 * $Id: k3baudioplayer.h 619556 2007-01-03 17:38:12Z trueg $
 * Copyright (C) 2003 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org>
 * This file is part of the K3b project.
 * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.


#include <klistview.h>

#include <config.h>

#ifdef WITH_ARTS
#include <arts/kmedia2.h>
#include <arts/kartsdispatcher.h>

class QTimer;
class QLabel;
class QToolButton;
class QSlider;
class QPainter;
class QColorGroup;
class QDropEvent;
class QDragObject;
class KAction;
class KActionMenu;

 * Special ListViewItem for the K3bAudioPlayer playlist
 * @author Sebastian Trueg
class K3bPlayListViewItem : public KListViewItem
  K3bPlayListViewItem( const QString&, QListView* parent );
  K3bPlayListViewItem( const QString&, QListView* parent, QListViewItem* after );

  /** @returns the filename for the first column and the 
   *           length in format 00:00.00 for the second column
  virtual QString text( int c ) const;

  void setLength( unsigned long l ) { m_length = l; }
  unsigned long length() const { return m_length; }
  const QString& filename() const { return m_filename; }

   * reimplemented from QListViewItem
   * takes the m_bActive flag into account.
  virtual void paintCell( QPainter*, const QColorGroup&, int, int, int );

  void setActive( bool a ) { m_bActive = a; }

  /** path to the associated file */
  QString m_filename;

  /** length in frames (1/75 second) */
  unsigned long m_length;

  bool m_bActive;

 * Playlistview just needed to accept 
 * url drags
class K3bPlayListView : public KListView

  K3bPlayListView( QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0 );

  bool acceptDrag( QDropEvent* e ) const;
  QDragObject* dragObject();

 * @author Sebastian Trueg
class K3bAudioPlayer : public QWidget

  K3bAudioPlayer( QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0 );

  bool supportsMimetype( const QString& mimetype );

   * length of current playing in seconds
  long length();

   * current position in seconds
  long position();

   * EMPTY - no file loaded
  enum player_state { PLAYING, PAUSED, STOPPED, EMPTY };

  int state();

  void started( const QString& filename );
  void started();
  void stopped();
  void paused();
  void ended();

 public slots:
  void playFile( const QString& filename );
  void playFiles( const QStringList& files );
  void enqueueFile( const QString& filename );
  void enqueueFiles( const QStringList& files );

  /** clears the playlist */
  void clear();
  void play();
  void forward();
  void back();
  void stop();
  void pause();
  void seek( long pos );
  void seek( int pos );

/*  protected: */
/*   void dragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent* e ); */
/*   void dropEvent( QDropEvent* e ); */

 private slots:
  void slotCheckEnd();
  void slotUpdateDisplay();
  void slotUpdateCurrentTime( int time );
  void slotUpdateLength( long time );
  void slotUpdateFilename();
  void slotPlayItem( QListViewItem* item );
  void slotDropped( QDropEvent* e, QListViewItem* after );

   * set the actual item. Will set m_currentItem and 
   * handle highlighting of the current item
  void setCurrentItem( QListViewItem* item );
  void slotRemoveSelected();
  void slotShowContextMenu( KListView*, QListViewItem* item, const QPoint& p );

#ifdef WITH_ARTS
  Arts::PlayObject m_playObject;
  KArtsDispatcher m_dispatcher;
  QString m_filename;

  QLabel* m_labelFilename;
  QLabel* m_labelCurrentTime;
  QLabel* m_labelOverallTime;
  QToolButton* m_buttonPlay;
  QToolButton* m_buttonPause;
  QToolButton* m_buttonStop;
  QToolButton* m_buttonForward;
  QToolButton* m_buttonBack;
  K3bPlayListView* m_viewPlayList;
  QSlider* m_seekSlider;
  QTimer* m_updateTimer;

  K3bPlayListViewItem* m_currentItem;

  bool m_bLengthReady;

  KAction* m_actionRemove;
  KAction* m_actionClear;
  KActionMenu* m_contextMenu;
