/* * dvbconfig.cpp * * Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Christophe Thommeret * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dvbconfig.h" #include "kaffeinedvbplugin.h" #include "dvbpanel.h" MSpinBox::MSpinBox( TQWidget *parent, int devNum ) : TQSpinBox( 1, 4, 1, parent ) { deviceNumber = devNum; connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotValueChanged(int)) ); } void MSpinBox::slotValueChanged( int value ) { emit signalValueChanged( value, deviceNumber ); } MPushButton::MPushButton( TQWidget *parent, int devNum, int lnbNum ) : KPushButton( parent ) { deviceNumber = devNum; lnbNumber = lnbNum; connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(isClicked()) ); } void MPushButton::isClicked() { emit clicked( deviceNumber, lnbNumber ); } MCAMButton::MCAMButton( TQWidget *parent, int devNum ) : TQPushButton( i18n("CAM"), parent ) { deviceNumber = devNum; connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(isClicked()) ); } void MCAMButton::isClicked() { emit clicked( deviceNumber ); } MComboBox::MComboBox( TQWidget *parent, int devNum, int lnbNum ) : TQComboBox( parent ) { deviceNumber = devNum; lnbNumber = lnbNum; connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(isActivated(int)) ); } void MComboBox::isActivated( int index ) { emit activated( index, deviceNumber, lnbNumber ); } LNB::LNB() { switchFreq = 11700; loFreq = 9750; hiFreq = 10600; rotorType = 0; speed13v = 2.5; speed18v = 1.5; } Device::Device( int anum, int tnum, fe_type_t t, const TQString &n, bool as ) { adapter = anum; tuner = tnum; type = t; name = n; source = ""; canAutoscan= as; tuningTimeout = 1500; hasCAM = false; camMaxService = 1; secMini = 0; secTwice = 0; priority = 10; doS2 = 0; } Category::Category( const TQString &tname, const TQString &ticon ) { name = tname; icon = ticon; } DVBconfig::DVBconfig( const TQString &dvbConf ) { dvbConfigDir = dvbConf; dvbConfigIconsDir = dvbConf+"icons/"; TQDir dir; dir.setPath( dvbConfigIconsDir ); if ( !dir.exists() ) dir.mkdir( dvbConfigIconsDir ); config = new TDEConfig( dvbConfigDir+"dvbrc" ); downProgress = 0; sizeFile = 0; categories.setAutoDelete( true ); devList.setAutoDelete( true ); readFirst(); startup(); readConfig(); } DVBconfig::~DVBconfig() { saveConfig(); delete config; categories.clear(); devList.clear(); } bool DVBconfig::haveDvbDevice() { int i, j, res, fdFrontend=0; struct dvb_frontend_info info; TQStringList list, flist; TQDir d; d.setPath( "/dev/dvb/" ); list = d.entryList( "adapter*", TQDir::Dirs, TQDir::Name ); for ( i=0; i<(int)list.count(); i++ ) { d.setPath( "/dev/dvb/"+list[i]+"/" ); flist = d.entryList( "frontend*", TQDir::System, TQDir::Name ); for ( j=0; j<(int)flist.count(); j++ ) { fdFrontend = open( TQString("/dev/dvb/%1/%2").arg( list[i] ).arg( flist[j] ).ascii(), O_RDWR); if ( fdFrontend>0 ) { if ( (res = ioctl( fdFrontend, FE_GET_INFO, &info ) < 0) ) perror( TQString("/dev/dvb/%1/%2 FE_GET_INFO: ").arg( list[i] ).arg( flist[j] ).ascii() ); else { close( fdFrontend ); return true; } close( fdFrontend ); } } } return false; } void DVBconfig::startup() { int i=0, j=0, res, fdFrontend=0; struct dvb_frontend_info info; bool as; TQTime t1; TQStringList list, flist; TQString s, t; TQDir d; d.setPath( "/dev/dvb/" ); list = d.entryList( "adapter*", TQDir::Dirs, TQDir::Name ); for ( i=0; i<(int)list.count(); i++ ) { d.setPath( "/dev/dvb/"+list[i]+"/" ); flist = d.entryList( "frontend*", TQDir::System, TQDir::Name ); for ( j=0; j<(int)flist.count(); j++ ) { s = list[i]; t = flist[j]; if ( devList.count()==MAX_DEVICES ) break; if ( !probeMfe && t!="frontend0" ) continue; t1 = TQTime::currentTime(); fdFrontend = open( TQString("/dev/dvb/%1/%2").arg( s ).arg( t ).ascii(), O_RDWR); if ( fdFrontend>0 ) { if ( !(res = ioctl( fdFrontend, FE_GET_INFO, &info ) < 0) ) { if ( (info.type==FE_OFDM) && (info.caps & FE_CAN_QAM_AUTO) && (info.caps & FE_CAN_TRANSMISSION_MODE_AUTO) && (info.caps & FE_CAN_GUARD_INTERVAL_AUTO) && (info.caps & FE_CAN_HIERARCHY_AUTO) && (info.caps & FE_CAN_FEC_AUTO) ) as = true; else as = false; fprintf(stderr,"/dev/dvb/%s/%s : opened ( %s ) (%dms)\n", s.ascii(), t.ascii(), info.name, t1.msecsTo(TQTime::currentTime()) ); devList.append( new Device( s.replace("adapter","").toInt(), t.replace("frontend","").toInt(), info.type, info.name, as ) ); } close( fdFrontend ); } else { perror( TQString("/dev/dvb/%1/%2 %3/%4").arg( s ).arg( t ).arg( errno ).arg( -EBUSY ).ascii() ); } } } //devList.append( new Device( 3, 0, FE_QPSK, "Dummy S", false ) ); } void DVBconfig::setDownloadResult( Job *job ) { if ( downProgress && job ) { delete downProgress; downProgress = 0; } } void DVBconfig::setDownloadPercent( Job *job, unsigned long percent ) { if ( downProgress && job ) downProgress->progressBar()->setProgress( percent ); } bool DVBconfig::loadDvbData( TQWidget *parent ) { TQString s=""; FileCopyJob *job; TQFile f( dvbConfigDir+"dvbdata.tar.gz" ); //if ( f.exists() ) f.remove(); downProgress = new KProgressDialog( parent, "progress", i18n("Downloading... "), i18n("Copying data files..."), true ); downProgress->progressBar()->setTotalSteps( 100 ); //job = file_copy( KURL( "http://hftom.free.fr/kaxtv/dvbdata.tar.gz" ), KURL( dvbConfigDir+"dvbdata.tar.gz" ), -1, true, false, false ); job = file_copy( KURL( "http://hftom.free.fr/kaxtv/dvbdata.tar.gz" ), KURL( dvbConfigDir+"dvbdata.tar.gz" ), -1, true, false, false ); connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL(result(TDEIO::Job*)), this, TQT_SLOT(setDownloadResult(TDEIO::Job*)) ); connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL(percent(TDEIO::Job*,unsigned long)), this, TQT_SLOT(setDownloadPercent(TDEIO::Job*,unsigned long)) ); downProgress->exec(); disconnect( job, TQT_SIGNAL(result(TDEIO::Job*)), this, TQT_SLOT(setDownloadResult(TDEIO::Job*)) ); disconnect( job, TQT_SIGNAL(percent(TDEIO::Job*,unsigned long)), this, TQT_SLOT(setDownloadPercent(TDEIO::Job*,unsigned long)) ); if ( downProgress ) { delete downProgress; downProgress = 0; } KTar tar( dvbConfigDir+"dvbdata.tar.gz"); if ( tar.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { tar.directory()->copyTo( dvbConfigDir ); return true; } else return false; } bool DVBconfig::localData() { TQString s = locate("data","kaffeine/dvbdata.tar.gz"); KTar tar( s ); if ( tar.