/* * * $Id: k3bdataimagesettingswidget.cpp 691413 2007-07-23 16:01:13Z trueg $ * Copyright (C) 2003 Sebastian Trueg * * This file is part of the K3b project. * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. */ #include "k3bdataimagesettingswidget.h" #include "k3bdataadvancedimagesettingswidget.h" #include "k3bdatavolumedescwidget.h" #include "k3bisooptions.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // indices for the filesystems combobox static const int FS_LINUX_ONLY = 0; static const int FS_LINUX_AND_WIN = 1; static const int FS_UDF = 2; static const int FS_DOS_COMP = 3; static const int FS_CUSTOM = 4; static const int FS_MAX = 5; static const char* s_fsPresetNames[] = { I18N_NOOP("Linux/Unix only"), I18N_NOOP("Linux/Unix + Windows"), I18N_NOOP("Very large files (UDF)"), I18N_NOOP("DOS Compatibility"), I18N_NOOP("Custom") }; static bool s_fsPresetsInitialized = false; static K3bIsoOptions s_fsPresets[FS_CUSTOM]; // indices for the whitespace treatment combobox static const int WS_NO_CHANGE = 0; static const int WS_STRIP = 1; static const int WS_EXTENDED_STRIP = 2; static const int WS_REPLACE = 3; // indices for the symlink handling combobox static const int SYM_NO_CHANGE = 0; static const int SYM_DISCARD_BROKEN = 1; static const int SYM_DISCARD_ALL = 2; static const int SYM_FOLLOW = 3; // // returns true if the part of the options that is presented in the advanced custom // settings dialog is equal. used to determine if some preset is used. // static bool compareAdvancedOptions( const K3bIsoOptions& o1, const K3bIsoOptions& o2 ) { return ( o1.forceInputCharset() == o2.forceInputCharset() && ( !o1.forceInputCharset() || o1.inputCharset() == o2.inputCharset() ) && o1.createRockRidge() == o2.createRockRidge() && o1.createJoliet() == o2.createJoliet() && o1.createUdf() == o2.createUdf() && o1.ISOallowLowercase() == o2.ISOallowLowercase() && o1.ISOallowPeriodAtBegin() == o2.ISOallowPeriodAtBegin() && o1.ISOallow31charFilenames() == o2.ISOallow31charFilenames() && o1.ISOomitVersionNumbers() == o2.ISOomitVersionNumbers() && o1.ISOomitTrailingPeriod() == o2.ISOomitTrailingPeriod() && o1.ISOmaxFilenameLength() == o2.ISOmaxFilenameLength() && o1.ISOrelaxedFilenames() == o2.ISOrelaxedFilenames() && o1.ISOnoIsoTranslate() == o2.ISOnoIsoTranslate() && o1.ISOallowMultiDot() == o2.ISOallowMultiDot() && o1.ISOuntranslatedFilenames() == o2.ISOuntranslatedFilenames() && o1.createTRANS_TBL() == o2.createTRANS_TBL() && o1.hideTRANS_TBL() == o2.hideTRANS_TBL() && o1.jolietLong() == o2.jolietLong() && o1.ISOLevel() == o2.ISOLevel() && o1.preserveFilePermissions() == o2.preserveFilePermissions() && o1.doNotCacheInodes() == o2.doNotCacheInodes() ); } static void initializePresets() { // Linux-only s_fsPresets[FS_LINUX_ONLY].setCreateJoliet( false ); s_fsPresets[FS_LINUX_ONLY].setISOallow31charFilenames( true ); // Linux + Windows s_fsPresets[FS_LINUX_AND_WIN].setCreateJoliet( true ); s_fsPresets[FS_LINUX_AND_WIN].setJolietLong( true ); s_fsPresets[FS_LINUX_AND_WIN].setISOallow31charFilenames( true ); // UDF s_fsPresets[FS_UDF].setCreateJoliet( false ); s_fsPresets[FS_UDF].setCreateUdf( true ); s_fsPresets[FS_UDF].setISOallow31charFilenames( true ); // DOS comp s_fsPresets[FS_DOS_COMP].setCreateJoliet( false ); s_fsPresets[FS_DOS_COMP].setCreateRockRidge( false ); s_fsPresets[FS_DOS_COMP].setISOallow31charFilenames( false ); s_fsPresets[FS_DOS_COMP].setISOLevel( 1 ); s_fsPresetsInitialized = true; } class K3bDataImageSettingsWidget::CustomFilesystemsDialog : public KDialogBase { public: CustomFilesystemsDialog( QWidget* parent ) : KDialogBase( parent, "custom_filesystems_dialog", true, i18n("Custom Data Project Filesystems"), Ok|Cancel, Ok, true ) { w = new K3bDataAdvancedImageSettingsWidget( this ); setMainWidget( w ); } K3bDataAdvancedImageSettingsWidget* w; }; class K3bDataImageSettingsWidget::VolumeDescDialog : public KDialogBase { public: VolumeDescDialog( QWidget* parent ) : KDialogBase( parent, "voldesc_dialog", true, i18n("Volume Descriptor"), Ok|Cancel, Ok, true ) { w = new K3bDataVolumeDescWidget( this ); setMainWidget( w ); // give ourselves a reasonable size QSize s = sizeHint(); s.setWidth( QMAX(s.width(), 300) ); resize( s ); } K3bDataVolumeDescWidget* w; }; K3bDataImageSettingsWidget::K3bDataImageSettingsWidget( QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : base_K3bDataImageSettings( parent, name ), m_fileSystemOptionsShown(true) { layout()->setMargin( KDialog::marginHint() ); m_customFsDlg = new CustomFilesystemsDialog( this ); m_volDescDlg = new VolumeDescDialog( this ); connect( m_buttonCustomFilesystems, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotCustomFilesystems()) ); connect( m_buttonMoreVolDescFields, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotMoreVolDescFields()) ); connect( m_comboSpaceHandling, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotSpaceHandlingChanged(int)) ); for( int i = 0; i < FS_MAX; ++i ) m_comboFilesystems->insertItem( i18n( s_fsPresetNames[i] ) ); if( !s_fsPresetsInitialized ) initializePresets(); QWhatsThis::add( m_comboFilesystems, i18n("

