/* * * $Id: k3b.cpp 642063 2007-03-13 09:40:13Z trueg $ * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org> * * This file is part of the K3b project. * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. */ #include <config.h> // include files for QT #include <tqdir.h> #include <tqfile.h> #include <tqfileinfo.h> #include <tqlayout.h> #include <tqwhatsthis.h> #include <tqtooltip.h> #include <tqtoolbutton.h> #include <tqstring.h> #include <tqsplitter.h> #include <tqevent.h> #include <tqvaluelist.h> #include <tqfont.h> #include <tqpalette.h> #include <tqwidgetstack.h> #include <tqtimer.h> #include <kdockwidget.h> #include <kkeydialog.h> // include files for KDE #include <kiconloader.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <kfiledialog.h> #include <kmenubar.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kconfig.h> #include <kstdaction.h> #include <klineeditdlg.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <kprocess.h> #include <kurl.h> #include <kurllabel.h> #include <ktoolbar.h> #include <kstatusbar.h> #include <kglobalsettings.h> #include <kdialog.h> #include <kedittoolbar.h> #include <ksystemtray.h> #include <kaboutdata.h> #include <ktip.h> #include <kxmlguifactory.h> #include <kstdguiitem.h> #include <kio/global.h> #include <kio/netaccess.h> #include <krecentdocument.h> #include <stdlib.h> // application specific includes #include "k3b.h" #include "k3bapplication.h" #include <k3bglobals.h> #include "k3bview.h" #include "k3bdirview.h" #include <k3baudiodoc.h> #include "k3baudioview.h" #include "k3bappdevicemanager.h" #include "k3baudiotrackdialog.h" #include "option/k3boptiondialog.h" #include "k3bprojectburndialog.h" #include <k3bdatadoc.h> #include "k3bdataview.h" #include <k3bdvddoc.h> #include "k3bdvdview.h" #include <k3bvideodvddoc.h> #include "k3bvideodvdview.h" #include <k3bmixeddoc.h> #include "k3bmixedview.h" #include <k3bvcddoc.h> #include "k3bvcdview.h" #include <k3bmovixdoc.h> #include "k3bmovixview.h" #include <k3bmovixdvddoc.h> #include "k3bmovixdvdview.h" #include "misc/k3bblankingdialog.h" #include "misc/k3bcdimagewritingdialog.h" #include "misc/k3bisoimagewritingdialog.h" #include <k3bexternalbinmanager.h> #include "k3bprojecttabwidget.h" #include "misc/k3bcdcopydialog.h" #include "k3btempdirselectionwidget.h" #include "k3bstatusbarmanager.h" #include "k3bfiletreecombobox.h" #include "k3bfiletreeview.h" #include "k3bsidepanel.h" #include "k3bstdguiitems.h" #include "misc/k3bdvdformattingdialog.h" #include "misc/k3bdvdcopydialog.h" //#include "dvdcopy/k3bvideodvdcopydialog.h" #include "k3bprojectmanager.h" #include "k3bwelcomewidget.h" #include <k3bpluginmanager.h> #include <k3bplugin.h> #include "k3bsystemproblemdialog.h" #include <k3baudiodecoder.h> #include <k3bthememanager.h> #include <k3biso9660.h> #include <k3bcuefileparser.h> #include <k3bdeviceselectiondialog.h> #include <k3bjob.h> #include <k3bsignalwaiter.h> #include "k3bmediaselectiondialog.h" #include "k3bmediacache.h" #include "k3bmedium.h" #include "projects/k3bdatasessionimportdialog.h" #include "k3bpassivepopup.h" #include "k3bthemedheader.h" #include <k3baudioserver.h> class K3bMainWindow::Private { public: K3bDoc* lastDoc; TQWidgetStack* documentStack; K3bWelcomeWidget* welcomeWidget; TQWidget* documentHull; TQLabel* leftDocPicLabel; TQLabel* centerDocLabel; TQLabel* rightDocPicLabel; }; K3bMainWindow::K3bMainWindow() : DockMainWindow(0,"K3bMainwindow") { //setup splitter behavior manager()->setSplitterHighResolution(true); manager()->setSplitterOpaqueResize(true); manager()->setSplitterKeepSize(true); d = new Private; d->lastDoc = 0; setPlainCaption( i18n("K3b - The CD and DVD Kreator") ); m_config = kapp->config(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // call inits to invoke all other construction parts initActions(); initView(); initStatusBar(); createGUI(0L); // we need the actions for the welcomewidget d->welcomeWidget->loadConfig( config() ); // fill the tabs action menu m_documentTab->insertAction( actionFileSave ); m_documentTab->insertAction( actionFileSaveAs ); m_documentTab->insertAction( actionFileClose ); // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // disable actions at startup slotStateChanged( "state_project_active", KXMLGUIClient::StateReverse ); connect( k3bappcore->projectManager(), TQT_SIGNAL(newProject(K3bDoc*)), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(createClient(K3bDoc*)) ); connect( k3bcore->deviceManager(), TQT_SIGNAL(changed()), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotCheckSystemTimed()) ); connect( K3bAudioServer::instance(), TQT_SIGNAL(error(const TQString&)), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotAudioServerError(const TQString&)) ); // FIXME: now make sure the welcome screen is displayed completely resize( 780, 550 ); // getMainDockWidget()->resize( getMainDockWidget()->size().expandedTo( d->welcomeWidget->tqsizeHint() ) ); // m_dirTreeDock->resize( TQSize( m_dirTreeDock->tqsizeHint().width(), m_dirTreeDock->height() ) ); readOptions(); } K3bMainWindow::~K3bMainWindow() { delete mainDock; delete m_contentsDock; delete d; } void K3bMainWindow::showEvent( TQShowEvent* e ) { slotCheckDockWidgettqStatus(); KDockMainWindow::showEvent( e ); } void K3bMainWindow::initActions() { // merge in the device actions from the device manager // operator+= is deprecated but I know no other way to do this. Why does the KDE app framework // need to have all actions in the mainwindow's actioncollection anyway (or am I just to stupid to // see the correct solution?) *actionCollection() += *k3bappcore->appDeviceManager()->actionCollection(); actionFileOpen = KStdAction::open(TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotFileOpen()), actionCollection()); actionFileOpenRecent = KStdAction::openRecent(TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotFileOpenRecent(const KURL&)), actionCollection()); actionFileSave = KStdAction::save(TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotFileSave()), actionCollection()); actionFileSaveAs = KStdAction::saveAs(TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotFileSaveAs()), actionCollection()); actionFileSaveAll = new KAction( i18n("Save All"), "save_all", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotFileSaveAll()), actionCollection(), "file_save_all" ); actionFileClose = KStdAction::close(TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotFileClose()), actionCollection()); actionFileCloseAll = new KAction( i18n("Close All"), 0, 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotFileCloseAll()), actionCollection(), "file_close_all" ); actionFileQuit = KStdAction::quit(TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotFileQuit()), actionCollection()); actionViewStatusBar = KStdAction::showStatusbar(TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotViewStatusBar()), actionCollection()); actionSettingsConfigure = KStdAction::preferences(TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotSettingsConfigure()), actionCollection() ); // the tip action (void)KStdAction::tipOfDay(TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotShowTips()), actionCollection() ); (void)KStdAction::keyBindings( TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotConfigureKeys() ), actionCollection() ); KStdAction::configureToolbars(TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotEditToolbars()), actionCollection()); setStandardToolBarMenuEnabled(true); KStdAction::showMenubar( TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotShowMenuBar()), actionCollection() ); actionFileNewMenu = new KActionMenu( i18n("&New Project"), "filenew", actionCollection(), "file_new" ); actionFileNewAudio = new KAction(i18n("New &Audio CD Project"), "audiocd", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotNewAudioDoc()), actionCollection(), "file_new_audio"); actionFileNewData = new KAction(i18n("New Data &CD Project"), "datacd", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotNewDataDoc()), actionCollection(), "file_new_data"); actionFileNewMixed = new KAction(i18n("New &Mixed Mode CD Project"), "mixedcd", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotNewMixedDoc()), actionCollection(), "file_new_mixed"); actionFileNewVcd = new KAction(i18n("New &Video CD Project"), "videocd", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotNewVcdDoc()), actionCollection(), "file_new_vcd"); actionFileNewMovix = new KAction(i18n("New &eMovix CD Project"), "emovix", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotNewMovixDoc()), actionCollection(), "file_new_movix"); actionFileNewMovixDvd = new KAction(i18n("New &eMovix DVD Project"), "emovix", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotNewMovixDvdDoc()), actionCollection(), "file_new_movix_dvd"); actionFileNewDvd = new KAction(i18n("New Data &DVD Project"), "datadvd", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotNewDvdDoc()), actionCollection(), "file_new_dvd"); actionFileNewVideoDvd = new KAction(i18n("New V&ideo DVD Project"), "videodvd", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotNewVideoDvdDoc()), actionCollection(), "file_new_video_dvd"); actionFileContinueMultisession = new KAction( i18n("Continue Multisession Project"), "datacd", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotContinueMultisession()), actionCollection(), "file_continue_multisession" ); actionFileNewMenu->setDelayed( false ); actionFileNewMenu->insert( actionFileNewData ); actionFileNewMenu->insert( actionFileNewDvd ); actionFileNewMenu->insert( actionFileContinueMultisession ); actionFileNewMenu->insert( new KActionSeparator( TQT_TQOBJECT(this) ) ); actionFileNewMenu->insert( actionFileNewAudio ); actionFileNewMenu->insert( new KActionSeparator( TQT_TQOBJECT(this) ) ); actionFileNewMenu->insert( actionFileNewMixed ); actionFileNewMenu->insert( new KActionSeparator( TQT_TQOBJECT(this) ) ); actionFileNewMenu->insert( actionFileNewVcd ); actionFileNewMenu->insert( actionFileNewVideoDvd ); actionFileNewMenu->insert( new KActionSeparator( TQT_TQOBJECT(this) ) ); actionFileNewMenu->insert( actionFileNewMovix ); actionFileNewMenu->insert( actionFileNewMovixDvd ); actionProjectAddFiles = new KAction( i18n("&Add Files..."), "filenew", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotProjectAddFiles()), actionCollection(), "project_add_files"); KAction* actionClearProject = new KAction( i18n("&Clear Project"), TQApplication::reverseLayout() ? "clear_left" : "locationbar_erase", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotClearProject()), actionCollection(), "project_clear_project" ); actionViewDirTreeView = new KToggleAction(i18n("Show Directories"), 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotShowDirTreeView()), actionCollection(), "view_dir_tree"); actionViewContentsView = new KToggleAction(i18n("Show Contents"), 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotShowContentsView()), actionCollection(), "view_contents"); actionViewDocumentHeader = new KToggleAction(i18n("Show Document Header"), 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotViewDocumentHeader()), actionCollection(), "view_document_header"); actionToolsBlankCdrw = new KAction( i18n("&Erase CD-RW..."), "erasecd", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotBlankCdrw()), actionCollection(), "tools_blank_cdrw" ); KAction* actionToolsFormatDVD = new KAction( i18n("&Format DVD%1RW...").tqarg("�"), "formatdvd", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotFormatDvd()), actionCollection(), "tools_format_dvd" ); actionToolsWriteCdImage = new KAction(i18n("&Burn CD Image..."), "burn_cdimage", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotWriteCdImage()), actionCollection(), "tools_write_cd_image" ); KAction* actionToolsWriteDvdImage = new KAction(i18n("&Burn DVD ISO Image..."), "burn_dvdimage", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotWriteDvdIsoImage()), actionCollection(), "tools_write_dvd_iso" ); actionCdCopy = new KAction(i18n("&Copy