") ); } } // make sure the progress dialog does not get deleted by it's parent delete m_progress; m_doc = 0; m_parentWidget = 0; m_progress = 0; } #include "k3baudioprojectcddbplugin.moc"