File System Presets" "

K3b provides the following file system Presets which allow for a quick selection " "of the most frequently used settings.") + "

" + i18n(s_fsPresetNames[0]) + "
" + i18n("The file system is optimized for usage on Linux/Unix systems. This mainly means that " "it uses the Rock Ridge extensions to provide long filenames, symbolic links, and POSIX " "compatible file permissions.") + "

" + i18n(s_fsPresetNames[1]) + "
" + i18n("In addition to the settings for Linux/Unix the file system contains a Joliet tree which " "allows for long file names on Windows which does not support the Rock Ridget extensions. " "Be aware that the file name length is restricted to 103 characters.") + "

" + i18n(s_fsPresetNames[2]) + "
" + i18n("The file system has additional UDF entries attached to it. This raises the maximal file " "size to 4 GB. Be aware that the UDF support in K3b is limited.") + "

" + i18n(s_fsPresetNames[3]) + "
" + i18n("The file system is optimized for compatibility with old systems. That means file names " "are restricted to 8.3 characters and no symbolic links or file permissions are supported.") ); } K3bDataImageSettingsWidget::~K3bDataImageSettingsWidget() { } void K3bDataImageSettingsWidget::showFileSystemOptions( bool b ) { m_groupFileSystem->setShown(b); m_groupSymlinks->setShown(b); m_groupWhitespace->setShown(b); m_fileSystemOptionsShown = b; } void K3bDataImageSettingsWidget::slotSpaceHandlingChanged( int i ) { m_editReplace->setEnabled( i == WS_REPLACE ); } void K3bDataImageSettingsWidget::slotCustomFilesystems() { // load settings in custom window if( m_comboFilesystems->currentItem() != FS_CUSTOM ) { m_customFsDlg->w->load( s_fsPresets[m_comboFilesystems->currentItem()] ); } // store the current settings in case the user cancels the changes K3bIsoOptions o; m_customFsDlg->w->save( o ); if( m_customFsDlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { slotFilesystemsChanged(); } else { // reload the old settings discarding any changes m_customFsDlg->w->load( o ); } } void K3bDataImageSettingsWidget::slotFilesystemsChanged() { if( !m_fileSystemOptionsShown ) return; // new custom entry QStringList s; if( m_customFsDlg->w->m_checkRockRidge->isChecked() ) s += i18n("Rock Ridge"); if( m_customFsDlg->w->m_checkJoliet->isChecked() ) s += i18n("Joliet"); if( m_customFsDlg->w->m_checkUdf->isChecked() ) s += i18n("UDF"); if( s.isEmpty() ) m_comboFilesystems->changeItem( i18n("Custom (ISO9660 only)"), FS_CUSTOM ); else m_comboFilesystems->changeItem( i18n("Custom (%1)").arg( s.join(", ") ), FS_CUSTOM ); // see if any of the presets is loaded m_comboFilesystems->setCurrentItem( FS_CUSTOM ); K3bIsoOptions o; m_customFsDlg->w->save( o ); for( int i = 0; i < FS_CUSTOM; ++i ) { if( compareAdvancedOptions( o, s_fsPresets[i] ) ) { kdDebug() << "(K3bDataImageSettingsWidget) found preset settings: " << s_fsPresetNames[i] << endl; m_comboFilesystems->setCurrentItem( i ); break; } } if( m_comboFilesystems->currentItem() == FS_CUSTOM ) { if( !m_customFsDlg->w->m_checkRockRidge->isChecked() ) { KMessageBox::information( this, i18n("