CD..."), "cdcopy", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotCdCopy()), actionCollection(), "tools_copy_cd" ); KAction* actionToolsDvdCopy = new KAction(i18n("Copy &DVD..."), "dvdcopy", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotDvdCopy()), actionCollection(), "tools_copy_dvd" ); actionToolsCddaRip = new KAction( i18n("Rip Audio CD..."), "cddarip", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotCddaRip()), actionCollection(), "tools_cdda_rip" ); actionToolsVideoDvdRip = new KAction( i18n("Rip Video DVD..."), "videodvd", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotVideoDvdRip()), actionCollection(), "tools_videodvd_rip" ); actionToolsVideoCdRip = new KAction( i18n("Rip Video CD..."), "videocd", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotVideoCdRip()), actionCollection(), "tools_videocd_rip" ); (void)new KAction( i18n("System Check"), 0, 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotCheckSystem()), actionCollection(), "help_check_system" ); #ifdef HAVE_K3BSETUP actionSettingsK3bSetup = new KAction(i18n("&Setup System Permissions..."), "configure", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotK3bSetup()), actionCollection(), "settings_k3bsetup" ); #endif #ifdef K3B_DEBUG (void)new KAction( "Test Media Selection ComboBox", 0, 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotMediaSelectionTester()), actionCollection(), "test_media_selection" ); #endif actionFileNewMenu->setToolTip(i18n("Creates a new project")); actionFileNewData->setToolTip( i18n("Creates a new data CD project") ); actionFileNewAudio->setToolTip( i18n("Creates a new audio CD project") ); actionFileNewMovixDvd->setToolTip( i18n("Creates a new eMovix DVD project") ); actionFileNewDvd->setToolTip( i18n("Creates a new data DVD project") ); actionFileNewMovix->setToolTip( i18n("Creates a new eMovix CD project") ); actionFileNewVcd->setToolTip( i18n("Creates a new Video CD project") ); actionToolsBlankCdrw->setToolTip( i18n("Open the CD-RW erasing dialog") ); actionToolsFormatDVD->setToolTip( i18n("Open the DVD%1RW formatting dialog").tqarg("�") ); actionCdCopy->setToolTip( i18n("Open the CD copy dialog") ); actionToolsWriteCdImage->setToolTip( i18n("Write an Iso9660, cue/bin, or cdrecord clone image to CD") ); actionToolsWriteDvdImage->setToolTip( i18n("Write an Iso9660 image to DVD") ); actionToolsDvdCopy->setToolTip( i18n("Open the DVD copy dialog") ); actionFileOpen->setToolTip(i18n("Opens an existing project")); actionFileOpenRecent->setToolTip(i18n("Opens a recently used file")); actionFileSave->setToolTip(i18n("Saves the current project")); actionFileSaveAs->setToolTip(i18n("Saves the current project to a new url")); actionFileSaveAll->setToolTip(i18n("Saves all open projects")); actionFileClose->setToolTip(i18n("Closes the current project")); actionFileCloseAll->setToolTip(i18n("Closes all open projects")); actionFileQuit->setToolTip(i18n("Quits the application")); actionSettingsConfigure->setToolTip( i18n("Configure K3b settings") ); #ifdef HAVE_K3BSETUP actionSettingsK3bSetup->setToolTip( i18n("Setup the system permissions (requires root privileges)") ); #endif actionToolsCddaRip->setToolTip( i18n("Digitally extract tracks from an audio CD") ); actionToolsVideoDvdRip->setToolTip( i18n("Transcode Video DVD titles") ); actionToolsVideoCdRip->setToolTip( i18n("Extract tracks from a Video CD") ); actionProjectAddFiles->setToolTip( i18n("Add files to the current project") ); actionClearProject->setToolTip( i18n("Clear the current project") ); // make sure the tooltips are used for the menu actionCollection()->setHighlightingEnabled( true ); } const TQPtrList<K3bDoc>& K3bMainWindow::projects() const { return k3bappcore->projectManager()->projects(); } void K3bMainWindow::slotConfigureKeys() { KKeyDialog::configure( actionCollection(), this ); } void K3bMainWindow::initStatusBar() { m_statusBarManager = new K3bStatusBarManager( this ); } void K3bMainWindow::initView() { // setup main docking things mainDock = createDockWidget( "project_view", SmallIcon("idea"), 0, kapp->makeStdCaption( i18n("Project View") ), i18n("Project View") ); mainDock->setDockSite( KDockWidget::DockCorner ); mainDock->setEnableDocking( KDockWidget::DockNone ); setView( mainDock ); setMainDockWidget( mainDock ); // --- Document Dock ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- d->documentStack = new TQWidgetStack( mainDock ); mainDock->setWidget( d->documentStack ); d->documentHull = new TQWidget( d->documentStack ); d->documentStack->addWidget( d->documentHull ); TQGridLayout* documentHullLayout = new TQGridLayout( d->documentHull ); documentHullLayout->setMargin( 2 ); documentHullLayout->setSpacing( 0 ); m_documentHeader = new K3bThemedHeader( d->documentHull ); m_documentHeader->setTitle( i18n("Current Projects") ); m_documentHeader->tqsetAlignment( TQt::AlignHCenter | TQt::AlignVCenter ); m_documentHeader->setLeftPixmap( K3bTheme::PROJECT_LEFT ); m_documentHeader->setRightPixmap( K3bTheme::PROJECT_RIGHT ); // add the document tab to the styled document box m_documentTab = new K3bProjectTabWidget( d->documentHull ); documentHullLayout->addWidget( m_documentHeader, 0, 0 ); documentHullLayout->addWidget( m_documentTab, 1, 0 ); connect( m_documentTab, TQT_SIGNAL(currentChanged(TQWidget*)), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotCurrentDocChanged()) ); d->welcomeWidget = new K3bWelcomeWidget( this, m_documentTab ); m_documentTab->addTab( d->welcomeWidget, i18n("Quickstart") ); // d->documentStack->addWidget( d->welcomeWidget ); // d->documentStack->raiseWidget( d->welcomeWidget ); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --- Directory Dock -------------------------------------------------------------------------- m_dirTreeDock = createDockWidget( "directory_tree", SmallIcon("folder"), 0, kapp->makeStdCaption( i18n("Sidepanel") ), i18n("Sidepanel") ); m_dirTreeDock->setEnableDocking( KDockWidget::DockCorner ); K3bFileTreeView* sidePanel = new K3bFileTreeView( m_dirTreeDock ); //K3bSidePanel* sidePanel = new