 * $Id: k3bapplication.h 619556 2007-01-03 17:38:12Z trueg $
 * Copyright (C) 2003 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org>
 * This file is part of the K3b project.
 * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.


#include <kuniqueapplication.h>
#include <k3bcore.h>

#include <tqmap.h>

#define k3bappcore K3bApplication::Core::k3bAppCore()

class K3bMainWindow;
class K3bInterface;
class K3bJobInterface;
class K3bAudioServer;
class K3bThemeManager;
class K3bProjectManager;
class K3bAppDeviceManager;
class K3bMediaCache;

class K3bApplication : public KUniqueApplication


  int newInstance();

  class Core;

 public slots:
  void init();

  void initializationInfo( const TQString& );
  void initializationDone();

 private slots:
  void slotShutDown();

  bool processCmdLineArgs();

  Core* m_core;
  K3bAudioServer* m_audioServer;
  K3bMainWindow* m_mainWindow;

  bool m_needToInit;

 * The application's core which extends K3bCore with some additional features
 * like the thememanager or an enhanced device manager.
class K3bApplication::Core : public K3bCore

  Core( TQObject* parent );

  void init();

  // make sure the libk3b uses the same configuration
  // needed since the lib still depends on K3bCore::config
  // the goal is to make the lib independent from the config
  KConfig* config() const;

  void readSettings( KConfig* c = 0 );
  void saveSettings( KConfig* c = 0 );

   * \reimplemented from K3bCore. We use our own devicemanager here.
  K3bDevice::DeviceManager* deviceManager() const;

  K3bAppDeviceManager* appDeviceManager() const { return m_appDeviceManager; }

  K3bThemeManager* themeManager() const { return m_themeManager; }

  K3bProjectManager* projectManager() const { return m_projectManager; }

  K3bMediaCache* mediaCache() const { return m_mediaCache; }

  K3bMainWindow* k3bMainWindow() const { return m_mainWindow; }

  K3bInterface* interface() const { return m_interface; }

  K3bJobInterface* jobInterface() const { return m_jobInterface; }

  static Core* k3bAppCore() { return s_k3bAppCore; }

   * This is used for showing info in the K3b splashscreen
  void initializationInfo( const TQString& );

   * Any component may request busy info
   * In the K3b main app this will be displayed
   * as a moving square in the taskbar
   * FIXME: this is bad design
  void busyInfoRequested( const TQString& );

   * FIXME: this is bad design
  void busyFinishRequested();

  void initDeviceManager();

  bool internalBlockDevice( K3bDevice::Device* );
  void internalUnblockDevice( K3bDevice::Device* );

  K3bInterface* m_interface;
  K3bJobInterface* m_jobInterface;

  K3bThemeManager* m_themeManager;
  K3bMainWindow* m_mainWindow;
  K3bProjectManager* m_projectManager;
  K3bAppDeviceManager* m_appDeviceManager;
  K3bMediaCache* m_mediaCache;

  TQMap<K3bDevice::Device*, int> m_deviceBlockMap;

  static Core* s_k3bAppCore;

  friend class K3bApplication;
