/* * * $Id: k3binteractiondialog.h 619556 2007-01-03 17:38:12Z trueg $ * Copyright (C) 2003 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org> * * This file is part of the K3b project. * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. */ #ifndef _K3B_INTERACTION_DIALOG_H_ #define _K3B_INTERACTION_DIALOG_H_ #include <kdialog.h> class TQGridLayout; class TQLabel; class KPushButton; class TQButton; class K3bThemedHeader; class TDEConfigBase; class KGuiItem; /** * This is the base dialog for all the dialogs in K3b that start * some job. Use setMainWidget to set the contents or let mainWidget() * create an empty plain page. * The default implementations of the slots just emit the * corresponding signals. */ class K3bInteractionDialog : public KDialog { Q_OBJECT public: /** * The constructor. * loadUserDefaults will be called automatically when the dialog is showing. * * @param title the text to be displayed in the K3b header (not the widget frame) * @param subTitle additional text that will be displayed after the title in smaller size * @param buttonMask combination of Buttons * @param defaultButton may also be null to deactivate the feature * @param configgroup The config group used for the loadUserDefaults and saveUserDefaults methods */ K3bInteractionDialog( TQWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, const TQString& title = TQString(), const TQString& subTitle = TQString(), int buttonMask = START_BUTTON|CANCEL_BUTTON, int defaultButton = START_BUTTON, const TQString& configgroup = TQString(), bool modal = true, WFlags fl = 0 ); virtual ~K3bInteractionDialog(); void setMainWidget( TQWidget* w ); void setTitle( const TQString& title, const TQString& subTitle = TQString() ); void setDefaultButton( int b ); /** * Reimplemented for internal reasons. The API does not change. */ int exec(); /** * @param returnOnHide if false the dialog can be hidden and shown without being closed. * one needs to call close() to actually close the dialog. */ int exec( bool returnOnHide ); /** * reimplemented to allow initialization after the dialog has been opened. */ void show(); /** * Reimplemented for internal reasons. The API does not change. */ void hide(); /** * Reimplemented for internal reasons. The API does not change. */ bool close( bool alsoDelete ); inline bool close() { return close( false ); } /** * If no mainWidget has been set a plain page will be created. */ TQWidget* mainWidget(); enum Buttons { START_BUTTON = 1, SAVE_BUTTON = 2, CANCEL_BUTTON = 4 }; TQSize sizeHint() const; const TQString& configGroup() const { return m_configGroup; } /** * K3b's dialogs use this method to determine if it is safe to hide when starting * some action. Take for example the copy dialog which starts a copy job with a progress * dialog. Both the job and the progress dialog are deleted by the copy dialog after the * progress dialog has been closed. If the copy dialog would hide itself before starting * the job and exitLoopOnHide() would return true the hiding would result in the exec call * of the copy dialog to return. And what would that mean for the code after the hide() * statement (deleting of the job and so on). * * \return true in case this dialog will not exit it's private event loop * in case it is hidden. * * \see exec(bool) */ bool exitLoopOnHide() const { return m_exitLoopOnHide; } enum StartUpSettings { LOAD_K3B_DEFAULTS = 1, LOAD_SAVED_SETTINGS = 2, LOAD_LAST_SETTINGS = 3 }; signals: void started(); void canceled(); void saved(); public slots: /** * \deprecated use setButtonText */ void setStartButtonText( const TQString& text, const TQString& tooltip = TQString(), const TQString& whatsthis = TQString() ); /** * \deprecated use setButtonText */ void setCancelButtonText( const TQString& text, const TQString& tooltip = TQString(), const TQString& whatsthis = TQString() ); /** * \deprecated use setButtonText */ void setSaveButtonText( const TQString& text, const TQString& tooltip = TQString(), const TQString& whatsthis = TQString() ); void setButtonGui( int button, const KGuiItem& ); void setButtonText( int button, const TQString& text, const TQString& tooltip = TQString(), const TQString& whatsthis = TQString() ); void setButtonEnabled( int button, bool enabled ); void setButtonShown( int button, bool enabled ); /** * If set true the init() method will be called via a TQTimer to ensure event * handling be done before (default: false). */ void setDelayedInitialization( bool b ) { m_delayedInit = b; } protected slots: // FIXME: replace these with protected methods which are called from private slots. virtual void slotStartClicked(); /** * The default implementation emits the canceled() signal * and calls close() */ virtual void slotCancelClicked(); virtual void slotSaveClicked(); /** * This slot will call the toggleAll() method protecting from infinite loops * caused by one element influencing another element which in turn influences * the first. * * Connect this slot to GUI elements (like Checkboxes) that change * the state of the whole dialog. */ void slotToggleAll(); protected: /** * Reimplement this method in case you are using slotToggleAll() */ virtual void toggleAll(); /** * Reimplement this to support the save/load user default buttons. * @p config is already set to the correct group. * * The save/load buttons are only activated if the config group is * set in the constructor. */ virtual void saveUserDefaults( TDEConfigBase* config ); /** * Reimplement this to support the save/load user default buttons. * @p config is already set to the correct group. * * The save/load buttons are only activated if the config group is * set in the constructor. */ virtual void loadUserDefaults( TDEConfigBase* config ); /** * Reimplement this to support the "k3b defaults" button. * set all GUI options to reasonable defaults. */ virtual void loadK3bDefaults(); /** * This is called after the dialog has been shown. * Use this for initialization that should happen * when the user already sees the dialog. */ virtual void init() {} /** * reimplemented from TQDialog */ virtual bool eventFilter( TQObject*, TQEvent* ); protected slots: /** * Reimplemented for internal reasons. The API does not change. */ virtual void done( int ); private slots: void slotLoadK3bDefaults(); void slotLoadUserDefaults(); void slotSaveUserDefaults(); void slotLoadLastSettings(); void slotStartClickedInternal(); void slotDelayedInit(); private: void initConnections(); void initToolTipsAndWhatsThis(); void saveLastSettings(); void loadStartupSettings(); KPushButton* getButton( int ); K3bThemedHeader* m_dialogHeader; KPushButton* m_buttonStart; KPushButton* m_buttonSave; KPushButton* m_buttonCancel; TQWidget* m_mainWidget; TQButton* m_buttonLoadSettings; TQButton* m_buttonSaveSettings; TQGridLayout* mainGrid; int m_defaultButton; TQString m_configGroup; bool m_exitLoopOnHide; bool m_inLoop; bool m_inToggleMode; bool m_delayedInit; }; #endif