K3bSidePanel( this, m_dirTreeDock, "sidePanel" ); m_dirTreeDock->setWidget( sidePanel ); m_dirTreeDock->manualDock( mainDock, KDockWidget::DockTop, 4000 ); connect( m_dirTreeDock, TQT_SIGNAL(iMBeingClosed()), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotDirTreeDockHidden()) ); connect( m_dirTreeDock, TQT_SIGNAL(hasUndocked()), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotDirTreeDockHidden()) ); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --- Contents Dock --------------------------------------------------------------------------- m_contentsDock = createDockWidget( "contents_view", SmallIcon("idea"), 0, kapp->makeStdCaption( i18n("Contents View") ), i18n("Contents View") ); m_contentsDock->setEnableDocking( KDockWidget::DockCorner ); m_dirView = new K3bDirView( sidePanel/*->fileTreeView()*/, m_contentsDock ); m_contentsDock->setWidget( m_dirView ); m_contentsDock->manualDock( m_dirTreeDock, KDockWidget::DockRight, 2000 ); connect( m_contentsDock, TQT_SIGNAL(iMBeingClosed()), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotContentsDockHidden()) ); connect( m_contentsDock, TQT_SIGNAL(hasUndocked()), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotContentsDockHidden()) ); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --- filetreecombobox-toolbar ---------------------------------------------------------------- K3bFileTreeComboBox* m_fileTreeComboBox = new K3bFileTreeComboBox( 0 ); connect( m_fileTreeComboBox, TQT_SIGNAL(urlExecuted(const KURL&)), m_dirView, TQT_SLOT(showUrl(const KURL& )) ); connect( m_fileTreeComboBox, TQT_SIGNAL(deviceExecuted(K3bDevice::Device*)), m_dirView, TQT_SLOT(showDevice(K3bDevice::Device* )) ); connect( m_dirView, TQT_SIGNAL(urlEntered(const KURL&)), m_fileTreeComboBox, TQT_SLOT(setUrl(const KURL&)) ); connect( m_dirView, TQT_SIGNAL(deviceSelected(K3bDevice::Device*)), m_fileTreeComboBox, TQT_SLOT(setDevice(K3bDevice::Device*)) ); KWidgetAction* fileTreeComboAction = new KWidgetAction( m_fileTreeComboBox, i18n("&Quick Dir Selector"), 0, 0, 0, actionCollection(), "quick_dir_selector" ); fileTreeComboAction->setAutoSized(true); (void)new KAction( i18n("Go"), "key_enter", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(m_fileTreeComboBox), TQT_SLOT(slotGoUrl()), actionCollection(), "go_url" ); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } void K3bMainWindow::createClient( K3bDoc* doc ) { // create the proper K3bView (maybe we should put this into some other class like K3bProjectManager) K3bView* view = 0; switch( doc->type() ) { case K3bDoc::AUDIO: view = new K3bAudioView( static_cast<K3bAudioDoc*>(doc), m_documentTab ); break; case K3bDoc::DATA: view = new K3bDataView( static_cast<K3bDataDoc*>(doc), m_documentTab ); break; case K3bDoc::MIXED: { K3bMixedDoc* mixedDoc = static_cast<K3bMixedDoc*>(doc); view = new K3bMixedView( mixedDoc, m_documentTab ); mixedDoc->dataDoc()->setView( view ); mixedDoc->audioDoc()->setView( view ); break; } case K3bDoc::VCD: view = new K3bVcdView( static_cast<K3bVcdDoc*>(doc), m_documentTab ); break; case K3bDoc::MOVIX: view = new K3bMovixView( static_cast<K3bMovixDoc*>(doc), m_documentTab ); break; case K3bDoc::MOVIX_DVD: view = new K3bMovixDvdView( static_cast<K3bMovixDvdDoc*>(doc), m_documentTab ); break; case K3bDoc::DVD: view = new K3bDvdView( static_cast<K3bDvdDoc*>(doc), m_documentTab ); break; case K3bDoc::VIDEODVD: view = new K3bVideoDvdView( static_cast<K3bVideoDvdDoc*>(doc), m_documentTab ); break; } doc->setView( view ); view->setCaption( doc->URL().fileName() ); m_documentTab->insertTab( doc ); m_documentTab->showPage( view ); slotCurrentDocChanged(); } K3bView* K3bMainWindow::activeView() const { TQWidget* w = m_documentTab->currentPage(); if( K3bView* view = dynamic_cast<K3bView*>(w) ) return view; else return 0; } K3bDoc* K3bMainWindow::activeDoc() const { if( activeView() ) return activeView()->getDocument(); else return 0; } K3bDoc* K3bMainWindow::openDocument(const KURL& url) { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Opening file...")); // // First we check if this is an iso image in case someone wants to open one this way // if( !isCdDvdImageAndIfSoOpenDialog( url ) ) { // see if it's an audio cue file K3bCueFileParser parser( url.path() ); if( parser.isValid() && parser.toc().contentType() == K3bDevice::AUDIO ) { K3bDoc* doc = k3bappcore->projectManager()->createProject( K3bDoc::AUDIO ); doc->addUrl( url ); return doc; } else { // check, if document already open. If yes, set the focus to the first view K3bDoc* doc = k3bappcore->projectManager()->findByUrl( url ); if( doc ) { doc->view()->setFocus(); return doc; } doc = k3bappcore->projectManager()->openProject( url ); if( doc == 0 ) { KMessageBox::error (this,i18n("Could not open document!"), i18n("Error!")); return 0; } actionFileOpenRecent->addURL(url); return doc; } } else return 0; } void K3bMainWindow::saveOptions() { actionFileOpenRecent->saveEntries( config(), "Recent Files" ); // save dock positions! manager()->writeConfig( config(), "Docking Config" ); m_dirView->saveConfig( config() ); saveMainWindowSettings( config(), "main_window_settings" ); k3bcore->saveSettings( config() ); d->welcomeWidget->saveConfig( config() ); KConfigGroup grp( m_config, "General Options" ); grp.writeEntry( "Show Document Header", actionViewDocumentHeader->isChecked() ); } void K3bMainWindow::readOptions() { KConfigGroup grp( m_config, "General Options" ); bool bViewDocumentHeader = grp.readBoolEntry("Show Document Header", true); actionViewDocumentHeader->setChecked(bViewDocumentHeader); // initialize the recent file list actionFileOpenRecent->loadEntries( config(), "Recent Files" ); // do not read dock-positions from a config that has been saved by an old version K3bVersion configVersion( grp.readEntry( "config version", "0.1" ) ); if( configVersion >= K3bVersion("0.12") ) manager()->readConfig( config(), "Docking Config" ); else kdDebug() << "(K3bMainWindow) ignoring docking config from K3b version " << configVersion << endl; applyMainWindowSettings( config(), "main_window_settings" ); m_dirView->readConfig( config() ); slotViewDocumentHeader(); slotCheckDockWidgettqStatus(); } void K3bMainWindow::saveProperties( KConfig* c ) { // 1. put saved projects in the config // 2. save every modified project in "~/.kde/share/apps/k3b/sessions/" + KApp->sessionId() // 3. save the url of the project (might be something like "AudioCD1") in the config // 4. save the status of every project (modified/saved) TQString saveDir = KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation( "appdata", "sessions/" + tqApp->sessionId() + "/", true ); // FIXME: for some reason the config entries are not properly stored when using the default // KMainWindow session config. Since I was not able to find the bug I use another config object // ---------------------------------------------------------- c = new KSimpleConfig( saveDir + "list", false ); c->setGroup( "Saved Session" ); // ---------------------------------------------------------- const TQPtrList<K3bDoc>& docs = k3bappcore->projectManager()->projects(); c->writeEntry( "Number of projects", docs.count() ); int cnt = 1; for( TQPtrListIterator<K3bDoc> it( docs ); *it; ++it ) { // the "name" of the project (or the original url if isSaved()) c->writePathEntry( TQString("%1 url").tqarg(cnt), (*it)->URL().url() ); // is the doc modified c->writeEntry( TQString("%1 modified").tqarg(cnt), (*it)->isModified() ); // has the doc already been saved? c->writeEntry( TQString("%1 saved").tqarg(cnt), (*it)->isSaved() ); // where does the session management save it? If it's not modified and saved this is // the same as the url KURL saveUrl = (*it)->URL(); if( !(*it)->isSaved() || (*it)->isModified() ) saveUrl = KURL::fromPathOrURL( saveDir + TQString::number(cnt) ); c->writePathEntry( TQString("%1 saveurl").tqarg(cnt), saveUrl.url() ); // finally save it k3bappcore->projectManager()->saveProject( *it, saveUrl ); ++cnt; } // FIXME: for some reason the config entries are not properly stored when using the default // KMainWindow session config. Since I was not able to find the bug I use another config object // ---------------------------------------------------------- delete c; // ---------------------------------------------------------- } // FIXME:move this to K3bProjectManager void K3bMainWindow::readProperties( KConfig* c ) { // FIXME: do not delete the files here. rather do it when the app is exited normally // since that's when we can be sure we never need the session stuff again. // 1. read all projects from the config // 2. simply open all of themg // 3. reset the saved urls and the modified state // 4. delete "~/.kde/share/apps/k3b/sessions/" + KApp->sessionId() TQString saveDir = KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation( "appdata", "sessions/" + tqApp->sessionId() + "/", true ); // FIXME: for some reason the config entries are not properly stored when using the default // KMainWindow session config. Since I was not able to find the bug I use another config object // ---------------------------------------------------------- c = new KSimpleConfig( saveDir + "list", true ); c->setGroup( "Saved Session" ); // ---------------------------------------------------------- int cnt = c->readNumEntry( "Number of projects", 0 ); kdDebug() << "(K3bMainWindow::readProperties) number of projects from last session in " << saveDir << ": " << cnt << endl << " read from config group " << c->group() << endl; for( int i = 1; i <= cnt; ++i ) { // in this case the constructor works since we saved as url() KURL url = c->readPathEntry( TQString("%1 url").tqarg(i) ); bool modified = c->readBoolEntry( TQString("%1 modified").tqarg(i) ); bool saved = c->readBoolEntry( TQString("%1 saved").tqarg(i) ); KURL saveUrl = c->readPathEntry( TQString("%1 saveurl").tqarg(i) ); // now load the project if( K3bDoc* doc = k3bappcore->projectManager()->openProject( saveUrl ) ) { // reset the url doc->setURL( url ); doc->setModified( modified ); doc->setSaved( saved ); } else kdDebug() << "(K3bMainWindow) could not open session saved doc " << url.path() << endl; // remove the temp file if( !saved || modified ) TQFile::remove( saveUrl.path() ); } // and now remove the temp dir KIO::del( KURL::fromPathOrURL(saveDir), false, false ); // FIXME: for some reason the config entries are not properly stored when using the default // KMainWindow session config. Since I was not able to find the bug I use another config object // ---------------------------------------------------------- delete c; // ---------------------------------------------------------- } bool K3bMainWindow::queryClose() { // // Check if a job is currently running // For now K3b only allows for one major job at a time which means that we only need to cancel // this one job. // if( k3bcore->jobsRunning() ) { // pitty, but I see no possibility to make this work. It always crashes because of the event // management thing mentioned below. So until I find a solution K3b simply will refuse to close // while a job i running return false; // kdDebug() << "(K3bMainWindow::queryClose) jobs running." << endl; // K3bJob* job = k3bcore->runningJobs().getFirst(); // // now search for the major job (to be on the safe side although for now no subjobs register with the k3bcore) // K3bJobHandler* jh = job->jobHandler(); // while( jh->isJob() ) { // job = static_cast<K3bJob*>( jh ); // jh = job->jobHandler(); // } // kdDebug() << "(K3bMainWindow::queryClose) main job found: " << job->jobDescription() << endl; // // now job is the major job and jh should be a widget // TQWidget* progressDialog = dynamic_cast<TQWidget*>( jh ); // kdDebug() << "(K3bMainWindow::queryClose) job active: " << job->active() << endl; // // now ask the user if he/she really wants to cancel this job // if( job->active() ) { // if( KMessageBox::questionYesNo( progressDialog ? progressDialog : this, // i18n("Do you really want to cancel?"), // i18n("Cancel") ) == KMessageBox::Yes ) { // // cancel the job // kdDebug() << "(K3bMainWindow::queryClose) canceling