/* * * $Id: k3bdatamultisessioncombobox.cpp 619556 2007-01-03 17:38:12Z trueg $ * Copyright (C) 2005 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org> * * This file is part of the K3b project. * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. */ #include "k3bdatamultisessioncombobox.h" #include <tdelocale.h> #include <tdeconfig.h> #include <tqwhatsthis.h> #include <tqtooltip.h> static const int s_autoIndex = 0; static const int s_noneIndex = 1; static const int s_startIndex = 2; static const int s_continueIndex = 3; static const int s_finishIndex = 4; K3bDataMultiSessionCombobox::K3bDataMultiSessionCombobox( TQWidget* parent, const char* name ) : TQComboBox( parent, name ), m_forceNoMultiSession(false) { init( false ); TQToolTip::add( this, i18n("Select the Multisession Mode for the project.") ); TQWhatsThis::add( this, i18n("<p><b>Multisession Mode</b>" "<p><b>Auto</b><br>" "Let K3b decide which mode to use. The decision will be based " "on the size of the project (does it fill the whole media) and " "the state of the inserted media (appendable or not)." "<p><b>No Multisession</b><br>" "Create a single-session CD or DVD and close the disk." "<p><b>Start Multisession</b><br>" "Start a multisession CD or DVD, not closing the disk to " "allow further sessions to be apppended." "<p><b>Continue Multisession</b><br>" "Continue an appendable data CD (as for example created in " "<em>Start Multisession</em> mode) and add another session " "without closing the disk to " "allow further sessions to be apppended." "<p><b>Finish Multisession</b><br>" "Continue an appendable data CD (as for example created in " "<em>Start Multisession</em> mode), add another session, " "and close the disk." "<p><em>In the case of DVD+RW and DVD-RW restricted overwrite media " "K3b will not actually create multiple sessions but grow the " "file system to include the new data.</em>") ); } K3bDataMultiSessionCombobox::~K3bDataMultiSessionCombobox() { } void K3bDataMultiSessionCombobox::init( bool force ) { m_forceNoMultiSession = force; clear(); insertItem( i18n("Auto"), s_autoIndex ); insertItem( i18n("No Multisession"), s_noneIndex ); if( !m_forceNoMultiSession ) { insertItem( i18n("Start Multisession"), s_startIndex ); insertItem( i18n("Continue Multisession "), s_continueIndex ); insertItem( i18n("Finish Multisession "), s_finishIndex ); } } K3bDataDoc::MultiSessionMode K3bDataMultiSessionCombobox::multiSessionMode() const { switch( currentItem() ) { case s_noneIndex: return K3bDataDoc::NONE; case s_startIndex: return K3bDataDoc::START; case s_continueIndex: return K3bDataDoc::CONTINUE; case s_finishIndex: return K3bDataDoc::FINISH; default: return K3bDataDoc::AUTO; } } void K3bDataMultiSessionCombobox::saveConfig( TDEConfigBase* c ) { TQString s; switch( currentItem() ) { case s_autoIndex: s = "auto"; break; case s_noneIndex: s = "none"; break; case s_startIndex: s = "start"; break; case s_continueIndex: s = "continue"; break; case s_finishIndex: s = "finish"; break; } c->writeEntry( "multisession mode", s ); } void K3bDataMultiSessionCombobox::loadConfig( TDEConfigBase* c ) { TQString s = c->readEntry( "multisession mode" ); if( s == "none" ) setMultiSessionMode( K3bDataDoc::NONE ); else if( s == "start" ) setMultiSessionMode( K3bDataDoc::START ); else if( s == "continue" ) setMultiSessionMode( K3bDataDoc::CONTINUE ); else if( s == "finish" ) setMultiSessionMode( K3bDataDoc::FINISH ); else setMultiSessionMode( K3bDataDoc::AUTO ); } void K3bDataMultiSessionCombobox::setMultiSessionMode( K3bDataDoc::MultiSessionMode m ) { switch( m ) { case K3bDataDoc::AUTO: setCurrentItem( s_autoIndex ); break; case K3bDataDoc::NONE: setCurrentItem( s_noneIndex ); break; case K3bDataDoc::START: if( !m_forceNoMultiSession ) setCurrentItem( s_startIndex ); break; case K3bDataDoc::CONTINUE: if( !m_forceNoMultiSession ) setCurrentItem( s_continueIndex ); break; case K3bDataDoc::FINISH: if( !m_forceNoMultiSession ) setCurrentItem( s_finishIndex ); break; } } void K3bDataMultiSessionCombobox::setForceNoMultisession( bool f ) { if( f != m_forceNoMultiSession ) { K3bDataDoc::MultiSessionMode m = multiSessionMode(); init( f ); setMultiSessionMode( m ); } } #include "k3bdatamultisessioncombobox.moc"