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { tar.directory()->copyTo( dvbConfigDir ); return true; } else return false; } bool DVBconfig::haveData() { if ( !TQDir( dvbConfigDir+"dvb-s" ).exists() || !TQDir( dvbConfigDir+"dvb-c" ).exists() || !TQDir( dvbConfigDir+"dvb-t" ).exists() || !TQDir( dvbConfigDir+"atsc" ).exists()) { loadDvbData(0); if ( !TQDir( dvbConfigDir+"dvb-s" ).exists() || !TQDir( dvbConfigDir+"dvb-c" ).exists() || !TQDir( dvbConfigDir+"dvb-t" ).exists() || !TQDir( dvbConfigDir+"atsc" ).exists() ) { if ( !localData() ) return false; } } return true; } TQStringList DVBconfig::getSourcesList( fe_type_t type ) { TQString s; TQStringList list; switch ( type ) { case FE_QPSK : s = "dvb-s"; break; case FE_QAM : s = "dvb-c"; break; case FE_OFDM : s = "dvb-t"; break; case FE_ATSC : s = "atsc"; break; default : return list; } list = TQDir( dvbConfigDir+s ).entryList( TQDir::Files, TQDir::Name ); return list; } void DVBconfig::addCategory( const TQString &name, const TQString &icon ) { categories.append( new Category( name, icon ) ); } void DVBconfig::removeCategory( const TQString &name ) { int i; for ( i=0; i<(int)categories.count(); i++ ) { if ( categories.at(i)->name==name ) { categories.remove( i ); break; } } } void DVBconfig::changeIconCategory( const TQString &name, const TQString &icon ) { int i; if ( name==i18n("All") ) allIcon = icon; else if ( name==i18n("TV") ) tvIcon = icon; else if ( name==i18n("Radio") ) radioIcon = icon; else { for ( i=0; i<(int)categories.count(); i++ ) { if ( categories.at(i)->name==name ) { categories.at(i)->icon = icon; break; } } } } int DVBconfig::readDvbChanOrder() { config->setGroup( "DVB Options" ); int sort = config->readNumEntry("ChannelsSorting", 0); return sort; } void DVBconfig::saveDvbChanOrder( int s, int col ) { int sort = (s<<1) | col; config->setGroup( "DVB Options" ); config->writeEntry("ChannelsSorting", sort); config->sync(); } void DVBconfig::readFirst() { config->setGroup( "DVB Options" ); probeMfe = config->readNumEntry( "ProbeMFE", 1 ); } void DVBconfig::readConfig() { TQSize size; TQString s; int i, j; config->setGroup( "DVB Options" ); broadcastAddress = config->readEntry( "BroadcastAddress", "" ); broadcastPort = config->readNumEntry( "BroadcastPort", 1234 ); senderPort = config->readNumEntry( "SenderPort", 1235 ); size = TQSize(600, 350); epgSize = config->readSizeEntry( "EPG Geometry", &size ); size = TQSize(600, 300); timerSize = config->readSizeEntry( "Timers Geometry", &size ); size = TQSize(300, 300); scanSize = config->readSizeEntry( "Scan Geometry", &size ); beginMargin = config->readNumEntry( "BeginMargin", 5 ); endMargin = config->readNumEntry( "EndMargin", 10 ); instantDuration = config->readNumEntry( "InstantDuration", 120 ); recordDir = config->readEntry( "RecordDir", TQDir::homeDirPath() ); if ( !recordDir.endsWith("/") ) recordDir+= "/"; sizeFile = config->readNumEntry("SizeFile",0); shiftDir = config->readEntry( "ShiftDir", TQDir::homeDirPath() ); if ( !shiftDir.endsWith("/") ) shiftDir+= "/"; filenameFormat = config->readEntry( "filenameFormat", "%name" ); for ( i=0; i<(int)devList.count(); i++ ) { devList.at(i)->source = config->readEntry( TQString("DVB%1").arg(i), "" ); devList.at(i)->tuningTimeout = config->readNumEntry( TQString("DVB%1_TIMEOUT").arg(i), 1500 ); devList.at(i)->camMaxService = config->readNumEntry( TQString("DVB%1_CAM_MAX").arg(i), 1 ); devList.at(i)->priority = config->readNumEntry( TQString("DVB%1_PRIORITY").arg(i), 10 ); if ( devList.at(i)->type!=FE_QPSK ) continue; devList.at(i)->numLnb = config->readNumEntry( TQString("DVB%1_NLNB").arg(i), 1 ); for ( j=0; jnumLnb; j++ ) { devList.at(i)->lnb[j].switchFreq = config->readNumEntry( TQString("DVB%1_LNB%2_switch").arg(i).arg(j), 11700 ); devList.at(i)->lnb[j].loFreq = config->readNumEntry( TQString("DVB%1_LNB%2_lo").arg(i).arg(j), 9750 ); devList.at(i)->lnb[j].hiFreq = config->readNumEntry( TQString("DVB%1_LNB%2_hi").arg(i).arg(j), 10600 ); devList.at(i)->lnb[j].rotorType = config->readNumEntry( TQString("DVB%1_LNB%2_rotor").arg(i).arg(j), 0 ); devList.at(i)->lnb[j].source = config->readListEntry( TQString("DVB%1_LNB%2_source").arg(i).arg(j) ); devList.at(i)->lnb[j].position = config->readIntListEntry( TQString("DVB%1_LNB%2_position").arg(i).arg(j) ); devList.at(i)->lnb[j].speed13v = config->readDoubleNumEntry( TQString("DVB%1_LNB%2_speed13v").arg(i).arg(j), 2.5 ); devList.at(i)->lnb[j].speed18v = config->readDoubleNumEntry( TQString("DVB%1_LNB%2_speed18v").arg(i).arg(j), 1.5 ); } devList.at(i)->secMini = config->readNumEntry( TQString("DVB%1_SEC_MINI").arg(i), 0 ); devList.at(i)->secTwice = config->readNumEntry( TQString("DVB%1_SEC_TWICE").arg(i), 0 ); devList.at(i)->doS2 = config->readNumEntry( TQString("DVB%1_DOS2").arg(i), 0 ); } j = config->readNumEntry( "NumCategories", 0 ); for ( i=0; ireadEntry( TQString("CategoryName%1").arg(i), "" ), config->readEntry( TQString("CategoryIcon%1").arg(i), "kaffeine" ) ) ); allIcon = config->readEntry( "AllIcon", "kaffeine" ); tvIcon = config->readEntry( "TvIcon", "kdvbtv" ); radioIcon = config->readEntry( "RadioIcon", "kdvbra" ); lastChannel = config->readNumEntry( "LastChannel", 1 ); splitSizes = config->readIntListEntry("SplitSizes"); defaultCharset = config->readEntry( "DefaultCharset", "ISO8859-1" ); usalsLatitude = config->readDoubleNumEntry( "UsalsLatitude", 0.0 ); usalsLongitude = config->readDoubleNumEntry( "UsalsLongitude", 0.0 ); for ( i=0; i<(int)devList.count(); i++ ) { devList.at(i)->usalsLatitude = usalsLatitude; devList.at(i)->usalsLongitude = usalsLongitude; } ringBufSize = config->readNumEntry( "RingBufSize", 2 ); if ( ringBufSize<2 ) ringBufSize = 2; } void DVBconfig::saveConfig() { int i, j; config->setGroup( "DVB Options" ); config->writeEntry( "EPG Geometry", epgSize ); config->writeEntry( "Timers Geometry", timerSize ); config->writeEntry( "Scan Geometry", scanSize ); config->writeEntry( "BeginMargin", beginMargin ); config->writeEntry( "EndMargin", endMargin ); config->writeEntry( "InstantDuration", instantDuration ); config->writeEntry( "RecordDir", recordDir ); config->writeEntry( "ShiftDir", shiftDir ); config->writeEntry( "filenameFormat", filenameFormat ); config->writeEntry( "BroadcastAddress", broadcastAddress ); config->writeEntry( "BroadcastPort", broadcastPort ); config->writeEntry( "SenderPort", senderPort ); config->writeEntry( "ProbeMFE", probeMfe ); for ( i=0; i<(int)devList.count(); i++ ) { config->writeEntry( TQString("DVB%1").arg(i), devList.at(i)->source ); config->writeEntry( TQString("DVB%1_TIMEOUT").arg(i), devList.at(i)->tuningTimeout ); config->writeEntry( TQString("DVB%1_PRIORITY").arg(i), devList.at(i)->priority ); config->writeEntry( TQString("DVB%1_CAM_MAX").arg(i), devList.at(i)->camMaxService ); if ( devList.at(i)->type!