job." << endl; // job->cancel(); // // wait for the job to finish // kdDebug() << "(K3bMainWindow::queryClose) waiting for job to finish." << endl; // K3bSignalWaiter::waitForJob( job ); // // close the progress dialog // if( progressDialog ) { // kdDebug() << "(K3bMainWindow::queryClose) closing progress dialog." << endl; // progressDialog->close(); // // // // now here we have the problem that due to the whole TQt event thing the exec call (or // // in this case most likely the startJob call) does not return until we leave this method. // // That means that the progress dialog might be deleted by it's parent below (when we // // close docs) before it is deleted by the creator (most likely a projectburndialog). // // That would result in a double deletion and thus a crash. // // So we just reparent the dialog to 0 here so it's (former) parent won't delete it. // // // progressDialog->reparent( 0, TQPoint(0,0) ); // } // kdDebug() << "(K3bMainWindow::queryClose) job cleanup done." << endl; // } // else // return false; // } } // // if we are closed by the session manager everything is fine since we store the // current state in saveProperties // if( kapp->sessionSaving() ) return true; // FIXME: do not close the docs here. Just ask for them to be saved and return false // if the user chose cancel for some doc // --------------------------------- // we need to manually close all the views to ensure that // each of them receives a close-event and // the user is asked for every modified doc to save the changes // --------------------------------- while( K3bView* view = activeView() ) { if( !canCloseDocument(view->doc()) ) return false; closeProject(view->doc()); } return true; } bool K3bMainWindow::canCloseDocument( K3bDoc* doc ) { if( !doc->isModified() ) return true; if( !KConfigGroup( config(), "General Options" ).readBoolEntry( "ask_for_saving_changes_on_exit", true ) ) return true; switch ( KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel( this, i18n("%1 has unsaved data.").tqarg( doc->URL().fileName() ), i18n("Closing Project"), KStdGuiItem::save(), KGuiItem( i18n("&Discard"), "editshred" ) ) ) { case KMessageBox::Yes: fileSave( doc ); case KMessageBox::No: return true; default: return false; } } bool K3bMainWindow::queryExit() { // TODO: call this in K3bApplication somewhere saveOptions(); return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TQT_SLOT IMPLEMENTATION ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void K3bMainWindow::slotFileOpen() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Opening file...")); KURL::List urls = KFileDialog::getOpenURLs( ":k3b-projects-folder", i18n("*.k3b|K3b Projects"), this, i18n("Open Files") ); for( KURL::List::iterator it = urls.begin(); it != urls.end(); ++it ) { openDocument( *it ); actionFileOpenRecent->addURL( *it ); } } void K3bMainWindow::slotFileOpenRecent(const KURL& url) { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Opening file...")); openDocument(url); } void K3bMainWindow::slotFileSaveAll() { for( TQPtrListIterator<K3bDoc> it( k3bappcore->projectManager()->projects() ); *it; ++it ) { fileSave( *it ); } } void K3bMainWindow::slotFileSave() { if( K3bDoc* doc = activeDoc() ) { fileSave( doc ); } } void K3bMainWindow::fileSave( K3bDoc* doc ) { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Saving file...")); if( doc == 0 ) { doc = activeDoc(); } if( doc != 0 ) { if( !doc->isSaved() ) fileSaveAs( doc ); else if( !k3bappcore->projectManager()->saveProject( doc, doc->URL()) ) KMessageBox::error (this,i18n("Could not save the current document!"), i18n("I/O Error")); } } void K3bMainWindow::slotFileSaveAs() { if( K3bDoc* doc = activeDoc() ) { fileSaveAs( doc ); } } void K3bMainWindow::fileSaveAs( K3bDoc* doc ) { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Saving file with a new filename...")); if( doc == 0 ) { doc = activeDoc(); } if( doc != 0 ) { // we do not use the static KFileDialog method here to be able to specify a filename suggestion KFileDialog dlg( ":k3b-projects-folder", i18n("*.k3b|K3b Projects"), this, "filedialog", true ); dlg.setCaption( i18n("Save As") ); dlg.setOperationMode( KFileDialog::Saving ); dlg.setSelection( doc->name() ); dlg.exec(); KURL url = dlg.selectedURL(); if( url.isValid() ) { KRecentDocument::add( url ); bool exists = KIO::NetAccess::exists( url, false, 0 ); if( !exists || ( exists && KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( this, i18n("Do you want to overwrite %1?").tqarg( url.prettyURL() ), i18n("File Exists"), i18n("Overwrite") ) == KMessageBox::Continue ) ) { if( !k3bappcore->projectManager()->saveProject( doc, url ) ) { KMessageBox::error (this,i18n("Could not save the current document!"), i18n("I/O Error")); return; } else actionFileOpenRecent->addURL(url); } } } } void K3bMainWindow::slotFileClose() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Closing file...")); if( K3bView* pView = activeView() ) { if( pView ) { K3bDoc* pDoc = pView->doc(); if( canCloseDocument(pDoc) ) { closeProject(pDoc); } } } slotCurrentDocChanged(); } void K3bMainWindow::slotFileCloseAll() { while( K3bView* pView = activeView() ) { if( pView ) { K3bDoc* pDoc = pView->doc(); if( canCloseDocument(pDoc) ) closeProject(pDoc); else break; } } slotCurrentDocChanged(); } void K3bMainWindow::closeProject( K3bDoc* doc ) { // unplug the actions if( factory() ) { if( d->lastDoc == doc ) { factory()->removeClient( static_cast<K3bView*>(d->lastDoc->view()) ); d->lastDoc = 0; } } // remove the view from the project tab m_documentTab->removePage( doc->view() ); // remove the project from the manager k3bappcore->projectManager()->removeProject( doc ); // delete view and doc delete doc->view(); delete doc; } void K3bMainWindow::slotFileQuit() { close(); } void K3bMainWindow::slotViewStatusBar() { //turn Statusbar on or off if(actionViewStatusBar->isChecked()) { statusBar()->show(); } else { statusBar()->hide(); } } void K3bMainWindow::slotStatusMsg(const TQString &text) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // change status message permanently // statusBar()->clear(); // statusBar()->changeItem(text,1); statusBar()->message( text, 2000 ); } void K3bMainWindow::slotSettingsConfigure() { K3bOptionDialog d( this, "SettingsDialog", true ); d.exec(); // emit a changed signal every time since we do not know if the user selected // "apply" and "cancel" or "ok" emit configChanged( m_config ); } void K3bMainWindow::showOptionDialog( int index ) { K3bOptionDialog d( this, "SettingsDialog", true ); d.showPage( index ); d.exec(); // emit a changed signal every time since we do not know if the user selected // "apply" and "cancel" or "ok" emit configChanged( m_config ); } K3bDoc* K3bMainWindow::slotNewAudioDoc() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Creating new Audio CD Project.")); K3bDoc* doc = k3bappcore->projectManager()->createProject( K3bDoc::AUDIO ); return doc; } K3bDoc* K3bMainWindow::slotNewDataDoc() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Creating new Data CD Project.")); K3bDoc* doc = k3bappcore->projectManager()->createProject( K3bDoc::DATA ); return doc; } K3bDoc* K3bMainWindow::slotNewDvdDoc() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Creating new Data DVD Project.")); K3bDoc* doc = k3bappcore->projectManager()->createProject( K3bDoc::DVD ); return doc; } K3bDoc* K3bMainWindow::slotContinueMultisession() { return K3bDataSessionImportDialog::importSession( 0, this ); } K3bDoc* K3bMainWindow::slotNewVideoDvdDoc() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Creating new VideoDVD Project.")); K3bDoc* doc = k3bappcore->projectManager()->createProject( K3bDoc::VIDEODVD ); return doc; } K3bDoc* K3bMainWindow::slotNewMixedDoc() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Creating new Mixed Mode CD Project.")); K3bDoc* doc = k3bappcore->projectManager()->createProject( K3bDoc::MIXED ); return doc; } K3bDoc* K3bMainWindow::slotNewVcdDoc() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Creating new Video CD Project.")); K3bDoc* doc = k3bappcore->projectManager()->createProject( K3bDoc::VCD ); return doc; } K3bDoc* K3bMainWindow::slotNewMovixDoc() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Creating new eMovix CD Project.")); K3bDoc* doc = k3bappcore->projectManager()->createProject( K3bDoc::MOVIX ); return doc; } K3bDoc* K3bMainWindow::slotNewMovixDvdDoc() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Creating new eMovix DVD Project.")); K3bDoc* doc = k3bappcore->projectManager()->createProject( K3bDoc::MOVIX_DVD ); return doc; } void K3bMainWindow::slotCurrentDocChanged() { // check the doctype K3bView* v = activeView(); if( v ) { k3bappcore->projectManager()->setActive( v->doc() ); // // There are two possiblities to plug the project actions: // 1. Through KXMLGUIClient::plugActionList // This way we just ask the View for the actionCollection (which it should merge with // the doc's) and plug it into the project menu. // Advantage: easy and clear to handle // Disadvantage: we may only plug all actions at once into one menu // // 2. Through merging the doc as a KXMLGUIClient // This way every view is a KXMLGUIClient and it's GUI is just merged into the MainWindow's. // Advantage: flexible // Disadvantage: every view needs it's own XML file // // if( factory() ) { if( d->lastDoc ) factory()->removeClient( static_cast<K3bView*>(d->lastDoc->view()) ); factory()->addClient( v ); d->lastDoc = v->doc(); } else kdDebug() << "(K3bMainWindow) ERROR: could not get KXMLGUIFactory instance." << endl; } else k3bappcore->projectManager()->setActive( 0L ); if( k3bappcore->projectManager()->isEmpty() ) { slotStateChanged( "state_project_active", KXMLGUIClient::StateReverse ); } else { d->documentStack->raiseWidget( d->documentHull ); slotStateChanged( "state_project_active", KXMLGUIClient::StateNoReverse ); } // make sure the document header is shown (or not) slotViewDocumentHeader(); } void K3bMainWindow::slotEditToolbars() { saveMainWindowSettings( m_config, "main_window_settings" ); KEditToolbar dlg( factory() ); connect(&dlg, TQT_SIGNAL(newToolbarConfig()), TQT_SLOT(slotNewToolBarConfig())); dlg.exec(); } void K3bMainWindow::slotNewToolBarConfig() { applyMainWindowSettings( m_config, "main_window_settings" ); } bool K3bMainWindow::eject() { KConfigGroup c( config(), "General Options" ); return !c.readBoolEntry( "No cd eject", false ); } void K3bMainWindow::slotErrorMessage(const TQString& message) { KMessageBox::error( this, message ); } void K3bMainWindow::slotWarningMessage(const TQString& message) { KMessageBox::sorry( this, message ); } void K3bMainWindow::slotWriteCdImage() { K3bCdImageWritingDialog d( this ); d.exec(false); } void K3bMainWindow::slotWriteDvdIsoImage() { K3bIsoImageWritingDialog d( this ); d.exec(false); } void K3bMainWindow::slotWriteDvdIsoImage( const KURL& url ) { K3bIsoImageWritingDialog d( this ); d.setImage( url ); d.exec(false); } void K3bMainWindow::slotWriteCdImage( const KURL& url ) { K3bCdImageWritingDialog d( this ); d.setImage( url ); d.exec(false); } void K3bMainWindow::slotProjectAddFiles() { K3bView* view = activeView(); if( view ) { TQStringList files = KFileDialog::getOpenFileNames( ":k3b-project-add-files", i18n("*|All Files"), this, i18n("Select Files to Add to Project") ); KURL::List urls; for( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); it++ ) { KURL url; url.setPath(*it); urls.append( url ); } if( !urls.isEmpty() ) view->addUrls( urls ); } else KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("Please create a project before adding files"), i18n("No Active Project")); } void K3bMainWindow::slotK3bSetup() { KProcess p; p << "kdesu" << "kcmshell k3bsetup2 --lang " + KGlobal::locale()->language(); if( !p.start( KProcess::DontCare ) ) KMessageBox::error( 0, i18n("Could not find kdesu to run K3bSetup with root privileges. " "Please run it manually as root.") ); } void K3bMainWindow::blankCdrw( K3bDevice::Device* dev ) { K3bBlankingDialog dlg( this, "blankingdialog" ); dlg.setDevice( dev ); dlg.exec(false); } void