Be aware that it is not recommended to disable the Rock Ridge " "Extensions. There is no disadvantage in enabling Rock Ridge (except " "for a very small space overhead) but a lot of advantages." "

Without Rock Ridge Extensions symbolic links are not supported " "and will always be followed as if the \"Follow Symbolic Links\" option " "was enabled."), i18n("Rock Ridge Extensions Disabled"), "warning_about_rock_ridge" ); } if( !m_customFsDlg->w->m_checkJoliet->isChecked() ) KMessageBox::information( this, i18n("

Be aware that without the Joliet extensions Windows " "systems will not be able to display long filenames. You " "will only see the ISO9660 filenames." "

If you do not intend to use the CD/DVD on a Windows " "system it is safe to disable Joliet."), i18n("Joliet Extensions Disabled"), "warning_about_joliet" ); } } void K3bDataImageSettingsWidget::slotMoreVolDescFields() { // update dlg to current state m_volDescDlg->w->m_editVolumeName->setText( m_editVolumeName->text() ); // remember old settings K3bIsoOptions o; m_volDescDlg->w->save( o ); // exec dlg if( m_volDescDlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { // accept new entries m_volDescDlg->w->save( o ); m_editVolumeName->setText( o.volumeID() ); } else { // restore old settings m_volDescDlg->w->load( o ); } } void K3bDataImageSettingsWidget::load( const K3bIsoOptions& o ) { m_customFsDlg->w->load( o ); m_volDescDlg->w->load( o ); slotFilesystemsChanged(); if( o.discardBrokenSymlinks() ) m_comboSymlinkHandling->setCurrentItem( SYM_DISCARD_BROKEN ); else if( o.discardSymlinks() ) m_comboSymlinkHandling->setCurrentItem( SYM_DISCARD_ALL ); else if( o.followSymbolicLinks() ) m_comboSymlinkHandling->setCurrentItem( SYM_FOLLOW ); else m_comboSymlinkHandling->setCurrentItem( SYM_NO_CHANGE ); switch( o.whiteSpaceTreatment() ) { case K3bIsoOptions::strip: m_comboSpaceHandling->setCurrentItem( WS_STRIP ); break; case K3bIsoOptions::extended: m_comboSpaceHandling->setCurrentItem( WS_EXTENDED_STRIP ); break; case K3bIsoOptions::replace: m_comboSpaceHandling->setCurrentItem( WS_REPLACE ); break; default: m_comboSpaceHandling->setCurrentItem( WS_NO_CHANGE ); } slotSpaceHandlingChanged( m_comboSpaceHandling->currentItem() ); m_editReplace->setText( o.whiteSpaceTreatmentReplaceString() ); m_editVolumeName->setText( o.volumeID() ); } void K3bDataImageSettingsWidget::save( K3bIsoOptions& o ) { if( m_comboFilesystems->currentItem() != FS_CUSTOM ) m_customFsDlg->w->load( s_fsPresets[m_comboFilesystems->currentItem()] ); m_customFsDlg->w->save( o ); m_volDescDlg->w->save( o ); o.setDiscardSymlinks( m_comboSymlinkHandling->currentItem() == SYM_DISCARD_ALL ); o.setDiscardBrokenSymlinks( m_comboSymlinkHandling->currentItem() == SYM_DISCARD_BROKEN ); o.setFollowSymbolicLinks( m_comboSymlinkHandling->currentItem() == SYM_FOLLOW ); switch( m_comboSpaceHandling->currentItem() ) { case WS_STRIP: o.setWhiteSpaceTreatment( K3bIsoOptions::strip ); break; case WS_EXTENDED_STRIP: o.setWhiteSpaceTreatment( K3bIsoOptions::extended ); break; case WS_REPLACE: o.setWhiteSpaceTreatment( K3bIsoOptions::replace ); break; default: o.setWhiteSpaceTreatment( K3bIsoOptions::noChange ); } o.setWhiteSpaceTreatmentReplaceString( m_editReplace->text() ); o.setVolumeID( m_editVolumeName->text() ); } #include "k3bdataimagesettingswidget.moc"