=FE_QPSK ) continue; config->writeEntry( TQString("DVB%1_NLNB").arg(i), devList.at(i)->numLnb ); for ( j=0; jnumLnb; j++ ) { config->writeEntry( TQString("DVB%1_LNB%2_switch").arg(i).arg(j), devList.at(i)->lnb[j].switchFreq ); config->writeEntry( TQString("DVB%1_LNB%2_lo").arg(i).arg(j), devList.at(i)->lnb[j].loFreq ); config->writeEntry( TQString("DVB%1_LNB%2_hi").arg(i).arg(j), devList.at(i)->lnb[j].hiFreq ); config->writeEntry( TQString("DVB%1_LNB%2_rotor").arg(i).arg(j), devList.at(i)->lnb[j].rotorType ); config->writeEntry( TQString("DVB%1_LNB%2_source").arg(i).arg(j), devList.at(i)->lnb[j].source ); config->writeEntry( TQString("DVB%1_LNB%2_position").arg(i).arg(j), devList.at(i)->lnb[j].position ); config->writeEntry( TQString("DVB%1_LNB%2_speed13v").arg(i).arg(j), devList.at(i)->lnb[j].speed13v ); config->writeEntry( TQString("DVB%1_LNB%2_speed18v").arg(i).arg(j), devList.at(i)->lnb[j].speed18v ); } config->writeEntry( TQString("DVB%1_SEC_MINI").arg(i), devList.at(i)->secMini ); config->writeEntry( TQString("DVB%1_SEC_TWICE").arg(i), devList.at(i)->secTwice ); config->writeEntry( TQString("DVB%1_DOS2").arg(i), devList.at(i)->doS2 ); } config->writeEntry( "NumCategories", categories.count() ); for ( i=0; i<(int)categories.count(); i++ ) { config->writeEntry( TQString("CategoryName%1").arg(i), categories.at(i)->name ); config->writeEntry( TQString("CategoryIcon%1").arg(i), categories.at(i)->icon ); } config->writeEntry( "AllIcon", allIcon ); config->writeEntry( "TvIcon", tvIcon ); config->writeEntry( "RadioIcon", radioIcon ); config->writeEntry( "LastChannel", lastChannel ); config->writeEntry( "SplitSizes", splitSizes ); config->writeEntry( "DefaultCharset", defaultCharset ); config->writeEntry( "UsalsLatitude", usalsLatitude ); config->writeEntry( "UsalsLongitude", usalsLongitude ); config->writeEntry( "SizeFile", sizeFile ); config->writeEntry( "RingBufSize", ringBufSize ); config->sync(); } bool DVBconfig::firstRun() { config->setGroup( "DVB Options" ); if ( config->readNumEntry( "FirstRun", 0 )<3 ) { config->writeEntry( "FirstRun", 3 ); return true; } return false; } DvbConfigDialog::DvbConfigDialog( DvbPanel *pan, DVBconfig *dc, TQWidget *parent, KaffeineDvbPlugin *p ) : KDialogBase ( IconList, i18n("DVB Settings"), Ok|Cancel, Ok, parent, "dvbConfigDialog", true, true ) { TQLabel *lab; KIconLoader *icon = new KIconLoader(); TQHBoxLayout *h1; TQString s; int i; TQVBoxLayout *vb; TQGroupBox *gb; TQGridLayout *grid, *sgrid; TQLabel *ident; TQLabel *dvbType; int gridLine; TQFrame *page; TQSpinBox *spin; KPushButton *usals; TQWidget *swidg; TQStringList rotorList; rotorList<devList.count(); i++ ) { page = addPage( i18n("DVB Device")+" "+TQString("%1:%2").arg(dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->adapter).arg(dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->tuner), i18n("Device Settings"), TDEGlobal::instance()->iconLoader()->loadIcon( "hwinfo", KIcon::NoGroup, KIcon::SizeMedium ) ); vb = new TQVBoxLayout( page, 6, 6 ); gb = new TQGroupBox( "", page ); grid = new TQGridLayout( gb, 1, 1, 20, 6 ); gridLine = 0; lab = new TQLabel( i18n("Name:"), gb ); grid->addWidget( lab, gridLine, 0 ); ident = new TQLabel( dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->name, gb ); grid->addMultiCellWidget( ident, gridLine, gridLine, 1, 3 ); ++gridLine; lab = new TQLabel( i18n("Type:"), gb ); grid->addWidget( lab, gridLine, 0 ); dvbType = new TQLabel( gb ); switch ( dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->type ) { case FE_QAM : dvbType->setText( i18n("Cable") ); break; case FE_OFDM : dvbType->setText( i18n("Terrestrial") ); break; case FE_QPSK : dvbType->setText( i18n("Satellite") ); break; case FE_ATSC : dvbType->setText( i18n("Atsc") ); break; default : dvbType->setText( i18n("Unknown") ); } if ( dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->hasCAM ) { grid->addWidget( dvbType, gridLine, 1 ); MCAMButton *camb = new MCAMButton( gb, i ); connect( camb, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(int)), pan, TQT_SLOT(camClicked(int)) ); grid->addWidget( camb, gridLine, 2 ); } else grid->addMultiCellWidget( dvbType, gridLine, gridLine, 1, 3 ); ++gridLine; lab = new TQLabel( i18n("Tuner priority (0=Don't use):"), gb ); grid->addWidget( lab, gridLine, 0 ); spin = new TQSpinBox( 0, 99, 1, gb ); spin->setValue( dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->priority ); priority.append( spin ); grid->addWidget( spin, gridLine, 1 ); ++gridLine; lab = new TQLabel( i18n("Tuner timeout :"), gb ); grid->addWidget( lab, gridLine, 0 ); spin = new TQSpinBox( 500, 5000, 100, gb ); spin->setValue( dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->tuningTimeout ); timeoutSpin.append( spin ); grid->addWidget( spin, gridLine, 1 ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("(ms)"), gb ); grid->addWidget( lab, gridLine, 2 ); ++gridLine; if ( dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->type==FE_QPSK ) { doS2[i] = new TQCheckBox( i18n("S2 capable device"), gb ); doS2[i]->setChecked( dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->doS2 ); grid->addWidget( doS2[i], gridLine, 0 ); ++gridLine; lab = new TQLabel( i18n("Number of LNBs:"), gb ); grid->addWidget( lab, gridLine, 0 ); satNumber[i] = new MSpinBox( gb, i ); connect( satNumber[i], TQT_SIGNAL(signalValueChanged(int,int)), this, TQT_SLOT(satNumberChanged(int,int))); grid->addWidget( satNumber[i], gridLine, 1 ); usals = new KPushButton( gb ); usals->setGuiItem( KGuiItem(i18n("Set rotor coordinates..."), icon->loadIconSet("move", KIcon::Small) ) ); connect( usals, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(setUsals())); grid->addWidget( usals, gridLine, 2 ); ++gridLine; secMini[i] = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Mini DiSEqC (A-B)."), gb ); secMini[i]->setChecked( dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->secMini ); secMini[i]->setEnabled( false ); grid->addWidget( secMini[i], gridLine, 1 ); secTwice[i] = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Send DiSEqC commands twice."), gb ); secTwice[i]->setChecked( dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->secTwice ); grid->addWidget( secTwice[i], gridLine, 0 ); ++gridLine; lnb0[i] = new MPushButton( gb, i, 0 ); lnb0[i]->setGuiItem( KGuiItem(i18n("LNB 1 settings..."), icon->loadIconSet("hwinfo", KIcon::Small) ) ); lnb0[i]->setEnabled(true); grid->addWidget( lnb0[i], gridLine, 0 ); connect( lnb0[i], TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(int,int)), this, TQT_SLOT(setLnb(int,int))); rotor0[i] = new MComboBox( gb, i, 0 ); rotor0[i]->insertStringList( rotorList ); rotor0[i]->setCurrentItem( dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->lnb[0].rotorType ); grid->addWidget( rotor0[i], gridLine, 1 ); connect( rotor0[i], TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int,int,int)), this, TQT_SLOT(setRotor(int,int,int))); swidg = new TQWidget( gb ); sgrid = new TQGridLayout( swidg, 1, 1, 0, 0 ); sat0[i] = new TQComboBox( swidg ); sat0[i]->insertStringList( dvbConfig->getSourcesList(dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->type) ); sgrid->addWidget( sat0[i], 0, 0 ); src0[i] = new MPushButton( swidg, i, 0 ); src0[i]->setGuiItem( KGuiItem(i18n("Sources list...") ) ); connect( src0[i], TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(int,int)), this, TQT_SLOT(setRotorSources(int,int)) ); sgrid->addWidget( src0[i], 1, 0 ); if ( dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->lnb[0].rotorType==0 ) { setSource( sat0[i], dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->lnb[0].source[0] ); src0[i]->hide(); } else { sat0[i]->hide(); } grid->addWidget( swidg, gridLine, 2 ); ++gridLine; lnb1[i] = new MPushButton( gb, i, 1 ); lnb1[i]->setGuiItem( KGuiItem(i18n("LNB 2 settings..."), icon->loadIconSet("hwinfo", KIcon::Small) ) ); lnb1[i]->setEnabled(false); grid->addWidget( lnb1[i], gridLine, 0 ); connect( lnb1[i], TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(int,int)), this, TQT_SLOT(setLnb(int,int))); rotor1[i] = new MComboBox( gb, i, 1 ); rotor1[i]->setEnabled( false ); rotor1[i]->insertStringList( rotorList ); rotor1[i]->setCurrentItem( dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->lnb[1].rotorType ); grid->addWidget( rotor1[i], gridLine, 1 ); connect( rotor1[i], TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int,int,int)), this, TQT_SLOT(setRotor(int,int,int))); swidg = new TQWidget( gb ); sgrid = new TQGridLayout( swidg, 1, 1, 0, 0 ); sat1[i] = new TQComboBox( swidg ); sat1[i]->setEnabled(false); sat1[i]->insertStringList( dvbConfig->getSourcesList(dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->type) ); sgrid->addWidget( sat1[i], 0, 0 ); src1[i] = new MPushButton( swidg, i, 1 ); src1[i]->setEnabled(false); src1[i]->setGuiItem( KGuiItem(i18n("Sources list...") ) ); connect( src1[i], TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(int,int)), this, TQT_SLOT(setRotorSources(int,int)) ); sgrid->addWidget( src1[i], 1, 0 ); if ( dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->lnb[1].rotorType==0 ) { setSource( sat1[i], dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->lnb[1].source[0] ); src1[i]->hide(); } else { sat1[i]->hide(); } grid->addWidget( swidg, gridLine, 2 ); ++gridLine; lnb2[i] = new MPushButton( gb, i, 2 ); lnb2[i]->setGuiItem( KGuiItem(i18n("LNB 3 settings..."), icon->loadIconSet("hwinfo", KIcon::Small) ) ); lnb2[i]->setEnabled(false); grid->addWidget( lnb2[i], gridLine, 0 ); connect( lnb2[i], TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(int,int)), this, TQT_SLOT(setLnb(int,int))); rotor2[i] = new MComboBox( gb, i, 2 ); rotor2[i]->setEnabled(false); rotor2[i]->insertStringList( rotorList ); rotor2[i]->setCurrentItem( dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->lnb[2].rotorType ); grid->addWidget( rotor2[i], gridLine, 1 ); connect( rotor2[i], TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int,int,int)), this, TQT_SLOT(setRotor(int,int,int))); swidg = new TQWidget( gb ); sgrid = new TQGridLayout( swidg, 1, 1, 0, 0 ); sat2[i] = new TQComboBox( swidg ); sat2[i]->setEnabled(false); sat2[i]->insertStringList( dvbConfig->getSourcesList(dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->type) ); sgrid->addWidget( sat2[i], 0, 0 ); src2[i] = new MPushButton( swidg, i, 2 ); src2[i]->setEnabled(false); src2[i]->setGuiItem( KGuiItem(i18n("Sources list...") ) ); connect( src2[i], TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(int,int)), this, TQT_SLOT(setRotorSources(int,int)) ); sgrid->addWidget( src2[i], 1, 0 ); if ( dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->lnb[2].rotorType==0 ) { setSource( sat2[i], dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->lnb[2].source[0] ); src2[i]->hide(); } else { sat2[i]->hide(); } grid->addWidget( swidg, gridLine, 2 ); ++gridLine; lnb3[i] = new MPushButton( gb, i, 3 ); lnb3[i]->setGuiItem( KGuiItem(i18n("LNB 4 settings..."), icon->loadIconSet("hwinfo", KIcon::Small) ) ); lnb3[i]->setEnabled(false); grid->addWidget( lnb3[i], gridLine, 0 ); connect( lnb3[i], TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(int,int)), this, TQT_SLOT(setLnb(int,int))); rotor3[i] = new MComboBox( gb, i, 3 ); rotor3[i]->setEnabled(false); rotor3[i]->insertStringList( rotorList ); rotor3[i]->setCurrentItem( dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->lnb[3].rotorType ); grid->addWidget( rotor3[i], gridLine, 1 ); connect( rotor3[i], TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int,int,int)), this, TQT_SLOT(setRotor(int,int,int))); swidg = new TQWidget( gb ); sgrid = new TQGridLayout( swidg, 1, 1, 0, 0 ); sat3[i] = new TQComboBox( swidg ); sat3[i]->setEnabled(false); sat3[i]->insertStringList( dvbConfig->getSourcesList(dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->type) ); sgrid->addWidget( sat3[i], 0, 0 ); src3[i] = new MPushButton( swidg, i, 3 ); src3[i]->setEnabled(false); src3[i]->setGuiItem( KGuiItem(i18n("Sources list...") ) ); connect( src3[i], TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(int,int)), this, TQT_SLOT(setRotorSources(int,int)) ); sgrid->addWidget( src3[i], 1, 0 ); if ( dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->lnb[3].rotorType==0 ) { setSource( sat3[i], dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->lnb[3].source[0] ); src3[i]->hide(); } else { sat3[i]->hide(); } grid->addWidget( swidg, gridLine, 2 ); ++gridLine; satNumber[i]->setValue( dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->numLnb ); } else { lab = new TQLabel( i18n("Source:"), gb ); grid->addWidget( lab, gridLine, 0 ); sat0[i] = new TQComboBox( gb ); if ( dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->canAutoscan ) sat0[i]->insertItem( "AUTO" ); sat0[i]->insertStringList( dvbConfig->getSourcesList(dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->type) ); setSource( sat0[i], dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->source ); grid->addWidget( sat0[i], gridLine, 1 ); ++gridLine; if ( dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->canAutoscan ) { lab = new TQLabel( i18n("This device seems to support the autoscan feature. " "You can choose AUTO in Source list to let Kaffeine " "search for a range of frequencies.
" "If autoscan fails to find your channels, choose a real Source in list.
"), gb ); grid->addMultiCellWidget( lab, gridLine, gridLine, 0, 3 ); ++gridLine; } } lab = new TQLabel( i18n("If you can't find your network/location in the list, you'll have to create one. " "Look in $HOME/.trinity/share/apps/kaffeine/dvb-x/ and take an existing file as start point. " "Fill in with the values for your network/location and give it a sensible name " "(follow the naming convention). If you think your new file could be usefull for others, send it to " "kaffeine-user(AT)lists.sf.net."), gb ); grid->addMultiCellWidget( lab, gridLine, gridLine, 0, 3 ); vb->addWidget( gb ); vb->addItem( new TQSpacerItem( 20, 20, TQSizePolicy::Ignored, TQSizePolicy::Ignored ) ); } page = addPage(i18n("Recording"),i18n("DVB Recording Options"), TDEGlobal::instance()->iconLoader()->loadIcon( "hdd_unmount", KIcon::NoGroup, KIcon::SizeMedium ) ); vb = new TQVBoxLayout( page, 6, 6 ); gb = new TQGroupBox( "", page ); grid = new TQGridLayout( gb, 1, 1, 20, 6 ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("Records directory:"), gb ); grid->addWidget( lab, 0, 0 ); recordDirLe = new TQLineEdit( gb ); recordDirLe->setReadOnly( true ); grid->addWidget( recordDirLe, 0, 1 ); recordDirBtn = new TQToolButton( gb ); recordDirBtn->setIconSet( icon->loadIconSet("fileopen", KIcon::Small) ); grid->addWidget( recordDirBtn, 0, 2 ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("Time shifting directory:"), gb ); grid->addWidget( lab, 1, 0 ); shiftDirLe = new TQLineEdit( gb ); shiftDirLe->setReadOnly( true ); grid->addWidget( shiftDirLe, 1, 1 ); shiftDirBtn = new TQToolButton( gb ); shiftDirBtn->setIconSet( icon->loadIconSet("fileopen", KIcon::Small) ); grid->addWidget( shiftDirBtn, 1, 2 ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("Begin margin:"), gb ); grid->addWidget( lab, 2, 0 ); beginSpin = new TQSpinBox( gb ); h1 = new TQHBoxLayout(); h1->addWidget( beginSpin ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("(minutes)"), gb ); h1->addWidget( lab ); grid->addLayout( h1, 2, 1 ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("End margin:"), gb ); grid->addWidget( lab, 3, 0 ); endSpin = new TQSpinBox( gb ); h1 = new TQHBoxLayout(); h1->addWidget( endSpin ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("(minutes)"), gb ); h1->addWidget( lab ); grid->addLayout( h1, 3, 1 ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("Instant record duration:"), gb ); grid->addWidget( lab, 4, 0 ); instantDurationSpin = new TQSpinBox( 1, 1440, 1, gb ); h1 = new TQHBoxLayout(); h1->addWidget( instantDurationSpin ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("(minutes)"), gb ); h1->addWidget( lab ); grid->addLayout( h1, 4, 1 ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("Max file size (0=Unlimited):"), gb ); grid->addWidget( lab, 5, 0 ); sizeFileSpin = new TQSpinBox( 1, 9999, 1, gb ); sizeFileSpin->setMinValue(0); h1 = new TQHBoxLayout(); h1->addWidget( sizeFileSpin ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("(MB)"), gb ); h1->addWidget( lab ); grid->addLayout( h1, 5, 1 ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("Filename Format:"), gb ); grid->addWidget( lab, 7, 0 ); filenameFormatLe = new TQLineEdit( gb ); grid->addWidget( filenameFormatLe, 7, 1 ); helpNameBtn = new TQToolButton( gb ); helpNameBtn->setIconSet( icon->loadIconSet("help", KIcon::Small) ); grid->addWidget( helpNameBtn, 7, 2 ); vb->addWidget( gb ); vb->addItem( new TQSpacerItem( 20, 20, TQSizePolicy::Ignored, TQSizePolicy::Ignored ) ); recordDirLe->setText( dvbConfig->recordDir ); shiftDirLe->setText( dvbConfig->shiftDir ); beginSpin->setValue( dvbConfig->beginMargin ); endSpin->setValue( dvbConfig->endMargin ); instantDurationSpin->setValue( dvbConfig->instantDuration ); sizeFileSpin->setValue( dvbConfig->sizeFile ); filenameFormatLe->setText( dvbConfig->filenameFormat ); page = addPage(i18n("Broadcasting"),i18n("DVB Broadcasting"), TDEGlobal::instance()->iconLoader()->loadIcon( "network_local", KIcon::NoGroup, KIcon::SizeMedium ) ); vb = new TQVBoxLayout( page, 6, 6 ); gb = new TQGroupBox( "", page ); grid = new TQGridLayout( gb, 1, 1, 20, 6 ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("Broadcast address:"), gb ); grid->addWidget( lab, 0, 0 ); broadcastLe = new TQLineEdit( gb ); grid->addWidget( broadcastLe, 0, 1 ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("Broadcast port:"), gb ); grid->addWidget( lab, 1, 0 ); bportSpin = new TQSpinBox( 1, 65535, 1, gb ); grid->addWidget( bportSpin, 1, 1 ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("Info port:"), gb ); grid->addWidget( lab, 2, 0 ); sportSpin = new TQSpinBox( 1, 65535, 1, gb ); grid->addWidget( sportSpin, 2, 1 ); vb->addWidget( gb ); vb->addItem( new TQSpacerItem( 20, 20, TQSizePolicy::Ignored, TQSizePolicy::Ignored ) ); broadcastLe->setText( dvbConfig->broadcastAddress ); bportSpin->setValue( dvbConfig->broadcastPort ); sportSpin->setValue( dvbConfig->senderPort ); page = addPage(i18n("Misc"),i18n("Misc"), TDEGlobal::instance()->iconLoader()->loadIcon( "misc", KIcon::NoGroup, KIcon::SizeMedium ) ); vb = new TQVBoxLayout( page, 6, 6 ); gb = new TQGroupBox( "", page ); grid = new TQGridLayout( gb, 1, 1, 20, 6 ); probeMfe = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Probe