K3bMainWindow::slotBlankCdrw() { blankCdrw( 0 ); } void K3bMainWindow::formatDvd( K3bDevice::Device* dev ) { K3bDvdFormattingDialog d( this ); d.setDevice( dev ); d.exec(false); } void K3bMainWindow::slotFormatDvd() { formatDvd( 0 ); } void K3bMainWindow::cdCopy( K3bDevice::Device* dev ) { K3bCdCopyDialog d( this ); d.setReadingDevice( dev ); d.exec(false); } void K3bMainWindow::slotCdCopy() { cdCopy( 0 ); } void K3bMainWindow::dvdCopy( K3bDevice::Device* dev ) { K3bDvdCopyDialog d( this ); d.setReadingDevice( dev ); d.exec(false); } void K3bMainWindow::slotDvdCopy() { dvdCopy( 0 ); } // void K3bMainWindow::slotVideoDvdCopy() // { // K3bVideoDvdCopyDialog d( this ); // d.exec(); // } void K3bMainWindow::slotShowDirTreeView() { m_dirTreeDock->changeHideShowState(); slotCheckDockWidgettqStatus(); } void K3bMainWindow::slotShowContentsView() { m_contentsDock->changeHideShowState(); slotCheckDockWidgettqStatus(); } void K3bMainWindow::slotShowMenuBar() { if( menuBar()->isVisible() ) menuBar()->hide(); else menuBar()->show(); } void K3bMainWindow::slotShowTips() { KTipDialog::showTip( this, TQString(), true ); } void K3bMainWindow::slotDirTreeDockHidden() { actionViewDirTreeView->setChecked( false ); } void K3bMainWindow::slotContentsDockHidden() { actionViewContentsView->setChecked( false ); } void K3bMainWindow::slotCheckDockWidgettqStatus() { actionViewContentsView->setChecked( m_contentsDock->isVisible() ); actionViewDirTreeView->setChecked( m_dirTreeDock->isVisible() ); } void K3bMainWindow::slotViewDocumentHeader() { if( actionViewDocumentHeader->isChecked() && !k3bappcore->projectManager()->isEmpty() ) { m_documentHeader->show(); } else { m_documentHeader->hide(); } } K3bExternalBinManager* K3bMainWindow::externalBinManager() const { return k3bcore->externalBinManager(); } K3bDevice::DeviceManager* K3bMainWindow::deviceManager() const { return k3bcore->deviceManager(); } void K3bMainWindow::slotDataImportSession() { if( activeView() ) { if( K3bDataView* view = dynamic_cast<K3bDataView*>(activeView()) ) { view->importSession(); } } } void K3bMainWindow::slotDataClearImportedSession() { if( activeView() ) { if( K3bDataView* view = dynamic_cast<K3bDataView*>(activeView()) ) { view->clearImportedSession(); } } } void K3bMainWindow::slotEditBootImages() { if( activeView() ) { if( K3bDataView* view = dynamic_cast<K3bDataView*>(activeView()) ) { view->editBootImages(); } } } void K3bMainWindow::slotCheckSystemTimed() { // run the system check from the event queue so we do not // mess with the device state resetting throughout the app // when called from K3bDeviceManager::changed TQTimer::singleShot( 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotCheckSystem()) ); } void K3bMainWindow::slotCheckSystem() { K3bSystemProblemDialog::checkSystem( this ); } void K3bMainWindow::addUrls( const KURL::List& urls ) { if( K3bView* view = activeView() ) { view->addUrls( urls ); } else { // check if the files are all audio we can handle. If so create an audio project bool audio = true; TQPtrList<K3bPlugin> fl = k3bcore->pluginManager()->plugins( "AudioDecoder" ); for( KURL::List::const_iterator it = urls.begin(); it != urls.end(); ++it ) { const KURL& url = *it; if( TQFileInfo(url.path()).isDir() ) { audio = false; break; } bool a = false; for( TQPtrListIterator<K3bPlugin> it( fl ); it.current(); ++it ) { if( static_cast<K3bAudioDecoderFactory*>(it.current())->canDecode( url ) ) { a = true; break; } } if( !a ) { audio = a; break; } } if( !audio && urls.count() == 1 ) { // see if it's an audio cue file K3bCueFileParser parser( urls.first().path() ); if( parser.isValid() && parser.toc().contentType() == K3bDevice::AUDIO ) { audio = true; } } if( audio ) static_cast<K3bView*>(slotNewAudioDoc()->view())->addUrls( urls ); else if( urls.count() > 1 || !isCdDvdImageAndIfSoOpenDialog( urls.first() ) ) static_cast<K3bView*>(slotNewDataDoc()->view())->addUrls( urls ); } } void K3bMainWindow::slotClearProject() { K3bDoc* doc = k3bappcore->projectManager()->activeDoc(); if( doc ) { if( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( this, i18n("Do you really want to clear the current project?"), i18n("Clear Project"), i18n("Clear"), "clear_current_project_dontAskAgain" ) == KMessageBox::Continue ) { doc->newDocument(); k3bappcore->projectManager()->loadDefaults( doc ); } } } bool K3bMainWindow::isCdDvdImageAndIfSoOpenDialog( const KURL& url ) { K3bIso9660 iso( url.path() ); if( iso.open() ) { iso.close(); // very rough dvd image size test if( K3b::filesize( url ) > 1000*1024*1024 ) slotWriteDvdIsoImage( url ); else slotWriteCdImage( url ); return true; } else return false; } void K3bMainWindow::slotCddaRip() { cddaRip( 0 ); } void K3bMainWindow::cddaRip( K3bDevice::Device* dev ) { if( !dev || !(k3bappcore->mediaCache()->medium( dev ).content() & K3bMedium::CONTENT_AUDIO ) ) dev = K3bMediaSelectionDialog::selectMedium( K3bDevice::MEDIA_CD_ALL, K3bDevice::STATE_COMPLETE|K3bDevice::STATE_INCOMPLETE, K3bMedium::CONTENT_AUDIO, this, i18n("Audio CD Rip") ); if( dev ) m_dirView->showDevice( dev ); } void K3bMainWindow::videoDvdRip( K3bDevice::Device* dev ) { if( !dev || !(k3bappcore->mediaCache()->medium( dev ).content() & K3bMedium::CONTENT_VIDEO_DVD ) ) dev = K3bMediaSelectionDialog::selectMedium( K3bDevice::MEDIA_DVD_ALL, K3bDevice::STATE_COMPLETE, K3bMedium::CONTENT_VIDEO_DVD, this, i18n("Video DVD Rip") ); if( dev ) m_dirView->showDevice( dev ); } void K3bMainWindow::slotVideoDvdRip() { videoDvdRip( 0 ); } void K3bMainWindow::videoCdRip( K3bDevice::Device* dev ) { if( !dev || !(k3bappcore->mediaCache()->medium( dev ).content() & K3bMedium::CONTENT_VIDEO_CD ) ) dev = K3bMediaSelectionDialog::selectMedium( K3bDevice::MEDIA_CD_ALL, K3bDevice::STATE_COMPLETE, K3bMedium::CONTENT_VIDEO_CD, this, i18n("Video CD Rip") ); if( dev ) m_dirView->showDevice( dev ); } void K3bMainWindow::slotVideoCdRip() { videoCdRip( 0 ); } void K3bMainWindow::slotAudioServerError( const TQString& error ) { K3bPassivePopup::showPopup( error, i18n("Audio Output Problem") ); } #include "k3b.moc"