Multiple-Frontends (Restart required)."), gb ); probeMfe->setChecked( dvbConfig->probeMfe ); grid->addWidget( probeMfe, 0, 0 ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("LiveShow ringbuffer size (MB) :"), gb ); grid->addWidget( lab, 1, 0 ); ringBufSize = new TQSpinBox( 2, 99, 1, gb ); ringBufSize->setValue( dvbConfig->ringBufSize ); grid->addWidget( ringBufSize, 1, 1 ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("Default charset (restart needed):"), gb ); grid->addWidget( lab, 2, 0 ); charsetComb = new TQComboBox( gb ); charsetComb->insertItem( "ISO8859-1" ); charsetComb->insertItem( "ISO6937" ); if ( dvbConfig->defaultCharset=="ISO8859-1" ) charsetComb->setCurrentItem( 0 ); else if ( dvbConfig->defaultCharset=="ISO6937" ) charsetComb->setCurrentItem( 1 ); grid->addWidget( charsetComb, 2, 1 ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("Update scan data:"), gb ); grid->addWidget( lab, 3, 0 ); updateBtn = new KPushButton( gb ); updateBtn->setGuiItem( KGuiItem(i18n("Download"), icon->loadIconSet("khtml_kget", KIcon::Small) ) ); grid->addWidget( updateBtn, 3, 1 ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("Dump epg's events to \n~/kaffeine_dvb_events.tx:"), gb ); grid->addWidget( lab, 4, 0 ); dumpBtn = new KPushButton( gb ); dumpBtn->setGuiItem( KGuiItem(i18n("Dump"), icon->loadIconSet("filesave", KIcon::Small) ) ); grid->addWidget( dumpBtn, 4, 1 ); vb->addWidget( gb ); vb->addItem( new TQSpacerItem( 20, 20, TQSizePolicy::Ignored, TQSizePolicy::Ignored ) ); if ( p ) { page = addPage(i18n("DVB plugins"),i18n("DVB plugins"), TDEGlobal::instance()->iconLoader()->loadIcon( "misc", KIcon::NoGroup, KIcon::SizeMedium ) ); vb = new TQVBoxLayout( page, 6, 6 ); gb = new TQGroupBox( "", page ); grid = new TQGridLayout( gb, 1, 1, 20, 6 ); KPushButton *btn = new KPushButton( p->pluginName(), gb ); grid->addWidget( btn, 0, 0 ); connect( btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), p, TQT_SLOT(configDialog()) ); vb->addWidget( gb ); vb->addItem( new TQSpacerItem( 20, 20, TQSizePolicy::Ignored, TQSizePolicy::Ignored ) ); } connect( recordDirBtn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(setRecordDir()) ); connect( shiftDirBtn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(setShiftDir()) ); connect( updateBtn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(downloadData()) ); connect( helpNameBtn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(fileTemplateHelp()) ); delete icon; } void DvbConfigDialog::setUsals() { KDialogBase *dlg = new KDialogBase( this, "usalsConfigDialog", true, i18n("Rotors settings"), Ok|Cancel, Ok, true ); TQGridLayout *grid; TQWidget *page = new TQWidget( dlg ); dlg->setMainWidget( page ); TQVBoxLayout *vb = new TQVBoxLayout( page, 6, 6 ); TQLabel *lab = new TQLabel( i18n("Set your position coordinates for rotors:"), page ); vb->addWidget( lab ); lab = new TQLabel( "(Sydney: -33.8916, 151.2417 - New York: 40.7139, -74.0063)", page ); vb->addWidget( lab ); grid = new TQGridLayout( 0, 1, 1 ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("Latitude:"), page ); grid->addWidget( lab, 0, 0 ); TQLineEdit *latitude = new TQLineEdit( page ); latitude->setText( TQString().setNum( dvbConfig->usalsLatitude ) ); grid->addWidget( latitude, 0, 1 ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("Longitude:"), page ); grid->addWidget( lab, 1, 0 ); TQLineEdit *longitude = new TQLineEdit( page ); longitude->setText( TQString().setNum( dvbConfig->usalsLongitude ) ); grid->addWidget( longitude, 1, 1 ); vb->addLayout( grid ); vb->addItem( new TQSpacerItem( 20, 20, TQSizePolicy::Ignored, TQSizePolicy::Ignored ) ); if ( dlg->exec()==TQDialog::Accepted ) { dvbConfig->usalsLatitude = latitude->text().toDouble(); dvbConfig->usalsLongitude = longitude->text().toDouble(); for ( int i=0; i<(int)dvbConfig->devList.count(); i++ ) { dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->usalsLatitude = dvbConfig->usalsLatitude; dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->usalsLongitude = dvbConfig->usalsLongitude; } } } void DvbConfigDialog::setRotorSources( int devNum, int lnbNum ) { RotorConfig rotor( dvbConfig->devList.at(devNum), dvbConfig, lnbNum, this ); rotor.exec(); } void DvbConfigDialog::setRotor( int index, int devNum, int lnbNum ) { TQComboBox *comb; TQPushButton *btn; switch ( lnbNum ) { case 0 : comb=sat0[devNum]; btn=src0[devNum]; break; case 1 : comb=sat1[devNum]; btn=src1[devNum]; break; case 2 : comb=sat2[devNum]; btn=src2[devNum]; break; case 3 : comb=sat3[devNum]; btn=src3[devNum]; break; default : return; } dvbConfig->devList.at(devNum)->lnb[lnbNum].rotorType=index; if ( index==0 ) { btn->hide(); comb->show(); } else { comb->hide(); btn->show(); } } void DvbConfigDialog::setLnb( int devNum, int lnbNum ) { LnbConfig lnb( &dvbConfig->devList.at(devNum)->lnb[lnbNum], this ); lnb.exec(); } void DvbConfigDialog::downloadData() { int ret; loop: if ( !dvbConfig->loadDvbData(0) ) { ret = KMessageBox::questionYesNo( this, i18n("Can't get DVB data from http://hftom.free.fr/kaxtv/dvbdata.tar.gz!
\ Check your internet connection, and say Yes to try again.
\ Or say No to cancel.
Should I try again?
") ); if ( ret==KMessageBox::Yes ) goto loop; return; } } void DvbConfigDialog::setSource( TQComboBox *box, TQString s ) { int pos, i; pos = s.find("|"); if ( pos>=0 ) s = s.right( s.length()-pos-1 ); for ( i=0; i<(int)box->count(); i++ ) { if ( box->text(i)==s ) { box->setCurrentItem(i); break; } } } void DvbConfigDialog::satNumberChanged( int value, int devNum ) { sat0[devNum]->setEnabled( value > 0 ); sat1[devNum]->setEnabled( value > 1 ); sat2[devNum]->setEnabled( value > 2 ); sat3[devNum]->setEnabled( value > 3 ); src0[devNum]->setEnabled( value > 0 ); src1[devNum]->setEnabled( value > 1 ); src2[devNum]->setEnabled( value > 2 ); src3[devNum]->setEnabled( value > 3 ); lnb0[devNum]->setEnabled( value > 0 ); lnb1[devNum]->setEnabled( value > 1 ); lnb2[devNum]->setEnabled( value > 2 ); lnb3[devNum]->setEnabled( value > 3 ); rotor0[devNum]->setEnabled( value > 0 ); rotor1[devNum]->setEnabled( value > 1 ); rotor2[devNum]->setEnabled( value > 2 ); rotor3[devNum]->setEnabled( value > 3 ); secMini[devNum]->setEnabled( value==2 ); } void DvbConfigDialog::fileTemplateHelp() { KMessageBox::information( this, i18n("Special strings are:\n- %chan (channel's name)\n- %date (the starting date, YYMMdd-hhmmss)\n- %name (the name given in timer editor or the program name from EPG)\nSo, if you set template to '%chan-%date-%name', the resulting filename will be, for example, BBC-20070919-210000-News.m2t") ); } void DvbConfigDialog::setRecordDir() { TQString s = KFileDialog::getExistingDirectory( recordDirLe->text().stripWhiteSpace() ); if ( !s.isEmpty() ) recordDirLe->setText( s ); } void DvbConfigDialog::setShiftDir() { TQString s = KFileDialog::getExistingDirectory( shiftDirLe->text().stripWhiteSpace() ); if ( !s.isEmpty() ) shiftDirLe->setText( s ); } void DvbConfigDialog::accept() { TQString s; int i; if ( recordDirLe->text().stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty() ) { KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("Invalid records directory.") ); recordDirLe->setFocus(); return; } if ( shiftDirLe->text().stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty() ) { KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("Invalid time shifting directory.") ); shiftDirLe->setFocus(); return; } if ( bportSpin->value()==sportSpin->value() ) { KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("Broadcast and Info ports must be different.") ); sportSpin->setFocus(); return; } if ( !TQRegExp("(\\d{1,3}\\.){3}\\d{1,3}").exactMatch( broadcastLe->text().stripWhiteSpace() ) ) { KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("Invalid broadcast address.") ); broadcastLe->setFocus(); return; } if ( !filenameFormatLe->text().contains("%chan") && !filenameFormatLe->text().contains("%date") && !filenameFormatLe->text().contains("%name") ) { KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("Invalid filename format.") ); filenameFormatLe->setFocus(); return; } for ( i=0; i<(int)dvbConfig->devList.count(); i++ ) { switch (dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->type) { case FE_QPSK: { dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->numLnb = satNumber[i]->value(); dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->secMini = secMini[i]->isChecked(); dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->secTwice = secTwice[i]->isChecked(); dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->doS2 = doS2[i]->isChecked(); if ( dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->lnb[3].rotorType==0 ) { dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->lnb[3].source.clear(); dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->lnb[3].source.append(sat3[i]->currentText()); } if ( dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->lnb[2].rotorType==0 ) { dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->lnb[2].source.clear(); dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->lnb[2].source.append(sat2[i]->currentText()); } if ( dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->lnb[1].rotorType==0 ) { dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->lnb[1].source.clear(); dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->lnb[1].source.append(sat1[i]->currentText()); } if ( dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->lnb[0].rotorType==0 ) { dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->lnb[0].source.clear(); dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->lnb[0].source.append(sat0[i]->currentText()); } s = "S"; break; } case FE_QAM: { s = "C"; s+="|"+sat0[i]->currentText(); break; } case FE_OFDM: { s = "T"; s+="|"+sat0[i]->currentText(); break; } case FE_ATSC: { s = "A"; s+="|"+sat0[i]->currentText(); break; } } dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->source = s; dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->tuningTimeout = timeoutSpin.at(i)->value(); dvbConfig->devList.at(i)->priority = priority.at(i)->value(); } dvbConfig->recordDir = recordDirLe->text(); if ( !dvbConfig->recordDir.endsWith("/") ) dvbConfig->recordDir+= "/"; dvbConfig->shiftDir = shiftDirLe->text(); if ( !dvbConfig->shiftDir.endsWith("/") ) dvbConfig->shiftDir+= "/"; dvbConfig->beginMargin = beginSpin->value(); dvbConfig->endMargin = endSpin->value(); dvbConfig->instantDuration = instantDurationSpin->value(); dvbConfig->sizeFile = sizeFileSpin->value(); dvbConfig->filenameFormat = filenameFormatLe->text(); dvbConfig->defaultCharset = charsetComb->currentText(); dvbConfig->broadcastAddress = broadcastLe->text().stripWhiteSpace(); dvbConfig->broadcastPort = bportSpin->value(); dvbConfig->senderPort = sportSpin->value(); dvbConfig->probeMfe = probeMfe->isChecked(); dvbConfig->ringBufSize = ringBufSize->value(); dvbConfig->saveConfig(); done( Accepted ); } DvbConfigDialog::~DvbConfigDialog() { } LnbConfig::LnbConfig( LNB *b, TQWidget *parent ) : KDialogBase ( parent, "lnbConfigDialog", true, i18n("LNB Settings"), Ok|Cancel, Ok, true ) { TQGridLayout *grid; TQWidget *page = new TQWidget( this ); setMainWidget( page ); lnb = b; TQVBoxLayout *vb = new TQVBoxLayout( page, 6, 6 ); univ = new TQPushButton( i18n("Universal LNB"), page ); connect( univ, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(setUniversal()) ); vb->addWidget( univ ); cmono = new TQPushButton( i18n("C-Band LNB"), page ); connect( cmono, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(setCBandMono()) ); vb->addWidget( cmono ); cmulti = new TQPushButton( i18n("C-Band Multipoint LNB"), page ); connect( cmulti, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(setCBandMulti()) ); vb->addWidget( cmulti ); grid = new TQGridLayout( 0, 1, 1 ); nLO = new TQButtonGroup( 3, Qt::Horizontal, page ); connect( nLO, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(setDual(int)) ); new TQRadioButton( i18n("Dual LO"), nLO ); new TQRadioButton( i18n("Single LO"), nLO ); new TQRadioButton( i18n("H/V LO"), nLO ); grid->addMultiCellWidget( nLO, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); slofLab = new TQLabel( i18n("Dual LO switch frequency:")+i18n(" (MHz)"), page ); grid->addWidget( slofLab, 1, 0 ); slof = new TQSpinBox( 0, 13000, 1, page ); grid->addWidget( slof, 1, 1 ); loLab = new TQLabel( i18n("Lo-band frequency:")+i18n(" (MHz)"), page ); grid->addWidget( loLab, 2, 0 ); lo = new TQSpinBox( 0, 13000, 1, page ); grid->addWidget( lo, 2, 1 ); hiLab = new TQLabel( i18n("Hi-band frequency:")+i18n(" (MHz)"), page ); grid->addWidget( hiLab, 3, 0 ); hi = new TQSpinBox( 0, 13000, 1, page ); grid->addWidget( hi, 3, 1 ); singleLab = new TQLabel( i18n("Single LO frequency:")+i18n(" (MHz)"), page ); grid->addWidget( singleLab, 4, 0 ); single = new TQSpinBox( 0, 13000, 1, page ); grid->addWidget( single, 4, 1 ); verticalLab = new TQLabel( i18n("Vertical pol. LO frequency:")+i18n(" (MHz)"), page ); grid->addWidget( verticalLab, 5, 0 ); vertical = new TQSpinBox( 0, 13000, 1, page ); grid->addWidget( vertical, 5, 1 ); horizontalLab = new TQLabel( i18n("Horizontal pol. LO frequency:")+i18n(" (MHz)"), page ); grid->addWidget( horizontalLab, 6, 0 ); horizontal = new TQSpinBox( 0, 13000, 1, page ); grid->addWidget( horizontal, 6, 1 ); vb->addLayout( grid ); vb->addItem( new TQSpacerItem( 20, 20, TQSizePolicy::Ignored, TQSizePolicy::Ignored ) ); slof->setValue( lnb->switchFreq ); lo->setValue( lnb->loFreq ); hi->setValue( lnb->hiFreq ); single->setValue( lnb->loFreq ); vertical->setValue( lnb->loFreq ); horizontal->setValue( lnb->hiFreq ); if ( lnb->switchFreq ) { nLO->setButton( 0 ); setDual( 0 ); } else { if ( lnb->hiFreq ) { nLO->setButton( 2 ); setDual( 2 ); } else { nLO->setButton( 1 ); setDual( 1 ); } } } void LnbConfig::setDual( int id ) { switch ( id ) { case 0: { singleLab->hide(); single->hide(); verticalLab->hide(); vertical->hide(); horizontalLab->hide(); horizontal->hide(); slofLab->show(); slof->show(); loLab->show(); lo->show(); hiLab->show(); hi->show(); break; } case 1: { slofLab->hide(); slof->hide(); loLab->hide(); lo->hide(); hiLab->hide(); hi->hide(); verticalLab->hide(); vertical->hide(); horizontalLab->hide(); horizontal->hide(); singleLab->show(); single->show(); break; } case 2: { slofLab->hide(); slof->hide(); loLab->hide(); lo->hide(); hiLab->hide(); hi->hide(); singleLab->hide(); single->hide(); verticalLab->show(); vertical->show(); horizontalLab->show(); horizontal->show(); break; } } } void LnbConfig::setUniversal() { nLO->setButton( 0 ); setDual( 0 ); slof->setValue( 11700 ); lo->setValue( 9750 ); hi->setValue( 10600 ); } void LnbConfig::setCBandMono() { nLO->setButton( 1 ); setDual( 1 ); single->setValue( 5150 ); } void LnbConfig::setCBandMulti() { nLO->setButton( 2 ); setDual( 2 ); vertical->setValue( 5150 ); horizontal->setValue( 5750 ); } void LnbConfig::accept() { switch ( nLO->selectedId() ) { case 0: { lnb->switchFreq = slof->value(); lnb->loFreq = lo->value(); lnb->hiFreq = hi->value(); break; } case 1: { lnb->switchFreq = 0; lnb->hiFreq = 0; lnb->loFreq = single->value(); break; } case 2: { lnb->switchFreq = 0; lnb->loFreq = vertical->value(); lnb->hiFreq = horizontal->value(); break; } } done( Accepted ); } RotorConfig::RotorConfig( Device *d, DVBconfig *c, int lnb, TQWidget *parent ) : KDialogBase ( parent, "rotorConfigDialog", true, i18n("Rotor Settings"), Ok|Cancel, Ok, true ) { int i; TQWidget *page = new TQWidget( this ); setMainWidget( page ); dev = d; config = c; lnbNum = lnb; TQVBoxLayout *vb = new TQVBoxLayout( page, 6, 6 ); TQGridLayout *grid = new TQGridLayout( 0, 1, 1 ); TQLabel *lab = new TQLabel( i18n("Sattelite:"), page ); grid->addWidget( lab, 0, 0 ); if ( dev->lnb[lnbNum].rotorType==2 ) { lab = new TQLabel( i18n("Position:"), page ); grid->addWidget( lab, 0, 1 ); } srcComb = new TQComboBox( page ); srcComb->insertStringList( config->getSourcesList( dev->type ) ); grid->addWidget( srcComb, 1, 0 ); position = new TQSpinBox( 0, 500, 1, page ); grid->addWidget( position, 1, 1 ); vb->addLayout( grid ); vb->addItem( new TQSpacerItem( 20, 10, TQSizePolicy::Fixed, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ) ); addBtn = new TQPushButton( i18n("Add to list"), page ); connect( addBtn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(add()) ); vb->addWidget( addBtn ); vb->addItem( new TQSpacerItem( 20, 10, TQSizePolicy::Fixed, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ) ); listView = new TQListView( page ); listView->addColumn( i18n("Sattelite:") ); vb->addWidget( listView ); resetBtn = new TQPushButton( i18n("Clear list"), page ); connect( resetBtn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(reset()) ); vb->addWidget( resetBtn ); vb->addItem( new TQSpacerItem( 20, 20, TQSizePolicy::Fixed, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ) ); if ( dev->lnb[lnbNum].rotorType!=3 ) { grid = new TQGridLayout( 0, 1, 1 ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("13V rotor speed:"), page ); grid->addWidget( lab, 0, 0 ); speed13 = new TQLineEdit( page ); speed13->setText( TQString().setNum( dev->lnb[lnbNum].speed13v ) ); grid->addWidget( speed13, 0, 1 ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("sec./ °"), page ); grid->addWidget( lab, 0, 2 ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("18V rotor speed:"), page ); grid->addWidget( lab, 1, 0 ); speed18 = new TQLineEdit( page ); speed18->setText( TQString().setNum( dev->lnb[lnbNum].speed18v ) ); grid->addWidget( speed18, 1, 1 ); lab = new TQLabel( i18n("sec./ °"), page ); grid->addWidget( lab, 1, 2 ); vb->addLayout( grid ); } vb->addItem( new TQSpacerItem( 20, 20, TQSizePolicy::Ignored, TQSizePolicy::Ignored ) ); if ( dev->lnb[lnbNum].rotorType==2 ) { listView->addColumn( i18n("Position:") ); for ( i=0; i<(int)dev->lnb[lnbNum].source.count(); i++ ) new TQListViewItem( listView, dev->lnb[lnbNum].source[i], TQString().setNum(dev->lnb[lnbNum].position[i]) ); } else { position->hide(); for ( i=0; i<(int)dev->lnb[lnbNum].source.count(); i++ ) new TQListViewItem( listView, dev->lnb[lnbNum].source[i] ); } } void RotorConfig::reset() { listView->clear(); position->setValue( 1 ); } void RotorConfig::add() { if ( position->isHidden() ) { new TQListViewItem( listView, srcComb->currentText() ); } else { new TQListViewItem( listView, srcComb->currentText(), TQString().setNum(position->value()) ); } } void RotorConfig::accept() { TQListViewItem *it; if ( dev->lnb[lnbNum].rotorType!=3 ) { dev->lnb[lnbNum].speed18v = speed18->text().toDouble(); dev->lnb[lnbNum].speed13v = speed13->text().toDouble(); } else { dev->lnb[lnbNum].speed18v = 0; dev->lnb[lnbNum].speed13v = 0; } dev->lnb[lnbNum].source.clear(); dev->lnb[lnbNum].position.clear(); for ( it=listView->firstChild(); it; it=it->nextSibling() ) { dev->lnb[lnbNum].source.append( it->text(0) ); if ( dev->lnb[lnbNum].rotorType==2 ) dev->lnb[lnbNum].position.append( it->text(1).toInt() ); } done( Accepted ); } #include "dvbconfig.moc"